Information and communication technologies in pedagogical education. System analyst Skhidinki careers and prospects

System Analyst- This is the basis for the analysis of the subject matter and the formulation was possible before the development of information systems and application software. The profession is suitable for those who like computer science (it’s a good idea to choose a profession based on interest in school subjects).

The main product of a systems analyst is organizational and technical decisions, which are drawn up as technical department on security software. The basis of all this work is the method of system analysis, and the result is the stable functioning of the equipment and the satisfaction of the technical authorities with the demands of the deputy.

The systems analyst is responsible for balancing the line between the business of the enterprise and the capabilities of the IT department; he is responsible for identifying the entire project as a whole, which includes the creation of structures between the two companies.

The key role of a systems analyst in a company's automation project lies in the development of a non-superb and new business model that can support software that is being deployed. Initially, a systems analyst selects the capabilities of a new software product, after which he breaks down the technical specifications for software development, designs the documentation of the system and software architecture of the IT system, sets the specifications for development and testing. After completing the project, he explains the rules of work to the workers and the problems of functioning at all stages of the life cycle of the created system.

Features of the profession

Typical functional requirements of a systems analyst:

  • The development of these and other areas would benefit from the advancement and development of applied information systems;
  • participation in online interviews of business experts and computer information systems to develop the precise principles of organizing business processes;
  • development and systematization of project documentation for some of the processes that support automation;
  • preparation of documentation to describe the essentials, interconnections and processes of subject matter with various special notations;
  • participation in the production of the technical department and the development of the technical department;
  • collection, analysis and documentation of functional components prior to software implementation.
  • participation in the preparation of functional testing schemes to identify improvements in the formulated business opportunities and functional benefits;
  • The fate of the tested prototype system is that it is fragmented;
  • the fate of the nascent koristuvach system;
  • analysis of the risks and causes of culpability in the development of systems;
  • participation in the choice of platform for the implementation of the project.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • high demand for goods in the market;
  • achieve a high rate of payment;
  • flexible work schedule, including the ability of remote work;
  • the importance of a systems analyst in the eyes of specialists and assistants who are satisfied with the implemented project is undeniable,
  • the ability to travel between borders and borders;
  • the ability to realize your creative potential;
  • the result of the work and the remarkable benefit can be seen immediately as the company’s work process is taken to a new level;
  • For the development of communicative skills under the hour of projects, an expanded number of core acquaintances is obtained from various organizations.


  • differences, differences with the client as a result of the lack of understanding of the importance of one system over another, in addition to the low efficiency of setting them up;
  • It is not uncommon for business owners to have a negative attitude prior to the introduction of a new information system in a company, so the analyst has to patiently and effortlessly explain the costs and benefits, which takes time and nerves;
  • through high level work with other specializations (researcher, software architect, consultant) is an obvious risk of the system analyst shifting to other tasks, which may not always meet the goals and aspirations of the accountant;
  • irregular working hours, often stressful (although such trips have their advantages: foreign companies like to conduct internships for their representatives - an excellent chance for their work to live in a luxury hotel, marvel In other countries, civilized companies organize not only the beginning, but also the completion of the program. which includes activities, exhibitions, excursions).

Mіstse robots

Large banks and consulting companies that specialize in developing IT solutions for external managers.

Important yakosti

A systems analyst may need such skills as a systematic mind, an analytical mind, communication skills, ease of mind, cleverly formulating incongruous situations, separating the private and private, giving more respect to the world In all details, ignore non-networks. Intuition is extremely important, promising for the development of processes and systems, the ability to “read between the rows.”

Key skills for a systems analyst:

  • It is possible to clearly understand their priority, as well as information about technical solutions and their impact on the business of my intelligent client;
  • In some projects, the accepted methodology, notation and document forms are adhered to;
  • skills in working with advanced software;
  • the importance of working collaboratively with other analysts whenever a team is working on a project;
  • Remember, while maintaining a creative style of work, maintain discipline in maintaining documents, versions, protocols and readiness to work in a team with architects, developers, testers;
  • Navik perekonno demonstrates the competence of the company in the singing galusa, behind the pouches of a short term, statements about the client and its effectiveness to the fullest.

The systems analyst is guilty of the nobility:

  • the basics of programming (including object-oriented); design, development, documentation of software;
  • fundamentals of the theory of algorithms, database theory, systems theory and system analysis, fundamentals of information security;
  • fundamentals of design of human-machine interfaces;
  • My mother has extensive knowledge in the field of management, fundamentals of economics, accounting and management.

Getting started as a systems analyst


Please note that most system analyst vacancies require knowledge of current software: MS Visio, All Fusion, ARIS, Rational Suite, IDEF, DFD, UML and SQL standards.


Salary as of 01/29/2020

Russia 40000-150000 ₽

Moscow 60000-240000 ₽

The amount of income of a system analyst with the knowledge of work, first of all, depends directly on the activities of the company and the level of projects and assignments. Retail companies, as a rule, have financial compensation based on their current jobs and services (salary + salaries for the salary of the employees). At the companies, the fixed salary plus bonuses depend on the adopted motivation system. Bonuses are based on the results of participation and completion of projects.

Gatherings of careers and prospects

If a systems analyst takes his place from a representative of a great company and tells a pharmaceutical company, then remember that his career has already ended. The middle of the prospects is the promotion of the industry, as well as the middle of the company itself. With proof of work as a systems analyst and proof of participation in projects, the favet can continue his professional development and apply for positions: software architect, consultant for the development of information systems, project manager Iz vprovadzheniya.

What is the role of a systems analyst versus a business analyst?

If we approach nutrition from a theoretical point of view, then the system is clearly understood as a business. A systems analyst analyzes everything afterward, while a business analyst analyzes only those related to business activities. On the other hand, the first is traditionally related to the field of information technology (IT), so that its improvement is limited by the introduction of new IT developments, and the other is enhanced by any methods, including IT methods. From this point of view, the concept of “activity of a business analyst” is broader than the “competence of a systems analyst.” But in practice, any analysis of the results comes down to the point where the robot needs to be thoroughly refined, which is usually possible through process automation. This is how they get angry at the same time, binding the two fakhivts. Please note that core IT companies require a systems analyst, and non-core companies require a business analyst.

There may be situations where, for example, Company A has a business analyst whose job is to lead to the point where Company A is committed to software product to company B. In the rest, as it develops and implements the security program, it is a systems analyst. In this case, the business analyst of company A works shoulder to shoulder with the systems analyst of company B.

Let's take a look at IAD process semantic processing of data, as a result of any disaggregation, the data is transformed into completed information products. Sensation is especially necessary in the current minds of activity - and it is revealed through the understanding of “information” and “analytical”. Let's go back to the etymology of the word "analysis". Consider the term “analysis” in different contexts. On the one hand, analysis is a clear dismemberment of the object, which allows one to reject the findings about the existence of the object under investigation, its structure, elements, as opposed to synthesis; From a different point of view, analysis includes synthesis procedures, the connection with which analysis is related to activity.

The concept of “information” means the treatment of information as a resource, the use of a whole arsenal of methods for extracting, accumulating, saving, processing and making information available on a daily basis. In the 20th century, analytical activity began to expand widely and turned into professional activity. In many countries there are “Thought Factories”, information and analytical departments and services in government agencies, companies, banks, political parties. The markets for analytical information, intelligent products, methodological and software products are rapidly developing.

The development of information analytics as a special area of ​​activity (IAD) occurred in the short term, in an environment of maximum intensification of all processes and the intensification of many problems. Regardless of the fact that analytical activity has been stagnant for a long time, its classification and precise definition have not yet been established. H.A. Slyadneva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Moscow) gives the same meaning: “Information analytics is engaged in the generation of new knowledge based on the processing of obvious information with the method of optimization of decision making Current information analytics is a complex, complex activity that revolves around natural intelligence. and on computer technologies operating information arrays, methods of mathematical modeling of processes etc." scientific (generation of new knowledge) and management (development of options for solutions, scenarios) activity. mutual) in the “analytics-science” system can be defined as follows: on the one hand, science and information analytics are information methods of knowledge and scientific analysis of reality, between them and is - information analytics, based on scientific knowledge, hidden patterns, Most often, on the right hand, phenomenology is based on the assessment of facts and approaches, predicting their developments based not on specific typical parameters, but on a whole series of additional factors (subjective-specific, And so), science reveals to us fundamental, objective regularities to the area under investigation, repeats the essential connections between objects, specified process parameters, etc.

Let us characterize the information process analytical activities. The process of information-analytical work is a set of technological procedures directed to the final subject of the operation, which, when combined in succession with different methods, will ensure the perfection of the assigned task.

IAD process consists of the following components:

o Organizational;

o Methodical;

o Informational;

o Communication;

o Formation of concepts and propositions. Stages (stages) of the IAD process:

1) thorough knowledge of the problem, problem statement

2) forming understand its purpose

3) collection of facts, creation of a data base

4) confusion of facts

5) forming a hypothesis, testing hypotheses

6) molding of pins

7) direct release of materials

According to D.I. Pushka, information-analytical activity (IAD) is a process of semantic processing of data, as a result of which the data is divided into a completed information product - an analytical document. The process of semantic processing of data can be representations in what appears to be a sequence of independent stages, a cumulative description of which gives information about the subject. Below is one of the possible schemes for organizing the IAD process, presented in the form of an algorithmic sequence of procedures:

1. IBP begins significance of the object, subject and problem of analysis. This stage includes awareness of the problem in general, as well as of dietary changes that may result in problems; the formation of the central plan of work from the designated term Vikonanny, Vikonavits and the main forces, which, of course, can be vikorstans.

2. Pobudova ideal model object and subject - offensive deadline. We will ensure the creation of a regulatory framework for further analytical activities.

3. Collection of factual data. This is the obligatory stage of IAD, regardless of the galusa and the investigation of the complication. It is necessary for us to clearly understand the importance of the vikors that the base is as large as possible. When selecting devices, it is necessary to be critical of the information found.

Rice. 5. in

4. Evaluation of factual material. The main purpose of this stage is to evaluate the data obtained, to see from the mass of described facts those, the analysis of which can be continued. This stage includes assessment, classification, analysis and identification of facts.

5. Revealing the significance of the facts. Respect is returned to those who have a great semantic significance in their fact, so that if we look at it together with other facts or in order to further indicate its significance, it is necessary in every way to achieve the highest possible understanding of the significance of the skin fact.

6. Hypothesis. At this stage, it is necessary to formulate a hypothesis about the interconnections of several seemingly disparate facts. This hypothesis alleviates the problem. The interpretation of hypotheses has a pre-slednytsky character. The subject “imposes” on the hypothesis the prism of his manifestations, thoughts with special testimony and knowledge of subject matter. Pobudova hypotheses are attached to any analytical robot. At the outset, hypotheses are being developed about what factors may play an important role, and what factors should not be bothered. Similar hypotheses are developed when collecting and disputing facts, formulating conclusions and conclusions.

7. At this stage, select the type of analysis.

8. The choice of type of analysis means the choice of specific methods of analytical activity, which have a great deal of complexity.

9. Finished. At this stage it is necessary to establish the validity of the work hypotheses.

10. Visnovki. Here the remaining concepts are formulated as a method of any information analysis.

11. Reliable and intelligent presentation of the results of the investigation. Folding the document will complete the work. It is necessary to ensure that the personal document you write is accessible to you for obtaining information products. If necessary, to achieve the maximum effect, you can use tables, diagrams, and multimedia presentations.

Volodinya is described by an algorithm for semantic processing of data for mental success among rich people. Skeptics insist that “analysis is a profession that is based on esoteric knowledge and intuition, on the mystery of penetration into the mechanisms of politics, economics, etc., on individual gifts of representatives iv, dating back to intellectual magic." There are no objective representations of such a position. Analytics is heuristic in its essence, so it is difficult to understand the intelligent technologies of analytical activities, discover them and adopt them from emerging specialists. On the other hand, analytics

This activity involves the organic synthesis of three components: hydration by analytical methods (functional component), knowledge of the subject galus (Galuzian component) and a new type of structure of specialness (special component). This very structure is characteristic of scientific-research, artistic-creative, investment, management and other types of activity.

It is clear that analysis and synthesis are the main methods of thought. Analysis (Greek analysis - layout, dissection) and synthesis (Greek synthesis

Slukka, poednannaya, folding) - this is the process of obvious dismemberment of the whole in the warehouse and the assemblage of the whole from its parts. Information analysis is the initial stage of processing of documentary information, which is related to the acquired documents and the most relevant evidence from them. This process is not related to synthesis, then. consolidated information derived from the information analysis of documents and preparation of results documented in one or another form. Analytical-synthetic processing is a set of processes for transforming documents using the method of analysis, extracting necessary information, as well as evaluation, compilation and registration. The process of analytical-synthetic processing results in the accumulation of information, which is related to the local assessment of the social significance of the document (its scientific, cultural value) and changes in the physical I am committed to minimal waste of information.

Analytical-synthetic processing of a document is called its transformation by removing the necessary information, as well as evaluating, organizing and submitting the removed information from the view that let me ask. Since the method of working with scientific documents is their systematization, analysis and synthesis, which does not imply the creation of new knowledge, then such activity is classified as scientific information. Since meta-working with scientific documents involves obtaining new knowledge about the subject that is being studied, then such activity must be carried out until scientific research.

It is important to emphasize that analytical-synthetic processing of information has a place not only in scientific information activities(NID), and in other types of knowledge. What is the specificity of VAT in this case? In order to ensure consistency in the nutritional chain, it is possible to equate NDZ with such types of knowledge as scientific research activities, on the one hand, and scientific and technical exploration, on the other.

The method of scientific investigative activity and analytical-synthetic processing of information is the extraction from documents of new facts or information that is not clearly expressed in these documents. New information is logically derived from explicit information, and for this purpose it is also possible to obtain so-called extralinguistic information (that is, information that does not fit in these documents). This is how the activity itself will be called scientific and technical exploration. It seems that in times of peace no less than 80% of intelligence information is obtained through the process of analytical-synthetic processing of records that are drawn from unclassified sources - newspapers, magazines, books, television and radio programs, materials of the world's pavutina And in the tasks of a specialist analyst, in this case, it is necessary to extract from the text of one or several documents such information (some of it classified), which is clearly not contained in these documents.

Due to the specificity of the analytical-synthetic processing of information during research, it lies in the group, compiled, and only those information, which is clearly in x documents, as well as submitted documented information in a compact form, convenient for practical research. At information analysis And synthesis during ND does not involve extralinguistic information (especially in the same way that is possible during the intellectual activity of people).

Before the processes of analytical-synthetic processing there are such processes as: bibliographic description; anotuvannya; systematization; subjectification; abstract; indexing; scientific retelling; folded glances; A collection of documents of facts.

Data on the main processes of analytical-synthetic processing of documents:

o Compiling a bibliographic inventory - the process of standardized submission of basic data about a document;

o Instruction - the process of compiling short statements that characterize a document in terms of its position, directness, value, significance, formatting and approach (annotation provides information: What does the document contain?);

o Abstracting is the process of putting together an abstract, which is a short summary of the document, methods of researching the results, and the time and place of the research (the abstract suggests: What should I put in the document?);

o Folding look - the process of gathering information about the identity of documents; Then we can say that the glances will highlight the information that is located in various documents. There are three types of surveys: Bibliographic; abstract (characterized by great depth of usability); analytical (the result of the analysis of documentary data and assessment; the interpretation of the facts drawn from them; they in their own way fall into the form of insights, forecasts, surveys);

o Indexing is the process of describing the location and form of a document using piecemeal information and audio language (then select key words and translation into IPM (information-poshous language) or replacement of them with similar lexical units (indices));

o Scientific translation is the translation of texts (scientific, technical, economic, etc.) from one language to another;

o Obtaining facts from documents - these are facts such as technical characteristics, power of speech and materials, demographic characteristics and so on.

Even if information-analytical work was not organized, the first and therefore extremely important procedure is the initial analysis (express analysis) and selection of relevant information. This procedure is a kind of filter, which eliminates the unnecessary and protects the analyst from information noise (supernoise). The sense of this procedure lies, first of all, in the established essence, importance, accuracy, completeness and significance of information based on its subsection (detailed) and presentation. Let us explain the meaning of the meaning.

Substantiality of information lies in the totality of the symbols of objects, systems, objects and processes seen in more significant ways. The information now displays the extent to which the original knowledge has changed.

The importance of information. Information is important if it is relevant, has links to major problems, and if it can contribute to the activity (either planned or planned).

Reliability of information. It is always easy to determine whether the information is reliable or accurate, especially when reporting information about events that have not yet been published. The criteria by which one can judge the reliability of information, and also:

Criterion of validity (authenticity of confirmation of stolen information from the bottom of independent sources);

Criterion of non-supersistence: the presence of superconsistencies between the adjacent strongholds laid down by the subordinate; The number of rubbish in the middle of the group will be reported that were found in one or another group of products within a given period of time;

Thus, IAD as a process that cherishes, in its own way, the song of the process of both analytical and informational activities; place your own specific stages and procedures that information analysts need to master.

The marriage is currently undergoing development information revolution, is aware of the growing role of information in all spheres, which leads to a reconsideration of the basic concept of “information” and its implementation in new terms. The informatization of marriage is widespread in all spheres of human life, including the world.

In the current state of affairs (OU), which is specifically oriented and developing, its monitoring and diagnostics, the flow of information between participants and organizers lighting process It is growing a lot. In connection with this, the teaching staff, and especially the administration of the educational institution, is tasked with the use of current technologies for processing, saving and analyzing captured information.

Informatization of the OS means two things:

The advancement of information technologies is in the middle of the process;

Informatization of the operating system servicing system.

As part of the first, the most relevant tasks for today are:

1. thorough and complete information space schools with basic information material, such as didactic methods of modeling various elementary objects and processes, an increased level of precision in the presentation of elementary material, conducting laboratory and practical work;

2. systematization and logical ordering of knowledge, training and control of knowledge;

3. reworking of the obvious initial one methodical material in electronic form that creation information bases tributes;

4. organization of electives, groups, computer Olympiads, competitions, festivals.

Informatization of the OU lighting management system transmits the development of information technologies related to the processes of collecting and analyzing information for initial-technical, initial-methodological, as well as administration strategic-state activities, planning and organization of business activities, which will allow for a systematic approach in managed educational institutions.

The use of current technologies from processing, saving and analysis of the information contained will ensure:

Structuring of information;

Automation of document management for analytical evidence and feedback;

Accumulated steadily updated Information that is required for the highest order of the process of initiation, training and management.

Also, the current educational institution needs a specialist to prepare for the development of upcoming professional tasks:

1. promotion of computer science methods in subject areas of pedagogy;

2. development of capabilities and adaptation of information systems at all stages of their life cycle:

2.1 creation of information-logical models of objects, development of new software information security to support the initial process of controlling the op-amp,

2.2 consolidation of information systems from different subject areas in connection with new tasks, which means transferring systems to new hardware and information platforms;

3. optimization of information processing processes;

4. Reducing the psychological barrier between educational staff and information service representatives.

The social standard of partnership is reflected in the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Light and Science of the Russian Federation (Federal Program for the Development of Light (2000); Federal purposeful program"Development of a unified information information center" (2001-2005); The concept of modernization of Russian lighting for the period up to 2010; as well as the National Standard for Higher Professional Education (specialty 351400 – Applied Informatics (in training)), which speaks about the social significance of informatization of educational institutions in all rivnyakh.

In accordance with the standard, graduates of this specialty are engaged in the creation, implementation, analysis and support of professionally oriented information systems; є professionals in the field of information systems and management information flows at them.

Designated areas require professional training both in the field of computer science and information systems, and in the field of employment, etc. illuminate. Thus, a graduate - computer scientist (with a qualification in knowledge) in his practical activities analyzes, predicts, models and creates information processes and technologies within the professional field of information systems. The main apparent profession of the Dianosti INformatics in the Obviti-CHERASICAISISI-OPERILINSKA, Design-Technologia, Marketing, Experimental-Dosliznika, Consulting, Analitical, Explitudine Dіyalnist. For baby 1, the OU was added as required professional activity specialist in this field.

A certified specialist “Informatics Analyst in Galuzia Osviti”, who has basic knowledge of development, development and support of information systems, as well as relevant professional training in Galuzia Osviti, will be required both directly in the educational institution, and in the department of education and in the field of additional education


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4. GOST RF Specialty 351400 “Applied informatics (by area)”.