Touchpad functions on Asus laptop. Touchpad. What is it? Yak vlashtovan touchpad

The touchpad is based on a vibrating electrical circuit between a finger and a sensor or between two sensors. There are sensors for expanding the vertical and horizontal axes of the touchpad, which allows you to determine the position of your finger with the necessary accuracy. The surface is sensitively built with a grid of two balls of metal conductors, separated by a ball of thin insulating pads of mylar. Two balls of conductors play the role of plates, a gasket plays the role of a dielectric, and capacitors are molded on the crossbars of perpendicular conductors. With which balls are ripped in such a way that the conductors of one ball are perpendicular to the conductors of another.

After I add it, I will build an electric field between the capacitor plates. The microcontroller supplies voltage to two conductors, roztashovannyh at different balls, vimiryuє opіr mіzh them that memorize vimіryane value. Then we apply voltage to the other two conductors, rotting at different balls, and so it is repeated, the microcontroller docks do not die and do not save the support between the skin pair of conductors, rozted at different balls. An hour, with the help of which the microcontroller achieves a reading from all sensors, one from the characteristics of the touchpads. After that, the appendix is ​​transformed into the ultimate mode of work.

The human body is a good guide. When approached to a sensitive surface, the finger changes the electric field of the capacitance of the capacitors. The microcontroller vimіryuє opіr mіzh pairs of conductors and vіvnіuє vymiryanі values ​​zі sberezhenimi in memory. Analyzing the measured values, the microcontroller determines the coordinates of the place of the torsional and vice that is to be repaired on the surface. The greater the pressure, or the greater the number of applied fingers, the greater the total capacity of the capacitor, which is fixed by the surface extension with those fingers. Through those that the touchpad works when the capacity is reduced, it is impossible to brush it with a pen or an olive.

Varto signify that no more than a finger is poured into the capacity of capacitors, but also other electrical fields and other physical effects. As a result, the capacity is constantly changing or shaking. For usunennya tremtinnya, "filtering" algorithms are used. The stench smoothes sharp changes in meaning. Most often, a simple algorithm is won, which is called the “averaging window” algorithm. Depending on the new value of the current coordinates, the average of the two remaining non-smoothed values ​​is displayed.

Touchpad with attachments low clearance. Allowed the touchpad to be sufficient for office supplements that web browser, but not for working with graphics programs.

The touchpad is a century-old feature, having long since replaced the alternative control of the bear. For the help of yoga, we can help our outbuildings, whether it’s a laptop or a hybrid tablet. A lot of laptops (Acer, Asus, HP, Lenovo, Dell) have problems with touchpad operation. How robust is it that the touchpad does not work on a Windows 10 laptop? Let's take a look at 5 ways to solve problems.

1. Re-mark the touchpad behind the Fn help key

I became one story, if I switched on WiFi on my laptop and inadvertently turned on touch panel touchpad. Long shukav reason, vіrazu not zrozumіvshi what happened. Everything turned out to be simple, in laptops there is a key for additional functions under the name Fn from the bottom of the keyboard. To turn on the function on the laptop, press the buttons Fn and F1 ... F12. On the same buttons F1-F12, painted pictures or symbols for setting the parameter. For example, to turn on the touchpad, you need to press Fn + F7, on the F7 button itself there will be an image of the touch panel. You can press all the buttons in order Fn + F1 ... F12, but remember that there is a function to turn on the display, press again on those buttons, on which the screen turns off.

On some HP brand laptops, the touchpad clicks in and out, moving along the edge of the touchpad itself. On Asus and Acer brands, there may be a button on the touch panel. Like the Touchpad, like before, it doesn’t work, then it crumbles away.

2. Viewing Misha's Other Drivers

There are moments when you have connected a whole bunch of drivers to the past other outbuildings mice and wi їx never saw. Active drivers automatically turn on the Touchpad by themselves. Go to annex manager by clicking on the bottom of the buttons Win+R and enter in a row devmgmt.msc.

Find the row of insertions on the mouse and other custom attachments, click on the shortcut, search for the category and see all the mouse drivers in order, until the touchpad is no longer able to work on your laptop. If not, try again after removing all drivers and restarting the system. Chi without earning the touchpad? Rush to the offensive point.

3. Updating or releasing the touchpad driver

Try to update or change the touchpad driver. Navigate to the Attachment Manager as described above. Find attachments Touchpad, ring the name of your laptop brand (Dell TouchPad, Lenovo TouchPad, Synaptics, HP TouchPad, Acer TouchPad, Asus TouchPad.) Right-click on your driver and select power. Let's press Updates to reconsider, what is the color update for your touchpad.

A lot of people were told on the Microsoft forums that the Touchpad stopped working on its own Windows update 10, for which you need to select a driver. If you don’t see the V_dkotiti button, it means you can’t front version drivers.

For rich devices, the add-on manager does not need to be used to turn on the touchpad on the laptop. If your Touchpad, like before, does not work on a laptop in windows 10, then go to the power of the mouse.

  • Dial mouse in a row poshuk windows and go to Nalashtuvannya Misha.
  • Press Additional parameters Mishі, vіknі, we pass I'll build it, tab Touch panel or like in the picture.
  • Find your Touchpad and press "enable".

5. Disable Touch Screen Entry Service for Hybrid Notebooks

Like your laptop is a hybrid (laptop and tablet in one touch screen.) The flexibility that the service of entering the touch screen, as a control of the functionality of the stylus, takes care of your touch panel.

To turn off the service, press win + R, and then enter services.msc find it in the list of services TabletInputService or Tablet PC Input Service. Click with the right mouse button on it, then turn it off. It’s not a good solution for those who use a touch screen and touchpads, but in the distance you can be smart and try to remove the driver, wake up, update and restart the service.

Whether a portable computer is equipped with a special attachment, which can control the cursor and control the functions of a computer bear. This attachment is called the touchpad. How easy it is to guess the name, the management of it is taken for an additional tore.

To finish it is less to swipe your finger over the new one and the cursor is more likely to crumble across the screen. However, in order for the touchpad robot to be correct, it needs to be adjusted correctly. About those, as you know, you know from our statistics.

The principle of robotic touchpad

The touchpad is located on the front of the laptop and is a small square area with two buttons. Tsey pristriy maє nastіlki іntuїtivno zrazumіli old look, scho razіbratisya іz the principle of yogo roboti can navіt a child. As it was already guessed more, the touchpad of assignments for curation with the cursor, and the buttons for the new one indicate the left and the right stationary computer mouse. Of course, you can see files and open documents without using a button, but also behind an additional touchpad touchpad, by clicking once or twice on the required file.

Enable touchpad

Laptop makers have added the ability to turn on the touchpad, to prevent it from being hooked up and running unneeded programs or a functional operating system. To start using the touchpad, you need to turn on yoga on the back. You can do this in two ways: for the help of special keys, ruffled in the immediate vicinity of the touchpad, or for the help of the hot keys "Function", as indicated on the keyboard by the Fn symbol, and also one of function row keys F. Most models of modern portable computers yuterіv the touchpad robot for the lock, press the F5 key.

touchpad patching

Mostly in the standard mode of the robotic operating system, the touchpad is on the workbench. However, they are not richly koristuvachіv zamylyuyuyutsya about those for new stable work pristriy maє buti nalashtovaniya. For this, it is necessary to install special software on the touchpad, as well as a driver that coordinates the robot.

You can find the latest driver on the CD that comes with the laptop, or on the official website of the laptop manufacturer. If you install a driver of an inappropriate version, in which case you may be afraid of a malfunction in the robot with an attachment, for example, there may be problems with moving the cursor on the screen.

Problems with the robotic touchpad

If the touchpad is no longer working, it can be tied up not only with the driver. In order to understand why the problem is, it is necessary to perform diagnostics of the laptop, the robot and the touchpad. For which it is necessary to go to the "Control Panel", in which we go to the "Obladannya that sound" section and in the "Add-on printers" subsection, the misha item.

So-so, Misha himself, the shards of the same attachment replace the touchpad in a portable computer.
If you go to the mouse parameters menu, Windows will see the system window with the desktop tabs, where different working parameters of the touchpad and the stationary computer bear are set. The number of parameters to store according to the laptop model. For example, modern models have multi-touch technology that expands functionality the touchpad and scho allow you to read a number of times from a handful of fingers at once.

Krim tsyogo in some touchpads right side Smuha scrolling is integrated, which allows you to gobble up documents and Internet pages with one light stroke of your finger. You can adjust your skin from the parameters to make sure you feel more comfortable when working with a laptop.

Replacement for touchpad

If you have bought your own laptop, you will need to use the traditional outbuildings to enter information and switch to the touchpad again. Bagatom koristuvacham, yakі did not call to tsogo I will add, on the back of the hand, unhandedly keruvati with the cursor behind the help of the finger. To that you can continue to win the victorious stationary bear.

In order to start using it, you just need to connect it to the USB port and the operating system in a few seconds and run an automatic search for that installed driver. Installation of additional software in which case it is not necessary, the shards of the mouse are brought to the plus & play type extensions and all brandies are brewed on the standard type of drivers.

Prote touchpad, like a stationary computer mouse, can win. For example, if you go on a business trip to a robot and you take a laptop with you, then it will be very difficult to pick up a bear at the door. In this case, the touchpad is simply irreplaceable.

Like other custom extensions, the touchpad will sound victorious for guiding your finger along the surface of the extension. Touchpads can vary in size, but they do not exceed 50 cm². The shape of the vikonannya is most often a straight cut, but it is also used to model and look like a stake.

However, the touchpads in the first row of advantages are equal to other manipulators:

  • do not look at even surfaces (on the target’s mind);
  • do not overlook the great open space
  • change of the touchpad fixed to the keyboard (on the mouse);
  • to move the cursor to the whole screen, only a small movement of the finger is enough (to see the mouse of the great graphic tablet);
  • the robot does not make a special sound with them, like, for example, at the top of the trackball.
  • for the help of one touchpad (without pushing the buttons) you can pick up a part of the manipulation of the left button of the mouse:
    • short dotik - clatter
    • podvіyne short torkannya - podviyne clatter
    • unfinished under the torso with upcoming movements - movement of the object that was seen
  • okremі dіlyanki tachpada (a right-handed woman and the top/bottom) can be used for vertical and horizontal scrolling.

The touchpads of laptops in Apple, Asus, and also practically be-like in Synaptics (with the help of other programs) can simulate the onslaught right buttons that number without using additional buttons:

  • scrolling - pushing two fingers and moving
  • right button - short squeezing with two fingers (trioma at Asus)
  • zbіlshennya / izmenshennya - drawing together or stretching two fingers on the surface of the touchpad, one or one
  • coup - change the area of ​​the position of two fingers on the touchpad at the right direction
  • glottis - easy dotik in rusі zlіva to the right chi navpak tryoma with fingers

So is the difference in tin, which zadіyut and chotiri fingers.

The touchpad is enabled on the laptop using the Fn keys (order with the Ctrl button) + F10 (or + one with F1 to F12). On some laptops, the touchpad is activated by a special button (for example Acer Aspire 5738G).

Div. also


Main brewers

The main typists of touchpads:

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Touchpad" is in other dictionaries:

    - (touchpad, trek pad), sensory manipulator (div. MANIPULATOR (at the computer)), which transforms the hand of a finger on its surface into key signals. The principle of operation of foundations on the world's electrical capacity, so the touchpads are insensitive to ... Encyclopedic dictionary

    Touchpad As well as other custom extensions, the touchpad sounds vicorous to control the display, move your finger along the surface of the extension (eng. Glossary of business terms

    touchpad- touchpad [Intent] Data center topics (data processing center) EN touchpadtouchpad technology ... Dovіdnik technical translation

    - (English to touch) comp. application for data entry modern laptops is a touch panel on the keyboard (because of wine attachments), typify the function of a computer mouse New dictionary of foreign words. by… … Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

    touchpad- A manipulator, which is a small-sized touch pad, ruffled in the area of ​​the keyboard. Moving the cursor is done with simple finger strokes on the Maidan, the left button "Misha" is often imitated by tapping with a finger. Glossary of terms for by-products and computer technology Samsung

    Notebook touchpad Touchpad (eng. touchpad sensory maydanchik), touch panel vkazіvny pristroy introduction, scho zastosovuєshe most often in laptops. Like other custom add-ons, the touchpad will sound victorious to control the "shower", ...

    - (eng. notebook notebook, notebook PC) a portable personal computer, in the case of some common type of PC components, including a display, a keyboard and input devices (sound the touch panel, or a touchpad), a gut ... ... Wikipedia

    IBM Thinkpad R51 Notebook (eng. notebook notebook, notepad PC) portable personal computer, in the case of some kind of combined typical PC components, including a display, keyboard and input devices (sound the touch panel or touchpad), as well as ... Wikipedia

    IBM Thinkpad R51 Notebook (eng. notebook notebook, notepad PC) portable personal computer, in the case of some kind of combined typical PC components, including a display, keyboard and input devices (sound the touch panel or touchpad), as well as ... Wikipedia

The touchpad is a touchpad, as it works like a mouse in desktop computer. On the back of a lot of coristuvachіv with mistrust, put up to the center of the laptop, the shards of it are not handy. In fact, everything is just right at the right time - with a trivial touchpad, the touchpad becomes no less comfortable, lower misha.

When working with a portable computer, do not start it, it is possible to beat the name of the mouse

Otherwise, when the touch panel is turned on, it doesn’t start working and reacting to the torso, so you should know how to turn it on and how to fix it the most efficiently. Let's figure out how to turn on the touchpad on a laptop and change it.

How to turn off the touchpad

Some of these ways to enhance the touch panel:

  • On many modern laptops, there is little damage to the touchpad without a middle - use it to increase or disable the touchpad. Since you don't have such a broken button, hurry up in this way.

  • On a skin laptop, there is a functional key Fn, as to serve for vikonannia rіznih zavdan when pressed with buttons in a row from F1 to F12 One of them is specially designed to launch the touchpad robot and, most of all, there is a badge on it. Therefore, try to press Fn from one of the keys in the same row, or move along through the skin of them.

  • It is possible that the touchpad is disabled in the system itself, and it is necessary to activate it through the BIOS - go to the menu at the start of the laptop or restart it, find out the Pointing Device section, where you will need to install it. To turn it on, you need to choose the Enable option, turn it off - Disable. Do not forget to save the changes by changing the combination F10 or otherwise, on the contrary, the Save and Exit option appears.

Even though all the sciences of science did not give a result, varto overturn, that all the drivers are - maybe, the stench is outdated. Shchob zrobite tse, vikoite like this:

  • Launch the Maintenance Panel from the menu and select Attachment Manager.
  • Find out Misha, row of the touchpad and take a look at the power of the possession - as the drivers are outdated or not working (so after replacing the operating system), I will tell you about it in the future.
  • If there is something wrong with the drivers, it is necessary to update or reinstall, the computer can be built on its own, or you can find the necessary files on the Internet and show them the way to the authorities.

You can't turn off the touchpad via operating system, key combinations, BIOS, better for everything, on the right in a malfunction - in such a situation you happen to carry a laptop for repair.

touchpad patching

In addition, that this detail can be switched on or off, the touchpad can be adjusted in such a way that you can use it as easily as possible at the robot or on the dozwell. Let's figure out how you can change yoga alignment.

Also, to change the parameters of the touchpad robot, follow the steps below:

  • Go through Start to the Keruvannya Panel.
  • Select the dispatcher of the annex and Misha.
  • Select the row with the name of the touchpad, select power and click on the parameters.

Can the nakі nalashtuvannya be brown for you? Give respect to the following parameters:

  • You can either increase or disable scrolling, activate the ChiralMotion function, which allows you to scroll the side not only down, but in a circular motion - just manually, so you can scroll through a long document or the site.

  • Current laptop models support multi-touch, which allows you to use the touchpad with not one, but a number of dots, which expands its functionality - you can also activate this tool here, in the parameters I will add.
  • One of the most important tools is sensitivity, which can be adjusted according to such criteria, like torn fluttering when typing with fingers. For example, as if the touchpad is constantly sticking with each other, and it reacts, varto lower the scale in the parameter Knock-down control. If you want the touchpad to be smaller or more touchable with your fingers, select Touch Sensitivity.

  • In some cases, even if you always start the touchpad when it’s different, you can activate this blocking when you scroll with the keyboard - so you will be sung in a melodious manner that the cursor will be left on your own space, and you won’t scroll the sides to this fir , while you enter the text or emboss on the edge of the button.
  • The scrolling speed of the cursor, the pressing area on various parts of the touch panel and the scrolling speed are additionally adjusted.

Like a bachite, the touchpad is hot and winds up like a sound for koristuvachs stationary computers bears can be kindly attached for your needs. Now you know how to turn off the touch panel for a number of ways to adjust these settings.