Windows 10 update by third-party programs. How to choose a system for investing in a loan

The new Windows 10 operating system from Microsoft has already gained popularity among millions of hardy PCs in the whole world. But, like all new products, Windows 10 is not spared. At rich coristuvachіv cієї OS are afraid problems. Most often, this problem is addressed through a new operating system upgrade policy.

At the same time, Windows 10 cannot turn on the update, as it was in Windows 7 and XP.

The very problem of zavantazhuvachem manifests itself, if coristuvach do not check for the completion of the update of the system and the microphone the POWER button.

Pіslya moreover, as koristuvach vmikaє kom'yuter again, vіn zustrіchaє taka podomlennya on the screen of his monitor.

Tse voіdomlennya svіdchit about those that you have a lot of zavantazhuvach and yogo need to renovate. It also means that the failure of a computer during an upgrade is not the only cause of a breakdown. Poshkoditi zavantazhuvach can viruses and different sizes PZ. Shche dosit widening causes of yoga breakage є bad HDD, in yakikh є beat sectors, so that an interesting entry will be found on each sector itself. Also, the cause of the breakdown of the zavantazhuvacha can be installing a young OS on top of Windows 10. In order to help our readers to innovate lower, we prepared butts, in which we will describe in detail the ways of yogo inspiration.

The simplest way of renewal

After informing about the inadequacy of the adventurer, we are blamed for the power of the PC in front of the PC, as we are recognizing the Windows 10 adventurer. For which butt we need.

If you don't have a disk and access to the Internet, you can run it on another computer with the same OS.

Also, for this task, you can rewrite the original Windows 10 installation disk. Well, let's get started. Let's insert a renewal disk at the privіd i zavantazhimsya from the new pіd hour to the start of the computer.

At the first vіknі master of the disk, it is necessary to indicate keyboard layout, after which the master's menu appears.

We’ll give each other a tab “ Poshuk that usunennya malfunctions» and immediately move on to the next «».

In the additional parameters, click on the "" tab. After the transition for the cim, the master asks to choose the OS to update the launch.

On the last computer, one operating system Windows 10 is installed, the master has only one. After the choice of OS, the system will recognize the procedure for detecting computer malfunctions and may recover any troubles.

As for the help of which way you can’t go to turn the Windows 10 process, then in the examples below we will describe reporting process innovation of the avant-garde sector for the help of system utilities diskpartі BCDboot.

Reinventing Windows 10 for the help of the command line

For which way do we need disk Windows updates 10 . Let's take it from the disk, like the front butt to the point "". At this menu we have to click on the tab "", which we will go to.

Before us, let's run the console utility in the command line diskpart. For which in the console, enter the command diskpart

This utility is necessary for us to displaying information about all local drives in the system. Now we need to know the number of the distributor of the applicant. Call out the attachments you have divided, what you are borrowing 500 MB. This partition is created automatically by the Windows 10 installer. For a search in DiskPart, we enter the list volume command

From the image you can see that the exciting entry was distributed in the first volume on the C drive. You can also see from the image that Windows 10 is installed on the D drive. disk software. You can do it with the exit command

After exiting DiskPart, enter the command bcdboot.exe D:\Windows Also note that the D drive is selected in the command, because the top ten is installed on the new one.

Tsya team re-updated dozens of files. The principle of work of the team is based on the most common utility. BCDboot. Retailers have specially created this utility for robots іz vantazhuvannym Windows files . Also, it means that the windows installer utility is the same I create attachments and spread that copy to new investing files.

Reinforcing Windows 10 to get started with the help of the command line (Other way)

In another way, we also speed up utilities diskpartі BCDboot and try to overwrite the zavantazhuvach. For which it is possible to run DiskPart and find out, on which disk there are attachments of partition and partition, on which Windows 10 is installed. Launching this utility has more descriptions.

Now we need to format the attachments we have distributed, which is known to the first volume. For which we will type the command select volume 1, so that we select our encryption attachments with a size of 500 MB.

The next step will be the formatting of the selected distribution. You need to work in order to see all the files from the new one. For this operation, enter the console command format fs=FAT32

After formatting our partition, we can see from the disk utility and enter a new command bcdboot.exe D:\Windows, which was entered in the front butt.

This command does not fix the files of the zavantazhuvach, like in the front butt, but create new. As you have already realized, this way of victorious, as if you did not try the first one.

Another way to upgrade Windows 10 using the command line help

Which method needs a utility bootrec. On the view of the forward utility, this utility does not innovating exciting record . Tobto won update MBR- The first sector on the HDD. It is important for the operating system that the MBR is kept safe and sound. When you start your computer, the BIOS immediately checks the MBR implementation to start the operating system. For whom I’ll put it on, like in the front butts, command row. This utility has two main commands /FixMbr and /FixBoot The first command is required for MBR repair, and a friend create new. Let's look at the situation before us, if we have a bad MBR. For which we will enter the first command in the console.

The image shows that the operation was successful, which means that the MBR has been restored.

Now let's look at the situation, if the first method does not work, then we will create a new MBR sector. For whom we speed up with another team.

From the image above, you can see that the new sector of MBR creations is successful.

Three examples show how easy it is to open the MBR sector for help console utilities bootrec. What do you have problem with start m Windows 10, then for the sake of speeding up the butt of us in front.

We clean the system from the shkidly software security until the upgrade

As the cause of the breakdown of the zavantazhuvacha є short program, then shkidlivy code must be removed before renewal. In this situation, help you. Tse emergency disk, which maє impersonal benefits for updating the computer, as well as doing yoga against viruses. You can download Dr.Web LiveDisk on the official website Tsey Live CD of foundations on Linux and є bezkoshtovnym. Tsey disk expands like iso image, which can be written down, like on optical disc, and to a USB flash drive. After writing the image to disk, launch Dr.Web LiveDisk.

In the start menu, select the first item, which is the continued Dr.Web LiveDisk option. After a few seconds, the OS, based on Linux, can start up, as well as Dr.Web LiveDisk.

For your operating system, you can clean up your computer for viruses and restore data backup.

Also, we will correct the fact that in this OS there is a new support for the Internet and a new browser Firefox.

Pіdbivaєmo pіdbag

At the end, I would like to say that if you know all the subtleties of innovation, then you can greatly appreciate your computer. Likewise, pay attention to the situation, if it is impossible to open the sector of interest and it is impossible to take advantage of it yourself. And here it is necessary to play it safe and coristuvat with the help of a new system renewal. By such means new system image, which is created by the Windows 10 OS itself, as well as such a program, like Acronis True Image. We hope that our material will help you to improve your MBR, and your computer will function as before.

Video on the topic

For rich coristuvachs, it is a failure to show the replacement of the standard Windows takeover 10 with the screen informing you that the OS is not bugged. If you don’t see any information about a specific pardon, then, more than anything, the problem lies in the failure of the driver in Windows 10. In the article, we can look at all the causes of the problem with him, as well as ways to fix them.

Causes of failure and ways to remedy

Before that, how to deal with the problem, it is recommended to get to know the causes of the problem. More ways to solve the problem, pointing lower, do not strongly bind to the causes of the pardon, you will know about them well:

  • Bit sectors hard drive. What is the problem It is wide to report, so that on the sectors there may be just a “bit” of information, or there may be some damage to the sector itself. Moreover, poshkodzhennya may be the mother of a physical character;
  • Diya shkіdlyvogo software. Deyakі "strong" virus can lamati system, scho lead to critical pardons;
  • Installed kіlkoh different versions Windows on one hard drive;
  • Attachment conflict in the middle of the computer. A hard drive may conflict with other attachments connected to maternity pay computer;
  • BIOS problems. If the BIOS settings are set incorrectly, then the computer may get confused from the wrong nose, which leads to a vindication critical pardon auto-upload on Windows 10.

In order to correct the pardon in more vipadkіv, you need to win a flash drive and write it down on the nіy rank. It is recommended to prepare її in advance. On the flash drive, the image of the operating system is responsible for recording, which checks your OS for the version and size. To record the image, you need to speed it up with another computer.

Option 1: Automatic redirection

Possibility automatic renewal that correction systemic pardonsіsnuє y bagatioh operating Windows, Schopravda, skrіz realized trohi in a different way. This variant of the solution to the problem can be conveniently called effective, because the stones are rich in “underwater stone”: either the middle of the system is started to start, or the renovation is simply “idle”. However Danish way If you are safe and apparently clumsy, it is recommended that you try yoga in the middle of nowhere.

The essence of the field is in the offensive:

  1. For the cob you need to get a computer installation disk Windows, the first steps will be assigned to this procedure. Insert the installation flash drive into the computer. Rezavantazhte yogo or to increase, as if you were violining.
  2. You need to upgrade to the BIOS. For whom the operating system is not interested, press on the keys F2 before F12 or Delete. The specific key is to store in the model of your computer and BIOS version. In the documentation before the extension, you can recognize a specific key or a combination.
  3. In the BIOS interface, you need to set a new priority for the computer's capture, so that you can start your USB flash drive. Find out there items from the names "Advanced" or Boot. The name will lie in BIOS versions. Controlling for additional keys with arrows, keys Enterі F-key.

  4. Here you need to know the parameter "1st Boot Device"(or with a similar name). Choose yoga and press Enter to go to edit mode.
  5. For a special window, select a device whose name is based on "USB". Tse i є your zavantazhuvalna flash drive.

  6. Now it is no longer enough to save the change. Victory key F10 or item "Save Changes & Exit", as if it is in the menu.
  7. The computer will reboot, and then the operating system installation interface will start. Here you need to choose zruchna mova that keyboard layout. Let's press on "Dali".

  8. So, as you do not need to install the system, but only need to recognize it, win the message with the best name in the lower left part of the window.

  9. Vіdkryєtsya іnterfejs іz vybor dіy. Here a bear is working, so you can look after it for help. Choose an option .
  10. Now you need to select a tile "Reminder at the hour of zavantazhennya".

  11. Come on, I’ll tell you operating system, yaku needs to be reminded. In this case, it is necessary to choose the one with which problems, as you have an OS on your computer.
  12. The renewal process is the last hour. As a rule, not more than one year. Once it is completed, you will be notified about the status of the renewal, and before that, the computer will be restarted.

Option 2: Create Entry Files

This option is already available at the DiskPart utility for help "Command Row". If the operating system cannot be occupied in the normal mode through the poshkodzhuvach, then "Console" to call for an additional interface of the system update.

Instructions for which option may look like this:

  1. Run from a flash drive and run "Innovation of the system". How it was described in the first half of the front instructions.
  2. "Command Row" you can click on the keys Shift+F10. However, if you don’t do it, then I’ll have to do it manually. Skip to item "Diagnostics".

  3. Call me « Additional parameters» and there go to the point "Command Row".

  4. Vіdkriєtsya "Console" where to enter the command: diskpart

    Shchab zasosuvalas, press the key Enter.

  5. You will need to look through the list of available volumes, which you can use for the help of the command: list volume
  6. In the middle of the hovered list, find out the volume on which Windows 10 is installed. Think about what the letter hovered over the list, you can look at it, how to enter Windows from your "Providnik" to that orientuvatisya happen for the size of the volume. Write down the letter of the volume with the operating system.
  7. To exit the volume review mode, enter the command: exit .

  8. Create new file zavantazhennya for help tsієї command: bcdboot С:\windows

    Here, instead of the letter C, it is necessary to enter that letter, as you wrote down at the front stage. Let's understand how this manipulation can be done with Windows XP, 7, and navit us with systems of the Linux family.

  9. Dock the completion of the renewal procedure. Take a deaky hour, but sound more than 40 hvilin. Wiymіt flash drive with the system and reinstall attachments.

For the first time you may not be interested, it is recommended that you try a sprat once. Also, varto vrakhovuvati, in which case the computer can start up significantly higher than the first, then it is more tolerant to check for it outwardly exciting. As soon as you try a few times, please tell me about the pardon with the coding 0xc0000001, which means that it is necessary to try another way to update Windows 10.

Option 3: Overwriting the driver

This way to stop at the slopes, as if the front did not help. In such cases, you can overwrite the zavantazhuvach operating system. The instruction will look like this:

If you have a few operating systems installed on your computer and in the skin of them, or in your decals, problems have been identified from the vantazhuvachem, then for them you may also have to follow the given procedure. Truth, varto guess, what are the trochs to take into account:

  1. Follow all the same ones that are in the forward instructions up to 4-5 shorts.
  2. Choose the number of the attached volume, which was given the letter earlier. Tse fight for help command: select volume N

    Deputy N write the number.

  3. Remove letter in the system for an additional command: remove letter=Z

    "Z" is the letter, you need to see it. You won't be able to call others.

  4. See the utilities for the help of the exit command.
  5. Rezavantazhte computer and pereverte, chi correctly vіn vіn zavantazhuєtsya.

Option 4: System update

This variant of the solution of the problem is universal and should not be used only to restore the practicality of the zavantazhuvach, but also to solve the problems. During the update of the system, the files of the coristuvach will not be locked, therefore, you can not worry about saving special information on the computer.

Notes for the next instruction:

  1. Start computer exciting flash drives. How it was described in the previous instructions. Need manipulations with the BIOS.
  2. Select language and keyboard layout.

  3. Press on the force "Innovation of the system" at the lower left part of the window.

  4. The system update interface will start. There press on the block "Poshuk that usunennya malfunctions".
  5. Go to "Additional parameters".

  6. There you need to press on the tile "Innovation to the image of the system".

  7. A sprig of vicons will appear, de need to confirm your actions by pressing on the buttons "Dali"і "Ready".
  8. Wait until the end of the procedure. Do not chip anything while the process of updating the system is running. I'm threatening to reboot with unacceptable traces for the robotic operating system.

It's possible to get started in Windows 10 with the help of descriptions of other methods. You can also troubleshoot problems with other Windows operating systems.

In this article, we’ll figure out how to change Windows 10 or Windows 8.1 on a computer in mode. Poschojenny Zavantazhuvach Windows 8 can be boti Vicclican to the roster of another OS (Dual Boot - Sivogurasi), the non -rectless “Fakhivtsia” during the vita systems of the PISLIS, the Vidalenes of the Danishi on the whimsical fiber, the virus -vimagic reasons.

The boot configuration data for your PC is missing: EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD

About the possibility of taking advantage of Windows 10 / 8.1 installed in UEFI mode, it can be seen that the system is not being taken advantage of and the appearance of a new black screen of death with a pardon:

Boot configuration data for your PC is missing or contains errors.
Error code: 0xc000000f

Russian Windows versions pardon can be like this:

Your computer needs repair
Tsі configuration zavantazhennya for your PC per day or vengeance pardons
Pardon code: 0xc000000f

Everything can be evidence about the poshkodzhennya chi navit completely removed Windows 8 Capture Configuration - Boot Configuration Data (BCD) . Change BCD vanisher using one of the previously looked at methods ( , ) does not appear: when you try to viconate the bcdedit command, the system sees a pardon:

Boot configuration data store could not be found.
The requested system device cannot be found

On the right, the BCD configuration of BCD in Windows 10/8, installed in UEFI mode, is taken to a different we'll attachdistributed EFI(with a size of 100 MB with the FAT32 file system), which the bcdedit utility does not run, and obviously cannot change the configuration of the driver to a new one.

Windows auto-renewal

The procedure for automatic redemption of the zavantazhuvach, is protected in, sound at times powerless. Ale try all the same varto:

Manually restart Windows for the help of the advance disk

Let's move on to the procedure for updating Windows on systems with EFI.

Also, in order to change the configuration of the driver (BCD), you need to buy from the original installation DVD disc Windows 8 (either the recovery disk or the ) and open the command line: select System Update -> Diagnostics -> Command Row(System Restore - > Troubleshoot-> Command Prompt), or by pressing a combination of keys Shift+F10).

Run diskpart:

We show the list of disks in the system:

Select the disk on which your Windows is installed (as there is only one hard disk in the system, the index is to be set to 0):

We will display a list of distributions for the system:

In our application, it is clear that EFI has been distributed (it can be assigned for a 100 MB space and the FAT32 file system) it has a volume index of 1, and the volume has been distributed installed system Windows (possibly like Windows 10 and Windows 8.1/8) - volume 3.

Significantly attached to EFI, a sufficient drive letter was assigned:

assign letter M:

The following row will appear, which will confirm the success of the recognition of the disk letter of the EFI partition:

DiskPart successfully assigned drive letter or mount point.

We complete the work with diskpart:

Let's go to the catalog

cd /d m:\efi\microsoft\boot\

In this case, m: is the drive letter assigned to the UEFI partition three times higher. If the \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\ directory is daily (pardon The system cannot find the path specified), try the following commands:

cd /d M:\ESD\Windows\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\

Let's rebuild the lucrative sector on the lucrative distribution:

bootrec /fixboot

For the help of the attrib command, add attachments, read-only and system attributes from the BCD file:

attrib BCD -s -h -r

Vidalimo stream file with the BCD configuration, renaming it (saving the old configuration as a backup copy):

For help utility bcdboot.exe Let's rebuild the BCD folder by copying the files of the medium from the system directory:
bcdboot C:\Windows /l en-us /s M: /f ALL
de, C:\Windows– way to the catalog installed Windows 8.
/f ALL- means that it is necessary to copy the files of the capture medium, including files for computers with UEFI or BIOS (theoretically, it is possible to capture on EFI and BIOS systems)
/l en-us- System locale type. En-us English language(USA).

Porada. For a different localized Russian version of Windows 10/Windows 8, the command will be different:
bcdboot C:\Windows /L en-us /SM: /F ALL

Possible pardons:

  • BFSVC Error: Unable to open BCD template store. status - invert the correctness of the entered command and if you have Windows localized, you need to correctly enter the code of the movie system (local language code)
  • BFSVC Error: Error copying boot files Last Error = 0x570 - try vikonati disk verifier for help CHKDSK commands M: /F

Follow the commands:

bootrec /scanos
bootrec /rebuildbcd

The computer has lost its reboot, after which the Windows Boot Manager item is to blame for the choice of advanced attachments, which can be used to select the required OS. Successfully updated BCD configurator!

It is reliable to see that the order from the ten does not want to become linux ubuntu. Least accept that the reason was not understood. Until then, when copying files, there was a lot of confusion at the singing stage of installation, and if a dozen ruled on Winchester, Linukha was formed residually. Now the exciting package of Linux is far ahead of us, which we did not entrust to the child of Bill Gates. We have tried to find out why it is on the right, but we will describe how to carry out the renovation of the Windows 10 OS.

If your PC doesn't want to get involved, don't hurry to update the system. Practice shows what to watch out for in that case, if you forget the Card-Reader SD-card from the camera. Just hang a black screen and that's it. The BIOS capturer accepts this drive for the disk from the system, and it allows you to check it out. Yakby had a fixed flash drive. Revision of the system is not needed. Vimknіt PC, vityagnіt znіmny nose, perform a restart.

Through an exciting nose

It’s clear that it’s confusing when you need to wear a Windows system, but it’s crooked, obviously, you have to tinker.

Zipping hard disk

Recently, a virus appeared that does not appear in a standard way, which is engaged in overwriting the system area. Vіn overwrite the files again and again, until you have wiped everything to the bottom. Tse lead up to the establishment of sectors, which is rotten to be read. The period of access to these should be 1500 ms or more. As a result, the hour of Windows 10 advancement is greatly increased and may be within reach of the year. Fight practically marno. Such behaviors are described on the forums. Try to move system partition but the stench does not lead to anything.

Naigirshe, if that very situation is likely to happen when you wake up from a deep sleep. That is why dehto ryatuvavsya by the same regime (the difference in speed is up to 10 times). Give respect to the fact that “five dots that spin” can be gibberish, but behave normally. That th іnshoy vpadku vantage for a long time. Otzhe, vyhіd one - winchester winchester is less for collecting information.

Exciting nose

In OS Windows є vbudovaniya zasіb control interesting files. It is logical to reinforce the roar of the stars themselves. At the offensive division, it will be shown how to get to the command line, but for the time being, it’s important that the readers themselves should be able to work:

If the first method did not add, then the system partition (500 MB) is formatted, then the copying procedure is copied again (see below for more details on how to work with Diskpart). In this case, it is necessary to explicitly specify the drive letter for the additional key. An example from the official Microsoft website ( is shown on the screen, which writes all the data in S.

We do not need the parameter /l, which installs the language, and the whole part can be removed. The formatting of the distribution was carried out from quiet mirroring, so that the system could be infected by a virus. After all the victorious manipulations, a dozen of them begin to ring out vantage.

Yak vіdkriti zasіb vіdnovlennya

At ten rich forces, the rozrobniks gave the fold of the middle of inspiration. In any case, it’s possible to start up from the nose (if you want Microsoft TP, write that you yourself can work for the help of three more vicons with the help of spare energy). Ale, in our mind, it is conveyed that the Winchester is not. That's why a flash drive or a DVD is needed for some operations. To transfer the care to the necessary wear on the cob itself (as soon as the PC is turned on), it is better to press F12. From the menu, select the desired row.

To return respect, scho USB storage often spend at the branch hard drives. Regain your interest and check for the first sensible day. Here to propagate vibrati mova, we will use the Russian language for locking. We need to be called for inspiration.

How to mark a volume

You messed up, that through the command line it’s even more convenient to know the division with the operating system, so that you can renew the advancement. The process looks much simpler, if it can be. Tim, by the hour, the creation of її takes away a few seconds. For what next, go to Explorer and click right button for the necessary distribution. The authorities know the necessary field.

Start yoga and press zastosuvati. After all system disk Diskpart utilities can be found without problems.

Robot from Diskpart

The Diskpart utility is part of Windows, and in this case the only way to find out more about our hard drive.

Changes the size of the shrink command, and create creates a new part in the same place. In our mind, there was no trace of the old, visions of the staff master, so as not to inadvertently create new ones in this area.

How to create a new exciting division

Mi virishili trochs opened the butt of the creation of a new exciting division. A non-required logical disk was removed, after which the process was started. Marvel at how you look.

All! You can change over. We also erased C due to obscurity. Ten far away zavantazhitsya troch shvidshe. This disk is worn out by a virus and cannot be victorious like a working one. And to herself, on a newer, simpler way, it was necessary to demonstrate the inspiration of the vantazhuvacha in the operating room Windows systems 10. Everything works. The system successfully vikonal zavantazhennya.

If the computer cannot start the operating system, otherwise it is possible to take advantage of the s її files, as much as possible, that the OS is "pretty ugly". This could happen after the installation of an additional system, later on, either formatting the hard disk attachments, or editing the menu of attachments and other tasks that were brought to failure. Ask yogo to help the given ker_vnitstvo.

Obviously, the cause of such a malfunction is the moment of the article and the chances of accumulating, additional connections hard drive but znіmny wear. Otzhe, first for all the varto, deprive only the main accumulators, including all other additions to the savings of data. Even if it did not help, you should try to restore Windows 10 by one of the methods below. In case of a positive result, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics of the hard disk to reveal malfunctions.

Automatic notification of the starter

Windows 10 has its own middleware. Among other possibilities, they have the option of automatic renewal of the system. Itself for help it is possible to try to renovate the vantazhuvach.

Manual renewal procedure

Reimagining Windows 10 in a different way

  1. Launch flash drive installation files Windows via Boot Menu.
  2. Call console with keys Shift+F10 and hit the command diskpart to launch the utility keruvannya with accumulators.

  3. View a table with information about disks for the help of the command list volume. Give respect to, as if not giving letters. If your device has a BIOS present, and if the format for partitioning hard disk partitions is MBR, then you can find a disk with a size of up to 500 MB and a file NTFS system. Memorize your number, indications at the column Volume. The difference is greater than the daily EFI for a pair of GPT, know the size of the file is up to 300 MB, FS is FAT32, and remember that number. OKrim tsgogo, remember the drive letter, on which stand the main Windows.

  4. Enter command select volume Num, de Num- The number assigned to that.

  5. Format the selected division by the team format fs=fat32(like yoga file system FAT32) or format fs=ntfs(Yakscho FS - NTFS).

  6. Close a letter behind him for an additional command assign letter=X, de X- Whether the letter of the Latin alphabet is free.

  7. End the Diskpart job with the command exit.

  8. Wick the team bcdboot E:\Windows /s X: /f ALL, de E- drive letter from Windows, and X- Litera, attracted to the attached distribution. If Windows is installed on the computer, enter the following command for them, providing the drive letters on which the system files are located.

  9. Enter diskpart and show the list of volumes with the command list volume. Look at the number of the division, to which you have added a letter earlier, and remember it.

  10. Dial select volume#, de # - The number given to that.

  11. Vіdv'yazhit vіd nygo letter command remove letter=X, de X- Letter, previously tied to the attached disk. You work so that the wines do not show up in the system.

  12. Enter exit, close the command line, remove the accumulated files from the Windows installation files and restart the computer.

It’s possible that the reason for this failure is the accumulation of accumulators, for which the system is placed.