Hard drive noise. Gude zhorstky disk scho robiti. Reducing the noise from the winchester for help AAM

Hello friends! Cho robiti, yakscho to make noise (to make noise) hard drive ? If it didn’t blow earlier, but if it showed up at once, then it’s better to save important data at once, because it’s not a good sign. Then, carry out HDD diagnostics with a special program from the detector. I tell you how I tell you and I will show you. Well, it’s a trifle, but the noise was earlier, it’s just that you didn’t give respect to the new one, that’s fine. Meni, for example, when vgamuvannya, on the cob, it was not a very hard disk. Ale, after an hour, 2 fans were lost in the system (in and in the standard cooling system), and the sounds became clearer and began to play. How to change them can be seen in this article.

As we have already said in the article -, there was noise from the HDD two:

  • Type of wrapping of magnetic disks
  • Vіd blow to the block with heads on the intermediate course

Nothing can be done with the noise from the wrapping of disks. Hiba, just buy some. And the axis with blows to the block of heads, as if with a core of the main noise, can and should be fought. So the vibrations are blamed on the blow, and if you don’t drown them out, then the situation will worsen.

Here are some options for the accomplishment of our task

  1. Fix your hard disc in
  2. Vibration-damping HDD mounts in the case

The first option is vіdmіnno pіdіyde for those who have a hull with good, thick steel. Another option is to blame everyone. My opinion is with a cheap case hard drive on 4 pieces. It was necessary to tidy up the sanchat in some HDDs, creaking into the cat and making room for moving. Who has no space, so that a hard disk is attached to the body for additional bolts, you can try to put it vertically and move it in the same way. Deyakі pіdvіshuyut zhorstny disk under the drive for reading optical diskіv. There are more and better places there, but there is no colder there. Tom, I recommend pіdvіshuvati directly into the cat for hard drives.

Tobto the main task is not to give vibrations to the hard disk to reach. If you have chosen the first option, (hardly fasten the HDD to the case), then you will calculate the space for the resonance and glue it for an additional insulating line. I didn’t reach it myself, but read a lot and it turned out badly. Ring out the place of strengthening of the bichnyh krishok.

The third option, which is clearly reported, is the AAM

Automatic Acoustic Management whisker to reduce HDD noise

Automatic Acoustic Management - automatic keruvannya cumulative noise.

Krіm tsієї funktії vyrobniki zhorstnyh diskіv vykoristovuyut spetsіlnі depreciation pads, yakі effectively mitigate trіsk. Whom do not start and do not win everything. And if you don't win, you need to win AAM. This function controls the positioning of the block with heads. you can ask numerical value vіd 128 to 254. The greater the number of tim swidkіst more and more vibrating and, as a result, the noise.

Useful software for managing AAM. From the simplest I can make WinAAM. There you can set only two positions 128 or 254. Either quietly and correctly, or loudly and swiftly.

we speed up HDDScan software, Yaka allows you to set whether or not the value of 128 to 254 and at the same time you can fine-tune the noise level of your own.

You can download the program from the official site

run HDDScan.exe

Golovne vikno programs look like an offensive rank

The button in the center opens the main menu of the program. Command name Features> IDE Features (if you have a hard drive with SCSI interface - SCSI Features)

At the end of the day, we have a distribution of Automatic Acoustic Management. Here you can see the exact value of Current - 128 and recommendations - Recommended - 254. To recommend that you set it to maximum productivity.

You can set the required value by entering a number in the Current field, or by placing it behind the helper child. For the settings to take effect press Set.

All. Now you can choose whether the value is for optimal comfort and quietness.

On some hard disks Automatic Acoustic Management is not supported

So the very function of Advanced Power Management - allows you to save electricity for the cost of lowering the speed of the wrapping of the engine or re-spinning at the time of downtime. Come out, scho you can control the speed of the magnetic plates, if you want at the moment of downtime. Alece is not revered information. If someone її wins, write about the results, be kind. Everyone will be happy.


To reduce noise and crackling in the hard disk of the vibrators, special shock-absorbing pads should be installed. The stinks help tremendously, but you want more. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Don’t let the vibrating sound of the hard disk be re-stripped on, (and if the stench is taken there, no matter what, don’t let it enter into resonance)
  2. Victoryization Automatic Acoustic Management

Behind the observation of the first method, the efficiency is colossal. So you see that the zhorst disk is working in the pillow and crackling a little bit, it’s very hard to listen. Naturally, the greatest effect can be obtained by vicorous methods. In my mood for the sake of silence, I will sacrifice productivity out of satisfaction.

According to statistics, after about 6 years, you stop working on leather other HDD However, practice shows that after 2-3 years in the robotic hard disk, malfunctions may appear. One of the widest problems is the situation, if you accumulate a rattle or start to squeak. Navіt tse bulo was marked only once, after living in songful visits, yakі save in case of a possible waste of money.

A right Winchester is not guilty of any third-party sounds with robots. You can see some noise, which is guessing buzzing, if you are recording or reading information. For example, when files are downloaded, background robotic programs, updates, launching games, add-ons, etc.

As if a koristuvach guards sounds that are not powerful from a hard disk, it’s important to explain the reason for their blame.

Rechecking the hard drive

Quite often, when you run the diagnostic utility, the HDD may become a little clattering, as if you see attachments. It's not unsafe, shards with such a rank of accumulating can simply designate that as the name of the beat of the sector.

Even though there are no clatters and other sounds at the right time, the operating system is working stably and the speed of the HDD itself has not fallen, then there is no cause for concern.

Switching to power saving mode

If you have turned on the power saving mode, and when the system changes, you can hear the clatter of the hard disk, then this is normal. When enabled, the clatter will no longer be heard.

power outages

Electricity surges can also vibrate the clatter of a hard disk, and if problems are not detected at the right time, then everything is in order with accumulating. In case of a short laptop when the battery is working, different non-standard sounds of the HDD can also be blamed. If the clatter disappears when the laptop is connected, then the battery may be faulty, and then replace it with a new one.


Three different drives may cause overheating of the hard drive, and a sign of this will be different non-standard sounds, like wines. How to understand that the disk is overheating? It sounds when you want to, for example, at the beginning of the hour or until the recording on the HDD.

In this period, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the accumulator. You can use the help of HWMonitor software or AIDA64.

The last signs of overheating are the freezing of the program or the entire OS, the rapid exit to overheating or the external connection of the PC.

Let's take a look at the main causes of elevated HDD temperature and ways to fix it:

Poshkodennya servo marking

At the stage of compilation, servo marks are recorded on the HDD, which are necessary for synchronizing the wrapping of disks, the correct positioning of the heads. Servo marks represent a change, as they start in the center of the disk itself and are sorted out on the same surface one by one. From such marks, the skin takes its number, its place in the synchronized lancets and other information. It is necessary for a stable disk wrapping and precise targeting of its areas.

Servo markup - the totality of servo marks, and if it fails, then the HDD area cannot be read. Whenever you need to, you will need to take in information, and the whole process will be accompanied not only by trivial hiccups in the system, but by a loud knock. The head of the disk knocks into this direction, as if trying to turn back to the damaged servo mark.

It is more collapsible and serious breakdown with any HDD can be repaired, but not 100%. You can correct the mess with the key for the help of a servowriter, tobto low-level format. Unfortunately, for whom there are no programs that can be used to carry out the right “low level format". Whether such a utility is less likely to create the appearance of a low-level formatting. All on the right in the fact that the very formatting on a low level is carried out by a special tool (servowriter), which manages the servo markup. As you have already figured out, no program can perform the same function.

Deformation of the cable or incorrect socket

In some cases, the clatter may be the cable, through some kind of connection, the accumulator can be blamed. Reverse the physical integrity - do not kill the wines, as the plugs are hurt. It is still possible to replace the cable with a new one and turn it around like a robot.

Also, look around with roses at the presence of a saw and a smile. If possible, connect the hard drive cable to the next end on the motherboard.

Wrong hard drive position

For an hour, the wizard screams all the more in the wrong installation of the disk. Vіn is guilty of being firmly fixed with bolts and roztashovuvatisya exclusively horizontally. If you put an attachment under the hood, or it didn’t creak, then the head for an hour of work can chip and see the sounds at the clatter.

Before speech, like disks dekіlka, it is better for all kripiti їх on the vіdstanі one vіd one. Tse help them to cool down more quickly and to relieve them if sounds are possible.

physical breakdown

A hard disc is attached to the arch of a cry, and it’s afraid to be some kind of splashes on the square of the fall, blows, strong streaks, vibrations. Particularly worthy of vlasnikі v laptopіv - mobile computers due to the carelessness of the coristuvachi, more often than the stationary ones fall, bump, show great arms, shaking and other unfriendly minds. Once you can lead to a breakdown of the accumulator. Sound in such a way, the heads of the disks are breaking, and їх іх іх іх іх іх іх хіхі вівлення can vikonati fahivets.

Of course, the default HDD can also appear, the replacement of which is not guilty of any manipulations. To finish the particles of the saw, to eat in the middle, I will attach a pid drukarska head, so that I can call out a creak or other sounds.

You can attribute the problem to the nature of the sounds that are seen by the Winchester. Obviously, it does not replace the qualifications of an inspection and diagnostics, but we can also correct:

  • Poshkodzhennya HDD heads - you can see a sprat clatter, after some attachments start to work better. So, with singing periodicity, sounds can be blamed without interruption;
  • Faulty spindle - the disk starts to start, but in the bag the whole process is interrupted;
  • Bits of the sector - it is possible, on the disk there are unreadable plots (on the physical level, it is impossible to use software methods).

Why robiti, how clattering doesn’t dare to get stuck on your own

In a number of vipadkіv koristuvachs, they can’t but only clatter, but they can also diagnose their cause. Options, how to fix it, there are only two:

  1. Buying a new HDD. If the problematic hard drive is still working, then you can try cloning the system with the files recognized for the hard drive. In fact, you only replace your nose, and all your files and OS will work as before.

    Although there is still no such possibility, you can want to save the most important data on other storage devices: USB-flash, gloomy shovischa, Old HDD and in.

  2. Zvernennya to fakhіvtsya. Repairing physical damage to hard disks is expensive and does not sound like a sensation. Particularly, I'm talking about standard hard drives (installed in the PC at the time of purchase) or bought independently for small pennies.

    However, even if the information on the disk is more important, then fahivets will help you to "remote" and copy it to a new HDD. If the problem is clearly expressed, the clatter and other sounds are recommended to turn to professionals, as they can redeem data, vicorist software and hardware complexes. Self-supporting actions can only worsen the situation and lead to the loss of files and documents.

We have analyzed the main problems, because of which a hard disk can click. In practice, everything is more individual, and in your case, a non-standard problem may be blamed, for example, by jamming the engine.

Show off independently, what a clatter called out, maybe it’s not easy. Since you don’t have enough knowledge and knowledge, we’ll turn to fakhivtsiv for the sake of it, or come and install new zhorsky disk independently.

Formerly it wasn't noisy, but now it's not normal to make noise. A correctly working disk can see a slight even noise / whistle and parts are not much clatter during reading / recording (such a light uneven tornado, the magnetic heads are collapsing).

If you want to derenchit the disk, vibrating - it's really bad. Svidshe for everything, do not last long. Theoretically, the reason may be in the fact that the screws are badly fastened (and if you screw up at once with your disk for the disk, the walls of some (vids) lack of material, so that the disk can be lost for an hour of work). I've learned such a riddle. Alemeni foldably reveal, naskіlki krihkі, "cardboard" owe buti walls are reinforced, so it happened. For some reason, if in an artisanal way, they installed a 3-inch hard drive into a 5-inch drive (for which you can use a special fastening-adapter, such a 3-inch drive, which is inserted into the middle of a 5-inch one). In this way, bryazkіt yakraz іmovіrniy.

If it's not fixed on the right, it means (having seen all the super-exotic options, like traplyayutsya once in a million) the disk is faulty. Even if the wine is under warranty, remember yoga. If it’s obvious to derenches (not equally good, but to derenches itself), it’s an injustice, it’s your fault to remember. If a disk is not under warranty, then it is not possible to re-insurance on a new one. Zrobіt backup copy all the important information and get ready for the fact that you may die at some point. If I have a hard disk that started to get noisy, I immediately bought a new one, copied all the important information to the new one, and put the old disk in the closet (for a moment, I forgot to rewrite it as important information).

You can also change the state ("healthy") of the disk (the disk itself picks up this information for an hour of work, the technology is called S.M.A.R.T. or SMART). There, information was collected about the number of pardons per hour of disk work (a small number of pardons is absolutely normal). For the purpose of displaying this information, better for everything, you need special program. manually program I can't tell (if you know English, you can ask for hdd health check). However, be careful. If the disk is out of order, the disk operation is active for an hour of destroyed rechecking (not just showing statistics selected by SMART, but the disk itself is being tested) may show a little drop, as it will cause the disk to become sharply damaged.

If the disk just makes a little noise, then the noise is coming from the drive (engine) (or, maybe, bearings). To improve the fact that the disc wraps around 3 speeds under 10,000 revolutions in fluff, it’s completely cleared up, that the wine makes a little noise.

I have an old computer on my robot. Today, I feel like a vibration. That is, something messed up in the system block. Scattered systemically, then I looked in there, listening, it’s actually Buzzing, similar to vibration, buzzing a couple of times and farther away. But I can’t get it worse, but I have the inclusions of the Word and the hour of the robotic cooler, it’s much more jiggly, the sound is so similar to the sound. And vranci computer after being turned on and zavantazh for some reason revantazhiv mi independently. Tim more, I didn’t include anything on the new one. What can you do, want to know. Everything I type on the computer in Word I save to a USB flash drive. Ale tse after the end of the working day. And now I will definitely save everything on the flash drive after the winchester vibration. So like my working computer, it will soon be slammed for everything.


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Why crack hard drive

With a robotic computer (PC), it is often difficult to complain about the presence of third-party noises or a buzz. Noise in the greater vipadkіv vyklikanі robotic fans (coolerіv), and the axis of the trisk sees faster for all hard drive. Todi blame nutrition: why crack a hard disk? There can be some reasons, such as the inadequacy of the hard drive itself, so it is badly fixed, fixing the hard disk in the middle of the computer case, for which, as a result, third-party vibrations are created and the hard drive is repaired. True, for the sake of justice, it is necessary to show that a hard disk practically always sees a characteristic noise, and it is completely true, because the principle of the work of a hard drive is just right in the fact that every hour of reading information begins to turn around magnetic heads. This is especially true for older HDDs.

If the noise becomes annoying, because it wasn’t there before, and after an hour it appeared, then it might be a sign that the hard drive might soon get out of tune. Also, about those that the Winchester can be wrong, you can testify to the fact that with the appearance of noise, the computer is more false and more practicable, periodically freezes, you see different pardons, or you don’t want to get involved. That's why it's necessary to seriously think about rechecking the disk for pardons.

Below will be considered the main reasons why a hard disk makes noise.

The main reasons why a hard disk cracks

The first reason for the bad fixation in the corpus system unit winchester. There is only one way out - just open the system block and fix the hard drive. Ale is often impossible to break through a cheap case. In such a situation, one of the most wide-ranging options for the middle coristuvachiv is the installation of a winchester on the cable twists of the bet. Just to finish the sanchata, on which a zhorst disk was creaking.

Another reason why the hard drive makes noise on laptops and PCs is the specifics of the robot specific model accumulating. This is the normal mode of operation for the new one. True, if such a noise is very important, then you can go into the method of changing the speed of reducing the speed of the wrapping of the hard drive heads.
This is the function of hard disks, like automatic noise control - Automatic AcousticManagement (abbreviated as AAM). The essence of it lies in the fact that it is possible to reduce the speed of the wrapping of magnetic heads and, in this way, reduce noise. Ale, in such a state of mind, and a hard disk will be more readable. That's why the skin is coristuvach virishu specifically for yourself, what is more important for the new one is the presence of noise or high productivity.

Whose method is implemented differently software. There are so many programs on the Internet, it’s not easy to know. Also, you can simply enter a request to crack a hard disk to work and tear Poshukov system see anonymous information and articles, de guessing specific name program, through yaki it is possible to implement the AAM mechanism. Golovna essence everything software in the fact that there are two numbers 128 and 254. First - if only, the hard disk will work quietly, but more, and the other - it’s fast, but then you will see a lot of noise. You can try the most experimental way to find the optimal value for yourself.
The most safe reason is coming - the failure of the hard drive, or evidence of those that will soon need to be replaced or sent for repair.

What work, if the hard drive makes noise through an incompatibility?

If there is a noise of accumulating excuses for some injustice, then it is necessary to carry out a re-verification for the presence of pardons. How tse grow, mi rozpovidaemo in Russian lower.

It is recommended to make a backup copy of all data before rechecking. Better for such purposes come old zhorsky disk that connects to a PC or laptop via USB. You can rewrite the paper as if by staff operating system(OS) Windows XP / 7/8/10, and other software security:
1. Rechecking for additional staff tools of the operating system.
The Windows OS family has been transferred such a possibility, like rechecking the hard drive for the appearance of pardons and their automatic correction. Sip just see required disk for help right buttons mouse in context menu choose Power. Next, select the Service item and press the Revise button. Obovyazkovo put a "tick" in front of the items: "Automatically correct pardons" and "Change and update bad sectors." Bazhano, so that no processes and additions were launched on the PC at the same time, otherwise the system can see a pardon for those who cannot be re-verified, so Danish disc in present moment time to win with other additions and processes. As soon as pardons are revealed in the end of the review, it is necessary to carry out additional diagnostics using additional company utilities from the HDD recorder.
2. Revalidation for additional software security in the form of a sample allows you to conduct more expanded diagnostics and may have a number of additional tests. Such programs can also be found on the Internet or downloaded from the website of the Hard Disk Builder. If as a result of such a test problems will also be revealed, then it is possible to work the whisks, which is the reason for the hard noise of the hard drive.

It was determined exactly that the hard drive is wrong. variant diy

Later, as a result of the tests, it was determined: through the presence of pardons to make a hard disk make noise, what should be done in such a situation? There are two options here:
- if the term of the guarantee does not end, then send it to the service center for warranty repairs;
- if the warranty is over, also carry a computer service in the specialty, but if you happen to pay a penny for repairs.

Might be the best option - if the Winchester is in good condition and repair is not needed. In such a mood, it is necessary to collect pennies for a new hard drive. Why should you keep your mother backed up with a copy of important data, even if there is no insurance in such situations.

Well, I recently told you about those ways you can. Zokrema, in the article it was told about the program, how it is possible to manage coolers in your system block. Ale, coolers still piv bidi. At most coristuvachs, too much noise can be heard from the zhorst disk. More than that, deyaki hard disks the floorings are thick, which stink itself and become the main cause of the noise from the computer.

Ale, really, there is nothing terrible in it. Aja hard disk, it is also called a winchester, it is mechanically attached, in a way there are a sprinkling of disks that wrap around, damp, like making noise. Internal discs are similar to regular CDs, but the principle of operation is different for them.

Zavdyaki magnetic heads in the middle of the hard disk, information is read. Every hour of the process, the disks move and make noise. Some koristuvachs have hard disks to rattle, someone cracks and groans, like you. There is a lot of noise due to the hard disk model and the durability of the computer case. Since the case of the system unit is cheap, and even the walls are thin, then the noise from the hard drive will be transmitted throughout the case. Poorly fixed details will vibrate, creating even more noise.

In order to change the crackle, you can increase the footsteps:

  • Replace the old loud hard disk with a new one, knowing in advance about the new equal noise.
  • Speed ​​up the AAM settings to change the level of acoustic noise.
  • Review the soundproofing of the body. Maybe the problem itself is in a new one and after replacing it with a new one, the computer will be quieter.
  • Install the hard drive on special soundproofing gaskets, or install a soundproof case for the disk.
  • Defragment hard drive. But it’s not a fact that this procedure will help you. And as soon as the hard disk is carried out, it becomes quieter, then the noise will suddenly turn around again.
Upevneniy, all the points you know more or less know and understand, but the other. We'll talk about the new one in this article.

Changed hard drive crash for help AAM

If a hard disk has this function, how can we control its noise for additional internal AAM settings. (Automatic Acoustic Management). The principle of this setting is even simpler: the speed of moving the heads is reduced, so that a hard drive can be made quieter. Ale, such an axis setting reduces not only the noise, but also the speed of the hard drive as a whole.

Here it is necessary to choose what is more important for you - the speed of the robotic hard drive or the noise from the outside. Possibly, if you don’t remember the settings, the speed of the robot hard drive has fallen, but there will be no more crackling during the robot.

In order for you to be able to start improving the density of the hard disk, it is necessary to start the "WinAAM" program. The program is given more cost-free and download more quickly from the official site.

The program has a Russian interface and for robots, you do not need to install it. Run її directly from the archive and configure. When you open the program, you check out the options for choosing robots and programs.

You need to press the "continue" button. At the installation of the security, they didn’t lighten up, so the stench couldn’t get into the galasliva work hard disk.

If you run the program, then you will be told that in the first row it will be written "in given moment Noise control is inactive". You will need to select "Quiet / Standard (128)" to set the "quiet" AAM value. Regardless of those that the program can range in values ​​from 0 to 255, select the "Quiet / Voice" value itself. ", so that the intermediate options do not appear on the robot and the noise-damped hard disk. For the very reason, only one button is needed for you in the program, so as not to change the choice of values ​​for an effective robot program.

Once the value is set, the program will automatically close. It is necessary to start again and press the "continue" button, and then "revise".

If you work with the programs, you will play it all, in which case all the information about the chaotic movement of the heads that reads the hard disk, and you will feel how your hard disk will sound in a new way. Upevneniy, Winchester is more pratsyuvati more quietly. To equalize, you can press the "Voice (254)" button and feel, with some noise, the hard drive has worked to all levels.

By pressing on the button, you will turn everything standard settings i zhorstky disk prodovzhiti pratsyuvati z tієyu f shvidkіstyu.

yakscho given program If you don't know your hard drive, I recommend that you try "HD Tune" the same way.

Vlasne, that's all. Now you can independently control the noise level of your hard drive. If the Winchester robot is accompanied by a trill and a different kind of clatter, then in a general language order I recommend victoring whether it be with the programs, so that the sound of the hard disk is quieter, so that the noise is important to you. Diakuёmo, scho vie with us!