Let's allow annoying captcha on Vkontakte. How to do it: CAPTCHA Which browser has the easiest way to pass captcha

  • manual evil CAPTCHA (the hacker learns the specific implementation of the captcha and picks ways to evil);
  • a selection of special programs (robots), for the help of which, massive automated attacks are organized on a sporadic site at once (as a rule, they are split on one platform or may have the same captchas, to which the “keys” of hackers could be given away);
  • exploitation of right people.

Malicious motives in case of evil captcha can be different, starting from a banal zadrost and revenge, ending the expansion of spam and control over the user resource for additional SQL injection and other mechanisms.

As a rule, all mass bypass captchas are repaired manually. It is necessary to call for the intention, or for scientific interest, and such attacks are aimed at specific CAPTCHA implementations.

And then let's put ourselves on the pot, tobto. are automatically organized from zastosuvannyam program-robots (bots).

Well, in vipadkah, if the captcha is not programmatically logged out, the CAPTCHA is entered manually from the checkpoints of real people, as if to force the given data to the attacker or to execute the captcha in the real-time mode of the API.

Later, with the tools and motives of the hackers, they got it. Let's take a look at the most wide-ranging ways to bypass captchas, sorting them into two groups: those, which can be used to forgive programmers when implementing CAPTCHA, and those, for which modern technologies are used.

Let's put it in order, and I will try to arrange them in order to increase the complexity of the defense against them, starting from the most primitive and ending with them, for which they have not yet seen the ways of the attack.

For the creation of intrigue, I will say what is on Naraziіsnuє qіlih three.

Bypass captcha through implementation pardons

If you ask the creators of your sales CAPTCHA about how to bypass the captcha, stink to name you at least a few methods. Ale, naytsіkavіshe, that the stinks themselves often deprive their creations of the window that door for their evil one.

It is mostly due to the fault of the human factor, and more precisely, to the obvious disrespect in the case of the development and lack of confidence in testing the security of captchas.

Ale, sometimes it’s misplaced and inaccurate, through the hack about how to bypass the captcha, the programmer simply didn’t see it at the time of the release.

As I declared, I will look at the widest ones, and also ways to defend them. I remember, as it was said, from the very primitive.

Bypass captcha with a fixed set date

At the dawn of captcha vindication, how to fight against bots, self-written captchas were even more popular, because. everyone wanted to try new technology, and as a result of the captcha, everyone who did not molt was guessing.

At times, when implementing self-written captchas, when implementing such captchas, the retailers failed to fool around with a large database of images, supplying or otherwise, for a purposeful automatic attack on a site with such a CAPTCHA, it is only necessary to recognize the captcha in manual mode.

Tobto. we go to such a site, select the correct answers, store the database from the data and write the correct solutions and write a bot for brute force attacks, which will select the appropriate options.

Ale, fortunately, such situations in the world of wisdom are a lot of things to go into, tk. Cybersecurity has since reached a solid level, and no one is involved in the creation of such primitives.

And if so people and є, then they stink very quickly at their pardons, if they gain control over their site of chi clients, who through such vitvor zlamuvali.

Zahist: do not create captchas with a set of tasks, solutions for which you can choose manually. For example, to complete the captcha, it is necessary to complete the math, or enter the symbols from the picture, which will be automatically generated for them.

Another way to protect a similar captcha entry automatically is to change the name of the form field, so that the entry can be entered. For example, for example, if you have a captcha, it will be easier for an evildoer to do such a captcha. Yogo robot-program will be less nadsilaty to the server script specified in HTML attribute"action" form, scho to avenge the necessary value of the captcha.

If in this situation the captcha fields will be permanently the same, then the hacker will simply use the base of the most extensive names of the captcha fields, you can put it together on your own when cultivating different sites, or take advantage of the ready-made look at the specialization of non-hacking resources (to propagate) .

As well as the name of the field, as the very task for passing the captcha is generated on the server, then the same database of captcha names cannot be helped. In order to highlight the dynamic name of the field, in practice, captcha is generated by one script, and processed by another.

At the time of implementation of captcha, there is one aspect: the script, processing the correctness of the input, it is necessary to pass the captcha fields to them. It's best to fight for the help of the attached input form, data-attributes or transfer them through cookies or the session.

The key point is that it is not possible to transfer the name without intermediary, so the captcha field is called captcha_mysite, and in the hidden field the value is captcha_mysite or site. It is obov'yazkovo can be encrypted, moreover, decryption can be obtained from the same algorithm that is encrypted.

If the encryption algorithm will be stored on the server, then the attacker cannot simply recognize it (only if the vin does not deny access to the server script).

By the way, it's enough to replace the field name with a victorious sequence of characters, which in PHP can easily be replaced by the helper function uniqid ().

Bypass captcha for help session

If the implementation of the captcha fails to save the correct password in the session, and the session is not created again after the skin captcha is entered, then the attackers can recognize the session identifier and the encrypted CAPTCHA value.

With this rank of stench, it is possible to easily adopt the encryption algorithm and hack yoga for distant automated brute-force attacks for help bots.

So, as the code of reverification of the reverberation of the coristuvach on the server, the programmer does not reverify on an empty change session, in which the reverberation of the coristuvach is transmitted, then the hacker can revalidate the unknown session identifier, for simply not changing

For the account of this omission, similar captchas can be passed for additional help of unknown id sessions and empty captcha values.

Zahist: Because I didn’t want to go through the session to transfer the captcha values, the price is too high for the security of the captcha for the evils. Therefore, the sessions, the meaning of their sizable and identifiers, are simply required to be seriously protected, so that the hacker cannot quickly grasp the information that is stored in them.

So varto robiti all banal, but also necessary re-verifications of changes to the basis of that empty meaning.

Evil captcha through secret information in the client code

Some captchas can be broken in such a way that when transferring the value of the password to the server, it is encrypted with the victories of the so-called “salt”, tobto. adding to the session CAPTCHA ID value, IP value and other unique data. Quite often, this can be a simple vipadical sequence of symbols.

І the main intellectual solution of captcha є zbіg of the encrypted CAPTCHA value entered by the correspondent, with її correct values, as it was generated at the hour of the response of the side that was recorded in the session, or else a file for further transmission to the server.

Zbіg danih znachenie bude s great ymovіrnіstyu talk about those, scho koristuvach - real people, yak introduced captcha, generated for an hour session zv'yazyka, for example, some vin її virishiv і z the very computer, on which vin previously ran the captcha.

How are you? unique values If you don’t zbіgatimutsya, then, better for everything, the captcha was entered automatically by the robot.

This mechanism for protecting the site from robotic thought is good, but sometimes secretly generated values ​​are in the HTML code of the side, the stars of them can be easily entered. Also, you can automatically read them after the help program and automatically enter them when passing the captcha.

Zahist: when implementing the CAPTCHA, it is necessary to independently repair the security breach, so in order to solve the captcha, it will be necessary to secure the value of any unique identifier, then the next step, so that the riddle cannot be found in the HTML-JS code, I look into it.

It is also necessary to change the session ID and generate other unique values ​​(including the CAPTCHA itself, if possible) after a skin probe of the captcha entry, which will save you or make it easier for hackers on the evil site to automatically select the correct value.

One more zasіb zakhistu - if possible, blocking dії by IP and the number of samples.

How to bypass captcha without changing IP

Brute force attack in an efficient way bypassing the captcha in the implementation types with a fixed set of task and yogo solution.

Another pardon in the implementation of CAPTCHA, how to rob її strife for automated attacks, it is necessary to set an hour for the completion of captcha and the number of samples.

You can bypass the captcha this time for help special programs, how to choose the base of nutrition, or choose the basis of the obvious translation. Moreover, everything will be crushed in automatic mode modern methods machine learning and direction in the region piece intelligence, like for the rest of the rocks they crushed the great rock in advance.

Zahist: when implementing in a safe way captcha, it is necessary to limit the hour for the verification of that number of attempts to solve the captcha from one IP to block brute force attacks of robots.

For example, if less than 2 seconds have passed between the generation of captcha and the appearance of a koristuvach, then put such a koristuvach by a robot from a viable notification on the screen. The text of the reminder is guilty of revenge on the real koristuvachs, that the introduction is not guilty of vikonuvatysya so quickly (on the surface, as a person physically could introduce the vіdpovіd shvidshe).

As if the person was right, then out alive in the next visits, and if the robot is to continue working and try to bypass the captcha.

So try the next steps to avoid incorrect fixation of their number in a changed session and blocking distant diy for koristuvachіv for їх IP. Do not enter the same address for such blocking, see the captcha information, contact the administrator at the drop, as if blocking the coristuvach was a real person.

Another effective way to fight against bots is to enforce restrictions on songs on the site. For example, one registration from one IP. Here it’s a smut — don’t get carried away and don’t reach the limit on the number of comments for one unique koristuvach.

Ale, it seems true, come in a little to help the proxy servers.

Bypass captcha for help proxy

In situations where blocking a large number of captcha attempts by IP still occurs, 100% protection from robots is not safe.

To all the fault of the proxy server and the anonymizer programs that work on their bases, about how it is known, maybe, to the skin modern schoolboy, what are the ways to bypass Batkiv control that blocking of fenced sites.

Anonymizers allow you to add computer data when you are coring a site, including the IP address, for which client you can calculate and block.

The scheme is simple: you connect to a proxy server, then your data is encrypted or it can be sent by others (for example, you can be assigned an IP address in another country), and then you will be asked to the target site, until the client connects.

In this manner, the attacker will easily bypass all your IP blocking and will choose the correct captcha solution for you, you need the password.

And on some sites, de captcha appears less when there is a large number of the same number of new IPs (for example, on VK when a large number of friends are added), it may not show up, as the skin will be zdijsnyuvatisya from the new IP captcha solution, so the behavior of the bot was similar to the behavior of a real person.

Denmark's way of victorious was still the same when writing the first programs with the method of passing the Turing test, the implementation of a CAPTCHA.

Described by the principles, before speech, all the different programs for automatic entry captcha. To change the IP address of the connection to the site, the stench is free of charge and the commercial base of the proxy servers, as for the availability of the Internet, the distance is not important.

Zahist: Unfortunately, it’s a pity to defend yourself against malicious captchas, viz. mischief-makers by IP, the visibility of anonymizers and the recognition of PROXY bases, you can’t get into it.

The only hope is that the PROXY servers themselves can introduce an exchange for a number of vicorous IPs with one such number of dermal connections.

That's why it's not a good idea to check IP rechecks. Zavdyaki your zabіzhnym visits, scho steal bypassing the captcha, you can block the hacker early on that chi else equal.

And the best way to use this situation will be to overcome this method of defending the evil captcha in another way, which will help to defeat the hacker in a different way.

Entering captcha automatically for help emulator

As for passing the CAPTCHA, you need to generate a song (clicking on the button, moving the toggle, etc.), then bypassing the captcha in this situation can be done by simulating the necessary task (clicking on the key element of the key to another action).

The only problem, as you can face a hacker in this situation, is how to know the required control element on the site programmatically.

The easiest thing to do is to search for yogo coordinates or the positions of how to get static elements of the resource.

Zahist: To prevent automatic captcha entry into this tab, it is necessary to permanently change the position of the control element, which allows the CAPTCHA to be entered. Tobto. For example, from three people, it is necessary to choose only the one who has a hand, which at the same time cannot be placed permanently in that very place.

Well, for other implementations of captchas, if it is not possible (for example, for the download button or the "I'm not a robot" field, for which there may be only one correct captcha), it is necessary to win other methods of captcha, as they can download robots in the form of automatic captcha solving .

How to bypass the captcha for the help of high technologies

Weak areas of CAPTCHA implementation, which are safe to use in practice, are most often seen. However, in practice, it is not possible to create the most successful captchas for an hour to protect a resource that is victorious in the face of hacker attacks.

The given vipadki zlamuvannya captcha is a direct result of the daily progress and equal development. computer technology yakі, yak vіdomo, do not always win victorious in good purposes.

Otzhe, how to hide captcha for the help of modern technologies?

Bypass captcha for help OCR

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) optical recognition Symbols) is a technology for recognizing a handwritten or typewritten text for a low-key text in electronic format. The best known software that implements this technology is Adobe FineReader.

It is successful to win when creating programs for automatic captcha entry, which successfully recognize and solve graphic captchas, for the passage of which it is necessary to enter a sequence of symbols, images on the little one.

Hackers, obviously don’t use Adobe FineReader (if you want, maybe, and є 🙂), but write special scripts, like using different ready-made libraries for robots from images, or because of the possibilities of moving for robots with graphics, recognizing the captcha and seeing, pictured by newcomer.

On the Internet, I know enough examples of such scripts. principle

  • cleaning of the image, which is featured in graphic CAPTCHAs, due to various noises;
  • splitting the image row on the edge of the symbol;
  • skin repair from them from a prepared picture (image).

The graphic characters were prepared with the improvement of different fonts and possible creations (sick, turn too thin).

As you already guessed, it’s better to put together a base of images of symbols in different variations, with which we will then compare the symbols of captcha.

Zahist: Vlasne kazhuchi, with the method of tampering with OCR programs and zastosovuvaetsya drіvlіvі vіdіvі vіdnі vіd vіdnіvі vіd simvolіv іn kartinіv, through yakі text іnоdі smoothly rіzіbrati navіt people. Ale, at times the robots are doing a good job, as a result of which OCR algorithms cannot see a 100% accurate result, which positively contributes to the security of captchas and sites that win.

As you have written the graphic captchas, for the passage of these it is necessary to enter the symbols depicted in the picture, it is necessary to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Symbols of different CAPTCHAs are due to different coordinates.
  2. As well as victorious effect to noise for the creation of the background, this color is to blame for the color of the symbols, otherwise the background can be easily cleaned up, having seen the symbols for recognition.
  3. Vіdstan mіzh symbols can be minimal. You can put them one on one, but without fanaticism, so that real coristuvachi could recognize them.
  4. Vykoristovuvaty different fonts, so that it was easy to choose the best for the recognition.
  5. To create symbols in every possible way, to change their image and tovshchina.
  6. Vykoristovuvat special libraries, which allow you to change the characters in such a way that it would be impossible to change the font for the current software recognition. The butt of such a solution is the captcha of the author to the captcha.ru resource, when generating such a win, the author's algorithm of weakly similar creation of symbols is generated.

All visits allow you to simplify the recognition of graphic captcha for OCR systems and the speed of automatic captcha input.

How to pass captcha for help of neural networks

Although OCR is an old technology (the first patented attachments were built on the cob of the XX century), then piece neural networks (INS) appeared only in the other half of the century before (for technologies of 50 years - ce suttviy vіk 🙂).

The very algorithms of INS lie at the basis of piece intelligence (II), the method of which is the creation of software and attachments, endowed with creative functions, tobto. creation of man-made people.

At the present time, it is constantly developing, and every day there are new wines and wines, which will not be able to beat earlier authorities.

At the rest of the conference, dedicated to neural networks, for the first time, it was mentioned that Google is actively engaged in development in Denmark, already announced globally available bad services, which is practiced on the basis of INS.

With help, you can:

  • recognize the objects in the photographs (according to the article of the person depicted and the brand of її jeans, before that, the picture should be analyzed, with the use of the color palette, I will name the location of the one that is on it);
  • keruvati with voice and gestures;
  • write instructions to the video on the basis of what is indicated in the video clip and in.

Naturally, due to the given possibilities of creating programs for the automatic introduction of captchas from the principles of INS, it does not become complicated for knowledgeable people.

One of these products was released by Vicarious in 2014. The first neural network was broken down to solve captcha in 90% of cases (I guess that for the classic Tyuring test, it is necessary for CAPTCHA, only 1% of the correct answers are needed).

Zahist: Unfortunately, it is impossible to defend yourself against any type of attack. And fortunately, INS like Vicarious is not vikoristovuvatime for targeted attacks to bypass captcha on sites, because. it's too expensive for such rubbish zavdans (the pickers themselves seem to be a cluster of anonymous servers). The main її sphere of zastosuvannya - tse virіshennya rіznіh heads of medicine and robotics.

And the evil captcha z її to help is only a demonstration of ability.

Ale hour ide, expensive technologii vchora cheapen, and not far off that hour, if ІНС products are widened. To that it is quite possible that in the future there will be bots for the automatic introduction of captchas, endowed with a piece of intelligence.

Bypassing captcha for help of the most accessible services

In the world of development of OCR systems, and the second, more complicated graphic captchas became more and more foldable, which allowed these retailers to report colossal zusil in the implementation. Ale, however, the stench was seen as marnimi, tk. stench did not protect 100% of sites from automated attacks.

So Google, as I say, will do my best to find the new noCAPTCHA standard by manually entering symbols from images.

When reCAPTCHA noCAPTCHA was developed, it was possible to fight against robots in the era of the birth of captcha and modern practice in the field of piece intelligence, which allows you to secure the necessary level of security for the site, but not to complicate the life of the corist.

Ale, no matter what Danish standard having appeared recently, in 2015, a method has already been found for automatic dismissal. I win polygaє not in zastosuvanni piece intelligence.

Everything is more banal - to pass Google reCAPTCHA, it is enough to win Google's own service for recognizing images and movies.

Recognition of images in reCAPTCHA v2 (that noCAPTCHA itself) is hardly more helpful, because when graphical tasks, it is necessary to select an image, on any necessary objects, and not to enter images of symbols, as it was done in the previous version.

And the axis of service Google service Speech Recognition, which is one of the reach of Google in the field of piece intelligence, was guessed in the forward way of bypassing the captcha, to be more similar. Since the service is based on the API, then creating an addendum on the basis of yoga is not difficult.

Zahist: Unfortunately, in this situation, like in the previous one, INS was victorious to bypass the captcha, you can’t get away with bypassing the captcha. The only positive moment is the availability of the relevant services, because Google gives you less than $300 tests.

After their completion, the services become paid. Prote, for hackers, it’s unlikely that you will be a pervert, because on attacks that automatically enter captchas, the stink can be earned even more.

So, in times of victorious services of recognizing the movement, that image for the evil captcha hope is left only for the purpose of the administration, as you can block the oblique record, so that it can be shown that the victors are victorious all the time in the descriptions.

How to pass the captcha, vikoristuuuchi human praccia

At the end of the list of ways to bypass the captcha, I have looked at up to one of the other categories that have been resurrected.

It is not based on the victorious quirks of CAPTCHA implementations and on the stagnation of modern technologies, but is based on the natural human resource to earn money.

I at the same hour Danish way helps to break the captcha, whether it be foldable in 100% of the cases and, before that, to grow without special financial, physical and moral forces.

Go about one modern ways a kind of pennies - , which appears, to speech, approximately the same, if CAPTCHA has become programmatically, it can be easily recognized.

Yoga is the essence of what is created special service, which nibito allows people to earn pennies (importantly small, which can be hacked by Hindus and schoolchildren, as if they were joking about ways to get pennies), virishuyuchi manually captcha.

And you can apply these captchas if you need those solutions.

Basically, hackers, like vicorists, are victorious for real coristuvachiv in their coy purposes:

  • automation of earnings;
  • spreading spam;
  • buying tickets and goods in online stores for more expensive resale;
  • website hacking, etc.

For a successful process, you can use the services to open the API, so that you can complete the captcha in online mode. Tobto. koristuvach enter captcha through the service, and at the same time yogo will be victorious to confirm the online purchase.

A lot of smarts at the galusian programming, before speech, they can win over human practice absolutely without cost. For example, this is how the masters of porn sites, file exchanges, torrents and other summnіvnyh resources earn money for bread, as if they give free services.

Stink, nibito bezkoshtovno, give valuable content to coristuvachas, vimagayuchi dribnitsy in front of us - confirm that you are a human being, and not a robot, for the help of which the evildoers are corrupted by their products for their own purposes.

Obviously, we don’t think for a long time, because otrimat the possibility of downloading pre-reading movies in HD quality absolutely free of charge for putting a tick in the box "I'm not a robot" - dribnitsa. And at the same time, your activity with the API is challenged to bypass captcha on another third-party site.

Zvіdsi moral: always remember what catless sire Only in Misholovtsi and nothing without a cost.

Zahist: sorry, today effective method bypassing the captcha, for which there is no way to get a defense. And if you don’t want to, the docks won’t be transferred, you want to earn a penny with hard labor, and those who like free content, that’s better for everything - nicoli.

Bypass captcha - visnovki

In the course of writing these articles, I have a vision, that the captcha, without respect for the original idea, has been conceived, and the defense of the sites itself has long ceased to victorious over its functions.

Even though automated captcha bypasses, like victorious weak CAPTCHA implementations, you can save yourself, having sunk all the problems with their safety, then it’s simply impossible to protect yourself after introducing captchas with real captchas for a penny.

In all situations, only those who pay ridiculous pennies for a similar robot and few people are good enough for it, the scale of cyberattacks due to automatic introduction of captcha is not as catastrophic as it could be.

Also, to the "impossible" ways to bypass the captcha, one can see the technologies of piece intelligence, which are actively developed in the rest of the years.

With this, in order to make life easier for hackers, the captchas are constantly “disturbed” by the new functionality, through some kind of passage, we will fold that stubborn tasks to create for real, hard-working sites.

Guess the same Google reCAPTCHA: by checking the box, as Google didn’t deserve it, choose the right pictures (with road signs, before speech, I have problems, so I can pass the same task here in 5 tries). Chi is not a lot of nonsense in order to leave comments or register on the site? It's easier to know another resource.

Ale, don’t hesitate to come to the other side, captcha for the moment cannot be called an insane way to defend the robots, for which there is a lot of criticism and suggestion of alternatives.

At the same time, the fact that CAPTCHA continues to be victorious as a technology for cyber defense and is constantly developing, including Google, as it will not invest pennies in suspicious projects, talk about those that given technologyіsnuvatime yet more.

That's why, when developing and maintaining the essential sites that hack the captcha, it is necessary to actively hack the recommended recommendations in order to make life as easy as possible for hackers for their malicious software.

And do not forget to share your mirkuvannyami shdo basic methods bypassing the captcha and entering the zahistu in them in the comments under the article 🙂

P.S.: If you need a website, or you need to make an editorial on the essential, but for which there is no time for that, I can request my services.

Ponad 5 rokiv dosvidu professional website development Robot PHP, opencart, WordPress, Laravel, Yii, MySQL, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, React, Angular and other technologies of web development.

Dosvіd razrobki projects іv razny ryvnya: landing pages, corporate websites, Internet shops, CRM, portals. Including pіdtrimka and rozrobka HighLoad projects. Submit your applications by email [email protected].

CAPTCHA: people vs computers

On some websites, you could remember that you can’t continue to win the spell, but you can’t guess the typing of unintelligent letters that image. After that, yak vee respectfully look at yakіs flimsy lines, decipher the written words and enter the correct phrase (words and numbers) in an empty field, then you can continue your information on the site. The process of assigning in order for the site to instantly change, what is really you - man, I'm looking over the site.

Such a test is called CAPTCHA(Completely Automated Public Turing Test for Tell Humans and Computers Apart), and wins all over the Internet. The Ticketmaster website for selling tickets is a miracle example of a CAPTCHA: without such a test, a “robot” could potentially buy millions of tickets for a given concert, and then resell them for a higher price.

Insanely, we could unravel the inadvertently written combination of letters and numbers quickly, if we want to be robbed, the trochs are strained. I will require an additional hour. So, if you need to pass the CAPTCHA test, you will spend approximately 10 seconds of your life. Axis why CAPTCHA requested ruin your reputation among the Internet-koristuvachіv, regardless of those who were created by themselves for the safety of our safety.

CAPTCHA respects cyber-malicious people

Louis Von Ahn, one of the creators of CAPTCHA, continues to develop this test within Google, its new retailer. This project was reCAPTCHA's recaptcha extension, an extension of the Captcha test, which takes words from the scanned sides of old books (those words are easier for a computer to understand). Protecting our security, the project helps at once. digitize texts, annotations to images, that will be a set of data for machine learning"... now I want 10 precious seconds to win for something more.

It's great that we help to digitize books, but if you can find about Internet security, but How effective is CAPTCHA?

You can easily bypass Google CAPTCHA

A trio of graduates from Columbia University (New York) brought, how easy it is to bypass the CAPTCHA. Similar programs make it easy for hackers to program bots for automatic and mass collection of email addresses, so that they can be hacked for spam campaigns. ale stench is absolutely nadіynimi. These processes can be automated, and computers can pass reCAPTCHA tests as efficiently as you.

Instructions for the correct recognition of captchas on the website service

ReCaptcha V2 New
Even more popular in the rest of the hour, it is 9 mini-pictures, from which it is necessary to choose 2-4 tasks of the picture. Like the little ones, it is necessary to choose to indicate either a clear picture or a text. When submitting this captcha, you need to enter the numbers of the pictures, so you need to choose. Numbers are entered without gaps, without lumps. Since there are no numbers on the pictures themselves, the stench is vvazhayutsya levoruch, beast down. axis like this:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

captcha correct
13 right-handed image srazok, cabbage. In the pictures under the numbers 1 and 3 mi bachimo cabbage. At the captcha, we write 13
58 On the right is a plate of spaghetti. These pictures show pictures numbered 5 and 8. Picture number 3 shows the same macaroni, ale ravioli, not spaghetti.
239 It’s dumb, only the text, on which it is written, like the little ones you need to choose. The pictures themselves are not numbered, so you need to read more instructions, so that you can understand which picture shows the correct number
45 You can think about it, what is the correct answer 47. And on the 7th picture, it’s not a kazіvnik, but just a swipe. Only the 4th picture is left. Ale may have at least 2 relevant images. We are surprised by the respect and Bachimo on the 5th image showing the photographs taken from the reverse side. correct answer 45
456 Instruction only for English, but a picture is given that explains what it is necessary to choose road signs.
18 On the pointed eye - eggs. The stench is in pictures 1 and 8, even if the stench is already cleared and cut. Correct answer - 18
25 On the pointed eye - a pie. There are 2 and 5 bachimo pies in the pictures and 25.
12 The webmaster, who added the captcha, numbered the images according to his principle. For each butt, it is worthy of yogo numbering and it is necessary to choose 1 and 2 images
356 This webmaster numbers the pictures in the correct order, and then starts the numbering not from one, but from zero.

ReCaptcha v2 with road signs and streets

Particular respect is given to captchas, on which road signs are depicted that the streets of Vkazivniki are located. Vkazivnik street is not a road sign.

captcha correct
1239 Street name = Vkazivniki street
The streets were always written on green aphids in one row. There are 7 road signs on the picture.
1348 Everything is simple here

Street signs = road signs

Everything is simple on this captcha

278 On the image #7, the pointer is not on the stovpі, as a signpost, but on the guide. Prote tse road indicator.
36 The sign of the bus bell is also a road sign
1248 Be respectful, on this captcha ask us to indicate the vkazivniki street.
2479 On the image No. 1 is a foreigner, but not the name of the street.
1236 In the image No. 5, it’s a foreigner, but not the name of the street. On the image No. 2, the name of the street is not visible, but you can guess what it is there.

In this captcha, standard small phrases of the English language are used, which help them to enter English.

captcha correct
video tape simple captcha, enter without problems
what if? Zvernіt respect - rozdіlovі signs tezh it is necessary to enter
When, where? І to whom and the food sign is necessary to be indicated by the

I like people In the word LIKE, I pershu the letter colloquially rose, but it’s easy to marvel at the whole phrase as a whole, it’s easy to understand what the letter is there.
I like people - I love people

roof top You might think that the first letter in this captcha is P and two sticks just stuck to it. But the word POOFTOP is not used, but ROOFTOP means that it is installed on the dash. Adje, few people know all these words, it’s easy to have mercy.

persha post! The first letter is attached, but marveling at the word as a whole, you can guess what FIRST is written there
Ale, some people trap like this, as if they didn’t understand. At such a time, it is necessary to press "I can not answer"

See more captcha

captcha correct

I love you, love friends! All active social media workers are vicorists, some of them are for the search for information, otherwise they are called to vicorists for maidanchiks. for earnings. However, regardless of that, as many people follow us, going into the socialist area, we all have to deal with such an unacceptable rhyme, like a captcha. Wait a minute, sometimes you type the symbols on the flooring, you need to work, if you want to throw everything away, just close the browser. Today we'll talk about those, how to clean up the captcha and spare yourself an hour to decipher the codes if necessary.

Captcha: what's up?

Otzhe, captcha- nothing else, like a special picture, to avenge the conversion code for the identification of the one who is trying to instigate a song in the merezhі - a human or a robot. It is most common to decipher the code at the entrances, if you need a bagatarase, one of the same and the same for the service. For example, search systems on Yandex or Google kshtalt regularly tell us to decrypt the captcha, if we set them to the power itself. It is not possible to name the captcha as a 'red guest' and among the scripts: parser, clicker, poster only.

Headache captcha - Zabіgannya automatic diї robotіv. To see the robots, the servants to tell the koristuvachas to guess the code, to encrypt the ornate little one. Going in with the method of building is less real coristuvachi, boots, unfortunately, you can’t shy away. The very same with the use of scripts, captcha becomes a problem, as it does not allow interaction with the great obligation of data. However, do not get angry and give up. Be it a problem, it can be solved, that introduction of captcha is not blaming.

Why blame captcha?

As you can see, in order to get rid of ailments, it is necessary to know the reason for your guilt. This rule is practicable and at the same time with a captcha: in order to get the vicon from the encrypted code, what to merge, we need to understand, why the system is so intently trying to turn us into “humanity”.

The whole story is with the one who however, dії, scho vykonuyutsya one by one, crying out at sites pіdozri. That stink to pragnut vіdsіyati among them і, scho vykonuyutsya robots.

For example, your attempt to inform your friends about how to avenge that very information is regarded by the social network as spam. To the very same, in contact with us, vikonati rozpіzvannya kapcha and confirm that tsya diya was vikonan by a living person. Just to remind you not to get stuck, the system can temporarily block your face record.

To be able to stick together with merging winds and in quiet depressions, if the system is out of control of the social media, it’s overturned, it’s victorious, it’s like a fence, or it’s slipping vlasnoy side. In this way, you can find out about special softini, which can automatically boost likes, request a request from a friend, and so on. Such programs are known and popular sobot , yakі actively vikorivuyutsya for the creation of popular spіlnot and publica. Just show yourself, becoming like a bi-smithnik on VKontakte, yakby not seeing evil, advertising and spamming!

Spin the pages and public VK for help Brobot

Please clean up the captcha

I hope that most of you at the same time seriously scammed them, how to bypass the captcha in contact. Unfortunately it is impossible to ignore the entered code for today. Technologies that support the service for additional decryption of a set of characters, є obov'yazkovym security entry. social measures You can't prihovat or just tidy up.

Everything you can do in order to speed up the frequency of messages with an intrusive code, to give the contact maximum information about yourself by filling in the required fields in the questionnaire of the koristuvach. How "human" will be your side, then you should be able to recognize the captcha. Podbayte about those, shchob your storіnka at the social merezhі was tied to email up to the real mobile number.

VK profile customization

In order to protect yourself from the possible evil side of VKontakte, I recommend that you see the tab “ Bezpeka”, as to be known in the distribution “ My customization". Here you can turn on the strongest and most powerful system of defense, you can see the SMS codes for confirmation that you should come to your orders mobile phone. Moreover, I want to bring your respect to the field. Activity history».

At a glance, if your physical record leans in the hands of the shakhraiv, then you know about it, having misinterpreted " Activity history". If you find third-party IPs and browsers in the list, which you have not shown in any way, it means that your public record is a scam and, as a whole, a scam for spam. To rectify the situation, you are told " End all sessions» cream of the current, in which you know, and then change password access to your profile.

Well, before that, how to clean up the captcha zovsіm, then here you will not be left with anything else, like solving the encryptions, type the symbol i and enter yoga in a special field, roztashovane entrusted with a picture. Wait, we are far from being able to recognize captcha in real time. It is especially problematic in vipadkas, if we run the script and win the robot with great commitments. As soon as search systems remember the numbers, we will soon sort out the captchas, which will come up again and again.

This problem is even closer to webmasters and teams who are actively working with posters, spammers and other automated programs. In order to get rid of the annoying codes, which make your robots respect you, you can hurry up for the help of the captcha recognition service.

Popular services for automatic captcha recognition

Today, on the Internet, you can find anonymous sites, like to show your services from the introduction of captcha for pennies. One of the most popular in the Runet segment are rucaptcha and anti-captcha services. I will describe in more detail the description of the skins of them:

  1. anti-captcha - someone knows the site like an anti-gate captcha. The service is stably running for 10 years. Here you have to pay for automatic captcha entry in dollars. The skin of a thousand guessed codes will cost you 40 cents. About those, how to practice with this site, you know a lot of it
  2. encaptcha popular service captcha decoding is carried out manually. With this help, you can secure automatic captcha entry on your projects. In order to generate, you need a special key, which you need through the service to real people who work on the site, for further recognition. The cost of such a service is less than 40 rubles for a thousand skin pictures. The principle of the work of the service is simple: real people register on the site and take care of themselves. In order to get to the site all new and new requests to decipher the codes, and the helpers of the Internet will decipher them and charge for the price of a penny wine city.

Vykorist top anti-captcha service

Deciphering captchas with anti-captcha.com: service manual

So once and for all, indulge yourself in the sight of creepy splicing pictures with encrypted characters, just hurry up with the oncoming robot instructions with the anti-captcha service:

  • Register on site
  • Refill the balance of your account. For 2-3 days of active and profitable work, you will have enough 5 dollars
  • Save generations for you key and copy yogo into your services for parsing and wrapping
  • If the amount on your balance is close to the “zero” mark, I will refill my account again

Can't you get by with some keys to bypass the captcha?

A lot of hard-coded programs are naively aware that it is not necessary for them to use services for recognizing captchas. Tim is no less, he uses a number of programs, the operation of which will simply be impossible without recognizing captcha. You can boldly look up to these:

How can I earn on captcha recognition?

For rich newbies, it’s hard, how to really earn money on the introduced captcha. I can say that everything is lying around here, since it will take time to decipher the codes. For a great reason, the robot on anti-captcha services cannot be called the main type of activity. If you spend the whole day at the computer, uninterruptedly solve one captcha after another, then the maximum you can earn is 2-3 dollars. Wait a minute, we don’t need those pennies, on which you can live a whole month. However, you can win as a whole feeds. Quiet pennies, what you earn, to earn money to pay for the Internet or an increase in your mobile phone bill.

An unprogrammed option to increase earnings on sites with the recognition of captcha will become the fate of partnership programs services. If you can get through the referral messages, then you can rob the anti-captcha maidans passive income. All that matters to you is to get to work on the services of new koristuvachiv, how to decipher the code, and that will take away your referral verification. More detailed information about those, how to earn money on affiliate programs, you can find out from my okremіy statt.


At the end of today's look, I want to note that the services of the automatic captcha entry are irreplaceable helpers all webmasters. As you spend a lot of time on independent decryption of captcha, your robot is paralyzed by new codes every time, you just need to entrust the decryption of symbols to the special maydanchiks. In the comments, I ask you get rid of your comments about the services of anti-captcha, with which you have ever practiced. To share your feelings, don't forget to subscribe to the blog update. To hell!

If you knew a pardon in the text, be kind, see a fragment of the text and press it Ctrl+Enter. Thank you for those who help my blog to become better!

Captcha (CAPTCHA), which helps to convey that "I'm not a robot", appears on more and more sites and services, and dratuє koristuvachiv. For a few reasons, through such sites, they accept the names of robots and forbid the introduction of reversal symbols. How can you repeat the re-verification, what you need to change in the settings of the browser and the side of Vkontakte, how to bypass the captcha for additional VPN services?

What is a captcha?

CAPTCHA - Turing's public test automation. Vіn allows you to designate the robot among the vidvіduvachiv sites. The mechanism for protecting web services from spam was developed in 2000 by a team at Carnegie Mellon University. The idea behind the test lies in the fact that the proposed tasks are easily passed by people, but are not accessible to machines.

Most often, koristuvachs need to enter symbols from the image. The stench of images with crosscodes or napіvprozori, so that the machine could not recognize them. On the back, the system did a good job, lowered the interest on the site, and allowed them false comments.

Through sіm rokіv after the creation of the Tyuring test, a modification appeared - reCAPTCHA. People were asked to recognize the words of the scanned issues of The New York Times. Defend against spam at once helping to digitize the vision.

Ale computers became all the strongest and became the building of the recognition of symbols. Tom got other options: look for guts, road signs in the pictures, or a tick in front of the phrase "I'm not a robot."

Korisny for administratsiy ї sites test pochav dratuvati koristuvachіv. Sometimes you have to enter the captcha for a few times, so that you can turn it into a side. The captcha on VKontakte is a problem.

There are a few reasons, through the yakі koristuvachevі to be brought gradually to prove that you are not a robot. Tell a person not to spam, but simply fill in the comments or communicate in social networks, you can follow the entered symbols.

Podozryuvalny traffic from the computer. Browser extensions chi viruses on the extension of the koristuvach can become a part of the robots. For this reason, reCAPTCHA blocks one IP address.

Bad company. Providers see one real IP for a group of subscribers. That is why one of them is a bot, they block it, and the whole group is dragged to the black list.

Disable JavaScript on smartphones. reCAPTCHA mechanism - JavaScript code on the website. The codes are not less than a service, but a shahra, so smartphones have JavaScript enabled for security in browsers. It's up to you how reCAPTCHA works with failures.

How to wake up captcha

Change settings

Koristuvachi Google Chrome you can get rid of the bothersome zahist by including a number of extensions. The AdBlock extension or the RDS Bar plugin, which blocks ads, is often performed before the captcha appears.

Another option for computers is to reconnect to the Internet. After restarting the modem or the router of the coristuvach, you can take out a new calling address, and get rid of annoying rechecking.

The owners of the iPhone can update Safari by opening the “Add-ons” tab and enabling JavaScript. Koristuwacham Android in Chrome, you need to click on the menu with three dots, go to "Setup", select "Setup sites" and activate JavaScript. Another option for mobile users is to briefly turn on the airplane mode, after which smartphone is re-registered in the measure, and you can take a clean IP.

You can solve captcha "VKontakti" for a sprat of quills. On the right side, you need to go to the “Safety” section, click on “Show activity history”. Vіkno show the history of the site and the IP, from which the entrance was made.

If there is an address in the list that looks like the address of the koristuvach, press “End all sessions”. And then change the password. In addition, captcha z'yavlyaetsya more, so the page is linked to the phone number.

Special services

If you enter a captcha, molt navit rarely, but for a fee, fill in other coristuvachi. On specialized web services, they charge about 40 rubles for making thousands of pictures. Koristuvach same otrimaє special key, scho allows you to forget about snooty test.

Dynamic IP

Even though the chaklunstvo s nalashtuvannyami did not help, happened to be quick with VPN services. Great companies give this service for a fee. Ale є i cost-free services with a front-end interface and handy in operation. For example, the CyberGhost VPN () program.

The service works with the most popular browsers, the best way to hijack the OpenVPN protocol with 256-bit AES encryption. It is possible to run without any cost on one outbuilding. Koristuvach denies access to up to 37 servers in 12 countries, working without interruption for close to three years, after which you need to reconnect and continue the work.