Perebudova radio station travnya. Perebudova radio station Mayak (description) Perebudova radio station Mayak

Radio stations can be quartz or synthesizer.

The operating frequency of quartz radio stations is indicated by the receiving quartz and transmission. Therefore, to operate a quartz radio station, you need to change two quartz crystals, one at the receiver, and the other at the transmitter of the radio station. Also, the skin frequency is a pair of unique quartz RK169MA. The receiving quartz determines the local oscillator frequency of the radio station using the following formula: 2Fkv-10.7 MHz, and the transmitting quartz operating frequency using the following formula: 4Fkv.

If the frequency at which you want to restart your radio stations increases by one or two channels (25 and 50 kHz), then by replacing the quartz you can interconnect, and if more, you will have to soften the circuits .

In this case, do not forget that the entire frequency range from 33 MHz to 57.5 MHz is divided into three sub-bands: 33-39 MHz, 39.025-48.5 MHz, 57-57.5 MHz and the board of the first range is not used with quartz on 57 MHz.

The synthesizer radio stations on the right are slightly different, although very similar - the same three sub-ranges. Where the similarity ends and the similarities begin. The frequency of the synthesizer radio station is determined by the program on the K556RT4A microcircuit. This microcircuit can be protected from all frequencies, taking into account those that are responsible for the 200 kHz mixture. If you need to develop a multi-channel option, if the difference between the extreme frequencies is more than 200 kHz, then this will result in changes in the radio station circuit and will be shorter as you reach us.

Now, in order to restart the synthesizer, you need to change the microcircuit. The quartz in the synthesizer also does not determine the operating frequency of the radio station, but serves as a support in the generator, which sets the KR1015ХК2А microcircuits, and its frequency is the same for all radio stations - 12.796 MHz. Although in small intervals: 1-2 kHz VIN flows into the operating frequency of the radio station (you can note how to rotate the capacitor using quartz).

If you need to change radio stations from one band to another, then

It is necessary to change the contours, since in receiving the need to change more than one thing, then in the transmission of everything! It’s easier to change the fee from one range to another.

All of the above is placed before the Lyon-B radio station (Bulgarian radio station), but it is necessary to ensure that the quartz from Lyon-B reaches the Lyon-B radio station, and in the transmission frequency will be shifted by half a channel (12.5 kHz) and It’s easy to change the scheme a little inclusion of quartz.

We will help you with the selection of Lyon radio stations, both quartz and synthesizer, we have a large assortment of quartz:

1. PEREBUDOV quartz radio stations - 600 rubles

2. PEREBUDOV synthesizer RADIO STATION - 550 rubles

3. VARITY for a set of QUARTZ (two quartz RK169MA) – 360 rubles

4. VARTISTY of programmed K556RT4A – 80 rubles

The variety of radio stations includes the variety of quartz and microcircuits. The price is indicated for the same range. The price per price for the range needs to be adjusted for the specific skin type.


The frequency of the radio station is indicated by jumpers on the synthesizer. In this case, there are differences between synthesizers – old and new. The main advantage is that in the new synthesizer the jumpers C and D groups are connected simultaneously to the frequency of the received transmission, but in the old one they need to be connected in order to receive the transmission directly. It’s also easier for a new synthesizer to have a rich-channel option, while the old one came with an additional board - a decoder.

The entire range from 146 to 172 MHz is divided into sub-bands of 2 MHz in the skin.

In this case, the skin sub-range relies on its own VCO and its own spiral resonators, and when moving to another range, they need to be changed. Don't forget to change

capacitors K21-9-11V on the voltage booster board are in the same range.

146000/25 = 5840 – transmission code

5840 - 428 = 5412 - code accepted

Mean: A transmission is 5 and reception is 5; Transmission has 8, and reception has 4; In gear 4, in receive 1; D for transmission 0 for reception 2. Now we convert these digits for the double code: A transmission 0101, reception 0101; B transmit 1000, receive 0100; Z transmit 0100, receive 0001, D transmit 0000, receive 0010.

The following jumpers are soldered: A1 to 1 and in receive and transmit, B1 and B2 0 first, B3 1 in receive, and 0 in transmit, B4 forward, C1 1 receive, 0 transmit, C2 0 first, C3 1 transmit, 0 receive, C4 and D1 0 forward, D2 1 receive, 0 pass, D3 and D4 0 forward.

Now if there is 1 on the receive, and 0 in the transmit, then I send the command to solder to the PZM bus, if it is the same, then to the PRD, if it is 0 first, then do not solder anywhere, and if it is 1 first, then solder to the 9 Volt bus.


The price is indicated per hour of stay within the range. When over-range

additionally 1020 rubles for VCO and 900 rubles for a set of spiral resonators for the receiver.

The FT857D opens up to transmit in the same way as the FT897D.
We unscrew all the screws to remove the top cover (don’t forget from the sides), vibrate the internal speaker connector, and remove the cover.
We look around the board and notice that the jumper has been installed:

More details:

Behind the list:
1 - solder,
2 - solder,
3 - solder,
4 - can’t be touched,
5 - can’t be touched,
6 - solder,
7 - tidy up the SMD element,
8 - can’t be touched,
9 - not worth it.
Please note that this jumper has an SMD element installed: it can be soldered on the surface, or you can simply lift it from one side.
After closing the cover and pressing the F and V/M buttons, the transceiver is turned on.
We're excited!

It all started when Valera and I UX7UX traveled to MAYAK. The stations are good, kind, and brilliant. Well, don’t let the people’s good go to waste. Axle of the MAYAK radio station before remanufacturing.

Here I wanted to make them look like a god, so that it would be acceptable and easy to work on them on the air. I particularly appreciate the great satisfaction, working in the air on a machine built with my own hands, not on a ready-made import. This whole situation prompted me to become more timid. The entire processing of the prefabricated body took two days. Plus a day for writing programs for firmware and five days for its development.

The external appearance of a rebuilt LIGHTHOUSE of indications for the baby. A lot of such devices were prepared. UR5UFQ, UX7UX, UR5UHW and UY5UM rebuilt myself with my best assistance.
Many thanks to Valery Shevchenko UX7UX ex ER1DX. The device was first tested on the collective radio station UT4UWD for the ALEX concern. All correspondents from Kiev said that the signal and modulation were very bright! And also a lot of communications were made through the Kiev repeater R3 with other regions of Ukraine such as: Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovograd, Sumsk, Chernivets, as well as with correspondents from Belarus and Bryansk region of Russia.
The device is implemented on an ATmega8 microcontroller from ATMEL Fig.1.

The ATmega8 microcontroller controls the operation of the radio station synthesizer, transmitting it to the receiving unit on IC2 and IC3 74HC164 (existent registers are installed directly next to the synthesizer Fig. 2.)
The latest frequency code analyzes the keypad pressure, PTT pressure, BUSY noise suppressor, and transmits information to a rare-crystal 16-digit indicator with a controller HD44780 (with green LED one sub-switch, lively sub-switch in different virobniks from different). The life is stabilized by stabilizer 7805, voltage – 5 volts. The BUSY signal is taken from D16 K561LA7 pin 10 (on the LF board). The TX (push-to-talk) signal is output 35 times from the low-frequency board of the remote control.

Functions of the device:
This device allows you to transmit the frequency of the radio station "MAYAK" in the range of 144-146 MHz with a grid width of 25 kHz. In full-duplex mode, the TX frequency is indicated during transmission. The repeater spacing changes from 25 kHz to 2 MHz plus or minus. If the frequency goes beyond 144-146 MHz, the transmission is automatically blocked and the message *NO TX* is displayed on the RKI. Є scanning mode. The device has 8 buttons:
*UP* and *DW* - channel mixing. In the morning the car accelerates.
*M1* *M2* *M3* - 3 buttons for direct access to memory. When a call is pressed from the memory of the channel, the recording of the streaming channel is recorded (like in car radios).
*SHIFT* -upduplex. Short onslaughts are met with discord. When you wake up, enter the menu for adjusting the distribution. Using the *UP* and *DW* buttons you can change the offset itself from 25 kHz to 2 MHz and the *SCAN* button directly to the offset plus or minus. Everything is clear and accessible and is displayed on RKI Fig.4.
*TON* - CTCSS support. 38 standard frequencies from 67Hz to 250.3Hz. A short pressure turns on and vibrates the support. Pressing the button gives access to the menu for selecting the boost frequency. The frequency is indicated on the RKI. Frequency selection is performed using the *UP* and *DW* buttons.
All procedures are accompanied by sound beeps. My version uses a ZP-eshka (a simple tweeter without a generator), but you can also use the BEEP signal on a ULF radio station.

The capacitor for the life of microcircuits IC2 and IC3 74HC164 (2200μ * 6.3V) is not installed for nothing. It needs to be installed near the microcircuits, since the rest are critical to life. The capacitor guarantees its reliable operation. Resistor R1, in the lancus of the life of PKI, sets the brightness of the indicator segments. One single setting consists of the CTCSS support deviation setting. Vaughn may be between 600Hz.
The entire device is mounted on an additional front panel, which fits onto the receiver block and is screwed with two M5 screws on the sides of the front opening of the block Fig.5.
It is wired and soldered to 1.5 mm double-sided sqlotextolite. Measure width - 24 cm, height - 6 cm, length - 3 cm, and sides - length - 6 cm. Fig.6.
The low-frequency board from the remote control is pulled out and installed in place of the decoder board on the right Fig.7
Another board (tone calls) with the remote control is removed. As a result, there is one receiving unit from the front control panel Fig. 8.

On the front panel, for easy control, there are volume control knobs, noise reduction, a PTT socket, a headphone socket, and a speaker. The beacon tube has a microphone booster with 2 transistors, the same one I picked up from my motorized tangent. The front antenna connector has been replaced with a standard PL Fig.9.
My MAYAK from the beginning on 168 MHz. I had a chance to tinker with it to pull it to 145 MHz. I wound up two helical resonators in the UHF and a trilank one (with a separate turn at 10 MHz). The heterodyne volanc spiral resonator was adjusted with screws, so as I moved the synthesizer from the bottom to the top, the frequency of the synthesizer was 10.7 MHz higher than the received signal. The synthesizer has a TX gun circuit (by adding a 3pF capacitor in parallel to the circuit). The power of transmission has increased to 30 watts. Replacing the capacitor C20 (which I didn’t have) by installing a 525 pF adjuster Fig. 7. A little bit of softening of the circuit in the screens at the output stage, moving the adjuster resistor R26 (driver voltage regulator) all the way against the year arrow. The most important thing to remember is the resistor, which is located in the alternator (behind circuit R22). Instead of the 27th, you need to solder it with the 10th, otherwise do not short-circuit it tightly! The sensitivity of the sensor will noticeably increase to 0.2 µV.
The controller board with Vikonan buttons is on a technological board, so the board was not split apart.

For now I am posting demo firmware. In demo firmware, the CTCSS/DUPLEX/MEMORY/SCAN functions are enabled simply as a 144-146 MHz radio station. For full-fledged firmware, contact the author by email.
[email protected]
[email protected]

You need to flash two files: HEX (flash memory) and EEP (eeprom memory)
and where you have the frequency of the synthesizer is the frequency that is being received
At the bottom, select the firmware +10700kHz or -10700kHz.

Enchant the article with one IcoMayak archive.
Pavlo Gunko UR5UFQ. m.Irpin, Kiev region.
A general and general article has been given for a free dissertation!
Photo taken with *FUJIFILM E550* camera.
Pentogonych Corporation(C) All reserved. 2007


The first and second issues of the magazine "Radio" cost 2000 rubles. The control unit for the Mayak and Transport radio stations, modified for operation on the amateur range of 2 meters, was described. Recommendations from the authors of the articles that are published allow the authorities of such stations to significantly increase their sensitivity.

Radio amators are widely used for operation on the air of rich-channel UKH emergency radio stations of industrial production, such as "Mayak" (16Р22В-1) and similar ones. However, her sensitivity does not satisfy the rulers at all. In an attempt to increase the sensitivity of the primary path, one replaces the UHF input transistor (KT399A) with a lower noise coefficient (for example, KT3101A-2, KT3115A-2, KT3132A-2, etc.). It never fails to have a positive effect.
According to the authors of these series, you can significantly increase the sensitivity of the radio station by installing an additional single-stage UHF on a low-noise gallium arsenide field-effect transistor. Since borderline sensitivity is not always required, in order to increase the reliability of the radio station, the additional UHF must be disabled. This very option for further testing the Mayak radio station is presented in this article.
The UHF circuit using a field-effect transistor is shown in Fig. 1
. Its strength coefficient is 18...21 dB. The sensitivity of the radio station with boost increased to 0.1 µV (with a signal-to-noise ratio of 12 dB and a frequency deviation of 3 kHz).
If there is a surge boost (as shown in the diagram), the input signal is through the closed contacts of relay K1,
The section of the coaxial cable and the contacts of the K2 relay are located at the input of the primary path of the radio station. When the live voltage is applied, the relay and the signal from the antenna go to the input circuit L1C2, adjusting to the central frequency of the 2 meter range. A booster cascade behind the circuit with automatic reductions. The value of the flow to the drain is set by resistor R1. The diodes VD2, VD3 and VD4, VD5 are switched on in parallel and protect transistor VT1 from possible breakdown by a strong signal from the radio station or static electricity. The signal is amplified through a narrow P-circuit L3C7C8 and the contacts of relay K2 are placed at the input of the primary path of the radio station.
The UHF operates as a parametric voltage stabilizer on the zener diode VD1 and also on the transistor VT2.
Depending on the voltage applied, relays K1 and K2 can be switched on differently. I don't think I'm overthinking 6,
Their windings can be connected in series. At this point, blocking capacitors 10 and C11 are installed parallel to the windings. And if the voltage of the skin relay is no more than 25 mA, it can be used as a ballast resistor for the zener diode and turn off the field-effect transistor VT2 and resistor R2 (div. Fig. 2).
In addition to these components, the transistor VT1 is AP343A-2, and for changing the topology of the board - AP324A-2, AP331A-2. The built-in capacitors are KT4-25, and the stationary capacitors are usually K10-17v, K10-42. Also suitable are KM, KD, KLS, or those with minimal dimensions and those with a minimum voltage of resistors – R1-12, R1-4, MLT, S2-33. Relay – REM-49. Coils L1 and L3 are wound turns to turn with PEV-2 wire 0.9 on a mandrel with a diameter of 5 mm L1 has 4 turns with 0.5 ... 0.7 turns, L3 - 6 turns. Choke L2 is wound with a PEV-2 0.3 dart on a mandrel with a diameter of 3 mm (the number of turns is 12-15).
All parts of the reinforcement are placed on one side of the double-sided foil board, as shown in Fig. 3.
The size of the payment was chosen based on the ease of installation in the middle of the radio station body. The other side of the board is devoid of metal and is connected with a ferrous wire along the circuit of the board behind additional foil.
The setup of the booster begins by setting the flow to the drain of transistor VT2 (no more than 15... 20 mA) by selecting resistor R2. Then install the flow to the drain of transistor VT1 (5 mA for AP325A-2, 10 mA for APZ31 A-2) by selecting resistor R1. Adjust the input circuit with capacitor C2 to the central frequency of the range. By changing the location of the L1 coil, you can vary the transmission of the input booster in the range of 2...10 MHz. The P-circuit adjusts the maximum transmission coefficient. If the booster is self-activated, then you need to put a ferite bead on the transistor pin or connect a 5...20 Ohm resistor to the drain.
Even worse results in sensitivity can be achieved by using low-noise bipolar transistors. A fragment of the circuit of such a UHF is shown in Fig. 4 , And the corresponding fragment of the hand-made board is in Fig. 5 . This design has a L1 coil
wound with a bare bottom dart with a diameter of 1.2 mm on a mandrel with a diameter of 5 mm. Place 6 turns from the 1st turn. The winding length is 10 mm.
Improvement begins by installing the necessary current through the transistor by selecting resistor R4 to minimize the noise coefficient (by ear when receiving weak stations). Adjust the input circuit capacitor C2 to the middle of the range. In this case, the capacity may be close to the maximum. If this is not the case, then you need to stretch the coil coils and repeat the procedure for adjusting the circuit. The booster can have transistors KT3101A-2, KT3114A-6, KT3115A-2, and with a slight change in the topology of the board KT3120A-2. The amplification factor of this booster is approximately 20 dB, and the sensitivity of the radio station is 0.12 µV.
The placement of the UHF near the radio station body is shown in Fig. 6 . This installation is made easier by the fact that the radio station itself has connections from the power supply board using short pieces of wire. Therefore, you need to connect this board to the UHF input with a coaxial cable, as well as connect the same cable to the receiver input. Life +12 can be submitted through any small-sized device that can be placed in your hand. The board itself is secured with screws, and the screws are opened on the rear station, which is in the radio station.
An experimental verification of the effectiveness of the booster on a field-effect transistor was carried out on a route of 41 km (metro Kursk - metro Fatezh, Kursk region). The transmission intensity can be changed in steps of 1 dB. The verification showed that without UHF, for satisfactory reception of signals, a transmission intensity of 2.5 W was necessary, with UHF - 0.25...0.3 W. These numbers speak for themselves.


The ideas of a compact connection of two coaxial relays REV-14 led to a very simple design solution and made it possible to cope with the most common coaxial connectors and as a result of all expenses.

Everything is very simple, to connect the relay, a primary housing is installed in the coaxial connector SR-50 or SR-75, their housings are absolutely the same, all the telebuchs are visible from the connector in front. On the relay body - marked with a white arrow - a part of the cut can be seen with a washing file - this is done so that the relay can be destroyed closer to the ground.

After this, a core is prepared to connect the two relays. Try to sharpen the ends with a diameter of 3 mm and a length of 30 mm, like a socket. Next, take a copper tube with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 15 mm, which is placed on the previously prepared 3 mm core exactly in the middle and soldered along the edges - this part is indicated by a green arrow in the finished image.

In the photograph of the readings, one of the options for connecting power devices to the reception, the cable here is RG-142, which is heat-resistant and allows the installation of such a construct.

In order not to be soldered to the core of the relay, prepared copper pins that are inserted into the core and the central core of the cable are soldered to them, or you can solder them directly, until these pins are 5mm in diameter and 3mm - the part is marked in black with a stinking arrow. The braided cable is soldered directly to the relay housing. The yellow arrow indicates the place where the hole for the cable connector is drilled. The blue arrow indicates a plug that has a diameter of 17 mm and is sealed to the end of the connector with an overlap after soldering to the cable. If you can cook and eat it, it’s even better, according to the central line of the rose.

I will establish such a system not only on the predecessors, but also on the strength of the tension, there is an input and output on the roses. Before speaking, this constructive fate on the PD stagnated on 1296 MHz and, as practice has shown, everything works. Before the end of the socket is sealed, it is necessary to seal it with sealant if the installation is being carried out on the street, but do not put it in for which our commercially available automotive sealant enters into a terrible reaction with the media and brass in about sriblo.


During the operation of the REV-14 relay, a defect is often encountered. There are relays with loose bolts securing the socket to the relay body in the plate so that there is no electrical contact between the relay body and the socket, which is generated through those that are made up of the relay, which penetrates under the socket and under fastening bolts / one stupid thing - in which way to prepare this relay / to get rid of it, you simply need to unscrew the socket, plug the opening with a piece of gauze or a bandage and carefully use a flat file to remove the mixture that is under the socket after this take everything as it was at the gateway Tsebulo z' As a result of the black structure assembled from two relays, the stench introduced a significant decrease in the SWR of the entire antenna-feeder device. I'm glad to see someone in need.

I. Grigorov (RK3ZK)
308015, metro station Bilgorod-15, a/s 68.

Radio stations of the 1bR22 series ("Mayak") operate in the UHF frequency range from 46 to 174 MHz. These radio stations can also be broadcast in the amateur UHF range of 144 MHz. Reprocessing of the station’s universal alarm circuits is not difficult, since it is not difficult to do so, but will completely rework the synthesizer . low frequency. Devices for controlling the remixing of channels (for an 8-channel channel) and devices for shaping service frequencies and controlling radio receivers of radio stations from them when they are received from the air. The receiving warehouse (the main block of the radio station) includes a receiving-transmitting frequency synthesizer, a receiving unit and a pressure booster unit. It’s not difficult to switch to the amateur range. If you want resonator filters and audiophiles, but with a transmission range of 700 kHz ... 1 MHz, they can be adjusted without significant loss of sensitivity of the station at the reception, which is entirely suitable for work in emergency situations in the range of 144 M Hz It is possible to adjust the spiral resonators to the maximum possible level without any accessories. The power supply of the radio station is quite sufficient at ±5 MHz of the output frequency of the radio station. If your type has a greater frequency dispersion, then the design of the circuit booster is such that it can be placed downwards with the soldering of ceramic capacitors (even better, since you can find voltage-free capacitors for circuit mounting) is small and capacitances in parallel with capacitors in the bases and collectors of transistors, as well as possibly , - parallel to the capacitors of the fuel lines. The capacitors that are soldered must be as short as possible, so it is impossible to reboot the frequency synthesizer. Some technical descriptions of radio stations include a report, with a breakdown of frequencies, and a description of the operation of the synthesizer. First of all, it is not obligatory that the synthesizer circuit resembles a real circuit, but as it does, it is not always possible to change the synthesizer through design features. The best, simplest option in this case lies in the current situation (three devices are required - two frequency counters: one in the VHF range, the other in the range 1.-3 MHz, and a generator that operates in the range ranges 1-3 MHz), Requirement Verify that the VCO operates at the frequencies required for RX and Tx operation in the 144 MHz band. It is possible that you will have to change places between GUN and receive transmissions in order to achieve this. Since the VCO does not operate in the required frequency range, you must either select a VCO with the required parameters, or try to desolder and reset the original VCO. This remains, of course, the most unacceptable option, although it is possible to replace any VCO, which works in the Mayak variants at frequencies up to 174 MHz. If the VCO sees the frequencies you need, then move on to another stage of rebooting.
Radio amator HF and UKH 2-97 side. 36.

Turn around

O. Vodop'yanov (RW3GF),
398002, metro station Lipetsk-2, st. Kosmonavtiv, 5/2 - 19,
Yu. Belyaev (UA3GMP)


A method has been established for reconnecting the nodes of the Mayak radio station, which successfully operates on the YAKZOA repeater channel K5. This very topic is devoted to the article KK32K [I]. Stating that “it is not important to switch to the amateur band”, KK32K did not indicate that the range of the radio station, the description in the description, divisions into the sub-band, and in the sub-band, the receiver board There are different spiral resonators. Therefore, a radio amplifier that intends to replace UHF resonators in the 168...174 MHz range is more likely to “speak without any adjustments” to the thoughts of the authors, admonishments for failure. The adjacent filter 21 (ip.2.067-183-167) at the basic UHF lanyard, when inserted with the adjustable screws, will ensure a sufficient frequency response at frequencies not lower than 160 MHz. The related filter 22 (ip. 2067.-193-16) for the basic filter will give a sufficient frequency response at frequencies not lower than 167 MHz, then the frequency response is consistent. To obtain the desired result as 21, it is necessary to use a V-lank resonator named 2.067-183-1 76, or a tri-lank resonator named ip.2.067-193-04 for the range 146...156 MHz. Filter 24 (ip.2067-183-163) in the local oscillator voltage supply can be varied, since the local oscillator frequency is selected higher than the frequency of the signal and the IF value. Minimum frequency, the left frequency response of the filter is deformed from 24 to 147 MHz. In the absence of the necessary resonators, you can put up with the vibrational distortion of the mirror channel and use the UHF circuit from V. Stasenko. It may be possible to reduce the resonant frequency of the resonators by removing them and increasing the voltage of the spirals by 1.5...2 turns, but we have not considered this type of resonator. To transfer the power of the radio station to the amateur range, it is important to familiarize yourself with the flow of elements to the circuit diagram, vikoryst and assigned by the transmitter, the change data for the viconn, increase the emn There are capacitors of the chewing strips, tension booster lines (the values ​​are induced consistently up to 100 pF, C7 – up to 82 pF, C13 – up to 100 pF, C14 – up to 68 pF, C16 – up to 180 pF, C26 – up to 18 pF. Then you need to set C20 - 22 pF at the point indicated on the tension booster mounting plate. Before preparation you need to connect the output The VCO of the previously reset synthesizer before the voltage boost input, switch the radio station to the “PRD” mode and, by moving the turns of the low-pass filter coils b21, b22, b23, reach the maximum output voltage equivalent to the voltage boost. life station 13.2 and flow rate 2.5. .. 2.7. And the output power of the radio station may exceed 8 watts. You can set the tension necessary for everyday work using resistor K26 of the automatic tension control circuits, which is located on the same board. We appreciate that the frequency synthesizer is completely rebuilt, focusing on the design features of the developer. In this way, all the benefits of the Mayak radio station will be preserved (stability of the channel frequency, substring-free input from connections, the size of the grid, which is vikorized by radio amators, etc.) The production plant at its radio stations I have chosen two types of frequency synthesizers: - s operating frequency decoder, Vikonanim on the same board (eight-channel version); - with a decoder of operating frequencies installed on the frequency synthesizer board (K561ID1) Another option is more universal and can be implemented in 1-, 8-, 40- and 80-channel options with a frequency grid of 25 kHz. The first option, using a single synthesizer board, allows you to implement a one- or two-channel radio station. We will introduce our method of further processing the first version of the synthesizer, for example, from a frequency of 173 MHz to a frequency of 145 MHz, and compare it with the method proposed by I. Grigorov. It is immediately clear that in our opinion, changing the VCO between the receivers and the transmission (as the KK32K does) is foolproof, because In the transmission VCO, a modulation voltage is additionally introduced to control the emergency response. It is not necessary to unsolder the VCO box - it is completely filled with thick polystyrene foam, and there will be no access to the payment details. To regulate the inductance of the generator coils on the walls of the box, open them, close them with lids and seal them. Another stage of refurbishment, repropositioning of KK32K, in our opinion, eliminates the radio station, which needs to be completed, the main advantages - unprepared input from connections and high frequency stability. When transferring a radio station using this method from 173 MHz to 145 MHz without changing the coefficients of the DFKD and DPKD divisions (90 and 6920), the equality of frequencies at the input of the IFAPL circuits can be ensured at the frequency of the reference oscillator and 167624 Hz, with which the frequency is equal to 2095. Now, behind the words KK32K, it is impossible to “... select a small stable generator in place of thermostatted quartz” and, I suppose, ensure the stability of the LC generator, equal to the stability of the quartz generator. If the frequency of the reference oscillator is less than 1 kHz, then the frequency of the channel is changed to 80 kHz, or three adjacent channels with the selected grid cut-out. While in the process of mining it was possible to ensure the maximum stability for LC generators was about 10" 4 (170 Hz), the frequency of the operating channel will still be significant - close to 10 kHz. In addition, it is necessary to ensure the necessary amplitude of the HF voltage LC- for the stable operation of MOS structure microcircuits, and when the microcircuits are powered by a voltage of +10 V - more than 6 V. We present our own method of overhauling. So it is only a synthesizer. In the remaining case, it is necessary to supply voltage +12 V to pin 2 of connector XI and connect the “minus” power supply to pin 4 of the connector, and to pin 3 of connector X2 to supply voltage +9 V. You can select the simplest stabilizer +9 V, vikorist and one core of +12 V. Then, after heating with a soldering iron, remove the caps from the openings against the inductance coils S, L2, G3 VCO. The selectable transmission frequency is 145000 kHz, the local oscillator frequency is 155700 kHz. Once the 7th VCO is connected, it is supplied to a new voltage of +4, so that the VCO frequency is added to the slurry of buried IPLL circuits. For this purpose, you can use the +5 stabilizer of the synthesizer by connecting a variable resistor of a kilo-ohm to its output, and connect the middle terminal of the resistor to the 7th VCO terminal. Having secured access to the core of coil L2 (VCO receiver), we turn the core, controlling the frequency to an accuracy of tens of kilohertz at output 9 or pin 43 of the synthesizer. By rotating the coil core of the VCO, the maximum output voltage at the VCO output is reached. A +9 V voltage is supplied to pin 3 of connector XI, turning on the “PRD” mode. By controlling the frequency of the synthesizer, we turn the core of the coil and the transmission VCO. The heart can go beyond the contours of the box. And here you can replace it with a shortened one (type SB-9) or turn it off completely. Now you need to set the frequency at the output of the synthesizer to about 150 MHz, changing the voltage at the output 7 VCO, and using the coil L3 to reach the maximum output voltage. Now the necessary CD DPKD for the frequency of 145000 kHz is opened (the grid frame is lost by itself); Nprd = fchannel [kHz]/10Gsr [kHz]= =5800, de Ger =2.5 kHz. Rozrahuєmo Kd DPKD yak PZM at IF 10700 kHz: Nprm=Nper+428=6228. It is possible to change the CD of the DPKP in the “PRD” and “PZM” modes by presenting the skin number in a double code (div. table). Therefore, it is necessary to switch over, in the “PRD” mode on technological contacts 15...28 there is a level of logical “G”, on contacts 29...42 there is a level of logical “O”. Then - transfer the synthesizer to the "PZM" mode, taking the voltage +9 from contact 3 to connector X 1. The lines on contacts 15..28 and 29 ... 42 are inverted. Vikoristovuyu power and those who on contacts 1...14 voltage +9 is steady, we remove jumpers and install new ones, having analyzed the change in logical levels on the contacts. At the application that is being disassembled, jumpers are installed between A1 - 15 and A2 - 30, B2 - 36 and B4 - 24, C2 - 40 and 04 - 34. The 7 VCO connection is connected to the IPLL circuits, the connection is supplied to the synthesizer and the transfer The output frequencies of the synthesizer PRD" and "PRM"\ If everything is organized carefully and accurately, the result will be positive If the CD DPKD of the main channel ends with a paired digit, you can select another channel, 25 kHz away from the main one. Evening logical "H". It is important that this method is simpler and more beautiful for registering KK32K. Literature 1. Grigorov I. Rozbudova radio station "Mayak" on the 144 MHz range.
- Radioamator. KV and UKH, 1997, N2.
2. Radioamator, 1992, N2, p.20.
3. Radioamator. 1994, Zh. p.22.
4. Radioamator, 1994, M8, p.39.

Gimaev Sergey, RW9UAO

This design is not for repetition, it is better to create something from nothing. Of course, there will be diagrams posted. If the fragments are rich in useful materials, then I am afraid that it will not be possible to repeat it completely. Those that were at hand were placed.

Chastina persha

How is it possible to create a station in the home minds that does not compromise the bourgeois? (applies to 144 MHz) And so and no. For the characteristics, turn over the bourgeois shirvzhitok building "Mayak". The sensitivity is not compromised, the vibrancy is gained, the external appearance and control interface are clearly “Beacon” at all times, the operating range is 130 - 174 for the “Alinco DJ-191”, 2 MHz cutoff for "Mayaka", ale mi zh not We are going to practice the pose within the permissible range :). Check for yourself: the Mayak has a spiral resonator at the input, while most bourgeois stations have a preselector on two or three circuits, which are pulled together by varicaps. There is a significant pressure on the new level: automobile bourgeois for $50 microfolders pump 40 - 60 Watts, RW9UGA (Olexandr, m. Anzhero-Sudzhensk) from the "Mayakovsky" region for 300 rubles, taking off close to 50 Watts .

The technical department (from RA9UNY, Yaya, Mikhailo) was asked to create a station for the “double” in minimal dimensions with maximum bells and whistles at a reasonable price (including RA9UWD, Yaya, Igor, and saying that “you won’t pay for everything anyway” ", I youmu I didn't believe it):

Naturally, I started with a synthesizer. Synthesizer May we forgive, without multiplying. ХК3 was assigned directly via the PC10 circuit - two buildings. From available and not very expensive bulges: 1015PL2 and 1015PL5, surface-mounted housings (hereinafter referred to as SMD), PL5 with parallel introduction of subfloor coefficients (a processor is no longer required, you can get by with one decoder), PL2 with sequential introduction yum - no process here. Bourgeois single-chip synthesizers could not be seen through the number of descriptions (and for nothing, otherwise it would have been possible to spend another 10 $).

Processor(microcontroller) relies on non-volatile memory (EEPROM) for storing frequently changed parameters (for example, frequency grid parameters, memory channels), and program memory, which is often overwritten (FLASH) and programming over a pair of wires. Vikorista AVR processor from Atmel. I couldn’t find enough information about PIC from Microchip, although I’m still trying. 8048 and what's with it (8051) due to the large dimensions and the use of the external ROM (3 cases as a minimum) (div. "Control board for the radio station "Mayak", "Radio" 2000 RUR, (c) RA9UC N, Volodymyr , Mariinsk) A road AVR will be used next (new 8 kb FLASH, 4 ports x 8 lines, $10), and now for improvement the cheap AT90S1200 (1 kb, $4).

Indication. You can put RKI - it’s not cool, but it’s expensive (for less than 10 $ it’s not a pittance). The solution was to install a LED indicator in the Chinese radio. We will display the remaining 3 digits, and 144 or 145 will display “`” at the leftmost digit (the Chinese have reserved the leftmost digit in the 4-digit indicator, replacing “8” with “1”). The information will be output sequentially to the 561IP2, and after the information is output to the sub-section of the synthesizer, the processor will start to hum, so as not to make noise.
The noise from the synthesizer and processor - Okrema Rozmov. Control unit at nar. “Signal” station is noisy at 6 – 7 points.

Weekend kaskad- KT610 or close, with a 12-volt supply, it hits right in front of the VCO. VCO- View of "Mayak".

Primenik- with one conversion, 1 IF – 10.7 MHz, IF is detected by 174XA6, it contains noise reduction, S-meter.

When prototyping the synthesizer, SMD resistors and blocking capacitances, other capacities (low-pass filters, etc.) and CD, CT vicorstans were used. The data for 1015PL2 was taken from the LPT port of the computer and output by a simple program in Assembler. 1015PL2 was taken from the standard included one. At a 10 MHz quartz resonator for sample boules, the grids are 5 KHz and 25 KHz.

The layout showed:

  • The option is nice if the p-station synthesizer is controlled by a computer (well, if you don’t get noise from the computer). Write a program that writes data to the port and occasionally, so that the building is read by some illiterate high school student.
  • A very strong influx is aimed at the darts that will go into PL2. There are three blocking containers on the PL2 visors.
  • The PLL output is not very intelligent at the hour of applying modulation to the VCO input. Pevne, the low-pass filter is buggy. Get used to it.
How it was modeled: frequency meter at the output of the VCO, oscilloscope at the output of the low-pass filter. It’s not difficult to adjust the vikorist, it’s easy to finish the tracing program with the LEDs, so that the required data goes to the PL2 input, and the data appears at the control output when pressure is applied. We set the middle frequency (145`000), voltmeter to the main input of the VCO, turn the VCO coil, set half of the VCO life (if the PLL is turned off, the LED goes out).

At the moment, all nodes are laid out, the layout of the nodes is being broken down, the program is being written and the interface is being developed. The interface, obviously, will be like that of RA9UCN. The memory fragments are gone, the program will be crooked.

Otje. You can now buy a bourgeois shlondra for $100 and not waste your money. If there is nothing to work with, then you can select a decent station from practically available materials. Todi has ostentatiously allowed him to work on the air. You don’t waste money and want a potbelly stove, but proudly show off a mountain of guts with light bulbs.