Moving swapfile sys to a different disk. The download file is now needed on the computer, why is the system “galmue” without it? Nedoliki vikoristannya "podkachuvannya"

How do Windows 8.1 and 10 turn up the display attached files and folders, then in the root of the system disk, the crim is already known to pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys, you can download the swapfile.sys file, which was not in earlier versions operating system. Why is the file so marvelous and why do you need wine? Swapfile.sys is supposed to guess the swap file pagefile.sys, but it is also hacked for time-based data collection of another type, and these universal supplements themselves.

As a matter of fact Modern-programs don't hack at the moment, they move to swapfile.sys so that they don't take up space in the memory and are removed if they are requested. There is still little official information on swapfile.sys, but judging by the stingy comments of Microsoft spivrobitniks, the creation of a swap file was necessary for communication with the specifics of the work of universal programs. Tobto literally two separate files for downloading to send the robot to the retailers.

Mayuchi podіbnі zavdannya, files swapfile and pagefile, not less, vіdrіznyayutsya one vіd one minimal vіmogami to disk space, means of reading / writing, the possibility of dynamic expansion just barely.

A lot of people are wondering, how can you see swapfile.sys? In principle, it can only be not recommended, since it is more that the mechanisms of its management are closely related to the main download file. There is no such thing as a sense of yogo, you can’t find it on SSD drives of a small obsyagu. The maximum size of swapfile.sys does not exceed 256 MB, so you won't win anything, just see it.

But if you already want to wake up so much, be kind, only work properly. click right button click on the Start button and select System -> Additional parameters system, in the "Swidcode" block, press the "Parameters" button, go to the "Dodatkovo" tab and in the " Virtual memory» press «Change».

Now change the checkbox “Automatically select the file for the download file” and, having seen the bear, select the radio button “Without the download file”. Press the "Set" button, save settings and restart the computer.

І swapfile, і pagefile will be removed from disk.

Have a wonderful day!

At “swapfile.sys”, the system moves data types, which do not vanquish at once. For the time being, this file is being reviewed for data on universal add-ons (in the last Metro). Possibly, some other data will be recorded in the future.

Swapfile.sys, Pagefile.sys and Hiberfil.sys

The file "swapfile.sys", in order " " and " ", is saved for system drive- for locking C:\. You can only help yoga in that case, as in the settings, the option is marked and the option "Hide protected system files" (Hide protected operating system files).

For the hiberfil.sys file, the system takes the entire space operational memory when entering sleep mode. Vіn is also victorious for new features"hybrid zavantazhennya", zavdyak Yakomu Windows startup 8 and 10 significantly quickened. And the pagefile.sys file is intended for vivantage of data from the operational memory, if the space ends in it.

Need a file "swapfile.sys"?

There is not much official information from Microsoft, but we can add up the evidence from publications on the forums and in the company's blog.

Just briefly, the swapfile.sys file is chosen to highlight these new add-ons, as in official terminology the name has been changed more than once: universal add-ons, add-ons from the Store, Metro-add-ons, modern add-ons, Windows programs 8, additions to the style Windows interface 8 and so on, etc.

Other programs are indicated otherwise, lower desktop programs for Windows. The system approaches the management of your memory more intelligently. Axis as described by Microsoft Spivrobitnik Black Morrison (Black Morrison):

You can blame the food: we have one more thing to look forward to virtual file podkachuvannya? On the right in what we need with the appearance of modern programs new way management of their memory outside of the traditional method of transferring virtual memory / download file.

Windows 8 can, in fact, write the entire set of (private) working data of an inactive current program to disk to free up RAM if it doesn't recover. Tse the same, that the program has been transferred to sleep mode and the work has been renewed, if it is back to the program again. In such a situation, Windows 8 has a victorious mechanism for launching / launching current programs for vivantage and the acquisition of working data programs.

Replace the standard file "pagefile.sys" data of inactive universal programs override the file "swapfile.sys".

Added details are provided by Microsoft Spivrobitnik Pavel Lebedinsky:

Appointment/reinvention by Metro-programs - only one scenario of revisiting, in the future, more may appear.

The "swapfile" and the "pagefile" file are considered for the ways of changing and allowing for space on the disk, the possibility of dynamic growth, read / write policies, etc. The presence of two or more files will be easy for the robot.

In short, the standard download file is modified for the most famous Windows tasks, and the new frame Microsoft software transferring the selected text to the file for intellectual development of these new additions.

How to remove the "swapfile.sys" file?

This file is called not great - its maximum size is not to blame for revisiting 256 MB. To that you can’t see yoga, you can’t consume it. How to go about a tablet with a small volume of internal storage - even the file "swapfile.sys", more for everything, allows you to move the firmware code.

The swapfile.sys file is searched for in the pagefile.sys link. When the rest is enabled, swapfile.sys is also disabled.

But if you really want to, you can still see yoga. For which, open the "Start" menu (Start), enter the search keyword"Productivity" and select "Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows" from the results.

At the window "Performance Options" open the tab "Advanced" and at the branch "Virtual memory" (Virtual memory) press the button "Change" (Change).

Set the flag "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives", see the disk, select the option "No paging file" and click "Insert" (Set). After reloading the files "pagefile.sys" and "swapfile.sys" will be deleted from the selected disk.

If so, you can create the swap file on another disk, and then Windows will save all the virtual memory files there. Tse allows, for example, to continue the term of service solid-state storage device for transferring the files to the download to the mechanical hard drive.

Dear Windows 10 and 8.1, it's worth mentioning that in the root of the system drive (usually the C:\ drive), there are more known files in pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys, another file appears swapfile.sys, which did not exist in older versions of Windows. To get the file from the File Explorer, it is necessary.

File swapfile.sysє analogue download file pagefile.sys, but victorious as a virtual memory for the team-hour saving of data from today's supplements (Metro Store apps).

In that case, as if the current program is not victorious, it is called by the OS manager and moves to the swapfile.sys file, so as not to take up space in the RAM (RAM). When you turn back to the program, you will be sent to the download file and placed on a riddle. The official information about the swapfile.sys file is not rich, but, judging by the comments of the MSFT specialists, the swap file was needed due to the peculiarities of the architecture of modern (universal) programs. Two okremі files pіdkachuvannya also to rozrobyt progrіstіv.

If the files pagefile.sys and swapfile.sys serve for the same purpose, they are modified one by one after the minimum size on the disk, the possibility of dynamic expansion and the process of introduction-viewing.

Some people are wondering, how can I see the swapfile.sys file? Zagal so, it is possible, but it is not recommended to be robiti, the fragments of its functioning are closely related to the main download file. From the other side, there is no special sense of yoga, because The size of the file Swapfile.sys does not exceed 256 MB. Vtіm, іnоdі yоgo vіdalennya аbо remіshchennya buvaє vpravdanim.

Enable swap file in Windows 10

Due to the system's security, the swapfile.sys file can be unplugged more than once from the main swap file. For the majority of performance problems, it is not recommended to turn on the download file for the presence of problems with productivity or stability of the system.

To include a pidkachka file:

When the system files Pagefile.sys and Swapfile.sys are captured from the root of the system disk.

Alternative way to enable swapfile.sys

Already in the process of writing the article, I know more manual way to the swapfile.sys file, which does not overlap with the main Pagefile.sys swap file. For whom:

How to move the swapfile.sys file to another disk

Here's a little trick that allows you to transfer the swapfile.sys file to a different disk partition without having to re-enable it for additional symbolic power. For example, in this way you can speed up for an increase in service SSD drive for moving the file to a standard mechanical HDD.

  1. Unmute the swap file as described above
  2. Run the mklink c:\swapfile.sys f:\swapfile.sys command with administrator rights - de F: - drive letter to which you want to transfer the file
  3. Upload download file

It is explained how to determine the optimal size of the swap file, how to work with SSD disks and how to install the file size on Windows 7, 8 and 10 (as well as XP and Server - they are practically identical).

At tsіy statti look like dії z pagefile.sys(as well as swapfile.sys for newer versions of Windows): defragmentation, portability, re-enablement and cleanup. Chi can sense to create a lot of download files on Windows, on some disks it is better to expand and to what extent it is possible to bring about a better improvement of the swidcode system.

Rostashuvannya and visibility of files in the download

After locking, the pagefile.sys and swapfile.sys swap files are placed in the root of the disk, where Windows itself is placed (all system folders). Oskіlki pagefile.sys є attach system file, for locking invisible wines: it is necessary to turn on show attached files and folders. Windows 7 displays attached files and folders on the recovery panel.

Marking invisible (attached) files and folders Windows 7:

  1. Press the button Start.
  2. Go to Control panel, then at the branch Design and personalization.
  3. Select "Folder Options" -> "View" -> "Additional Options".
  4. Select "Show attached files, folders and disks".
  5. squeeze OK to save money, change and exit from the menu.

AT Windows 10 you can change the attachment of attached files and folders to the explorer:

  1. At the top menu of the explorer, go to the tab View.
  2. Choose a section Parameters, at vіknі znovu vіdkriti tab View.
  3. Check "Additional parameters" and uncheck the box "Prihovuvay protected system files".
  4. Check the box next to "Show attached files".
  5. Press “Zastosuvati”, and then “OK”, to save the change.

Folder settings menu may look something like this:

External inclusion of pagefile.sys and swapfile.sys

The power of the need to re-enable the files in the download however often hurts koristuvachіv Windows 7 and 10, if there is a fast or sufficient operational memory (OZP). In the article it was already stated that there is no sense again.

Reasons for not including sfop (p_dkachuvannya):

  1. Deyaki programs and games, the same Windows created for robots with a download file, without it, there can be no pardons and glitches.
  2. With a sufficient amount of RAM (8-16 GB and more, fallow in the day), pagefile.sys writes 300-500 MB of data every day. Otherwise, hang on, don’t sacrifice anything.
  3. With a sufficient amount of RAM, you can install an exchange for a 1 GB file and do not worry about new pressure.

How to disable the download file is not lost, Windows 10 to fight like this:

  1. Right click mouse menu Start, select item System.
  2. At the left menu, press "Additional system parameters" (you need the mother of the administrator's rights).
  3. squeeze Parameters, open tab Dodatkovo.
  4. At the window "Virtual memory" press the button Change…
  5. Trochi below vibrati row No upload file.
  6. squeeze Ask, then So at the beginning of the day.
  7. squeeze OK at the virtual memory parameters for saving changes.

Usі zmіni nabudut chivalry after restarting the computer. About every kind of change, you can overthink what pagefile.sys is valid for and see in the root of the system. Yakshcho nadali be-yaka gra chi program vimagatime dani file otherwise you can see pardons about the marriage of virtual memory, you can move the pagefile back in this menu.

AT Windows 7і Windows 8/8.1 to change or delete the download file, you need:

  1. Right-click on the My Computer icon on the desktop, select power.
  2. In the left menu, select "Additional system parameters".
  3. Go to the "Dodatkovo" tab at the top of the window.
  4. In retail Shvidkodiya push the button Parameters.
  5. Again go to the "Dodatkovo" tab. At the “Virtual Memory” distribution, it will be written, what is the maximum size that can take the download file for a given moment.
  6. For locking qi Windows versions set up a pagefile expansion, which will increase the operational memory. squeeze Change, to set other meanings.
  7. Uncheck the box next to "Automatically select download file".
  8. Select item No upload file, to turn it on again.
  9. Press OK and restart the computer to change the status.

As it happened before, Windows 7/8 does not work well without the pagefile.sys file in the system. It's better to leave the space for downloads 512-1024 megabytes for system purposes. Tse rule pratsyuє nezalezhnost vіd vіd obsyagu mem'yati on kom'yuterі.

Transfer and defragmentation (breakdown)

Transferring a swap file from one disk to a different one is transferred to the same side, deselecting the file extension and then boosting/avoiding the swap. You can choose any of the disks connected to the system, in addition number of SSDs. Change ceremoniality after re-advancement: Windows create new file on the specified disk for an hour when the system starts.

Well, on the official website of Microsoft, there are only transfers to the download file. Article to replace instructions for Windows XP, new information on this topic was not added.

The instructions below will help you transfer pagefile.sys to a different drive in Windows 7, 8/8.1 and 10:

  1. Right-click on the My computer icon on the desktop, go to power.
  2. Select the left hand "Dodatkovo system parameters", and then go to the "Dodatkovo" section.
  3. In retail Virtual memory press the button Change(at the same time you can install optimal size file, oriented to Windows propositions i ).
  4. Uncheck the box for the item “Automatically select the size of the download file”, as it was installed there.
  5. Add to list Disk [volume icon] vibrati disk, lower vibrati Specify rozmir and insert the size of the file in megabytes.
  6. squeeze Askі OK for saving change. squeeze OK at the vіknі іz systemnym povіdomlennyam, yakscho taka 'appear.

You can choose a number of discs and insert different rozmіr for podkachuvannya in the skin of them. If you happen to have a copy of the pagefile.sys document, then Windiws will win at your own discretion. There is no sense to break up for a great coristuvach. Defragmentation of the backup file for a small number of files does not speed up the robot of the system and does not give the desired gain in productivity.

Do some vipadkah file minimum size all the same, it is needed on the system disk itself, and not on a shvidky SSD or flash. This allows you to save the possibility of diagnosing the system in different cases critical pardons(BSOD), you can save tax data there.

The file split on a disk drive looks like this:

Upload file to USB flash drive

Okremo wanted to guess about such a practice, as if transferring the file to a flash drive. First, it’s problematic to do it, Windows shards are not visible in the list of disks for the download file remember your nose danich. In another way, you can transfer pagefile.sys to a USB flash drive, but you may not give the desired significant result.

From one side, the portability of USB 3.0 is right at the top, especially when compared to the HDD:

  • USB 2.0 - up to 480 Mb/s (60 Mb/s)
  • USB 3.0 - up to 5 Gb / s (600 Mb / s)
  • SATA Revision 2.0 - up to 3 Gb/s
  • SATA Revision 3.0 - up to 6 Gb / s

In fact, far from being a skin flash drive, it is possible to navigate to maximum security USB 2.0 doesn't seem to be about 3.0. In the case of a typical flash drive in such a situation, you can take the speed of writing / reading at 30-100 Mb / s or less. In the case of HDDs, not to mention SSD drives, such speeds will not give the same gain in productivity.

Cleaned up in the download file

Hidden hour Windows computer erases all data, yakі є in operational memory (OZP). Data from the backup file for locking is not erased and left on the hard disk when the system is disabled. Also, in certain situations, third-party individuals can take away access to information from this file.

With a security method, you can save Windows to see the entire pagefile.sys, rewriting all memory centers to zero. In this way, potential evildoers cannot get hold of important documents. In case of this, the Vlasnik himself cannot take access to information from the download, the fund necessary for the tax.

There are two ways to clean up Windows priming in the swap file:

  • For help nalashtuvan Group Policy Editor.
  • For help, change the value of the entries Windows Registry Editor.

Without zayvoї nebhіdnostі The editor of the registry is not varto, especially as there is no knowledge of the work with this division of the system. Start the next step by trying to open the cleared file, vikoristovuyuchi instruction for Group Policy Editor.

This method works only with Vlasnik Pro- or Enterprise-versions of Windows:

  1. squeeze Start, in a row, enter a joke gpedit.msc and open the file.
  2. From the editor, what did you say group policies it is necessary to go to the distribution Computer configuration, then at Windows configuration.
  3. Vidkriti Bezpeka > Local Policies> Parameters at the left part of the window.
  4. On the right side of the panel, click on the policy Completion of the work: cleaning the virtual memory download file.
  5. At the vіknі, scho vіdkrylos, choose the item note.
  6. squeeze OK for saving change. Change the decency after the system is re-vanquished.

If something went wrong, you can speed up Register editor:

  1. Press "Start", then "Vikonati". Please enter regedit and press the Enter button.
  2. You need to know the key from the registry editor that you see (on the left side of the window): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ Memory Management.
  3. Click the right mouse button on the mouse free city at the right side of the window, context menu vibrati Create -> DWORD Value (32 bits).
  4. New parameter next name ClearPageFileAtShutdown.
  5. Double-click after the created parameter, at the window, what was entered, enter 1 in the field Value, press Ok, to save the change.

The robot is ready to look like this:

In order to change the force, it is necessary to reset the computer. Then clean up Windows pagefile.sys every time you shut down the system. To disable clearing the swap file, you need to set the value of the created parameter ClearPageFileAtShutdown 0 or just vidaliti yoga from the registry. After viewing (RMB -> Vidality) Windows restore values ​​for promotions (duration of cleaning at the time of expiration).