MGTS, “smart for our own” tariff. Smart for your own - describe the MTS tariff, how to connect Smart for your mnp

Few people know that in addition to the tariff plans available to supplement the transition to skin needs, there are even more important tariffs available. The MTS company has released a very attractive Smart tariff plan for its mobile phones.

It’s just that for their employees the company has recently become able to switch themselves, and also connect up to 10 MTS subscriber numbers to a non-public tariff at their discretion. Kozhen pratsivnik freely removes the code for switching to the Smart tariff plan for his own. Naturally, proposals for the sale of codes immediately began to appear over the market. If you don’t have close friends or relatives among the operator’s mobile phones, it will be difficult to resist the cost-free option of switching to this closed tariff. The fee for a paid transition to this plan is priced and can reach 3,000 rubles - everything depends on the seller’s appetite.

The first “For our own” option to the tariff has already recognized several changes. Zrobimo report description the tariff that Mobile TeleSystems are now spreading among a large number of subscribers.

Those who have switched to the “Smart for Our People” plan for a subscription fee of 200 rubles per month will be aware of the upcoming available packages Khvilin ta SMS:

  • 600 coins for everything mobile numbers your region, including calls to MTS operator numbers.
  • 600 outgoing SMS to numbers of any operators in your region.
  • No-cost weekends during service hours throughout the entire territory of the region.

After the main packages of benefits and SMS are finished, the prices will be as follows:

  • After exhausting the 10-year package, the quality of the output calls varies depending on the region where the SIM card was added. The capital region will charge 2 rubles per call for calls to numbers of any operators in your region.
  • Weekend calls outside your region are not included in the basic package of available services and cost 3 rubles per service for calls to any operator.
  • Customers pay 50 kopecks for 1 SMS to all operators in their region.
  • 3 rubles 80 copies purchase an SMS notification after reaching the limit of 600 to inform operators in any region.

Please note that the first package of cashless goods will be insured and calls to MTS numbers. Otherwise, after completing the package, you will be deprived of the cost-free benefits both in your region and on MTS in Russia.

A customer who has subscribed to such a tariff will reject the following use of the mobile Internet:

  • A package of 10 GB of Internet traffic, which is valid throughout the territory of the region without additional roaming surcharges.
  • Internet traffic packages that are automatically connected after the main limit of 500 MB is reached for 75 rubles per person. You can purchase no more than 15 such Internet packages per month. The automatic connection of additional packages can be adjusted independently.
  • After completing the additional packages, users can access the Internet by using the “Turbo button” options with a size of 100 or 500 MB.

Important! The MTS "Smart for Our Own" tariff operates without regulation of internal border roaming throughout the country. In this case, the subscriber’s connections are serviced in his own way home tariff staying in any region of the power. Remember that it should be turned on until the tariff itself, the same as when subscribing to the “ ” option.

Subscription to tariff

How can I activate the “Smart for my own” tariff? The company's account provider displays 10 activation codes for special vikoristanny. Tariff changes can be made without replacing the SIM card. If you received such a code through another method, then to switch to the “Smart for Your Own” tariff on MTS you only need to sign in one of two steps:

  • Dial the USSD combination *362*000000*0000# on your phone, replacing the zeros with your digital code.
  • Call number 3620 and change the tariff for call mode.

Respect! When changing your tariff plan For this closed tariff, it is necessary to have at least 200 rubles on the balance of your account. subscription fee written off at the moment of transition.

Go to new tariff This plan will last for 1 billion. How can I find out if a new tariff has already been activated?

  1. The name of your tariff is displayed.
  2. The USSD command *111*59# allows you to select the tariff name in the information notification.

How can you find out how much traffic and information has become available for vikoristanna while using such a tariff? Zrobiti will be possible using standard methods, such as on any other tariff of the Smart line:

  • Vlasny has an account on the operator’s website at the address:
  • U mobile app My MTS.
  • For the additional USSD combination *111*217#, then send the call.

Varto speaks out about the many shortcomings associated with the subscription to the MTS “Smart for Our Own” tariff plan. If you switch to a new tariff, the main problem is that calls are limited, surrounded by a 10-year monthly limit. Then unlimited payments begin in the middle of the border, and at that time the hour for outgoing calls to the numbers of third-party operators will be spent. Another insecurity is that calls to other regions cannot be processed within the charged 10 years.

As a result, wait, for 200 rubles of the monthly subscription fee, a customer subscriber, who switches to such an MTS, the tariff removes the miraculous proposition. Other tariffs, due to the obvious connection of different packages and options, do not provide such a consistent price and service. This is a practical minimizing “Ultra” tariff, even more so modest price.

We remember that adding SIM cards to the MTS “Smart for Our Own” tariff is not possible. If you want to switch to such a mobile connection, you will have to search for codes to switch on your own.

The whole program from attracting MGTS clients to joy mobile connection. Here is the delivery of the SIM card at once with the MGTS package, and exclusive tariff, and selection of digits that are used in telephone numbers, and a test period for cost-free evaluation. This is a great project of the win-win category, if both sides win.

About the phone number

Unfortunately, since it’s just a new connection, it’s impossible to transfer your old MTS number. More precisely, perhaps, but not “Smart for your own”. Then they selected a number, the remaining digits of which match the digits of the MGTS landline phone number. It’s tempting, wait a minute, for the sake of the numbers that are being saved, you can sacrifice a lot of numbers. Or, for example, I’d like to honor my squad with such a number.

The number capacity of the code (DEF) is 958. The valuable resource was wisely managed. One wonders how MTS has mediocrely poisoned the capacity of 985, including prepaid boxes. MegaFon has recently taken a capacity of 925 and communicated the numbers that will be met to all direct authorities Stilnikov numbers other operators. The procedure was extremely simple: when you came to the salon with your phone, the salon clerk dialed your phone number, sensing confirmation, and connected to the number, which always comes up, in code 925. I don’t know how many people there are What numbers did Megafon manage to lure, but the idea was beautiful.

About the contract and bezkoshtovne testing

Proceed for five days after activating the SIM card to disable all services and evaluate the brightness.

100 messages, 100 SMS notifications and 1 GB of traffic - a completely sufficient package for cost-free testing, if you have never used MTS services before. After completing the contract, you will pay the fee for the mobile connection together with the fee for landline phone MGTS, that's a loan. The same vagomy plus that additional handiness.

About the tariff

Technically, the “Smart for your own” tariff is significantly cheaper with latest version"Smart for your own" MTS. For a subscription fee of 200 rubles. For a month, give a package of 500 benefits to all phones in your region, 500 SMS notifications and 5 GB of Internet traffic. After completing the package of benefits, unlimited access is activated on MTS phones in all Russia and, importantly, unlimited access on all MGTS phones in Russia.

The “Smart for Our Own” MTS tariff was recently increased (600 phone numbers/SMS and 10 GB traffic), but the MGTS version now has unlimited coverage on most Moscow phones. And for the MTS version you have to pay a few pennies for connection (they sell codes for the transition), and they can also be fooled. And, of course, you do not remove the same digits of telephone numbers that are saved.

In my opinion, 200 rubles. for a month at the current time – it’s not at all that pennies, for the sake of saving what kind of goods would be seen in the form of the proposed “grocery set” and additional advantages. So, of course, you intend to continue to be a miserly MGTS phone. And this option is definitely worth a lot for those mobile tariffs MGTS, which the company officially advertises on its website.

How to connect?

As far as I understand, the correct answer is that it is not for my own initiative. Just check out the offer with the SIM card in the monthly envelope from MGTS. If you spare, then you can quickly get by with this proposition, if you don’t send, then this is your share. Tsikavo would have to know about the scale and prospects of the project, but it is unlikely that he would tell us. It is possible, then, to clarify or correct the format of the proposition.

It is clear that MGTS is adding a number of mobile subscribers in this way. If you choose to use a landline phone, you may change your mind about such a connection. Once you start adding up the numbers, the combination of landline phone + “Smart for your own” will cost less for the basic SMART tariff with the highest parameters.

Good afternoon!

I've been meaning to write again for a long time reporting instructions For people who want to activate the “Smart for their own” tariff when switching to the MTS network from other operators, the connection and your food will be correct.

Activate "Smart for your friends" with MNP

1. (not obligatory) Go to the office of your flow operator and ask to check the contract details with your passport. Sometimes it is carried out in such a way that the agreement contains amends. This time your current operator asks you to transfer to MTS and will have to start everything from the beginning.

2. Visit the MTS office with your passport and write an application for number transfer to MTS. The office assistant will give you a form, you will fill it in and return it. After which you will be issued an MTS SIM card with a time number, which will be replaced with the number you are transferring after the process is completed.

It’s better to get a SIM card with the “Smart Mini” tariff for everything, which has a subscription fee of 300 rubles per month. If you ask for a different tariff, you will either be told that there are no SIM cards, or wait until you change the tariff. At this stage, it is important not to listen to the mobile phone provider (this does not include bonuses for sales of the Smart Mini tariff) and to transfer the SIM card to the tariff. Super MTS", for which there is no subscription fee. If the telephone service provider informs the office, you can change the tariff yourself in paragraph 3 of this instruction. Otherwise, if the tariff has not been changed, do not renew rakhunok! for the "Smart Mini" tariff.

  • Can you tell me what is the procedure for switching to “Smart for your friends”?
  • Is it important today to switch to MTS Smart for your friends?
  • SMART for your 2016, description of changes and connections to the tariff
  • What days are important for employees when switching to Smart for their
  • 3. Now you need to connect everything to the new SIM card paid services And if the tariff has not yet been changed to “Super MTS” - earn money. We have a report about this: . You can change the tariff there, in the addendum or special office, in the section "My little baby":

    4. Now you will no longer have to check. After about an hour, you will receive the SMS from MTS, at which time you will be notified of the exact date and hour of the number transfer to MTS. Since the first point of the instructions is not indicated, it is unlikely that your line operator will ask you to port the number at this stage. However, this is rarely the case.

    5. When you specify the date and time, your number will no longer be available on the MTS SIM card, and now you can activate the “Smart for Your Own” tariff. Check again to make sure you don’t have paid services connected, then top up your balance by over 200 rubles (more than 300-400 to have a reserve).

    6. Fill out the form at the address, near the field "Option to switch to tariff:" select " Smart for your own - cost-free"(since June 27, 2017, the catastrophic transition is unavailable, current proposals can be found on the order page). If you do not want to wait for 10 working days, you can choose the accelerated connection option for 200 or 790 rubles. An operator will contact you within an hour to clarify the details and initiate the procedure for subscribing to the “Smart for Friends” tariff. Regardless of this method, switching to “Smart for your own” takes 1-10 business days, for the entire hour on the balance of your number there is strictly more than 200 rubles. After completing the transition to the “Smart for Friends” TP, pay the fee for the given service (except for the no-cost option) according to the details specified by the operator.

    If you are deprived of food and clarification needs - be kind, or delete the comment.

    The skin of a person is like that of a mobile connection, I want to spare it. MTS has provided solutions for current and future subscribers – non-commercial tariff plan “Smart for our own”, which was previously unavailable. Intended for friends and relatives of the company. The cost of connections is very short and available for all regions.

    Report description

    Shvidka navigation

    This “closed” tariff was not officially sold, since the connection was previously only available for mobile phones and up to 10 numbers for their use. For the transition, no-cost codes were assigned.

    And suddenly, the certificates went up for sale from intermediaries, so you won’t get to the “family” of MTS, The package can be added, but the price can reach 3000 rubles. Nowadays, it is possible to buy it via the Internet, but be careful to trust a reliable seller and not cheat, who may send you a non-functional code, or you won’t get anything at all.

    Tsikavo! In 2016, services were updated and their quality was updated, and tariff plan owners were automatically transferred to new minds.

    Description of options

    Tariff "Smart for your own" from MTS є prepaid, for whom for 200 rubles Vlasniks perform the following services:

    • 600 premiums for weekend calls (MTS and other operators);
    • unlimited calls to subscribers of your network (and after the end of the 10-year subscription);
    • 600 SMS at the border, which should be sent to your region;
    • 10 GB Internet (blame – Sakhalin, less than 3 GB);
    • “At home” – the same rules apply here, as long as there is no roaming in the Russian Federation.

    Tsikavo! The Internet can be distributed without restrictions on other devices.

    From the assignments of 600 hvilinas, the scales are calculated according to the current measure. After exhausting the connections, you will forfeit the cost-free privileges between your subscribers. Buyers with other operators will pay more:

    • one khvilina for numbers in your region 2 rubles;
    • to international phones – 3 rubles;
    • SMS – 0.5 and 3.8 rubles per day.

    After running out of costless gigabytes packages are automatically connected Internet traffic 500 MB for 75 rubles. They can be victorious 15 times a month. To turn on automatic mode, use the code *111*936*2#. After deleting, you can quickly use the “Turbo button” options in sizes of 100 or 500 MB.

    Important! 500 rubles instead of 200 are paid using a direct Moscow number.

    Reasons can vary depending on the region - both the amount and the number of services.

    How to go and connect

    In one of the descriptions we learned that in order to pick up a package you need a phone number, registration on physical person, as well as the certificate that you received or received through the merchant.

    To activate the Smart tariff for your friends, enter the USSD command *362*000000*0000#, instead of zeros, use the code to remove the code. It's also possible call number 3620 Then switch to telephone mode.

    Respect! There will immediately be more than 200 rubles on your balance, so if you plan to use the phone during the change period, keep an eye on the excess.

    You can get by without a certificate, if only Narazi You are not a subscriber of this company. You can transfer your savings from your old number. To withdraw the discount, the specialist fills out the application and checks for the payment. This can be done for two to five days.

    Also cost-free connection available for those subscribers who changed other mobile operators to MTS after January 1, 2016.


    To find out if you are connected, if you have an MTS add-on, then dial the USSD combination *111*59#.

    Information about excess supplies, SMS and traffic You can also find out at the office and appendix, or set the number *100*1# for the first two positions, and *111*217# and click for gigabytes.

    “Smart for your own” offers a compelling proposition at a modest price. The package of services here is a good idea, only for the greater availability.

    The Mobile TeleSystems company is constantly releasing new proposals for companions, but at the same time do not forget about their companions. The operator has a large number of workers, and the company provides services throughout the country. A special tariff plan “Smart for Our People” has been implemented for them, which gives them special benefits. Let's figure out what kind of minds it is and how the average customer can connect it to a mobile device.

    Description of service

    The tariff plan will be closed for activation to emergency employees of the enterprise. This can only be installed by the MTS network or their relatives and friends. The provider gives its employees ten unique codes to switch to the contract, which can be distributed to loved ones. After this, proposals began to appear on the unofficial market to buy this important TP for a single price. Availability of the set can begin at 2000. depending on the seller's needs.

    There is a fixed fee for violating the contract, which is about 200 rubles per month. It is written off automatically during the skin degeneration period, since at this time the SIM card does not have the necessary amount of money, the service of the telephone number is temporarily blocked. For the payment of your timely payment, the employee receives packages of messages, SMS and Internet traffic on any resources of the limited space.

    Let's take a look at the main ideas and principles:

    1. The tariff plan is available for activation only to MTS employees and their close friends and relatives.
    2. After activation, customers will enjoy a new voice-free range across Russia, including national roaming.
    3. After spending standard packages of services, weekend calls to MTS are not subject to tariffs.
    4. Only physical individuals can connect a proposition.

    Service packages

    Now let's move on to the specifics of the tariff of the closed contract:

    1. The subscriber receives 600 credits to all telephone numbers within his home region and MTS throughout the country. After the established quota has been exhausted, the cost of matching with clients of other providers is 2 rubles in the registration region and 3 rubles. behind the scenes.
    2. 600 SMS to all contacts in the region. After exceeding the set limit, sending one SMS costs 50 copies per day and 3.8 UAH. to other regions of Russia.
    3. The local Internet resources provide 10 gigabytes per month without territorial boundaries. As soon as the traffic ends, an additional 0.5 GB is automatically added. Vartist additional set accumulates 150 rubles. During one expansion period, you are allowed to withdraw no more than 15 repetitions, after which the expansion for each megabyte acquisition begins.
    4. Competitors of the “Smart for Your Own” contract can be registered at any point in the region, as in the area covered by the contract.

    How to connect

    If a proposition is suitable, then you can safely activate it, for which there are a number of ways:

    1. Enter a special combination in the online format - *362*XXXXXX*XXXX#. Instead of the X sign, a unique code is written, which is shown by the provider to its internet providers. It’s difficult to get it on your own, you can buy it from third-party dealers, otherwise there is no guarantee, which will fool you. It’s easier to try to get in touch with a doctor, be sure to get a connection to the salon and get paid for a small sum.
    2. You can activate the tariff by dialing the service telephone number"3620". After this, feel the voice of an automatic informer. Proceed according to the instructions. Register a special security key to deny access to the contract.

    Respect! When changing or switching to a tariff plan for your friends, you must have 200 rubles on your balance to pay the subscription fee, which will be immediately debited on the day of connection.

    Unfortunately, using standard methods - in your personal account, behind the number technical support or at the service salon it is impossible to activate the proposition.

    After successfully installing a contract on a telephone number, you will be contacted by the operator. You can check your tariff plan in a special account or use USSD *111*59# for help.

    Respect! The specifics of the tariff plan and price characteristics described in the statistics are representative of the Moscow region of the region. Some regions and republics may have significantly different functions.

    The tariff proposition “Smart MTS for your own” is an excellent way to save on Stilnikovy bond to all mobile phone providers and their friends. Unfortunately, the primary customer cannot find information about this contract on the official website of the operator and sign up for a new transfer without a special code key.