How to call on dodatkovy. How to dial the addendum number


Enter the phone number of the reception. If the wine is made up of two parts, then the first one is given for the main number of the company, and the other, as a rule, is taken up to the bows, for the additional one. Sama vіn allow you to zadnatisya from the necessary vіddіl. Dial the main number of the organization on the phone and call. You need an auto notification.

It is necessary to listen again to yoga, otherwise it may happen and you happen to redial the number. For example, you will feel the change of the main additional numbers and the proposition to dial the necessary after the characteristic signal.

Verify that the landline phone is in tone mode. This is necessary in order to contact the additional number. If this is disabled, then simply press the “zirochka” button on the phone, as you know under the main dialing buttons. A number of telephone devices for which are equipped with a special Pulse-Tone button. How to attach the back of the head in tone...

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Newly needed addendum number? How to dial an additional number from a mobile phone? Automatic dialing of a subsidiary number from a smartphone How to dial a subsidiary number from a mobile phone?

When dialing telephones of great enterprises, one often blames the need to select additional numbers for calling with the necessary person or a person. Qi numbers є for the organization of the charitable work of spivrobitniks. Ale can often blame the problems associated with it, how to correctly dial the additional number.

Do you need an additional number?

Offices of modern companies are premises, separated by partitions and sections. At the skin of the sections, there are spivrobitniks, like they beat the song to the robot. All working areas are equipped with computers and telephones. To contact a specific contact, you need to dial the main company number. After the connection, an additional number is dialed to set the necessary contact.

Victory of supplementary numbers...

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Today, it is practically a great undertaking to organize the correct and rewarding work for the fair supply of such titles of additional numbers. The addendum number is a singing numerical identifier, giving a specific line of business, for example, a singing business. So, you can remember that the company's phone, where it is necessary to call, consists of two parts. The first signifies the main phone number of the company, the friend (sound in the arms) will be the same additional number, which will call you with the need for a person or a person. Not all of them stuck together, and not all of them could go out, but let's hope that you dialed the additional number correctly.

Addendum number: dialing rules

To start, dial a phone number. Ring out the words auto-dispatching, which is re-arranging all the available additional numbers, so that a person could choose those that are necessary, and call. Avtovidpovidach needs to listen to the end!

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A lot of organization vikoristovuyut for zv'yazku z raznymi vіddіlami dodatkovі numbers, yakі є є іnіtіfіkіkatі. However, the subscriber, who needs to get in touch with a singer, sometimes blames difficulties. Especially often the problems are with quiet people who call z mobile phone.

How do you know what is the additional number in front of you?

Before that, dial the additional number from the mobile number, it is necessary to indicate which valid wine number is in front of you. The contact details of rich companies for the additional numbers are assigned after the main number of the digits, which sounds are placed at the bow. Abo write the word "dodatkovy" in front of them. The code of the caller or the other one, which is determined by the serial number of the device connected to the PBX. If you choose a PBX, you can be virtual and redirect from the rich-channel number of the call to "Skype", mobile and private numbers, which are found in different branches.


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At this hour, it is practical to organize skin care for the welfare of the robot for the introduction of additional numbers. The additional number is a numerical identifier, which is given to the singal line of business or yogo vіddіlu. Wine is made up of 2 parts: 1st part is the main phone number, 2nd part is an additional one, which will get you out of the need for a person or a person.

What is an addendum number?

In order to understand how to call an additional number, it is necessary to understand what is wrong. This is a forwarding point at a virtual automatic telephone exchange, which is recognized as one of the original telephone numbers in the directory (local, mobile, sip or skype account either). Additional number may have a different format – from 0001 to 9999, which encloses the maximum number capacity of the forwarding point on the 1st virtual number.

The first two digits of the appendix number mean the serial number of the forwarding list, and, as a rule, belong to the 1st company's ID.

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Master's note:

If you dial the phone number of such a great undertaking, you will often have to deal with the problem of dialing an additional number in order to talk to a singing person or contact a necessary person. Such supplementary numbers allow the enterprise to organize the correct and beneficial work of all practitioners. However, there are many who do not know and do not know how to correctly dial additional numbers.

Please enter the telephone number of the required business. If the number is composed of two parts, then the first one represents the main phone number, and the other, as it sounds, is written in the arms, it means the additional number. The other part itself will help you with the necessary food. Now dial the main number on the phone and call on the new one. You will feel the automatic notification.

You will need to listen again to yoga, and even if it does, you can get a bad call, and you happen to dial the number again. For example, we will inform you about auto-dispatch...

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Dial the number of the company, to get recognized, you need to get the credits, to add the additional number. Try to enter the additional number after the order. As soon as you have entered, at the hour of entering the number, the pause function is speeded up by any means. How do you feel about the checks, pokey autonomous system voice all options, when you enter an internal number, you will be able to select the pause option or a dash of coma. It costs both Apple smartphones and Android-based smartphones.

On your phone, go to the "Contacts" program.

Click on the pictogram plus to create new contact or choose key number, until you want to add the addendum number. Type in the main contact and select "Edit".

Click on the area in order with the phone number. To enter a new number, you may need to click on the plus icon.

Enter number. If the main number is entered, insert...

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In today's minds for a blessed organization phone call, undertakings are fixed in order to enter additional numbers, such as numerical codes that are assigned to the names of the children. Call the telephone number, it consists of two parts, for which the first part is the same phone number (main), and the other is the additional number, which without intermediary is already given with the first letter of admission or by a landowner.


The additional number can be dialed by phone only if the phone has been switched from pulse mode to tone mode. To do it, just press a little star (*). More telephones in every way possible. How is your phone transferred tone mode in another way, explain, as you wish, in the instructions.

Another way you can use it is that the telephone has a button to pause the number entered. In this case, there were no traces of checks in the form of a mini-ATS. Dial the main number, and then press the pause symbol, after which you can enter an additional one. A pause can be a "P" symbol.

But not all mini-ATS companies, which require you to send additional numbers, add a pause symbol, call the same wine number on your phone. Deyakі dzvіnki welcome you, and then zmusyat vysluhati text. You can only enter the additional number if you allow the auto-reply to appear later. Sound like a promo and you can almost feel it on the kshtalt: "... Please sign in the operator's name, or after the signal, enter the additional number." Next signal, and now you can enter an additional number. All characters entered before the signal, min-ATS are ignored.

On some phones, there is a Flash button, which provides access to the mini-PBX functionality. But I know, not all automatic telephone exchanges support the robot for the help of the button. To enter an additional number, you need to press Flash, and then dial the required additional numbers.

Can you winter flash buttons yakscho douzhe shortly and swidko vdarit respectfully. This method can be used for telephones, but not for all. Deyakі rozirvut zv'yazok, іnshі allow you to enter an additional number, without checking the system's confirmation.

The installation of a mini-ATS on the subdivision allows you to coordinate all calls through a manual and secure connection. With each client, that business partner can contact the necessary manager without intermediary, and not for a long time. The presence of such an attachment in the organization to talk about її business activity and successful activity.


Repair from the conducted design work. It's your responsibility to turn on all the necessary switches to install a mini-ATS. In case of insurance, the company's needs and obmirkovuyutsya options for laying cables. Store technical task, in which the given data are trusted. Resurrect necessary tools and materials for the installation of mini automatic telephone exchanges.

Remember, if you want to lay a cable and not harm the interior, then you need to bring special decorative boxes. Іsnuyut also bezdrotovі mіnі automatic telephone exchange, yakі richly zruchnіshi and nadіynіshі, shards of less factors infuse into the quality of її robots. However, such attachments cost more expensively. Wipe out this option and reclaim the economic benefits from such investments.

Lay cables for mini-ATS, install and connect telephone sockets, choose a place for other equipment. Pereverte, so that everything was roztashovane to do it manually and it is available. These works are due to buti vykonanі z advanced accuracy and accuracy, shards of transmission cable, socket, which is available, or poor contact can lead to a spike in the telephone tube and a decrease in the quality of the call. In this rank, it is recommended to hand over the right to the professionals.

Some organizations have less than one telephone number, with which to the line it is connected to the office of the automatic telephone exchange. To get through to the sing caller, after calling the autoinformer, you need to dial an addendum number, ring in the tone mode.


Yaxcho wi phoned on number office PBX style phone, having checked the autoinformer request, just dial the additional number. If you don’t feel the same tone signals, you won’t feel the stink, the stench will be transferred to the line all the same. As a spіvrobіtnik, with whom you need to get in touch, to be on the phone, you can talk to him at any time. If you don’t have anything on the line, don’t stay on the line for a long time, even if the tariffication of the call starts from the moment you notice a new autoinformer.

With a call from a local phone, everything should be laid down depending on which automatic telephone exchange you serve. If you don’t support tone dialing, then your home device, better for everything, has long been translating in the main mode with a tone shifter, and dialing additional number you can once upon a request. Well, no, typing number office PBX in pulse mode, check the autoinformer request, after which press the key with a star (you will switch your device to tone mode), and then additional number. After you talk and hang up, the device will automatically switch to pulse mode.

Telephone equipment with disk number won't, like early models of push-buttons, cannot work in tone mode. If you often have to call the office PBX, and your phone does not support this mode, buy a special accessory - a beeper. It consists of keyboards, an electronic synthesizer of DTMF signals and dynamics, and lives on batteries. Enough to bring the speaker of the beeper to the microphone of the handset and dial the correct numbers - and the office of the automatic telephone exchange knows the addendum. number.

Well, the phone does not support tone dialing, but there is no beep, but it is additional number you don’t need a caller, if you don’t do anything after requesting an autoinformer, and for pivhvilin you need to tell you the secretary of the organization, until you call. Name you the name of the spivrobitnik, with whom you want to talk, and wіn switch you to a suitable addendum number manually.

Respect, only TODAY!

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