Connect the printer via a local xp link. About the speeches of the world of IT, instructions and reviews

There are a lot of clients in the rest of the hour and just know that they are facing problems with the installation twill druk from a Windows 7 computer to twill printer, reordering on a machine with Windows XP. On the right, in small offices, local printers are mostly used, which connect USB to a work computer, which sounds like a working computer keruvannyam Windows XP, and all new machines (like going already with Windows 7) will apply to other printers as needed.

If you try to set up such a server on a PC under Windows 7, then if you connect other clients, you won't have any problems. But, unfortunately, when you try a printer on a merged printer on XP with Windows 7, it’s better for everything, it’s difficult to blame.

In this article, I will try to describe the procedure for setting up a friend on a merged printer in XP with Windows 7.

1 ) Reconsider that the printer on the machine with XP has a shared access (the printer is shared). You can change it by pressing right button mouse and select item Sharing(Hot access) .

Activate the option sharethisprinter and set the name of the printer. The tier printer name must be at least 8 symbols of the logon and do not use service symbols.

2 ) Verify that the printer is visible from Windows 7. For which you open the control panel (Control Panel) and press the button networkandInternet.

At this stage, the list framing outbuildings You are to blame for your computer's Windows XP. Our type of name is PC - Aseem.

You click on your computer name and you will see a list of printers on XP, until you have more access. You can try adding this printer by right-clicking on it and selecting Connect(Connect).

As all goes well, Windows 7 will have a new printer, connecting to XP. However, if you want to know more " Cannotconnecttoprinter”, chime in this way.

3) From the Start menu, select the item Devices and printers. At the top menu, press the button Addaprinter(Add a printer).

4) Let's choose Addalocalprinter(Add local printer). So, it’s not logical to steal, but to do it yourself like that!

6) At the dialog window, it is necessary to specify UNC paths to the tethered printer on XP. Our example \ AseemHPXP, de Aseem is the name of the XP printer, and HPXP is the name of the printer on it.

7) Next, you need to select a driver for this printer model (you can select from the installed ones, or add a new one using the Have Disk button). The best option is to get the latest version of the Windows 7 driver for this printer model from the site of the maker.

From i all! Windows 7 install the driver to a friend and you can easily transfer to a tethered printer on Windows XP from Win 7. fresh drivers friend for Windows 7!

In that case, as you will have some problems during the next hour on Win XP from Windows 7, fill in your comments here, and we will try to know the solution at once.

It doesn’t matter if you guessed s її name, merezhevy druk vinik for the improved tare of all merging technologies, as well as for their mass support operating systems. On the great machines of the past generation of terminals, they could also go up to that very other outbuilding (PU), but personal computers It has become massively available only with the advent of Windows family systems. Merezhevy printer available to all participants local lines, yakі mаut vіdpovіdnі nalashtuvannya. Therefore, the installation of a tethered printer on Windows 7 is required for a skin printer. to the merezhny administrator. That outstanding coristuvache can be learned about this technology.

Spoolers to each other, which, if they were based in DOS, were driven by all sorts of great possibilities, inaccessible to modern models of other outbuildings, or rarely vikoristovuyutsya in them. For example, it is possible to use one single command of the console to convert the matrix PU to the right machine.

At early versions Word Navіt іsnuvala menu option, vіdpovіdalna for tse. You typed text at the console text editor, and the vin is automatically redirected to the PU Ale does not respond to the main one: how to connect and how to set up the printer. Yak install software security so that the connection to the computer of the MFP could work normally. Otzhe, vchimosya nalashtovuvat merzhevy printer from Windows.

Instructions for the printer's home file manager

If your booth has a printer or an MFP, then we need to connect the PU to the computer. For what purpose is the best USB port. Let's make sure you have connected the computer and printer with a cable and get ready to proceed with the configuration.

Connecting a tethered printer to Windows XP

The image of the vicon on the second side is the image that supplements the text explanation.
Do not confuse them with victories, with some practices on your computer.

Menu Start press Nalashtuvannya > Printers and faxes (For Classic Menu Start).
For menu Start for locking: press Start > Printers and faxes . Icon Printers and faxes you can also know at viknі Control panel .

At the left part of the window Printers and faxes in retail Head of Druk to launch the master, which helps to install the printer, press Printer installation .

When the dialogue window is open printer installation wizard , press the button Dali >.

Vіknі іz subtitle Local printer or connection to printer Choose Merezhevy printer or printer, connections to another computer and press the button Dali >.


Vіknі іz subtitle Select printer Select .
In the field Im'ya instruct the path to the merging printer. For example: \\base\elephant(this printer is on the 4th version, HP LaserJet 9000dn) or \\base\parrot(this printer is on the 5th version, HP LaserJet 9050dn).

Although the exact path to the printer is not known, then the window has a subtitle Select printer Choose Connect to the printer or open the printer view ("Dal" button) and press the button Dali > leaving the field Im'ya empty.

Vіknі іz subtitle Overview of printers in the field Hot printers Choose Merezha Microsoft Windows > MI > base and there select the printer that you need to connect. For example: elephant(this printer is on the 4th version, HP LaserJet 9000dn) or parrot(this printer is on the 5th version, HP LaserJet 9050dn).

Vіknі іz subtitle Lock printer choose, win over the printer for locking.
For an hour or so, be it a program, as if another printer will not be vibrated, documents that are being treated will always be forced on the printer for locking.
Let's press the button Dali >.

Vіknі іz subtitle Completion of robotic master installation of printers press the button Ready.

You can connect a tethered printer in another way: Vіdkryte vіkno merezhe otochennya . At the left part of the window merezhe otochennya click on the pictogram All mesh. Double click on the icon Microsoft Windows Network. Potim dvichi click on working group Mi.And then we'll double-click on the computer Base. I gave the double click on the printer, which is necessary to connect. In a certain hour, the printer window will appear.

In the rest of the hour, there are a lot of clients and just know that they are facing problems when installing a printer from a Windows 7 computer to a printer, printing on a Windows XP machine. On the right, in small offices, mostly local printers are used, which are connected via USB to a work computer, which sounds like a Windows XP repair, and all machines (like to go ahead of Windows 7) on qi printers by measure.

If you try to set up such a server on a PC under Windows 7, then if you connect other clients, you won't have any problems. But, unfortunately, when you try a printer on a merged printer on XP with Windows 7, it’s better for everything, it’s difficult to blame.

In this article, I will try to describe the procedure for setting up a friend on a merged printer in XP with Windows 7.

1 ) Reconsider that the printer on the machine with XP has a shared access (the printer is shared). You can change it by right-clicking on the mouse and selecting the item Sharing(Zahalny access).

Activate the option sharethisprinter and set the name of the printer. The tier printer name must be at least 8 symbols of the logon and do not use service symbols.

2 ) Verify that the printer is visible from Windows 7. For which you open the control panel (Control Panel) and press the button networkandInternet.

At this stage, the list of merezhnyh outbuildings is the fault of your computer with Windows XP. Our type of name is PC - Aseem.

You click on your computer name and you will see a list of printers on XP, until you have more access. You can try adding this printer by right-clicking on it and selecting Connect(Connect).

As all goes well, Windows 7 will have a new printer, connecting to XP. However, if you want to know more " Cannotconnecttoprinter”, chime in this way.

3) From the Start menu, select the item Devices and printers. At the top menu, press the button Addaprinter(Add a printer).

4) Let's choose Addalocalprinter(Add a local printer). So, it’s not logical to steal, but to do it yourself like that!

6) At the dialog window, it is necessary to specify UNC paths to the tethered printer on XP. Our example \\ Aseem\HPXP, de Aseem is the name of the XP printer, and HPXP is the name of the printer on it.

7) Next, you need to select a driver for this printer model (you can select from the installed ones, or add a new one using the Have Disk button). The best option is to get the latest version of the Windows 7 driver for this printer model from the site of the maker.

From i all! Windows 7 install the driver to a friend and you can easily transfer to a tethered printer on Windows XP from Win 7. The procedure for setting up a link is simple, it's easier to get full access to a tethered printer on XP and get new drivers for a friend for Windows 7!

In that case, as you will have some problems during the next hour on Win XP from Windows 7, fill in your comments here, and we will try to know the solution at once.

How do you have a small computer in your house and all the stinks work under Windows 7, fix the printer, zavdyaki new features Windows 7 HomeGroup not in a warehouse difficult, but as a client speaking a computer under Windows XP - then the process will be cheaper. Look at before ak y Windows 7.

It is believed that all the machines of the household were rebuked by one of the working groups.

It is possible to ask for a password for globally accessible resources on a Windows 7 machine

On the computer under Windows 7 checkup Center for management of facilities and bedroom access.

Choose the amount of heat on the panel Change Additional parameters access.

Change the parameters in both merger profiles (Home work and Global access).

If you want to have access to the most accessible mesh resources - install a radio transmitter at the position Turn off sleep access password stalker . Press the Save Changes button.

If you want to delete this jumper, then create an open record for computers (Windows XP) so that you can connect to the machine.

Note: For skin oblіkovogo record You can reset the password.

Now, yakscho vіdkriti Merezhevy connection The machine is Windows 7, and all computers are Windows XP, 7, 8.

Increased access to the printer on a Windows 7 computer

To enable full access to the printer in Windows 7, open the Start menu - Add Printers

We select a printer in the window to click on us, we press it with the right mouse button and in the open window context menu collectable Printer power.

At the dialogue window Printer power, go to the tab Access and press the button Improving the entrance access(as well as є).

At the dialogue window Control of cloud records of coristuvachiv, allowed by the program Changing parameters in a friend change your computer.

Install checkbox High access to a different printer and we introduce yoga im'ya merezhі.

If printers are connected to your printer under x64 wrapping with a Windows bandage - set the flag for the x64 processor. When computers are connected to a printer, the drivers will be loaded from the machine.

In order to help rozsharovanі resources on Windows machines 7, it's up to Windows Explorer.

Connecting a tethered printer on Windows XP

Vidkrivaemo merezhe otochennya. At the right side of the window is selected Visualize workgroup computers.

The working group has an Alex-test computer, which works under Windows 7 and has a twill printer installed on it.

Vіdkrivaєmo tsey computer and bachimo printer, which we need to connect. Press the right mouse button on the selected printer, and in the context menu, select Connect...

Let's wait for the drivers to be installed automatically on our computer, press the button So.

After that, the dialog box Connected to the printer. We check for the completion of the connection.

After the installation of the printer is completed, the menu Start - Printer and Fax will open.

At V_kn_ Printer and Fax Bachimo schoyno installations of a fringed printer.

Now you can check the power of the printer and charge the trial side.

In this article, I have shown a simpler way to connect a printer. There is also a collapsible process for connecting a tambour printer through the Printer and Fax window. Where you need to choose Menu Printer installation and go through the installation process for the assistance of the printer installation master.

On whom everything. We looked at the yak before ak y Windows 7set up a lace printer, Windows connection XP clients.