Quick and easy photo review on MAC: Faster ways. Visual reviewer for Mac OS How to flip photos in mac

This is a universal reviewer of photographs with no personal functions.

Dekilkoh photo review modes, full screen mode, thumbnail mode, simple mode, slideshow mode, EXIF ​​mode and zoom mode provide a wonderful opportunity to review photos.

Request photo review for Mac Upload 35 photo files and RAW formats, Including Nikon, Canon and other popular formats. The program is available in 16 mov.

Key features:

1. Wonderful speed for reviewing photos, add only one image for reviewing all image files.

2. Go to brand new high quality for the help of Retina-recognized Mac photo viewer and new regime without interface.

3. The batch process and the fundamental functions of faucet processing are a plus for a perfect look at photos.

4. Different modes for reviewing photos, managing photos between different folders with ease.

5. Crop photos without waste, adjust effects or sort photos by name or name.

Top 3: Picasa Photo Viewer

Another visual solution for reviewing images on Windows and Mac (only for Intel).

The photo reviewer can import images in a fully automated process and arrange photos in chronological order.

You can create folders, tag tags, classify into collections, and share your Picasa Web Albums.

You can also create your own photo albums. The main editing tools to correct the image, as well as some effects, are also available in the photo review program.

Ale Google, having voiced that the Picasa photo review program is taking a tack, you can beat the Google Photos crap as an attacker.

Top 4: Xee

This is the fault of the all-in-one photo review program, but it is not without cost. rest version Zoner Photo Studio 18 cost $99.

Top 14: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom

This is a professional photo reviewer with advanced editing tools. The program for reviewing photos supports geotagging, creating albums from templates and working with great photo libraries.

As you review Adobe Photo, you may know some Photoshop functions, such as the functions of converting color photographs into black and white. To help you review web photos, you can also make changes directly in the browser, as well as organize and exchange images.

І service for Adobe Photo Viewer, you need to pay 9.99 USD per month.

On my Windows computer, I had the XnView program, so I didn’t change the icon and installed її і on the poppy. And yet, without a hitch, the clique got the upper hand over the rationality, and I began to talk about alternatives to this pereglyadach. We won’t take the standard system reviewer to the point of respect, calling for some kind of non-handedness of victoria, and also we won’t describe the different catalogers and photo browsers that were traipsed to us in the merezh.

First drank in the field Zora appendage xee.

The addendum seemed to be functional, with a large number of customization and receiving interface, a number and variety of elements that can be customized for your own individual taste. Key management can also be set in your own way. Zadіyuyuchi and turning on the buttons, you can adjust the program in such a way that you don’t get lost and follow the work on the mother. I've spent a lot of time in Windows again. The only minus, which is exactly zіpsuvav vіdchuttya vіd koristuvannya tsim dodatkom - tse incorrect reproduction of quitivi and real rozmіrіv deyakih image formats.

get Xee


Addendum, so-called, "middle hand". Vmіє not more, but not less than what you have to lie down. Volodya in the world with a minimalist interface in the style of Apple. Respect for the elements of management is gained, with the head rank, large buttons of the front form, ruffled in unknown areas. The slideshow display mode is different in its own way: nothing makes you look at your favorite images, and the controls in this mode become clear and hateful. From the minus deyakі koristuvachі want to consider the use of tools in the cob processing of the image, but on my subjective look - it’s not so already and іstotny nedolіk, even for editing the image vikoristovuyutsya.

take advantage

Knowing the richness of the Windows-based program, the poppy was released. Miraculous pereglyadach, scho vodіє functions of cataloging and editing the image. The rich functionality is really high quality ≈ $170. To that pereglyadach - "for an amateur": є pennies - even you can and allow yourself to buy such an addendum, no - vikoristovy Xee or XnView.

Why did we start, Tim and finish. XnView.

Might be the most convenient and familiar to the many “bags” of Windows, the program will review the image. The function of the photo browser and access is easy to set up and use. By expanding and adjusting the elements of management, XnView became the home group of Xee: before that, the principles of setting up their interfaces were the same. May receive interface, with intuitive controls and a large customization menu. It is possible to improve the image smoothing with their enlargement. Koristuvacham Mac OS 10.4 Tiger proponuetsya vkrai wretchedly and, perhaps, an antediluvian version of the addendum. In order to get rid of the nerve cells, we do not want to install supplements on the Tiger.

Download version for Mac OS 10.5 Leopard .

To the point, comrades makovodi, especially for you, we wrote a couple of articles about supplements for poppy:

I hope that we will help you to choose the programs yourself, with which you will be greedy for your pleasure.

Koristaytes with the brown functions of the skin day.

Supplement "Pereglyad", as installed on a skin Mac, may have its own advantages and disadvantages. Most of the koristuvachiv do not know about the possibilities of programs, how to work with a system simpler and more efficient.

Revisiting the photo in a new view

Simplest and core function addenda - revision of the photo in the original version. When switching between files, the addendum automatically expands the size of the image, but if you allow the photo to be larger, lower on the computer screen, then the file will be viewed in a smaller scale. Shvidko to squeeze the right proportions of the picture to squeeze when looking over.

Revisiting a lot of photos at once

As it is necessary to give small previews to a row of decal pictures, timidly step forward:

  • we see the required files;
  • press "Pass" for review;
  • it's pressing ⌘ + Return (Enter).

Otrimane will always take revenge on the miniatures of all the sights of the stars. For the help of the cursor or the arrows, you can move between them.

Editorial review photo

To open the program ⌥ + "Skip" at the sight of any kind of sign. As soon as a few files were seen, then the slide show will start again. pressing keys at the same time zoom in on the whole screen.

At a full-screen glance, you can see all the signs at a glance of the network. For which a special button has been assigned on the bottom panel, otherwise we already know ⌘ + Return (Enter).

Do you know the secrets of the standard looker?

May all the koristuvachs migrated from Windows to macOS, marveling at the standard options for reviewing photos. Aje here is not possible just to show the throat of the image - skrіz є yakіs nezrozumіlі nuances. In this material, we can tell you about how to properly navigate with macOS when reviewing the image with standard macOS tools, and also it is necessary to propagate a number of options for third-party retailers.

Vzagali, following the idea of ​​Apple retailers, it is all the fault of the “Foto” addendum. But to you, even as a big deal, you can just be unreasonably needy to go where you want to import, create more albums and at the same time launch a lot of supplements, so that's all and so you can look in the browser, de files hand in hand sorted into folders.

Quick View, Revision and Finder

Opening an image in the Finder launches the " pereglyad". But still, it is possible to cross the photo with arrows (to the left and to the right) on the keyboard. There are three options for getting out of the situation:

1. Go to the first (otherwise) image in the folder and press pass(Above the Command (⌘) + Y keys) on the keyboard. You definitely know what you tried to launch standard supplement"" (Quick View), which allows you to practically look at files without launching specialized programs with any association stinks. At "Bistromu pereglyadі" you can switch photos with the arrows on the keyboard (up, down or left, right).

And even in the mode " shvidkogo review"(If the images were seen and pressed pass) Press keys Command (⌘) + Enter (Return), Then you can display previews of all views for free navigation and switching between them.

2. See everything or anything necessary for reviewing the image start slideshow mode. For whom to press the key Alt (Option ⎇) and open the menu File → Slide Show Objects ... or just memorize every key Command (⌘) + Alt (Option ⎇) + Y. If you want to manually switch the image, then just pause the slideshow and click on the arrows on the keyboard or trackpad.

And here is an even more convenient option " index list»(Icon with squares). By clicking on it, you can click on the link with the selected photos and quickly know and switch to the required one.

3. View (view) "Gallery" in the Finder also allows you to quickly look through the folders with photos on your Mac for the expanded panel of the front view and report metadata. Prote, such a forward glance is still not enough to bring out the best signs. Such Finder functionality works with basic scenarios, but in the new day, there are more advanced tools for managing navigation and removing necessary information.

As all described ways of improving the power of reviewing the image by regular means, you will find yourself too foldable, we suggest to take advantage and enjoy the software from third-party retailers.

You won't need any important add-ons, like Apple Photos or Adobe Lightroom or programs that use collapsible databases to update and organize your collection when displaying images. We tell you about deeds shorter programs to review photos for macOS with unique features that you can tag.

XnView MP

XnView MP is a richly functional add-on for reviewing and ordering multimedia, and is practically an analogue of the popular ACDSee program. XnView MP has an impersonal function, often used only in paid programs. There are tools for classifying and sorting photos, batch operations for processing decal images, the ability to edit metadata and editing 500 image formats.

If you run XnView MP first, you will see three panels. Evil to be known Finder file system with three tabs. folders allow you to look through the list of folders on your computer. Photographs as you like become visible in conversely. Do the same hour tab Filter by category folded in front of the folded categories, which allow you to combine them and designate them at the same time.

On the central panel, sketches are shown in the left-hand side of the image. For the help of changing the bellow, you can fix their size. Also on the menu viewє Possibility to select the type of appearance, to show more / less details, or to adjust the auto-scaling of the image. In addition, xnView allows you to sort images by name, date, and file size, or filter them by rating, tags, comments, or tags.

Behind the locks in the lower part of the program there are panels: forward revision , categoriesі information, This allows you to quickly look at the image, add it to the relevant categories, and also learn about the file's authority, its histogram and EXIF ​​data.

Unique features:

  • Support for non-standard and old formats, as well as types Photoshop files, Corel, Autodesk and HEIF (High Efficiency Image File Format). The program also processes handwritten symbols for filenames and folders in different languages.
  • addendum is processed RAW format and vicorist graphics processor for increasing productivity, cashing and processing. It also partially trims the internal image bit depth of 8/16/32 bits per component.
  • XnView gives you unlimited options for its settings. You can freely organize layouts according to your needs. To create a wet layout, go to the menu view.
  • The add-on integrates with XnConvert to help with conversion, batch image remapping, and staging of different views. Before them one can see wrappings, watermarks, filters, unimaginable effects and a lot more.
  • XnView allows you to create your own slideshow and project it on another monitor. You can adjust the timer (or transition after pressing the keyboard), resize the screen, transition effects and background music.

Apollo One

ApolloOne is an intuitively intelligent tool for reviewing images, as it allows you to organize your photos more efficiently. The addendum may include an engine for processing RAW from cameras, which gives the possibility of a quick review of the captured material before importing it. ApolloOne gives you access to various local and shared folders via Places. Shchob nalashtuvati їh, press ⌘Cmd + N or press the button Browser on the toolbar.

press icon Plus (+), To add a folder. For a quick review, I'll need to press on just a few keys. And to find out more about whether or not the image is imprinted ⌘Cmd + I or button Inspector on the toolbar. Here you can find detailed information about images and cameras (її serial number, The number of shutter speeds and more). ApolloOne may support thousands of digital cameras.

You can sort images by creation date, change size, size and file type, as well as set your own sorting parameters by increasing or decreasing. There is a possibility of image filtering behind tags, ratings and swear words.

Slideshow mode ( PreferencesSlideshow) Show photos of 12 different transition effects and cycles. You can customize the list of entries to display in background mode. To start the slideshow, press F5, A key F6 chime the show.

Unique features:

  • The program is equipped with an advanced RAW processing engine, which can process RAW images without any hiccups. It is also possible to use a RAW camera decoder for quick file analysis.
  • ApolloOne graphic processor for faster display of images. When it comes to deyak, it’s a waste of money for the sake of security. Sob polipshit akіst, turn on PreferencesAppearanceHigh quality image scaling. You don't have to fiddle around with these options on newer Macs.
  • When looking at photographs, the addendum gives you one more option for reviewing all images - looking at the film. It appears at the upper part of the window and may be included through ToolsshowFilmstrip. The line is generated from miniatures of the image with a high-rise building, which promotes the success of navigation.
  • You can also edit metadata like Spotlight tag for indexing. For which edit the field Keywords (Keywords), And after a few seconds, you will be able to shuffle the image by keywords. ApolloOne will continue to support the extension of macOS attributes, so that tagging can be done with a more advanced tool.
  • In the contact arch mode ( viewcontactsheet) Miniatures look like a grid. Victorious, you can execute file operations in a row with decalcom elements.

lily view

The supersimple and minimalistic program manages to look at everything 100%. Simply associate all the image formats in the left and right by clicking on the photo in the folder, you can either use the additional arrows, or use the additional trackpad to navigate the navigation.

Rich are those that all elements of the interface are attached and the image is displayed on the whole screen (as QuickTime displays video). Additional menu with information can be viewed by moving the cursor to the right edge of the window. You can also rotate or scale the photo with the help of trackpad gestures.

LilyView displays GIF animation without any problems. And also, a utility has been introduced to control Philips HUE smart bulbs.


qView is a simpler, cross-platform, minimalistic add-on for reviewing images without toolbars or non-essential menu items. The program simply focuses on your image, and in the description row of the title it shows the file name, its number, allowed and expanded. If you are launching an add-on for the first time, then empty vikno. Cross the path fileopen and select a folder for displaying її in place.

For the help of the cursor keys to the left or right, you can navigate through the photographs. Scrolling the wheel of the mouse allows you to increase or decrease their scale. click right button click on the image to display a dialogue window with information. You can wrap, flip the image, or rotate it to its external size for a detailed review.

Unique features:

  • The addendum needs few resources. Navitat when reviewing the image with a high razdilnoyu zdatnistyu spozhivannya memory that zavantazhennya processor zalishayutsya in the confines of the reasonable. Zavdyaki multi-threaded forward entangled you do not get into any trouble when navigating through photographs.
  • qView supports the GIF format, which allows you to increase or decrease the speed of the image frame. go to ToolsGIF Controls, To check the available options.
  • The add-on allows you to view photos in a slideshow mode. go to PreferencesMiscellaneous, To remove access to slideshow options. Here you can set the timer, the parameters of the forward advance, the cyclicity and the direct display.
  • qView will give you some key combinations for navigation, access to various options and general versatility. Go to the qView GitHub side to see the combinations.


Fragment is a cross-platform add-on for reviewing images. It is based on a Head-Up Display (HUD) interface similar in visual presentation to video games. You do not need any toolbars, menus or buttons. Control windows appear on the screen only once, if you point the mouse at the interface element. Yakі elementsi keruvannya vy bachite, lie down in the position of the cursor of your mouse on the screen.

To start, to press on the force noimage (no image) and go to the folder. If you point your finger at the upper part of the window, you will see the curved panel near the time scale. And for the appearance of the side panels, hover over the mouse cursor on the edge of the picture.

The left panel promotes different modes of review. And the right panel gives you the ability to crop or rotate the image. Below you can see the details of your photo.

Unique features:

Up to the number of important and necessary for comfortable work on the computer, software programs should include utilities for reviewing photographs. If you have a lot of photographs and images on your Winchester, then such additions will be indispensable. And with their help, you can arrange the pictures, arrange them in a singing format, edit and viconate impersonal other brown ones. It is worth noting that the most impersonal programs for reviewing photographs have been expanded, operating system Mac OS X will NOT be updated. Even for this OS, you can also download some of the best and best utilities, which will quickly and accurately change your functions. Also, if you need software for reviewing photos on the Mac OS X operating system, then this article is for you.

In principle, the system can boast of a standard reviewer, which is far from the shortest representatives of this category of add-ons. For example, you can guess such a program, like Xee. The software is inspired by a great number of improvements, full graphic design, functionality. You can manage the addendum for the help of a bear, or for the rahunok of the keys swedish access, You can set it in Hey's options.

Photos can be recoloured, enlarged, changed, if necessary, can be launched appendage appendage for other pictures. The program opens the files of great expansions on Mac OS easily. Zagalom, how did you get your emotions.

Core photo viewer for Mac Os free of charge
Let's move on to the JustLooking utility, as it is also expanded for the Mac operating system on a cost-free basis. tse core program for beginners, even here there are all the most necessary functions, even though there are some necessary and non-required options, as if they were only interested in the connection with the software, no. Interface of the winking utility in the style of Apple products. All buttons are more beautifully and stylishly, their ruffles are farther away, for which reason the speed of work with JustLooking is greater. You can turn on the original review of photos, when enabled, you can start a slide show, so that the images are re-swallowed automatically. The only minus, in the opinion of the deacons of Mac OS X, is the necessity of the editor. And if you need a program for reviewing photos, then JustLooking is more low pidide.

The rest of the program of our review - tse all vіm vіdoma sche z Windows ACDSee. Getting this software for the Mac system is even easier, even though the size is small, even though the license is cost-free. As before, the utility can boast of miraculous with a sultry look, as well as majestic functionality. Even yakіsny software without negative sides.