Let's find out the exe. How to get rid of the Windows Script Host error "Can't find file instructions"

The fact that Windows systems often suffer from unauthorized faults is no surprise to anyone. There are situations and problems. For example, sometimes a user asks Explorer to delete a file. “It was not possible to find the element” - the same information system can be seen, as it is called, at the same time. Why do this if you want the object to appear in the file manager? Next, we will look at the main methods for correcting such unacceptable situations. Let’s start with a bunch of words about the nature of the disease.

Reasons for notifying about the impossibility of seeing remote objects

It is generally accepted that such a reported system appears mainly only after uninstallation of any software security If it was previously announced that the surplus will be deleted after a complete reboot of the computer, otherwise without saving it.

For example, the situation is when you try to delete a folder. “It is not possible to find the element” - the most widely known, if the main components of the program have been uninstalled, but are still displayed in “Explorer”, and the user, as a matter of fact, should try to manually access them to be on the safe side. In this sense, Windows is far from complete. I understand what manually typed file z hard drive It doesn’t go anywhere (it’s just that the first character in your name is changed to the “$” symbol, which is not readable, after which the system will not recognize the deleted object.

Also, after the programs have been removed by the system's power, there may be uninstallers of the programs themselves (files named Unistall.exe) in the directories that have been lost, which are removed automatically, but are not deleted, although the system uninstaller informs you that the installed completely. And here the first decision will be to restart the system. It is possible that you can search for a file or folder after re-creating it.

Pardon I didn’t bother to know this element. There’s nothing else”: how to view notifications in the simplest way?

However, the situation described above cannot be corrected using similar methods. It is entirely possible that the files and directories that are visible when entering the account manager's registry record will be deleted on the administrator level without being re-installed (if the account manager is changed). Or maybe the koristuvaches are simply not given expanded rights. The main problem is that when you delete “It was not possible to find this element,” you have to log into the system with administrator rights, and then try to delete it again.

Don’t want to permanently change your cloud records? Vikorist command line, the computer is currently running as an administrator, then enter the command net user Administrator /active:yes (you will become an administrator when you log in).

“I couldn’t find this element”: how to remove the information about the way to clean up excess programs after uninstallation?

However, it is acceptable that this technique does not help. Once again, notifications appear on the screen about those who, when trying the remote control, were unable to find this element. How can I get this notification?

One of the best ways is to use uninstallation and optimization programs. Once you have launched such a utility, you should then search for any excess data after deleting programs. They may be on the hard drive or in the registry. Ale scho tsikavo. Each file in the registry is assigned a special key. After deleting a file from your hard drive, the registry entry may not be deleted. The system, relying on the registry, assumes that there is a file, but in reality there is none. A conflict arises when the message “Could not find this element” appears. Once you see him, it seems he’s already understood. Run an optimizer that can clean up empty, outdated or incorrect registry entries.

Additional entries

If none of the above options worked, try running the command console as an administrator and using the remote control tool.

To do this, enter the DEL command, and then through the gap in the paws, enter the next path to the file that needs to be accessed, as shown in the image. If the file is still on your hard drive, if it is deleted, if it is gone, the notification will no longer appear.

It's almost over

All that concerns the basic methods of understanding is the appearance of information about the impossibility of seeing any objects. However, such notifications can appear through file blocking (by the system or superadministrator). In this case, you can quickly use the Unlocker program, and then try to delete it.

When you turn on the computer, you replace your desktop with the desktop

It’s not good to panic. Calm down, and let’s figure out together what has become of our system and how to fix it.

Also, files with extended VBS are scripts written by my VBScript program. As a matter of fact, a script is a text file that consists of commands written similar to programming in VBScript. There is a need to automate the management of the operating system. Scripts need help from movie interpreters. Windows has two: WScript and CScript. Windows stinks all at once Script Host or WSH.

Scripts help the robot work on the computer with reception and downtime, many processes are automated and completed without the participation of the assistant. Well, we're done with food, so run.vbs. It is unconsciously lost which scenario the system tries to know.

It is logical to size up, we come to the conclusion that the system automatically activates the desktop for the selected settings. Ale tse does not come out. It may become impossible if someone else appears in front of these officials, who is not going to vacate, and we are informed about the reconciliation.

On the right is that scripts can become vikoryists as well as robbers operating system, and malicious agents to launch virus programs. Is the problem given? starting Windows It appeared after cleaning the computer of viruses, what happened next was that the antivirus returned to its work and the virus was deleted, but its activity in the system was lost. The appearance of registry entries is gone, with which the system is tempted to launch a virus script, and if you don’t know it, it looks like a mistake.

Usunennya pardon

Well, we’ve sorted out the problem with the theory, let’s try to solve it now. You cannot work on a computer without a desktop. The first thing you need to do is open your work desk. You can contact the Windows manager for help. We launch the remote control by pressing the buttons for an hour Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Go to menu " File"We know and we press" Nove zavdannya (Viconati)».

Enter in the window explorer.exe and click OK:

It is necessary to open the work table for a long time.

Now it is important to clean any traces of virus. We launch the task manager. You can earn money in a number of ways. For example, we press the button “ Start", dial in the sound window regedit. The first row on the list will be regedit.exe. Right-click the mouse button and stamp “ Run as administrator»:

IMPORTANT: V Windows registry plays an important role. Someone saves the data necessary for correct work operating system. Parameters for setting up equipment, information about installing programs, customer profiles and other information that will ensure stable work OS. You must be very careful when editing registry entries, as an incorrect entry can be fatal and lead to failure of the OS.

The program that has started has a glitch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\ Winlogon. The first thing you need to do is make any changes to the registry settings that need to be saved. Visible right button folder Winlogon and select “ Exportuvati»:

We set the name, indicate the place of saving and press “ Save»:

This needs to be done so that in the future it will be possible to update the cob parameters, as there is no way to prevent it.

IMPORTANT: To update the saved parameters of the two, click on the file and select the changes made to the registry by clicking “So”:

Hey, let's edit this HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon.

We use the following terms:

Apparently such a meaning was found by clicking the right mouse button and pressing “ viluchiti" Onslaught F3, to continue searching. Well, let's look at the entire register left over. After all I'm refinishing my computer.

As soon as everything has gone away and all the actions have been completed correctly, our problem may be solved. It happens that after all the actions the washing is repeated. This is to say that the virus that infects a computer does not disappear and continues its life in the dark. In what way is it necessary to carry out I'll double-check system. For whom can I speed up cost-free utilities Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool () and Dr.Web CureIt! (). Afterwards see you again Viruses are described in the description of the main operation again.

More on the site:

Trouble: It is impossible to find the script file C:/Windows/run.vbs updated: September 25, 2018 by: admin

Pardon with information about those that the system cannot find out instructions file I prefer Windows 7 most often, although it is rightfully considered one of the most stable and most popular operating systems in the world. What this is connected with and how to solve such a problem will be examined immediately.

When does the system error "Error: unable to find file instructions" appear?

Due to the nature of the error itself, it doesn’t matter if you work out that the system, for whatever reason, cannot find the file through your connection on your computer or to a remote server. In the simplest way, you can explain from the example of the current programs that require the completion of uninstallation to restart the system. If you try to run the program before restarting, the system will warn you that Windows cannot find the program file instructions.

However, the most widespread problem is the functioning of the “Update Center” and its work. system services. It is simply impossible to look at all the reasons, except that in the descriptions provided by the Microsoft corporation, they can be found at least five thousand. Indications that indicate files are not found may appear when installed, when a backup is created, or when updated. This problem will be taken seriously.

Notice “It is not possible to find the file instructions”: an update has been installed

Bo a common cause The installation of updates has failed and you will need to start from there. On Windows, to resolve the problem, you need to select the appropriate section, which you can click from the Windows panel.

If the user is careful to protect himself when trying to obtain necessary updates, simply select activation manual search Even the system cannot automatically recognize them. If they are found out, you will no longer be able to use their settings. Another reason could be a disruption of the Internet connection, but for other reasonable reasons such situations should not be dealt with immediately.

Koriguvannya nalashtuvan date and time

When looking for the latest updates, they may appear through those whose system time does not correspond to the real one.

It is not possible to change the hour and date directly in the system, as this may not give the desired effect. The best option is to set the correct BIOS parameters when starting your computer or laptop.

Restarting the update service

Activities with the “Update Center” may not lead to the desired result, but the service that is indicative of your work may remain software crash(Once in a while, there may be delays in the system's ability to find the meaning of the update file). In this case, you will need to manually restart the system process.

For such actions, there is a section of services that can be accessed through the computer administration menu, or better yet, open the Vikonati console (Win + R), and then register the connection services.msc.

Here you need to know the underlying process and just understand it special button The menu allows you to edit parameters and adjust settings.

It is not possible to immediately restart the service or work without restarting it (in this case, we are informed that the system cannot find the file instructions; when you try to update, it will appear again). You can stop the secondary process (wuauserv) using the command next to the additional net stop command, and restart it using net start.

At another stage, open “Explorer” or any other wiki file manager And in the main directory of the system (Windows) find the SoftwareDistibution subdirectory. There are two options here. You can always try to remove it instead, but you are unlikely to succeed. Or you can simply rename the folder, adding the name Old. Only after such manipulations, you can go back to the services section and reactivate the process again.

Checking the system up to date

As has already been said, the problem is due to the fact that the system cannot find the meaning of the file, which may occur during creation backup copies or when the system rolls up to the front, I will. In the first case, you can immediately launch the command console, in the other - only when you are interested in a significant nose.

In the very simple option If you have a stable Internet connection, you can first check the integrity of system components (sfc /scannow), and then immediately stop the scan command and update, as shown in the image.

Utilities for automatic correction of grinding

For situations where, for some reason, the system cannot find the meaning of the file (as this is effectively related to the processes described above), you can use automated methods that allow you to solve the problem without the participation of a clerk.

The simplest and most popular is the Fix It Center utility, developed entirely by the Microsoft corporation. At the same time, it is important to start the program to search for daily system DLL libraries Suite. Only in this case can we be reminded that no information about the pardon has been seen again. Before speaking, the first program fixes not only the failure of the Update Center, but also a number of other problems, for example, problems with connecting to the Internet.

Why might a pardon be tied up?

Before installing updates, errors may affect not only updates to the system itself. Most often, identical errors may appear when trying a search or installing updates for other software products Microsoft. For us, MS Office is the main thing. If you want to install updates for Windows, but don’t want other programs, you just need to enable them and further integrate them into the system.

It is not necessary to add that the choice of the method of eliminating the problem is completely dependent on the reason that she was calling for. And the features of the update service are always suitable for troubleshooting problems when creating backup copies or when upgrading to a previous one.

Hello, now we're talking about the pardon Windows Script Host "Can't find file instructions", which is to blame for the operating Windows systems, and we will also look at the reasons for the guilt of this amends and what needs to be done so that such amends do not appear in the future.

To make it immediately clear what kind of mercy we are talking about, let’s look at the window with this mercy.

The names and paths to the script file can be different, everything can be left to the imagination of the developer, the names of the script can be a simple, unintelligent set of letters or disguised under system file So that you might think that this is so true, in this case - "C:\ProgramData\SystemService.vbs". The operating system in this state, after all, is normally locked up, but it happens that when the operating system is locked up, a similar error appears and the desktop does not start. There is a price for such pardons as - "The script file C:\Windows\run.vbs cannot be found".

Today I’ll show you how to put the milk in both cases. First of all, let’s talk about the reasons behind these pardons.

Cause Windows Script Host "It's impossible to know the file instructions"

Based on the information displayed in the error window, it is understood that the system is prompted to run the WSH script ( Windows Script Host), you can read about those things in the material - “Basics of JScript language - writing WSH scripts”. In this case, the system cannot know him, which means that there are no changes or movements of his word. Now it's time for food, do you need this script? And what have you seen?

The fact that there is no more of this script is really bad, the fragments of this script are part of the virus that your system has been exposed to in all its history by an antivirus program. In case the virus has destroyed the system, you are responsible for the fact that similar viruses infect the computer after your actions, for example, you have attracted music from the exe format and launched Denmark file or other similar actions that may make your computer unsafe ( identification of dubious sites and downloading of the same data).

Note! There are other reasons for the appearance of Windows Script Host bugs, but they are less widespread, this material Let’s talk about the amends related to the unprofitable scripts.

Why bother so that such benefits don’t happen?

We understood that such a fix is ​​due to the presence of a virus in the system, so it is necessary to work so that such fixes do not appear, due to the risk of infection of the computer with viruses.

What is needed for:

  • Availability of anti-virus programs from current databases, then. she may be steadily falling in love. It is also necessary to periodically scan your computer for viruses. If you don’t want to pay for an antivirus, you can use vikoryst and cost-free options; for a home computer, the stink is really not that bad. There are several reasons for this in the material “Which antivirus should you install on your home computer? » Having looked at various antivirus solutions and presenting a variety of products that deserve respect, based on ratings, reviews and the authoritative knowledge of antivirus work, those who benefit from this information can know yomitisya;
  • Most often, the computer operates as a cloud account with administrator rights. However, this is incorrect, the fragments of the administrator’s rights are only required for the removal of administrative tasks, in some cases it may not be very easy for you, except for most viruses, in order to create those for which they were created , you will need administrator rights. And if you are running with administrator rights, then for viruses this is an ideal solution, you can install the stink without any problems, change the system parameters, etc. It is recommended that you use the account account account name of the account manager, and use the rights of the administrator of the account account if necessary ( You just need to make a okrema koristuvalnik oblikovy record and practice under her name);
  • It is not advisable to access dubious sites, to seize files, the format of which does not correspond to its purpose, for example, as I already mentioned music in the exe format, as you understand, audio files in such a format cannot be. There is a lot of fuss and igor, then. There is no need to engage in games with unverified players. In other words, this point may be of some concern if you are surfing the Internet and trying to acquire any data.

If you would like to re-insure your business, then the chances of a virus infecting your computer will be much less, and, obviously, the benefits that we see in this statistic will not appear.

Take a bite if a work table is available

If your system becomes enchanted and a mercy appears, then. You open the desktop and start menu, then click on the planner for all the script manager Windows. For example, the warning “The script file C:ProgramDataSystemService.vbs cannot be found” - this is the result of the virus, which itself used a planner to launch the script. There are other ways to run such nasty scripts, such as AutoVanvance, and group policies, but they are less broad, in AutoVanvance at the same time, singly, it doesn’t fit anyone anymore Free programs chi scripti.

Now, in order to get this right, we need to know how the script is launched, as I already said, we begin to joke around in the planner. For whom we launch yogo, we press “ Start menu -> poshuku write Planuvalnik zavdan»

Then we have a little complexity, we need to know the command that launched the script and delete it. You don’t need to delete everything, so before you delete it, go to the tab “ Dii“In a row, the launch of programs of instructions is the same way that the mercy shows, then. Our vidadka has “C: ProgramData SystemService.vbs”.

I will immediately print a search from the list of active tasks and the history of starting these tasks. As soon as the journal of all orders is closed, open it and re-engage, after the mercy appears, go to the planner again, where you can find out the names of the remaining orders.

Data can be distributed in a separate section, and this section can be disguised as a system one, but not at all, for example, a Windows section, as you know, - in the name there is a letter (two letters), so please check this directory at once.

Once you have found the need for something or something, you can safely see him, then re-engage, after which mercy must arise.

If you don’t know the registry, you can do the same as described below (to check the registry).

Removed settings if the work table does not start

When you turn on the computer, and when you have a problem, you don’t use a work desk. Before such warnings, you can add a warning - “The script file C:\Windows\run.vbs cannot be found.”

In this case, the virus was removed from the registry, and by changing the system startup parameters.

In order to put qiu pardon, you need to launch the Registry Editor and update the settings accordingly. Let's start the workbench right away, for this:

  1. Press the keys ctrl+alt+del;
  2. Select the item " Launch the task manager»;
  3. The menu is pressed " File -> Nove zavdannya (Viconati...)»;
  4. In the open field enter “ explorer.exe».

After this the desktop will start.

Now we launch the registry editor. For whom we press " Start -> search and enter regedit».

Then we know the division

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon for 32 discharge systems

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows for 64 bit.

I check the parameters Shellі Userinit. Their values ​​are similar to "explorer.exe" and "C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe," obviously.

If the values ​​are different, change them to the washing values, for which simply select the parameter change window ( double click or right button to change) and enter the required values. Then you will re-engage, and mercy may appear.

All I have to do is share your solutions with others in the comments. Boo!

Sometimes our computers experience a variety of problems: programs or files stop opening, the re-installation mode automatically turns on, and other problems arise. In this article, I recognize why the message “Cannot find (file)” appears on the computer screen. Please check if the name is entered correctly and try again” and what you need to do to confirm Qiu problem.

Looks like the worst problem

Let's figure out why a notification appears on our computer screen about the fact that the file cannot be found and we need to check the name. The system in the arms indicates the path to a file that cannot be identified, and recommends that we check that the name is entered correctly and repeat the test.

Members of the Duma agree that this problem is caused by the antivirus robot. More precisely, the virus itself has been detected, and the file infected with it has been deleted and quarantined. The error also occurs when the program is installed or uninstalled incorrectly. Of course, you can always reinstall Windows, but as a last resort, no one wants to lose their work programs. Therefore, from the very beginning there are fewer categorical approaches - let’s take a look different types files and significant ways of correcting the settlement.

The most common problem with the inability to open exe files

There are a number of ways to solve the problem of opening exe files. Let's take a look at them in order.

Reinstalling the software

If the file has been seen antivirus program, then there is no need to pull it out of this junction, but there is no need to move there. As far as we can tell, it is already damaged and cannot function as required.

In this case, the result is repeated uninstallation and installation of programs that cannot start. View software in the best possible way not through standard get Windows, and with the help of special software – Revo Uninstaller and AIDA64. They don’t just uninstall the problematic program, but also “clean up” all unnecessary unnecessary files.

Zmina nalashtuvan Steam

It is likely that a message about the inability to open the exe file “Can’t find it... Please check that the name is entered correctly and try again” appears when the game is launched. In this case, the offensive algorithm of action is stagnant:

  • Click on the Steam folder RMB and select “Power”;
  • go to the "Security" tab;
  • at the first window “Groups or Koristuvachs”, select the row “Koristuvachs”;
  • If for any reason this series is daily, then a little lower we press “Change” and in the next window “Add”;
We select a koristuvach from our dad Steam
  • at the end of “Enter the names of the objects to be selected”, enter the name of the customer and click “Check the names” (the name can be taken from the “Administrator” row or you can enter the name of the guest, ovane on this PC);

Enter the names of the objects to be selected
  • after successful verification Names click on OK;
  • Let’s reconfigure so that for the selected customer, all “Allow” items are checked and click OK;
We are putting permission for the group “Koristuvachi”
  • We check that all changes have been made and restart the game.

Registry editor and task manager for help

  1. You can try this method. Right-click on Start (Windows 10) and look for the “Viconty” row.
  2. Enter regedit. The registry editor opens.
  3. We pass the offensive path - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run - we find a problematic row here and we see it.

The file is deleted from the Run folder

You can also help by using auto-enabled programs, which is caused by the error “Can’t find (file).” Open Task Manager (at the Start button), select LMB I need the program, then right-click on it and select “Enable”.

The most common problems with Excel scripts

It is impossible to open Excel workbook And you will receive notifications about those that you can’t find (file) - you need to check that the names are entered correctly, and repeat the test, you will need to work on the next step. So, since the reason for the cancellation in this case may be the blocking of the acceptance of DDE requests from other programs, it must be removed. To do this, you need to select the command from the row “Ignore DDE writes from other programs.” In Excel 2007 this row is located in additional parameters at the button Microsoft Office. In Excel 2003 and older versions - in the hidden parameters in the Tools menu.

A favor from the local group policy editor

The process may be interrupted by the launch of the local editor group policy Please note that you cannot find the gpedit.msc file. We are not in a hurry to download this file on our computer, but we are surprised that Windows version installed on PC. It’s like the basics are homemade – they just haven’t updated the LGP editor.

There are two methods in this case:

  • We're guessing there's a different way, where we don't need editor functions (they help make it easier to keruvate system adjustments through entering changes to the register);
  • The OS is installed up to the corporate, professional and other versions, which may be a university specialization.

We have looked at the main ways of the main problem, which is to blame if Windows cannot find out required file. I hope that information given I will help everyone who is stuck with such mercy.

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