Yaki wipe needs to work before the android firmware. What is a factory reset

on Narazi we will try to explain what the term means factory reset how to carry out this function on your phone. Article will be korisna koristuvacham Android systems, yaki got stuck with problems with the robot OS.

What is the language about?

Factory reset - all hardware resetting options and turning the accessory to the original "factory" state. The remaining variant of the term has not yet taken root, so the function of "hard resetting" of different gerel is called in a different way, you can use it similarly for a different purpose: hard reset, Cold Boot, Master Reset.

Otzhe, zarobivshi factory reset android, we will add a re-installation of the building, for which all the factory options of the system are updated, so all the information is known operating system: SMS, contacts, installed programs. Significantly, it is impossible to confirm information with such a rank. With this data, they are not found on the memory card, as well as SIM-cards.

without permission

Isnuє and such a thing, like a mimic factory reset. Vіdbuvaєtsya through a conflict, which is called the wrong vzaєmodієyu installed on one accessory addendum. Another reason for such a pardon could be a systemic failure.

Need to fight for the sign of re-advancement?

At modern outbuildings on the basis of "Droid" there are a lot of add-ons, such as building and other viklikati zbіy. Ale leather phone may have an internal independent area, which you save system files. As if your operating system began to “behave badly” for itself, otherwise they improved the pardon (for example, they installed graphic key, with whom you forgot the vizerunok), the vibrator behind the back, passing especially the buttons down, with the victorious software platform I'll come by phone to my cob.

To create a factory reset, you need to go into “System recovery” first, so you need to recognize that combination of keys that has been installed by the picker. We already drank the axles in the menu, demonstrating the greatness of the number of dope rows. Vikoristovuyuchi buttons of the density, then go down to wipe data / factory reset. Activate the function by pressing the Power or Home button. There is a new menu, in which there will be a faceless “NO” row, and here in the middle there is a “Yes” row. Slid down and activate її.

As a result of the creation of all the descriptions, the phone should be re-adjusted, after which it should turn to cob nalashtuvannyam. If you are not inspired by your strength, turn to fahivtsiv.

For the respect of the dermal reader, we owe it to us that we were given the opportunity to get food on the line.

FULL WIPE - this is a convenient operation on mobile attachments, as it includes external cleaning of data coristuvach, formatting of all divisions in memory. Includes a number of sequentially victorious commands ( wipe dalvik-cache + format system + format cache + format/data + wipe cache partition + wipe data/factory reset + wipe battery stats). On add-ons under the Android operating system, such an operation can be launched from recovery menu It helps to eliminate conflicts, as they often blame between different firmware. Strictly seeming, Full Wipe sees all the tails that are missing from the front firmware.
As a result, all programs are visible from the device, these programs are koristuvacha, nalashtuvan. Vlasne, the operating system itself is being erased, it is not recommended to run this operation without the image of a new firmware file. Best before Full Wipe vikonati povny backup robotic system na vipadok yakcho new firmware do not want to function normally. When erasing the operating system, an unattached flash drive is left behind a little system folder. Android_secure, in which Android saves programs that are moved to the memory card.

Full Wipe on Android

So, for the sake of Full Wipe, you need to select the items below in the Recovery menu using the cursor and then to confirm the confirmation. Navigating through the Recovery menu items is followed by additional buttons for changing or increasing the volume, and choosing the Power button. Let's take a look at the report of the skin operation, as it turns out sequentially with Full Wipe.

1. wipe data/factory reset- vydalennya all nalashtuvan that danikh koristuvach. When this happens, the /cash and /data distributions are cleared, the gadget’s memory is placed in the gadget’s memory, the .android_secure folder (a collection of attachments transferred to a USB flash drive). This operation is rich in what is similar to a similar function hard reset, What is vikonuєtsya on WinMo, the truth is deakі vіdmіnnostі. On the Android Factory Reset, it’s not enough to make the assignments clearer, and the firmware itself is left with an undertorque. If so, as if it were not correct, or if it had already destroyed the system functions (for example, having seen some system files), the factory reset did not help to recover the lost capacity - it could be done by switching off the flashing path.
On WinMo, Hard Reset does not just clear all the memory, but also accumulates a new firmware, replacing the old one, so that I will update the system and build it up to a "just off the counter".

2. wipe cache partition- clearing the cache memory (split / cache), as to serve for faster access to files, which are often retrieved. This is a kind of buffer that allows you to move the security of the robot and I will build it.

3. format /data- purification of all data koristuvach and nalashtuvan. This also includes all the adjustments, whether they were installed or earlier in the distant programs as if the reasons for their data were not cleared again.

4. format /cache- Cleaned the cache-distributor.

5. format /system- outside cleaning system division what to bring to the remote file in the operating system (praє її). After the mother is on the vase, after the end of the operation, the attachments cannot be repaired, the new firmware will not be installed. Under the hour of cleaning the system partition, the workers are left with the factory Recovery menu.

6. wipe dalvik-cache- Viewing .dex files. Digital files are created by the system automatically for all installed addenda she wins at their jobs. Traplyatsya, scho files are not s new version addendums - at times they can blame conflicts. These files have been created until a new one is created in case of an offensive OS attack, which can turn off possible problems.

7. wipe battery stats- View battery statistics, which is taken from the batterystats.bin file. The operation helps to recalibrate the battery. It is best to win the operation when the battery charge is 100%. For the words of the Google rozrobnikov, this file is no longer used for displaying statistics on battery charge and does not affect the performance of the robot and I will add it.

8. format /boot- OS kernel cleaning.

Koristuvach, who is going to sell his mobile attachment you can get stuck, like robiti wipe on Android. Masters of smartphones often hack them to collect specific information. Tse mozhe buti Business correspondence, electronic cards, contact information, photographs and information.

Dropping a wipe (wipe data/factory reset) is a good idea, but in some cases such a function may appear insufficient. For example, if spіvrobіtnik vіdomoї kompanії Avast bought 20 live Android smartphones, then the stench could redeem the photos, search the history on Google, electronic sheets, textual information and contact information.

I use a method that will help me to erase all the information and remove the inaccuracies associated with a round of special files.

Preparing to skid to factory settings

Tim, who cares, what is wipe on Android, we should next install the FRP (Factory Reset Protection) program. Google has released FRP as an add-on for Android 5.0 Lollipop. If the gadget is stolen, the program will not allow the villains to erase all the files on the new one in order to sell them to third parties.

If you need to wipe data / factory reset with the FRP program enabled and try to reset the device again, then the program will need to enter it again, and the password for the rest oblіkovogo record Google, registered on your device. If a person does not have such gifts, then the smartphone will be blocked. Malicious people are unlikely to be able to sell mobile devices, on which the operating system cannot be launched.

After the installation of FRP, it is necessary to viscount the following:

Encryption data and skid data nalashtuvan

Wiping wipe data on smartphones, mother’s wart on uvaz, but data can still be left out. Sound, the system reads the addresses of the files, but does not overwrite them again. Given for the help of special software, you will be able to renew the data. It is recommended that you encrypt the information yourself. Introduced in the Android OS is the option of encryption for entering a PIN code and a password when using a skin device. Tse means that the one who tries to redeem the data of the front sack of the smartphone knows bad luck.

Before the beginning of the encryption process, it is necessary to charge the phone again, or connect it to the cell, the shards can take a few years. Farther away can be cooled down depending on the model of the device.

Call the call to go to "Nalashtuvannya", "Safety", "Encrypted phone". on samsung galaxy it is necessary to go to “Nalashtuvannya”, “Screen blocking and security”, “Encrypted data protection”. You may be able to encode an SD card, but before selling the phone, see if there are any options.

What attachments were supplied with Android version 6.0 Marshmallow or more, it's guilty, but it's coded for zamochuvannya. To find out which version of the OS is installed, it is necessary to go to “Nalashtuvannya”, “About attachments (phone)”, “ Software security". The extension will be encrypted only in that case, as Android 6.0 Marshmallow was installed on the back.

First, proceed to wipe data, you need to reconsider, that's all important files saved on other carriers of information. It is necessary to go to "Nalashtuvannya", " Backup that discount”, “Throw off to the factory settings” and vibrati “Throw off the settings on the phone”. If the wipe factory reset on Android is completed, all information from the gadget will be deleted. If so, be it given, as if they are inspired, they will be encrypted. In addition, as a hard reset will be completed, the smartphone can be safely transferred to other people or sold.