View remote programs from the Windows 10 start menu. The Start menu rotates

When first starting Windows 10 First of all, be sure to note the large number of installed programs in the start menu. Some can be done in two clicks, others will not be so useful, and the maximum you can earn from them is to place it on .

We will not ask our readers to put up with such a state of justice, but with joy we will learn how to correct this ailment. The article will be especially interesting for those who have the total number of all symbols that can reach the number... 256 or 100,000,000 in the two-digit number system. The majority of coronavirus cases are infected Danish moment If you use build 10140, you will simply lose control of the startup menu. This is connected with the pardon, and the robbers started running. Through it, the icons begin to be sorted in a rather orderly manner, and the scrolling mechanism is also destroyed, resulting in the menu simply freezing.

Well, in reality there are two types of installed programs. First of all, they can be additional, such as news, finance, sports, office cleaning, etc. It’s really easy to get caught in these guys, you just press on right button Click and select the delete option. How to replace the bear with you vikorist touch panel, then the function of pressing the right mouse button will change to pressing the icon. You can also get rid of the information that you can install on pirated builds of Windows 10.

Other categories must be installed by Microsoft programs themselves. They are all very complicated and there is no way to deal with them without computer administration. It's a pity Danish method don’t stick to a lot of programs, such as Cortana and new browser Windows 10 - Edge.

To get started we need to launch a pseudo-boot command line PowerShell. It's easy to hesitate. Click on the icon next to the start menu in the magnifying glass form, enter the sound signal is turned on And click on the first link with the right mouse button, then select “Run as administrator”.

We check the hour, since the search takes about 30 seconds, a row may appear on the screen

"PS C:\Windows\system32">.

Well, that’s all, now you no longer need to know the program that you want to add to the list, copy the code, which costs a lot, and paste it into the pseudo-shell using a combination Ctrl+V. After pressing the key Enter There's no way you'll lose track of anything.

Get-AppxPackage *3dbuilder* | Remove-AppxPackage

Alarms and Clock:

Get-AppxPackage *windowsalarms* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *windowscalculator* | Remove-AppxPackage

Calendar and Mail/Post:

Get-AppxPackage *windowscommunicationsapps* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *windowscamera* | Remove-AppxPackage

Get-AppxPackage *zunemusic* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *windowsmaps* | Remove-AppxPackage

Get-AppxPackage *onenote* | Remove-AppxPackage

Phone Companion/Dispatcher mobile devices:

Get-AppxPackage *windowsphone* | Remove-AppxPackage

Photos/Nova Photo Gallery:

Get-AppxPackage *photos* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *windowsstore* | Remove-AppxPackage

Voice Recorder/Dictaphone:

Get-AppxPackage *soundrecorder* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *bingweather* | Remove-AppxPackage

Get-AppxPackage *xboxapp* | Remove-AppxPackage

In this manner, literally for ten minutes from your menu, you won’t lose anything valuable. If you nevertheless discovered that you have seen something without thinking, don’t get embarrassed, just one command and all the programs you have seen in this way will be re-installed into the system.

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers| Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Registr “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”)

Don’t worry about the fact that the process is taking a long time, otherwise nothing new will appear on the screen. The appearance of various types of meats is also not included. With 99% confidence, you will be able to see all your programs again when you start your computer.

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How to clear the Start menu of all shortcuts in Windows 8

In fact, it’s quite simple, but for the advanced development, we need to follow the instructions.

A tick icon will appear on the stove, indicating what it is. Behind the wall you can see a bunch of tiles. To do this, simply press the right mouse button on a number of labels or widgets that you do not need.

4) After pressing the button, the tile reveals what we need and need:

How to get unnecessary shortcuts from the All Programs menu in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1

I'll enter a bit. In order to access the “All Programs” menu in Windows 8, you need to press the right mouse button on the empty side of the main screen and then press the “All Programs” button on the right. In Windows 8.1, the input has changed a little, and to view the program you just need to move the cursor to the bottom of the screen and press the down arrow:

As it turned out, the organization of shortcuts has not changed much over the past operating systems, and to clean it, it is enough to sort through two folders. Let's go, remove unnecessary labels and create catalogs.

Persha is known as the next path:

C:\Users\*im'ya koristuvach*\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

This is a special folder for the Koristuvach. It also contains the same shortcuts that will link you to the programs installed only for your customer. I’ll guess, just fill out the folder Appdata You need to enable display of added folders and files (div.).

Another folder was moved in the coming month:

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

There is a sleeping area for all the workers on this computer, then. Once you see your dad's shortcut from your account manager, it will automatically be removed from the Start menu of that other account manager. Teka ProgramData so itself є prikhovanovoy (div.).

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Thank you for your respect :)

Windows 10: tidy up Unnecessary programs from the START menu!

With its new operating system Windows 10, Microsoft tried to combine as much as possible the advantages of “old” versions of the system (Windows 7 and earlier), with the most recent innovations that appeared in Windows 8.1.

The result of this effort, zokrem, was a new Start menu (on PCs, laptops and large tablets), which is transformed in start screen on compact devices with small diagonal displays. That being said, many of us in Windows 10 will be pleased with the ability to customize from the outside looking in and the behavior of this new menu. For example, today’s language is about how to get programs from the Start menu that are often abused.

Fortunately, this option, which can be seen in many ways, can be easily accessed by selecting it from the Start menu on the Windows start screen or turning it to the front.

In order to get the "Frequently Tweaked" section from the Start menu, you need to do the following:

1. Click on the “Settings” button with the gear icon located at the bottom of the Start menu / Windows start screen

2. In the system setup window, select the “Personalization” section

3. Now go to the “Start” section and in the menu that opens, select the option “Save and show remaining open programs in the Start menu”

That's it: now the Start menu will display items that are important to you.

What should we do for those who value the “Often Victimized” section and who would like to take advantage of other programs that are deprived of their needs?

And the process is quite simple: right-click (long tap on the tablet) on the icon of the program you would like to select from frequently used ones, and from the pop-up menu, select the item “Do not show in this list.” Once you have selected the program, it will not be displayed again.

One of the main Windows credentials 10, notable for kristuvachs, viz. previous versions, there was a change in the interface operating system. We know how to customize the Start menu in Windows 10 for manual operation of the system.

Metro style: new implementation

The graphical interface of the Windows OS, which took away the name Metro, replaced Aero even more due to the fact that the Microsoft mobile OS and the Windows 8 desktop were introduced. Instead of glossy icons, the company introduced a new menu format that consists of rectangular slabs ok

This interface has proven to be even more convenient for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) equipped with touch screens. All users of desktop PCs and laptops have mixed reactions to the innovation. Navigating the tiled menu behind the mouse turned out to be very difficult, even with a touchscreen, and many people adopted the innovations in the bagnet.

However, looking at the growing popularity touch screens our laptops have desktop computers, you can see that the popularity of the Metro interface is not growing.

Start menu rotates

For many years, the Start menu was an invisible part of the Windows OS interface, but in 2012 it was introduced to the Metro desktop. Not everyone was swayed by such innovations, and in the new version of their OS, Microsoft decided to turn it around, without necessarily improving it.

Arguing about the need for Start Menu 10 Windows versions, it turned out that most of the developers complained about the need to rotate this element to the interface. It is unknown whether Microsoft listened to the ideas of the pros and cons, or bothered with ergonomics, or otherwise, the improved Start menu has turned around.

Headliness new implementations This element of the interface was the addition of classic menu items and live tiles. The customization options have expanded: now you can customize the Start menu for yourself.

Customizing the tiled interface in Start

In addition to classic icons that represent a click, tiles and interactive elements. They can be used not only as a shortcut, but also serve to display current information about programs. What can you do with the weather forecast? unread, foreign currency rates, service information.

The new OS has lost the functionality of live tiles compared to Windows 10; Microsoft has not introduced any visible innovations. To customize the tiles for yourself, simply press the right mouse button on the icon. You can edit the size, color, zoom in or turn on the animation, send the icon to the Default panel or remove the icon from Start.

Adding and creating new tiles

To add a new program tile, find it in the list of programs and right-click the mouse button next to the name. From the pop-up menu, select the item “Snap to the original screen.”

Similar operations are required for removing tiles, only you need to select the item “Attach to the original screen”.

To change the position of the icon in the menu, you need to press the tile with the right mouse button and drag it to the desired location.

Adjusting the size

Decorators can change not only the placement, but also the size of the tiles. For skin pictographs there are a number of size options. The functionality of the tile is also subject to change: minimal size The tile can only serve as a visual aid for programs, but in case of increase, it can be used as an element of display. How much information can be displayed on the icon, and in which format is suitable, depending on the size.

To change the size of a tile, you need to right-click on it and select the “Change size” option.

The tile can be either rectangular or square in size. The larger the size, the greater the functionality, but on small screens the waste of space can cover all the benefits.

The small number of tiles is due to the fact that the installations are small in size, and the quantity is unpaired - there is no empty space in the menu. You can insert it by changing the size of the surrounding icons and their placement.

Fence renovation of tiles

You can manually select various information from the add-ons in real time. However, sometimes, researchers need to pay a lot of respect to this possibility, and as a result, the correspondent gradually draws out insignificant information from programs. To avoid this, in the settings of the Start menu you need to turn on notifications from the following tiles.

To do this, right-click on the tile and in the pop-up menu, select the remaining item “Turn on live tiles.”

As a result, the design of the tiles will no longer be unchanged and the wear and tear will stop.

Adjusting the color of the Start menu

The background of the tile in Windows 10 can be changed as well as the color of the surrounding tiles. To do this, press RMB on any space not occupied by an icon and select the “Personalization” menu item.

In the window, you can set the background color in the Start menu, and also change other settings. You can choose your own color and saturation. The designer can choose a ready-made color scheme, or customize it in detail to your own taste.

Pinning the program shortcut to the main screen of the Start menu

What needs to be secured maximum fluidity You can access programs or programs from the start menu, which you can lock on the main menu screen.

To do this, press the right mouse button on the shortcut of the required program or program on the desktop. Once the drop-down menu appears, you need to click “Pin to primary screen”. Now you can open the menu and change the arrangement of the created tiles, moving them between groups.

Also, for a new added tile, you can specify the name of the group in which it is placed. Based on the reverse process, you can create a shortcut from any tile that is on the main screen by pressing the tile with the right mouse button and dragging it onto the desktop.

The icons pinned in the left part of the “Start” can be easily removed by simply pressing the mouse button on the right and selecting the option “Additional” and “Do not show in this list”.

Addition of special elements

This is also possible in Windows 10, but the principle of its operation is further developed by adding tiles. First of all, go to the Work Desk, and then click on the empty space with the right mouse button and select the “personalization” option. From the window, select the “Start” tab at the bottom. In the dialog box that appears, you can see a mix of elements that you can add to the left half of “Start”.

Rotating the Start menu in Windows 7

Not everyone has fallen in love with updates Windows interface 10. Some have long since gone back to the old look of the OS, while others simply do not suit the tile elements of “Start”. At this point, developers have introduced the ability to rotate the menu to a classic look, familiar to everyone from Windows 7. You can customize the “Start” so that everything does not change with the latest version of the OS from Microsoft.

The easiest way to earn this is to collect all the living tiles. You can turn them on in a couple of clicks, but unfortunately you won’t be able to, you’ll have to remove the skin from them manually. Then you can change the width of the right side of the window so that it appears flattened.

Rotating the Metro tiled menu

Vlasniki tablets small screen If you have reached the Metro menu, you can select the “Start” option manually on your device. Therefore, Microsoft developers have introduced the ability to manually activate the Metro start screen in the OS.

To do this, right-click on the task panel and select the “personalization” item from the pop-up menu. From the window, open the “Start” tab and turn on the “Hide the original screen” option. full screen mode" With the final release, Windows will no longer require you to log in again and you will be able to use the start menu familiar from Windows 8 without restarting your PC.

What you need to know before upgrading Windows 10

In addition to the added innovations that have already been enjoyed by wealthy investors, the new OS has not been spared.

Thus, the complete and trouble-free support of all devices that work well under Windows 7 is not yet guaranteed. The inability to enable the car system update in an emergency way may also confuse wealthy business owners. Even with limited traffic or low speed, the acquisition of updates can result in additional costs or additional costs for Internet browsing during the acquisition period.

Those who don’t like being handed over to someone in their life may be wary of the fact that the OS analyzes the behavior of the customer and collects information about him. To work both to enhance the work and for advertising purposes, there are many similar approaches that cannot be suppressed.

So, install it new version OS, you should be aware of its features and take full responsibility for it unstable robot or there is all sorts of information about Koristuvach.