Technologies of the nearest future. What will future information technologies be like? The triviality of life has increased

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) traditionally compiles a list of the most promising revolutionary discoveries and technologies behind the rock. Experts say that the very next day will open up new opportunities for humanity and change the world.

Treating cancer with the help of immune engineering

Availability: 1-2 days

Genetically altered cells immune system Maybe in life we ​​are sick with cancer.

Finally, the world was informed by the results of an experimental method of treating leukemia - blood cancer - through additional changes in T-cells (one of the types of lymphocytes - cells of the immune system) of the patient.

T-cells, also called T-cells, cause damage to the cells of the body. Now we need to take T cells and change their DNA so that they can recognize the same cell diseases.

This method was first protested in public in the fall of 2015 - at London's Great Ormond Street Hospital, a laboratory of the Cellectis company. The results were a miracle: the 12-month-old girl Leila Richards did not benefit from the usual traditional methods of treatment, but was completely encouraged after this experiment.

New method of genetic changes in plants

Availability: in 5-10 days

Genome editing technology, known as CRISPR, is no longer on the list of the most promising. It allows you to reduce the resistance of the plants to dryness, illness and other negative factors. But what is no less important is that the plants changed using this method do not amount to GMOs, which are grown in many countries.

On the right, since the genes of foreign organisms are transferred to the creation of GMOs, the CRISPR method works only with one organism, editing including its genes.

The method allows you to insert the DNA sequence into the desired place, and the body accepts the changes, since the technology is based on the natural process of eliminating bark bacteria.

Thus, the technology, which has had many failures, appears to be simple and at the same time more effective than previously known methods of changing DNA. They are convinced that CRISPR will not be controlled like GMOs.

Wireless interfaces instead of touchscreens

Availability: now

For change touch screens And touchscreens serve as separate interfaces.

Fantasists and futurists talked about the clock, when the technology has a voice, and the remaining number of fatalities is that this method of “spelling” with a computer is as close as possible to reality. Think about Siri from Apple, Now from Google and Cortana from Microsoft – most companies have already mastered voice control.

However, the most straightforward interface for apologies in China goes to the leader of the IT industry, Baidu. On the streets of Beijing in the Sanlitun district, where there are a large number of bars and shops, there can be hundreds of people operating devices without the aid of screens.

The Baidu breakthrough began in the fall of the past, developing the technology for recognizing the voice of Deep Speech 2, which works with amazing clarity, understandably, the language is sometimes shorter, less human.

Bagatoraz missiles

Availability: now

Thousands of rockets have flown into space, but until the last fate they did not turn back like this: completely and in a controlled manner lowering onto the support, landing without taking off and launching in a reverse order. However, people still learn how to “build” rockets, which makes them hundreds of times cheaper, and even rockets cost tens of millions of dollars.

The breakthrough of this galus has become possible for two billionaires: Elon Musk (Space X) and Jeff Bezos (Blue Origin). The first stage of the New Shepard rocket was successfully landed by Blue Origin at the end of the day (and with the same rocket in the same year), and the most important Falcon 9 carrier rocket of the Space X company was launched in the chest landing. intends to land the rocket nose on floating platform

Previously, “Futurist”, which brings the light of Bezos and the Mask.

Robots that begin to learn one another

Availability: 3-5 days

Robots can become more colorful, since they can start one of the other. This process replaces childhood and spirituality, which helps people to know the world.

This is possible due to the fact that most robots operate on the same operating system called ROS. It works like this: for example, a robot begins to tidy a cup, sends information to the “dark”, and the other robot takes notes.

Professor Stephanie Tellax from Brown University in the USA believes that robots may soon learn how to handle objects.

DNA in smartphone add-on

Availability: no matter what

An online collection of information about genes will make it easier and faster to collect information about health, including identifying the vulnerability of people to various illnesses.

Recently, the American company Helix announced that it would create an additional tool for storing information about human genes in mobile phones. The company plans to launch this year or, in the extreme, come.

Buyers of software, of course, will have to share a piece of their DNA so that the information can be analyzed. It is not excluded that it will be a bonus that will show you how you look in old age, relying on information about DNA, and which celebrities you can be in conflict with.

Masova Sonyachna Energy

Availability: next year

The future of solar energy will soon be launched in the American city of Buffalo by the SolarCity company, among the founders of Elon Musk.

Here, an entire industrial park, the Gigafactory, will appear around the river, which will become the most efficient in the production of solar batteries: 10,000 panels per day or a gigabyte of solar energy per river.

The plant will be the largest in Western America and one of the largest in the world. The production of panels will become cheaper and therefore more accessible to households by the end of 2017, if the plant is within reach increased straining virobnitstva.

Corporate messenger Slack

Availability: now

The American corporate messenger Slack has already been called a driver corporate mail, And now I can prophesy a change in the entire corporate sales culture.

Since its launch in 2013, three years later it has over 2 million clients.

The program allows you to collaborate with colleagues, create dialogues, and exchange files both from a computer and from a mobile phone. It would seem like nothing special. However, the table popular supplement having started a trend on one side - a lot of hard workers flock together for help mobile extension, we are more likely to come into contact with people than there are in Narazi in the office.

On the other hand, the add-on integrates information from other messengers, which allows you to eliminate the complexity when different components come together in different add-ons.

Autopilot Tesla

Availability: now

Tester of Tesla electric cars Elon Musk is actually able to drive on autopilot. І all the nerds of the new software security, which can be captured in “Napkhan” by sensors, cameras and radars of electric vehicles of the company.

As a result, the water feels almost like the pilot of an airplane: the electric car can change its speed, restart and park itself. Previously, vehicles such as BMW, GM and Mercedes could operate more automatically in parallel parking.

The lucky owners of the car lay out the rollers, they go, they don’t stick out at all. And I want that such a progressive method of water production is not even legal, but it is, insanely, a breakthrough that could immediately change the entire industry.

Energy from the wind

Availability: 2-3 days

Now at the University of Washington they have developed a technology that allows you to use batteries.

Gadgets will be a variety of things that will come out of the waste of TVs, radios or Wi-Fi routers, and with the help of a reverse solution they will transform them.

Instead of creating a powerful signal, the gadget accepts, for example, a radio signal, and then redirects it. There is no longer any need to solve the problem of how to deal with the data in such a manner.

Scientific achievements today– the basis for changing the world’s promise to us tomorrow. It would be better to change the world in the near future, but now it is in the distant future. We looked at current trends and imagined how the world could change in the future. It’s okay to change it. At the same time, we tried to evaluate the likelihood that the trends we have looked at will become widespread and change the world in our lives. ()

Energy from the wind

Virality: 85%

It’s not long before our everyday life “comes to its senses.” And so it happened, the stench lingers on the surface with numerous devices, which make our life easier. Sensors for humidity, temperature, cloudy wind, various photos and video cameras and much more. They all need food. It’s difficult to get to them, or it’s expensive to constantly change batteries. Several groups of followers are working on this so that various gadgets can capture the energy, as they say, from the wind.

There is an extra scope of filling with radio signals, for example, radio signals in the Wi-Fi range. Recently, the University of Washington took a standard Wi-Fi router, made some small changes to it, and now it can be used as a source of energy for from distant buildings. In this case, as before, you can lose your main function, since the processing of the bonds was not included. We were able to power a small camera and thermal sensor with electricity. Moreover, each of these devices has quite a few of its own rechargeable battery Instead, a supercapacitor is installed to save charge. This technology was called Power over Wi-Fi. Moreover, this technology can be used both for smart phone devices and for low-impact gadgets, such as fitness bracelets.

And the Freevolt axis technology, developed by Drayson Technologies, allows you to harness radio energy from different ranges. The device company's creations select energy from radio waves from several radio frequencies. At the heart of the device is a rich antenna and a rectangular beam, which is used for transformation zminnogo struma at postiyny. The company's technology was demonstrated by using a portable air pollution sensor called CleanSpace. The device assesses the environmental situation around the user and uploads the information to your smartphone.

The world has low energy levels various outbuildings, if they require a minimum amount of electricity to carry out their tasks, growth and popularity dartless transmission energy. Technology will bring us closer to the massive expansion of the Internet of speeches and “sensible” budins. However, if you don’t live in a traditional “sensible” cabin, you will definitely have a couple of gadgets that charge in the wind. Of course, your home has a wireless device, such as a Wi-Fi router. To slow down the development of technology, or more precisely, to make it unpopular among prosperous people, may, perhaps, lead to radiophobia.

Neural networks are everywhere

Virality: 95%

Those that were previously out of power for primary computers, we will begin to make use of piecemeal neural measures. Yes, you can start on von Neumann architecture computers. The same stench is as strong as self-indulgence. Computers based on neural edge technologies can be stuck there, where it is difficult to describe the programming required by a machine. Therefore, there is no need to remove the machines and people that are important to us from rich spheres of activity. Nowadays, we suddenly begin to experience possibilities that have never existed before.

©Carsten Koall/AFP/Getty Images

Whenever we interact with a “sensible” machine, there will be present neural barriers. Voice assistants That's a smart search. Assistant robots in stores, interactive services and cars. Behind the skin “intelligent” skin we stand the technology of piece-meal neural connections.

CRISPR/Cas9 is changing genetic engineering. We overcome cancer and VIL

Virality: 95%

Genetic engineering has the potential to change the world for us and ourselves. This is obvious and you are unlikely to disagree. Food will be deprived of that, if it becomes available. Genome alteration technologies have always been difficult and expensive. Ale new method precision gene editing CRISPR/Cas9, it seems, will soon change the situation.

In Great Britain, it was apparently the first to allow the development of this technology for editing the genome of human embryos. Still using the pre-Slednytsky method. The embryos may be depleted after the experiment. The genetic modification of human embryos using CRISPR/Cas9 technology has recently taken place in China. And the whole thing is the cob.


What happened? It's simple. Molecular biologists have discovered the mechanism of genome editing created by nature and begin to stagnate. The mechanism is simple and effective. Nature has endowed them with bacteria and archaea, which fight against the viruses that attack them. We always want to freeze it to edit the genome of animals, plants and, especially, people. CRISPR is like an archive, an immunological memory that stores DNA fragments for a virus that has ever attacked a bacterium or its ancestors. Cas9 is a tool, a kind of natural machine for identifying viral DNA fragments in bacterial DNA, a copy of which is in the archive. Having found the required fragment, it cuts it, thereby protecting the cell from infection. After this, the tissue repair system replaces the destroyed plots.

And now it is clear that this system can transfer any DNA fragment for the purpose of detection or depletion, for example, a DNA fragment to the human immunodeficiency virus. Recently, Temple University conducted such an experiment on squirrels and mice. As a result, the entire fragment of VIL is mutated from DNA in the skin tissue of a living organism. And in China, the researchers succeeded in suppressing the growth and launching a program of self-depletion of cancer cells. The experiment was also carried out on mice. Ale doslidi on people is just around the corner. Chinese molecular biologists have already refused permission to conduct research with volunteers.

As opposed to other technologies, CRISPR/Cas9 allows genome editing of both embryos and living adult organisms.

You can cure a sick person, and you can avoid transmitting negative information to the landing sites. The more flexible the human genome is, the more opportunities we will have to correct and improve it. And this is already the way to designing children. So called “designer children” will not only reduce the incidence of illness, but also take away the “bonuses” that are necessary in life for the appearance of intellectual and athletic strength, beauty and health.

Quantum linkage will happen safely

Virality: 95%

Quantum coupling and quantum computers, perhaps two technologies, are united by the word “quantum” and are at the center of respect. If the widespread stagnation of quantum computers is still far away, then quantum communications are on the right even closer to the future. China has just launched its first experimental satellite of quantum communication, and experts are already prophesying that the quantum communication market can reach 7.5 billion US dollars in the next 5 years. What does this technology mean to us? The Chinese satellite is designed to transmit keys that do not succumb to overcrowding from orbit to Earth. The launch of a large number of such satellites into orbit will allow the creation of a global quantum interconnection until 2030, according to the head of the QUESS project Jian-Wei Pan.

The wide variety of quantum lines means that in the future we will often want something like this, which we clearly understand. Self-driving cars are driving on the roads, drones are flying in the sky, and, for example, the pennies in our bank accounts will be lost in complete despair. How can you get someone started? Thus, there is variability in information transmission channels. Thanks to quantum communication technologies, and more precisely quantum cryptography as a part, it is possible to safely transmit information. This means that neither a hacker who is unable to realize his interests, nor a terrorist can speed up the flow of information channels. The infection is a self-driving car that crashes at a speed of 120 km/year, a drone that hovers overhead, and a bank server can be hacked. And whose inheritance will be sumptuous. Just find yourself in an unmanned car, which is what the hacker hid. Quantum physics makes it possible to create a protected connection line and protect it from malicious attacks. Well, let's make a future without any worries.

Blockchain technology is everywhere

Virality: 65%

The head of Oschadbank, German Gref, believes that in the near future this technology will “upend all industries, without blame, from the agricultural state, ending with banks, and, unfortunately, government bodies.” Oschadbank and the Qiwi payment system are introducing blockchain in our country. Behind the border is the R3 consortium, which is developing blockchain technology, uniting wire banks and financial companies. This meta is the development of blockchain technology using open-source code for banking structures.

The simple reader technology may be familiar with the connection with the popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin and the same name peer-to-peer payment system. Numerous miners around the world mine bitcoins and satoshis using their computers. But in fact, cryptocurrency mining is nothing more than the verification of transactions in order to provide the necessary support to the system of calculation operations. For the price, the miner will get his “earned” cryptocurrency. And after Bitcoin, a lot of other cryptocurrencies appeared.


Today's technology has affected government structures and financial institutions. And under the blockchain, people worry about the respect of not only cryptocurrency. Experts recommend dividing the areas of stagnation of technology into three groups: directly digital currencies, development within the electronic system and in the group of “smart” contracts and critical assets.

The blockchain technology itself (from the English "blok" - lance and "chain" - lance) is a distributed database, which consists of blocks of information. Such a block will contain records of transactions carried out by system participants. The blocks themselves are saved on the computers of system participants. It is worth harming and changing the basis of these extremely important tasks.

Blockchain banks will be able to eliminate the immediacy of transactions to support cash transactions and increase their liquidity. In addition, this is an alternative to the SWIFT interbank transfer system.

Nowadays, the blockchain allows you to act as a regulator, which is the state. The security forces themselves are especially categorically opposed to technology. Even though cryptocurrency is not under the control of government financial regulators, it can be abused by malicious and terrorist organizations for shady purposes. Apply this already. In fact, there was a proposal to separate the spheres of stagnant technology and see it outside of cryptocurrency. However, the blockchain can be used not only for storing information about digital currencies, but also, for example, for conducting transactions in a discreet manner. Are you ready to ensure that information about its power is saved not in a centralized state registry, but in a distributed database on the computers of wealthy backers?

Status of molecular machines

Virality: 85%

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to him for the design and synthesis of molecular machines. They were taken away by Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Sir Fraser Stoddart and Bernard Feringa. And it’s not surprising, even though fantastic prospects are opening up before us. As in other cases, the idea of ​​molecular machines has long been inspired by nature. Extra light flows from them. Almost all functionally active proteins are molecular machines, including V. A. Avetisov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Researcher of the Laboratory of the Theory of Folding Systems at the Institute of Chemical Physics. N. N. Semenova. Living skin cells have thousands of such machines.

The dimensions of molecular machines are becoming less than a few nanometers. This means that it is no longer possible to see them in an optical microscope, even if they are less noticeable than before the amount of visible light. Invisible to our eyes, the world of stench easily manipulates molecules and single atoms. Drag them from one place to another. Bring the atoms closer together so that a chemical bond is created between them, or, for example, stretch them, tear the molecules into pieces and break the chemical bonds that hold them together.

Now we can learn how to operate such machines. Where can they be stuck? From now on, this can result in targeted delivery of fluids to the diseased organ. Most drugs may have side effects even if the organ is healthy and healthy. It is practically impossible to obtain medicinal drugs. Activities and other organs can drain the underlying circulatory system. Molecular machines allow you to organize a delivery system medicinal drug itself to a specific tissue organ.

Molecular machines can assemble foldable molecular structures and remove materials from specified authorities. Or, for example, take them apart atom by atom. Garny method recycling, for example, polymers.

The very dimensions of such nanomachines mean that they are ideal for working on even small objects. For example, in the clinics. There are already thousands of natural machines operating there. Now you can send pieces there. What's the matter? For example, edit the genome. Even though the Cas9 proteins are combined with guide RNA, a molecular machine for cutting DNA is programmed.

Massive development of unmanned transport

Virality: 95%

Dozens of companies around the world are already developing unmanned transport systems. Moreover, both automobile companies, such as Volvo, General Motors, Volkswagen, Toyota, Audi, BMW and, especially, Tesla, and those that have never produced cars - Google, Baidu, Uber and others.

In the future, KamAZ suffers its fate. Last year, the plant created a prototype of the first unmanned vehicle in our region based on a serial vehicle. Both luxury cars and passenger cars are not separated on the right. The unmanned flying taxi was presented by the Chinese company Ehang.

It is important that a driverless car will be safe for untrained and insufficiently trained people, who are also immune to the rules of the road. Equipped with all kinds of sensors (radars, cameras, navigation systems, as well as pressing computers to make a decision), the stench will be richly detailed for the people. As expected, the widespread expansion of self-driving cars will reduce the number of road accidents by 90%, which is likely to affect the lives of rich people.

If you get a driver from a car, you can save a lot on your salary, which, of course, will be for the sake of the transport company. And the driverless car can be driven along the route without interruption with minimal technical interruptions. All this means great profits for carriers.

One day there will be more driverless cars, less water. And in what hour the car will be ready for horse walks on the weekend. Very soon trips to work and home will be completed by relying on the autopilot. At some point, people driving on the Swedish highway in the traffic of unmanned vehicles, which are carried at great speed, will become a real factor of unsafety, and many roads will simply be closed to cars that protect living water.

Within an hour the car itself will no longer be an independent transport unit. Cars in the future will be informationally connected with each other. They will exchange basic information one by one and by road infrastructure objects.
In the future, not only cars will be “intelligent”, but places that will “discover” one another.

In order not to create an emergency situation, drones constantly check the parameters of their aircraft from their vehicles. Immediately notify about reduced speed and turn. It is important to choose a route depending on the strength of the weather and the weather. In the future, driverless cars will be more like a pod of fish, swimming simultaneously in one in the right direction. When buying a car, people will be buying not just the car itself, but rather the whole transport system, of which the driverless car has just one of its elements.

At the same time, it’s still on the right side. And in general, Elon Musk’s forecast for this summer, about the fact that in three years most cars will be without water, seems overly optimistic.

Types of resources on asteroids

Virality: 85%

Small in size, Luxembourg, which is lost between France, Germany and Belgium, is not without reason called the Salient Duchy. Long time Conductive galuzes of the industry of this region were the species of weed and the production of steel. Today's provisions have already been exhausted. Ale, song, little duchy does not give peace to the past. It was announced that Luxembourg would become a hub for companies engaged in research and development of space resources. The region's lawyers are already preparing the necessary legislative framework. This means that private companies registered in Luxembourg waive the legal protection of their ownership of all resources drawn from asteroids.

And as soon as nutrition moves from the scientific sphere to the legal sphere, then there are already pitiful prospects here. Both with CRISPR/Cas9. Patent wars have already started over the right to exploit the original technology of this technology. Private American companies Planetary Resources and Deep Space Industries have already voiced their desire to work on the production of orphans on asteroids, as they have expressed their interest in the initiative to Luxembourg.

As far as we know, almost all the metals that we extract from the upper spheres of the Earth are subject to an asteroidal approach. Today's families were created as a result of the early meteorite bombardment of our planet. Well, it’s too early for us to get to space and take resources from the cosmic space.

Cosmic activity, connected with the production of resources beyond the boundaries of the planet, will become such a natural phenomenon as connections, navigation and cosmic sounding of the Earth, without which we can no longer find our way of life. As a result of space tourism, the sighting of cork copalina in space will become a new type of space enterprise.

However, it is necessary to understand that the cosmic species of brown copalins will not remain on the earth for a long time. And on the right, not only is the fact that the supply of resources on space objects is still incredibly expensive. Nini us, for example, scrape rare metals from space. They are called rare earths because they are rarely found on our planet. Due to their guilty authorities, the stench is vikorist in radio electronics, equipment, machinery, chemical industry, metallurgy and other industries. Among them, it is possible that the industrial development of asteroids will begin. Don't drink on rare earth metals. However, wide availability allows you to find more stagnation. And this can lead to revolutionary changes in all galuzahs, and they will become vikorists. Zokrema will lead to the emergence of new materials with unique powers.

And the axles of other metals may be useful in space. There, where to deliver them from the Earth is economically ineffective. The life of objects in space is derived from materials that are subject to space travel. In this way, the cosmic expanse will focus not only on species, but on metallurgy and processing. Orbital tourist hotels, experiments, scientific stations will be collected from elements produced in outer space. In addition, cosmic metallurgy is completely superior to earthly metallurgy. Zokrema allows you to produce alloys of high uniformity and purity. And if we talk about the colonization of space, including Mars, then we definitely cannot do without the development of asteroid resources.

Colonization of Mars

Virality: 85%

The main ideologist of everything connected with Mars is Elon Musk. Hire now.
Of course, before talking and robbing Musk, one can be critical. However, the development of the Red Planet as a reserve site for our civilization is a necessary task. Our civilization has come a long way, and it would be even more difficult if some kind of catastrophe or internal conflict destroyed humanity. As soon as the plans of the head explorer become unrealized, the idea of ​​​​the development of Mars is approached by others.

In the spring, Musk has already presented to the public his project of an interplanetary transport system - Interplanetary Transport System. According to Musk's plan, ITS is intended to deliver the first colonists to the planet Chervona. As a result, the population of the Martian colony in the coming century may reach a million people. Of course, the technical warehouse of the project will change at this point. We cannot yet use technology that would allow earthlings to create an autonomous, maximally independent colony on Mars. The future Martians will have the opportunity to extract their own natural resources necessary for the life of the colony, generate energy, and maintain a rural dominion. Only high-tech materials are delivered from the Earth.

However, one should not confuse colonization with teraforming. It may take a long time to create on the Red Planet of minds that those who we have on Earth would like to guess for a long time. According to Musk's estimates, there are hundreds of rocks at hand. Ale and ce in the shortest time

Revealing of post-terrestrial civilizations

Virality: 10%

Perhaps, today, scientific discovery will be impossible to overturn our knowledge of the fragments of identification of reliable signs of the founding of earthly civilizations. In our culture, and until the singing world of science, aliens have long been known. We pay attention to them, we are afraid, we watch films about them and read books. British physicist Stephen Hawking anticipates that aliens may be unsafe for the Earth. Ale we still understand that this is not so and send signals into space. Carl Sagan's messages to post-earthly civilizations were delivered to Voyagers and Pioneers. The SETI project, a search for post-terrestrial civilizations, dates back to 1959.

In addition to Drake's research, we can help identify the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in our Galaxy (the Galaxy itself, and not the entire Universe), with which we can establish contact. Only a large number of parameters are unknown to us and are determined based on their assumptions. Frank Drake, on the basis of his own, applied the vikory formula he created, also highlighting the number of such civilizations. The result revealed that there are less than ten such civilizations in our entire galaxy, Chumatsky Shlyakh, with a diameter of about 30 thousand parsecs. A lot of hours have passed since 1961. And there is no chance of finding traces of post-terrestrial civilizations.


In addition, it is possible that we still do not know enough about all the necessary intelligence for the development of reasonable forms of life. For example, if the hypothesis turns out to be true that life and intelligent civilizations can only be found in short tori - narrow rings in the "body" of the galaxy - our chances of finding brothers in intelligence will decrease agatorazovo. sleepy system to still be in such a galactic “belt of life.” Here, the interstellar gas wraps synchronously with the arms of the galaxies, so there is practically no such abyssal flow, and therefore no shock waves are created. This is one of the calmest places in our Galaxy. The radius of this narrow ring - the torus at the "body" of the Chumatsky Way - is less than 250 parsecs.


The light is being strengthened today, those who walk and open new things, and without these achievements we would not have reached so far.

Vcheni, descendants, designers and designers from all over the world are trying to contribute to those who can forgive our life and make our lives worthwhile.

Axis, a bunch of technologies next day which elevate our lives to a whole new level.

New technologies of the future

1. Biorefrigerators

A Russian designer has come up with the concept of a refrigerator, called the “Bio Robot Refrigerator,” which cools the skin. biopolymer gel. There are no police, no doors - you just put it in the gel.

The idea was submitted by Yuri Dmitriev for the competition Electrolux Design Lab. The Vikorist refrigerator uses only 8 watts of energy for the control panel and does not require energy for actual cooling.

Biopolymer refrigerator gel is vicoristic light, which is generated at a cold temperature to preserve food. The gel itself is odorless and non-sticky, and the refrigerator can be placed on the wall or on the counter.

2. Overhead 5G Internet from drones with solar panels

Google is working on drones on solar panels that distribute over-the-air Internet in a project called Project Skybender. Theoretically UAVs are increasing their Internet service 40 times more than today, below 4G, allowing you to transfer gigabytes of data per second.

The project transmits a maximum of millimeter wavelengths for the service, as long as there is a clear transmission spectrum mobile connection there are a lot of fillings to be made.

However, these hulls have a shorter range, lower mobile signal 4G. Google is working on this problem and will be able to figure everything out technical problems, you can always access the Internet at unprecedented speed.

3. 5D disks for eternal saving of terabytes of data

The descendants created a 5D disk that records data in 5 worlds, which preserves billions of rocks. You can save your money 360 terabytes of data and temperature up to 1000 degrees.

The files on the disk are made from three balls of nanodots. The five vimirs of the disk are adjusted to the size and orientation of the points, as well as their positions between the three vimirs. When light passes through the disk, the specks change the polarization of the light, as measured by a microscope and a polarizer.

The team from Southampton, which disassembled the disk, was able to record on the disk the Legal Declaration of Human Rights, Newton's Optics, Magna Carta and the Bible. Over time, such a disc will no longer be an experiment, but will become the norm for saving data.

4. Injections of sour particles

The children's hospital in Boston has been dismantled for a long time. microparticles filled with acid that can be injected into the bloodstream, allowing you to live, it’s like you won’t be able to die.

Microparticles are formed from one capsule of lipids, which give off a slight sourness. Capsules measuring 2-4 micrometers are suspended in the middle to control their size; fragments of larger sized capsules may be unsafe.

When the capsules are introduced, they stick together with the red blood cells and transmit jelly. This method was used to inject 70 liters of acid into the blood.

5. Underwater transport tunnels

Norway plans to have the world's first submarines floating bridges at a depth of 30 meters under water for the help of great pipes, finish the wide pipes for two smugas.

Considering the difficulty of moving places, in Norway they decided to work on the underwater bridges. It turns out that the project, on which 25 billion dollars have already been spent, will be completed by 2035.

Other factors, such as wind, wind and strong flows, may also be present in the area.

6. Bioluminescent trees

A group of explorers began to create bioluminescent trees with the help of an enzyme that occurs in some jellyfish and fireflies.

Such trees can brighten the streets and help passers-by sleep better at night. A small version of the project has already been divided into the shape of a tree that will glow in the dark. Let us step on the trees that light up the streets.

7. TVs that burn into a roll

LG has built a prototype TV that can be burned like a roll of paper.

TB uses polymer organic LED technology to reduce the thickness of the screen.

Cream LG, other great electronics manufacturers such as Samsung, Sonyі Mitsubishi Work on this to make your screens more flexible and portable.

Development of technologies in the future

8. Bionic lens for lightRhuman gaze

Canadian doctor intends to conduct clinical tests “bionic lenses”, which will reduce the hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-fold gap for additional 8-inch painless surgery.

The new lens will be available until 2017, coloring the natural crystal of the eye. At the hour of the operation, the syringe inserts the lens with a physiological fracture into the eye and after 10 seconds the folded lens straightens and spreads over the natural crystal, surrounding the corrugated eyes.

9. Spray-odjag

Spanish designer Manel Torres created the world's first spray-on clothing. You can apply the spray to any part of the body, and then remove it, wash it off and wear it again.

Spray of special fibers mixed with polymers that give the fabric elasticity and durability. This technology allows designers to create unique objects together with an original design.

10. Portraits taken from DNA

Student Heather Duy-Hagborg I create 3D portraits of DNA found on cigarette sticks and chewing gum on the street.

DNA sequences are entered in computer program as I create the image of a person from the eye. Call for this process to see the 25th version of the people. Then the model will be divided into 3D portraits and life-size ones.

11. Shopping from virtual reality

One of these stores will be opened at the railway station New Korea, de vie can Complete your order by taking a photo of the barcode and have your purchases delivered to your home.

Merezha stores Homeplus installed six screen doors with life-size images of police with goods that would be found in a supermarket. Under each product there is a barcode that can be scanned and sent to additional programs.

You can make orders at the station while you are at work, and have goods delivered to your home in the evening.

12. Self-driving cars

Come to think of it By 2020 there will be close to 10 million driverless cars, to reduce the number of deaths by 2500 between 2014 and 2030.

Many car manufacturers have already begun to implement automatic water functions in cars.

There are also many companies that are trying to develop technologies for self-driving cars, such as Google, which announced a prototype of a driverless car. Fully autonomous cars will be available by 2019.

13. Place under the dome

Dubai's life is on shopping center, called "Mall of the World", covered with a hanging dome, which controls the indoor climate, will ensure air conditioning.

The complex has an area of ​​4.46 km2 and includes a great center of beauty and health, a cultural and recreational area, a hotel with 20 thousand rooms and much more. You will be the greatest shopping center We'll close it with a theme park.

14. Piece leaves that convert carbon dioxide and lighten the sun

We have built new ones sonic elements that convert carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to help the sun.

Although I wanted to try the dissolution of carbon dioxide on the surface, the real method was first broken down. In place of other technologies that require precious metals such as wood, this method uses tungsten-based vicoric material, which is 20 times cheaper and 1000 times more expensive.

These synthetic elements remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to produce synthetic gas - a mixture of gas-like water and carbon oxide, which can be immediately burned or converted into carbon dioxide.

Technologies of the nearest future

15. Plasma force field that protects cars from accidents and accidents

The Boeing company has patented a method of creating a plasma field, intensely heating the air, to quickly aggravate the shock coils.

The force field can be generated with the help of lasers and microviolet vibration. The plasma is created, heat it up more high temperature, lower than usual, with different thickness and warehouse. The company appreciates that it can capture and absorb the energy that is generated by the vibration, protecting those who are in the middle of the field.

As soon as technology can be introduced into everyday life, it will become a revolutionary development in the Western world.

16. Floating places

Floating ecopoles, named Lilypad, It was designed by the architect Vincent Callebaut for the upcoming climate refugees as a long-term rising problem of rising sea levels. The place can accommodate 50,000 people, vykoristy and infused with energy.

Google Glass - smart eyepieces like a giant giant. The stinks became available in mid-2014. The only reason why this technology has not become popular is the price. If you want to buy smart eyepieces from Google, you will have to spend 1500 dollars.

It’s not a good idea to throw away smart glasses from racks. Kolis Stilnikov's telephones You can't afford to let yourself go. Titans like Microsoft and Sony work on their devices. This means that in the near future you will be able to watch videos of cats during the race run.

Automation is one of the main tasks of modern technologies. Today, most processes are carried out automatically, whereas we have to do them manually. For example, add information to the contact list on your phone. Of course, you won’t be able to work on your own any time soon.

RelateIQ is currently working on technology to create contacts based on information about your contact list, postal screenshot, information. As a result, all you need to do is name the person. All information will appear on your phone.

3. Wearable electronics

Intelligent eyepieces and a year old are devices that connect us with external light. There are also technologies that will consume us from our bodies. Their research is carried out by great scientific institutes, corporations and other companies. We are talking about headphones that measure the heart rate, lenses that monitor blood sugar levels, and those with NFC technology.

How can only retailers make such gadgets available in the market to replace various implants, which is considered important information In real time, they are displayed on the same smart eyepieces.

4. Smart booth

This technology has become a reality. Refrigerators notify you when food is running out, and you can control the oven using your smartphone.

Now the oven will start heating your food, you will go home, and the refrigerator will wash the food itself. Now you can focus on the most important rights.

5. Virtual reality

Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR – this is a completely new gaming proof. Of course, science fiction has been playing with this topic for a long time, but who has seriously considered this?

Game publishers and developers are spending billions of dollars to bring us new experiences in virtual reality. VR devices have a lot of growth: the stench is bulky and with a bunch of darts, but the cob is done. We can easily travel to any point on the planet without leaving home.

6. Holographic images

Do you remember the holographic interfaces in “Zaryany Wars” and “Special Duma”? This technology no longer seems so fantastic.

The area where holographic projections are located is bordered not only by games and media. Apply contact lenses that project images onto the retina of the eye. People with vision problems can improve their health without surgery.

7. Neurointerface

This kind of neural interface has been around for a long time and is being successfully explored in medicine. Quadriplegics - people with complete paralysis of the body - use an additional neural interface, a vikorist, and a computer.

Of course, the technology is far from perfect. Prote with the development of neurotechnologies, people are paralyzed and can return to marriage and live full lives.

Delivery of hedgehogs using an additional universal service

The globalization of the Internet has reached unprecedented proportions. It is possible to revoke access to Merezha practically from any point on the planet, and once Elon Musk’s large-scale project succeeds, the Internet will be available immediately.

It’s not surprising that services like Uber appear. These are the taxis you can call practically from any country for help mobile add-on. Recently, Uber began to engage in delivery services. The need for universal services will become even greater.

9. Digital distribution

The light changes quickly. Somehow 15 years ago we could not realize that we would no longer have the opportunity to save hundreds of discs with music, films and games in our home. Steam and online cinemas have replaced our trips to the store. To replace a new album with your beloved crowd, it’s easier to buy an advance payment for music service For the same price, you can also access your entire discography.

Of course, digital distribution has not reached its apogee, and there are many who continue to own physical possessions, but there are fewer and fewer such people.

10. Roboti

Over the past 10 years, robotics has progressed far ahead. Of course, before the appearance of terminators, more than a dozen years will pass, and the axis of the machine, which will now place the important and monotonous robot on its titanium shoulders, will appear in the near future. For example, the leaders of the company Boston Dynamics.

Sonic batteries are an environmentally friendly source of recycled energy

Perhaps, in the next 30 years, we will move from ancient sources of energy to new ones. Naphtha and gas will soon run out, but solar and wind energy will not. In addition, solar batteries are highly environmentally friendly.

In Israel, they have already protested the road, which is charging an electric car for an hour of driving. Apple recently patented a technology that allows you to charge your smartphone via Wi-Fi. Since engineers cannot keep the batteries full, they will have to work so that they do not run out of charge.

Obligations to Internet traffic that is steadily growing, set the pace of development mobile measures. Messengers, video calls, 4K video and streaming services require new data transmission technologies, so the appearance of 5G Internet in the near future is imminent.

14. Piece intelligence

The creation of full-fledged food means no food for the hour. This will be a turning point in the development of human civilization, after which the world will change again.

It's true piece intelligence It no longer seems so out of reach, especially at the rapid pace of development of neuroprotection. Machine learning it's already reached high level And there’s a lot to do, including writing scripts, books and songs.

Of course, the programs don’t work as well as we would like, but neuroprotection is a wonderful example of what we are collapsing with the right one.

15. Graphene

In 2004, the first arc of graphene was released. Since then, efforts have been made to find a method for mass production of material.

Graphene is a universal material that is subject to the guilt of power. This can be seen in virtually all areas of our lives. Fast data transmission, filters for water purification, and the coating of the smartphone body, no matter what, are all made from graphene. If the production of this material begins to flow, another industrial revolution is upon us.

Maybutne – wondrous river. Walk for ten days, and before you arrive in the future, remember it’s important. Look back at ten years ago - you couldn’t even imagine that you couldn’t live without the Internet and a smartphone. What does the coming decade hold for us? Hundred? Thousands of years? Maybutne is such a wonderful river that you can try to guess countless times what will happen in ten years, and in what sense will it be right? I mean.

Technologies are developing at crazy speed. I remember that ten years ago we all wanted to buy a smartphone with the support of high-speed 4G Internet, and at the same time with impatience. Some companies also release updated operating systems There are a lot of other technologies, and there is a lot about updating the satellite navigation system that we don’t feel at all. And it is also actively used by all of us for navigating places and for banal tracking of the anniversary on a smartphone! We have a good news - in 2023 the technology will be updated and become better.

Do you remember the movie “The Fifth Element”, where Bruce Willis plays the role of a taxi driver who flies? Chantly, many who marveled at this comedy action movie died so that the cars that were spreading above the ground were driving in reality. Well, the scenes that were shown in the film are slowly becoming part of our everyday life. We are hiring in