I'll revisit the appdata roaming folder. Apdata what is the folder and what is needed

Hello everyone We have a lot of folders in our computer, and especially note the difference between Windows XP and everything that comes. In XP, there were a lot less folders, but everything seemed to be in order. on system drive all the same, the Documents and Settings folder, but if you go into it, you will be reminded that the movement is in the access.. and so with a lot of folders.

Well, that's not the point. On the system disk, go to the Koristuvachi folder, and then go to the folder, like your name oblіkovogo record, then let's check the AppData folder. They are saving important data, don’t think about it, because you will have serious problems.

Open the folder in me:

If you go to it, then we have three folders:

About every change, I’ll give the address where the AppData folder is located (it can be applied both to Windows 7 and to new operational operations):


So what is saved from the AppData dad? There zberіgayutsya all settings programs. The skin program saves nalashtuvannya in the okremіy paptsі. And the number of folders in their own place is placed in AppData, and, more precisely, in Roaming. In other folders, such as LocalLow and Local, the programs also save their data, but I won’t lie, I don’t know what data is. Ale is clearly not stoked. Possibly, as service information.

Axis to speech browser profile, so that all your browser settings, history, cookies, passwords and more, everything is also saved in the AppData of the father with the name of that browser. Well, I understand

I'm clicking right button behind the AppData folder and selecting the authority menu. The axis of the skilka in my folder takes up a month:

Like a bachite, well, it’s not so little already ... Ale, it’s become cicavo for me, why should it be so important? І axis I recognized. In the middle is the Local folder, and the Google and Yandex folders appeared in it. In these folders, the data of the browsers has been sorted out, it was clear. Those that have large browser folders are normal. There is a lot of money to keep, well, and everything else is offal.

I once zrobiv simply neymovirnu rіch, ale tse Bulo on Windows XP. Zagalom I don't remember anymore, how I had it, but I saw all the folders of the Windows cream! And, guessing, how I tserobiv. Tse I zavantazhivsya z Live CD and calmly saw. Ale, I’ll tell you again that I’m tse robiv like an experiment, well, it’s been a bulo, to get excited about it. So, Windows XP has taken a beating! But it’s clear that my profile didn’t exist anymore, for the sake of it, as I understand in XP, the option to create a profile for the default. Result has been created new profile And in the name of the Administrator, on the working table it was empty, there was no screen saver, but the black screen. operating room.

Folder "app data" to avenge the data of the correspondent of various supplements (history, updates, sessions, bookmarks, time files, etc.). In the course of time, you will be noticed by various tributes, which, if possible, are not necessary, they don’t occupy disk space. At the same time, I have a sense to clean the catalog. In addition, if you reinstall the operating system of the coristuvach, you need to save those data that have been updated, if you have stopped working with other programs earlier, it is necessary to transfer instead of the directories of the old system to a new one, having made a copy. But it’s necessary to know a little bit, de won’t be ripped. Let's find out how to work on computers with an operating room Windows system 7.

AppData directory

Name "app data" deciphered as "Application Data", which in the translation of the Russian mine means "given additions". Vlasne, in Windows XP, I will name the entire directory by the same name, as in the newer versions it was shortened to the lowest. As already mentioned above, the appointments of the papacy are subject to data, which are accumulated with robotic application programs, and other programs. On the computer, there may be more than one directory with such a name, but a sprat. The skin of them is consistent with the well-made oblіkovogo record of the koristuvach. In catalosis "app data"є three subdirectories:

  • "local";
  • "local low";
  • "Roaming".

There are folders in the dermal directory, name them identically to the names of the relevant supplements. The q axis of the directories should be cleaned to improve disk space.

Increase the visibility of attached folders

Next to know what the catalog is AppData» for zamovchuvannyam prikhovaniyam. This was done for the sake of the fact that the short-sighted koristuvachs of the pardon did not see important data, which should be avenged in the new or in the whole. And in order to know which folder, we need to turn on the visibility of attached folders. Before that, how to go to the methods of manifestation "app data", z'yasuєmo, how tse robiti. Use the option to enable the visibility of attached folders and files. Those koristuvachs, if you want to get to know them, you can search for additional useful articles on our site. Here we will look at just one option.

Show attached folders will be enabled.

Method 1: "Know program files" field

Now let's go straight to the ways, for the help of which you can move to the catalog, or to know, de vin is growing. It is necessary to go to "app data" flow koristuvach, then it is possible to work for the help of the field "Know program files", yak roztashovane on the menu "Start".

Directly from catalog "app data" you can drink and drink through the introduction of virus in the field "Know program files".

Method 2: Zasib "Vikonati"

Already similar to the algorithm is a diy option for submitting a catalog "app data" can you help me system tool "Vikonati". The same way, like the previous one, for opening a folder for that oblіkovogo record, for example, at the same time pratsyuє koristuvach.

In the same way as in the previous way, you can immediately go to the folder "app data".

Method 3: Passing through the "Explorer"

Yak z'yasuvati to the address and to the folder "app data", recognized for that oblіkovogo record, in which at the same time pratsyuє koristuvach, mi rozіbralis. Ale scho robiti, as it is necessary to open a catalog "app data" for another profile? For whom it is necessary to cross over without intermediary "Providnik" or enter the exact address of the distribution, as you already know, in the address row "Providnik". The problem is that in a skin-skinned coristuvach, it is necessary to fix the system, winding up Windows and naming the oblique records, which way will be resurrected. Ale, a wild template, a path to the directory, de-stashed the folder, matima looked forward.

Do you need the AppData folder on Windows? What kind of folder is that de її know? I don't have an AppData folder? What will I see, what will I see? Power rich and rich food. I am asking for advice on all your questions within the framework of this article.

appdata- folder attached. You won't know if Windows is installed behind a promotional patch. To display the folder, you need to go to the folder's authority settings or the explorer settings (as you have Windows 10) and select the added folders.

How to know the AppData folder

Leather skin Windows entry May I have the AppData folder. It is necessary for the selection of personal adjustments of the skin and programs that are installed for skin skin recording of the skin. The AppData folder turned up in Windows Vista. Solution appeared in the distance. That's why the retailers moved її to newer versions of Windows.

AppData is short for Application Data. The very same and victorious at the name Windows folders. For example, because of the name of your public record “user”, you will find a promotional folder for these add-ons at C:\Users\user\AppData. You can copy this address into the address bar and go to I need a folder. Or open the folder of your public record by opening c:\users\user. Don't forget to mark the note attached files that folder.

Do not obov'yazkovo assign the same road, open the folder. Just type %APPDATA% in the address bar of the explorer.

Need folders Local, LocalLow and Roaming?

Under the hour of their work, programs save different types nailed. So, open the AppData folder and make three entries in the folder:

  • Local
  • local low
  • Roaming

Let's take a skin okremo.


Let's start with the "Roaming" folder. Isnuє so understand, like profiles, what to move. Let me explain in two words. Profile that moves - the same technology that allows you to see on any computer domain name under profile. You do not need to pull from yourself old zhorsky a disk or a flash drive, schorazu nalashtovuvati pid yourself a working steel that operating system. The copy that is being moved is saved on the domain server and, when entering the public record, is copied to the computer, from which the entry is made. The minus of the technology is for the growing need for a long time and a three-hour window for the entrance under the oblique record.

The folder “Roaming” is designated for cache and installation of the programs of the koristuvach. For example, Firefox saves the profile of a koristuvach, the history of viewing sides, open tabs the menu is displayed.


Papa “Local” is saving up data, which is more than enough given computer. The data is saved locally and is not synchronized with other computers, so you still need to transfer to the domain. As a rule, in the “Local” folder, a cache is thrown, setting up programs, as the retailer does not care for the need to synchronize as needed.

If you are not connected to the retail domain between the “Local” and “Roaming” folders, you will not. All data is collected locally. Ale stinks will not be the same. The rozrobnik of the program itself determines the place of saving data. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the program itself can be roztashovana in both folders at once, but save different information.

local low

Folder “LocalLow” collects data on its own low rate access. For example, Internet Explorer When running in a protected mode, it only denies access to the “localLow” folder. There is no special cost for a koristuvach, de program collects data. The difference is for programs, for some reason, access to the main folder.

Guess. Under the hour of installation, the program will show you two installation options: for all coristuvachiv or only for your oblique record. If you have chosen the first option, all program settings will be saved not in the “AppData” folder, but in “ProgramData”. At early version Windows won was called "All Users". For example, antivirus programs save the scan log, update, quarantine from the “ProgramData” folder, so whether you are a computer clerk, you can look at the scan results, restore files from the quarantine, or see them.

Well axis. The Trochs have dispersed. The purpose of the folders became clearer. It seemed that the Windows retailers had changed everything. Ale, it’s a pity the correct order is not always completed. Take that one Google Chrome. Vіdomy browser saves the cache of the cache in the “Local” folder. It's wonderful. Even more logical would be to save them from Roaming. Well, that garazd.

As it was written earlier, the specialty of saving programs from the one who himself chooses the retailers, de yogo program saves data. Get to the point of absurdity. You can find the program folder in c:\users\name or in documents c:\users\name\documents. As a matter of fact, on whether or not you have divided, in whatever place your hard drive The program can save your settings. Absurd.

You need to back up the AppData folder

Bigness koristuvachіv Windows Navit do not guess about її іsnuvannya. Learn to know and know, rarely go to her. To that the standard folder is attached.

What you have done automatically backup copy, then in principle one can include її. Ale, specially configure AppData backup not varto. Just copy її. What will be sufficient for saving a copy of the program and a further release. No one can give a guarantee that after you know everything will work, even if you call the same cache, save obmezheniya hour. Ale, save Igor, and forgive the savings of vryatuete.

As soon as the AppData folder appeared, then, more than anything, they got to know about it, shards of its catalog of invisible coristuvachev. If you want to gain access to a new one, then you should remember the steps taken to fix the system, but about the last thing, but for now, let's try the power supply: what is the folderAppData?

It is prudent to admit that the invisibility of this object may, on the other hand, be irrelevant for a coristuvach. We don’t know it right, but the AppData folder can be a corny singing world. The structure of this directory shows the presence of three subfolders: Roaming, Local and LocalLow.


Of greater interest is the Roaming folder files available for transfer from computer to computer. For example, you can use it to help you synchronize the data that is stored in browsers: open, bookmarks, etc. In practice, if you reinstalled Windows, then copying the Roaming folder into it front installation Allow the OS to take access to the old profile.


If the Local folder is kept, then the value of the files is affected by the functioning of the programs installed on the computer. With whom I can make an investment under the name Temp. Yogo can be cleansed without fear of blaming problems. Here they save timchas files. Їх vidalennya give the opportunity to feel free and zbіshiti korisny space on a hard disk.

local low

The LocalLow directory in the AppData folder is a collection of clipboard data that is generated by the IE browser, Adobe programs that Java. Information that is stored in this folder cannot be transferred to another PC for further consideration.

Before speech, mothers need to learn that the programs on the PC themselves virishuyut, in the folder of the AppData directory, save. In this case, the main program is the Roaming folder, and the programs from the Windows Store give priority to the Local folder.

That was the first hour of the day, described there, they could mark the folder AppData. An article about her will be given, and for herself, what kind of folder, how to know, how to see (but what can you do?) and how to transfer.

Folder AppData (In Windows XP it's called Application Data) - what do you know?
Tsya folder to delete all data in installed programs that igor. They save the stinks, bookmarks, history, and savings from them. "consumed moth". Zvichayno z rozmіr tsієї folders zbіlshuєtsya, tk. the installed programs become larger, and when they are gone, not all of them pick up the "tails" behind them.

De to know and how to know appdata folder?
Tsya folder lie on the road (disk_with_system):\Users\(koristuvach) .
I'm out on my way C:\Users\1

Otherwise, you can insert %USERPROFILE%\AppData into the address row of the explorer

Tsya folder is attached, so you need to know or speed up the file manager.

Can you see the appdata folder?
Vykhodyachi z vishcheopisannogo, I think not varto explain, scho in razі її vydalennya all your savings, nalashtuvannya, parameters and more in games and programs seen.
That system will not allow you to see the entire folder again, because some processes are already "borrowing" її with the working system and navigating as if the game programs are not running.
To that, if you see it, you will bring your own bagatto bid.

How to move appdata folder
And the axis is already tsіkavіshe nutrition.
Is it necessary to move the folder somewhere else? That shobi zvilniti mistse!
You can try to transfer it in the way described in the article, but you can’t see that the folder doesn’t have tabs Roztashuvannya V power.
Therefore, it is necessary to transfer all the existing ones in the middle of the folder (and Local, local lowі Roaming) by heart, having created a folder in front AppData that subfolder Local, local lowі Roaming on another disk.

Wiishlo? And from hardly. Because the system will not let you transfer existing files that are already occupied by processes (for example, either is running).

You can try transferring via .

We create on the disk where you want to transfer the Appdata folder and to the subfolders Local, LocalLow and Roaming. Give a copy of the system folders.

Let's go to the hill

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders

and wonder what is there:

Did you see something else? The one that you will need to manually change the way.
Tobto. yakscho bachite " C:\Users\(coristuvach)\Appdata\…", then replace it with "D: Appdata ...".

I spodіvayu zrozumilo explaining.

If you are known for such a move, then carefully think about it and look over the instructions, so that later you don’t call me in what you don’t work there.

Before speech, zdiisnyuvati such manipulations with relocations are on the cob, if only they installed Windows and there is practically no installed software.

On whom everything. Now you know what the AppData folder is and how to know what to know, how to delete it and move it.