Facebook is a social network to register. Pokrokov instructions for registering on Facebook. Register by phone

Statistics show that today more and more Facebook correspondents go to social media from their smartphones. It’s more convenient, vrakhovuuchi availability mobile internet and serious technical possibilities of modern mobile outbuildings.

All you need to do is to get an official addendum and register with Facebook on your computer's phone. We already wrote about those who pass the registration with the web version. And in this article, it is reported about those how to make a special appearance record, scoring your phone.

Pokrokov's instruction

We need to download the official Facebook addon. Koristuvachi iPhone, attachments on Android and Windows phone you can find yoga in stores App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone Store, obviously. Because the technical capabilities of the mobile device do not allow running the classic program, it is necessary to install a lighter version - Facebook Lite.

Not all coristuvachas can register. If you already have a working physical account with the social media, you just need to log in to installed program. Even though you didn’t post on Facebook before, the registration check is on you.

Nezalezhno vіd operating system your phone, you need to go through the following steps to create a special form record:

1. Launch the installation on your Facebook smartphone.

2. "Tap" wrote "Register on Facebook", and then - "Start".

2. Enter your real e-mail, as well as the mobile phone number, to which you can access.

3.Respectfully read the supporting instructions, enter your special data: the name of that name, the place of residence / education / work, the date of birth, and then come up with correct password(and obov'yazkovo memorize yogo).

After all the necessary information has been entered, the system sent to your e-mail or confirmation number, which you will need to enter in the addendum to complete the registration.

Now you can freely show off with all the possibilities mobile version social networks - know your friends and talk to them, edit the pictures on your smartphone camera without interruption, put "likes" and comment on the publications and popular games.

Smartphones, obviously, are not everything, but it does not mean that the owners of push-button mobile devices cannot enter the zuckerberzka social media. You just need to install Facebook for your skin phone - a handy and "easy" addition to java.

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For rich communications on the Internet, registration in the social media of facebook seems to be foldable and unreasonable. I was about to write a pokrokovu instruction, so that I could understand whether it was a newcomer, how to register with Facebook.

How to register with facebook - instruction manual

To go through the registration procedure in the Facebook social media, you need to go to the address https://facebook.com. For tsієї meti pіdіyde be a browser. You will then need to fill in the bindings for the registration of the field. Tse field become, century, nickname, name, date of birth, mobile phone number or email address, as well as a password.

If you do not plan to win your Facebook page regularly, then you can say goodbye to that nickname. As a matter of fact, if you are planning to come in there late, then show your right name and that name is suvoro obov'yazkovo. Because the administration of the social network through song hour you can block your oblіkovy record, so that you can tell by rapt that you have shown your wrong name and name.

After filling in all the obligatory language for the registration field, you will need to click on the "registration" button. As a rule, the minimum amount of time is required to fill up the obov'yazykovyh watering near the social network of Facebook.

Then the system will ask you to provide additional information

Croc first. The system can ask you to ask friends for help mail.ru, social media “in contact” or Skype. If you don't particularly need it, and if you want to switch to your side, you can skip this part by clicking on the button.

Croc is different. Information about initial mortgages, de vie if you ever started, and also the place of your residence. Tsey krok is not even more respectful, you can again click on the "skip" button. You can tell me for the service this information have a lucrative moment.

Crook the third. This stage of registration in the social network of Facebook is significantly important among the two in front, so here you will be asked to take a photo of your profile. For tієї meti you can take a photo with hard drive your computer or capture a picture from the webcam without cluttering up the site.

Now everyone you add to your friends or those who add to you from friends themselves will recognize you by your profile photo.

How to register with facebook from a computer

In order to register in the social network Facebook from a computer, you will need to follow the address https://facebook.com. and fill in a special form for registration. Tim Danish way registration in the social network of Facebook, following the special respect for the other, as well as for the third row of the registration form.

There you can indicate the address of the electronic mail, which will visually inform the social security of the most important, de obov'yazkovo it is necessary to indicate the number of the mobile phone. Prior to the transfer of registration from the social network of Facebook from the computer, the next procedure is to secure the security of the system.

So for those who register via a computer, entering the email address will be the final stage of registration. If so, it will be necessary to activate your own physical record, asking for special messages, how to come to your e-mail address.

How to register with facebook free of charge

In the rest of the hour, the number of shakhraivs is growing sharply, in all ways they are trying to get the address to change the way they make money for the lack of knowledge of the short-lived social networks of Facebook.

However, regardless of those that the registration procedure itself in this social area is absolutely cost-free, it will be absolutely necessary to have an electronic postal screen, better on Google mail - GMail. Vіn needed in order to activate oblіkovy record.

How to register with Facebook on the phone

In order to register with the social network on facebook with a mobile phone, you will need to sign in to Google Play and get the official call facebook supplement. If you see the program first, then it will become automatic entry tied up Gmail account. At the bottom, there will be a button for non-gay registration in the social media of Facebook.

Otherwise, the registration procedure in the social network of Facebook for the help of a mobile phone is not affected by anything in the registration procedure through a computer or a laptop. The registration form is also a place to fill in the names of the names, name, become, date of birth. Once the registration procedure is completed by the system, you will also be asked to know your friends.

I would like to designate that registration in the social network of Facebook is necessary for splkuvannya on the Internet. And if you have already made money in the net, create an Internet business, then for which you need to create electronic gamants, send mailboxes and accounts to all social networks.

The more your presence on the Internet, the more you will push your brand. People will recognize you, trust you more, so there will be more payers, clients, and assistants.

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Social networks are gaining more and more popularity among the population all over the world. For wealthy people, splintering for the help of social networks has become an invisible part of the connection made by koristuvachs from different lands throughout the whole world. One of the most popular social networks is Facebook (Facebook). At this cover instruction with photos, you know how to register (create a face record) with the social network Facebook (Facebook).

Pokrokov's instruction

Krok 2

They gave me the registration form, where it is necessary to indicate my name and name, the date of birth and become, which will be displayed in your profile, as well as the email address, send that password, which will be entered for access to your public record. Let's press the "Register" button.

Krok 3

At this stage, you will be asked to know friends from the email contact list and other locations. To start a search, press the "Find friends" button. In order to skip this item, press the "Next" button.

Krok 4

At this stage, we confirm the transfer of a croc about asking friends to press the “Skip Croc” button.

Krok 5

To complete the registration, you need to confirm email addresses. To go to the prompt when registering a mailing screen, press the button “Go to your email address”.

Krok 6

At the list of input notifications, open the sheet in the form of a social network Facebook and in the middle of the notification press the button "Verify your physical record".

Hello hello! Your friends must have been active koristuvachs for a long time social measures? But you still don’t know how to register with Facebook for free, so that you can earn money with “good” every year? Don’t be embarrassed, today I’ll find out in the most practical way what you need to work, so that your mother will be on the right side in this measure, I promise that your whale will be sensible!)

What is Facebook

Facebook- this is the most popular svіtova merezha, in which over 1 billion people are registered, who live in different places of the world. For the help of social networks, you will be able to make connections with friendly people independently in the current city of knowledge, and also you will be able to make new acquaintances.

Dana social network allows you to actively express yourself, for example, for additional placement of material on your side, comments, photographs, videos and others. With whom, the retailers of this software tried to make everything possible and impossible, so that you would be more comfortable, and also, simply, smartly and wisely in management.

How to become a part of the virtual world through a stationary computer

To start, open your browser and type the word "Facebook" in a row, and then press the first message:

You can check the axis like this, de need to fill in all the necessary fields for registration. The site is automatically registered in Russian, if you need to change it, then you can do it at the bottom of the registration screen.

Growers of goiters tell you to come up with information about yourself: I have that nickname, mobile phone or addresses postal screenshots(reveal respect, scho tsі danі vіchі vіchі), the date of nationality is to become. Madly, like in any social measure, you happen to guess the password to enter the future side.

Choose the same number of numbers and letters, if you will not forgive, but at the same time you will become unforgettable. At the end of the registration, it may look something like this:

Immediately press on the green button with the word "registration". Do this:

Here it is not necessary to indicate the password in the mail, the address you entered earlier. And you can also immediately request all your contacts from Skype, Vkontakte, other e-mail and add them to your friends. If you don’t want any more work, then you need to uncheck the box, as the chervonim was seen in the photo.

Now go to your post, de vzhe є new remembrance. Vіdkrivaєte yoga and emboss "confirm your appearance record".

You may be redirected to your Facebook page. It’s pressing “ok”, for whom the creation of a wet profile is over.

How to create a profile on your smartphone

There is nothing scary and foldable, your little ones are like this:

  1. At the telephone, we know the middle programs google play, in new poshukovy row enter "facebook" and download the addendum to yourself. How do you have an HTC or samsung galaxy, then use the same extension Facebook Home;
  2. After the program is installed, go into it and go through registration for the same scheme that is on stationary computer. So you will need to enter all your data: name and nickname, phone number or mail, vik toshcho.

Why marvel, what robiti, de shukati

Energizing after registration with an unseen person is sufficient. But it’s really easy to show up as a side on the official site. So, to go to the editorial office of the profile:

Then you can say all the most important things and the most important things about yourself: where you started, where you practice, where you live, your contacts, your family life, and how you learn about life. In the same place you can add photo cards, including profile photos, like bachitimute all Facebook posts. You can take advantage of your own video, or you can watch a film, a program, listen to your favorite music.

You have a handy menu, through which you can quickly open your inquiries, games, photos, as well as chat with your friends. And add extra possibilities: create a group on any subject, in which you can place everything that amazes the soul, to your taste, naturally, within the framework of the law of our country. And you can also organize a visit, about how many people are known about Facebook.

I don't have any mail, how can I create a profile?

You can create without e-mail, for which, in the end, for registration, you need to enter your number style phone. After pressing the "registration" button on your gadget, you will receive a confirmation with the code, enter it, and you will activate your profile. You can make good use of it all the time.

But remember, if you open a Facebook page for additional electronic mail, then it will give you the opportunity to receive notifications on it (for example, if you want to add you to your friends from Ukraine, for example), and also you can easily reset the password , if you spend yoga or you will forget.

On this note, I say goodbye to you, friends. I look forward to your comments, subscriptions to new stats and good luck. Boo!

At the moment, social security is the most important tool for communicating, doing business and doing your own thing. Having created your own side on one of these sites, a person finds boundless opportunities for himself, like giving such resources.

One of the most popular social The measure is taken into account by Facebook, which is especially requested on Zakhodі, but we still do VKontakte. This article will help you to understand the most important aspects of the registration process on this resource.

To start the registration process, you need to go to the site from your computer. Now you see the main Russian side of mine. For some reason, another language is installed, or if you want to switch to the Russian language, then you need to go down the side to change this parameter.

The main information is stored on its own on this side, so it is respectful for the correctness of the data that is entered. Also, in this form you need to enter the following data:

  1. I'm that call. You can send as your reference name, as well as a pseudonym. Just give respect, that I am that name, but I can only show it to me.
  2. Phone number or email address. This field needs to be filled in order for you to be able to secure the social security without care. If you have the wrong side, or if you forgot your password, you can always restore access by phone number or by email.
  3. New password. The password is needed so that third parties cannot get into your side. Give special respect to this point. It is not necessary to set a too simple password, but it is your responsibility to remember it for you. Abo write down yoga, don't forget it.
  4. Date of birth. That's right, this century will help protect children from content that is considered exclusive for grown-ups. Also, respect that children under the age of 13 cannot have their own Facebook account.
  5. Become. Here you just need to show your position.

You only have to squeeze "Create an account" to complete the first step of registration.

Confirmation of registration and introduction of additional data

Now you can win the social Facebook Merezha, in order for you to see all the possibilities of this site, you need to confirm your profile. At the very top of the side of your oblique record there is a special form, where you need to press "Confirm now".

You will no longer need to sign in to your e-mail, so that your actions are confirmed. After you log in, you can split a sign in front of you to notify you that the profile has been successfully confirmed, and you can win all the functions of the site.

You can add a photo in front of you so that friends can recognize you, otherwise it will be the main image of your profile. For whom just press "Add photo".

Then you can just go to the distribution "Information", to say Additional parameters, if you care for the needs. You can provide data about your place of residence, enlighten or work, so you can fill in information about your likeness in music and cinema, provide other information about yourself.

Whom has the registration process completed. Now, in order to see your profile, you just need to enter your data, so you won the registration hour, and the password for the email address itself.

So you can go to the side, so that you can’t log in to your computer, just click on the image of your profile on the smut, so you can hang on head side, then enter the password.

Problems with registration in social networks Facebook

Bagato Koristuvachiv does not dare to make a side. Blame the problems, the reasons for which may be a kіlka:

Incorrect completion of the form for entering information

The incorrectness of the introduction of the sung data does not need to be changed to the chervonim, as if it is on more sites, it is necessary to respect everything.

  1. Perekonaytes, scho im'ya that name is written in letters of one layout. So it is not possible to write my name in Cyrillic, but my nickname in Latin. Also, in the skin of these fields, you can enter only one word.
  2. Don't beat the chair, symbolize the type «@^&$!*» and їm similar. Also, it is not possible to select digits in the input field of the name and nickname.
  3. On what resource should there be an exchange for children. That's why you can't register, because you told the people that you are less than 13 years old.

Do not find verification code

One of the biggest problems. The reasons for the blame for such a pardon can be a kіlka:

  1. Incorrectly entered e-mail. Flip it over again, so that you will definitely perekonatisya in її correctness.
  2. As a rule, you were registered with the entered phone numbers, to give respect to those who need to enter numbers without spaces and hyphens.
  3. Maybe Facebook doesn't support your carrier. With this problem, you can turn around to technical support or register again for additional e-mail.

Robot browser problems

The Facebook robot is inspired by JavaScript, so browsers can have problems, it's a problem, Opera works. Therefore, you can use another browser to register on this resource.

Tse all the nuances of the rules, yakі you need to know the hour of registration at this social network. Now you can re-evaluate the possibility of this resource and win it for your purposes.