Engineering menu huawei nova. Android menu engineering and phone secret codes: how to see what you can set

Let's take a look at the tablet again. This menu will be necessary for a skin time, if you need to reflash attachments or upgrade Android, for example, to increase functional capabilities.

What is the Recovery menu of the tablet?

Recovery is also called a special Recovery Mode, in which it is used, capturing the gadget in a special way. For this menu, you can change the system, or you can change the menu to update and replenish. Most of the recovery is necessary, as the system shows problems and the smoothness of the robot is broken. Also, you can often enter the Renewal Mode, but if you are interested in a normal camp, you can’t enter.

Main functionality Recovery menu:
- Remembrance before saving operating system;
- viewing of special data that are saved in the system;
- ;
- ;
- installed updates;

It is necessary for mothers to leave, what wrong actions in the engineering menu can cause for themselves deplorable consequences for the system. It is recommended before any manipulations in Rekoveri to save the data from the outbuilding at the other place.
The service menu of the skin tablet is individual, so first change it in the future, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions.

Logging in to Recovery on an android tablet

At outbuildings can be installed in different versions of Recover, so that they sound visually. At that very hour of getting to this menu, most of the victories are similar to the sequence of diy koristuvach. Also, to activate the Engineering Mode, you need:
1. Wipe the tablet. It is recommended to re-charge the battery or connect the attachment to the battery.
2. Go to Recovery, having mastered the manipulations with the buttons on the gadget's case. Sound the skin maker vikoristovu your special combination of hot buttons. Let's take a look at the widest combinations installed by pickers for the entrance to Recovery.

Button combinations to enter the Tablet Recovery:
- One hour zatiskannya odnієї z buttons, Home and buttons on.
- Odnochasne zatiskannya odn_єї s of the buttons of the density, the buttons are turned on.
- Odnochasne zatiskannya buttons vmikannya and 2 buttons adjusting the density.

Utrimannya buttons zdіysnyuєtsya until zavantazhennya mode vіdnovlennya.

Recovery of Chinese tablets

A number of outbuildings of the Chinese virobnitstvo do not have a front-mounted Rekoveri. In this case, it is necessary to reflash the tablet in front.

Recovery Menu Management

Most of the movement on the points of those choices in Recovery is implemented for the help of physical buttons, changing the density of that button of life. Other extensions can be equipped with keys, as if they were typing for navigation and choice.
Some Recovery victors have a sensory way of healing. In this way, the menu items are selected with a simple tap.

How to get to Recovery on tablets, why don't you transfer the buttons to change the density?

To enter the Engineering Menu on attachments without buttons to change the density, you can try the following options:
1. To get into the city mode, you need to simultaneously press and hold down the + Home keys. Another way: By pressing the "Dodom" button, you need to press the power button, after which you will let "Dodom". If the screensaver appears, you need to press "Dodom" again.
2. To switch between menu items, you can use the sensor or a keyboard connected to the USB port for an additional OTG cable.

Engineering menu android ta secret code. What allows Android through the engineering menu to fix? The quality of the sound, the sensors are so rich, read about everything in our article.

Our smartphones carry anonymous secrets, as if they were pickers. Do you know anything about the engineering menu on Android? What about the secret codes? Since our article has been violated, it means that we are far away, ale chuli. All these tools appeared at the time of the first mobile telephones, but, as a matter of course, they became more functional and sensible. However, it should be noted that, before the plans of the assemblers, they should not include the creation of an engineering menu, or a secret code (as the name suggests) accessible to the skin caregiver. І in tsomu є sens. Let's go in order.

Also, Engineering Mode (inzhenerne menu) is a special add-on, practical installations on any smartphone. Vikoristovuetsya virobnik for carrying out various tests and optimization of robotic functions, sensors and other parameters in the phone or tablet. Behind the locks, it was tied into the system so that the skin of the coristuvach could not gain access to the new one. Call for the help of a small code to be entered for the help of a standard dialer. Thanks to the wide possibilities of access to the engineering menu, as well as yogo management, it can be used with various third-party add-ons.

What is the engineering menu for? At the same time, the program can harm a smartphone or another attachment. As it was appointed higher, the engineering menu for selections (retailers for testing) was recognized. We should respect that, making changes here.

Secret codes on Android (services, engineering) can be seen from the menu that you have looked at. If the engineering menu opens access to a wide range of parameters, then one introduction service code only up to one, as a rule, functions. The codes are too rich. Moreover, it is universal (practices on most Android smartphones, navit mobile phones), so i code for specific models outbuildings Trochs are by far the most popular.

How to get access to the engineering menu on an Android device - Kodi

Android engineering menu - the most popular code

There are two popular ways here: for help with the secret code, or for help special software. Obviously, the first way is simpler and more advanced, but not without nuances. The universal code, which will definitely take you to the engineering menu, does not know. On one smartphone, one works, on the other - the third, on the third - the third. However, Android is not the first river, and the most popular code was introduced by the coristuvachi, as it is used in the majority of outbuildings. Father:

  • *#*#3646633#*#* – the largest extension of the entry code in the Android engineering menu;
  • *#15963#* і *#*#4636#*#* - as if the front one did not work, we try qi;
  • *#*#7378423#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#* or *#*#3649547#*#* – featured on smartphones manufactured by Sony;
  • *#*#3424#*#* or *#*#8255#*#* – best respect for the HTC superintendents;
  • *#*#197328640#*#* – for a number of options for working with Samsung;
  • 3845#*855# - often used to access the engineering menu on LG Android smartphones;
  • *#*#54298#*#* - works on buggy outbuildings with a MediaTek processor;
  • *#*#2846579#*#* or *#*#14789632#*#* – and Huawei can dial your code.

Take it if you want one, but you are guilty of spratsyuvati on your attachment. The code is simply entered at the auxiliary dialer (additional "Phone" on the work table). As a rule, it is not necessary to press the dial button (do not start) - after the dialing is completed, it will be automatic start services. But not everything is so simple, it is difficult to launch the engineering menu on some Android phones.

Do not go out in the Android engineering menu: reasons
  • perche, on rich smartphones or tablets Qualcomm processors Snapdragon, Intel chi Tegra or the menu is not transferred, but access to the new one is even more difficult. At a number of vipadkіv it is possible to navit not magatisya.
  • in a different way, the cause of the problems may be the custom firmware. For a number of them, access to the configuration tools is simply blocked. For example, you will not find an engineering menu in the CyanogenMod firmware, as it is already popular among the natives. The reason is simple - the firmware was upgraded for Snapdragon-based add-ons.
  • thirdly, the virobnik himself can act as a source of problems, having shove the engineering menu of the best, or having done it. These people can see different pardons, for example, they are not insured daily with outhouses.

Vlasne, the top of the problems lie on the surface. Like a smartphone on Snapdragon, Intel or Tegra, then you can’t get away with anything. However, on these outbuildings it is possible to take access to a number of prihovah nalashtuvan, About yakі mi trohi lower rozpovіmo. Before speech, on Xiaomi smartphones, as a better representation on the basis of Qualcomm chips, access to the engineering can be removed by pressing a few times on the "Kernel version" in the settings of the smartphone (divided "About the phone"). Nareshti, in a number of options, I will add a flashing of the Android add-on to the stock (official) firmware.

Another way to open access to the engineering menu can be programs. You can do it richly, you can cost-free zavantazhuvati s, but practically all the expansions for smartphones based on the MediaTek processor. It's bad enough to recommend the MTK Engineering Mode add-on. Hidden Android Settings- similar to the possibility of supplements. As an example, "Launching the MTK Engineering Menu" can be prompted.

Well, I know, it’s not a fact that the skin program is seamlessly practicable on your device - there are a hundred reasons for such a stink to function. Small companies are engaged in the production of similar koshtіv, so, obviously, you happen to try the dekіlka.

What can be configured in the engineering menu?

Yak old look interface, so the set of parameters can be changed for different smartphones. If you take attachments to Qualcomm Snapdragon, then most of all you can do it - look at information about different modules and work like a test. Make any changes to the parameters do not go. And the axis of smartphones on MediaTek offers a lot more possibilities: sound configuration, upgraded meshes, different modules too.

Also, regardless of the fact that the names of the interface of the engineering menu can be installed on various outbuildings, sorted out from the points of practice in the warehouse. Let's go through the basic possibilities.

Once again: change and bring on the power of fear that risk. Do not change the parameters, you don't know anything about them.

Informative capabilities of the Android engineering menu

The first thing that propagates the Android menu engineering is to learn different information about attachments. Basically, there is a lot of merezhi, wireless interfaces that battery (on smartphones with Snapdragon processors for the help of the command * # * # 4636 # * # *). Well, you can marvel at these branches:

  • IMEI phone - special (unique) number, which is given to a skin smartphone;
  • Phone number - do not always enter;
  • Merezha - a streaming operator is indicated;
  • Roaming - know chi;
  • Information about the measure - we discuss whether it is indicated or included;
  • Redirection of calls - vikoristovuєtsya chi nі;
  • Measure type; measure index;
  • The accuracy of the signal and the space of roztashuvannya at the sight of the coordinates.
At the branch "About the battery":
  • Mill: charging chi;
  • the charge equals (for vіdsotkah);
  • Voltage and temperature;
  • Technology, for which element is prepared;
  • An hour from the rest of the re-advancement.

One of the distributions allows you to look through information about the selected programs on smartphones (name, date of the last launch, last date). In addition, the okremy distributed the engineering menu on Android of assignments to a non-rota interface. Here you will find information about the connection camp, I will name the measures, you can recognize the security and other data.

Testing smartphone parameters in the engineering menu

To increase the possibility of the engineering menu, which allows the testing of various parameters of the smartphone. Most of all, it helps to know if there is a problem, because the system is not functioning properly. How can you test:

  • Complex (Automatic Test) - the skin parameter of the smartphone is tested;
  • Report (Zvіt) - we hope to hear about the test;
  • Testing of buttons, memory cards and SIM-cards, vibrations, speakers, roses - everything can be checked for practicality;
  • Test the screen - for clearness, sensibility thinly;
  • Testing of cameras and sleepers, lights, dartless interfaces and sensors (gyroscope, accelerometer and others).

Well, I know, I can gain some opportunities for testing. All lie down in the engineering menu of a specific Android add-on. flawless, basic functions, yakі to become a wealthy koristuvachas. For example, when buying a used smartphone, you can protest the screen for use.

Changing the parameters of the attached Android menu

If you are afraid of anything, you need to make changes carefully. Rather, don’t read the parameters, you don’t know any recognition, and also work with screenshots or mark on a piece of paper all those who change. If you find any problems, you can turn the options to the value for promotion. Let's take a look and here we have divided the Naytsіkavіshi.

Setting up a telephone call (Telephony) and changing IMEI

Android engineering menu - frequencies

Here are the settings for changing the parameters in the measure. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get your smartphone out of the way, changing the parameters, but you can destroy the borders, remember that, don’t know and where you put a tick, so that it’s possible, like that, turn everything on the spot.

As a rule, changes are made at each branch in order to speed up the energy.

First, you can take a view from the frequencies (pіdrozdіl Band Mode), which your operator does not work on. Knowing in what ranges yours works style operator check the boxes for all others. Tse dopomozhe trohi to reduce the amount of energy, shards are known for sure, to which frequencies you are connected.

For whom you have added, on the other hand, you can turn on the necessary frequencies. It is necessary, if the picker from the factory does not activate the necessary for your region. For example, often "out of the box" Chinese smartphones what is impossible to practice in Russia with LTE. Help me solve the problem service menu on Android.

In a different way, at the pіdrozdіlі network selection We can set the priority of the merger, as it is for access (2G, 3G, 4G). To fight with this method: more time autonomous robots type of battery. As a rule, 3G and/or 4G are included. Far from being in the skin region, there is a support for their merezh, but the module for linking like a bi there didn’t carry on shukati їx, vitrachayuchi energy. Included - and everyday problems. In addition, the extension will not switch to 3G or 4G, which will increase traffic.

U pіdrozdіl GPRS, we, forgive the koristuvach better not to climb, as there are no good reasons for those. It says here rіznі nalashtuvannya for a robotic smartphone with a measure, as well as an item for changing IMEI.

Respect! There were precedents of criminal investigation for the illegal change of IMEI numbers. In most cases, early punishment is a penny fine, a clever term. However, there were feelings of real awareness.

The function of changing the IMEI may become available in the next year after trying the firmware, if the identification number is “golden”. Then you can just rewrite yoga from the box, in which case attachments will be provided.

Connection (Connectivity)

It's just like that, like GPRS, more than anything. He himself divided the appointments for making changes to the final Wi-Fi modules and Bluetooth. At the rozdіlі not vide be-scho nalashtuvati, shchob smartphone pratsyuvav more beautifully, and from nashkodity electronic friend can easily. Therefore, there is no more testing function here, and it is necessary to make some adjustments to turn the device to the working position, relatively in recognition of the skin parameter of the measure.

Adjusting the volume of sound in the Android engineering menu (Audio)

Android menu engineering - customization

Judging by the number of drinks from the search, in order to increase the thickness of the crusty Android, they go to the engineering menu. Everything is easy to do:

  1. Select the Hardware Testing -> Audio tab. Choose the required mode;
  • Normal Mode - replies to sound output to the main speaker.
  • Headset Mode - for additional regulation of the volume of the sound in the headphones.
  • LoudSpeaker - enter the adjustment of the regulation of the parameters in the sound for the hour guchnogo zv'yazku.
  • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode - allows you to increase or decrease the volume of the sound for the loudspeaker mode with connected headphones.
  1. Now it is possible to select from the list, for which attachments we will set the order in the Android engineering menu;

Sip - options for Internet telephony. Mic - indicates the sensitivity of the microphone. Sph (maybe two) - setting up a pink speaker. Media - multimedia speaker (main). Zreshtoyu, point, which is better not to chip - Sid. After the change may appear in the afternoon.

  1. In the “Level” row, the value of equal density is shown, as if tied to the skin crock (pressure) of the goydal of density. For locking - 0. You can not chip, because, obviously, the sound on the extension does not jump sharply when the button is pressed.
  2. In the Value is row, the value of skin croque (equal thickness) is set;
  3. The biggest cіkavim is the “Max Vol” row, for the help of this and the maximum density on Android through the engineering menu.

As a rule, the smartphone’s dialer does not set the maximum value, so we can fix it on our own. Vrahuyte, scho at the maximum equalize wheezing dynamics. To choose the most comfortable value, we sort through the options.

Secret code for Android

Cream of the engineering menu, for access to various functions, you can use secret codes. It’s also convenient to transfer here, like the commands of practice on your outbuilding. Let's take a look at the most popular colors:

*#06# We take the IMEI of the smartphone
*#*#232338#*#* Knowing MAC addresses that data about Wi-Fi
*#*#232337#*#* Show bluetooth address
*#*#3264#*#* Display information about OZP
*#*#1234#*#* , Knowing everything about the software part
*#*#2663#*#* Look at the data about the screen sensor
*#34971539# Show information about installed camera sensors
*#0*# Tested for a comprehensive smartphone test
*#*#0*#*#* Ready for test screen
*#*#2664#*#* Running a display sensor test
*#*#0842#*#* Conduct a vibration test
*#*#0289#*#* Be ready to test the sound
*#*#1575#*#* Running the GPS module test
*#*#7262626#*#* Vikoristovuetsya for reverification of a mobile call
*#*#7780#*#* Smartphone discounting - more or less often
#*5376# Erase all SMS from your smartphone
#*3851# Become in good luck for re-advancement
*#2263# Adjustment of the range in the mesh
*#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* Weekly backup copy files

A sticky koristuvach can be seen from the operating room Windows system miracles. But far from everyone suspects that the expansion of capabilities can be propagated by Android. Additional fakhivets can call the engineering menu, in which you can put in the adjustment of the device, as well as test the singing of yoga functions. How to enter the engineering menu on Android - read below.

For current versions of the operating system, it is necessary to update the Nalashtuvannya". With the help of yoga, you can adjust different parameters. And yet, some of them still do not fall into a deep mood. These parameters should be shown in the engineering menu. For example, fakhіvtsі z service center You can set the entry in the engineering menu in order to adjust the volume of the speaker, headphones and built-in microphone.

In a word, in the engineering menu systemic adjustment, yakі not guilty but available to the great koristuvachev. Android menu engineering can easily download a smartphone, thus changing its parameters and in a practical way. With this help, you can often change the font size, increase the number of icons on the desktop and change the system. On some smartphones in the engineering menu, the strength of the received signal is changed, the type of vibration and other aspects of the work will be added.

Tsikavo, which is easier to use in the engineering menu on Android 4.4 and later versions of the OS. Eat better in this menu on Android 2.2. Most early versions The operational systems of the zovsim were not equipped with an engineering menu - the stench itself was practically not subject to customization. Problems with cim є і on the latest devices.

Swedish and easy way

Next, indicate what is not needed for the engineering menu third party program. Don't need root access! You will only need to type a special combination on the virtual keyboard - this is the code of the engineering menu. The problem lies in the fact that there is a lot of hacking of the authoritative code, there is no universal combination. You can change your code different models, Released by one company!

For the cob, follow to know in the distribution, where you need to dial a phone number.

If the engineering menu did not appear, try pressing the call key after entering the combination.

Before speech, the masters of devices based on the MediaTek MT6573, MT6577, MT6589 chipset and others can take over the program Launch MTK engineering menu. As it is awkward to guess, the utility allows you to run a different menu without entering a numeric code.

How to get to the menu did not go far

It is quite possible, you will try to enter all the indicated combinations, but in the engineering menu you will not use it. Take it on Android 6 and other things are enough fresh versions operating system. Obviously, the engineering menu is blocked, otherwise some specific code is required for the wiki.