Why on the laptop stopped working bluetooth. How to turn on bluetooth on laptops under different versions of Windows

One of the notable changes, which appeared in Windows 10, is the robot with Bluetooth. While in Windows 7 it was not clear how to turn on the Bluetooth adapter, and de yogo joke, then in Windows 10 everything is richer and simpler and clearer. In this article, we can see how to turn on Bluetooth in Windows 10, how to know how to fix it, and how to work in that case, because Bluetooth on a laptop does not work, there is no power button, and there is no way to find the Bluetooth adapter of the device manager itself.

If you don't know what Bluetooth is on your laptop, you can look at the specifications on any website or in the online store. I think that if your laptop is not too old, then the Bluetooth adapter is new. The axis is less powered by the driver. Even if Windows 10 couldn't install the driver on the adapter itself, then Bluetooth won't work.

Maybe, if you go into the settings, or try to turn on Bluetooth on a laptop, then check that the buttons are turned on and the "Bluetooth" distribution itself is Windows settings 10 no. What to work in such a situation, we are so self-perceived by this article. So that you don’t get lost, we all follow this scheme:

  • Turn on Bluetooth on laptop
  • Let's take a look at Bluetooth settings in Windows 10 (search for attachments, connection of attachments, disconnection of the adapter).
  • Let's figure out how robust it is that there are no Bluetooth buttons. Installed and updated drivers.

Enable Bluetooth in Windows 10

Why do everyone write that for the inclusion of the adapter it is necessary to use the keys Fn + F2, Fn + F3 and so on. In me on Asus laptop by pressing the Fn+F2 keys (F2 with the icon of a streakless line) just vmikaєtsya that vіmikaєtsya mode "At the litaku". I realized that for Bluetooth robots, the "on the fly" mode is to blame for the inclusions. If everything is different on your laptop, write about it in the comments.

Everything is much simpler. We click on the icon to the center of the message, and there is a button Bluetooth. We press on her, and she will become blue. This means that Bluetooth is already enabled. To loosen yoga, to press again.

Axis and all 🙂 You can connect an extension, for example,.

If you don’t have such a button, if I have a screenshot, then the adapter is disabled for everything, or the driver is not installed. About those, how to solve this problem, read for example these articles.

Wiring with Bluetooth devices, connection, installation

To open the parameters, see available and connected devices and turn on your laptop's detection by other devices, just click on the Bluetooth button right button mouse, i select item Go to parameters.

View in the parameters window. The laptop will be connected to Bluetooth, and will display them in the list. You can install a building with these outbuildings. Enough to choose the required attachments, press the button Zv'yazati, and read the instructions. If there are Bluetooth headphones, a speaker, etc., then the stink behind the promotions is already visible, and your laptop should be named. And if it’s, for example, a smartphone, then you can use it as a joke, and Windows 10 can’t be bothered. Everything is included in the settings of the smartphone itself.

Who knows, so the button is turned on and the Bluetooth is turned off. Schodo nalashtuvan, then їх there is not rich. Schob vіdkriti їх, enough to press on the point More Bluetooth settings. It's new to appear, in which case you can see, or turn off the appearance of your laptop. How to uncheck the checkbox Allow Bluetooth add-ons to detect your computer, then all attachments will not be able to work with your laptop. Ale, you їх bachtimete, and you can connect to them.

Yet, once upon a time, an icon will appear on the panel. Having pressed on the yaki, you can quickly go to for the occasion: adding a new building, overpowering / receiving files, moving to the last one.

The axis is so polished. You can easily connect new additions and turn them around. You are unlikely to transfer files, but from wireless headphones, acoustics, bears, etc., it’s more convenient.

Doesn't use Bluetooth on Windows 10. Can't turn on the button

So, there is no Bluetooth sign on your laptop (No button enabled, no option for options), then shvidshe for everything:

  • Adapter driver not installed.
  • The adapter is disabled, so Bluetooth does not work.
  • Abo vіn vzagalі not vstanovleny at your laptop.

It's easy to misinterpret. We need to call the dispatcher of the annexes. For whom right-click the mouse on the button "Start", and select from the list Attachment Manager.

Dali know tab Bluetooth she presses on her. There may be one or a few outbuildings. If you have an adapter with an icon (they look like an arrow), then click on it with the right mouse button and select Zadiyati.

Pіslya tsgogo all pratsyuvati more often.

What work, if there is no adapter in the add-on manager?

In this case, you just need to install the Bluetooth driver for the adapter, which is installed on your laptop. This driver is responsible for Windows 10. At the dispatcher, you, better for everything, will have at least one unknown attachment, on the deposit Other outbuildings.

Download the driver, you can from the official website of your laptop, and it will be specific to your model. What do you have USB Bluetooth adapter, then joke the drivers to the new (model and selection shown on the box). True, you can know the drivers for Windows 10. Ale, I think, scho tse rіdkіst, so that the "ten" will sound itself install the driver on the bezel-less modules. In extreme cases, you can use the program to automatically search for and install drivers. After installing the driver, the dispatcher of the attachments can have approximately the same picture (name you can be others):

And yakscho needed outbuildings Yes, but Bluetooth does not work, or it does not work stably, you need to update the driver. You can do this by downloading the driver and installing it, or via the Internet from the add-on manager. For me, to the point, Windows 10 updated the drivers itself (just write down if you don't need an update).

Right-click the mouse on the adapter and select Update drivers.

Let's choose Automatic search for driver updates, and even so, the system itself downloads it from the Internet and installs it. Well, let me tell you, it's not necessary to upgrade. Your laptop is extremely responsible for connecting to the Internet.

I think, scho post tsikh dey, everything is good with you. There are a lot of similar instructions on the Internet, in which there is simply a mass of inappropriate information, just like a pantel. To this end, the article was designed to be as simple and informative as possible.

The reason for the failure of such an add-on, like Bluetooth, can be banally incorrectly set up. To that it’s not worth it to be embarrassed by this drive and go for help to fakhivtsiv, shards often like a problem can be solved independently.

Z'yasuvannya cause

For example, as Bluetooth has been working properly for three hours, and then we know, then there may be some reasons for this: reinstalling the operating system, or wrong patching I’ll build a driver, knocking out mechanical jumpers in the robot, as well as failures in the laptop’s robot, etc. In order to identify a specific cause of a malfunction and a distant її usunennia, it is necessary to understand what is referred to as Bluetooth. It is necessary to look over whether the Bluetooth indicator is lit on the extension.

When the indicator is on, Bluetooth is running, but everything still does not work, then you need to recheck the driver. Go to the "Start" menu and open "Control Panel". Here you need to know the item “Bluetooth Attachments”. How does the system show that Bluetooth accessory» not found or not applicable, then it will be necessary new installation drivers. Sound the disk with the drivers included in the kit with the laptop or with the appropriate adapter. If such a disk is available, then the drivers can be found on the site of the vibrator, download and install them. If the installation did not help, then the problem is fixed directly in the Bluetooth adapter and you can solve this problem only by buying a new one.

Usunennya incorrectness

It is often a problem to end up with a new version of the operating system. Sometimes after reinstalling the OS, the old drivers may be left out, but the stench will not work with the new operating system. In order to eliminate the naughty problems, you need to remove the old drivers first, and then install the new ones from the site of the compiler. To see it again, you need to go to the maintenance panel and find the Bluetooth device icon. After the onslaught, a list of attachments will appear, where it is necessary to remove the integration module. After removal, it is necessary to restart the computer and date the system, install the driver for the device independently. If you don’t see anything, then you need to go to the official website of the laptop or Bluetooth adapter, indicate the version of the operating system, in which case you work, and download the driver, so you need to install it yourself.

If you want to use these methods without solving the problem, then, nayimovirnishe, you won’t use the adapter itself and you will need to replace it with a new one. Good to know them at once is not important in a special computer shop.

Laptops, with Bluetooth, are on sale, as a rule, with the included Blue Tooth adapter: about every step, so as not to hurt the risk, which is saved on the device information. Virobniki vpevneni, scho koristuvach i himself can turn it on, if you need it. How can you not?

For easier work Bluetooth radios install company utilities on laptops. If it stinks, the manager will ask, but why work, because you can’t find such a utility in it? Today I will tell you how to turn on bluetooth on a laptop Windows the same device without using third-party add-ons.

And chi є "boy"?

First of all, for whom the next thing to change before trying is to turn on the “Blue Tooth”, that’s all. The presence on the case of a laptop of a button/bluetooth switch is not a sign that the adapter is effectively installed. Manufacturers of technology often indicate in the description of products that they can change their configuration to the authorities' judgment, for example, with a cheaper method. The presence of the Bluetooth-adapter does not appear in any way on the life of the laptop;

To find out what is in your device bluetooth module, it is not necessary to sort out anything. Take a good look at the stickers on the cases, as well as the packaging and the enclosed documentation. On those, the adapter inserts indicate the presence of the technology logo.

This is how the sticker with the Blue Tooth logo on the bottom of the Toshiba Satellite U500 looks like:

Since nothing is indicated on the stickers, and the packaging was not saved, look for information on the website of the laptop manufacturer, or power up the support service.

Adapter hardware name

To find out how to turn on Bluetooth on your type of laptop, take a look at the keyboard, as well as on the front and back surface of the case. On some models, for which vicariance there is a jumper - you can recognize it behind the icon of the Blue Tooth logo. On the others - pressing Fn and one of the function keys (F1-F12). Signify, where to push yourself, to help the sign on the keyboard.

On some laptops, like, for example, on the MSI X460 DX, for turning on bluetooth, there is a key:

On others, more often, there is a button to turn on Wi-Fi:

When the adapter is activated, the “Blue Tooth” indicator will light up on the case (yes, not all devices are equipped with it).

Driver installation

Yakscho after the Bluetooth is so and not zapratsyuvav, perverte, chi . Look into the device manager (to go there, press Windows + R, type the command devmgmt.msc and press the OK button). Find a new Bluetooth adapter: VIN can be found in the list " Merezhev adapters”, “Bluetooth radio modules” or okremo.

If there is no adapter, there is no sign of a black arrow or hail sign at the zhovtom tricoutnik, otzhe, vіn vstanovleny ready to work. How to stand an arrow - vin vikneniy operating system. To highlight, open the context menu and press " Zadiyati».

Zhovty trikutnik, power sign otherwise, the list of attachments indicates problems with the driver - fault or not installation, otherwise the operation is incorrect. Go to the website of the laptop builder and select the appropriate driver for your operating system. Install it as a default program and restart Windows.

Turn on Bluetooth in the OS and connect to a new device

Windows 7

  • Go to Start and press " Attachments and printers».

  • At the beginning, as soon as possible, all accessories are supposed to be connected to the computer, including via bluetooth.

Windows 8.1

  • Press hot Windows keys+ C to open the back panel of charms. Click " Parameters».

  • Let's press " Change computer parameters».

  • Select from the list " Bluetooth» that at the right part of the vein is to move the button at the ON position.

Windows 10

  • Go to "Start" and run the program " Parameters».

  • Vіdkryte split " Attached».

  • Select " Bluetooth”and slip the collar at the “Uvіmk.” position.

For all versions of Windows

After activating the "Blue Tooth" adapter, it will appear at the papacy of the merging connection. See it through the context menu of the button « Start» or « Merezha management center».

Click " right bear» to connect and choose « note».

Immediately, the visibility of the computer by other Bluetooth devices is increased, the icons displayed in the system tray are notified when a new device arrives. Check the power of the connection, go to the "Bluetooth" tab and press " Parameters". Designate the paraportions of points, as you need, that save the nalashtuvannya onslaught OK.

Why doesn't Bluetooth work?

The problems with the launch of the Blue Tooth robot are blamed on the following reasons:

  • No driver for function keys. If you've recently installed Windows, download yoga from the builder's site and install it.
  • Incorrect functioning and interaction of drivers. To solve this problem, first install the driver for the chipset, and then for the Bluetooth adapter.
  • Vimknennya service Bluetooth trims. Pereverte tse through the system equipment of the service.
  • Dzherela electromagnetic barriers (power cables, micro-furnaces, etc.), which are located near the laptop. Try to install a lock at a different location in the apartment.
  • Blocking the connection incorrectly by antivirus or by other programs. Flip them over.
  • Malfunctions in the operating system, fence for help local policies safety, virus infection. Every situation is reversed, at most - by reinstalling the OS.
  • Mechanical defect of the switch or adapter failure - return to the service center for repair.

Far away to you connection!

If you check the speed of the data transfer technology, you may find out that the Bluetooth does not work on the laptop. It's not the most important module, but it's still unacceptable that the computer is not in a proper state of the art, so it's good to use the beat, which calls before the exit from the Bluetooth fret.


First of all, try to fix the problem, conduct a small diagnosis, so that, possibly, you can understand the cause of the problem and save an hour for correcting it.

Ways to turn on

We have already sorted out how to turn on Bluetooth. Based on the ways to increase the module, we wonder how it behaves in a situation if Bluetooth is not working. I’ll add it to the authorities if it’s assigned to the authorities that it’s normal to use it, in fact, Bluetooth can be affected by other system methods.

Function keys

Nasampered to give respect to the function keys. Dartless modules can be started with one key, by type Fn + F1-F12, with a physical button assigned to the laptop model. As on the keyboard, there is a button with a painted light, a Bluetooth or Wi-Fi icon, try clicking on it and you will see how the modules change.

The pressure of the function keys does not appear on the functioning of the laptop, it turns out that the drivers for them are installed. take advantage software security You can on the site of the virobnik.

System adjustment

Bluetooth may be disabled in custom systems. Particularly appreciated remaining versions Windows. There are not many options for deactivating Bluetooth on the "simtsі", but here it is recommended to change the module's status by clicking its icon in the reminder panel.

Windows 8 and 8.1 need to check computer settings. On Windows 8.1, turn on the "Merezha" partition, deactivate "Little mode", and Windows 8 - " Bis wire mesh” or “Computer and Attachment”, in the case of a Bluetooth jumper.

Windows 10 has even more options for muting a module. Therefore, turn the kilka on the nail:

If everything is fine in the setup of the system, go to other ways to activate the module.

Firm utilities

On some laptop models, a proprietary utility is required to enable Bluetooth. Axis of spear butt:

On Dell laptops and other models, other types of switches may be connected to the Windows Mobility Center. As a proprietary utility, often Bluetooth can be repaired only with help.

Enabled before BIOS

on Lenovo laptops, HP, Dell etc. The enabled option can be changed from the BIOS. Check the following sections for Advanced or System Configuration. Please note the following points:

  • Onboard Device Configuration.
  • Built-in Device Options.
  • WLAN.

If there is one of the listed items, set for the new Enabled value, which means Enabled.

Driver installation

One of the main reasons why Bluetooth does not work is the lack of required drivers. Obviously, in order to solve the problem, it is necessary to know the actual PZ. Even if you tried to update the driver, or took away the prompts that the driver does not need updating, it’s less to say about those that the system cannot propagate new version. However, it does not mean that you do not have principles.

  1. Go to the website of the laptop builder and download the drivers for your model. Since there is no software for the streaming version, you can get a driver for the next version, but the smut will be reduced.
  2. If the Bluetooth driver is already installed in the system, connect the laptop to the Internet, go to the device manager and delete the module software.
  3. Install the original Bluetooth driver.

If there are some versions of drivers posted on the site, then hurry up by searching for the ID of the owner.

After data processing, a list of available drivers will appear on the side. It is recommended to download them from the official site, on devid.info, just look at the version.

Other troubleshooting methods

If there are no ways to fix Bluetooth without fixing the problem, and the module becomes unusable, try one of the overridden methods:

  1. In the dispatcher of the extension, in the power of possession, on the "Driver" tab, press the "Vidkotity" button, so the button will be available. If it is not available, it means that the driver is simply nowhere to be found.
  2. If the Bluetooth module does not appear in the list of possessions, but if there are no USB devices in the middle of the controllers, try updating the drivers or switching off to save energy.
  3. For some models of laptops, you need not only Bluetooth drivers, but also software for maintenance of life and robotic chipset. Take advantage of the following from the site of the compiler.

The driver installer can help you to ensure that the software is not safe with the system. In this case, you can try unpacking the installation file for the help of the Universal Extractor utility and install the driver manually. Sound out if there are problems with the Bluetooth robot.