ICT technologies for professional beginners. Information and communication technologies in the professional activity of the teacher for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Multimedia support for life safety lessons

Mariam Papik'yants
The use of ICT in professional activities

The use of ICT in professional activities

Today, prosperity is alive in the light of a constant increase in the flow of information, which the skin of the rocks is practically subjugated to. To avoid drowning in this sea of ​​information, but rather to navigate practical tasks, people rely on a computer. "Tomorrow" our children are an informational partnership. With every fate, modern information technologies are increasingly becoming part of our lives. Therefore, the preschool foundation, like native culture and knowledge, also cannot be lost on the other hand. Therefore, information and communication technologies (ICT) vikorist I emphasize the effectiveness of the lighting process.

Let's stretch our pedagogical activities at your job regularly vicorist Information and communication technologies Information and communication technologies store the shortest learned material and help the game-based form learn the necessary material. In addition, information and communication technologies promote increased cognitive interest and activate human activity of children.

Take time to prepare and search for the material regularly Vikorist resources for boarding school, which presents a variety of pedagogical technologies, evidence of the work of teachers, highly interesting scientific, musical and video materials.

Wikoristannya ICT, in the process of carrying out busy: --- “I’ll pick up a bouquet for my dear mother for the holy day”, allow students to see the concept and meaning in a clear, simple form, take objects from videos and photographs, and seal the material in a simple form, which will combine with the material from these and other topics.

I conducted a review for teachers of MBDOU No. 1 Wikoristannyam ICT: "Povitryany bags for the clown"; “Mami and their children”, "Vegetables", “Granny-Fun’s Miraculous Little Bag” some of the current information and communication technologies vikorystuvalis with the new world. At the round table I presented a presentation in which I showed my professional activity on the topic“Adaptation of a child to a nursery”.

I created my own page on the website of health care workers http://nsportal.ru/lmariam-oganesovna/, where she exhibited materials and photographs of her professional activity. Here I met a lot of comrades from whom spilkuvaniya is possible. The great material presented on the site helps me in my work, my horizons expand.

From time to time I take the part of the Merezhevoy robot professional strength: site, where I will post the notes of the events.

Information and communication technologies vicorist and the robots have fathers. Everyday activities I regularly make video recordings, where I insert thematic videos that are presented at father’s gatherings on the topic ---, which allows fathers to look at the world of their children, not to miss important moments and development through employment at work.

Vikoristannya Preschoolers will have plenty of modern information and communication technologies. This allows for an insignificant hour, introductions for immediate illumination activities, search the material more broadly, discover its relevance and relevance. Moreover, cartoons and video materials are received by children with satisfaction, acquired knowledge is acquired in an undisturbed form.

At my job I vicorist information and communication technologies:

The selection of illustrative material requires (scanning, Internet, printer, presentations);

In the selection of additional material from various elements to lighting activities, familiarity with scenarios is sacred and other approaches;

In exchange of information, knowledge of periodicity, training of other teachers;

Created presentations using the Power Point program enhance the effectiveness of educational activities for children;

U wikiristannya digital photographic equipment and photo editing programs that allow you to take, edit and display photographs;

U wikiristannya Internet in pedagogical activities, through informational and scientific-methodological support of the educational process in a preschool setting, as a search for additional information to occupy, broaden the horizons of children.

In the design of booklets.

Creation of electronic mail, maintaining your page on the website of the public.

Vikoristannya ICT promotes cognitive activation activities of convalescents, stimulates and develops mental processes, development of thinking, intelligence, memory. Stagnation of information computer technologies Game activities not only make it easier to master basic material, but also provide new opportunities for the development of creative abilities children:

Promotes the motivation of students to learn new material;

Activates cognition activity;

Develops the mentality and creativity of the child;

Form is active life position at the moment of marriage.


The current stage of development of marriage is characterized by low features, which include: increased importance of intellectual activity, oriented towards the development of information resources on a global scale; there is a need for accessible and efficient communication between various facie workers and creative teams for the development of advanced scientific tasks and work on common projects; the integrative nature of processes that support science, technology, and education

These features of everyday society are characterized by the process of informatization, the essence of which lies in the continuous advancement of both professional and informational competence of the skin specialist. The main characteristics of information and communication technologies (ICT), as a new wave of scientific and technological progress, which are constantly expanding their types of scientific and technological developments:

Dynamics of improved generation of technical, software and hardware-software features (change of generation of features computing technology, information and communication are growing at a pace that is accelerating);

The need for continuous advancement of the qualifications of distributors and computer information systems in connection with the steadily growing level of technical and technological complexity of components, so as to establish CT;

The infusion of current ICT into the development of productive forces and the daily change of industrial production;

High potential effectiveness of implementing the capabilities of current ICT in the areas of automation of information activities, information interaction and organizational management.

ICTs contain songs of didactic potential, the implementation of which creates changes in the intensification of the educational process, as well as the creation of methods aimed at developing learning intelligence, activating cognitive activities for independent generation of knowledge and production of information. Before the main ones lie /2/:

Interactive dialogue between the correspondent and the ICT functions, which is characteristic of the fact that the customer's skin calls the system from the source and, for example, the replica of the rest drives the response of the customer;

Computer visualization of initial information about the object being processed, the process (originally presented on the screen: the object, its warehouse parts or their models; the process or its model, including those received in real time it; graphic interpretation of the observed pattern process);

Computer modeling of monitored and monitored objects, their inputs, processes, both real and “virtual” (presented on the screen of mathematical, information-descriptive, ї the model is adequate to the original);

Audio support of information, synchronous and asynchronous in relation to the material that is presented;

Submission of information based on hypermedia – technologies that combine the supply of audio, animation, graphic, text information with the help of hypertext links;

Archiving, saving large amounts of information with the possibility of easy access to it, transmission, replication;

automation of calculation processes, information and search activities;

Review of the results of the experiment with the possibility of a large number of initial repetitions of a fragment or experiment;

Automation of information and methodological security processes, organizational management of initial activities and control over the results of acquisition.

In modern scientific research, the field of pedagogical science is engaged in the implementation of the capabilities of ICT in the field of education, including the profession. Informatization of lighting , which is seen as a purposefully organized process of ensuring the sphere of illumination with methodology, technology and practice of development and optimal selection of ICT features that are developed in comfortable and healthy minds, orientations towards implementation For the purpose of education, the development of the individual, which includes the subsystems of education and training / 3/.

Regardless of the fact that at this time no one cares about the presence of computer technology in the first place or the possibility of entering the global information network, the traditional approach is methodologically informed with a lot of cleaning, which means the failure to realize the capabilities of ICT features through a thorough lighting system, adequately to the present. What is also important is the fact that the speed of changes that are being made in areas associated with the advanced development of ICT has no analogues in the past, and the light, in its turn, is changing technologies in a delayed mode and still not in the most active capacity . ... the knowledge gained from the initial deposits is increasingly becoming obsolete, first graduates are forced to obtain diplomas and certificates”/4/.

At the same time, it is clear that the educational process, like no other, for its effective implementation requires the implementation of the principles of science, accessibility, systematicity, and structuring of the provision of initial information ii, and professionally significant information intended to be acquired by a current student is steadily expanded instead and structurally. It is complicated, which creates songs of difficult manifestations, learning, acquisition and vikorization. All this entails the need to create a new strategy of education, which includes scientific research in the field of informatization of professional education, the foundations of the paradigm shift in professional training a validated document in the context of the development of ICT services.

To the main fundamental research of pedagogical science in the field of scientific foundations, the development of informatization of professional education in the minds of mass communication and the globalization of everyday marriage can be summarized as follows: conceptual - social, scientific-pedagogical, physiological-hygienic, engineering-programming, ergonomic, social-economic, normative legal Currently, research is also being carried out into the underlying patterns and features of professional education in connection with various ICT functions, conceptual models are being developed and prototypes of software features and systems are being designed, so that sense the realization of the capabilities of ICT in professional activities and in the process of preparation before work .

Informatization of education is seen at this time as a new paradigm of pedagogical knowledge, which is oriented towards ensuring the sphere of education through methodology, technology and practice in addressing current problems and tasks /1/:

Scientific-pedagogical, methodical, normative-technological and technical developments enlighten the minds of mass communication and globalization of the everyday informational partnership;

Creation of a methodological basis for the selection of information, development of methods and organizational forms of beginning, training, which indicate the specific development of the particularities of what begins in the current minds of the information supply aspects of mass communication and globalization;

Methodological framework and development of models of innovation and development of fundamental pedagogical technologies for the establishment of ICT features in different fields of education, including forms, methods and methods of learning;

Creation of methodical systems aimed at developing the intellectual potential of learning, forming the ability to independently acquire knowledge, carry out activities from the collection, processing, transfer, saving of information resources, from the production of information;

Development of pre-test, demonstration prototypes of electronic devices for lighting purposes, including software tools and systems;

The development of distributed information resources on the Internet and the development of information interchange technologies of significant significance on the basis of global telecommunications;

Producing pedagogical programs based on the potential of the distributed information resource of open lighting systems and telecommunication access;

Development of features and systems for automating processes of processing initial pre-study, demonstration, laboratory experiments, both real and “virtual”;

Creation and implementation of automation methods for psychological and pedagogical test takers, which allows us to identify methods for monitoring and assessing the level of knowledge of students, their development in students, establishing the intellectual potential of students;

Effective pedagogical and ergonomic assessment of the features of computing technology, information and communication technologies that are used in the field of education;

Improved system management mechanisms based on the use of automated databases and data banks of scientific and pedagogical information, information and methodological materials, telecommunication measures, as well as improved process and informatization of lighting installation control (lighting installation system).

Now that the field of activity has been identified, we would like to believe that in the future, teachers will successfully respond to the assigned tasks and promote the universal concept of modernization of professional education based on ICT.


1. Robert I.V., Polyakov V.A. The main directions of scientific research in the field of informatization of professional education. M.: “Osvita and Informatics”, 2004. – 68 p.

2. Semenova N.G. Creation and practical implementation of multimedia lecture courses. Orenburg: OSU, 2004. – 128 p.

3. Robert I.V. Scientific and pedagogical research in the field of informatization of professional education // Vcheni zapiski. VIP. 14. - M: IIIO RAV, 2004.

4. Turchenko V.P. Paradigms of educational strategy // Educator. – 1998. – No. 4.

Bibliographic mailing

Semenova N.G., Vakulyuk V.M. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION // Current problems science and enlightenment. - 2006. - No. 6.;
URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=659 (date published: 02/01/2020). We would like to present to you the magazines that are available at the Academy of Natural Sciences


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« Information and communication technologies in the professional activity of a life safety teacher »

Abstract prepared by:

Emelyanova Irina Valentinivna


life safety teacher

Place of work:

MBOU "ZOSH No. 21" Angarsk

Contract number and date:

2016/01-6866-12 dated 06.12.2016

4 today 2016

m. Angarsk, Irkutsk region

Russian Federation


The world of the 21st century will be based on the same principles as many of the previous centuries have expressed. Thus, the main categories in the process began with the development of the student’s characteristics, the formation of advanced skills and knowledge based on individual abilities and skin characteristics, the formation of an elementary culture of activity, and the development of basic components initial activity, formation of readiness to self-illumination. The natural way to achieve new results began with the search for a new, similar to the current generation of scientists, pedagogical tools. Current innovative awareness in schools conveys the importance of the expanded role of information technologies as an effective means of self-development, self-refinement, self-awareness and self-control of students in the initial process

In connection with this, information technologies are widely known in the world. The greatest demand from the practice of Russian lighting installations is the following directly related information technologies:

    Computer programs and initial systems (computer aids, diagnostic tools) test systems, simulators and simulation programs, laboratory complexes, expert systems, databases and knowledge bases from various fields, applied and instrumental software).

    Information media based on databases and knowledge bases.

    Telecommunication systems that implement electronic mail, teleconferencing and allow access to light communication networks.

    Electronic desktop devices that allow you to issue initial documents and documents on different media in an individual mode with high speed.

    Electronic libraries, both distributed and centralized, allow students to access world-class information resources in a new way.

Today it is necessary for any teacher from any school discipline to prepare and conduct a lesson on ICT topics. Such a lesson is educational, barvisit, informative, interactive, and saves the teacher time and study. It allows students to work at their own pace, and gives the teacher the opportunity to quickly monitor and evaluate the results of the work.

1. Advantages of learning ICT during life safety lessons

The specificity of the skin's initial object dictates its ability to work with information. Lifestyle lessons are more specific in relation to other school subjects, such as methodological, didactic, and technological aspects. Possibilities of vikoristannya measures on the Internet under the hour of life safety lessons about what:

    A wide search of Internet resources on a given topic;

    Using a specific Internet resource as a didactic lesson during life safety lessons.

Thus, the Internet holds great information and didactic opportunities for preparing and conducting life safety lessons.

Information technologies make it possible to implement the principles of a differentiated and individual approach before starting. During classes, the teacher gives the student the opportunity to independently process the initial information, which allows him to learn in detail new material for your own scheme.

The use of computer technologies makes it possible to promote the level of self-illumination and motivation for initial activity; provides completely new opportunities for creativity, strengthening various professional skills, and, of course, corresponds to the social commitment that the state presents to the school.

Multimedia technologies open up the possibility for readers to learn from traditional routine forms of work, giving rise to the possibility of vicarious intellectual forms of practice, I will present a significant part of the basic material and routine operations associated with the practice of the mind and the beginner.

The head of the meta reader, which is the basis of information and computer technologies in the life cycle of life – the effective method of finishing the foldability of the material with the support of the activation of molding, and the beginning of the study, the development of the rose-colored mind Nya ta uyavi.

With advanced information and computer technologies in life science lessons, the teacher implements a productive model of learning, so that learning the material is not for the sake of familiarity with the material itself (with a possible further assessment of the depth of this knowledge omnia through nutritional supplements), as in the productive model, and for the highest singing zavdannya Interactive learning embraces the learning of all learning from the learning process, giving the ability to understand and reflect on what they know and think. Here, minds are created in which the student perceives his success, intellectual capacity and, in order to make the learning process productive.

In practice, life safety training for schoolchildren is careful about both well-known orientations and specially oriented approaches. The life safety course conveys the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, and the formation of singing skills and behavioral skills of the student in critical situations of a natural, social, man-made nature. For the first of these approaches, we are wary of academicism instead of teaching, prioritizing the activity of the teacher over the activity of the student, and the presence of negative stimulation. Once a task-oriented approach is implemented, the practical aspect of the material will be ensured, which means the priority of positive stimulation. Practical work during a life safety lesson in the near future will help students relieve stress from the inevitable insecurities in their minds, make the right decision to minimize injury and loss of life, material losses, and protect themselves.

Conducting lessons using advanced information technologies is a strong incentive for learning. With the help of such lessons, the mental processes of students are activated: intelligence, respect, memory, mentality; The arousal of cognitive interest is becoming more active and faster. By nature, people trust their eyes more, and over 80% of the information is received and memorized through a visual analyzer. Didactic transfers of lessons from modern information technologies - creating the effect of presence (“I am learning!”), students become interested in learning more and learn more.

In Denmark it was split up computer support course of any subject, health care or life safety. Not substituting a handbook or other basic aids, electronic publications have important didactic functions. They are not strictly tied to any particular partner; they have the most significant nutritional value for primary and high school. In addition to these guides, I create presentations that include the necessary diagrams, tables, and video materials.

I think that the use of information and communication technologies allows the teacher to relax in class and then use the computer with the installed program. However, the development of lessons and the use of information technologies will require a lot of special time. This work may not be possible at school, so digitizing video, scanning, searching on the Internet is most often carried out using wikis home computer. After all, everything you spend will come to fruition, if you know what the result will be from your efforts in the lesson.

2. Use of ICT during the hour of life safety lessons

Preparation of other materials

Vikoristannaya ICT allows you to create distribution materials more efficiently than standard “painting by hand” and further rewriting (or photocopying). Documents created on a computer can be easily edited and displayed again and again. You can enter, edit and format text, insert it into new drawings, tables and diagrams. You can create various documents, prepare material for lessons, texts for test papers, tests, and help students prepare explanatory notes for creative projects. And it’s also quick and easy to prepare the required number of cards with skin themes.

The specificity of the subject of life safety must be summarized as a reference material without photographs, small drawings, or diagrams. You can remove everything from your order like this:

    Take photos yourself or get ready to use various multimedia devices;

    Prepare little ones and schemes with the help of graphic editors or extract them from books, newspapers, magazines and multimedia devices.

The simplest method is to scan the image. This is a complicated process that children are well aware of even after their first education in computer science.

Multimedia support for life safety lessons

At the time of teaching the material to the life safety teacher, the necessary illustrated posters, diagrams, graphs, and videos. Modern information technologies make it possible to again and again illustrate the replacement of initial material with additional computer presentations(Slide films). The main feature of such companions is their visibility, and not lack of information.

The use of multimedia technology, on the one hand, makes the teacher’s work easier, on the other hand, requires not setting up a computer, but also carefully planning lessons for more effective learning.

In the lessons, the basic forms of interaction between teacher and student are explored.

Passive method -Interaction between the student and the teacher, in which the teacher is the main active person and controls the course of the lesson, and the students act as passive listeners. Based on current pedagogical technologies and the effectiveness of students mastering primary material, the passive method is considered the most effective. When choosing this method, the presentation is mainly illustrative.

Active method -teacher and students interact with each other during one hour of the lesson. Learners are not passive listeners, but active participants.

Interactive method - based on active methods, orientations, increasing the interaction of students with the teacher, and with each other, on the dominance of students’ activity in the learning process. The role of the teacher in an interactive lesson is the direct interaction of students with each other in relation to the lesson. As practice has shown, a strong presentation, in any case, enhances the learning value of the lesson, its effectiveness regardless of the teaching method.

The structure of a combined lesson based on the use of multimedia technology has its own advantages. For additional presentation of the skin stage of the lesson, you can get more detailed, basic and information. Prote, overly vicarious presentation in the classroom can lead not only to a decrease in its effectiveness, but also to a decrease in the interest of students in a subject like this. Therefore, when designing a lesson with a different presentation, it is necessary to take into account the child’s age, the peculiarities of her personality. For example, the stagnation of graphs and diagrams is ineffective for young students, as brighter images make for a better understanding of new material. In addition, I always adjust the rules of every presentation and vary from 25 to ten days, corresponding to the hundredth hour of the lesson taught by D. Kolb. It is clear that the presentation cannot completely replace traditional teaching methods in the classroom, such as learning, writing, and others.

For each stage of the lesson from the final presentation of my work, I follow the singing rules.

At the beginning stage of the lesson (organization and placement and motivation)It is necessary to concentrate the attention of scientists on the topic, emphasize them, show the need and benefit of learning new material, and use slides to create a problem situation with the upcoming exit to the formulation of those same studies. Which is appreciated by the number of slides, the songs, animation effects, and the information content of the images (little pictures, photographs, graphs, diagrams). It should be noted that the statistical tables on the slides are incomplete, the fragments of the stench are absorbed and analyzed by students of every century.

During the creation of such slides, the following should be carried out: verbal, musical, visual (illustrations with captions before them) to support those lessons. Therefore, the main directions of my work are:

Forming is able to analyze, revise, see the smut, straighten, rework;

- development of associative thinking.

In this situation, when sleeping with children, I identify the problem of that way.

At the next stage of the lesson - checking the depth of understanding and value of knowledge of students,a simple presentation for displaying on the screen this information, which is the basis for verifying knowledge and updating it. I may be able to review previously covered topics, constantly update notes, progress in a previous lesson, and add visual cues that enhance development lasting memory, the importance of internal and interdisciplinary connections is sometimes given to this part of the lesson before the marking stage, especially if the lesson is a continuation of learning new things or updating previously covered material.

At the stage of learning the main material, I select lessons, at the hour of learning which will ensure that students learn new knowledge, so the beginner learns. Thus, with this part of the initial presentation completed, the main benefits are achieved - the slides contain useful information that reflects the goals and objectives of the lesson. I pay special attention to the selection of information and illustrative material from the assigned authors, titles, titles, dates.

Operating in an interactive mode, the process of acquiring new knowledge is achieved through the interaction of students with each other and with the teacher. Working with a presentation allows me to clearly remember in advance the preparation of the form (lesson notes). In this case, I teach children to formulate their main ideas and express them specifically and concisely. When designing the slides, I plan to step-by-step fill the schemes of causal-inheritance connections with the vicious knowledge of new material or other objects. Presentations have the great advantage of forming practical skills, if, in addition to changing slides and animations, they consistently demonstrate the skin's actions. In this case, there will be not only a brightening of their illustration, but also an increase in the hour for individual work with the child.

The slides can also be of an instructive nature in advance of any actions, consolidating their sequence.

At the time of consolidating the learned material, diagnosing the value of the acquired knowledge, evaluating the work in the lesson, creating a presentation based on the principles of flexibility, precision, and non-precedence. When choosing such an approach, I instruct the skin learner to evaluate their own successes, identify improvements, and correct them. In this case, the advantage of the presentation lies in the fact that it allows, with the correct design, not only to show the correct answer, but also to illustrate a fragment of the lesson.

Vikoristan presentations brilliantly under the hour of reflection, instruction in homework,To complement the lesson, it allows you to quickly update the entire course of the lesson, focusing on the important parts of homework. Students strive to become active participants, predict the course of their own thoughts and restate the main ideas.

At the final part of the lesson, the presentation allows me to go back to the beginning and initiate a dialogue about achieving my goals and assignments. As a result of this end of work, Volodya will now receive information about the success of learning new material.

Around this, his work has a stasis presentation:

    as an element of healthy technology - gymnastics for the eyes (relaxation, rukhova).

    in the development of cognitive processes;

    patriotic inspiration;

    formation of culture and the beginning of independent project and follow-up activities.

The use of multimedia technology in a daily lesson expands the creativity capabilities of the reader and participates in the process of updating the knowledge, forms the competencies of different levels of both the reader and the student.

Controlling the level of knowledge from test assignments

Tests in the daily initial process are widely used in the practice of teaching a variety of subjects, including in the developed discipline “Fundamentals of life safety.”

As we speak about the methodology of vicoristic testing, it is very different. Vikorist tests can be used with many functions. So, at the beginning, you can inform students, present figures and facts, and support the material that appears with test data. A possible heuristic option, if the test is given and there are possible types. It is the student’s responsibility to find the correct answer and explain why he is right and wrong.

Computer control, which includes materials for diagnosing the ZUN level, has a low advantage:

    save the hour of issuing pardons;

    computer control is carried out in accordance with the individual capabilities of students;

    Statistical analysis of the results allows us to assess the extent of mastering the material from the learned topics.

Working with tests develops students' skills in independent work. As a result of the revision of test tasks, the activity of students increases and the intensity of knowledge increases.


It is impossible for modern minds to start school without modern information and communication technologies. This stagnation promotes learning motivation before beginning. The reader is responsible for becoming familiar with the computer and using the computer as a handy tool in his daily work.

The computer simplifies the work of compiling life safety at school, saving a lot of data and programs necessary for the work, helping to quickly prepare plans, create reports and draft orders, in fact - the whole working complex, We will ensure that you quickly find the information you need and submit it from manually for the koristuvach to look.

The use of ICT in the modern world promotes the discovery, conservation and development of individual abilities in schoolchildren, powerful people with a unique combination of special abilities; formation of knowledge from scientists, thorough preparation; ensuring the complexity of the development of the phenomena of action, the continuity of interconnection between natural sciences, technology, humanities and mysticism; to a steady dynamic updating of the place, forms and methods of the process of initiation and development.

Head pouches for storing ICT during life safety lessons:

    Increasing the level of independence and self-efficacy of students in the classroom;

    Students have a positive attitude towards the subject of life safety, towards the teacher, towards each other;

    emphasizing the objective directness of students’ activities in developing their specialties;

    There has been an increase in educational interest;

    Vikhovny and developing the destruction of specialness that began during the lesson.

From all this, it is possible to develop a single concept: the use of information and communication technologies in this life sciences is one of the most important ways of realizing goals and setting the process in motion.

List of references

    Polat, E.S. New pedagogical and information technologies in the educational system: beginning. handbook for students Pedagogical universities and transportation systems. qualified ped. personnel/E.S. Polat, M.Yu. Bukharkina, M.V. Moiseeva, A.V. Petrov. - M.: Academy, 1999.

    Innovative educational technologies: Active navchannya [Text]: navch. handbook for students established by the great prof. illuminate / A. P. Panfilova. - 2nd view, erased – K.: Academy, 2011. – 192 p.

    Zakharova, I. D. Information technologies in awareness [Text]: beginning. handbook for students universities that start teaching specialist. / I. G. Zakharova. - 6 views, erased. – K.: Academy, 2010. – 189 p.

    Stavrova O.B. Suspension of a computer in the professional activity of a teacher/O.B. Stavrova. - Moscow: Intelligence-Center, 2007. - 144 p.

It’s easy to send your money to the robot to the base. Vikorist the form below

Students, post-graduate students, young people, who have a strong knowledge base in their new job, will be even more grateful to you.

Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

Discipline: Information technologies in the field

On the topic: "Koshti ICT in future professional activities"

Moscow 2016


The processes of informatization of daily life and closely related processes of informatization of all forms of public activity are characterized by processes of thorough and massive expansion of daily information and communications valuable technologies (ICT). Similar technologies are actively being developed to transfer information and ensure interoperability and learning in current systems of closed-circuit and remote lighting. The current depositor is guilty not only of being knowledgeable in the ICT industry, but also of being a fakivist from their status in his professional activity.

Word " technology It has a Greek root and in translation means science, a set of methods and techniques for processing or processing raw materials, materials, pharmaceutical products, viruses and their transformation into household items. The current meaning of this word includes the application of scientific and engineering knowledge for advanced practical tasks. Information and telecommunication technologies can include technologies that directly process and transform information.

Information and communication technologies (ICT)- this is the original concept that it describes Various devices, mechanisms, methods, algorithms for processing information The most important modern ICT devices are a computer, with associated software and telecommunications devices, together with the information they contain.

As practice shows, without new information technologies it is no longer possible to discover your own school. It is obvious that in the near future the use of personal computers will increase, and it is likely that the ability to become computer literate will increase. There is a need for opportunity to individualize and differentiate the initial process, reorienting it to the development of the mind, identifying the main processes necessary for a successful start. And, we agree, the effective organization of educational activities of students will be ensured.

1. Koshti ICT, which is essential in lighting

information communication technology lighting

The main use of ICT for the information medium of any lighting system is a personal computer, the capabilities of which are determined by the installation of new software. The main categories of software are system programs, application programs and tools for software development. Before system programs, in the first place, to be seen Operating systems to ensure the interaction of all other programs with the software and the interaction of the personal computer with the programs. This category also includes services and utility programs. Bring to application programs security software, which is a toolkit of information technologies - technology for working with texts, graphics, tabular data, etc.

Current coverage systems have a wide range of universal office application programs and ICT features: text processors, electronic spreadsheets, presentation preparation programs, database management systems, organizers, graphics packages, etc.

With the advent of computer networks and other similar features of ICT lighting, a new vigor has arisen, associated primarily with the ability to quickly retrieve information from any point on earth. Through a global computer network, Internet provides possible access to world information resources (electronic libraries, databases, file repositories, etc.). The most popular resource on the Internet is worldwide pavutinny WWW Almost two billion multimedia documents have been published.

To the extent available, other advanced ICT capabilities are available e-mail, rozsilki lists, new groupies, chat. Special programs have been developed for recording in real time, which allow, after establishing a connection, to transfer text entered from the keyboard, as well as sound, images and any files. These programs allow you to organize the work of remote users from a program running on a local computer.

With the advent of new algorithms for compressing data available for transmission over a computer network, the intensity of sound has increased and has begun to approach the intensity of sound in traditional telephone networks. As a result, a completely new ICT service - Internet telephony - has already begun to actively develop. With the help of special equipment and software, you can conduct audio and video conferences via the Internet.

To ensure effective search for information in telecommunications networks, automated search functions are being developed that can collect data about information resources of the global computer network and send it to correspondents. I'll look for a shvidkogo. For further help sound systems You can search for documents from all over the world, multimedia files and security programs, address information about organizations and people.

With the help of additional ICT features, it is possible to have wide access to initial methodological and scientific information, organize operational consultation assistance, model scientific research activities, conduct virtual initial studies ( seminars, lectures) in real time.

There are a number of main classes of information and telecommunication technologies that are significant from the perspective of indoor and remote lighting systems. One of these technologies is video recording and television. Video streaming and other ICT services allow a large number of students to listen to lectures from the latest speakers. Videotapes of lectures may be popular both in special video classes and in people's homes. It is noteworthy that in American and European courses the main material comes from other people see you and on video cassettes.

TV, as one of the most widespread ICTs, plays an even greater role in people’s lives: practically every family would like one TV. Initial TV programs are widely victorious in the whole world and with a bright example of distance learning. Indeed, it is possible to broadcast lectures to a wide audience by increasing the overall development of this audience without further control over the acquired knowledge, as well as the ability to easily verify the knowledge with the help of specialists tests and tests.

Advanced technology that allows you to save and transfer the main data of the material that is produced is light electronic media, both distributed in computer files and recorded on CD-ROM. Individual work with them gives a deep understanding and understanding of the material. These technologies make it possible, with certain additional testing, to continue the basic courses before individual testing, and provide the opportunity for self-initiation and self-verification of the acquired knowledge. Instead of traditional books, modern electronic publications make it possible to present material in a dynamic graphic form.

2. Functional significance of information and communication technologies

Information technologies can be classified according to their functional purposes:


basic games and educational programs

didactic materials

programs - simulators

virtual experiment systems

electronic accessories

electronic encyclopedias.

Presentations- this is the most extensive type of presentation of demonstration materials. Presentations are electronic films, or, in addition to the original films, they can include animation, audio and video fragments, elements of interactivity, so that they can be transferred promotion on koristuvach's business. Presentations are especially valuable because they can be created by any reader who has access to a computer. with minimal expenses o'clock. They actively compete for the presentation of academic projects.

Basic games and educational programs oriented towards preschoolers and young schoolchildren. What type are interactive programs with a game script? In the process of playing, learning to develop thin skills on the keyboard, it is logical to think that additional skills will develop when working on the keyboard.

Didactic materials- Collections of assignments, dictations, rights, as well as applications of abstracts and works, presented in electronic form, in the form of a simple set of file texts.

Programs - simulators identify the functions of didactic materials. Current programs - simulators can guide decisions and notify about decisions.

Virtual experiment systems- software complexes that allow the study to conduct experiments that would be impossible due to safety and financial standards.

Electronic guides and basic courses join together software complex all or more than the described types of initial programs.

In electronic encyclopedias combined functions of demonstration and development materials. True to its name, it smells like an electronic analogue of the most common research and information products. In contrast to their paper counterparts, such encyclopedias have additional power and capability: support a manual search system for keywords and concepts, a manual navigation system based on hyperpower, the ability to include audio and video fragments.

One of the important minds is the importance of the process in general, and the lesson of education, the successful acquisition of knowledge by children, the formation of their skills, and the stagnation of information and communication skills in The idea, as they say, is, first of all, a short implementation of the principle of precision in the beginning.

At the same time, information and communication skills allow the complex to absorb the senses, develop the mind, activate creativity, develop interests, and develop and shape everything The specialness is definitely excused.

The computer is a powerful influence on the human psyche. Nowadays, thanks to modern technology, the creation of diverse visual illustrations and sound systems now on the computer there are spluttering children’s encyclopedias that allow children to “manipulate” the light.

All types of methods are designed to carry a different didactic emphasis, which encourages students to create a comprehensive picture of the historical past, to deepen and systematize knowledge, to formulate skills, and to optimize the initial process. The development of a variety of methods in the development of both traditional and new technologies will now give significant support to the process of development in primary school, and promote the progress of students.

At this time, the following areas of new information and technical technologies are developing:

1) universal information technologies ( text editors, graphics packages, database management systems, spreadsheet processors, modeling systems, expert systems, etc.);

2) computers and telecommunications;

3) computer basic and control programs, computer aids;

4) multimedia software products.

The use of new information technologies can transform the use of traditional primary subjects, rationalizing children's work, optimizing the processes of comprehension and memorization of primary material, and raising the The peacefully growing rush of children until the beginning. The computer is designed to effectively teach children independent work with a voluminous text, which is what secondary school needs from the beginning, if nutritional capacity is discussed. The computer is a great stimulus for children's creativity.

With the help of additional information technologies, you can not only supply information, but also remove it as a customer. Information technologies can ensure learning at any place and at any time, which makes it easier for them to learn basic materials in the field of education. Information technologies help children become more active and independent in their studies, allowing one person to have access to the widest range of information.

Information technologies:

to secure the minds for the individual process of beginning both students, which may be difficult for both beginners and successful students. For example, the skin theme shows a different level of complexity.

The level of accuracy is significantly higher, lower in the hand-made base. Moreover, the majority of the work is realized through additional animation, sound, and video fragments.

to ensure that the teacher creates a successful intellectual background, especially necessary for those who are good at learning.

Vikorist information technologies, the reader has the following purposes:

provision of local and technological support to the basic skills of development, strengthening the scientific basis of formation of natural and cultural knowledge among young students;

formation of foreign culture, erudition of young students; ensuring the creation of a prosperous intellectual background;

moldbath information culture uchniv;

development of educational interests of students;

3. Use of information and communication technologies in the process of development

Advances in modern information and communication technologies allow:

develop skills in pre-study activities and creativity in students;

strengthen motivation;

formulate students to work with information, develop communicative abilities;

actively obtain students before the initial process;

clearly change control over the activities of students;

educating a student to obtain informational leadership.

The process of starting will become most effective, as soon as I sleep and write, the potential of the computer will be used. Young schoolchildren have the most faulty mentality. Therefore, educational material, technical methods, multimedia systems and projection equipment allow the use of all channels for receiving primary information (visual, kinetic, auditory), and so, in a doubtful way, is driven by the desire to master the initial material, because Let us first enter the initial stage of the process of acquired knowledge - the stage of recognition and absorption. With the help of screen-sound images, knowledge will ensure the transition to a higher stage of knowledge - to understand and theoretical concepts.

Thus, information and communication technologies can significantly promote the effectiveness of the lighting process, based on the development of comprehensively developed, creative features, such as facing the light new installation.

ICT can be used at all stages of the lesson:

1) When explaining new material:


Information Internet - sites

Information resources on disks

2) When the tip is prepared and secured:

computer basic programs;

computer simulators;

computer games;

other handout materials (cards, assignments, diagrams, tables, crossword puzzles without automatic processing of results) - (digital tables);

Other illustrative material.

3) At the control stage, know:

computer testing (open, close);

crossword puzzle (with automatic summary of results).

4) At the stage of independent work of students

digital encyclopedias;


electronic accessories;

Integrated tasks.

5) For pre-investigation activities of students:

digital nature laboratories;


Why give such lessons?learn?

The object is taken out of satisfaction.

For the purpose of interest, it is essential to promote the quality of knowledge.

For the help of bright scientific material, it is easy to find the most important material.

It is worth reading for the sake of knowledge, but not for the sake of evaluation.

Analyze, establish hypotheses, actions, and determine your own peculiarities, assumptions and assumptions on the basis of the rejected knowledge.

Why give such lessons to a teacher?

It is brighter and more imaginative to conduct a skin lesson, to reveal the skin more widely, to create a complex topic.

It is important to use different materials (little things, photographs, paintings, diagrams, tests, texts, music).

Promote the interest of the living child to the subject.

Prepare schoolchildren before moving to secondary school, in practice vikorista your knowledge and memory.

Well, I realized that due to the stagnation of ICT in the classroom, the initial process of focusing on the development of logical and critical thinking, understanding, independence. Children are immobilized, trained to be creative; The activity of the skin is activated. The process becomes not boring, monotonous, but creative. And the emotional core of the lesson becomes friendly, which is very important for the child’s initial activity.

It’s not a good idea to endlessly consume computer resources. Even the ill-conceived use of a computer affects the health of children. The uninterrupted difficulty of taking up the PC may be to re-visit students: 1st grade - 10 hours; 2 – 5 classes – 15 hvilins.

It is necessary to remember first that ICT is not a meta, but a mastery. Computerization requires only a part of the initial process, but it is not really necessary.

4. The main directions for the development of information and communication technologies in the process of beginning

ICT promotion is carried out along the following lines:

making presentations before lessons;

Work from Internet resources;

Vikoristannya of ready-made basic programs;

Creation of presentations for lessons.

One of the most advanced forms of preparation and presentation of basic material before lessons at primary school can be called the creation of multimedia presentations.

“Presentation” is translated from English as “submission”. Multimedia presentations are a convenient and effective way of presenting information using additional computer programs. You will experience dynamics, sound and images, etc. These are the factors that most detract from a child’s respect.

It has been proven that people remember 20% of what they feel and 30% of what they learn, and over 50% of what they sense at the same time. In such a manner easing the process of assimilation and memorization of information with the help of vivid images – this is the basis of any daily presentation.

Moreover, the presentation allows the reader to independently compose the initial material, depending on the characteristics of a particular class, those subjects that allow the lesson to be carried out in such a way as to achieve the maximum initial effect.


The understanding of current information and communication technologies significantly eases the work of the teacher in the process of teaching students at all stages. ICT tools help improve the organization of work, promote individualization of work, and also promote the productivity of students’ self-training. Thanks to ICT methods, motivation to begin is increased, and the ability of students to engage in creative, innovative and follow-up activities is activated.

Analysis of the current state of preparation and improvement of teacher qualifications in Galusa and the use of ICT in professional activities allows us to identify the specifics of the stages of training: at the university stage in there is a need to shape the readiness of students of pedagogical universities of all specialties to work at school in the minds of informatization of education; At the post-university stage, advanced qualifications and additional training of subject teachers in information technology are being developed in accordance with the basic pedagogical requirements of work and needs. initial mortgage for advanced qualification teachers. The analysis showed that there is a lack of implementation of the essential potential of information and communication technologies in the educational process of school and pedagogical university; The advance of university and post-university education is not fully realized; There is insufficient coverage of interdisciplinary connections between disciplines in the field of information technology, computer science and ICT, pedagogy, methodology, specialized disciplines, psychology, as well as specialized disciplines. There is no unified approach to the current training of subject teachers at different stages in order to integrate the informatization process into pedagogical activity, which will ensure systematic training to adequately continuous technical and technological development of information technologies and communication technologies based on local and global computer networks and development theoretical basis.

ICT in professional activities; revealing the didactic capabilities of ICT; motivation of the teacher to establish ICT capabilities in his/her pedagogical activity) and change the mind of the continuous preparation of the subject teacher in the area of ​​informatization of education.

The concept of uninterrupted training and systems of uninterrupted training of readers has been identified in Galusa for the benefit of ICT in professional activities.

Theoretically, the principles of uninterrupted training of subject teachers in the field of ICT in professional activities have been formulated: the availability of training (interrelationships of training in At the post-university stage with university programs, Galusa has a unique advantage of ICT in professional activities); predictiveness of training (modification of training programs for current scientific and technological progress, pedagogy, psychology, informatization of education and other sciences in the aspect of a promising development of ICT technologies in education); complexity of approaches to information activity and information interaction in pedagogical activity ій activity, youth in the hidden ways of information activity and information interaction in the minds of informatization of marriage and enlightenment); fundamentality and practical directness of preparation (inclusion before preparation programs such as theoretical nutrition related to the methodology of selection of place, methods and organizational forms of initiation and formation in the current minds of information management, so and nutrition, directed to the most practical pedagogical tasks in Galusi vykoristannya osobіv IKT in professional activities); invariance and variability of preparation (identification of the same for all readers (regardless of the profile) instead of preparation in the galuz of underground nutrition informatization of illumination, on one side, and on the other wow - the need for advanced preparation, which reflects the peculiarities and implementation of ICT capabilities in a specific subject area); the complexity of training in terms of the implementation of the main directions of informatization of education (incorporation before the preparation in the field of ICT in the professional activity of a food teacher, which I represent these are the main directions of informatization).

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The role of information and communication technologies in the lighting process is outlined in the documents of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Lighting of the Russian Federation, which outline the strategy for modernization of lighting.

Information and communication competence one of the main priorities with the method of dim lighting, and this is due not less to internal reasons. The whole character of life is changing, the role of information activity is growing enormously, and in the middle of it - active, independent processing of human information, He praised the principle of new solutions in unforeseen situations with the use of technological advances.

Systematic, effective formation of information and communication competence for most students today is only possible in the minds of ICT. Well, success There are a lot of plans for the school to re-create, in which to lie due to stagnation. In other words, informatization is the most important aspect of modernizing the lighting system.

Computer technology advances - a set of methods, techniques, methods, and features of the creation of pedagogical minds based on computer technology, telecommunications techniques, and interactive software products that model part of the functions of the teacher in the present day, and collection of information, organization of control and management of cognitive activities.

The use of computer technologies makes it possible to modify the entire process of application, implement a model of specially oriented learning, intensify employment, and, most importantly, improve the self-training of students. Insanely, the current computer and interactive software-methodical security force changes the form of compilation and learning, transforming the development of business skills, and this strengthens the motivation for learning, leading to the need search for new models, carry out bag control (additional information, calls, public protection group project work), promotes individuality and intensity of development.

Computer technologies have begun to provide great opportunities for the development of creativity as teachers and students.
Multimedia technologies - a method of preparing electronic documents that includes visual and audio effects, multiprogramming of various situations. The development of multimedia technologies opens up a promising direction for the development of current computer technologies. How to vikorize these materials for the development of complexes of elementary-methodological materials? Is it possible to include various multimedia effects in the original text? Where is the border between the multimedia inserts in the document? The need for serious follow-up nutrition, damage to harmony, and the effects of stagnation of bright inserts can lead to a decrease in productivity, increased fatigue in students , decreased efficiency of the robot. This is a serious diet that allows you to let the fireworks start to work basic methodological material not just effective, but effective.
Current information and communication technologies - the totality of current computer technology, telecommunications technology, and instrumental software that provide interactive software and methodological support for current technologies.
The main tasks of current information technologies have been completed є a rosor of ilnteroal cores of the management process of the process of pynovalosti, access before the abstracts of the izhormati-Osvіtniykh (multimedia Pidruchnik, the basics of the Dani, hogly website of the same jerel).
Information technologies, which are most often involved in the initial process, can be divided into two groups:

1) edge technologies that vicorize local edges and global measure Internet (electronic version of methodological recommendations, aides, remote learning servers that ensure interactive connections with students via the Internet, in real time mode),

2) technologies oriented to local computers (initial programs, computer models of real processes, demonstration programs, electronic problem books, control programs, didactic materials).

In mathematics lessons, the computer can be used for various functions and, therefore, purposes: as a way to diagnose students’ initial abilities, learning, information, training device or for control prices for knowledge. The capabilities of a daily computer are great, as this means its place in the process. It can be included at any stage of the lesson, to the fullest extent of didactic tasks, both in a collective and in an individual mode.

Nowadays, with the help of a multimedia projector, you can use a computer for frontal work, for example, when organizing a computer system, or when converting an independent work. The use of methodical presentations, created using the Power Point program, allowed us to be more advanced than the old-generation TCOs, raising the level of awareness to a higher level (varying the sound, showing the slide “in Russia”)

You can introduce computer components to lessons in any subject. Everything on the right lies in its entirety, the obviousness of the supporting programs, the minds of the victorious people.

Creation and development of information partnership(ІВ) conveys a wide range of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the context of what is meant a number of factors.

According to Pershe The advancement of ICT in the world greatly accelerates the transfer of knowledge and accumulated technological and social knowledge to humanity, not only from generation to generation, but also from one person to another.

In a different way, Today's ICTs, with their increasing awareness and awareness, allow people to become more successful and adapt more quickly to the average social changes that are taking place. This gives every person the opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge both today and in the future post-industrial society.

In third, the active and effective implementation of these technologies in lighting is an important factor in the creation of the lighting system, which suggests that the process of reforming the traditional lighting system will benefit the current industrial marriage

The importance and necessity of ICT development in the process is identified by international experts in the “Worldwide Report on Communication and Information 1999 – 2000”, prepared by UNESCO that was seen almost like the last thousand years by the agency “Business-Press”. In the lead-up, UNESCO Director-General Federico Mayor writes that new technologies may create a “beautiful world in which human skin is able to separate itself from the reach of enlightenment, science, culture and communication.” ICT is invading all these spheres, and perhaps the strongest positive influx of stench will come to light, the fragments “revealing the possibilities of completely new methods of investment and learning.” A report on the relevance and need for ICT promotion in education can be found in another section of this paper - “New Directions in Education”, written by Craig Blurton, Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong, Section VII “Information services, libraries, archives”, author who is Professor Oli Garbo at the Royal College of Libraries in Copenhagen.

In addition, this evidence identifies and analyzes the global processes of convergence of the world of information technology, the electronic industry and telecommunications and their impact on the development of the information economy, as well as planetary problems and stagnation of ICT in lighting.

The rise of ICT is subject to changes in goals, control, and control, which leads to the emergence of new methods, organizational forms, and control.

The advancement of information technologies in education makes it possible to create systems for automated control of the knowledge of students from various disciplines, including computer science.

The potential of ICT as an instrument of human activity and a fundamentally new way of beginning to lead to the emergence of new methods, features, organizational forms of control and greater intensity of their development in the initial process.

The advantages of computer technology are seen in works about the intensification and activation of science (I.V. Alohina, G.V. Rubina), individualization (V.F. Gorbenko, N.V. Karchevska) and the humanization of the beginning process (T.V. Gabay, M. E. Kalashnikov, L. F. Pleukhova, V. K. Tsoneva), implementation of creative, developing nature of learning (V. A. Andreev, V. G. Afanasyev, G. M. Kleiman, T. A. Sergeeva ta in).
Stages of introduction of ICT on the way to the information revolution

The global introduction of computer technologies in all spheres of activity, the formation of new communications and a highly automated information environment have become not only the beginning of the re-creation of the traditional system of education, but the first step to the formation of information new marriage.

The main official, the primary importance and importance of reforming the lighting system, including the Russian one, is the need to respond to those main messages that have created humanity in the 21st century:

  • the need to transition the business to a new development strategy based on knowledge and highly effective information and telecommunication technologies;

  • the fundamental staleness of our civilization in the form of these differences and particularities that are shaped by light;

  • The possibility of successful development of a partnership depends only on the availability and effective use of ICT;

  • found a significant connection between the goodness of the nation, the national security of the state and the state of enlightenment, the development of ICT.
As shown in a number of robots, the main directions of molding promising systems highlight what may be of great importance for Russia, which is at the stage of complex economical transformations, e:

    • promotion of awareness of the way of fundamentalization, informing the study about the current achievements of science in a larger society and with greater fluency;

    • ensuring the focus on new technologies IV and, first, on ICT;

    • ensuring greater accessibility of coverage to all groups of the population;

    • Illuminate the advancement of the creative.
The proliferation of computers in the world has led to the emergence of a new generation of information and lighting technologies, which allowed teachers to move forward, create new ways of influx, more effective interaction between teachers and learn about computational technology. In the opinion of many pharmacists, new information and lighting technologies based on computer technologies can increase the efficiency of borrowing by 20-30%. The introduction of the computer to the sphere of illumination became the beginning of a revolutionary re-invention of traditional methods and technology in all areas of illumination. An important role at this stage was played by communication technologies: telephone communications, telecommunications, space communications, which were critically stagnated during the process of managing the process of science and data science systems.

A new stage in the global technologyization of advanced countries has become the emergence of modern telecommunications measures and their convergence with information technologies, the emergence of ICT. The smells became the basis for the creation of the infosphere, the fragments of the integration of computer systems and global telecommunications networks enabled the creation and development of planetary infrastructure that connects all humanity.

An example of the successful implementation of ICT was the emergence of the Internet - a global computer network with practically unlimited possibilities for collecting and saving information, transmitting it individually to the skin .
Foldability current ICT is due to the fact that the traditional practice of their development and implementation is based on the ideology and stagnation of information and telecommunication systems in all other areas: communications, in the oil and gas industry, in aviation and astronautics. Adaptation of ICT to a specific sphere of development is being carried out by the engineers of design bureaus and scientific research institutes, which provide great evidence of the development of such technology and, therefore, a good understanding of the importance of systems and their minds exploitation. With the current awareness of such specialized scientific-research structures, the stink is no longer beginning to arise. This is due to the “gap” between the capabilities of modern technologies and their real limitations. But you can still use the practice of shutting down your computer as much as a typewriter. This gap is often exacerbated by the fact that the majority of school readers and academics at humanities universities do not have the current knowledge necessary for the effective use of ICT. The situation is becoming more complicated as information technologies are rapidly updating: new, more efficient and complex technologies are emerging that are based on piecemeal intelligence, virtual reality, general interfaces, geographic information systems, etc. A way out of super-eternity can be the integration of technologies, so that they are combined, so as to allow students to participate in lessons and lectures in a meaningful way that is certified and adapted before the process of technology development No matter. Integration of ICT and modern technologies is a new stage of their effective implementation into the Russian lighting system.

U advanced ICT in the light you can see three stages:

    • cob, connections with individual computers, mainly for organizing the lighting system, administrative management and saving information about the management process;

    • current, connections with modern computer systems, the Internet and the convergence of information and telecommunication technologies;

    • Maybutniy, the basis for the integration of new ICT with modern technologies (VID).
The process of developing new technologies based on the integration of ICT and OP is already underway in a number of companies that are actively entering the lighting services market.

Relevance and importance for the development of a system of information services development of a complex of essential information based on the integration of ICT and OP to require a comprehensive investigation This process is viewed from systemic positions.

3. System fundamentalsintegration ICT and VID
A systematic approach to the integration of ICT and TO is based on the identification of all essential factors that establish connections between the elements and formulate the power of the system, which is suitable The totality of actions is united by a hidden idea and a single method.

The choice of rational and efficient solutions when integrating information and lighting technologies from system positions is first based on the analysis of the effectiveness of the initial the understanding of new integrated technologies, etc. based on assessing the effectiveness of the interaction between the teacher and students. The peculiarity of such interaction is the creative activity of the teacher both in the process of initiation and in the process of learning, which is rich in the professionalism of the teacher and the knowledge of the the emotional mood that is created during the process of initiation, as well as the appearance There are additional incentives to occupy minds and a wealth of other factors. All this complicates the formalization of the description of the process and complicates the calculation of quantitative assessments of effectiveness.

In essence, the integration of technologies based on ICT and intelligent human-machine systems and, therefore, directly forming indicators of their effectiveness can become a methodology that is stagnant when training athletes cosmonauts, nuclear power operators. It lies in a number of complex indicators, the components of which are specific assessments of technical effectiveness, performance, time of preparation, as well as data from medical and biological research, subjective thoughts of the reader and the scientist.

Therefore, the first and fundamentally important tasks of integration of ICT and OP (hereinafter, for clarity, shortened ITO will be accepted by a number of authors) is a clear vision of the goals of their creation and the development of a system of indicators of their effects news Formalization of the goals of modern technologies poses a complex problem, as it leaves something unexplored and actively discussed both in monographs, articles, and at seminars and conferences. At the same time, with the highest priority, control of knowledge and management of the initial process has already accumulated evidence for assessing goals in the form of specific indicators. Like a butt, we can guess the point system. This, of course, does not exclude the validity of other indicators for assessing the effectiveness of ITO.

Coming from a systems approach, it is necessary to develop a model or operation scheme, which includes the following main elements: VID, ICT, data storage, scientists, specialists and administration.

Lighting technologies or, in other words, lighting technologies (TO) are one of the main elements of the lighting system, as they directly achieve its main goals: education and training. This means the implementation of initial plans and initial programs, as well as the transfer of knowledge systems, as well as methods and features for creating, collecting, transmitting, storing and processing information in a specific area i. Science has accumulated great evidence of the transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the student, the creation of technologies of education and learning, as well as their everyday models.

ICT provides an active input into the learning process, It will be necessary to change the scheme of transferring knowledge and learning methods. At the same time, the introduction of ICT into the lighting system flows into lighting technologies, and introduces new ones into the lighting process. The stinks are associated with the storage of computers and telecommunications, special equipment, software and hardware, information processing systems. The smell is also associated with the creation of new ways of learning and preserving the knowledge required by electronic tools and multimedia; electronic libraries and archives, global and local information networks; Information-hearing and information-hearing systems, etc. ICT models are being subdivided, and some of them are successfully installed in lighting systems.

Looking at the elements of the folding ITO system, you can see what is in the light of an important mind successful integration of technology and professional training of investors and the technicians involved in the operation of the systems and the features of the new integrated technology. Every participant in IT-based development, including the administration of initial deposits, is required to have the necessary information literacy and understanding of the emerging technologies. In some countries, you will need to provide a certificate of approval. For example, Great Britain has such benefits. The introduction of certificates for participants in the process makes it possible to simplify the implementation of IT and increase the adequacy of assessments of the effectiveness of technologies.

When implementing this, it is necessary to understand that this is a complicated process and involves a lot of expense.

As evidence of the advancement of ITO in the world of Russia shows, the significant influx of efficiency on the basis of ICT is given to a specific type of lighting installation (school or VNZ, lighting center or virtual college, etc.) form and type of education (full-time, part-time, distance learning) or stationary, base chi dodatkove) toscho.

A program that will ensure the active implementation of ICT in the lighting area, it is comprehensive and conveys the most important problems in the development of lighting:

    • development of the regulatory framework;

    • creation of a new organizational-methodological and scientific-methodological provision in the field of lighting systems and technologies;

    • creation of the material base of ICT;

    • creation of a system for training and retraining of educational personnel.

New direct improvements in the efficiency of ICT promotion integration of information and communication technologies and advanced technologies. As the first and necessary steps that will speed up the implementation of this process in the system of illumination, we can recommend:

    • organization of seminars and initial courses for the administration and university staff of the VNZ, graduate schools and elementary centers from the establishment of new ITT;

    • creation of minds to stimulate the development of Internet services related to the development of new IT technologies;

    • activation of the work of the creation of the thematic system “ITO” within the framework of the international information network with IT;

    • preparation of a suitable set of approaches for inclusion in the “Program for the Moscow Movement in the Information Sustainment”;

    • development of methodological and methodological approaches to system analysis and synthesis of ITO, methods for assessing progress and illumination on their basis;

    • development of proposals for financing the development of integration of information and communication technologies in the framework of international partnership.

At the advanced level of professional training of facists, including future teachers, the system of high pedagogical awareness has a significant role to control, which current pedagogical theory and practice is considered extremely important.

At this time, exploring the possibilities of modern information technologies to ensure the implementation of the didactic process is one of the urgent problems. The role of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in practice is beginning to be identified by E.S. Polat is “necessary for the intellectual, creative and moral development of students” [3].

In the minds of the information industry, there is a sharp and steady increase in knowledge and knowledge, which the mother of a current faker is guilty of. Integration of computer technologies and the initial process will intensify, modernize the training system for future specialists, increase the speed of training, and independently create new and knowledge, implementation of the idea of ​​developing and continuous endeavor. Computer technologies facilitate the discovery, conservation and development of special components of learning, which in the initial process will be effective only in the event that future fakhivts will have formed correct statements about the role of these technologies in the initial process.

Maybutnym fakhivtsy it is necessary to provide adequate training in the field of knowledge and the development of information and communication technologies among the ever-changing minds of the information industry; learn the basics of necessary knowledge and accumulate special evidence practical use of computer technologies in your professional activity In addition, in the minds of developing remote learning, it is necessary to engage in daily computer skills, including control.

As stated in the materials, what took place during leaf fall in Moscow international conference, dedicated to the problems of introducing information technologies in the world, a lesson on computer problems will be effective for the teacher who

  • · Preserves people's priorities from the present.

  • · I have a kind, trusting approach to the machine and pedagogical abilities

  • · You can handle your personal computer quickly and easily

  • · Intellectually apologizing, fiddling, and constructively assessing the pedagogical capabilities of computer programs

  • · Methodically horny

  • · Discipline, precise, well-ordered logical thoughts.
In this manner, without professional growth in the mastered information and communication You can't get by with technology.

The first step, as a teacher who is learning about computer technology, lies in the teaching of pedagogical software for his subject and the assessment of their advantages and shortcomings. It’s a pity that there hasn’t yet been a multimedia elementary textbook on mathematics that would almost resemble a school program: atypical terminology, etc., is being explored. In addition to schools, systems of axioms, or a cumbersome system for entering information (even a “twist” formula editor, which does not speed up, but rather increases the process of development). Therefore, it is difficult to speak with M. Rozov, the dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical Studies of the Moscow State University, who in one of his speeches stated: “We are all miraculously aware of how far electronic initial products are from the ideal. long journey of understanding, jokes and accumulation of pedagogical knowledge, ahead of us so that the warehouse computer in the lighting process will become an equal partner of the assistant."

Awareness of software products completely develops the value of money, creating the so-called. computer middle. Before these programs, there are program instructions, for the sake of it, recommendations for the widest possible supply. With them, the teacher can conduct both classes and classes, allowing himself to repeat the teachings of these great truths many times, due to the amount of subjectivity in assessing the initial successes of students, further mastering It is self-inflation technology.

The computer environment is also created by advanced information materials. Their purpose is to ensure great precision and evidence in the lesson, to develop programs for providing various kinds of evidence and for self-verification, to give evidence of any knowledge on a specific subject material.

Educational and informational materials are used to make it easier for children to master the school program, they may have a supportive and accompanying, often motivating character.

That. The computer, however, integrates a number of traditional TCOs that have been developed in the past, most importantly, with increased accuracy. This activates the cognitive process in students, develops mental thinking (scientific-ideal, scientifically-figurative), and promotes the effectiveness of the initial process. Vikoristannaya ICT allows you to realize such goals as development, such as the development of the mind (spatial, algorithmic, intuitive, creative, theoretical), the formation of the ability to take optimal solutions from possible options, Do not carry out experimental and pre-research activities (for example, for the implementation of the capabilities of the computer 'European modeling', the formation of information culture, the ability to process information to accelerate the pace of beginning, increasing the hour, and then intensifying the process of beginning.

One of the benefits that is dictated by social understandings of modern education is presented to current university students - future specialists - and instead of vikorystvuyutsya current ICT features in the professional activities of the teacher, which are developing today through the use of distance learning technologies as in the initial process, so And also in this invisible component – ​​the control system.
ICT in the control system
The use of computer technologies in the process is a completely natural phenomenon for informatization of marriage. However, the effectiveness of them depends on the clear indication of the place they are responsible for occupying a complex of interconnections that interfere with the system of mutual deposits - which begins.

The role of control in the process is now of priority importance, as everything has been said about the introduction of information and communication technologies in the process and the penetration of ICT in the process of control as an important and invisible element of the process. navchannya.

Control tasks that are implemented with the help of ICT can be directly influenced by current knowledge:

Know the meaning, the fundamental understanding of the course, section, topics (module), the application of the subject and the place to understand;

Knowledge about applied (practical) zastosuvannya vyznachen;

Knowledge of rules, algorithms, laws, formulas;

Know the related tasks on the topic;

Knowledge of facts, basic provisions, principles, practical additions.

Control tasks that are implemented using additional ICT can be of varying levels of complexity:

Forgive me for forgiveness;

Order for reproduction;

The department that follows a formula, an algorithm, a rule, a concept;

Problems of a problematic nature (algorithm for the most important task behind the unknown).
We see the advantages of using ICT in the knowledge control process:

A high level of accuracy during the period of control, which corresponds to increased interest in the subject of learning, control, and evaluation;

Automation of the implementation, evaluation of results, support of control procedures;

the possibility of extensively monitoring control tasks using the method of internalization (acquired) knowledge;

It is possible to carry out self-control of students at any time convenient for the student without the participation of a deposit.

  1. All-World UNESCO's report on communication and information, 1999-2000. - M. - 2000.

  2. Kurdyukov, G.I . Before understanding the role of information and communication technologies in the system for controlling the knowledge of students of pedagogical universities from information science disciplines / G.I. Kurdyukov / access addresses: http:// www. rusedu. info/ Article915. html

  3. New Pedagogical and information technologies in the educational system: Beg. handbook for students ped. universities and transportation systems. qualified ped. personnel/E.S. Polat, M.Yu. Buharkina ta in; Per ed. O.S. Polat. - 2nd view, Ster. - M.: Vidavnichy Center "Academy", 2005. - 272 p.; S. 3