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-- [Story 2] --

What happens if the name and/or other details of the organization registered in the Organization Registry on the website are not valid? What is the necessary procedure for submitting an Application before the OFC for making changes before the PDMU for what type?


To provide the correct details, the organization submits to the Federal Treasury authority for local organizations an Application for making changes to the PDMU using the form, along with Appendix No. 1, prior to the formation of structured information about recording and electronic copies of documents that are posted on the official website on the Internet.

An application for changes to the PDMU is submitted to the Federal Treasury electronic view from the established cost of the electronic signature (hereinafter - in electronic form) is consistent with the legislation of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the Agreement (according to) on the exchange of electronic documents established between the participant in the budget process by the Federal Treasury, and by the means established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The application for making changes to the PDMU is submitted in electronic form from the electronic document, which is completed during the exchange of electronic documents with the bodies of the Federal Treasury (EP SED), the core of the organization (or other authorized i).

Since the organization and body of the Federal Treasury does not have the technical ability to exchange information electronically, the application for changes to the PDMU is submitted through document processing on paper media in one example at a time frequent submission of documents on paper paper.


What information must be entered before the section “Installation Information”?


The warehouse of Zagal information about the installation will contain the following information:

Install outside the name, install a reinforced structural structure;

Install the name quickly;

Installation type;

Set the type;

Identification number of the tax payer (IPN);

code for the reason for registration (KPP);

Main sovereign registration number (ODRN);

The name of public legal education, which created the installation of the same codes according to OKATO and (or) OKTMO;

The code for hiring municipal lighting at the place of registration is installed from OKTMO;

The code for the hiring of the administrative-territorial department for the place of registration is established by OKATO;

Code for naming the organizational and legal form according to the Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms (OKOPF);

The code for naming the form of power according to the Zagalno-Russian classifier of forms of power (OKFS);

Set the code according to the Transgalno-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO);

Information about the actual address and the codes behind the Classifier address of the Russian Federation (KLADR) are consistent with the installation documents:

Name and code of the Subject of the Russian Federation;

Name and area code;

Name and location code;

Name and locality code;

Name and street code;

Booth number;

Office (apartment) number;

Postal code;

Install news about the kerivnik:


According to Father;

Plant the name;

Install the website (for obvious reasons);

Contact phone number;

Addresses by e-mail(if obvious);

Type of fillet (for water-strengthened structural subdivisions);

The name of the installation that created a water-reinforced structural element (for water-reinforced structural elements);

Shorter naming of strengthening structural components;

The name of the body of sovereign power (local self-government), which has the same functions and the new importance of the founder;

Name of the head order officer budget costs;

Code of the head of the head inspector of budget funds for budget classification;

Name of the budgetary funds orderer;

The codes for naming the main types of activity are established according to the Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activity (ZKVED);

Codes and names for other types of activities are established that are not the main ones for ZKVED;

Details of the legal act to the body that performs these functions and renews the importance of the director, regarding the recognition of members for visual purposes:

Type of legal act;

The name of the body that performs its functions and the re-importance of the founder, which praises the decision to recognize members for visual purposes;

Date of legal act;

number of the legal act;

Name of the legal act.

The information is formed according to the Customer Service Provider.


Electronic copies of any documents of the organization may be imported to the Official website for the formation of “Understandable information about the installation”?


On the official website of the DMU, ​​at the hour of publication of “Internal information about the installation”, electronic copies of the current documents will be available:

The decision of the founder about the creation is established;

Establishment documents of the organization, including changes made before them;

Certificate of sovereign registration of the organization;

The decision of the chief about the significance of the pottery;

Regulations on filiations, representations established (for their obviousness);

Documents that contain information about the visual warehouse for the sake of autonomous installation.


What are the rules for forming information about the state (municipal) government and its empire?


The formation of information about the state (municipal) department and its decree is possible only after the placement of foreign information about the installation.

Information about the state (municipal) plant and its designation is provided for all types of installations that are not otherwise specified by other regulatory legal acts.

Rules for the formation of information about the state (municipal) assignment for the assignment of state (municipal) services (viconannaya work):

1) Information about the state (municipal) duty must be generated and submitted no later than five working days after the confirmation of the state (municipal) duty in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In the warehouse of information about the state (municipal) statement, up to the confirmed state (municipal) statement for the current financial river, a statement can be formed:

for the current financial sector;

to the Chergovyi financial river;

to another date of the planning period;

News about state (municipal) services;

Indicators that characterize the brilliance of the service;

Showcases of service;

Possibility of obtaining payment for service within the boundaries of the sovereign (municipal) department;

The value of one service in rubles is of great importance;

Information about regulatory legal acts, establish prices (tariffs) for services and the procedure for establishing;

News about robots.

The official website of the DMU may contain an electronic copy of the state (municipal) document.

2) The warehouse of Information about the conquest of the sovereign (municipal) government, which corresponds to the confirmed Certificate about the conquest of the sovereign (municipal) government, contains the following information:

The actual values ​​of the indicators of the cost of services for the financial river, which is established by the state (municipal) task;

Reasons for improving the planned values ​​of performance indicators;

The actual significance of the indicators of service for the financial river, which is established by the state (municipal) department;

Reasons for changing the planned values ​​of service obligations.

The official website of the DMU may contain an electronic copy of the publication about the formation of the sovereign (municipal) government.

The information is formed according to the Customer Service Provider.


What are the rules for generating information about the State Financial Action Plan (FFGAP)?


Formation of information about the Financial-Governmental Action Plan is possible only after the publication of the official information about the installation.

Rules for generating information about the Financial-State Activity Plan:

1) Information about the Financial-Government Activity Plan may be generated and submitted no later than five business days after the financial-government activity plan has been approved and established by law State of the Russian Federation.

2) We have information about the State Financial Action Plan, based on the approved State Financial Action Plan for the current financial flow, due to the formation of the report:

on the financial river, on which the plan of financial-state activity is established;

first river of the planning period;

For another day of the planning period.

3) The warehouse of information about the Financial-State Activity Plan will contain the following information:

Information about non-financial assets in rubles;

Information about financial assets in rubles;

total amount of financial assets;

News about goiter in rubles;

Information about planned funds in rubles;

The amount of Wi-Payment is planned.

The information is formed according to the Koristuvach's Administrator's Office.


What to do, what are the differences between the providers on the site and in the documents?


p align="justify"> The formation of structured information about the installation is based on the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and other classifiers, registers, as well as certifiers, which are included in the installation first order:

..."12. Before providing structured information about the installation, please verify the type of information in the documents referred to in paragraph 6 of this order, information about the installation, which is located at the agent x.

If there are discrepancies between the advisers and documents, the system will ensure that changes are made to the advisers in the order established for their implementation.

The provision of information about the installation for posting on the official website is effective after the resolution of the discrepancies." universal) installation, which is posted on the official website on the Internet and entered into the designated website", p. 4).

To make changes to the website of the AS DMU, ​​you are required to contact the regional department of the Federal Treasury, before maintaining federal registers.


What should you enter in the “Public Legal Awareness” field to generate background information about installations?


When forming legal information about the installation in the “Public legal awareness” field, enter the following:


What to do when working with the “Information about” form budget goiters Is it possible to change the fields “Financial River”, “Chapter”, “Currency”?


The field "Financial river" can be selected on the page from the back list of items.

The “Chapter” field is filled in automatically from the “Ground information about the installation”, or it is filled in manually for budget installations that do not receive subsidies.

In the "Currency" field, "Ruble" is automatically entered, in accordance with the Addendum to Order No. 86n (amounts in the budget cash flow statements are indicated in rubles).


In paragraph 2.3, in order to form structured information, there is information about those who, before the Application for making changes to ROSDU, submit a card of signatures to the paperman behind the form together with addendum No. 2 to the FC Order issued 07 .

10.2008 No. 7n z urahuvannyam vimog, navidenikh y addendum 1 to the Order. Addendum 1 to the Order has been installed to fill in the fields of the signature card (for example, Date, IPN, checkpoint, etc.). However, in addendum 3 to order 7n in the form of the signature card, the data fields are daily. Explanation of this discrepancy.


From addendum 3 to Order 7n (the fields are present!):


TO FACIAL RAKHUNKIV N _________________________


Kodi Form according to KFD 0531753 to "__" __________ 20__ rub. Date according to the registered name of the client ________________ register of IPN checkpoint


In what situations is it necessary to obtain EDS certificates for work on the AS GMU website?


Subject to clause 2.3. It is possible to formulate structured information in order: “For any authorized persons, it is not necessary to obtain certificates of UDS verification keys, an Application for making changes to ROSU, a registration card The signatures and other documents submitted by these Vymogs may be given by the organization that є representative. “Removal of EDS certificates is not required at all times, if the renewed individuals do not intend to register on the official website of the AS DMU and place information on a new website other than another organization, as a representative establish.


What should you do if the information about the organization in the Register of Organizations on the official website of the State Medical University is incorrect?


If information about registration with the Registry of Organizations is available on the DMU website, other than some of the details of the warehouse do not match current version installation documents, then check the information about sleep in the diagnostic report, available on the DMU website in the section “Regulatory documents” - “Diagnostic reports”, to determine the location of incorrect data (FC experts or ЄDRUL FNP) and make changes to the agent (registry)-dzherel , in order to place incorrect entries in accordance with the order in which this editor (registry) is maintained.

In accordance with the Decree No. 86n of the requisites in the EDRYUO, or the presence of the requisites with the damaged integrity of the message, a notification is formed on a daily basis (in the view of it) with its further transfer to the address of the Federal Tax Service and posting on the Official website for notification of the need for correction.

If the data is incorrect and is not included in the required warehouse that is to be removed from the EDRL, it is necessary to submit correct data to the Federal Register Department of the Territorial Authority of the Financial Corporation in the form Application for changes to Perelik DMU.

Requisite warehouse YDRUL, which is a source for Perelik DMU (PDMU):

Outside name;

Briefly named;

Set the codes for the main types of activity;

Codes for other types of installation activities;

Name of the principal;

News about the potter:


According to Father;

Plant the name;

For information about the actual address, set the code behind the classifier:

Disconnection date.

After making changes, updating data from FC advisers and importing Perelik DMU reports to the Official Site, you can continue registering and posting information on the Official Site.

Registration of applications for changes before the transfer of DMU by the Federal Treasury and the submission by the Federal Treasury of information about the organization for posting on the official website of the State Medical University is subject to a positive result of the verification no later than nine working days following the day of application for changes before transfer State Medical University to the Federal Treasury.


What works, if you save and recheck for data corruption, the block “Galid information about the installation” shows a protocol of errors that prevents the publication of reports: “The installation code may have been specified ranger of budget costs" or "Maya but the head installation code is indicated Distributor of budgetary funds "costs" (the fields of reports about the RBS and DRBS in the section "Videos about the principal, filiation, representative office" in the block "Other information about the installation" are not filled in)?


Set the code, IPN and the name of the head inspector (DRBS) and the budget inspector (RBS) at the block “Galna information about the installation” will be filled in automatically on the Perelik DMU (PDMU) page.

The lack of information or incorrect information in the section “Information about the principal, branch and representative office” in the “Internal information about the installation” may be reported for the following reasons:

1) It is possible that Perelik DMU does not have complete RBS and GRBS information for the organization. If information about registration with the Register of Organizations on the official website of the DMU does not include information about DRBS and RBS, you must submit an application for changes to the State Medical University before the implementation of federal regulations Estrіv Territorial Body of the FC.

The reasons for the delay in updating the information from Perelik DMU can be found in the diagnostic report available on the official website of the DMU in the section "Regulatory documents" - "Diagnostic reports".

After making changes, updating data from FC advisers and importing Perelik DMU reports to the official website, you can continue posting information.

2) It is possible that at the time of forming the statements in the block “Information about the installation”, the information about the installation at Perelik DMU did not contain information about the GRBS and RBS. Then there was an update of the data from the FC advisers and the import of Perelik DMU reports to the official website.

At times, the organization card in the Register of Organizations of the official website of the DMU displays the correct information about the RBS and GRBS, and when the information is formed in the block “Other information about the installation” The fields were filled in incorrectly, so that information about the RBS and GRBS was included in the form in the "Generic installation information" block "It is necessary to delete the current project of statements ("View changes") and form a new one.


How should the financial authority establish the transfer of state (municipal) services (work) from public legal information (PLO)?


Since the 17th of 2012, version 1.6.1 of the Official Website of the DMU of the organization with new functions of the Financial Authority can print the form for the transfer of state (municipal) services (robot) from public legal information (P software).

Formation of FO transfer of services (work) bi little but vikoristani installations of subjects of the Russian Federation with the relevant software for the formation of information about the state (municipal) task.

The sequence of actions of a senior FO specialist in a special office (LC) during the transfer of services (work) may be as follows:

1. Select the software in which the transfer of services (robot) will be formed. An authorized FO specialist must select the “Public Legal Awareness” section from the horizontal navigation menu. On the form that has opened, you must select the required software.

After selecting the software, the code for the name of the selected value will be displayed in the “Public legal awareness” field. Report description The procedure for selecting software is indicated in paragraph 5.8.8.

Pos_bniki koristuvach.

2. Formation of the transfer of state (municipal) services (work) with the additional function of the LC FD. To work with the overflow of state (municipal) services (work), you must select the section “Overflow of state (municipal) services (work)” from the navigation menu.

In our system, all services are grouped by areas of activity, and there is a hierarchical structure, where each service (job) is assigned a service (job) code between the transfer of services (jobs) of software, and hiring. The transfer of state (municipal) services (jobs) can be in two statuses: “Formation” - available addition, editing and further services (jobs) in the process of facilitating the transfer of services (jobs) with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The status “Published” means that the transfer of services (work) has been residually confirmed and the functions of adding and editing have become unavailable.

The “Published” status allows installations that belong to the same software to prepare for the transfer of services (work) to generate information about the state (municipal) department. A detailed description of how to add service (work) before the transfer of state (municipal) services (work) is provided in paragraph Pos_bniki koristuvach.

3. If there is a need to make changes before the transfer of state (municipal) services (work) is published, an authorized FO specialist must click on the “Edit” button on the page “Relocation of state (municipal) services” service (work)", then click on edit service (work ) ) and change the necessary information about the service (job). The sequence of actions is described in Pos_bniki koristuvach.

4. Before publishing on the official website, the transfer of services (robot) of the subject of the Russian Federation is required to check with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, for which the trace of the preparation of the transfer must be exported to a file with an additional confirmation The functions of the LC FO are to direct him to the next day.

After the appointment of the transfer of state municipal services (robot), establish the level of the subject of the Russian Federation and the municipal level, which is located before the same PPO, so as to be able to post information about the state (municipal) data on the platform of formed transfers of state (municipal) services (robit) .

The affiliation of the installation to the software is indicated by the underlying information about the installation.

Section 4.8.

“Work in a special office of the Upvoted Specialist of the Financial Authority”

The assistants of the correspondent will provide new information to the functionality of forming the transfer of services (robot).


What can you do if, when filling out information about state (municipal) services, it is impossible to enter the required services manually?


Subject to the Federal Law dated 05/08/2010 N 83-FZ, the state (municipal) department is formed for budgetary and autonomous installations, as well as government institutions, assigned before the decision to the authority of the state power (state authority), the municipal body row, which contributes to the budgetary changes of the head manager of budget funds.

State regulations formulate state (municipal) regulations in accordance with paragraphs 3, 4 of Article 69.2 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

It is clear that the state government has not been informed by the federal body of the Russian Federation, the subject of the Federation and the municipal government, which is the main responsibility of the head inspector of funds for the federal budget - block of reports "Information about the state (municipal government) This Vikonanny will not be forgotten.


Who looks at the possibility of placing electronic copies of documents about the state (municipal) documents at once, if the state documents are confirmed by one order of the Ministry of Finance at all subordinate institutions?


Finally, it is possible to see that part of the document, which is related to the structured information of the installation that is located, after adding only it.

Since it is impossible to see the part of the sovereign document that must be submitted before installation, it is necessary to add a document that includes information on all subordinate installations of the principal.



Members of the official website of AS DMU can view documents that have been attached, signed (or unsigned) and not published. It is impossible to view published documents. This exchange is necessary to save the history of document changes.

You can view the document from the Official DMU website directly from the database of the hardware and software complex of the DMU AS on the stand official sheet From the Federal Treasury.


What to do if for the formation of the state (municipal) department there is a notification: “The choice of services (work) is unavailable, because in the system there is a daily selection of services (work) for your installation”?


For public legal education (PLO) and the founder, there are no tasks or tasks for the transfer of services (work).

Formation of the transfer of state (municipal) services (work) from the PPO and the leaders of the organization with the functions of the Financial Authority (FO).

Formed FO for transfer of services (work), which includes information about the code of service (work), field, name, number of the employee transfer, details of the document confirming the transfer of services, categories of employees gi (robots) will be vikorystani installations of subjects RF with affiliation to the same PPO when forming information about the state (municipal) department.

After the formation of the transfer of services (jobs) on the official website, the formation of the sovereign (municipal) department will be publicly available.


What to do is that when publishing information in the “Understandable information about the installation” block, a protocol of errors is displayed to prevent publication: “The list of types of installation activities is displayed Is it not less than 1 row?


The list of types of installation activities in the section "Types of activities" in the block "Generic information about the installation" is updated automatically on the data sheet of Perelik DMU (PDMU). A list of information about the types of activities established at the crossing is a Unified State Register legal entities(Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

The lack of information or the appearance of incorrect information in a section may be caused by the following reasons:

1) It is possible for Perelik DMU to organize daily reports about the types of activities from KVED (reports about registration in the Register of Organizations on the Official website of the State Medical University do not contain information about the types information from CVED).

At the same time, if information about the installation is available in the diagnostic report posted on the official website of the DMU, ​​please read the description of the discrepancies found and note the discrepancies on how to make changes before EDRUL or Dovidniki FC.

If the IDRUL specifies incorrect types of activities for installation, changes must be made in accordance with the procedure for maintaining the IDRUL register.

If the data on the types of activities are specified correctly in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, it is necessary to submit an Application for amendments to the Perelik State Medical University before the federal registers are submitted to the Territorial Authority of the Financial Corporation.

After making changes, updating the providers and importing reports from Perelik DMU to the official website of the installation, you can continue posting information.

2) It is possible that at the time of forming the information in the “Galual information about the installation” block in the organization in the PDMU, the ZKVED codes were not specified, then the data was updated from the providers and the data was imported from Perelik DMU to the Official website.

In order for information about the types of installation activities to be included in the form in the "Installation Information" block, you must delete the current project of the statements and create a new one. You can delete the exact project of the "Galual information about the installation" statements using the additional menu item "Delete project changes". Then you need to finish forming a new project report and publish the report again.


What to do if you need to post information about the Plan of Financial and Governmental Activities, or this section of the Special Cabinet, instead of the new office section for forming information What about budgetary demands and their vikonannya (budgetary costs)?


It is possible that special instructions have been entered incorrectly for installation in Perelika GMU:

Special notes 04 – installations are not eligible for subsidies.

Special notes 05 – installations are eligible for subsidies.

If the budgetary system does not provide subsidies (04), the following statements are not available:

Information about budgetary requirements and their subsidies (budgetary costs) (the PFHD field is not displayed for this type).

If the budgetary system provides subsidies (05), the formation of upcoming statements is not available:

Information about the state (municipal) province and its victoria;

If information about registration with the Registry of Organizations is not available on the DMU website, but some of the details of the warehouse do not correspond to the current version of the installation documents, it is necessary to submit corresponding information Before entering the federal registers of the Territorial Authority of the FC, the Application form for making changes to Perelik State Medical University.

If the information was submitted to the OFC, unless there is a change to the information about sleep in the Organization’s Registry on the official website of the DMU, ​​it is necessary to check the availability of information about sleep The official information available on the DMU website in the section "Regulatory documents" - "Diagnostic information" We'll give you some recommendations.


What information about the installation needs to be published?


Information about the installation, which is published on the Official website of the Russian Federation for posting information about the installation, includes the following information:

1) general information about the installation - for all types of installations, except for the following:

The name of the head orderer of budget funds is not the same for government agencies;

The code of the head of the budgetary funds manager for budgetary classification is only for government funds;

The name of the budgetary funds orderer is limited to government regulations;

Details of the legal act to the body, which performs these functions and renews the importance of the founder, about the recognition of members for visual purposes - especially for autonomous installations;

Information about the warehouse is for visual purposes only – especially for autonomous installations;

2) information about the state (municipal) assignment for the provision of state (municipal) services (government work) and its government - for all types of installations;

3) information about the plan of financial and government activity - for the autonomous establishment of budgetary guidelines for which subsidies are awarded;

4) information about transactions with target costs from the budget - for autonomous establishment of budgetary settings for which subsidies are awarded;

5) information about budgetary duties and their subsidies (budgetary costs) - for government installations for budgetary institutions that do not receive subsidies;

6) information about the results of activities and about the vikoristan mine - for all types of installations; *

7) reports on the implementation of the control entries and their results

all types of installations; *

8) information about the river accounting information- all types of installations. * * - forming is not possible in the online functionality of the site, tentatively, forming will be available from 1st Spring 2012.

So, at this hour:

1) for budgetary institutions that provide subsidies, the following forms are available:

Secret information about the installation;

Information regarding the financial and government activity plan;

Information about transactions involving the entire budget.

2) for budgetary institutions that do not receive subsidies, the following forms are not available:

Secret information about the installation;

Information about the state (municipal) plant;

3) for autonomous installations, the following forms of information are available:

Secret information about the installation;

Information about the state (municipal) plant;

Information regarding the financial and government activity plan;

Information about transactions involving the entire budget.

4) for breech installations, the following forms of front reports are available:

Secret information about the installation;

Information about the state (municipal) plant;

Information about budgetary duties and their vikonannya (budgetary costs).


What to do, if at the hour of publication of the information “Information about budgetary duties and their cessation (budget cost)”, a notice about the amendment is announced, which does not allow the publication of information: “Namenu” Bath of budget crops'yazan may be unique"?


At the hour of checking the records, request control, descriptions from the Koristuvach's Posіbnik:

The names of budgetary tasks may be unique. The purpose of control is: - there is one budgetary task, the name of which is not unique;

Notice about the deal: the name of budgetary units may be unique, publication is not allowed.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to check and edit the list of budgetary tasks: the names of the list are not to blame.


What to do is that in the Special Account for the type of listings “Other information about the installation” there is a notification: “In the register of organizations of the sovereign sector, the listings about the organization have been changed.

It is necessary to delete the current draft of the statements and re-publish" or "In the register of organizations of the sovereign sector, the statements about the organization have been changed. Do you need to edit the videos and republish them?


The information about your organization at Perelik State Medical University has been changed.

Because Some of the reports in the block “Galnaya information about the installation” will be filled in automatically on the Perelik DMU platform, it is necessary to formulate a project of the reports in the block “Galnad information about the installation” and publish the reports again.

In case when the first generation of "Regular information about the installation" of the GMU overflow of places is incorrect or incorrect, you must select the item "Delete changes" (for statuses of the type of statements "Unprepared" or "P prepared"), or "Edit" (if the status is type "Published" view) from the drop-down menu to the view type in the "Sleep Information" section and create a new project.

Changes that were made at the Perelik State Medical University warehouse will be automatically processed until a new project is completed.


What to do, when saving and rechecking the damage to the records, the block “Information about budgetary requirements and their cessation (budget cost)” displays a protocol of inconsistencies in order to clear up does not allow the publication of information: “May the chapter be indicated”?


Information about budgetary requirements and their budgetary provisions (budgetary costs) was formed before the publication of “Background information about the installation.” It is necessary to publish the reports to the block “Generic information about the installation”, and then select the current draft of the reports to the block “Information about budgetary requirements and their withdrawal (budget costs)”, and the Vikorist menu item “View change", and formulate again. The values ​​of the "Chapter" field may be displayed in the "Installation information" block.


How can I fill in the “Document date” field when documents are attached to the hidden information about the installation, since when selecting a date from the calendar, you can only select dates from the range 2002-2022?


Setting the date of the document, which is not included in the period from 2002 to 2022, can be done by filling in the field manually, without using the calendar.


What should you do if fields in the report forms are filled in incorrectly, which will be filled in automatically on the data base of Perelik State Medical University?


The following fields in the forms for filling out statements (importantly in the tab “Generic information about the installation”) will be filled in automatically on the data sheet of Perelik GMU (PDMU).

Set the code;

Outside name;

Briefly named;

Installation type;


Organization code;


Organization code;


Organization code;


Code z KVED;

Type of activity.

If, when first forming the “Ground information about the installation” of the GMU transfer, there are incorrect or incorrect reports, it is necessary to view the current project of the reports, using the “Delete changes” item in the menu that appears , for the type of statements in the section "Installation information" and form new project.

Changes that were made at the Perelik State Medical University warehouse will be automatically processed until a new project is completed.


What can you do if you can’t fill out information about the company’s branches and representations in the information block “Unknown information about the installation”?


Due to the organization of filials and representatives, there is no need to fill out this section.

Possibly, information about the families on a daily basis is available from the Register of Organizations of the DMU.

Check the availability of information about branches in the “Register of Organizations” section on the official website of the DMU.

If there is no information about registration in the Organization Registry on the official website of the DMU, ​​it is necessary to check the availability of information about the installation in the diagnostic report and activities indicated in new recommendations.

If there is no diagnostic information about the installation, it is necessary to submit an application for changes before the transfer of DMU in order to form structured information about filing and electronic copies of documents , which is posted on the official website on the Internet, located in the “Documents” section.

After making changes to the register (registry) and updating the data on the Official Website, you can continue to formulate information about the branches and representations on the Official Website.


How can I view registered accounts and published mortgage statements?


The exact status of registration and publication of reports does not force representatives to establish publication of reports instead of a reinforced structural subsection. There is no need to delete registered accounts and published profiles.


What works, if you save and recheck the data violations, the block “Galid information about the installation” displays a protocol of inconsistencies that prevents the publication of information: “May be hired bath to the organ, which functions and renews the importance of the founder" or "May buti ", "May but the name of the kerivnik is indicated," "May the name of the kerivnik be indicated," "May but the name of the kerivnik be indicated"?


Fields with information about the official and/or the chief to establish the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation and the installation of the municipal level when forming reports in the block "Information about the installation" will be filled in automatically on the data base of Perelik State Medical University.

1) It is possible that at the time of forming the data in the block “Information about the installation”, the information about the installation in Perelik DMU did not contain the necessary information. Then there was an update of the data from the FC advisers and the import of Perelik DMU reports to the official website. In order for the information about the server and the owner to be included in the form in the block "Generic information about the installation", it is necessary to delete the current draft of the statements ("View changes") and form a new one.

Changes found at the Perelik State Medical University warehouse will be automatically processed until a new project is completed.

2) It is possible that Perelik DMU contains incorrect information about the kerivnik and/or the founder of the organization. Set the following to check the information about the manager and/or the head of the organization assigned to the EDRL and, if necessary, resolve any inconsistencies in the way of making changes as soon as possible Idnika YDRUL.

Data about the founder and kerivnik at Perelik State Medical University will be updated automatically on the information platform about the organization that is located at EDRYUL.

The reasons for changing the updated information in the DMU registry can be found in the diagnostic report, available on the DMU website in the “Documents” - “Diagnostic reports” section.

After making changes, updating data from FC advisers and importing reports from Perelik DMU to the Official Website, you can continue posting information on the Official Website.

Obviously, before the established update frequency for Perelik GMU, if the installation has submitted receipts for entry to EDRYUL before the 10th day of the flow month, then the data will reach the PDMU by the 30th day of the flow month. If the installation has submitted information about the deposit to EDRYUL before the 25th day of the current month, then the information will be received to PDMU by the 15th day of the current month.

Following the decisions of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, a new procedure has been established for the provision of data about the official and the principal (the body that performs the functions and the new importance of the principal) for federal institutions. Federal authorities are required to provide information about the leader and the head of the organization on the official website. Data is no longer forced from ЄDRUL on the Official website. In connection with this, federal institutions when forming statements in the block “Galnad information about the installation” includes filling out information about the director from the victorious transfer of federal bodies of the crown government (FDMV). The filling in of records about the server also takes place as soon as the official information is filled in.


What to do if the formatting of reports is not available: “Information about the plan of financial-government activity”, “Information about transactions with targeted funds from the budget” or “Information about budgetary obligations” Ikh vikonannya (budget cost)", menu in the list of types of reports not active (there is no blue button with an arrow that clicks the menu)?


Formation of statements “Information about the plan of financial and government activity”, “Information about operations with whole funds from the budget” or “Information about budgetary obligations and their withdrawal (budget cash Toris)" may be available after the publication of "Undercover information about the organization."

Possibly, access rights are not assigned to the formation of records for the accountant.

It is necessary to check the definition of the right as follows:

Go to the Special Account with the new responsibilities of the Organization Administrator;

Select the "Organization Administration" tab;

From the list of users in the specified section, select the required user and set up rights using the “Set up access rights” menu button, following paragraph “Adjusting the rights of a koristuvach” (section 4.3.3 “Working with the register of koristuvach organizations” of the Handbook of Koristuvach).

If the accountant is not re-important to the Organization Administrator, it is impossible to assign access rights to him before forming statements. For this type, it is recommended to register the user with the new “Specialist” designation and grant him access rights before forming the information.


What should we do if problems arise during the time of filling the fields in the section “Information about transactions with target costs from the budget”?


1) The “Financial River” field will be filled in automatically.

The "Currency" field will be filled in automatically.

If these fields are filled in incorrectly, you need to delete the current project of the statements "Information about transactions with whole funds from the budget" (item "Delete changes" in the menu that appears for the type of statements in the section " Installation information") and form a new .

2) The field “Amount of planned expenses for budget investments, ALL*” is filled in manually. If the installation does not deduct any costs for budgetary investments, zero values ​​are indicated.

Field "Objects" capital life I have a talked non -browning Main*"He would be sent to be award. Udin, Yakshcho Petanova, I will not be a koshtiv on the health of the budget -investigatives in the’ ’ogital Budhinneta that non -war Maine, Kupuu, Kupuat, and Knulyov’s nullivas.

At this time, there may be problems associated with the filling of the specified fields. In case of exact layout on the web site, it is possible incorrect image The insertion cursor is used for empty fields, but the fields are active for filling. Place the cursor on the field, press the left mouse button and immediately begin entering the required value.

3) When budgetary investments in capital infrastructure projects are not planned, the field “Budget investments in capital infrastructure projects are not planned” is indicated. Otherwise, the name of the capital asset and the amount in rubles are indicated in the “Name” and “Amount” fields.

If budgetary investments in the non-ruinous mine are not planned, the field “Budget investments in the non-violent mine are not planned” is indicated.

Otherwise, the name of the object of the indestructible lane that is being purchased is indicated, and the amount in rubles in the “Name” and “Amount” fields is obvious.

4) If you are not planning to receive a special-purpose subsidy, the field “Not planning to receive a special-purpose subsidy” is indicated. Otherwise, the codes, the name of the target subsidy and the amount in rubles are indicated in the fields “Subsidy code”, “Name of the target subsidy”, “Amount”, respectively.

The field "Subsidy code" indicates the analytical code issued on the platform for the transfer of target subsidies, which is formed by the body whose functions are responsible for the execution of operations with a target subsidy єyu.

New items can be added to the list using the “Add” button. You can remove existing items from the list using the “Delete” button.

5) In the “Documents” section you may find an electronic copy of the statements about transactions with the purpose of installation subsidies.


What works, if you turn to the destruction of documents that are being molded, the message appears: “Through technical problems automatic control of the correctness of the data posted so that it cannot be changed in regular communication. Try repeating the operation after ten hours and, if the problem is no longer relevant, contact the Site Operator Service?


Perhaps, before forming statements in the blocks “Information about the state (municipal) government and its cessation”, “Information about the budgetary requirements and their cessation (budget cost)” or “Information about the financial-government plan which activities were not given any notice information in the block "Galnal information about the installation".

It is necessary to provide information control information to the block “Generic information about the installation”. If necessary, delete the current project report, format the data and publish it again.

The entire project of reports is available in the Special Account of the Accountant, which is a new function of the Fakhivtsya and/or the Supervised Fakhivtsya, for whom the Organization Administrator has assigned the right to prepare a specific type of reports , as for the type of statements there is preparation of data (status "Prepared").

The pardon may be related to the temporary unavailability of other resources on the Official Website of the DMU.

Please try to select the required items later. Whenever the application is repeated, please inform the Technical Support Service of the official website of the DMU.


What fields in the information filling forms will be filled in automatically on the Perelik State Medical University data sheet?


The following fields in the forms for filling out statements (importantly in the tab “Generic information about the installation”) will be filled in automatically on the data sheet of Perelik GMU (PDMU).

Vidomosti Perelik is used to fill the following fields:

Set the code;

Outside name;

Briefly named;

Installation type;

Set actual addresses;


The organ that performs its functions and is of primary importance:

Organization code;


Head inspector of budget funds:

Organization code;


Distributor of budget funds:

Organization code;


Set the types of activities:

Code z KVED;

The name of the code is KVED;

Type of activity.


What should we do if there are some extinction figures in the list that characterize the intensity of this service when forming “Information about the state (municipal) government and its extinction” among the daily necessary units in the world?


The transfer of one vimiru is formed from the source of the Transgalno-Russian classifier of vimiru units (OKEY).

The inclusion of one item listed on the official website is subject to approval by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

If you are transferring to the Official Website of the State Medical University all the necessary units in the world, you must send a request to the Technical Facility Service of the Official Website of the State Medical University with the required units in the world. Once this information has been removed, the data from your upload will be submitted for analysis and changes made before transfer.

While the required units are not available, it is recommended to indicate the required unit in the “Name of the display” field, for example, “Number of days per change”, “Number of light days per river”, “K Many beasts" and in other similar ways, and in the field "One of the World indicate one vimiru "Umovna one."


What to do if you don’t know the rows “Other work, services” and “Other expenses” before filling out the tabs “Planned indicators of payments and payments”, “Planned amount of payments, from them” in the section “Information about the financial-government plan” Dar's activity" ?


The fields for filling in the section “Information about the plan of financial and government activity” are divided according to Order 86n dated July 21, 2011 “On the approval of the procedure for providing information to the government "Pal) installation, and placement on the official website on the Internet and designated to the site."

Information about the financial-government activity plan is formed in a consistent manner before the formation of structured information about filing and electronic copies of documents, which are posted on the official website in Internet and Kerivnitstvom Koristuvach Official website of DMU.

An electronic copy of the financial-government activity plan is available on the official website.

It is not necessary to enter the sums of payments before structured information in the block of statements “Information about the plan of financial and government activity”.

If it is necessary to place any additional information, for example, data about the planned amount of payments for other jobs, services or data about other expenses, placement can be done by attaching additional electronic document with the necessary information in the “Documents” section “Information on the financial and government activity plan”, or at the warehouse for posting an electronic copy of the financial and government activity plan Set the accuracy.


What to do, when saving and re-checking the damage to the records, the block “Information about the state (municipal) government and its demise” displays the protocol of inconveniences, which prevents publication ii news: "The names of the exhibitors may be unique within the news about the state ( municipal) "services"?


Internal document control is required, as described in clause of the Correspondent's Handbook.

In order to control: I accept 1 indicator, the name of which is not unique within the framework of information about state (municipal) service.

Information about the commemoration: The names of the executors may be unique within the framework of the information about the state (municipal) service. Publication is not permitted.

It is necessary to check the list of indicators and repeat them.


What happens when you fill in the section “Public legal awareness that created the installation” in the block “Undercover information about the installation” the message appears: “OKATO public legal awareness does not correspond to the level of sub 'ekta (OKATO may be pleased with the mask - XX 000 000 000, de XX

- What are the significant figures)" (to establish the level of the subject of the Russian Federation)?


It is necessary to follow the order of forming structured information when forming information in the block “Information about the installation” in the section “Public legal information that created the installation”, mark the following:

For federal regulations - Russian Federation;

To establish the entity of the Russian Federation - name the entity of the Russian Federation;

For sovereign institutions - the name of sovereign illumination.

Thus, in order to establish the level of the Subject of the Russian Federation, the section “Public legal information that created the regulation” requires the name and code of the Subject of the Russian Federation.

OKATO The subject of the Russian Federation is guilty of satisfying the mass - XX 000 000 000, where XX is the same figure.


How to introduce indicators that characterize the quality of the given service, since the sovereign assigned indicators that characterize the quality of the service (for example, compliance with sanitary rules and standards), cannot be taken into account and cannot be determined numeric values?


As an indicator that characterizes the intensity of the given service, due to the established state (municipal) orders, it is impossible to clearly define numerical values ​​and may be based on meanings of the type “so/no”, “satisfactory/not relevant” "" , then enter one in the “Vidsotki” viewer, and as a value enter 0 or 100.


How and when should the “Average price” field be filled in the list of information about state (municipal) services in the block “Information about state (municipal) services and its demise”?


The field "Average price" in the list of information about the state (municipal) services in the section "Part 1 (Services)" in the block "Information about the state (municipal) service and its demise" will only be returned in this case , since for services it is stagnant to indicate the average price per unit of service. In other cases, it is necessary to insert a corresponding icon in the form for adding information about the service.

The procedure for providing information by a state (municipal) institution, posting it on an official website on the Internet and entering the assigned site means a conceptual indicator as follows:

p align="justify"> The price of the service is of great importance - this is a very important indicator of the payment of the final amount of money, which is planned before the deduction of the employee for the services, given on a paid basis within the framework of the state (municipal) department, until the full value of the indicator is obligatory service.


What to do if when forming the information in the section "Unofficial information about the installation" in the section "Public legal awareness, the installation has been created" in the section "Unauthorized information" it is not possible to select the required publication Legal information from the attorney or necessary public legal information from the attorney has been removed incorrect?


Hierarchy municipal works The Adviser's public legal awareness is required to ensure the ordering of the budgets of municipal institutions assigned to the Adviser of the budgets of the Federal Treasury.


How can I fill out information about branches and/or representative offices if the installation does not have a branch or representative office? What to do, if you save and revise the data, the block “Unauthorized information about the installation” shows a protocol of inconsistencies that prevent the publication of information: “Before the section “Regulations about the installation” Or, representation" is to blame for the attachments of the hired 1 document "? "


If an organization does not have a branch or representative office, the section “Information about the founder, branch, representative office” in the block “General information about the installation” does not contain information about the branch and representative office. to be.

In the “Documents” section, the “Regular information about registration” block as a document “Regulations about the branches and representations” is allowed to attach a document to place information about the number of branches and representations in ій form.


What to do if problems arise from filling out the “Subsidy Code” field during the formation of target subsidies in the “Information about transactions with target costs from the budget” block?


When the “Subsidy code” field is filled in when forming a list of target subsidies, the block “Information about transactions with target funds from the budget” is assigned an analytical code for the transaction with a target subsidy, ny body, which functions and renews the importance of the director.

Version 1.7.

1 PPO of the Official website (04/06/2012) was adjusted to the subsystem for posting installation information.

Zokrema, at the blog of news “Information about operations with whole funds from the budget”

The format of the "Subsidy Code" field has been changed, the field has been divided into obligatory ones. In the section “Information about transactions with subsidies for other purposes” the optional field “KOSGU” has been added.

If the problem is still relevant, it is necessary to delete the current project of the statements “Information about transactions with whole funds from the budget” and formulate the statements again.

The current project of reports is available in the Special Account of the Accountant, which may be a new Fakhivtsya and (or) a Supervised Fakhivtsya, for whom the Administrator of the Organization has assigned the right to prepare a specific type of Information, if for the type of report there is a new preparation and no confirmation of publication Prepared" or " If the status of the report type is “Unprepared” or “Published”, the option is not available for the project.


What to do is that when you save and recheck for damaged records, the block “Generic information about the installation” displays a protocol of problems that prevents the publication of records:

"Kody from OKVED may be unique"?


Data control in the “Types of Activities” section and in the “Internal Installation Information” block has been updated in version 1.7.2. If the problem is still relevant, it is necessary to send the completed Request Form to the Technical Support Service of the official website of the DMU.


How to attach copies of regulatory legal acts that confirm the transfer of government (municipal) services (work) to the Government Cabinet of the organization and the new Financial Authority?


Now the function of attaching copies of regulatory legal acts to form a list of services remains in place.

The function is planned to be implemented in version 1.8.0, the orientation term for the release of the version is a privately accessible part of the site


Description of sections of the official website of the DMU. Operations available to unregistered clients on the main page of the official website of the DMU.


Detailed information on how to work on the hidden part of the Official Site can be found in section "5. WORK ON THE OPEN PART OF THE OFFICIAL SITE" of Koristuvach's Handbook on the DMU official website.

The main page of the official website is displayed after entering the address of the official website in the address bar of the browser.

The site header is displayed on all pages of the official site and icons without signatures are placed to go to Head side site and site map.

Under the header is the main navigation menu of the site, which has a hierarchical horizontal structure.

The central part of the page displays the location of the subject of the Russian Federation, a map of the subjects of the Russian Federation, and a list of areas of activity of the installation.

To select a subject of the Russian Federation, you need to press the corresponding subject on the map and select the subject from the “Your location” list. For the selected subject, a number of government municipal institutions are displayed that published secret information about the installation. When opening the official website, the value “Russian Federation” is selected. The values ​​of the selected subject of the Russian Federation are saved and installed as the values ​​for the promotion when the official website is opened.

The shift in areas of activity is based on the results of an expanded search for the main types of activity for the selected region. When you switch to the message, a shift of light spheres will appear. Above the areas of activity, the name of the selected region and the number of installations that published confidential information about the installation are displayed. When you click on a message with a number of settings, the “Installation Information” section and the filter for the selected region will open.

At the top right of the page the message “ Special office» and search for information about installation.

The search block for installation reports includes quick search(the search parameter entry field and the “Find” button) and the “Expansion search” option.

On the right side of the page, the “News and Subjects” block is displayed, sent to the analytical section of the service (work), the “Types of registered installations” diagram is sent to view the most active regions from the registration and placement information.

Block “News and Podіi” contains three announcements the rest of the news The site has been sent to the section “News and news”.

The “Installation Types” diagram contains information about the plant warehouse in the breakdown of installation types in the selected region.

The basement is displayed at the bottom of the page and displays the message “Did you find a friend’s favor?”, “ Technical support» and «Information about the site». The footer appears on all pages of the Official website.

When pressed on the message, “Did you know the drukar’s mercy?” The formation of a new notice is now appearing in postal customer, installed on the working place of the correspondent, to enhance the information on the topic “ASMU. "Pomilka" support service for the Official website.


Description of the section "Register of Organizations" of the official website of the DMU. Operations available to unregistered clients in this section.


Detailed information on how to work in the “Register of Organizations” section of the open part of the Official Site can be found in section 5.5. "Register of Organizations" Posіbnik Koristuvach Official website of the DMU.

The register of organizations is formed based on information received from state (municipal) institutions of the Federal Treasury.

To view the organization’s register, you must select the “Organization register” section from the navigation menu. As a result, a form for selecting search parameters is displayed.

Side place search block and organization list.

Only displayed for organizations with the types “budgetary installation”, “government installation” and “autonomous installation”.

When information about the state (municipal) department has been published for installation, a corresponding icon will also be displayed in order of installation names. When you click on the icon, you will be able to view installation information.

If information about the organization is not found, instead of the list of organizations, the following message is displayed: “Information about the organization is included in the register of organizations of the power sector, or the register of organizations provide some information about the organization. To add information about an organization to the register, you must go to the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury in accordance with the procedure for forming structured information about the installation.”

To review the registration data of a business organization, you must select the Registration data of the organization item from the organization’s context menu. As a result, a form for reviewing the registration data of the organization will appear.

To close the form, you need to press the “Close” button.


Description of the section "Information about installations" of the official website of the DMU.

Operations available to unregistered clients in this section.


The “Information about installations” page is intended for reviewing information about active, reorganized or eliminated installations.

To view installation information, you must select the “Installation Information” section from the navigation menu. As a result, a form for selecting search parameters is displayed.

Side to place the block of search, the block of leveling and transfer of installations, division into active ones, reorganization and liquidation of installations.

For a simple search, you need to fill in the search form fields and click the “Find” button. As a result, records appear that correspond to the specified parameters.

When you click on the icon it will appear context not menu with a variety of choices:

To display the advanced search form, you need to click the “Extended search” message next to the simple search box on the “Installation information” page.

Through the war, the form of changing the parameters of the expanded search will be revealed.

In the form that has opened, you need to enter the search parameters and click the “Find” button. As a result, records appear that correspond to the specified parameters.


What should you do if problems arise while searching for installation information in the “Installation Information” section of the DMU official website?


The section “Information about installations” of the official website of the DMU is used to review information about current, reorganized or liquidated installations.

For a simple search, you need to fill in the search form fields and click the “Find” button. As a result, records appear that correspond to the specified parameters.

Problems with finding information about organizations can be caused by incorrectly entering search parameters. Try to clarify the parameters by searching.

Any search for information about installations may not be fully responsive, since not all organizations published the necessary structured information.

Detailed information on how to work in the section “Installation Information” of the open part of the Official Website can be found in the section “5.4. Installation Information” of the Koristuvach Handbook of the Official DMU website.


What to do after installing the 1.7.2 software update on the official website you can find out every day necessary organizations at the Registry of Organizations on the Official Website?


Organizations that are not displayed in the Register on the official website of the DMU are of the type "Federal authority of the state power (authority of the state power of the subject of the Russian Federation, local self-government body)"

Version 1.7.

2 PPO of the Official website has been updated with the section “Register of Organizations”. In the search parameters in the “Organization type” field, the “Set” item has been added (budgetary, autonomous, government), which is set according to default.

The results of the search for promotions display all organizations with the type “Budget installation”, “Executive installation” and “Autonomous installation”, etc. without the regulation of federal bodies of the structure of sovereign power (organs of the structure of sovereign power of the subject of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government).

In search of an organization with the type “Federal body of the structure of sovereign power (organ of sovereign power of a subject of the Russian Federation, body of local self-government)”, you must select the “Type of organization” field.

9. Interactions with external partners


What are the principles of integration and automatic attraction information from external systems placement: "BIR. Navigator", "ATSK-Planuvannya" and others.


The official website of AS DMU provides a set of interfaces for entering information about the activities of state (municipal) installations from external information distribution systems (VRI), as well as for exporting regulatory documents information (NSI) and information about documents posted on the Official Website.

Suggestions for the greatest meal parts with information on the interaction of the Official website and the document "Memo for the interaction of external information distribution systems with the Official website on the Internet for distribution "New information about state (municipal) installations."

Yuriy Oleksandrovich prof., doctor of technical sciences Department of THOM Moscow State...»

im. A. M. Gorky (Moscow, Russian Federation) [email protected] ODE TO G. R. POWER...”

"UDC 378 N.V. Balabava, m. Shadrinski of the understanding of the most actively young schoolchlar in the core of the status. Activity, cognitive activity N. V. Balabaeva,...”

Roku D.I. AZAROV Dear colleagues, good afternoon! Allow me to open up the parliamentary rumors on the topic “Problems of the legislator...”

“ANALYSIS of the high transfer: who got control over IANA Mikhailo Medrish, Director of Operations, BAT “COMKOR” (trademark “AKADO Telecom”) - about those who were in the process of transferring the coordinating role of NTIA from these IANA functions, and what happened . Spring 2016 will end...

"Explanatory note. The work program in English is compiled in accordance with the regulations of the federal component of the sovereign standard of basic legal lighting. Given work program is aimed at 11th grade students and is implemented on the basis of...”

“The incantation is: 1 – flask; 2 – empty flask (either created by a vacuum or filled with inert gas); 3 – roasted body; 4.5 – electrode; 6 – jacks that relieve tension on the body; 7 – lamp base; 8 – devotee; 9 – base; 10 – base insulator (slope); 11 – base contact. In the most common lamps...” Kostyantin Anatoliyovich – fifth year student at the Faculty of Sociology, Moscow State University named after. M. V. Lomonosov. The magazine publishes first. The origins of the concept of “anomie” can be traced back more than twenty-five years ago. It's been a while..." Pickering. (Routledge International Studies in Philosophy of Education) London and New York: Routledge, 1998. Aktua... "Povna encyclopedia of children: Olma Media Gr... vantage, dear..."

“Information about what’s going on (for example, about the launch of a new project, about the introduction of new minds into work, about structural changes); promotion of new products; demonstrating the company's successes. After filling out the form, the participant expresses his or her thoughts, but also removes the information from the food and nutrition options. Moreover, as formulated...”

“The blessed memory of KAPITSI Peter Leonidovich, who Blessed the Ear of His Path, is dedicated to “MARKS-2” =* K.I.SHILIN IS NOT FUCKING **. ECOSOPHY-STRATEGY OF A SELF-CREATED PEOPLE-CREATOR OF LIFE. Maybutnyogo. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIVING KNOWLEDGE (ELK). Volume 44. Headlines of robots: (1) continue the implementation...”

“Sociological review Vol. 2. No. 4. 2002 REVIEWS Tartakovska I.M. "About CHOLOVIK(N)STIGHNESS." ZBIRNIK STATTIV PID ED. S.A.USHAKINA. LIBRARY FOR THE MAGAZINE "UNDER-STOCK STOCK". M.: NOVE LITERATURNNE OGLYAD, 2002. Published in the world of a collection of articles “About...”

2017 - “Cost-free electronic library - various documents”

The materials on this site are posted for informational purposes, all rights belong to their authors.
If you are not interested in having your material posted on this site, please write to us and we will probably take 1-2 business days.

All people and everyone have mercy, it’s almost time to write and publish new content on the site. This article serves as a kind of manual that will help you save yourself from the simplest indulgences, which may be allowed to you by certain webmasters.

How can you screw it up? So there are actually a lot of options, from banal amendments to the text to incorrectly structured content. I will provide a list below the takings special notice, having decided to check yourself before publishing new entries, thinking that you will be ugly, then we read on and laugh at our own strange incidents.

What SEO specialists need to know about

If you've read blogs and articles about SEO, you've been humming along for the sake of recommendations. They are very large and easy to get lost in, so I’ll take them from the store and try not to take them for the sake of confusion.

  1. Title – page title. SEOs are resolute, but sound systems This actively encourages that the title is unique. In other words, on the skin side of one site there may be its own unique Title. There are many ways to verify the uniqueness of a title. You can search for all the pages of the site that are indexed by typing in a header option to click on, and finally add a URL to the site. You can also speed up cost-free program Xenu has a lot in common, including sorting the data from the site by the Title field, you can visually identify and understand the similarities of the headings. So it’s not easy to forget about the dozens of headlines; on average there may be 60 characters, which is approximately the number of characters that search engines will show when displaying search results. It’s not so scary anymore, but it doesn’t matter how beautiful or correct it is.
  2. After the title Another important one is the H1 tag. So, just like the Title, the first-level title may only be one on one side of the site. How can you get rid of this kind of mercy? The website template, which automatically generates a number of H1 tags, is not configured correctly. For example, in h1 the name of the site is taken in the header and the name of the article. The pardon has been extended. How to verify the authenticity of several H1 tags I wrote.
  3. In general, no headlines should be included. Well, even as the mercy has widened, this problem is also getting worse on my side. This is done automatically by writing a proposition, putting a check mark, and it is not necessary for her to be there. Let's pick up the specks and move on.
  4. What's the fuss? The text is due to the theme specified in the title and H1 tags, but I think it’s logical and there’s no harm in eating.
  5. Description or meta tag "Description". Short description main essence Statti, which is mostly vikorist in the snippets. If you forgot to register, nothing terrible will happen, but because of this there is a large number of transitions to the site, which we add to the description of more adverts and remove from search systems. You can also find out on this basis.
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How should they be allowed in contracts, notices, procurement documentation, schedules?


Within the framework Federal law dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, labor, and services for the provision of state and municipal needs”, the deputy concluded an agreement with a single supplier.

In the definitions, the term zamovnik is located in the Unity information system notifications about the current purchase, having entered into an agreement, placing it in the EIS, as well as providing information about the agreement in the register of contracts. After this, the deputy revealed that when the agreement was signed, the parties made a technical compromise - instead of the actual date of the agreement, the date 01/28/2016 was set.

How can correction be done using this method? technical grinding make changes before the contract? How should information about such changes be posted before the IIS?

This question is confirmed by the expert of the legal consulting service GARANT Lilia Barkova.

Federal Law dated April 05, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, labor, and services for the provision of state and municipal needs” is consistent with the provisions of Part 2 of Art. 34 At the hour when the treaty was laid down and finalized, a change of mind prevents it. Blame: fallbacks, transfer of art. 34, 95 of this law. Before that, how to match Part 1 of Art. 95, the Vikonian treaty does not allow the change of one’s original minds. Again, there are also differences, overinsurance in this part of the statistics, if the parties can change their minds over the year. Moreover, it is necessary to add that the transfer of such differences, enshrined in Law No. 44-FZ, is exhaustive. In other cases where the nature of the contract is changed, the law does not convey the possibility of changing them.

The situation has not been brought to an end by Law No. 44-FZ, if a change of mind is allowed under the contract. Also, the formal agreement by the parties regarding the change in the date of the agreement may be found by the control body to be in violation of Law No. 44-FZ and cause administrative liability.

However, it is important that, regardless of those, the replacement of such details in the contract, such as the date of its formation, is practically significant (for example, the date of the agreement may indicate the moment of guilt of the transfer of crops to it, either the term of their decree, or but according to Law No. 44 -Fz -the Urahuvannami of the agreement of the dates is possible for the transfer of Dotrimann by the Zamovnik line the line of the sludge of the agreement, which was inserted from part 2 of article Law No. 44 -FZ), the Date of the Flaid Treaty "Statosa Statosa, and not Yogo minds. Therefore, we cannot exclude the validity of another approach, since the agreement to change the date of the agreement is agreed upon by the parties without the method of eliminating the technical compromise allowed at the time of signing the agreement. If the parties to the agreement can confirm that the agreement was actually laid down in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 44-FZ, then it is obvious that the change of minds is directly aimed at eliminating the committed violation. It is important that in such circumstances, the parties are not guilty of qualifying as an offense, for which the responsibility is transferred. However, due to the security of the deposit, we cannot unambiguously assess the legal inheritance of such actions. For official clarifications, you can contact the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation.

It is also important to further increase respect on the offensive. The situation is that the agreement is signed by both parties without drawing up a protocol of separation. In place of the provisions of Law No. 44-FZ, the ЄІІС is placed an agreement in the form of a draft agreement signed by both parties. If signed by the contractor, but not placed in the Unified Information System, the contract is not valid. Apparently, if the contract is signed by both parties, on the official website there may be placements in the form of signatures, in this case - with a formalized date. Making changes to the contract in this case is only possible after it is posted on the official website. Information about changing the contract may be posted by the agent on the official website within one business day following the date of changing the contract (Part 26, Article 95 of Law No. 44-FZ).

In addition, some information about the date of the agreement is included in the Register of Contracts (Clause 5, Part 2, Article 103 of Law No. 44-FZ), then by virtue of Part 3, Art. 103 of Law No. 44-FZ, once a contract has been established, the contractor is required, within 3 business days from the date of installation, to send additional information to the Federal Treasury for inclusion in the register of contracts (div. coolant paragraphs 6, 12, 14, 15, 20 Rules for maintaining the register of contracts approved by the Decree of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2013 (No. 1084).

What is most important is that the parties, in principle, do not lose the opportunity to terminate the agreement between the parties. Part 8 art. 95 of Law No. 44-FZ directly establishes that the termination of a contract is allowed by both parties, by court decisions, or in connection with the unilateral agreements of the parties to the contract in accordance with civil law. If there is no need for any special arrangements to terminate the contract between the parties, it is sufficient for the mutual parties to be clear about the termination of the contract.


The procurement notification, procurement documentation, schedule has an incorrect budget classification code, which is different from the one specified in the payment documents.

This violation violates the Federal Law dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, labor, services for the provision of state and municipal needs” and is possible under the hour of verification by the control body in the sphere of procurement. inaccuracy was assessed as a stand for attracting a deputy to reliability?

The food is supported by the expert of the legal consulting service GARANT Olena Pershina and the reviewer of the legal consulting service GARANT Oleksiy Oleksandrov.

It was brought to the attention of the nutritional staff to confirm the formal violation of the legislation on the contract system, against the power of the government to attract the deputy to the level of conformity.

Federal Law dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, labor, and services for the provision of state and municipal needs” does not specify what kind of agreement may be included in the mental contract for financing, which may be included before information about purchasing by virtue of clause 2 of Art. 42 of the Law. In practice, such an opinion can be expressed as a statement of the budget, from which the contract will be financed, for example, the “federal budget” (div., for example, resolution of the FAS Moscow District dated January 23, 2012 No. F05-13871/11, FAS Volga District ID 02/01/2011 at reference No. A55-4953/2010). Law No. 44-FZ does not establish the need to indicate the budget classification code in procurement documentation, nor does it impose any restrictions on such an entry.

Z podp. “a” clause 2 clause 5 of the features approved by the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Federal Treasury dated March 31, 2015 No. 182/7n, the KBK is indicated in section 1 of the schedule form.

Apparently, KBK's request for information about the procurement, procurement documentation and schedule formally violates the provisions of Law No. 44-FZ. However, in itself, the inconsistency of this PDA with the code indicated in the documents for this payment, as we see it, cannot be considered as a framework for attracting a deputy to any kind of authority. Unfortunately, we were not able to see the legal practice of this diet.


The contract, laid down in accordance with the Federal Law dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, work, and services for the provision of state and municipal needs,” was allowed to be subject to a specified price per unit of product.

To correct the price of a purchase, it is possible to change the price of a unit of the product, and also: for one item, change the price of a unit of the product, and for another - increase it by the same amount (at which point the price of the contract and how much of the product will be lost unchanged)?

Does the contractor need to send information about the change to the contract to the Federal Treasury for inclusion in the Register of Contracts?

The food is supported by the expert of the legal consulting service GARANT Valeria Schetchikova and the reviewer of the legal consulting service GARANT Oleksiy Oleksandrov.

Formally, the arrangement by the parties assigned to the food supply is in violation of Law No. 44-FZ. However, we cannot assess the likelihood of unpleasant inheritances in the connection from such arrangements. Once the additional information has been established, information about the change to the contract may be sent by the deputy to the Federal Treasury for inclusion in the Register of Contracts.

In force part 2 tbsp. 34 of the Federal Law dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, labor, and services for the provision of state and municipal needs” under the hour of establishing and concluding a contract, a change of mind is not allowed, for the reason of failures, chenich art. 34, 95 of this law. Subject to Part 1 of Art. 95 of Law No. 44-FZ, the change of the original minds of the contract for this contract is not allowed, except for the benefit of the parties in cases of overinsurance on this part. The provisions of Law No. 44-FZ overflow of losses, if a change of minds is allowed to the contract, is exhaustive. In any other case, a change of mind to a contract is unlawful, regardless of whether the change is made before the necessary conditions (div. Resolution of the Arbitration Court of the Volga-Vyatka District dated 08/31/2015 No. F01-3423/15, Ar to the arbitration court of the Ural district dated 15.07 . 2015 No. F09-4486/15, Seventeenth AAS dated November 27, 2014 No. 17AP-13706/14, deprived without change of praise by the Arbitration Court of the Ural District dated March 10, 2015 No. F09-733/15).

Since the subject of the contract is the supply of several product items, it is obvious that the contract is subject to the supply of one product item as part of the contract. The provisions of Law No. 44-FZ do not establish a procedure for calculating such prices, since multiple types of goods are purchased between one purchase. As explained in paragraph 70 and 71 of the sheet of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2014 No. D28I-1889, changes in such prices (without changing the contract price) are allowed at the stage of establishing the contract. We have discovered similar clarifications and legal practice regarding the possibility of changing different minds during the signing of an agreement (that is, after its signing by the parties). The situation has not been brought to an end by Law No. 44-FZ, if a change of mind is allowed under the contract. Also, the formal agreement between the parties regarding the change in the prices of goods that are supplied violates Law No. 44-FZ (regardless of the result of such a change in the price of the contract) and may cause administrative corroboration (div. ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Ural District dated 14.08). 2015 No. Ф09-5428/15, dated 07/15/2015 No. Ф09-4884/15, decision of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court dated 04/02/2015 with reference No. 7р-276/2015, Orenburz Regional Court dated 05.2-2. 2014).

At the same time, we cannot exclude the validity of the other approach, since the agreement to change the price of one product for two items is agreed upon by the parties without the method of eliminating the technical compromise allowed at the time of signing the contract. For information contained in the relevant documentation regarding the conduct of a similar competitive procedure, as well as the proposal (applicant) of the person under which the contract was concluded, please note that the contract is subject to misconceptions ah (in part of the prices for the skin type, what delivered under the contract) to the product), then it is obvious that the change of top minds is directly aimed at eliminating the committed damage. It is important that for such situations, which are not formally in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ, the parties to the provision of additional agreements to the contract are not liable to qualify as an offense, for which the responsibility is transferred. However, due to the security of the deposit, we cannot unambiguously assess the legal inheritance of such actions. For official clarifications, you can contact the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation.

It is most important that certain information about the price of a unit of goods is included in the register of contracts (clause 6, part 2, article 103 of Law No. 44-FZ), then by virtue of part 3, art. 103 of Law No. 44-FZ, once a contract has been established, the contractor is required, within 3 business days from the date of installation, to send additional information to the Federal Treasury for inclusion in the register of contracts (div. coolant paragraphs 6, 12, 14, 15, 20 Rules for maintaining the register of contracts approved by the Decree of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2013 (No. 1084).

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