Flat screen (shield). Acoustic improvement. Portable signal of a square shield of green color

A flat screen or a shield is the simplest type of acoustic design of the speaker head (dynamics). Most often, the wooden panel is square and rectangular in shape to achieve great dimensions. For example, in order to sound without weakening the sound with a frequency of 50 Hz (λ = 680 cm), it is necessary that the side of the screen is not less than 0.5 ?, then. approx. 340 cm. However, good results can be seen from the panel smaller size, the side that is about as good as the fourth half of the low frequency, which seems to increase the frequency response at low frequencies. At the same time, the frequency cannot be lower than the main resonant frequency of the head, since at this point the sound vibration of the head on the screen changes sharply (18 dB / oct.).

The symmetry of the screen along the axis of the diffuser is not important, so that in the case of this, in the frequency response of the speaker, there will be a deep dip in the result of the acoustic short hum on one of the frequencies. Significant increase in frequency response can be reached by blocking an asymmetric screen or asymmetric expansion of the dynamics in a screen of the correct form.

The small picture above shows the expansion of a standard flat screen for changing the parameters of the heads of the guchnomovtsiv and two ways of installing them in the shield. Such a design is a little wider due to bulkiness and aesthetics.

Installing the screen in the kutku kіmnati allows you to change the yogo expansion without lowering the low frequencies, so as a wall, which they approve, serve as a continuation of the screen, increasing the effectiveness of the roaming. The shield moves the white stele, giving it the shape of a tricot and a trapezium. Between the upper edge of the shield and the stele, it is necessary to cover a wide slit, and fill the space behind the shield with soundproofing material.

Frequency response dynamics when yoga is placed at a rectangular shield. 1 - in the center, 2 - with the folded back side

The screen is recommended to be made of thick boards, chipboard, plywood. zavtovshki 10-20 mm. The sp_v_dnoshnennia of the sides of the rectangular shape is important in the ratio of 2:1 to 3:1. The absolute dimensions should be chosen as such, for which, at the lower interrange of frequencies (resonant frequency of the speaker), the equivalent diameter of the screen (the diameter of the stake, the area of ​​which is the most important area of ​​the screen) D is determined by the formula:

D=0.5λ/Q, de

D- Equivalent screen diameter;

λ - Dovzhina zvukoї khvili on the lower mezhі range of frequencies;

Q- Povna goodness.

For such expansion of the screen, the frequency response will be equal. If the screen is smaller, then it should be cleared that there will be a decrease in the lower frequency range, it is covered by the formula:

N=20 lg(D/ D 1 ) , de

N– recession at resonant frequency;

D 1 - Actual screen diameter.

Butt. The resonant frequency of the speaker is 85 Hz, the quality factor is 2. The drop at the resonant frequency is significant, as D 1 \u003d 0.5 m. 0.5 m at the lower limit frequency N = 20lg (1: 0.5) = 6 dB.

The speaker is recommended to be placed at the center of the rectangular shield. Placement in the center changes the sound pressure, which develops, and decreases the frequency response. For a square shield, the head installation position improves the frequency response, while reducing the sound pressure.

It is recommended to install the speaker behind the screen bezel. At the time of the installation of the dynamics from the inner side of the panel, in front of it there is a cylindrical recess (like a short pipe), and repeating, which is known in the new, can resonate at a number of frequencies, thereby improving the frequency response and clarity of sound. When the front side of the screen is curved with a grill, it is necessary to pay attention to those, so that the fabric is well stretched. Back, from the side of the magnet, on the speaker, it is recommended to put on the back, for example, from coarse calico.

Zustrichayutsya acoustic systems, For some, the head of a guchnomovtsy is inserted into the opening of the stone wall, tobto. the wall is a screen. Such a constructive solution is vigidne, but it is necessary to secure sufficient thickness at the sudidnіy kіmnati. Vikoristannya stіni like a screen gives a noticeable increase in the frequency response and the brightness of the sound (especially at low frequencies). An additional small bag behind the speaker should be more robust (for example, if you look at a pvsphere with a diameter equal to the diameter of the speaker) and fill it with cotton wool in the case of non-negligible resonances.

The shield can be of small size (side size 40-50 cm), as a speaker with a frequency higher than 150-200 Hz, for example, in a 2.1 system, as a subwoofer.

We can see one more rosary behind the dimensions of a flat screen (shield). Such a screen is needed, which allows bi at the lower boundary frequency of the open range to take such a level of sound pressure, as well as at the upper interpiston range fgr. zoni yoga infusion, tobto. vir_vnyati sound vice at low and midrange frequencies. Value fgr. can be found from the formula: fgr.= 1.4 s/(∏d) .

Typical frequency response in the sphere of low frequencies at Q> 1.93

Select the lower cutoff frequency to lie in the quality factor of the head, which will stop. Frequency response shape at Q<1,93 монотонно возрастает, а при Q≥1,93 на АЧХ появляется провал на частоте ω 2 that peak at frequency ω 1 . The quality of the head when placed in a flat shield changes little. Uneven frequency response at Q<1,93 и при правильном выборе размеров экрана определяется только спадом в область более низких частот. Поэтому за нижнюю граничную частоту при Q<1,93 выбирают резонансную частоту динамика ω 0 . When Q≥1.93 for the lower limit frequency, select the peak frequency ω 1 Frequency response dynamics and unevenness of the frequency response in which case is characterized by a dip in the frequency ω 2. However, at any given time, a wide range of frequencies is sounded, which are equal to the values ​​at Q<1,93.

Deposit φ(Q) in Q

For usunennya tsgo nedolіku proponuetsya іnshіy sposіb sіbіb vybora nizhnої cutoff frequency, scho allows її її znachit. The essence of yoga is that the boundary frequency vibrates at the frequency ω<ω 2 , on a certain level, the frequency response is better and equal on a frequency dip ω 2. Fallow value Q this frequency can be a little higher or lower ω 0 . Studies have shown that the rational quality factor of the head for loud speakers is good 2.4. At which lower limiting frequency of the open-critical speakers fgr.n. fluctuates with the resonant frequency of the speaker ω 0 .

In the words of the Jansk warriors back before the appearance of Kievan Rus, for the support of the Byzantine authors of the VI Art. shield yourself to act as a single defender:
Procopius of Caesarea: “While entering the battle, we’ll go to the gates more, we’ll carry small shields in our hands, we won’t put on our armor.”
Mauritius Strategist: “The skin of a man is made of two small write-offs, and the deacons of them are shields, mitzni, but very well tolerated.”

It is a pity that it is impossible to reveal the evocative sight of the divine words of the Yan shields; Evidently, the words of the Janskian shields were prepared for the most part from organic materials (boards, wicker) and for the daily metal elements, the donins were not spared.

The largest early fragments of shields, found in Old Russia, were erected before the 10th century. Behind the rare vinyatkas, there are only metal details. In this way, the information for the creation of a good look and constructive features of the shields is already surrounded.

Fragments of at least 20 shields have been archeologically recorded on the territory of Old Russia. Most often, the detail of the shield-umbon is sharpened and clearly visible, which is the gap in the pivsphere, which was creaked at the center of the shield.

A.N. 13 out of 16 known specimens can be traced to the first type. All stinks are standard for the form - the links of the nap_vkulyastoy form on a low neck, and for the sizes - diameter 13.2-15.5 cm, height 5.5-7 cm. The thickness of the metal is selected at 1.5 mm.

Before another type, there are three umbons, two of which are similar to the Pivdenno-Skhidnoy Priladozhzhya and one more knowledge near the old Russian ball of the Tsimlyansk settlement. Tse umbo-no spherical form, the most clearly expressed in near-Ladoz specimens. The stench of the troch is bigger than the umbons of the first type: diameter 15.6 cm і 17.5 cm, height 7.8 cm і 8.5 cm. Umbon from the Tsimlyansk settlement is seen by a smaller size (diameter 13.4 cm, height 5.5 cm) that appears on the top of the crypt of a small ledge.
Both types of umboni make fields 1.5-2.5 cm wide. On these fields, 4 to 8 openings were pierced, flowers (rarely rivets) passed through the yaks, which creaked the umbon on the wooden field of the shield. The sprout of flowers was saved, as they allow to roughly calculate the tovshchina of the wooden field under the umbon. With a length of 25 to 5 cm, the flowers are bent in such a way that the woodland field is reconstructed at a distance of 7-8 mm. At the same hour, on one of the umbons found in Priladozhzha of another type, a rivet was fixed, which does not have virgins, with a length of 4.5 cm.

The cream of umbons was marked with a part of the shield and a metal enveloping, which were fastened along the edge of the shield. In six vipadkas, dipping was found at once with umbons, in three - without umbons. The number of fittings was split in a number of pieces up to two dozen. The stench is thin (0.5 mm) zaliznі (in one vapadka - bronze) of the female dozhina about 6 cm and a width of about 2 cm, bent navpil. On one of the hams, traces of ornamentation were preserved, like two parallel lines. Two small forged rivets were fastened to the edge of the shield. The large number of ancient Russian shackles on both sides made a small gathering, like, as showing the foreign material, the bula is necessary for spreading the skin smog, which is to pass along the edge of the shield. The gap between the edges of the dipping at all the falls was 5-6 mm, which was more like the wood field on the edge of the shield.

33. The disk of the yellow color (Fig. 68) gives a signal - it is allowed to change the speed and readiness to pass through the unsafe place, fenced with signal signs “The cob of the unsafe place” and “The end of the unsafe place” (Fig. 95, 96), s visible, installed steward of the infrastructure or steward of the salaries of non-domestic coriste.

A disc of green color (Fig. 69) - a train passing through an unsafe place. On single-track plots, the machinist should send such a signal from the left side of the road straight ahead.

The places that are being installed as the ruler of the infrastructure or the ruler of the transverse stakes of the non-ghostly corestation and will require a permanent change in security, are fenced off on both sides on the transverse stakes of the indirect coristing at the height of 50 m, and on the transverse stakes of the indirect Coristuvannya - 15 m per cordon. Mіstsya” and “The End of the Unsafe Mіstsya”. In the presence of these signal signs on station A, the meaning in column 3 of table 1, fallow in the pit and the maximum allowable speed of traffic on the outrigger stakes of the deep crusting, constant signals of a change in the dryness are restored, and on the outrigger stakes it is not gale koristuvannya on the size of the galvanic quantity, that is installed the sergeant of the kolіy kolіy nezagalny koristuvannya (then — vіdstan “T”) — signals of a change in swidkosti.
In tables 1 and all schemes assigned to each addendum, data are given in meters.

Table 1

No. p / pKerіvniy descent and maximum flight speed of trains on the stageLook out for the signal signs “Ear of an unsafe month” and “End of an unsafe month” until the signal for a change in speed AVіdstan vіd portable chervonіv і vіd mіstsya raptov vinikloї reshkodi up to the first firecracker B
1 On the hauls, de є kerіvnі descents less than 0.006, with the speed of traffic: vantage trains - no more than 80 km / year, passenger and refrigerated trains - no more than 100 km / year800 1000
1000 1200
80…90 km/year1100 1300
1400 1600
2 On hauls, de є kerіvnі descents 0.006 and steeper, but not more than 0.010, with the speed of traffic: fixed trains - no more than 80 km / year, passenger and refrigerated trains - no more than 100 km / year1000 1200
refrigerated trains 100...120 km/year, passenger trains 100...140 km/year1100 1300
80…90 km/year1300 1500
passenger trains 140…160 km/year1500 1700
On hauls, where slopes are steeper 0.010

Become the head of infrastructure

Schemes for the installation of permanent disks for changing the speed and signal signs "The cob of an unsafe city" and "The end of an unsafe city" of the infrastructure checklist on a single-track distance are indicated in fig. 70, on one of the outposts of the double-deck plot - in fig. 71, on both railroad tracks of a two-collar plot - in fig. 72 on the transverse stakes of a non-corrosive crusting - as seen in fig. 73, 74, 75.

34. Before portable signals are seen:
1) shield a rectangular shape of a red color on both sides, or on one side of a red color, on the other - white;
2) square shields of the yellow color (the back of the green color);
3) lights on poles with red fire and red flags on poles.

35. Vimogs hang with portable signals:
1) a straight-cut shield of a red color (or a red ensign on a pole) in the daytime and a red fire of a lighter on a pole at night - st_y! The passing signal is blocked (small 76);

2) a square shield of a yellow color day and night (Fig. 77) when rotting an unsafe month:
on the haul - it is allowed to change the speed, in front of the unsafe place, which means grains or the passage of the change to the speed;
on the head railroad of the railroad station - it is allowed to change the speed, in front it is not safe, which means the passage of the air is changed;
at other stations of the transshipment lines - it is allowed to pass the signal of the swidkistyu, designated in advance, and for the daytime of the yogo - on the transshipment lines of the central coristuvannya of the swidkistyu no more than 25 km / year, and on the transshipment columns of the non-indivisible coristuvan no - no more than 15 km/year .

The return beacon of a square shield (green color) day and night (Fig. 78) on the stage to the head railroad of the railroad station points to those that the train driver may have the right to move the speed until it is set after the passage of an unsafe month all warehouse.

36. If there is a crossing for the traffic of trains on the stage, it is guilty, but it is fenced with signals, the zupinka is independent of the fact that the train is cleared.
The station of vikonannya works on the stage, which vibrates the teeth of the trains, fenced off just like that, like a cross.
Crossings on the haul are fenced off from both sides on the outpost stakes of the cordoning of the carousel at a distance of 50 m, and on the outhouse stakes of the non-aggressive cordoning - 15 m from the cordons of the delyanka with portable red signals. On the transverse stakes of the deep coristing of the signals on station B, designated in column 4 of table 1, fallow on the ker_vny descent and the maximum permissible speed of traffic on the haul, three firecrackers are placed on the station 200 m from the first, close to the month rob firecrackers, at a straight line, the robot is working, but in the transverse kolіyah of an unobtrusive carousel with a “T” winder, portable signals of a change in speed are installed.
On the transshipment tracks of an unconstrained corystuvannya for an hour, the wagons move forward, install portable signals to increase the length of the train, which is to be sent to a specific station.
Schemes of fenced crossing and crossing work on the railroad tracks of the scorched koristuvannya on the single-track railroad are shown in fig. 79, on one of the outposts of the double-deck plot - in fig. 80, on both railroad tracks of a two-track yard - in fig. 81, and on the transverse stakes of a non-corrosive crusting it is evident in fig. 82, 83, 84.

On the transverse stakes of the fireworks, portable signals of a change in fireworks and firecrackers are to be changed under the funeral signal, to stand with hand red signals for 20 m from the first firecracker, and on the transverse stakes of the non-segmented corestation - in the form of signals of a change in sh visibility at the bіk mіstsya robіt (mіstsya pereshkodi). Portable red signals are due, but under the watchful eye of a stone worker.
When vikonannі robіt razgornutym front (more than 200 m) mіstsya robіt fenced off in the order indicated in fig. 85. On the transverse stakes of the embroidered corestation, portable red signals, installed on the 50 m stand, and on the transcendental stakes of the non-corrugated coristuvannya, 15 m from the distance between the plot, which will require a fence, one must For them, with hand-held chervonim signals.

If it is impossible to enclose the place in the established order, then from the side of the stage it is protected as it is designated in this point, and from the side of the railway station it is portable the red signal is installed on the axis of the transverse count against the input . svitlofora (a.k.a signal sign "Cordon station"). In case of tsomu, on the spring stakes of the scorched crusting, three firecrackers are laid down, which are guarded by a signalist (Fig. 86), and for the spacing stakes of the non-scorched coristing, without laying the firecrackers (Fig. 87). If there is a place to cross a street, or a vikonannya, it will be roztashovane at a distance of less than 60 m from the entrance light-light (or the signal sign "Cordon station"), then firecrackers from the side of the railway station do not fit, but on the railroad stakes of the fireworks portable signals of change in speed are not installed. The scheme of the fence of the crossing in front of the entrance light for on the transom stakes of the scorched crust is shown in fig. 86, and on the transverse stakes of the non-corrosive crusting - in fig. 87.

On the outskirts of the unconstrained cordoning place, the crossroads for vikonannya work on the hauls, which require the directing of trains with a changed airway, fenced off on the “T” station from the cordons of the village with portable signals of a change in airspeed, which protects eat.
The scheme of setting the signal for changing the speed on a single-track haul is shown in fig. 88, on one of the railroad tracks of the two-track haul - in fig. 89, on both railroad tracks of the two-track haul - in fig. 90.

When the train approaches the portable yellow signal, the driver of the goiter should give one long whistle of the locomotive, the multiple unit train, the special self-propelled railroad warehouse, and when the train approaches the signalist with a hand-held chervonim signal, give a sound signal and enter the entrance to the negaino ї zupinitsya train, schob zupinitysya. red signal.
Signals, on the vіdmіnu vіd vіd іnshih pracіvnіkі v lіznichny transport, owe to wear a headdress with the top of a yellow color.
Mіstsya pereshkod for traffic after that mіstsya vykonannya works on rich hauls are fenced off in order, established by the head of infrastructure, the head of the railroad kolіy nezagalnogo koristuvannya.

37. In the event of a rapt vinication of the crossing on the stage and the presence of the necessary portable signals, next to the negaion on the bridge of the passage, insert a chime signal (Fig. 91): in the day - a red ensign, at night - light from a red flag, and from both sides on a red flag. koristuvannya, appointed by column 4 of table 1, fallow on the gravel descent and the maximum allowable speed on the haul, lay three firecrackers on the haul, and on the kolіy kolіyah nezagalnogo koristuvannya put the signal of the bell from the side of the poїkuvannogo train - on the station "T".

Firecrackers are buried by the practitioners of the fireworks of the infrastructure, or the fireworks of the fringes of the fringes of the unexploited koristuvannya, like goiter and yazan, stand with hand-held chervonim signals on the 20-meter line from the first firecracker near the bik mіstsya pereshkod.
Signals are installed in front of the side of the punctuated train. On one-track plots, as if it is not clear from which side the train is looking, the signals are installed forward from the side of the descent to the fenced area, but in the Maidanchik - from the side of the crooked wind.
The detailed order of the practitioners at the fencing of the transition, which is raptovo winickly, is designated as the master of infrastructure, the master of the outposts of the non-habitable koristuvannya.

38. Mіstsya, through yakі trains can pass only with a conductor (when the speed is less than 15 km / year), as well as the interlacing of kolіy kolіy on dvokolіynyh plots in the same river are fenced like a place for crossings for ruhu, but without laying firecrackers. About the installation of these signals on the pulls, letters are seen in advance.
If necessary, let the train pass with the conductor, on which you have not seen any advance, laying firecrackers and shoes.
If the pass with the conductor is restored for three hours, then the portable red signals are allowed to be replaced by light lights, which are left in the closed position, with the installation in front of the front light lights (mal. 92).

The place of the installation of the light-forests of the grounds is designated as the head of the infrastructure, the head of the salaries of the non-domestic coriste.
In case of sound from both sides of the fenced area of ​​the kolіynyh posts, the traffic between the posts will be carried out one of the signaling devices and a call without a conductor. In okremih vpadkah at tsomu for guarding the train along the fenced area, from the installed security, a conductor can be recognized.

39. Firecrackers are always stacked at a quantity of three pieces: two on the right rail of the transom track along the train and one on the left (Fig. 91). Vіdstan mіzh firecrackers can be buti on 20 m-code.

40. Portable signals of a change in speed and signal signs “The cob of an unsafe month” and “The end of an unsafe month” are installed on the railings of the scorched koristuvannya behind the schemes shown in fig. 70, 71, 72, and on the transverse stakes of the non-corrosive crusting - in fig. 73, 74, 75.
If a place that requires a change in security on the haul is laid out near the railway station and it is impossible to fence it in the established order, then from the side of the haul it will be protected as it is designated in this point, and from the side of the railway station on zaliznichnyh kolіyakh zagalny koristuvannya - in order, indicated in Fig. 93, and on the transverse stakes of the non-corrosive crusting - in fig. 94.

When approaching a portable yellow signal, the driver of a locomotive, a multi-unit train, a special self-propelled roaming warehouse of goiter, give one long whistle and drive the train in such a way as to pass the place, fenced with portable signal signs “The ear of a troubled place” (Fig. 9 5) that "Kіnets unsafe city "" (Fig. 96), due to the speed, assigned to the front, and for the speed of the lead on the back roads of the wild coristing - the speed is no more than 25 km / year, and on the back roads of the non-hot coristing - no more than 15 km/year.
The signal sign "The end of the troubled month" is placed on the back of the sign "The cob of the troubled month".

Portable signals of a change in speed and signal signs “The cob of an unsafe month” and “The end of an unsafe month” at the station railroad tracks and high-speed tracks can be blocked with shortened poles.

41. The station of viconnanny works on the transshipment kolії, which will not require fencing with signals of the zupinki or changing the speed, but will require the advance of the workers about the approaching train, fenced off with portable signal signs “C” - giving a whistle, which are installed b for the zaliznichno ї kolії, de convict robots, as well as dermal total head lobe coli. The layout of the signal signs "C" is shown in fig. 97;

Portable signal signs "C" are installed in the same order at the summіzhnyh head salvage kolіy and pіd h vykonannya robit, fenced by the signals of the teeth (Fig. 80, 86 - 90) or by the signals of the change in speed.
On the hauls, which travel between the roads over 120 km / year, portable signal signs "C" are installed at the distance of 800 - 1500 m from the distance between the workings.

42. Be it a crossing for traffic by station railroad tracks and railroad orders, it is guilty, but it is fenced with signals of a zupinka independently, depending on whether it is cleared by a train (shunting warehouse) or not.
When fenced off at the station’s inlet road, the city’s crossroads, or the vikonanny, robs with chirp signals, all the arrows that lead to the next city, are restored to the same position, more are sewn up by the police. A portable red signal is established on the axis of the transverse shaft or on the axis of the transverse column (Fig. 98).
If so, if these arrows are directed by warmers at the bik mіstsya of the crossing, or vikonannya works and does not give the opportunity to isolate the salivary stake, such a place from both sides is fenced with portable chervonim signals that are installed on the transom stakes of the overhead cork testing on the stand 50 m, and on the transverse stakes nezagalny koristuvannya - 15 m vіd between mіstsya pereshkodi abo vykonannya robit (Fig. 99). In that case, if the warmers of the arrows on the transverse stakes of the deep crusting are stoked closer to the bottom by 50 m, and on the transverse spikes of the non-corrugated coristing - closer to the lower by 15 m ї arrows a portable red signal is installed (small 100).

When fencing with portable chervonim signals, the crossroads or the vikonannya robit on the crossbar, the signals are installed: from the side of the crossbar - against the boundary stump on the axis of the skin from the transverse kolіy, which converge; from the protilezhny side on the stalk stakes of the scorched bark - 50 m, and on the stalk stakes of the non-shallow bark - 15 m from the arrowhead (Fig. 101).

If it’s near the turnout translation, that it’s a fence, another arrow is stitched, it can be put in such a position, it’s possible to put it in such a position, it’s impossible to hang out in the warehouse, then the arrow in this position will flash or it’s sewn eat. In this way, a portable red signal should not be placed on the side of such an insulating arrow (Fig. 102).

If it is not possible to put the arrow in the designated position, then on the outrigger stakes of the central corestation on the stand 50 m, and on the outrigger stakes of the indirect coristulation - 15 m portable red signal (Fig. 101).
If the place of the crossroads or the vikonannya works to be on the inlet line, then on the side of the stage it is fenced off with an inlet signal, and on the side of the inlet station - with portable red signals that are installed on the axis of the skin zone of the inlet lines , scho converge, against the boundary stand (Fig. 103 ).

If the place of the crossing or the vikonannya works between the entrance arrow and the entrance signal, then on the side of the haul it is fenced off with the entrance signal, and on the side of the railway station - with a portable red signal, installed between the dopniks of the entrance arrows (Fig. 104).

The chergovy railroad post, having revealed a crossing on the railroad crossing, is guilty of negligently installing one portable red signal on the railroad crossing (to the cob it is repaired) and additional information about the drafting station.

43. The place, which means a change in speed, is planted on the head airway of the gas station, is protected by portable signals of a change in speed and signal signs “The cob of an unsafe city” and “The end of an unsafe city”, as shown in fig. 105 and 106.

As a place, which means a change in the speed, roztashovan of other station salaries, it is fenced off with no more than portable signals of a change in the speed. The order of setting these signals is shown in fig. 107.

At the transshipment stations of the transshipment stakes of a non-corrosive koristuvannya, not possessing outbuildings of the electric centralization switch and traffic lights, at the time of the train serrations in the neck of the transshipment station and the traffic capacity of the aisle (installed in the middle of the axis mi station zaliznichnyh stakes) zupinki (Fig. 108).

44. Cars that are being repaired at station railroad tracks, those cars with unsafe railings of class I (vibration materials), passenger cars that stand on four railroad tracks, are fenced with portable red signals that are installed on railroad tracks al koristuvannya on the axis of the transverse kolії. 50 m, and on the overhead stakes of the non-gap coristuvannya - not less than 15 m (on the open overhead stakes - from both sides, and on dead-end overhead stakes - from the side of the crossbar).
If in this case the outer carriage on the outer rails of the scoring coriste is less than 50 m lower than the boundary stump, and less than 15 m on the outer rails of the non-segment coristing, then the portable red signal from this side is installed on the axis of the rail nichnoї kolії against the boundary stovpchika.
At the railroad stations of the railroad tracks of the non-corrosive coristence, possessing outbuildings of the electric centralization of the arrows and light-lights, the railroad tracks, on which the cleaning of the cars is carried out, the elimination of commercial failures, the uncorrected repair and technical maintenance of the car and have fenced outbuildings that turn on the entrance.
In case of technical maintenance and repair of wagons, the addition of centralized fenced warehouses can be stagnant, with the order of fenced warehouses, or for the last groups of wagons, during the technical maintenance and repair in foreman of the infrastructure, foreman of the salaries of the non-domestic coriste.

45. In the event of a disturbance on the stretch of the passenger train, I will fence off the conductor of the remaining passenger car for the driver’s instruction at the exits:
1) use a leading or a fire train, as well as an auxiliary locomotive, as if additional help is hoped for from the tail;
2) as a train between the departure lines in case of interruption of all the signaling services and the call on the correct railway line to the double track or the single track line with notifications about the departure of another train after it.
The conductor of the rest of the passenger car, who fences the train, who zupinivsya, is obliged to bring a galmo to the hand, lay firecrackers on the tail of the train 800 m, after which you can see the firecrackers placed back to the train at 20 m i show a manual red signal at the b_k stage (mal. 109).

In the event of a strong spike on the stretch of the other trains, the stench is fenced off at the falls, if it was decided in the minds, interrupt all the means of signaling and the call on the correct transshipment number to the two-way crossing or one-way niy peregіn z vydacheyu podomlennya about vіdpravlennya for him іnshoy train. When this fence is carried out by the engineer’s helper, who is guilty negligently after the grain, go to the tail of the train, reverse the presence of the train signal, respectfully watch for the haul and at the time when the next train appears, go to the tail of the train.
I’ll help the train, sounding, hoping from the head, the driver of the wire locomotive, when approaching the next or the fire train, or the auxiliary locomotive, is guilty of giving a signal of a wild alarm; at night and in the day, with poor visibility, turn on the searchlight.

46. ​​The conductor of the car, who fences the tail of the passenger train, who rings on the haul, turns to the warehouse only after the arrival and the teeth of the second or last train, or the auxiliary locomotive, or when transferring the fence. shomu pratsіvnikovі, scho pіdіyshov to the moon of the passenger train.
The driver’s assistant, who knows the tail of the train, which was corrected when all the signals were interrupted, and the connection, turns to the locomotive only after the arrival of that serpentine of the next train, what to go, or after the signal of the driver, what is under whistle of a locomotive, as if the need for a fence has passed .

47. In the yards with auto-blocking, with serrations on the stretch of the passenger train, the conductor of the remaining passenger car goiter check the visibility of late signals, it is important to watch for the stage and at times the next train appears wow peeps.

48. In the event of a disturbing train serration on a two-track or a rich-track run, immediately following the rails, closing, vantage, falling apart, etc., if it is necessary to enclose a crossroads for the movement of trains, then winklo on the sum zhnіy zalіznіchnіy kolії, machinist is guilty to give a signal of general alarm .
At the same time, the spikes of the passenger train of the fence are carried out from the side of the head of the pull by the engineer’s helper, and from the tail - by the conductor of the remaining passenger car, laying firecrackers on the station 1000 m from the head of the tail of the train, as indicated in Fig. 110.

In addition, the driver of the passenger train will tell you about those that happened to be the best way to get a call to the dispatcher via the railway station, or to the chergovy on the railway stations, which intersect the span, as well as the driver of the locomotive, which is the direct summіy hall number.
On the transverse stakes of an unmarked coristuvannya, as if the train is accompanied by an orderly, fencing the crossing time is carried out from the side of the head of the train - by the driver's assistant, and from the tail - by the orderly, as if they enter the station "T", and show a manual red signal at the next stage looks like head and tail . take a ride. If the train is not accompanied by an orderly, I will fence off the transfer time to the summіzhnіy zalіznіchnіy kolії escort the driver's assistant from the side of the checked train to the “T” station. At the time of the departure of the train driver, the train driver was informed about the departure of the train with the wrong railroad gauge, the fault was caused by the whistle of the locomotive to call the driver’s assistant to fence the crossing from the right side.
In case of snares of other trains, the fence is carried out by the helper of the machinist laying firecrackers on the sum of the railroad tracks from the side of the train, which has been cleared along the railroad track, on the railway line of 1000 m from the crossing point (Fig. 111). As the head of the train is located in the distance of the crossing on the railway line over 1000 m, the firecrackers on the trunk rail are placed opposite the locomotive. As a train driver, you will be informed about those that a train was sent to the wrong straight line along the summed transshipment track, the fault is due to radio communication, or by the whistle of a locomotive to call the driver’s assistant for laying firecrackers on the same road Mіstsya pereshkodi from the protilazhny side, and on the transverse kolіyah for fencing pereshkod z protilezhny side.

On the plots, where the passenger trains travel over 120 km / year, at a speed of 120 km / year, when it is necessary to lay firecrackers, they are installed by the manager of the infrastructure.
After laying the firecrackers, the driver’s helper and the conductor of the wagon are responsible to see the firecrackers laid back to the train for 20 m and show a red signal at the beacon of the possible approach of the train.

49. To the fence of the tail and head of the train, which I can see a zupinka on the haul, as well as the possibility of reshuffling for the traffic of trains on the summіzhnіy kolіznіchnіy kolії dvuhkolіyny or bogatоkolіyny haul for the orders of the driver of the wire locomotive can be well-trained workers of the locomotive brigade, conductors of passengers.
To the fence of the tail of that head of the train, which can see a zupinka on the stage, as well as the possibility of a transition for the rush of trains to the summіzhnіy zalіznіchnіy kolії dvuhkolіyny or bogatokolіynyy haul can be irradiated and other practitioners installed on kazom vіdpovіdno to the sergeant of the infrastructure or the sergeant of the zaliznichnyh stakes of the non-half coristuvannya.
When the locomotives of the passenger trains are served by one driver, the fencing of the train, in case of disturbed teeth on the haul, is carried out by the head (mechanic-foreman) of the passenger train and by the conductors of the cars behind the driver’s instructions, which is transmitted by radio signal.
When servicing the locomotives of the vintage trains by one machinist, I will fence the trains, in case of a stir on the haul, it will be possible to get through to the order, which will establish the infrastructure manager, the manager of the transshipment lines of the non-harmful coristuvannya.

3.2. Before portable signals can be seen:

    shield a rectangular shape of a red color on both sides or on one side of a red color, and on the other side - a white color,

    square shields of yellow color (turning bіk of green color),

    lights on poles with red fire,

    red ensigns on the poles.

3.3. Vimogs hang with portable signals:

    rectangular shield of a red color (otherwise, a red ensign on a pole) day i the red fire of the lighter on the pole at night - "Stop! The signal is being blocked" (Fig. 3.3, a);

    square shield of yellow color day and night (Fig. 3.3, b) when rozashuvanny unsafe month:

    • on the haul - "It is allowed to move from the changed speed, in front of the unsafe place, which means the grains or the passage from the changed speed";

      on the headway of the station - "It is allowed to move from the changed speed, in front of the unsafe place, which requires the passage of the changed speed";

      on other station ways - "It is allowed to pass the signal with a speed limit indicated at the front, and for the daytime - with a speed of more than 25 km / year."

Zvorotny bek of a square shield (green color) on the day and at night (Fig. 3.3, c) on the haul to the main track of the station, I indicate to those that the driver may have the right to move the speed before the deadline for the passage of an unsafe month by the entire warehouse.

Fenced area for crossing for traffic on the train

3.4. Whether it’s a crossing for traffic on the train, it may be fenced with signals, the zupinka is independent of the fact that the train is cleared.

The station of vikonannya works on the stage, which vibrates the teeth of the trains, fenced off just like that, like a cross.

Crossings on the haul are fenced off from both sides on a 50-meter-long walk from the cordon of the plot with portable red signals. Vіd tsikh zvіdіv z vіdrivom B, assigned to column 4 of the table. 3.1, fallow in the gravel descent and the maximum allowable speed on the haul, three firecrackers are laid on the stage 200 m from the first, close to the city there are firecrackers; and signals of a change in speed.

Schemes of fenced crossing and crossing of the road to work on a single-track dilyantsi are shown in fig. 3.4 and on one of the tracks of the two-track plot - in fig. 3.4, b on both tracks of the two-track plot - in fig. 3.4, Art.



Portable signals of change of speed and firecrackers are guilty of changing under the protection signalists, to stand with hand-held chervonim signals 20 m from the first firecracker at the bik mіstsya robit. Portable red signals are due, but under the watchful eye of a stone worker.

When vikonannі robіt razgornutym front (more than 200 m) mіstsya robіt fenced in order, we show in fig. 3.4, g.



Portable red signals, installed at a distance of 50 m between the plots, which help the fence, are responsible for guarding signals, which stand beside them, with hand-held red signals.

If the place of the crossing or the vikonannya works on the stage near the station and it is impossible to protect the place by the established order, then from the side of the stage it is fenced off as it is designated higher, and from the side of the station the portable red signal is installed on the axis of the road ty input signal (or signal sign) . Cordon station") with the laying of three firecrackers, which are guarded by a signalman (Fig. 3.5).

If there is a place for a crossing, or a vikonannnya, it is planted at a distance of less than 60 m from the entrance signal (or a signal sign "Cordon station"), then firecrackers are not placed on the side of the station.


When the train approaches the portable yellow signal, the driver of the goiter should give one long whistle of the locomotive (multi-unit train), and when the train approaches the signalist with a hand-held red signal, give a signal of a chirp and go to the negain bell of the train, so that it chirps, not about zhzhayuchi portable red signal.

Signals, on the vіdmіnu vіd vіd іnshih pracіvnіkі v lіznichny transport, owe to wear a headdress with the top of a yellow color.

Mіstsya pereshkod for traffic after that mіstsya vykonannya robit on rich-colour hauls are fenced in accordance with the order established by the Ministry of Taxation.

3.5. In case of a rapt vinification of the change and the presence of the necessary portable signals, next to the wrong side of the bridge, insert a sound signal (Fig. 3.6): in the day - a red ensign, at night - a light from a red fire and from both sides on the stand B, the designation in column 4 of the table . 3.1, fallow on the gravel descent and maximum speed of traffic on the haul, if allowed, lay down three firecrackers.


The firecrackers are guilty of being buried by the workers of the zaliznitsa, as if they can stand with hand-held red signals with a windmill 20 m from the first firecracker, they killed the mist.

Signals are installed in front of the side of the punctuated train. On one-track plots, as if it is impossible, from which side the train is looking, the signals are installed in front of us from the side of the descent to the fenced area, and in the Maidanchik - from the side of the crooked wind.

The detailed procedure for diy practitioners when fencing a crossing, which is raptovo vinicli, is in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Railways.

3.6. Mіstsya, through yakі poїzdі can pass only with a conductor (when the speed is less than 15 km/year), as well as tangles of stakes on two-collar plots in the same river are fenced like a place for crossing for roc, but without laying firecrackers. About the installation of these signals on the pulls, letters are seen in advance.

If necessary, let the train pass with the conductor, on which you have not seen any advance, laying firecrackers and shoes.

If the pass with the conductor is restored for three hours, then the portable red signals are allowed to be replaced by light lights, which are left in the closed position, with the installation in front of the front light lights (Fig. 3.7).


About the installation of these svetloforіv prikrittya goloshuєєє by the order of the head of the zaliznitsi, and at times there is no advance on the pulls.

In case of sound from both sides of the fenced area of ​​the kolіynyh posts, the traffic between the posts will be carried out one of the signaling devices and a call without a conductor. Under the circumstances, in a few cases, for guarding the train along the fenced area, from the installed security, the conductor can be recognized.

3.7. Firecrackers are always stacked at a quantity of three pieces: two on the right lane along the train and one on the left (div. fig. 3.6). Vіdstan mіzh firecrackers can be buti on 20 m-code.

3.8. Portable signals of a change in speed and signal signs "The beginning of a troubled month" and "The end of a troubled month" are installed behind the diagrams shown in fig. 3.2.

If the place, which requires a change in security on the stage, is planted near the station and it is impossible to protect it by the established order, then from the side of the stage it is protected as it is designated higher, and from the side of the station - in order, we will show in fig. 3.8.


When approaching a portable yellow signal, the driver of the goiter should give one long whistle of the locomotive (multi-unit train) and drive the train in such a way as to pass the place, fenced with portable signal signs "The cob of the unsafe place" (Fig. 3.9, a) and "The end of the unsafe new month" (Mal. 3.9, b), due to the speed, assigned to the advance, and for the speed of the advance - to the speed of the wind more than 25 km / year.

The signal sign "The end of the troubled month" is placed on the back of the sign "The cob of the troubled month".

Portable signals of a change in speed and signal signs "The Ear of an Unsafe Mist" and "The End of an Unsafe Mist" at the station tracks and the rich track lines can be stuck with shortened poles.

3.9. Mіstsya vikonannya robit on the way, so that they do not require fencing with signals of the zupinka or change the speed, but they will demand the advance of those who are working about the approaching train, they are fenced with portable signal signs "C" about the whistle, like they are installed on the way, de convoy robots, as well as in the cutaneous systemic head way (Fig.3.10).

Portable signal signs "C" are installed in the same order at the summіzhny head ways and pіd h vykonannya robit, fenced with signals of a zupinka (div. fig. 3.4, b and 3.5) or with signals of a change in speed.

On the hauls, which travel over 120 km / year, portable signal signs "C" are installed at the distance of 800-1500 m from the distance between the working areas.