Why is the old hard disk not working. Reinvention of a sizable hard disc - bit by bit

I'm writing a correspondence with one reader, which vinyl has a similar problem.


“Hello, my old hdd Maxtor 500 GB with old life this time, having ceased to be recognized by the system, then after that, having gone down to one to the other, everything was fine, but after usb attachment, without having recognized the unknown attachment in the dispatcher, having tried rich and to your computer firewood install wanting for XP SP2 stench is not needed and the system is used and why not. I feel like the problem is viable via cmd. Thank you very much! »


“Hello, Dmitro! Let's try to solve your problem. Off the top of my head, I can suggest a few ways to do it:

1. Open Attachment Manager, select "View" -> "Show Attached Attachments". If anything in the list below becomes available invisible, I will add it earlier. It is necessary to know and see some riddles about your hard drive, after which you need to re-engineer your computer.

2. Change the jumper - the fault is due to the installation in the master position.

3. Possibly, the hard disk does not recover. Remove all USB devices from the computer and re-install. If you have a laptop - connect the laptop to the battery life, if it does not have a battery, also set the food saving mode to "Enabled permanently" in the "Control Panel" -> "Electric Life" super-budget.

4. Try replacing the USB cable. How to pidide - choose a printer or a scanner.

Stop 2 ways - on the extreme slope:

5. It is necessary to revise the box hard drive, To be able to get out of the box and connect without intermediary to SATA or IDE depending on the model.

6. Just don't waste your money on plaques - you can try low-level format. "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Administration" - "Computer Management" - "Disk Management". For whomever you choose, choose your hard disk (to appear) and, clicking right button mouse, select "Formatting". »


"What a great idea! I don't know what this jumper is. Having connected the disk through the IDE, but I need to pull it with me - do I need to buy a box? Before the speech in the BIOS, I installed it on 1.1 and on 2.0 USB - it did not help.


“Shvidche for everything, on the right in the box - it’s better to finish the breakdown of the outside hard drives, Boxing costs about 10 dollars. First, change the box, try formatting a hard disk, connecting via IDE. Also, your vape has a problem in the wires.

Jumper - this is a plastic jumper between two contacts on a hard disk, it can sound in 3 positions: master, cable, slave. The program for displaying the disk is not flashed, but you can use the service programs for rechecking, formatting and remapping the plaque - Partition Magic or Acronis Disk Director Suite when a hard disk is connected to the IDE. »

Hello friends, today is not a very important article for my blog. I am creating this record - for myself on the future, and it is possible, for someone from you, this information is like inspiration old zhorsky disk, tezh will be Korisnoy. I brought a brand new hard disk 3Q for 500 Gb. The disc is without physical ears, the wire is good, the lamp lights up when connected, but the computer does not run out. What work???

I found out, for some circumstances, the old hard drive worked normally the rest of the time. Yak z'yasuvalosya - tsey zhorstky disk once again worked when rewriting files on a macintosh, after which it ceased to be read on other computers. As I ceremonially, through the intellect in file system between computers from the apple company (apple) and other companies of virobniks, on some hard disks he himself distributed, tobto named volumes (for example, F :).

In order to correct the situation, you need to protest with a non-working hard disk. And where do you take these programs for testing ??? Believe it or not, but Bill Gates and Microsoft, not surprisingly, screwed up the problem in Windows 7. I'm working on my system right now, and apparently I'm looking for a way to cherry-pick it.

Yakі my dії according to the renewal of practice (reception) zorsky disk? I immediately connected a hard drive to my netbook, the sweetie on the disk caught fire, I got into the tray as the name of the Atapi Bridge attachment, and my computer yoga is invisible like a physical disk.

I press the right button of the bear on the icon my computer -> control.

The computer control panel is being taken, I am pressing on the disk management, I am checking until the information about all external and internal information on my computer is being taken.

Now everything is even simpler, just kidding, I got my hard drive for 500 Gb. I’m running, that the volume of the disk is not important for the new one, I press on the image of the hard disk with the right button of the bear and I create a new volume (F :). Format your disk, vrakhovuchi, scho much more information I didn’t need! All and the task is accomplished! І zovnіshnіy zhorstky disk I'm new in the working camp.

If you need to save the information, then you can use the additional tools of windows 7 to start rechecking the disk. I won’t describe the skin function of disk management, but I’ll say that for me it’s the most important thing - a really vicious set of tools for a good hard drive.

I thank your hard discs - long and bezmilkovo work!

For the cob varto reverb, the function of the USB port in the computer. Try plugging the storage device into another port (if it was connected to the port on the front panel - try the port on the back), it's possible to connect it to another computer. As if on another computer, the disk shows up, more likely than not, the problem is with the computer's USB port. On the right, you can be in:

  1. included USB trims in the BIOS (although these will not be displayed if the USB is attached). It is necessary to turn on the USB support.

  2. Problems with drivers. Go to the Attachments Manager on the installation panel, find your current hard disk there, right-click on the new one and select the item update drivers. If it did not help - choose an item visuality, Restart your computer and try connecting the disk again.

  3. Wrong letter assignment. Possibly, the system assigned the letter of the original HDD to the one connected to the add-on. To fix it, go to the Maintenance Panel, select the section Administration - Computer Management - Disk Management. Click on your HDD with the right mouse button, select an item "Change the drive letter or go to the drive" and give you an unoccupied letter.

In principle, there are a lot of problems that are blamed when connecting a hard disk, similar to problems with flash drives. In our article "" you will find a description of such problems and possible ways to achieve them.


Chi does not start the current hard drive

Yakscho z USB port We're all right, maybe, you don't have a hard drive, so you can't get your life. External HDDs take life from the USB port. When connecting a disk in roses on the front panel, or when using a USB cable, it will be connected so that the meal “does not reach”. To do this, you need to connect it with a regular cable, which is supplied with the disk, to the port on the rear panel of the computer.

As for the disk, there are two roses for connecting a double port to two ports, it is necessary to connect an insult. To transfer to you, you need to grind one, and the axis for eating is not, you need to take the eating out of two ports. As soon as a supplementary block of life is added to the disk, beat yoga.

The same problem may be with the block of life of your computer: it is possible, it is already morally old, otherwise your computer has too much power installed, and the block of life simply “does not pull” the current disk. If you happen to install more push block life.

Hard disk failures

Nareshti, a hard disk may not be recognized through injustice in a new one:

  • What happens when submitting a live to the wine disk do not make sounds, Then, svidshe for everything, veyshov z fret the controller of the hard drive. In such a vapadka, the disc is turned into service center, What is involved in the inspiration of danikhs. And if it’s not a disk, then I want information on a new one or a part.
  • Well, when connected, you can feel deaf sounds If the spindle spins up (the spindle is the shaft on which the magnetic disks are trimmed), then the problem may be in the misplaced heads, jamming of the bearing or shaving the windings of the spindle motor.
  • Even after a couple of seconds after the sound of spinning the spindle sounds similar to clatter, If they mean moving reading heads, the problem may be in the malfunction of the magnetic heads, the malfunction of the controller, or one of the microcircuits, or one of the many other breakdowns.

If the problem is in the hard disk itself, it is necessary to carry it in for repair, and not to repair it on your own. Accurately diagnosing and fixing the problem can only be done in the service center. That's why you are convinced that you do not have a hard drive itself through breakdowns (other possible reasons you have already caught the switch), do not try to plug the disk again and again (you can do it), but immediately turn to fakhіvtsіv.

Yakscho sche vchora dobre pratsyuvav zhorstny disk without visible reasons in one not too beautiful moment you stop prac- syuvati , it's like a catastrophe. Taking care of new information, rapt you start to understand that there is nothing of value there - all data is priceless. Verno htos pomіtiv, that if the computer does not churn out the old hard disk, then the cost of the Nemov is the end of the world. If you don't want it to be so deplorable.

Golovna - do not give in to provocations, but respectfully think about why the old hard disk is not practiced? What has changed since the last launch? The correct indications for dietary allowance may be in half the cases independently to carry out the practice of wearing. Let's talk about the main reasons, through the computer

Maybe, in your life, skin people had to go through the situation at least once, if the folding mechanism stopped working through it, it went out of tune with a little detail. Tsya share did not pass th hard disks, Moreover, like zovnish, so internal. In today's time, USB hard drives are popular, but they also use the SATA interface, which significantly outdoes the first for swidcode. Whether it's a good hard drive, it connects to the computer through a pink port. Here is one of the most banal reasons why the computer does not run the old hard drive. Є two types of USB sockets: one soldered on maternity pay and come out of the inverted side system unit, And others are built into the case with a visor on the front panel. It is obvious that most coristuvachiv connect the hard drive to the most accessible roses, that is, on the front panel of the case. And since the poor computer has no choice in the supra building, then it’s not a wonder that the Chinese vibrators spared roses on the elements. For example, forged contacts can appear insufficiently springy, their area is changed in order to save money, and vicorous materials are already worn out. Why do you want to know which one, having connected the hard drive interface to the port, do not download the hard drive. The problem is in the contacts of the rose. Virishiti can be done in two ways:

  • connect to ports on the motherboard;
  • pridbati yakіsny USB podovzhuvach - tse cheaper, lower replacement case.

The reason has come - a lack of food. USB standard 2 transmits a maximum squirt of 500mA per port. To that, if a rich USB attachment is connected, then the hard drive may not be strained for work. Solution: we take away all the “plugs” (webcams, USB-modems, etc.) Or we buy a hub with a live unit. In addition, the roses on the front panel are connected to the motherboard with bundles of thin wires, which also have their own wasted voltage. Warto remember what roses are suitable, first for everything, for low-power outbuildings (flash drives, telephones).

If you haven't used a hard drive before, you'll need to convert the BIOS setup: fetching it in a new USB port. For outbuildings, which vikoristovuyut "swarm" (mobilrack), korisno overturn the camp of internal trains and roses - it is possible, the reason is in them.

After that, check the software part of the computer. If you want to call a Winchester for a job “out of the box”, ring out any special drivers, no less, you need to install a software package for the chipset in the system. This is especially important for generations prior to Windows Vista. Also, there may be a conflict in the configuration of the connected devices, in such a situation, often the computer may not be able to get caught up again.

Obviously, the internal failure of the hard drive itself is possible. Self-recognition of yoga is far from old, it is necessary to know where to find the nearest service center.

February 22, 2017 Visited: 10649

Not long ago, we told you how to work, but today we look at another problem - the Winchester shows up, but it doesn’t show up. After formatting, or an incorrect completion of the robotic OS, you can blame the problem with the portable storage device, and itself - in Ninіshnі zhorstky disk vyznaєtsya, ale not v_dkrivaєtsya. This problem is completely resolved, and moreover, the process of resolution does not take a lot of time and does not take a lot of time at the koristuvach. Below is a list of dіy, yakі nebhіdno vykonati, yakshcho not vіdkrivаєєy zvnіshnіy zhorstky disk.
Later, when you come to the computer, the old hard drive does not come out. When this happens, the wines are displayed in the dispatcher, when connected, a characteristic sound signal is heard and the icon appears on the notification panel instructions for removal I will add. However, portable HDD does not appear in Explorer. This means that the problem is in the subdivision of the hard drive.

To properly redistribute the hard drive, you can use the standard Windows utility for robots with accumulators. The sequence of actions for whom will be like this:

The dekіlkoh hvilin ovnіshіnіy zhorstky disk will be formatted, split into distributions and ready to work, and the Explorer will immediately call for the release of yoga. Naturally, all files, previously stored on the hard drive, will be deleted, you can try to retrieve important information for additional special utilities.

The cream of the proponated option, you can also speed up with other programs for robots with accumulators. For example, Paragon Partition Manager (available for download) or Acronis Disk Director (reported in the article). The sequence of actions when formatting and creating a partition of a hard disk with programs is approximately the same as in the described solution.

In addition, for some hard disks, you can blame the problem with eating, especially if you connect the accumulator to a laptop, which works like a battery. In such a situation, the computer's USB port is supplied to the hard drive with an insufficient amount of food, so that it can function normally at that moment. Solve this problem, obviously, it’s really simple: you need to use a special Y-like USB-cable, which can be connected up to two times USB ports, Zabezpechuyuchi zvnіshnіy zhorstky disc flooring necessary for new energy.

Such ways are different, like the old hard disk is displayed but not displayed. After carrying out the fortune-telling manipulations, the Winchester will correctly appear in the system and improve its functions, pleasing the spymaster with a stable robot.