Voicemail on mobile. How to connect a basic voicemail. Wash away the servants

"Voice mail" in MTS is represented by three handy tools, which allow you not to miss the call. If the subscriber's phone has no reasons to be vimknenim, or the position of the zone of dimension, then call will be automatically redirected to voice Postal screenshot , The name of the person who is telephoning the subscriber may be deprived of voice notification. Let's talk about the "Voice by mail" MTS, which subscribers often call Avtovidpovidach, more in detail and look at the features of the skin version of the service.

service description

  • "Voice mail (basic)";
  • "Voice mail";
  • "Voice mail +".

Before the speech rest version services can be proud of the presence of a special add-on for smartphones. The service of "Voice mail (basic)" in the form of MTS will be true to its name. Won allows you to save up to 15 calls per subscriber for one day- it’s worth hearing like they were heard, so it’s not listening to the reminder. The duration of skin rejuvenation is within 60 sec. І on whom the functionality of the service ends.

When connecting the services of "Voice mail (basic)", redirection is established for the mind "Unavailable". Ale manually we can install and see redirects. Forwarding number + 7-916-892-08-60. The service is available practically on all tariff plans, Behind the vine it is quiet, scho is covered for access to the Internet (for example, at the MTS Connect tariff).

The next option is to bear the name "Voice mail" - this option of the service is more advanced functionality. Here we can not only practice with help, but also protect them from unauthorized access for help special code, Which will be taken away from watching SMS (you can change it for a year). This option allows you to save not listening to notifications for 7 days, listening to notifications - for 10 days. The maximum duration of skin alert is 90 seconds, and one subscriber can get up to 20 alerts.

The service allows you to record personal privacy, and the ability to listen to notifications through a web interface. Also, notifications can be sent to an electronic postal screen or via MMS. Such a functional can be put in more. When the “Voice mail” option is connected, redirection is automatically set for the minds “Busy”, “Unavailable” and “Not available” to the number + 7-916-892-08-60. The hour of clearing the subscriber or the phone is set to 15 seconds, after which entry call redirected to voice mail screen. However, all settings can be changed.

Option "Voice mail +" - the version of the previous version of the service "Voice mail" from MTS is extended. You can save not listening to the notification for 10 days, listening to the notification - for 14 days. Trivality of one notification to become up to 120 seconds - in an hour you can transfer a great amount of information. Let's hope that the MTS operator also gives such a good service, as clearing up that morning call, as it helps to receive and maintain important calls for the first hour of the call with another subscriber. Listening to the reminder in this version is the same as in the previous version. Ale є i vіdminnosti - the service of "Voice mail +" can be managed by additional programs for mobile devices. What is the cost automatic adjustments redirection, then they stink to the forward version of the service. Access to the screen is protected by an additional code.

How to record a personal voicemail in the versions of "Voicemail" and "Voicemail +"? For whom it is necessary to call the number 0860 and speed up with voice prompts. How to change the access code to the voice screen? For this transmission, two tools are used - the web interface or the call number 0860. The voice mail can be set up for the help of the voice menu, or for the help of the web interface. If you need to set up forwarding, then the stench is installed for the help of standard commands - you can read about it at the appropriate distribution on the MTS website.

Options "Voice mail" and "Voice mail +" forward the SMS notification about the withdrawal of voice notifications - the stink must be sent to the name of the subscriber. If you receive your number, then you will be notified when you come from the number 0860. In addition, as soon as your phone is registered in the margin, the subscriber will notify about those who have become available for the call (this option can be turned on through the voice screen).

MTS voice mail number

How to listen to voice messages on MTS? If you are calling in your home zone or in domestic roaming, then for which you need to call 0860. federal number+ 7-916-892-08-60. In addition, all received notifications can be sent by MMS or by email. Also, the possibility of listening to voice messages through the web interface has been transferred.

Variety of voice mail MTS

The rate of listening in the home zone is set to 0 rubles, if you are in international roaming - it is free of tariffs. Before the speech service in roaming can cause a sizable billing, This is how the voice mail is forwarded and redirected (charged for incoming calls and redirects to viklik).

What is the number of subscribers, what is calling, then for them the number of calls does not change in any way - they pay for the calls according to their tariff plan. The subscription fee for services is as follows:

  • "Voice mail (basic)" - free of charge;
  • "Voice mail" - 2.3 rubles. / Dobu;
  • "Voice mail +" - 3.3 rubles. / Dobu.

If you don't want to win add-ons for smartphones, then the best option would be to connect the version of "Voice mail".

How to connect voice mail to MTS

  • Option "Voice mail (basic)" - dial the USSD command * 111 * 2919 # or send an SMS with the text 2919 to service number 111;
  • “Voicemail” option - dial USSD command * 111 * 90 # or send SMS with text 90 (pass) 1 to service number 111;
  • “Voice mail +” option - dial the USSD command * 111 * 900 # or send an SMS with text 90 (pass) 9 to service number 111.

Also, for connection to any option, you can contact the Special Cabinet.

How to enable MTS voice mail

  • For the option "Voice mail (basic)" - dial the command * 111 * 2919 * 2 # or send an SMS with the text 29190 to service number 111;
  • For the "Voice mail" option - dial the command * 111 * 90 # or send an SMS with the text 90 (pass) 2 to the service number 111;
  • For the “Voicemail +” option, dial the command * 111 * 900 * 2 # or send an SMS with the text 90 (pass) 10 to the service number 111.

And the simplest way is to turn on the working service through the Special Office of the MTS.

Presented in an overview of the rates for the service of "Voice mail" are effective for MTS subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region. You can find out about the subscription fee for your region on the MTS website.

Bagatioh operators have a call and voice mail. The MTS company is not to blame. For additional voice mail, you can always get on the call and not miss the call. In this way, if the subscriber is unavailable, then the call will be redirected to the voice mail, in the same way that the person who telephones may need to be contacted. And if the client comes to the call, he just listens to the text. In other words, a service can be called an auto-receiver.

Short description and listening options

  1. Bazova;
  2. Standard voicemail;
  3. Voice mail +.

For the basic selection, customers are expected to be able to save only 15 per day. When you write down the reminder, you can only have up to 1 hvilin. The choice of voice mail can be practical on all tariff plans. There is no charge for this service.

In order to listen to the recordings of the text, by other subscribers, it is necessary to dial 0861 after the free number.

For a standard service of capacity, you need a troch more. Now you will be able to set a password for reminder, in order to protect it from listening to the text by other people. The code can be removed by reminding the operator, and if necessary, you can replace it with a larger one. Vikoristovuyuchi standard mail you can take care of povіdomlennya until tomorrow. And the record was reduced to the second whilin. To pay for the given service to clients, it is required daily in the amount of 2.3 rubles.

To rewrite the records, you need to speed up:

  1. Call for a non-cash phone 0860 and check new entries;
  2. Listen to voice files presented in mms notifications;
  3. Listen to the recording through your email address;

The remaining version of the voice mail is the largest and most text in it is saved up to two types. At this hour, set 2 hvilini for recording. Zavdyaki tsyomu can be deprived of enough kіlkіst brown information. The subscription fee for vikoristannya becomes 3.3 rubles.

To re-verify records for a service, it is necessary to score:

  1. Call for a bezkoshtovny phone 0860;
  2. Listen to new messages via mms;
  3. Check new records for the email address;
  4. Speed ​​up by a special office on the website of the MTS for rechecking the records;
  5. If you are in roaming, you can convert your notifications through no-cost number 0861. If a vicarist service subscriber is in roaming, then it is necessary to call another number + 79168920860.

The service "Voice mail +" gives you the opportunity to call back to subscribers, as they could not reach you. We protested and appreciated the great number of new possibilities. At the article in detail rozpovimo about the given service.

The basic version gives you the ability to save as listening, so you don’t listen to the recording, for the sake of it. The updated service has a term of increase from 10 to 14 days, If you don't listen to messages, they take 10 days to listen, and listen to them - for a stretch of two days. Thus, the maximum number of notes left to you was increased, and now it reaches 30, and the number of notes written down is two credits.

Listening to overdue recordings on mobile phone Vіdbuvaєtsya through vbudovani dodatki, yakі є practical for all models z operating systems IOS and OC Windows. Yakshcho You are rebuying on the territory of Russia, a robot which appendageє bezshtovnoy. If the subscriber is located behind the cordon, the tariffication is charged for the maximum roaming rates.

Installed redirect

Forwarding of redundant records to the mail screen is automatically performed when the service is connected. The telephone number of the subscriber, which, when trying to call you, will be displayed in receive SMS alerted.

Personal customization

Aside from the standard set of functions, the skin peeler has the ability to set personal settings. The skin of the client will take away the possibility of setting up the power of personal privacy. For whom, before the cob of cob, the service needs to write down the date of the meal.

Access until reminder

After activating the service, the client will receive an SMS with secret code for listening to recordings. The password can be changed by calling the number 0860 , Abo zrobivshi tse independently through special office on the operator's website.

At times, when calling a subscriber, the record is deleted, you will receive an SMS notification about which number and when you call.

Activation and deactivation of these options are not billed, just like a call to the short number 0860 to check the forwarded records (alternatively, if the call is made in the region, de registration number).

  • You will receive an MMS notification with an audio file;
  • You can call 0860 ( in the region, de telephone number of registrations);
  • Recorded voice messages can be sent through the mobile version of the mts.ru website in a special office.


Monthly payment is getting closer 100 rubles per month. We analyzed the number of services on the territory of the greater regions and the main cities of the country, and the price was fixed. The table below shows the variety of services available in different areas:

Yak bachimo, subscription fee do not lie in your region of registration.

service connection

Activation of the option is done through a short command * 111 * 900 # and the call key. To deactivate the service, the combination looks like an offensive rank * 111 * 900 * 2 #.

Activation of the option is possible on the site, or through the editing of SMS with the code 90<пробел>9 to short number 111.


I look back at all the voices of "Voice mail +", for the sake of її to all the masters of smartphones and business people. Now you can not be turbulent, perebuvayachi posture access zone merezhі. All calls and SMS, canceled at the same time, will be saved, and access to them will be saved by stretching for two days.

If you have any information about the service, given options or tariffs, contact the support service phone number 0890. You can find a lot of information about this service on the company's website.

Articles and Lifehack

How often can you not answer a call, to that which you don’t feel, you can’t pick up the phone for an hour, because you don’t know the phone in front of you? And as a call with important information, I want to get ahead of you about it, to add a business proposition or a promise? Since such situations are not uncommon in your life, you should think about what kind of voice mail in the phone and how to connect.

Designation, activation and connection of voice mail

Voice mail - all your own automatic notifications, transfers on the operator's server. How does voicemail work? For the cob, you need to connect and activate the service itself. Call for activation, do not take pennies, for investigating and listening to the notification, only the subscription fee is charged evenly for a calendar month.

For connection, it is necessary to verify the features of your tariff and the operator's work. Rather, either go to the center yourself and ask for a connection to the service, or call on a special service number from your mobile phone, then turn back to the operator for food. There, they will tell you in detail about the tariffs, give instructions for connection and send settings for voice mail.

How to use the voice mail in the annex

  • At the hour of the call to your number, the subscriber checks your confirmation. When the voicemail fails, a timer is set until the voicemail mode is activated in the telephone.
  • How only we clicked and checked song hour(30 seconds, 40 seconds, etc.), moon signal, in which it is said to call “the subscriber cannot answer the call. Be kind, leave your message after the sound signal. Then you can say the necessary information, and in the end just hang up the phone. A click on a voice mail is evaluated as such, like a great call.
  • Immediately after the call of the receiving party, there is a signal about a new notification in the voice box. Yogo you can feel it a little later, if it’s a good time, and then you’ll virishiti - chi є sens perezvonyuvati.
Voice messages can be saved on the phone and listened to as many times as needed. There is no fee for listening to voice screens.

Your recognition as a necessary subscriber cannot be served to anyone else by a vipadkovy rank. So you can be sure of the confidentiality of the transmitted or received information and not be afraid that such a voice mail in the telephone is good and bad.

Why can’t you take a call, if you didn’t feel it, you can’t pick up the phone, because you didn’t pick up the phone? And if you want to call with serious information, do you want to add a business proposition, or maybe get ahead of yourself? If such moods are troubling in your life, then think about it, what is the voice mail in the mobile annex and how to connect such a service.

Voice mail: connection and activation

For the cob you need to come by yourself mobile attachment, select Nokia phone you can ask for help http://shop.mts.by/phones/nokia. Dali necessary to activate and connect the service itself. There is no charge for activation, there is no charge for listening, and there is no cost, only the subscription fee is evenly charged for the duration of the month. To connect, you need to secure your tariff and call operator. Or rather, just go to the center for connection, or dial your mobile special service number and consult with the operator. The operator consults the tariffs, instructs how to connect and edit the voice mail settings.

How to use voicemail

At the end of the call, the subscriber checks your confirmation. When the voice mail is blocked, the song timer is set until the service is activated in the telephone. As soon as it calls out for the whole hour (30-40 seconds), you will feel the signal, de notice that "the subscriber, unfortunately, in present moment can't respond to your call. Shut up, be kind, after the sound signal ". First axis then you can remember all the necessary information, and then just hang up. Returning to the voice mail is evaluated in the same way as the sound call.

The receiving party will immediately receive a signal about the wake-up call after the call. You can listen to yoga at once, or a little later, if you show up at a good hour, and then later you will virishiti - chi varto call back. voice alert you can save on the phone and listen to them if necessary. There is no fee for listening to voice screens. Reminder, krіm yak zrobiti vyklik, no one else can spend a vipadkovy rank. So if you decide to buy Prestigio, or be it another phone, you can be absolutely aware of the total confidentiality of the received information, or the transmitted information, and do not complain about those good things bad - voice mail in a mobile phone.