Need to buy a social security account? Earnings on the sale of public records in VKontakte

We are often asked, “Explain clearly how VKontakte accounts are called a fek, and how a retreat. How else are you going? How can I live longer?

Obviously, to increase the time of life of a cloud record - bring cloud records to the social network only from a unique proxy, change their vidi vidiality (like a person is alive) and put more noises between them My account is also important. Let's sort it out in order.

What are the accounts?

Let me first understand the terminology of sellers.

  • Assets- means that the oblіkovy record is activated by phone.
  • Inactive- A zanedbany account, I haven’t logged into some kind of vlasnik for a long time.
  • Binding by phone- Oblіkovy record of attachments to the phone. For accounts without binding by phone, the captcha is accompanied by no skin action.
  • Retrieve— oblіkovі records in the most part otrimuyuyut access to them from mail, on the basis of the stench of registration.
  • Without gospodars- ceretrive-active (similar to autoregistration, only corystuvachs themselves registered their accounts and were corylisted by them)
  • Z fake— ob_kovі records, access to which otrimuyut way to deceit behind the help of fake sides.
  • Vіdlezhennya- hour from the moment of changing the password (then, if you change the password, you will gain access to the public record, the more an hour has passed since the moment of changing the password, the less time the public record will be updated back. In other words, the account is thrown back)

Now let's take a look at the pluses and minuses of the skin type of skin records.

Retrieve account vkontakte

Retriv (retriv) VK.COM posts — literally translated, as if the posts were updated. Vkontakte has a lot of millions of cloud records registered and often people lose access to their cloud records. Retrieving the appearance of the records is most often done by removing access to them from the mail, on the basis of the stink of registration. Retrievers are subdivided into 2 types:

Simple Retreat— if you only change the password for access to the oblique record, without changing the data, the vlasnik may have a chance to turn your oblique record back.

folding— if the oblikovy record is tied up to the next post that phone.

Therefore, after the fact, when buying such an oblique record, you will take real profiles with a certain behavioral history, registration with a unique ip and mass address. Such accounts can be real friends, payers. Often traplyayutsya accounts of administrators of public groups.

Z fake vk

Fake (fake) - literally translates as "podrobka". Accounts "from a fake" seem to be a way of creating additional copies of the side of the Vkontakte login, or just a service (it is not necessary to distribute free stickers, gifts and votes on VKontakte), it is necessary to give your login / password to VK. Confident koristuvachs withhold their data, and shahra take away their logins and passwords. Tobto. buying such an account - you will deny access to the profile of a living person, but at the same time you yourself can sit in the border and take full access you can't see your profile. Some of these types of records are subdivided into active and inactive. The hour of life of the asset of public records is minimal, the shards of the coristuvach indicate that the activity is suspected, just change the password.

Gross account

Tse forms of records, to which they denied access by means of password selection. For statistics on the light Internet, 1000 password combinations fit up to 80% of cloud records. Because you have a password "qwerty" or "ytsuken", then be prepared before you can once you log in to your profile or you will be blocked for spam or cheating. For yakistyu - the same account for a fake, because Access to the new vlasnik can be given a quick check. Corystuvatisya such oblіkovimi records is not worth it.

VK account autoregistration

Auto matically for reg registration of the appearance of the record - the side, created by the way of the mass registration. As a rule, stinks are registered with special outbuildings, where you can insert 50-100 sim cards and register up to a thousand accounts. In some cases, all the appearances of the records enter one to one into friends and avatars are assigned to them, so that when selling the stench, they will be more similar to the living ones. The unique history of the behavior of autoregisters, like a retrospective, has no interests. For the addition of the stench, they are registered with suspects for the social. merezhi ipishnikiv. Therefore, the account is from the very people social measures on a special rack. The term of life of such oblique records is minimal. Corystuvatisya such oblіkovimi records is not worth it.

What account to live found?

Let's get a short bag and put together a short list for an hour of the life of various public records on VK.

  1. Retrieve asset - without owners
  2. Simple Retreat
  3. Inactive
  4. Active, out of the box
  5. Autoreg

We don’t have access to the cloud records of our Bro Botovodiv, we can’t add up the real statistics for an hour of life, fallow from seeing the cloud records. It is possible that our theoretical calculations can be used here.

De buy accounts for VK - you can look at the list of all stores.

We would be happy, like you will please your colleagues, find live accounts in the country and de їx buy.

Current meals:

  • What is better to buy in the login - mail or phone?
  • Chi importantly binding phone chi ni?

Social networks have long turned into business. Ecosystems, which were used to satisfy the needs of interpersonal and acquaintanceships, have experienced a turbulent growth. Using the method of trials and pardons, their vlasniks introduced new elements of monetization. However, the koristuvachs themselves took away the opportunity to earn money by creating publics and thematic speeches.

The next stage was the osyayannya that mass interest to tsgogo dzherela traffic in small and medium business. All this led to a great number of memes in a row: “Hi, I’m Katya, do you want my new doors?”

And yet, this market is really functioning, selling goods and services to social services, wealthy people and dosі nevіdomo. We live in a marvelous hour, if they are sold, they are bathed in the most famous speeches.

Accounts and publics in the social. Merez not є vinyatkom, їх sales tse system business. But who and how is buying an account and a smut with some method?

Let's take a look at the diet on the most popular application in Runet - (Vkontakte).

The number of purchases of cloud records can be broken down and classified according to the absence of metrics, but we can also refer to the basic ones.

1) Internal\Outdoor traffic

VK may have a great traffic, which is based on Live Internet statistics, over 60 million. merezha.

In addition, we can bring back respect, vivchivshi statistic A group that often switches from VK to third-party resources is also the most competitive among them and makes over 4 million profits for production.

The first vysnovok believes in the fact that the buyers of oblique records can win them to bring respect to their project, "getting traffic". Abo, trying to sell your goods and services, catch hype, use VK.

Axis one of the application of courses, how to start monetizing traffic through CPA - measures:

2) Work\structure data

For work with functional functions that allow you to delegate tasks, the VK API is often used. In order to alert vicorist robots, or to conduct automatic monitoring of whether there are sides, so you need VK accounts, often stench can be put in a ban for the temple of vanity, creating a great number of drinks. Proxies do not always solve the problem.

3) Spam and 50 letters of gray

Use the impersonal sirikh and navit black monetization schemes, point out specific examples, such schemes should be gradually updated. Spam and great quantity of yoga diversity.

Tse masliking (which is not practiced by anyone) and cunning variability in looking at commenting on a group with a clear wall, a photo album and other veiled spam. Bezlich shakhraiv to pronounce a quick income, run your own publics, create the appearance of mutual activity. Often there are special scripts and parsers.

Familiarize yourself with the richness of similar schemes independently on specialized forums.

Spammers are the main buyers of accounts, often they are taken in bulk from a large number.

Platforms on which you can find rumors about sales of accounts for VK and other schemes, such forums and, and others.

There are also specialized shops like green shop, there are only accounts for VK, or, for example, is a great choice.

Irrespective of those that are social and media rich today - FC, VK, Instagram, Telegram and a lot of others, but the essence of buying accounts is left the same, the shards are rich and rich to win them for selling goods and services, spam and removing "smartly-free" » traffic , arbitrage schemes, or automation of cheats, opinions and comments.

With the advent of new projects, social networking projects, there are also new opportunities for making money on the Internet, to which, in this article, we can see the possibility of making money on a VKontakte account. Well, who can say, how can it be, well, I have a VKontakte account, a decoup of all sorts of photos, and the wall to avenge different quotes is fun, moreover, I don’t have any voices, what value can be here? Let's discuss the report. Mayzhe dermal z us once zlamuvali, chi not so? Rozsilali friends like spam! Spam again Spam! The axis is at tsiomu, dear readers and slander the whole sense, burglars lure the friends of the slandered account to come up with a product like a route for the distribution of leaves.

How to be evil to a VKontakte account

A VKontakte account can be smart to the point of evil at any time, and your passwords can be stored in the database of the attacker. Pererakhuemo the main ways of evil, knowing how, and significantly reduce the ability of your evil oblique record:

    • Bruting(brut) — these people use vipadkovі victims, like the shortest passwords, which are formed mainly from digits. The attacker runs the program on his computer, or on from remote servers, the program automatically processes and selects passwords, and as soon as the authorization has passed - the password has been selected, the oblique record is entered to the list of malicious oblique records. It’s a little bit to walk around, that such programs can turn into one evildoer even more, moreover, on different servers, and the whole work is done without interruption for 24 years for mining. In order to hide the evil in such a rank, it is necessary to work folding passwords, victorious yourself different symbols and yaknaydovshe.
    • Software for the evil side of VK- oh so, just one more bait for the quiet, who wants to hurt a friend, a girl or someone else. The program prompts you to log in to it, and then you can turn the evil side of your girl. As soon as you logged in - it dawned on you that the passwords were already stolen, and the cream of the second program is more combined: no one’s side of your girlfriend’s friend is scammed, but if you want to remove it, you need to send an SMS to the number. І the number is indicated. In this way, the program drives in two birds with one stone, not only is your data stolen, it also earns money for you by SMS. Therefore, dear friends, don’t lie with every nіsіnіtnitsa, є nіbito prog, yakі zlamayut side nevirnoї you chіvchini chi chekogo, in your case you just give your passwords and pennies to the evildoer - there are no such programs if there were not if you don't! Think for yourself, it’s such a bulo, what would the social communities have changed into? Social measures are business, and to that the stench is constantly being upgraded and changing its own conflicting mission.
    • Fake on local machine- another kind of fake, but the domain addresses here are filled with the same one:! More more zhorstoke razkradannya passwords plus іnоdі vаgає send sms to the number, schob pick up finances from your phone! Yogo can be called a virus, wine is used on a computer for an hour to launch other programs, such as evil and other software. If you remember this, then: 1. Navigate to the folder where your operating system is: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

      2. Find a file with a name from your dad hosts

      3. Call yoga for help text notepad and know these rows:

      Let's delete the local rows and save the file.
      Todi all zhah after restarting the browser znikne. - means that the site address will be launched from your computer - at that moment it just starts up, so the fake VK side is called, as it turns on the right VK. In order not to slander such a virus, don’t download be like a guide, like an evil vk and other suspicious software, don’t run yoga.

  • Rediscovering the session from the mail- One more tricky way. Pratsiuє in such a rank, you need to find a sheet from the forces that you need to go over. If you believed it, they pressed it - your session is being stolen! In this way, we will remove the password from the mail, then we will remove the passwords from the VK and your other services! Therefore, do not go over the livih promises, as if they were in a marvelous leaf, be drunk!

Axis, okay, we talked about how to protect your VKontakte accounts. Now let's talk about how you can earn money on your right.

Vkontakte account sales

Here there are two types of earnings: one is white, so the ranks are honest, the other is black. Let's talk about black. In addition, as described by the methods described above, the attacker selected the large database of oblique records in contact, took and checked (verified) them for validity. Validity - tse relevant passwords of the victims, the oscillators of the koristuvach could already change the passwords. Then, posts of this type are created on thematic forums: sales of accounts, price, call, acceptance of payment, or simply the site is displayed - the store of accounts. Moreover, the price for more than one account can be charged for 3 rubles, and for 100 rubles each. The price to lie in such powers as: region, number of friends, number of oblique records and in.
Ale, Vlasne, is it necessary to bathe these accounts? And the stench is necessary for advertisers - spammers, who pump their groups in VKontakte, and for the help of software promotion in automatic mode, they simply try to gain mass. To the very same oblіkovі records as if they were valuable so and will be so nadal, even if the vicious oblіkovі record has friends - potential clients, and the more they are better.

Now let's talk about the best way to make money on public records VK. І such a way, ale vin vimagaє smokyness and practice. Croc the first: you buy 10 sims for example, register accounts for them with different names. Then create a skin account with a human eye, remind you of this information, grow friends. In addition, as the skin account has 100 friends and a premium, and as a result, information is provided about those that you have an account in such a region, prices can be put as 5 rubles and more, everything is deposited number of friends and yakos oblіkovogo record. If you have 20 accounts, and if you sell leather for 10-15 rubles, then for one sale you can take 200-300 rubles. But here it is necessary to protect the rule: the shards of the account can change passwords, then after a week you are responsible to smoothly change the passwords in them. So, as a physical record of attachments to your numbers, if any advertiser knows that a physical record is a one-time product, sooner or later it will become irrelevant. The advertiser may think that the relevance of your public records has already arisen. Then you can sell it to other people again and again, it’s so much better and work harder to make more money on cloud records. But, in order to better start earning in this way, you need a lot of accounts and skin to bring to mind, it’s not easy for you, but at this stage, you can still win more accounts for making money in such systems.

Vkontakte has long ceased to be just a website, just a social network. There is no less place for people to get to know each other, communicate, live. . A whole cycle was already written about us. Today we will talk about more serious earnings.

I was led to an idea for tsієї by a quote from bash:

Select gifts.
- Well, I know that you love technology more.
– I love people more! Ale, because Since 1861, fate can no longer be bestowed - the will of technology!

Thus, slavery has been abolished and it is not possible to give a real person as a gift. Harrowed. Ale є out. virtual world and VKontakte. Your dream will come true here, in contact you can give people, or you can bathe.

Let's go to the right.

How to buy a VKontakte account?

The food is more rhetorical. As you see from the buyers of oblique records, you definitely know that you need more stench.
Sob don’t write, drive, don’t make holіvari, I’ll briefly cut through the options, as I know myself:

  • you can buy a face record to deprive yourself of yoga sobi. Quite often, good downloaded profiles on VKontakte, with a large number of friends, photographs are sold. How many friends can be perekhuvati on the fingers, this option is for you. Having gained a lot of new comrades at once with new lives and new viraz, you can new life. Virtual truth, ale bovaє i tse good
  • purchases of oblіkovy records can simply be presented. Need such a present for the new vlasnik? It is possible for one purpose to aim here. Vtіm, tse is not your right, even a gifted horse in the teeth should not be surprised. (With)
  • You can send a public record of VKontakte to submit your project, group, VKontakte site. If you don’t want to fire your own personal appearance record, you don’t want to start your own appearance record for security reasons, or just expand your presence in contact, this option is for you
  • nareshti, you can buy oblіkovі records in social media for the promotion of your main oblіkovі record, program, group

What do you need to know when buying VKontakte profiles?

VKontakte is categorically against the sale of accіv, so it’s all right to fix the opіr cioma. For example, attach the phone number to the questionnaire, and the questionnaire to the region of residence of the Vlasnik. From one side, tse plus security,. From the other side ... About everything in order.

First of all, it is necessary to know buying people on VKontakte, so that such profiles can be different:
Boti (What are bot profiles? It’s simple - just register on the automatic side, filled with vague tributes and photos. As a rule, it’s cheap and necessary for masking)
Retrieve (Which is the return of the acc?

Retrives and fakes, as a rule, are real people, obviously and their friends are more correct and more corrosive, but they can irritate and turn your account, or block you.

Before buying credits, check with the seller about them and about those who confirm the appearance of the record by phone, and access to them from your region. Otherwise, you will spend pennies on the wind.

Where to come to VKontakte account?

Keys of sales profiles of contacts are not found on the right, it is not easy to know sellers. I will show you some options.

The first of them - maybe you know Achat, to be more precise, shared it on yoga forums - Mass of topics about sales of acc. Choose those that suit you the most and buy.

Another option is an automatic way to generate the appearance of the record. Just get the balance right. In the presence, there are bots, and people are alive. And there are a lot of other possibilities for contact. We register for the request that we purchase.

On this May, that's all. Do you want to ask for something to add? Write in the comments.

Sales of public records on VKontakte today is already a hot topic. Coristuvachi sotsmerezh zovsim recently did not think about the possibility of taking profits from their sides. Basically, hackers zdіysnyuvali zlamuvannya storіnka nebaiduzhіh people abo storіnki with short numbers or English words in the names, yakі not small commercial character.

In this hour, on rich SEO forums, blogs, you can view information about the sale of public records on VK. Є special sites for the sale of public records, for example, Oskіlki otrimati vіdpovіdі schodo practical zastosuvannya podіbnih oblіkovih zapisіv maloymovіrno, vіdvіduvachi vіdvіdіvі vіpadkіv go to blogs. The data on the SEO pages is never updated, so it is necessary to carry out filtering in order to remove data from such sides. Response to the question “why is there an interest in buying accounts?” Help us to understand why those who have been described above are supposed to be. As you can see, people are actively developing today, as well as the technologies created by them are progressing. For ten more years, people didn’t stop thinking about SEO, and the appearance of the first rudiments of SMO was fixed three times a year, which was marked by the beginning of the development of new algorithms by webmasters, which support technological solutions that are constantly updated.

And now we’ll tell you about the sales of public records in social media on VKontakte, like on Narazi continue to develop, which means the possibility of earning additional income for sellers. With any account of the possible Vlasniks to go to the SMO, traffic to the Internet resource, readers can know the song independently. It is known that activated accounts belong to real people, and non-activated ones - just to bots.

As you can see, you can register in contacts for additional confirmation via phone, so sales of non-activated accounts are large and inexpensive (and stench is taken exclusively for spam). The maximum interest is called out to live accounts - fakes, won by two methods - for help to evil and independent viroshchivannyam. More effective are the evil appearances of the record through the presence of friends on them.

Otzhe, in some order, conduct a selection of necessary accounts. At the same time, the idea of ​​a good strategy on the side of the accounts has been formed, after which it is necessary to contact the sellers.

It is recommended to set the number of accounts, with the best practices, from 50 to 100. manual mode, for which reason it will be possible to hide the cost of blocking oblіkovih records.

Working with an anonymizer, you should know two or three working resources, so that you can get rid of non-necessary respect with the same actions from the same IP-addresses what ip). It is impossible to forget that there are different anonymizers from different regions. For example, when a Ukrainian koristuvach enters the side of a Russian koristuvach through the anonymizer, the side will be blocked and a notification will appear about fixing the login from the "non-visual place". Until then, there is a galvanization of singing anonymizers.

Oblikovy record in the average cost of 1.5-2.5 rubles. There is no better way to take Sens.

Before buying, you should know all the current advice and good luck, as well as consult with the seller. It is also necessary to reconsider the accounts (selecting 10-15 pieces in the order of type).
It is necessary to learn how to quickly check the skins of purchases of oblique records, not forgetting that the hour is playing against you at the link with the frequent replacement of passwords on the sides by people.
When you buy thousands and more cloud records, it is best to work with them through software security, even if working in manual mode is very important, shards in such a situation are risky to spend not more than an hour and a penny, but also the cloud records themselves.
Speak to the sellers about those who choose to work with the covers, it is not required.