What is dropbox for android | Dropbox - what kind of service does it look like. Installing Dropbox on your computer

In this hour, the situation is often blamed, if it is necessary for the mother to access the file not from one attachment, but from a dekilkoh: computer, laptop, phone, tablet. Or, for example, you forgot a flash drive with a presentation booth, or you want to read a book you love not on the phone, but on the tablet. In all of these situations, the presence of the Internet will help you Dropbox service on your electronic device.

What is Dropbox and how do you use it? Dropbox is a server for a gloomy collection of tributes. Vіn allows coristuvachas to save and exchange documents and files via the Internet. Seemingly simpler is the server, on which you save your data, and є electronic attachment, on which you receive your data. For example, zavantazhuemo required document to the Dropbox service from the computer. Now, in order to look at yoga on phones or tablets, you can use the client program and connect to the Internet: go to Dropbox from the electronic device, with which you can see data synchronization, and the necessary document, downloads from the computer, now you can look at this annex. The client program for such platforms as Windows, Macintosh, Linux can be downloaded from the Internet, for Android - from Play market, for iPad and iPhone - from the AppStore.

Dropbox Features

The main functions of Dropbox can be seen:

- collecting information on from remote servers so that your computer will be infected with a virus and when it gets damaged, files, files captured in Dropbox, don't get damaged;

- Saving backup programs;

- synchronization of information on outbuildings that platforms;

- granting access to your information for the koristuvach, which otrimav allowed;

- a robot of a large number of people with one file;

- Update of the removed or changed information for 30 days;

- For a fixed fee, you can continue the term of the savings in the distance or change the information up to a line-free hour;

- Possibility to cost-free increase disk space up to 18 GB for additional referral program.

However, it is necessary to note that the Dropbox service does not victoriously encrypt data, and at times of an evil server, information can be wasted to the wrong hands. Therefore, do not save files in Dropbox, in which logins and passwords are recorded, otherwise important information.

Installed that registration in Dropbox

We hired Dropbox from the official site for the help: https://www.dropbox.com. Let's start the installation file by pressing the "Run" button and check while the Dropbox installer is downloading the program to your computer.

Now the registration on the Dropbox service will be revealed. If you previously created a formal record on another extension, then just fill in the fields "Addresses email» that "Password". If it's your first choice of Dropbox, then emboss "Register".

At the end of the day, we will remember all the fields and, in general, we will tick the box that matches the rules of the Dropbox service, embossed "Register".

On whom the registration will end, and the program will either "Open my Dropbox", or go to "Expanding the Nalashtuvannyam". We choose another option.

You can choose to expand the Dropbox folder on your computer. If you don't have a streaming directory in your control, then in the menu that appears, emboss "Inshe" and choose to re-route the Dropbox folder.

At the onset of the future, such folders are synchronized with the computer: they are marked with a tick. If you don't want to, for example, the photos from the phone were synchronized - we tick off the checkbox and press "Update".

Now select the bottom button "Open my Dropbox". І in vіknі embossed "Why do more" .

As a result, the Dropbox folder appears, where you can save files or copy them from Dropbox to your computer.

Knowing Dropbox on your computer is easy: the tray icon is stashed.

І so, іz nutrition we got it and checked the registration.

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Hello new readers blog site! I don’t know if you know about the basis of such an online service like Dropbox, which allows you to save anonymous information directly on the Internet, and not on your computer.

Dropbox (Dropbox) is a service that has already managed to prove itself as a handy and easy-to-use tool with an intuitive interface and a pleasant design.

About those, how to practice with this system, you know from this article.

The Russian version of Dropbox can be found on the official website at the address www.dropbox.com/uk. We'll go there today.

What is Dropbox

Tse hmarne shovische danih (cloud storage), in which the registered coristuvachs of the Internet can save different files.

The idea that the development of the project belongs to the American entrepreneur Drew H'uston. How tse zazvychay buvaє, vinikla neprobachena situation - Drew forgot the flash drive z important information at home.

Thus, the idea was born, to create the possibility of a secure access to the necessary files at any time.

What privablyu koristuvachіv in the whole world

Functionality. Dropbox is even simpler for everyone - you can start working with it immediately after registration, as it takes a bit of credit for your hour.

The interface is so intelligible and accessible that you can work with it to avoid misunderstandings. Possibility of synchronization of data acquisitions from any kind of attachments that work on Windows, Mac OS, Linux and other platforms.

Availability. The account is supported by the service free of charge within 2 GB, so it is also possible to take a bonus space, for example, making awkward recommendations.

For a fee, you can add an expansion pack of features. For business information space and priority services.

Confidentiality. The company values ​​its reputation and guarantees closed access to information. It doesn't matter if the photograph is from a recent permit or a document from classified data.

In the Є th century, the exchange for the Dropbox boxing - 13 years.

Opportunity Dropbox

As it was appointed earlier, you can win up to 2 GB of information space without cost in the collection.

We have transferred three tariff plans - basic, extensions and Dropbox for business.

Basic physical record - easy access and backup copy files at the boundaries of the specified expansion. Є ways to improve your business, requesting to come to the service of friends, or for a little bit, about how much you need to know.

Extension pack- The cost of borrowed space up to 1000 GB, additional access control (double access), the ability to set a password on the skin of the system to capture and independently determine the term and relevance.

And if attachments, for which the files from Dropbox were taken, get lost, you can see the new information.

The business package is not limited to multiple collections, updated files, and the ability to install an individual system to access corporate files.

It is the function of creating a number of oblique records of the skin of spivrobitnikiv, so that special data did not appear in the baths of the bulk. Transferred to a wide system of protection and encryption of data.

How to greet Dropbox

Let's get started without a hitch to win the service. Let's get started with the registration:

  • go to the specified address - click on the mail page and the "Register" button;
  • give you a small form, it will be necessary to enter your name and nickname, indicate the email address, enter the password and wait for the minds of the service;

  • in a couple of meetings you will be given access to special office and functions of the basic package of services. In the mail you will receive information about the cob of work from Dropbox. Registration confirmation is not required.

So why start? To whom is assigned one of the letters in his personal office.

Served on the 7th day, so that you can take more money from your shoshishchi. Mostly you can from a knowing look around.

Well, I'm going to check it out, as if I'm working on the program in the online mode. For this click on the "File" section - here we check the document with a short introductory letter.

There is all required information about how to grab a file from Dropbox and how the robot works with files.

We press on the first icon, so that we can grab the file we need. Merge the field, press "Select files". For additional help, we need a document we need, we choose it and press “Vidkriti”.

For a few seconds, the picture is already in our office. You can click on the row with information about the attachments of the file and in order to expand it, the term of limitation has been changed in the collection and to gain access to working functions.

We will get the function “Look at Dropbox Photos”, to go to the next section of the office. Here you can take pictures taken by you.

With some more possibilities of Volodya basic account? Can you create spilnu folder, turning into an interface Hot access».

After the confirmation sent by e-mail, you can expand the folder with files and give access to it to specific people.

If stinks come to your information, all files will be synchronized with your computers.

The Carousel service has been transferred especially for the work with images from Dropbox. It is necessary to add at least two photographs on the back of the head for the help of the large files.

Now go to the Carousel by clicking on the name in the zlіva menu. We use it in the “Chronicle” section, we indicate the need for photos by ticking the upper right hand file and selecting it in the “Add 2 to album” menu.

Next, you need to enter the name of the album and press Enter. Then we go to the "Alboms" tab - the photos are already there. Even in Carousel, I distributed "Spill access", dezberіgatimetsya all the history of listing with your friends.

Cream Carousel you will be given access to 1GB of space up to postal service type Dropbox – Mailbox, total Android programs that iOS.

Installing Dropbox on your computer

For the installation of the program on your computer, you can also take a bonus, so it's worth it. If you didn’t take advantage of Dropbox in a hurry, as it was in me, you can know everything in the same list of “Why start”.

Click "Install Dropbox on your computer" and it will work.

We save the program on the computer, independently choosing a folder for it. Dali rozpochinaemo start zavantazhuvalny file.

Press "Start", go through the initialization, let's let you make changes and proceed to the installation of Dropbox.

We have already registered in the system, so you just need to log in by entering the email address and send that password.

Pressing on "Open my folder on Dropbox" - now the files, which you have taken advantage of in your gloomy treasure, are located in special folder on your computer. A characteristic icon will appear on the toolbar swedish access to all documents.

If you install the program and other attachments, as you know, you can get close to the required 250 MB of free memory per crochet. Alece is not so rich.

The service is ready to give more memory for those who shared information about the service with their friends and acquaintances.

For one person, Dropbox is ready to send 500 MB. As soon as your referral installs the program for your request on your computer, you will receive the same obligatory information as a gift.

Well, let's try to send a request.

It’s better for me to show up, to the one who knows all the addresses of my acquaintances there. I grant access, I choose the address I need, and I force the notification.

To the point, it turned out that many of my acquaintances are already pissed off with the possibilities of service, which I did not even admire.

It's easy to find out - on the contrary, you can use the phrase "I'm already cursing Dropbox!". As indicated in the picture, everything can be “earned” in this way in a simple way up to 16GB to karmi.

Axis, give up, and that's it. I'm going down, I'm sorry looking back it became clear what the Dropbox program is and how to use it. To which, basically, I myself went into the service of file collections, as it was necessary to take photographs from National Day of other bulky files.

What zdivuvav Dropbox, so tse its thoughtfulness and ease of vikoristanny. The service is available to everyone and is extended further away to actively expand the developments of the “system of interest”.

The function of synchronization, the restoration of data or their distant erasing is simply a know-how.

That's all for that, I check your comments and up to the swedish zustriches!

5 / 5 ( 1 vote)

In the distant 2007, the distribution companies had food about saving files, access to which would be possible without any additions to one koristuvach. Narazi already doesn’t invite anyone with such programs as OneDrive, Google Drive, Yandex.Disk, iCloud, Evernote and others. What is the Dropbox program and how to use it, read the article.

What is Dropbox for?

The cool Dropbox collection gives you the ability to write to the system, capture, create, share media with text files with other files. And the most important thing is to rationally choose a place to save your data, I will build it, such as a smartphone, a tablet or a PC. In simple words, files, which can take up space on your physical flash drive, are now saved from the virtual archive in the folder, and to look at them or change them - you just need to go through the program, installed on your extension, in your own collection.

Necessary umova koristuvannya such services - access to the Internet with an annex, for which you choose to change or change the file. With this service creator, they told about those who could work with files offline. The closest synchronization with other outbuildings will be at the first connection to the first one.


Access to the collection is given to systems:

  • windows;
  • macOS;
  • linux.

On the mobile outbuildings from OS:

  • android;
  • Windows phone;
  • BlackBerry.

Also through web browsers on your devices.

Creation Dropbox account

For the first time, an appearance record of a koristuvach is created on the official website of the dropbox.com service.

  1. Find the "Register" button on the site;
  2. Fill in the form with name, nickname, email address and password;
  3. You can also register for help with the appearance Google entry(For koristuvachiv za av face record in Android systems or Chrome web browser);
  4. Accept Dropbox service.

Your skin record has been created. Now let's move on to downloading the software to your device.

Installing software on PC

The folder for downloading files on your computer is ready. It has already automatically created the file "Cob robots from Dropbox" with instructions.

Installing the program on the mobile device

  1. Go to your add-on catalog: Google Play Market chi AppStore;
  2. Find out costless supplement Dropbox
  3. Install the program on your device: smartphone or tablet;
  4. Log in to the program and enter your Dropbox account details.

Dropbox whistleblower

From the moment you install the Dropbox program on your device, everything you add to the store will automatically be visible on all other connected devices.

To upload files to Dropbox, tag one or more of these methods:

Web browser

If you work through a browser, you can save files and folders with a volume of no more than 50 GB for it, and save no more than 20 GB to disk.


If you move files or folders to the Dropbox folder created by the program, the stench will automatically be created in your public record.

  1. Open the Dropbox folder on your computer for the help of an excellent explorer;
  2. Copy or transfer the required data;
  3. If there are green icons on the shortcuts of the files, it means that the stench is already synchronized with your oblique record and all connected devices.

Mobile attachment

Just open the program on your smartphone and press "Create" or "Upload file" ("+" icon).


When registering a physical record, you are automatically given a no-cost tariff plan Dropbox Basic from 2 GB free space. Bonuses for the simplest task can take up to 16 GB of free space. In order to expand the space for saving data and increase the possibilities of the programs, the following is a paid tariff: Plus, Business or Professional.

W paid subscription the possibilities are shown to you:

  • expand space over 1 TB (1000 GB),
  • command access to folders,
  • managing shared access to files and folders,
  • creation of projects for ideas, from which your team can take a part,
  • thorough protection - encryption of data AEC and SSL / TLS,
  • remote deletion of files on attachments,
  • as well as robots in offline mode and many others basic functions.

Dropbox is a cost-free online file storage with the ability to sync. Seemingly simpler - a collection of files on the Internet. Alas, all files can be stored on your computer. Abo navit on kіlkoh computers.

Now let's talk more about how file synchronization is. Synchronization of files is a process that allows you to calculate the difference between two files in two or more files, and bring them to a single look. When to save rest version file, knowledge at all dzherelakh.

For example, I will show you text document, which is on my computer, and also on my laptop. This file of transfers from the father, as it can be synchronized with the help of Dropbox. It's called "Documents".

At once I will open this text file, I will make changes to the text and close it. The file has been changed, the Notepad program before closing, prompted - "Save the change?". I choose "Save".

Now to wonder what is being seen. The file size is downloaded from the version on the Dropbox server. Oskіlki I entered the change to the text, the file was also changed. The program synchronizes this file with the version on the server, and then rechecks the version of the file on my laptop. The next file on the laptop is also replaced with a new one. Tse i є synchronization.

Like bachite, there is nothing foldable. At first, we asked for help.

Now there is a follow-up question on another question - “What is this service for?”.

At the same time, you can get a lot of services from the Internet, how to promote an online resource for your files, photos and videos, documents and tables. The most popular of them - tse: "Yandex People", " Windows LIVE SkyDrive" and "Google Docs". All services are available absolutely free of charge and allow you to save files online and access them from any computer.

But Dropbox allows you not only to save files in a folder, but also to automatically synchronize them with files that are stored on the computer of the host. In addition, clients for robots with Dropbox for all popular operating systems and navigate for mobile platforms.

In this way, you will accept a unique service, which allows you not only to synchronize files, but also to take access to them from any place and from any attachment. However, if you are not connected to the Internet, the files will still be with you, because the stench is automatically saved on your computer.

In this video course, we report on the possibility of the Dropbox service, at once we will go through the process of installing and fixing it, and also show some of the most unusual options for using this service.

Vіtayu you on the sides of the blog. Today I encourage you to be one most popular service. Obviously, it’s not unbelievable. I will explain everything and tell you. As a rule, I will try to be short, understand, and arbitrarily reconcile. I’ll tell you about something, but I don’t see the proposition to be mentioned.

More than anything, if you ever bought a phone, then you ran into the Dropbox extension installed, which is the program, which features it has, and just one company has gone far away to use all the methods, as I don’t like advertising in marketing.


I already wrote. Dropbox, or the Russian "Throw a box" - this is such a service.

Hmari - tse vzagalі cool. Why are you worried? Do you need more stench? The first priority is to save money. Information will never be lost. If you have any relevant documents, photographs, videos, or electronically, then no the shortest way saving, lower darkness.

The computer might be zapping memory disk fly, the flash drive will be ruined. The server is not going anywhere. Obviously, as a provider of reputation and follow for their products.

If you have a “fly” znіmny disk or a laptop, for the renewal of data from the greater vipadkіv you will be asked to send information to Moscow or another great place. I felt so bad.

If you are lamenting in the gloom, those people are busy with inspiration, like doing yoga. Dropbox is operated by Dropbox Inc. Repair and return of documents is on the shoulders of the guys from San Francisco. No one can do anything. Know it yourself (via the Internet) and repair it yourself.

Another advantage is mobility. All khmarnі services provide a set that contains programs for the Android phone or iPhone, programs for the computer and online services. From any of these outbuildings, you go to your official records and check out the documents that are saved in the middle.

Let's say you threw it into Dropbox from your computer and went to work. There you needed to go into one of the password-protected oblіkovih records. It is not necessary to call the squad and ask them to know the file in order to dictate the cipher. Just log in from your mobile phone and see for yourself all the information.

You only have access to documents, but you can also write yoga for your friend, comrade, colleague. Add two buttons to the URL document for help. Tse rob bezkoshtovno. Send you the message and win the necessary information.

If you need it, it's especially handy. You have uploaded the document to the disk and do not worry - if you have downloaded the wine, if the download is completed, why is the process taking so long. Don't whine. They sent a message and forgot.

About dropbox

At the article “To Yakom gloomy service voddati perevagu ”I didn’t look at Dropbox for impersonal adequate reasons. How to read my report about Yandex Disk, Google disk and disk in Mail.ru go for help. At whom we have divided, I will only share a part of the information. I’ll match them with Dropbox, which I didn’t talk about before.

Marvel, as if you are captivating Dropbox from the official website , or just register here, sob online service, then you will be given less than 2 GB of memory without cost.