Increased font on the computer screen. How to increase the font size on the page in a few seconds.

Good afternoon. On the Internet, you can spend some time on the site on which you subscribe font. And in order to read the news, information must be provided to the public, especially to people who do not have hundreds of years of age. Owners of such resources seem to forget about the reliability of contributors on the site, people can open the page and get to know the posted material without any problems. It is therefore important that the size of the font on the website be easy for you to understand, especially for people with visual impairments.

If you go to the resource where you have more text, you can enlarge it (change the scale) using the browser you use. Today we will briefly look at how to work in the most popular browsers. And in the end we find out that there are bears behind the keyboard.

How to change the zoom level in the Google Chrome browser

If you use your browser, then to increase the font on the site you need to do the following:

Open the main Chrome menu (1) and under the “Zoom” item, click on the “plus” (2)

With skin pressure, the scale will increase by 10, 25, 50%. In this way you can get the font to be readable for you. And they could easily follow the material on the site.

To change it, press on “minus” (3). Repeated tapping will likely change the page scale.

To go to full screen mode press (4) or vikorist I heat the key"F11". In this mode, the side is opened in rear screen- the search row (address row) with buttons disappears installations and their width, bookmarks bar. Let's allow the statue to be hand-wrapped. To return to the original mode, you need to press “F11” again.

In addition, the browser will remember what scale was on the page before closing. Let’s say you went to the site, made the font larger, read the article and closed it. When the page is opened, the font will be opened with the same parameters as it was before it was closed.

This power - remembering the size of the scale - is supported by all popular browsers.

Now you know how to make the font larger in Google Chrome and make the material easier to read.

Although the process of increasing font size is the same in all browsers, we will go through them and show how the scaling has been adjusted. Let's go.

How to increase the font size in Yandex browser

We open the main menu and the stench is in front of us

How to change the zoom level in Mozilla Firefox

Everyone here is the same.

Increase text size in Microsoft Edge

Here everything is also through the Golovne menu.

Change large-scale adjustments at Vivaldi

Nothing new, everything is the same. Golovne menu, item View

We looked at the possibility of changing the scale using a browser. Ale tse not always manually, steadily go into the head and change the adjustment there. How else can you increase the size of the font on the site? Behind the keyboard and bears.

Keyboard. Enlarge the text on the page using the CTRL key. We press and do not release it until we press the “+” key ( CTRL + "+"). The scale will increase. Vikoristics can be used to achieve a comfortable font size. It's clear CTRL + "-"- Changes the size of the drains. To quickly go to 100%, just press the key combination - CTRL+0.

Bears for help. Here again you can’t do without CTRL and your helper – the tickling bear. Press CTRL and begin to turn the mouse wheel: towards you (forward) - the font becomes larger, back (towards you) - it changes.

The main principles are how to increase the font on the side. We really want to add more. Watch an hour of work in front of the monitor. Apply to your skin for 2 years. Give your eyes 5 quilins. You can't buy zir. Take care of it.

A sensible artist is one who understands that he is manipulated by the press and manipulated by the press.

It has long become the main program for the cross-border koristuvach. You can use the browser not only for viewing web pages, but also for sending emails, editing documents, reading books, etc.

This situation often results in the need to increase the font size in the browser. Even if you spend a long time with a different text, it becomes boring. From this material we know how to increase the font size Google browsers Chrome Mozilla Firefox,Opera, Internet Explorer and others.

To change or increase the font in the browser, it is best to use the keyboard. There are key combinations that work with Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer.

CTRL and “+” key– press the CTRL and “+” keys to increase the font in the browser. In this case, the user can use the + key on both the main and secondary (Num) keyboards.

CTRL and “-” key– use the CTRL and “-” key combination to change the browser font. The user can use the “-” key either on the main or additional keyboard.

CTRL and tickle bear- You can press the CTRL key and hit the bear with a paddle. In this way, you can easily change or increase the browser font to the required size.

CTRL and key “0”- This key combination is used to reduce the zoom of a larger page in the browser. Using this combination, you will be rotated to the original font size in the browser. Users can use the “0” (zero) key on both the main and secondary keyboards. This key combination works in all popular browsers ( Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera) cream.

Other ways to increase the font size in your browser

You can also increase the font size in the browser menu.

Google Chrome browser You can create a larger program menu. To do this, just open the main menu (the button in the upper right corner of the program) and press the “+” button if you want to increase the font, or the “-” button if you want to change the font.

In the Opera browser, the font increases and changes in a similar way. Open the program menu (the “Opera” button in the top left corner) and select the “+” and “-” buttons.

U Mozilla browsers Firefox in order to change or enlarge the font you need to press on ALT button on the keyboard and after the menu appears, open “View – Zoom”. Here you can enlarge, change or reduce the font size.

U Internet browsers Explorer To change or enlarge the font, you need to open the main program menu (the button in the upper right corner of the program) and select the “Scale” item.

Also in Internet Explorer you can click on ALT key And in the menu, open “View - Zoom”.

Increasing the size of the font on the computer screen may be required by the customer. All people have individual characteristics, close to their eyes. Of course, the stink of vikoryst monitors various virobniks, with different screen diagonals and separate sections. In order to maximize all these factors, the operating system has the ability to change the size of fonts and icons by choosing the most comfortable display for the user.

To select the optimal size for the fonts that appear on the screen, you have a number of ways. They include the choice of song combinations of keys, computer mouse and screen magnifier. In addition, the ability to change the scale of the page that is displayed has been transferred to all browsers. Popular social networks also offer similar functionality. Let's look at everything in this report.

Method 1: Keyboard

The keyboard is the main tool of a computer operator when working with a computer. With just one key combination, you can change the size of whatever appears on the screen. These are labels, signatures under them and other text. To get more or less of them, you can use the following combinations:

  • Ctrl+Alt+[+];
  • Ctrl+Alt+[-];
  • Ctrl+Alt+(zero).

For people with low vision, a screen magnifier may be the best solution.

It has a lens effect when pointed at the selected area of ​​the screen. You can click on it using additional keys. Win + [+].

Change the scale hidden side browser, you can use additional keys. Ctrl+[+]і Ctrl+[-], and these very wraps of the mouse wheel when the key is pressed Ctrl.

Method 2: Misha

On a connected keyboard with a mouse, changing the size of icons and fonts is even easier. Enough with pressed key "Ctrl" wrap the wheel around yourself so that the scale of the work table and the conductor changes from one side to the other. If the user has a laptop and does not use a mouse in the robot, then an imitation of the wrapping of the wheel is present in the touchpad functions. Why do you need to create such ridges with your fingers on your surface:

By changing the direction of the roc, you can increase or change the screen instead.

Method 3: Setting up the browser

If you need to change the size of the web page content that is being viewed, then in addition to the descriptions you need to press, you can quickly adjust the browser itself. All you have to do is open the settings window and find the section there "Scale". This is what the axis looks like in Google Chrome:

All you have to do is choose the most suitable scale for yourself. This will enhance all aspects of the web site, including fonts.

In other popular browsers, a similar operation is performed in a similar manner.

In addition to scaling the page, it is possible to increase the size of the text, removing the elements from the original appearance. On the Yandex Browser application it looks like this:

Just like scaling the page, this operation is carried out in almost all web browsers.

Method 4: Changing the font size in social networks

Those who like to hang out on social networks for a long time may also not have control over the size of fonts, which is what vikorysts say there. Although social networks also include web pages, the same methods described in the previous sections can be used to achieve the best results. The vendors of the interface of these resources have not provided any specific ways to increase the font size or page scale.

In such a manner operating system Provides various options for changing the size of fonts and icons on the computer screen. The flexibility of the setup allows you to satisfy the drink of the most wealthy investor.

If you often find yourself surprised and frustrated when you want to read on a computer, you may want to try changing the size of the letter. They can be changed or increased.

There are two options. The first one often changes the font size in singing programs. For example, in a program for the Internet (browsers) or in a program for other text ( Microsoft Word).

Another option is to change the size through. On the computer screen, in all programs, in the Start button, in folders and in many other places.

How to change the size of letters in singing programs (particularly)

In many computer programs in which you can open and read text, you can increase or change its size. In fact, it's about changing the scale, not editing the file itself. Roughly speaking, you can simply zoom in or out of the text without changing it.

Yak tse zrobiti. The most advanced way is to know this function in the context of the selected program. Ale is not very easy and will never be easy. This is why there is an alternative “Swedish” option, which is used by most computer programs.

Press one of the CTRL keys on the keyboard and, without releasing it, scroll the mouse wheel. This type of scrolling increases or changes the text by 10-15%. If you “twist” the wheel on yourself, the size of the font will change, and if you turn it on yourself, it will become larger.

Once you are satisfied with the size, release the CTRL button. Tim yourself you will consolidate the result and turn the wheel on the muscle for greater function.

Before speaking, instead of the dial, you can use the + button to increase and – to change. So, press CTRL, then press, and then release the + or - key on the keyboard. One such attack changes the size by 10-15%.

Decel of butts. Let’s say I often surf the Internet to find information – I read news and articles. On other resources, the size of the text varies – but it does not fit within the site itself.

The larger size of the letter is less heavy-handed, and I don’t feel handless while reading. Sometimes there are sites that have a font that is too different for me - I have to sit close to the screen and get confused. It’s not easy and it’s not cool.

In such situations, you can slightly increase the font size. I press the Ctrl button on the keyboard and roll the mouse wheel several times, thereby changing the size of the text.

This applies to 90% of drops: on websites, in mail, in social measures. You can check for yourself by increasing the font size in the article you are currently reading.

Before speech, in order to rotate to cob size, you need to press the Ctrl button on the keyboard and then press once on the key with the number 0. However, this rotation does not work in all programs, but only in browsers.

Another butt. Let's say I have another document Microsoft programs Word. The text is of a singing size, but for me it is too small. I can’t just increase the font in the program itself - it would break the rules of design, and it’s a pain to work with such random text.

By holding down the Ctrl button and rolling the thumbwheel, I can zoom in on the document. Tim myself, I’ll just bring him closer to myself, lest I spoil it. The text will be too large, but then I will be much larger.

We also miss photographs and pictures that we display on our computer. So you can “bring them closer” or “farther away”.

Important! These programs will remember the size that was adjusted. Then, if you open something else in such a program, it will immediately be shown in a different size.

Don’t worry about it, because a document, a book or a page on the Internet appears in a non-standard size - something big or something small. Just change it in the same way (CTRL and click on the mouse).

How to change the font size on your computer (skrizz)

You can enlarge or change the font not only in other programs, but also on any computer. In this case, all inscriptions, icons, menus and much more will change.

I'll show you on the example. Axis standard computer screen:

And here is the same screen, but with a larger font size:

In order to get this look, you only need to change one setting in the system. If the result is not the same, you can always turn everything around the same way.

U different versions Windows This procedure varies in different ways. Therefore, I will make three points for popular systems: Windows 7, Windows 8 and XP.

  1. Click the "Start" button and open the "Control Panel".
  2. Click on the text “Design and personalization”.
  3. Click on the "Screen" text.
  4. Indicate the required font size (small, medium or large) and press the “Set” button.
  5. At the window that appears, click on “Sign out now.” Don't forget to save everything before you go Open files Then close all open programs.

The system will restart, and after this the font on the computer will change.

  1. Open "Start" and select "Control Panel".
  2. Find the “Screen” icon (click below) and open it.
  3. Enter the required size (small, medium or large) and press the “Set” button at the bottom of the right hand.
  4. On the small window, press “Leave now.” Don't forget to save all open files and close all programs.

The system will restart, and the font on the computer will change.

  1. Click right button bears on an empty work table.
  2. Select from the “Power” list.
  3. Go to the “Design” tab (down).
  4. Below, in the part under the name “Font size”, from the list that appears, select the required size - primary, great font or a great font.
  5. Press the “Freeze” button and after a few seconds of setting the system will change.
  6. Press the “OK” button to close it completely.

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A lot of newbies, especially older people, are sick of using a computer. Sometimes a simple situation can “drive you into a stupor”, freezing your mood for the whole day.

For example: you opened the site, and there you need a different font. I want to read the article, otherwise nothing will come out, the writers get angry, their eyes water from stress. Do you know the situation?

Today we will look at a number of ways to increase the size of letters. Choose the most distant method.

How to increase letters on your computer screen

The best, simplest way to increase letters is to increase the scale of the page using hot keys or bears.

I will describe the method of “hot” keys:

We will press the button – “Ctrl”, then press it on the button – “+” (plus). If this is not enough, click on the “plus” as many times as necessary.

To change the scale step by step, press Ctrl and simultaneously press the minus -- key.

Rotate the scale to the cob for finishing - press Ctrl and the zero key 0. You can increase the size by using the additional bear

How to increase the size of the font on the computer screen using a bear

Pressing the “Ctrl” key, scroll the bear’s pin. When the wheel is wrapped in front of you, the scale of the computer screen increases, visually “bringing” the text closer.

When you turn the wheel towards you, the scale of the screen changes, “moving away” from you. Rotate the camp "behind the rear" - press "Ctrl" and press "0".

If you have a weak view, you can increase the pages in your browser settings. You won’t be able to constantly press the “hot” keys.

Changing the scale of web pages in customized browsers

All browsers have settings that can be adjusted. Make sure the icon is right-handed. This may show a wheel or gears. Yandex browser – an icon with three horizontal lines.

Let's find out on the Yandex browser application. When you hover your mouse over the icon, a hint appears: “Setting up Yandex browser.” Click on the settings icon and select the “Options” item.

Opens up New tab- Storinka is getting better. Scroll down the page and press the “Show additional parameters” button. Scrolling down a little, we find “Web-vmist”.

Here you will learn about font size, page scale, and instructions for editing. You can change the font size, increase the page scale, specifying the required values.

Click the “adjust fonts” button, set the maximum and minimum font values. For example, I’ll set the maximum value to 16, and raise the minimum value to 10, leaving the default value at 0. Click the “done” button.

You can set the required values, do not be afraid to experiment, you can later change the settings by turning the output position.

For example, let's look at how to increase the size of the font - Google Chrome browser. On the top right hand side of the address row there is an icon - three vertically spaced dots. We move the cursor over and it reads: “Adjustment and installation of Google Chrome.” Emboss this icon.

The window disappears, you know it says “scale”. Right in this window you can adjust the required scale by pressing “plus” or “minus”. After this, you will no longer be able to change the scale of other pages, as long as you set it once.

This is easy, it does not require work and reading, and your eyes are not bothered by the fact that on different sites there is a difference in the size of the letter.

I think that the principle of changing the size of fonts and the scale of the page in customized browsers is now clear. So let's move on to other ways to increase letters.

How to increase the size of the font on the screen through customizing your computer

You can increase the size of the font by opening your computer settings, then all programs, programs, and web pages will open with a larger size of letters.

How to increase the font size on your computer screen - Windows 10

You can change the font size adjustment – ​​operation Windows system 10. You need to go to “adjust screen”, increase the number in this way:

  • "Start";
  • "Control panel";
  • “Design and personalization”;
  • "Screen";
  • “Change the size of the text” - select the required font size for all sections, and be sure to press the “Freeze” button.

You can click on the screen with the right button of the bear - “Screen settings”, the side will open, and at the bottom press: “ Additional parameters screen”, a window will now open, there you need to click on “Additional changes to the size of the text, other elements”, then – Change only the size of the text.

You can increase the text size for:

  1. Window title;
  2. Please let me know,
  3. Menu and icons;
  4. Hints.

In this case, such elements as hints not to rush into change, as well as the stink of vikorism by those in current Windows versions.

You will not need to change the old type of prompt, as you can see by hovering the cursor over the “Close”, “Close”, “Close”, “Close” button.

How to increase the font size on your computer screen early versions Windows

In other versions of Windows, you can also change the size of letters. As far as I remember, you need to do it this way:

Click on the sequence:

  • "Start";
  • "Control panel";
  • "Design";
  • "Screen";
  • "Change the size of the text and other elements."

Jump ahead of the window - “with the font size set to medium, some elements will not fit on the screen.” It’s not scary, if the fragments don’t fit, the horizontal scrolling will automatically fit in.

After all actions, you need to restart your computer so that all adjustments can begin to work.

How to increase the size of the font on the computer screen - summary

As you can see, the procedures described are identical to those in Windows 10. Anyway, I think that after reading this article you won’t have any problems with larger fonts or scaling.

Now you can easily get into trouble! And for readers of the blog, who face difficulties when working with a computer, I hope you read it thoroughly. I have an article on my blog on this topic.

Write a comment in what ways do you increase lettering and change the scale?

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