Methods for connecting to affiliate programs. Media management for YouTube: how do Youtube affiliate programs work? How the youtube affiliate program works

YouTube is enough popular service, where you can find out literally everything: important and developmental programs, home gifts, business training and much more. Someone can create your own blog and share whatever interests you. Besides, this Maidan is not just for everyone to show off their creativity, but also to make money from it. In this article, we will discuss with you how to earn money, and how YouTube allows you to earn money, both for co-workers and channel contributors, with clear evidence.

This is the official partner network of YouTube. U qiu program You can submit an application for entry if you have already accumulated 1000 prepayments and 4 thousand years of views on your channel per river. In this way, you connect to your channel through monetization. This stage must be passed through every YouTuber-coach.

This view Monetization is stable as long as you develop your channel and don’t forget to update it with new content. Once a month you will receive income for a thousand views of your videos. A small “ALE”, until the end of which is obligatory. Your channel will be verified after submitting an application for the YouTube affiliate program. Vimog is not so rich, but the stench is overwhelming for everyone.

In many minds, when entering the program, the following points should be included:

  • Obov'yazkov's creation of the author's original content. If there is evidence of plagiarism in your videos, you may not only not be accepted into the affiliate program, but you may also risk wasting your channel;
  • Your videos do not contain any profanity. It’s better to “seal” or get rid of such viruses;
  • Discrimination and scenes of violence are also not praised by YouTube.

More report description You can read all the rules of registration in this document. Youtube sleep rules. And as soon as possible, the channel fragments need to be verified not just once, but over time.

Well, we have adopted the basic monetization method. Let's now move on to the rich channel lines.

Affiliate programs for YouTube

What's this? This is the same affiliate program for the owners of power channels, but the main difference is that these “affiliates” are not hired, but third-party. The programs do not belong to Google, as it is an official affiliate program, but to third-party companies that have been certified by video hosting. There's a lot to be had. Vimoga before the Vikonavian massacre at the skin media level, and also in the underground. These are such as: the uniqueness of the content, the number of pre-payers in the channel, the presence of money among the koristuvachs and before YouTube, and the channel. Let's move on to some of them, the most profitable and popular for 2019:


AIR- A dedicated affiliate program both for popular bloggers and for beginners. Official partner of YouTube since 2011. Air provides its employees with a music library, a comprehensive and special office, the possibility of projects with brands, and training. There are also referral programs, competitions, for which you can receive prizes and valuable evidence for your participation. The company is offering a Swede technical support helps with the development of the channel, the influence of bloggers. And also help with copyright protection.

To connect to air, the channel costs 1.5 thousand prepayments and 5 thousand views per 12 months. If your channel demonstrates these benefits, then feel free to apply for membership before the program.


YOOLA– media management is popular, as it provides good intelligence for working with the channel and its development. This company promotes the Yoola Stars program to authors. Possibilities that allow authors for three months for help personal manager optimize, add tweaks, expand the channel.

Great light brands are produced with this mixture. Like: Pepsi, GoPro, L`Oreal. Yula gives you the opportunity to explore a music library, receive bonuses for using referral programs, tools for working with content, support, thematic news and communication. This company also works with various social networks and platforms.

Benefits for which you can enter the program are: 10 thousand views and 500 prepayments. Swede online registration, and you are a partner.

Income is distributed to the scheme: 80% partner, 20% company.


FULLSCREEN is a leader among YouTube affiliate programs. Suitable mainly for those who specialize in music and films. Payment in this company for a thousand revisions varies from 1 dollar and 40 cents to 2 dollars 10 cents.

Benefits for the channel: 1 thousand prepayments and 5 thousand views per income.

On average, all connected channels have 1.5 billion views per month. So, this media network is a powerful supplement for a smartphone or computer.


QUIZGROUP- “partner”, which began its activity in 2008. Respected as one of the oldest. Things are simple here. You can become a partner because your channel has 10 prepayments and 50 views. It's democratic, and it's good for YouTubers.

GTRUSSIA- A new product on the Russian market, but already with a sufficient number of buyers. Rate: 70% to the partner, 30% to the company, but by recruiting active minds in 2-3 months you can increase your income to 90%. GTRussia is focused on clients and is currently offering bonuses.

Benefits: 100 prepayments, 10 thousand views and 10 videos posted on the channel.

Pros and cons

  1. Media networks provide support and help, whichever channel receives more views and therefore increases in revenue;
  2. “Affiliates” select a local and relevant advertising company;
  3. Costs can be restored in any number of ways;
  4. Delivery of reporting analytics to the channel.

Mind you, the requirements for all affiliate programs are different. It’s important to put emphasis on their training, so that you understand how to protect your strength and select the most suitable one. For newbies delicious food will: do not sign the final contracts, because they could not yet fully evaluate their capabilities.

There are not many channels available, so you can get a triple commission from your earnings, so Vlasna program YouTube allows you to withdraw all income from rewatches in the world.


Kozhen koristuvach YouTube may not only be possible to start your own blog on this Maidan, but you will quickly find a wealth of ways to monetize it.

To start with a loss of income, you need approximately the same points in which the numbers vary. Also, newcomers have a little more money. In this case, there is a miraculous way out of the situation - with certified affiliate programs, which enable their channels to be more loyal. With this help, the authors will recognize the possibility of earning a pittance on the first scraps of money in this sphere.

There are no affiliate programs. We looked at the most profitable and popular ones. Choose media from like minds for you. Before that best companies They work not only with well-known bloggers, but also give newbies the opportunity to develop. Everything is in your hands! Have fun!

I hope this article was a boon to you. Share with friends social measures Subscribe to the blog to stay updated on everything!

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I’ll show you how to connect to Air media and show you its special account and how to set up payments.

1. Apply before Air

To connect your YouTube channel to the Air affiliate program, go to the Air home page and click on the “Become a partner” sign. If you would like to connect to the Air affiliate, then vikorist this request

The Air connection page will open, where you will be asked to connect. Press the right hand on the text “Select YouTube channel.”

Now select your YouTube account for whichever channel you have that you want to connect to the Air connection.

The Air will be asked to check your channel, which will ensure that you can connect to the Air media and will not cause any damage. Click "Allow".

Now complete your application to join the Air media network. Fill in your name, nickname, date of birth, email, skype, phone number and click on the right hand at the bottom “Submit an application”.

2. Requests are accepted by Air

After a few days, your email upon registration of your YouTube channel will receive a letter from the Air affiliate program, in which it will be written:

Thank you for your beast. We have become familiar with your channel and are ready to connect it to our affiliate network on YouTube. Please read this sheet and information carefully before submitting! Blivati!

You will also receive a sheet from YouTube with the address [email protected] about those that the Agency of Intenet Right requests you for a rich channel feed on YouTube.

Go to your YouTube channel in the video manager or somewhere else and you will give the animal information about those who A representative of a rich channel network has become a YouTube partner. Press “Look at it and accept it with your mind.”

The “Monetization” page will open, where you need to click on the inscription “read and accept.”

Next, join the YouTube partner program through the media network (MCN) Air. For the sake of YouTube, we will transfer your income from the YouTube channel to the Air media management account, and we will take your percentage and transfer it to you on WebMoney, PayPal and others.

Check the boxes:

  • I accept the mind of vikoristannya.
  • I pledge not to interfere with Google's marketing of products and services through Google's products and services as an unfair means of defrauding revenue.
  • I do not use materials for commercial purposes, as I do not have sufficient rights.

You can also put a checkmark on the item below if you want to keep up with the development of the channel and some news about YouTube. And let the right hand press “I accept” at the bottom.

Ready. You were accepted. If new income becomes available, you can profit from it.

Now go to your YouTube channel under the Status and Features tab and you will see a note about those who are now a Verified Partner and log in to the Agency of Internet Rights. This means that you are a partner of Air.

3. Includes monetization on your YouTube channel

Now you need to enable monetization on all your videos so that advertisements are displayed on them and bring you income. Go to the video manager on your YouTube channel and check the left-handed box next to “Dies” to see all the videos on your YouTube channel. The more people watch the ad, the more money you take from YouTube videos. You also take money for clicks and views on your videos.

Once you have seen all the videos on your YouTube channel, click on Actions and select Monetization to enable commerce for your videos.

Monetization of selected videos. We tick the first two points to prevent InVideo advertising and the possibility of skipping on your videos on YouTube. Click on the “Monetization” button.

Let's collect yours youtube video And monetization for selected videos is enabled.

After a few seconds, the videos will be successfully edited and advertisements will now appear on your videos.

A video axis that shows how to increase monetization on your YouTube channel.

You will receive a list by email about those who have successfully connected to AIR and are now partners. To complete the registration and gain access to the “Special Account”, follow the instructions as indicated in the sheet.

4. Special account of the Air affiliate

By sending a message to the list after connecting to the Air media network, you can go to a special account where you can enter your details to withdraw money from your YouTube channel. Why go to the settings, you need to look left-handed at the menu.

In your account you can change the password for your special office In Air, enter your email to get notifications and lists from media management.

In the “Payment details” tab, click “Edit” to indicate your gamifications for which your affiliate will re-insure money.

You can choose electronic payment or .

Please note that the minimum payment limit on WebMoney is no more than 0.5 dollars, and on PayPal it is 35 dollars.

The commission for paying on WebMoney is 0%, and the commission for PayPal is at the extreme.

Or pay by bank card.

Penny transfers can be selected from Zolotaya Korona, Unistream, International S.W.I.F.T., Western Union, MoneyGram.

In the "Basic Information" tab you can change your email and phone number.

5. How much does an Air partner pay?

The “Rights” tab shows your agreement, the date of registration and your media rate. Starting from now, the Air affiliate program will pay you 70% of your earnings on YouTube. If you withdraw 100 dollars from YouTube, then 30 of them will go to the Air media service, and 70 dollars will be transferred to you. Take affiliate money for support of your channel (rarely you can get help with a strike) and for those who do not claim the copyright for your video. It also offers a number of options for transferring money (WebMoney, PayPal and others).

The “Channels” tab shows the channels that are connected to Air.

And the “Pay” deposit shows how much you have earned on YouTube.

In the “Statistics” and “Referral System” tabs, you can come up with your referral message for connecting to the Air network and income from your referrals, including those whom you brought to the network.

If you want to connect to the Air affiliate, then sign up for this request, you will have more chances for success.

6. How to connect to Air?

Subject to AIR, to confirm your connection request, you must write a form to the partner support service, indicating the reason why you want to connect. You can subscribe to the web offer to connect to the channel for the following minds:

  • The term of this agreement ends within 12 (twelve) months from the date of connection. Subject to clause 5.3., if 30 (thirty) days before the end of the Term, the Parties must not declare the agreement to be included in the Agreement or the need to make an amendment to the Agreement, or the need to establish a new agreement on other minds, the lines are considered to be extended (extended) by 12 (twelve) months are upon us.
  • If you have any problems with AIR, you must make payments to Vinagorod before the web offer, clause 5.4.

If your mind is not stagnant until you fall out, Air will be difficult to respond to the connection.

You can also try clicking “Close access” on the status and functions of the channel to access them.

And then check the “I confirm” checkbox and click “Add a request.” Then you will see the following information:

The request for connection is due to the Agency of Internet Rights partner.
Agency of Internet Rights partner can accept or provide assistance. Report... If you are impressed, please try to contact the Agency of Internet Rights partner directly.

  1. Note.
    If your contract with your partner Agency of Internet Rights is still valid, connection to the ISS may be to your liking. In this case, you will not be subject to legal, financial or any other obligations to the Agency of Internet Rights partner. If you have food, contact your partner Agency of Internet Rights.
  2. If you want to monetize your video after leaving the ISS, you will need to link your channel to your AdSense account.
  3. You will no longer be able to view data in YouTube Analytics about the income you generated as a participant in the Agency of Internet Rights partner's network. Before leaving the period, you may want to pay ahead of time.

Please also note that connecting through the YouTube functionality is recommended for affiliate programs. For this format (for the purpose of points 1 or 2), the moderator will ask you to write an application for the specific reason you want to connect.

If you are not eligible for the Air affiliate for any reason, you will have to choose. There are no other affiliate programs that you can join or sign up for and look at the limits below.

The YouTube affiliate program is a service that allows you to monetize your content. You can start earning money after connecting to Adsense, if you are the leader of a young channel, then it’s better to connect to an affiliate program, because at the initial stage of development you will need help.

In many affiliate programs, it’s a good idea to consult with a manager, or to help with development, in order to increase the number of views and repayments. At connected to Adsense no one needs to help you develop, and by writing sheets of support, you can long time ago Check for confirmation from her. Therefore, it’s best to start marketing on YouTube with affiliate programs, and if your channel becomes successful, start with Adsense.

We will tell you about the best partners, how to choose a suitable one and how to start working with her.

Criteria for choosing an affiliate program: principles, rules, how much to pay

When choosing an affiliate program for sponsorship, pay attention to such features.

Number of published videos. Some affiliate programs work with channels that contain at least 10 videos, while others need 3–5. And if you have only 3 videos posted on your channel, then you will need to make an agreement with you regarding the media measure. In which case, choose from those who have minimal benefits. If you want to become a partner of the singing channel, add a video to the channel and if you have all the options, apply for a connection.

Split the income. For the rich Vlasniks YouTube channels The first thing to consider when choosing an affiliate program is the cost of food and income. If you are willing to share no more than 20% of your earnings with the media, if others don’t mind giving up 30%. Most often, affiliate programs offer the following income split: 70/30%, and if the channel develops and there is a new increase in income, then many affiliate programs are ready to offer you a 90/10% split.

Method for withdrawing earned pennies. Promote affiliate systems different ways Cash withdrawals: transfer to card, Kiwi-Hamanets, webmoney, paypal, Yandex money and in. This food is even more important for Vlasnik channels, even if people can withdraw payments on webmoney, qiwi. In addition, the owners of the channels live in different countries, so the media can teach their partners different ways of raising money. No less important is the size of the commission when withdrawing earned money.

Minimum payment threshold. Zalezhnoe vіd payment system The minimum payout limit starts at $2. Deyaki affiliate measures withdraw money if there is more than $20. And if you have a small channel, then you should choose a media measurement with a minimum threshold in order to get a small amount of money out of YouTube. Adsense requires a minimum withdrawal amount of $100, and young YouTubers are respected for choosing affiliate programs for promotion.

A lot of people respect that your income will definitely come from the affiliate program to which your channel is connected. The amount of your earnings depends only on what advertisements indicate on the videos and how viewers click on them.

TOP 10 best affiliate programs for YouTube

There are dozens of affiliate programs for YouTube. Some of them are aimed at honest and long-term cooperation with partners, and also such media measures that during the period of their work have deserved a lot of negative criticism. And if you don’t want to deal with such companies, read our article to find out which affiliate programs you can trust. Below we present the top 10 English and Russian media outlets, visible from the monetization of the channel.

Behind the words of the partners, this is one of the media measures that conveys clear mind The tips are not only for experienced bloggers, but also for newcomers. For the company, the skin canal is important, whether it costs 2000 or 100,000 prepayments. The income split is calculated at a rate of 75/25%. But for this you need to regularly release videos, otherwise the rate will be increased to 70/30%. If there are 10,000,000 views on the channel every month, then the division of income can be divided into 85/15% or 90/10%. To connect, you just need to sign up simply: link the channel with Adsense, have at least 10 videos, create a channel and add text to the “About the channel” section. Moreover, you are guilty of daily violation of the principles of copyright and copyright.


This is one of the great affiliate programs with a lot of different channels. In addition, your channel is subject to ties with AdsenSe, but there may be no less than 1,500 prepayments and 5,000 years of views for the rest of the river. The income distribution is standard - 70/30%, if you like the channel that is rapidly developing, write to the support and the number may change.

The main advantage of the spivpratsi is a significant division of income for the Vlasnik channels. On the first day, insure at a rate of 80/20%. And due to the high activity of the channel, you can look at the bloggers’ worth. In order to become a partner, you need to enable monetization on your channel, sign up for YouTube and link your account with Adsense.


This is one of the first media services previously known as VSP Group. If your connection channel to Adsense is more than one month old, and on the videos in the remaining 30 days there are at least 7,000 views, you can connect to the affiliate program. The primary rate for income is 70/30%, if your channel has more than 500,000 views per month, then the partner’s income will increase by 5%, if the number of views per month is more than 1,000,000 rubles , then insure at a rate of 80/20%.

First, we need to make decisions about monitoring the media management, and the security experts are responsible for removing the statistics of your views for the rest of the year. The primary rate for income is 75/25%, if there are more than 50,000,000 views on your channel in a month, then the rate is 90/10%. If your channel averages less than 1000 views per day over the past year, then you will not be able to become a partner. Well i obov'yazkovoy vimogaє connecting to the channel before Adsense.

To connect to this affiliate program, you must link the channel with Adsense, with at least 5 videos, the first of which may attract attention more than a month ago. In addition, stay active on the channel, watch at least 3 videos per month, and expect at least 5,000 views on the other three. The affiliate program contributes one of the loyal divisions of income – 80/20%.

The largest partners in this media industry value the opportunity to increase earnings, sharing the income – 80/20% from the first day of work. There are no special benefits before connecting the media measure: the channel has adjusted monetization and is linked to Adsense. And for this you need at least 1,000 prepayments and 4,000 years of review for the rest of the river. There are also copyrighted videos on your channel, and you are not guilty of violating the principles of integrity.

One of the advantages of contrasting with the price of media is the obvious division of income – 80/20%. To connect to an affiliate program, sign up for the minimum benefits that YouTube itself provides: at least 1,000 upfront fees and 4,000 years for the remaining time on the channel.

To connect to this affiliate program, you must enable monetization on the channel and link it to your Adsense account. The following must be added: at least 10 videos on the channel, at least 300 views over the past year, regular release of content, the theme of the channel has been understood. The primary rate for splitting income is 70/30%; for high activity, a blogger’s earnings can increase up to 80%.

The standard rate per hour of connection is 65/35%. The main disadvantage of this affiliate program is the lack of communication with Russian managers. But not all the minuses, there was a recent difficult revision of the income rate, as in other media measures.

The affiliate program is one of the effective ways monetization of the resource and obtaining targeted referrals to the site without spending on advertising. By running your affiliate program you can earn up to 10-20% of your turnover. Everything depends on the knowledge of using this marketing tool. If you organize and run an affiliate program correctly, you won’t notice the results for a long time.

Who needs this power affiliate program?

How to make money on affiliate programs? First of all, such programs bring hundreds and thousands of new distributors to your resource. As long as your partners try to get traffic to your resource and increase product sales, you don’t have to pay anything. Payment is only for the result ( action, payment, click). By understanding how to work with affiliate programs, you can significantly increase the profitability of the resource. Affiliates are needed by everyone: bloggers, online stores, hosting, SEO services, etc.

Another option is to use CPA measures. To put it briefly, the leaders of the government put out a lot of proposals about joining affiliate programs, and the webmasters themselves decide where to take their fate. Most often, a CPA partner already has the features of a webmaster and resource manager panel, statistics, etc.

However, this option may not be suitable for a mere mortal. As a rule, CPA affiliates work with great advertisers who are ready to guarantee a significant budget for payment. With so many hundreds of markups, it’s great ( The robot's fragments are forced to pay commissions, the affiliate program can easily "spin" as much as possible from the client's money). In a number of cases, such a situation will end in scandals and court proceedings.

Vlasnaya affiliate program for a small company is more pleasant compared to CPA, because it allows the Vlasnik site to completely control the process. However, with these partners you have to joke on your own.

How to organize a government program?

Since you are faced with the task of creating your affiliate program from scratch, consider the following aspects:

  • Yakisny product. If you have a product/product in your arsenal that is of real value to traders, you can get the best partners;
  • Resource high level sales The presence of a resource with high sales efficiency is the main reason that allows you to develop an affiliate program and obtain the desired result from it;
  • Size of commission partners. First of all, we need to determine what kind of payment scheme will be used - per click, per action, per sale. At the initial stage, try to generate the maximum number of commissions that you will allow. You can help your partners get involved and help you get a resource. In this case, we must pay respect to those who have a high number of partner wineries to better install for digital and information products(books, programs, audio and video content), less for the physical. A possible option is a rich affiliate program, in which the payment of commissions is subject to a hierarchical schedule of partners of the first and subsequent levels;
  • An effective tool. Your partners may look away from you necessary tools and advertising materials. Most affiliate programs only feature a few banners, which is clearly not enough for successful work:

How to connect an affiliate program?

To get started, let’s go through the creation methods:

  • You can write your own affiliate program on your own or become a programmer. The functionality of the affiliate program can include the ability to work through the Web interface and programs for iOS and Android; aggregation of information about purchases, nutrition, drinks, informing clients about the status of purchases via SMS or e-mail. And also intelligent data analysis for further analysis of the affiliate’s work, multi-faceted interface, export of data to accounting, etc.;
  • Implement an affiliate program using additional aggregators. Create beautiful promotional materials and register with CPA partners as an advertiser;
  • You can quickly access services that will help you create your own affiliate program.

There are a number of options on how to connect an affiliate program:

  • LastoShopGold – best suited for selling digital goods (information products, PIN codes, e-books etc..). The script is installed on the site, with total control over its robot;
  • EcommTools is a service that allows you to sell both digital and physical products. For electronic goods sales there is a lot of automation, for physical ones there are a number of options for expanding delivery options, integration with the logistics center, sending a number for confirmation, etc.;
  • E-autopay is a service that will help you organize your affiliate program and ensure easy receipt and payment processing. This resource is useful both for the site administrator and for partners. Suitable for selling digital and physical goods;
  • - having registered in this service, you become the owner of a full-fledged online store for conducting information business, domestic affiliate programs, a service of “smart” e-mail outlets and access to affiliates who are ready to advertise your product. The service allows you to create automatic sales for target groups and determine the effectiveness of advertising messages, test and monitor the conversion of pages and subscription pages that are being sold, and set up a series of additional sales. in a word, sell in “autopilot” mode.

Where and how can you get traffic for your affiliate programs?

Once the setup of the affiliate program is completed, it’s time to put it on the line.

How to drive traffic to an affiliate program?

  • From thematic informants;
  • Rozsilka by e-mail;
  • Traffic from publics on social networks;
  • Arbitration of traffic through teaser networks;
  • Through targeted advertising from social networks;
  • Direct clients for partner recommendations;
  • Traffic from mobile apps.

Once you have figured out how to create an affiliate program, start working with your client base. For additional email, inform your clients about the launch of a powerful affiliate program and your responsibility is to recruit them as partners. Information about your affiliate program can also be found everywhere in various affiliate directories. In this case, it is important to speak out on these merits ( high commission fees and in..).

It will be easier to get professional partners. It may be as little as 1%, but such a quantity will significantly increase sales of your product and services. Professional partners generate powerful e-mail feeders from thousands of pre-payers, high-volume resources, advertisers from advertising, which undermine their customer bases.

It’s not easy to find such partners; all you have to do is enter the topic of your product into the search system. key entries, what to do is to contact the owners of the resources, as mentioned on the first page of the video. You can also choose to receive partner messages. For this purpose, you will need to create special domains for key partners and a placeholder page that will appear when the client dials the direct address. In such a situation partnerske posilannya it will be difficult to get around:

How can you connect an affiliate program to your website if necessary?

Affiliate panel

You can create an affiliate program yourself or quickly use ready-made solutions to finish off a few of them. As a result, you will see a manual panel that will show traffic statistics. (number of transitions and number of inspirations). Moreover, the information can be filtered by date. In addition, earned money will be manually withdrawn through the panel. In this case, the website is denied the ability to control clients through the admin panel, which can be done manually.

Before you create an affiliate program, ask about its design. You can go to the reference list of ready-made scripts - Most likely you will have to spend an hour to get things done. If it’s difficult to grow up, you’ll turn into a programmer. Professionals will set up an affiliate program upon your request.

Promotional materials

The affiliate program transfers the obligatory visibility of banners different formats. At a minimum, it is necessary to have a couple of beautiful landing pages where partners can redirect potential clients. It’s best to create landing pages on a different domain, so that your site doesn’t get banned by jokers. The ban on landing pages is not terrible, because they rank so badly in search engines.

Acquiring clients

Place advertisements on specialized forums and public pages, buy targeted advertising in social media for pre-payers of specialized public pages. Owners of sites on such topics can be encouraged to take part in the affiliate program. If you don’t have enough time to better know the people who work with partners, new promotional materials, new promotions, etc.

What is the benefit of the power affiliate program?

  • First of all, the affiliate program will provide you with a lot of targeted traffic. And the more distributors there are, the more sales there are;
  • In other words, sales can increase your income;
  • Thirdly, it will take an hour to get the project going. Partners will help you develop the project;
  • Fourthly, you pay more for the result. Commissions are paid upon completion of the action;
  • In the end, spending money on the promotion of the project is going to be a waste of time. Your products/services are advertised by partners:

Finding a great partner is easy, but perhaps even possible. To get the hang of it, you need to provide low-quality evidence of the product’s value, provide guidelines for testing, and understand conversion and sales statistics. Average profit partners are also not easy to win. As a rule, such counterfeiters make test purchases of goods in order to ensure that your service operates at a high level.

You don’t want to get caught up in your partner’s behavior; use up your managerial skills for more advanced tasks. You are not to blame for the affiliate program. Submit advertising materials, texts of mailing lists, banners, articles, carry out promotions for partners and constantly monitor the results.

Analyze what kind of income your partners will bring in, then make the biggest savings or put your individual minds on health:

How to get an affiliate program on twitch and what else might you need?

To become a member of Twitch.TV, you must have an average number of one-hour views of more than 500, and broadcast content that is relevant to the service at least 3 times per week. Before you start applying for an affiliate program on twitch, check your application with manual mode, and if you are a little short of the stated requirements, and if you use special content, you may be subject to blame.

How to connect an affiliate program on YouTube? At the moment, the Internet is filled with a gigantic amount of data, and business owners, who just recently greedily collected information in an overhanded manner, today practically drowned in such a flow of news and switched power There is no interest in clear videos. And this trend is not surprising, and popular video hosting services are increasingly winning the hearts of people who want to make money.

Pros of the video:

  • there is the greatest overflow;
  • no voltage drop;
  • It’s much easier to get used to it.

Submission in video format itself is considered to be the most promising compared to other options for presenting data.

U Narazi If YouTube becomes one of the three most popular web resources in the world, it will undoubtedly need to increase its interest.

For those who want to earn and earn a steady income, there is no need to create a powerful channel on the website of this video hosting service. These may be used both for business and for informational and other purposes. This is not without great advantages for creativity and advertising, and the opportunity to earn money through additional special affiliate programs.

Possibility of earning money

Most new traders, as well as those who already have powerful channels, ask the basic questions: “How to get an affiliate on YouTube? How is it possible and what is the procedure?”

Hey, let’s sort it out in the report!

The affiliate program is a special product aimed at Vlasnik channels that allows you to enter into a direct partnership with YouTube.

Why should I give such hundreds? First of all, we are giving your channel new possibilities that have never existed before.

By becoming a partner, a video channel owner can deduct income from YouTube videos for any copyright violations.


"How to get an affiliate program on YouTube?" - this food is rich.

Axis criteria for the channel, required for comparison:

  1. You need at least 500 paid subscribers for your channel and at least 100,000 views.
  2. The channel is not guilty of taking revenge or showing videos that violate copyrights.
  3. Obov'yazkovo is required to submit at least ten video materials.
  4. The channel will be up and running for at least a month.

If your channel meets these criteria, then information about how to get an affiliate on YouTube is easy to follow. For the completion of appointments, you can, without any particular difficulties, apply for the placement of partner's wines.

Partnership formalization

One of the most important points after the presentation of the main benefits is, first of all, correct registration. How to create an affiliate program on Youtube?

It’s easy to finish:

  • First of all, you need to fill out a questionnaire for partners. Renewal must be carried out at English language especially the part where you need to transform your channel so that it won’t be destroyed otherwise. After completing the procedure correctly, you will need to check for special permission. The duration of the test can be observed in 1 day, perhaps 2-3 days or more.
  • Alternatively, register your Adsense account and check for the confirmation that will be sent to email. The cloud record may be greater than 1.
  • Thirdly, you need a binding Adsense account to your channel, where the partnership questionnaire was completely forgotten. You need to work hard before starting an affiliate program on YouTube. And after all, we will accept the commercialization of powerful videos. There are several advertising options.

Reducing income

After completing all the necessary steps, you need to work and improve your channel, aiming for 1-3 (more is allowed) videos and earn money. Your earnings will be based on the number of videos you watch. It is logical that the more clients we have, the greater our reliance on advertising income.

Benefits of connecting to an affiliate program

The advantages are great:

  1. Fluidity and ease of connection.
  2. There are (practically) any special people we could get to the channel.
  3. No one has the need to pay hundreds of dollars for the money they have earned.
  4. Possibility of inserting your own pictures into the video, rather than choosing the traditional 3 frame views.
  5. Direct earnings from advertising go directly to Vlasnik (and directly to you).
  6. And the ability to change and release the video.


Based on the facts, you can easily draw a single conclusion: the YouTube affiliate program is attractive and promising both for new users and for those who already have established channels. Ease of connection and the potential for great earnings are the main characteristics of these subscriptions.