Editing wim. What is the WIM extension? Other causes of problems with WIM files

WIM Summary

A WIM file extension can have one type (-іv) to a file (-ів) and is associated with five different software programs, and the main one is 7-Zip, let's break it down Igor Pavlov. Often stinks are represented by the format Windows Imaging File Format. The main part of these families is classified as Disk Image Files.

WIM files are found on platforms mobile outbuildingsі desktop computers, and їх it is possible to enter from Windows, Android and Linux. Popularity Rating WIM files fold "Low", which means that the files are compressed rarely.

For otrimannya additional information about the WIM files and associated with them application software divs. lower. In addition, the following also presents the main troubleshooting tool, which will allow you to solve problems that blame the WIM files for the hour.

Popularity of file types
File Rank


This type of files, like before, retains relevance and is actively promoted by retailers and applied software tools. If you want original software security for this type of file, you can apply the new version to another plan (for example, Excel 97 vs. Office 365), this type of file, as before, is actively promoted by the stream version software. This process is interfacing with the old operating system, or with the old version of the software security, as well as “ Zvorotnya sumistnіst».

File status
Storinka stop updating

WIM file type

Association of the main WIM file

WIM file extension - image file format, which is Microsoft's extension file and representation Windows Vista. This allows the image of a single disk to be shared on a splint of platforms and can be used to copy files without affecting the operating system. The WIM file allows customers to serve a stand-alone image in stores with many images in one file.

Security software that displays Windows Imaging Format File:

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Troubleshooting at the time of opening WIM files

Major problems with opening WIM files

7-zip not installed

By double-clicking the WIM file, you can open the system dialog box, which prompts you "Can't enter the correct file type". At this vipadka, ring out the chains, it is connected with tim, scho your computer does not have 7-Zip installed for %%os%%. Since your operating system does not know what to work with this file, you cannot open it by clicking on the new one.

Porada: If you have another program, if you can open a WIM file, you can try opening dani file by selecting the program from the list possible programs.

Wrong version of 7-Zip installed

In some cases, you may have a new (or old) version of the Windows Imaging Format File, not supported installed version programs. For the availability of the correct version of the 7-Zip software (or if there are other software programs that are redeemed), you may need to get a different version of the software, or one of the other application software that is more secure. Such a problem is most often blamed for robots in older version of the application software h file, create with more new version , Kotriy old version impossible to recognize.

Porada: You can otrimati publicity about the version of the WIM file by pressing right button Click on the file, and then select "Power" (Windows) or "Remove Info" (Mac OSX).

Summary: If there are more problems, they blame it on the hour of downloading WIM files, due to the fact that the correct application software is installed on the computer.

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Other causes of problems with WIM files

Please note that 7-Zip is already installed on the computer, or otherwise the software is secure, due to WIM, but you can still run into problems while opening files in Windows Imaging Format File. As if there were no problems with opening WIM files, it is possible that the reason lies in other problems, as they do not allow opening files. Such problems include (listed in order of least extension):

  • Incorrect messages sent to WIM files in Windows registryphone book» operating room Windows systems)
  • Vipadkove vidalennya description WIM file in the Windows registry
  • Incorrect or incorrectly installed application software related to the WIM format
  • Poshkodzhennya file WIM (problems with yourself Windows file Imaging Format File)
  • WIM infection shkidlivim PZ
  • Poshkodzhenі chi outdated device drivers Ownership associated with a WIM file
  • Vіdsutnіst on the computer of sufficient system resources for vodkrittya Windows format Imaging File Format

Quiz: What kind of extension is the bitmap image type?


Close, but not familiar...

TIFF files or Tagged Image File Format, tse file raster image get involved. The stench is even more popular with the textile industry through today's building, but squeezing for victorious embossing without spending (saving high quality).

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Podiya of the day

Popular tool for squeezing feedback exit code, 7zip, 1999 roci Igor Pavlov. The embossing tool.7z as a promotional file extension, and embossers can choose from a long list of advanced embossing methods, including LZMA, LZMA2, Bzip2, PPMD ​​and download.

How to fix problems with opening WIM files

For visibility on the computer installed antivirus software possible, possible scan all files on the computer, as well as the skin file okremo. You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the check option to check the file for viruses.

For example, on whom the little one was seen file my-file.wim, then right-click on the desired file, and select the option in the file menu "Scan for help AVG". When choosing given parameter vіdkriєtsya AVG Antivirus, which checks the file for the presence of viruses.

Sometimes a pardon can be blamed on the result incorrect software installation what can be connected with the problem, what is vinyl in the installation process. Can you set up your operating system Link your WIM file with the correct application programmatically , spitting on such a name "associate file extensions".

Sometimes simple reinstalling 7-Zip You can solve your problem by properly linking WIM from 7-Zip. In other cases, problems with file associations can be blamed as a result nasty software programming retailer, and you may need to contact the retailer for a refund supplementary assistance.

Porada: Try onoviti 7-zip before the rest of the version, in order to reconsider, that the rest of the correction is installed and updated.

Might be obvious, but often In the middle, the WIM file itself could be the cause of the problem.. How did you get the file through the attachment email otherwise they have taken over the website, and the process of taking over the interruptions (for example, turning on the life or for some other reason), the file can be corrupted. As much as possible, try otrimati a new copy WIM file and try again.

Carefully: Poshkodzhenie file can cause the blame for the adjoining blockages in the front, or already. shkidlivoї programs on your PC, it is even more important that your computer is regularly updated with antivirus updates.

Just like your WIM file problems with hardware security on your computer, you may need to open the file Update Appliance Drivers, pov'yazanih іz cim possessed.

What is the problem ring up according to the types of multimedia files, yakі lie down in the form of a successful solution of hardware security in the middle of the computer, for example, sound card or video cards. For example, if you want to open an audio file, if you can't open it, you might need Update sound card drivers.

Porada: Every hour try to open the WIM file and take it off pardon notification, pov'yazanu z.SYS file, problem, ymovіrno, maybe buti connected with poshkogenimi or outdated device drivers, as it is necessary to change. This process can be facilitated with the help of software for updating drivers, such as DriverDoc.

How did the little ones solve the problem, and you are still having problems opening WIM files, but it may be number of available system resources. For some versions of WIM files, you may need a significant amount of resources (for example, memory / RAM, enumeration pressure) for proper reading on your computer. Such a problem occurs often, as if you were trying to dosing on an old computer hardware security and suddenly I update the operating system.

Such a problem can be blamed, if it is important for the computer to get out of the way, the operating system shards (those other services that work with background mode) can conserve a lot of resources to read the WIM file. Try to close all programs on the PC, first open Windows Imaging Format File. Using all the available resources on your computer, you will ensure the best brain for trying to open a WIM file.

Yakscho wi vikonali all described above croki, and the WIM file, as before, does not show up, you may need a viconat renewal of possession. У більшості випадків, навіть при використанні старих версій обладнання, обчислювальна потужність може бути більш ніж достатньою для більшості додатків користувача (якщо ви не виконуєте багато ресурсомісткої роботи процесора, такий як 3D-рендеринг, фінансове/наукове моделювання або інтенсивна мультимедійна робота) . in such a manner, completely immovable, so that your computer does not get the necessary memory(often called "RAM", or operational memory) For typing a file.

Try onovity memory to find out if you want to open the WIM file. On this day, updating the memory is fully accessible and even easier to install for a great computer. Yak bonus vee, Mabut, please, increase your productivity pіd hour vykonannya your computer Іnshih zavdan.

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Registry editing - One of the most extensive operations in vikonannі raznih tweaks, directing to improve the functionality of Windows. As a rule, changes made to the register are due on robotic system, however, when running Windows on a number of computers, this method may not be acceptable. Obviously, you can create a dial REG -files and vikonuvat їх zlittya on the skin copy installed Windows ale є th іnshіy variant.

Make changes to the registry at a later date, to the image, why all Tweaks will be automatically stopped at the hour of system installation.

For which you need to unpack the image of the system, in which you need to know the file INSTALL.WIM (Check out the wines from the catalog SOURCES) and copy yoga in a convenient place (we have broken D) .

Create to disk D folder mount, run command line as administrator and mount to folder mount image INSTALL.WIM, vikoristovuyuchi for which I will attack the command:

Dism /mount-wim /wimfile:D:\install.wim /index:1 /mountdir:D:\mount

  • D:/install.wim- Tse vyhіdne mіsce roztashuvannya image
  • INSTALL.WIM, index:1- Editing system,
  • D:/mount- the directory to which the image is to be mounted.

Note: shards in one image can be a copy of the edition of one version of the system (Home, Professional, Corporate only) , without intermediary before mounting, it is necessary to find out about the її іndex. (index). For which one the command is Dism/Get-WimInfo/WimFile:D:\install.wim.

After that, as the image will be mounted, I will need a new registry key for you. The path at the command of the distribution of the key can be changed depending on the one who distributed the registry and chooses to edit it.

  • If you want HKLM/SOFTWARE, the way will be windows/system32/config/software
  • Yakscho HKLM/SYSTEM - windows/system32/config/system
  • Like HKLM/SAM , then windows/system32/config/SAM
  • For the promotion of the promotion of HKLM/Security, the route is won windows/system32/config/security
  • For DEFAULT at distribution HKEY_USERS - windows/system32/config/default

It is possible that you need to take access to the download SOFTWARE. Immediately in the console, let's do it with an offensive command:

reg load HKLM /EDIT D:\mount\windows\system32\config\software

De EDIT- timchasovy pіdrozdіl at the editor's registry. After that, open the registry editor in the working system and open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\EDIT file.

Be kind, now you can create and edit the keys you need. When you're done, close the editor and split it back up with reg unload HKLM\EDIT .

What lesson import wim file. For quiet, who is not in the know, tse disk image format. Vіn buv razrobleniya kompanіє Microsoft for laryngeal the rest of the releases operating systems families Windows(Vista, 7, 8). The systems wikiped the file as part of the standard installation procedure. For those who are just starting to read my blog, I recommend that you get to know first article of the th cycle that vikonuvaty all diї schodo stvennija flash drives in the order of output of new articles. Golovne do not hurry up and work everything step by step. Well, for the sake of deciding, I will pronounce your article.

Krok 1. It is installed into the system the original image of Win 7 x86 (x64) and it is permanently connected when the power is on.

Krok 2 Let's start the virtual machine. We go into the bios (by pressing the buttons F2 at startup) CD-ROM. Take care (F10).

Krok 3 When the prompt "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD..." appears, press the key.

Krok 4. The system is seen through the choice of movies. Ale mi tisnemo Shift+F10.

Krok 5. Viniclia command line introduced h:

Krok 6 Potim dir

Krok 7. Now d: i renew dir

Krok 9 I renew dir


Krok 10 Click us imagex.exe. Dali enter this d:\x86\imagex.exe /capture c: d:\install.wim /flags “Professional” “Windows 7 SP1 Professional” “Windows 7 SP1 Professional” /compress maximum i tisnemo ENTER

Krok 11 Pishov launch utility.

Krok 12 Similarly, everything works on a 64-bit OS. Retail is less for the team. X86 change to amd64.

Krok 13 After the completion of the work, the machine is vimikaemo.

Krok 14

Krok 15 Import the wim file from the host system. For whom let's go to Parameters virtual machine i know tab Hard disk. Let's name the disk file.

Krok 16 We go File-Connect virtual disks-Connect-Oglyad-Specify the disk file with the name more-Select to connect another partition-Ok-Ok.

Krok 17 We know file install.wim, virіzaєmo yogo that is placed in a folder \SystemFlash\Assembly\Win7x86_wim.

To work with archives in the .wim format, the Windows warehouse has the Dism utility (and the wimlib library is an open source alternative).
Let's take a look at a sample of typical tasks, on the back of the Dism version 6.1.7600 (embedded in Windows 7), then Dism version 10.0.14393 (embedded in Windows 10).

dism version 6.1.7600 with nothing:

List images from wim file

For example install.wim from the installer windows disk 7 Revenge Chotiri image (may sensitize respect for the fields Index and Name):

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 6.1.7600.16385 Details for image: install.wim Index: 1 Name: Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM Size: 12 045 241 621 bytes Index: 3 Name: Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL Description: Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL Size: 11 947 613 470 bytes Index: 4 Name: Windows 7 ULTIMATE Description: 4 completed successfully.

Look in the image

To review the sloping image, it is necessary to mount it after the index or im'yam (having called it a little more difficult, I'll put the butt only with the index):
Dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:install.wim /index:3 /MountDir:C:\win7 /ReadOnly
With this command, we mounted the Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL image to the C: Win7 directory. For locking, the image is mounted writable, and the /ReadOnly key sets the read-only access mode.

Make changes to the image

1. Mount the desired change image (without the /ReadOnly key):
Dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:install.wim /index:3 /MountDir:C:\win7
2. Edit/Change/Add/View files in the C:\win7 directory, as you wish.
3. Install the image from saving changes:
Dism/Unmount-Wim/MountDir: C:\Win7/commit
or those two are the same with the same commands:


Look through the list of all mounted images (as well as their stans)

Dism / Get-MountedWimInfo

Dism version 10.0.14393 also includes axis:


Split a wim file into a sprat of swm files

Wim - file type archives, split it up like dd, don't go into it. Natomіst viyde offensive team. Might be in luck, for example, if you manually rob an install flash drive in FAT32 (the file system can be exchanged for a file size - a maximum of 4GB). The resulting swm files are located in the sources directory. The FileSize key accepts a size in megabytes.
Dism /Split-Image /ImageFile:install.wim /SWMFile:install.swm /FileSize:4096

Zastosuvati (unpack) the image on file system
Dism /Apply-Image /Image-File:install.wim /Index:1 /ApplyDir:D:\ /EA
For a file split on swm, it is necessary to specify the file naming pattern for the archive.
Dism /Apply-Image /Image-File:install.swm /SWMFile:install*.swm /Index:1 /ApplyDir:D:\ /EA
The /EA switch tells you to set extended file attributes.

For the replication of typical configurations of computers, it is rational to select the image of an installed operating system.

Detailed instructions are posted on the Microsoft website: Creating and staging Windows images

Since, with a large set of additional software, the file can easily be divided into 4 GB, then write such a distribution to DVD disc won't give in. However, it is not necessary to install the OS. It is enough for us to take the image of the partition, on which the OS is installed. Potim yoga can be included to the distribution kit on an exciting Flash disk, or simply transferred to new computer, zavantazhivsya іz any live-CD/DVD/USB. In these articles, we can look at insulting options.

Having worked through the preparation once, we might be able to work on new computers to work the OS with us, we will install software, connect peripherals and the necessary shortcuts for less than a year.

According to Microsoft: "When the image is created, it should be checked that the layout of the partitions on the output and target computers can be identical. For example, Windows image saved on the D drive, the image must be expanded on the D drive of the terminal computer, as well as the next partitioning parameters ():

  1. Tipi rozdіlіv (basic, additional chi logical) may zbіgatisya
  2. Just as I split the bugs active on the terminal computer, I am also responsible for being active on the terminal computer"

However, as we add preparations to distribute to the distribution kit, then there is no significance for the exchange.

Pokrokov's instruction for the development of Windows 7 in the image

1. Robimo template not installed Windows in audit mode

5. Write the creations of the image to a local hard drive

E:\tools\imagex.exe /apply E:\images\win7image.wim 1 C: Z:- split, where we will expand the image 1 - Number (or name) of the image, for capturing = 1

To make the OS lie on a shared resource, connect it in front with the command:

Net use E:\server\share /user:domain_name\username password

6. Completion

Yakshcho created okremium system partition, then it is necessary to transfer to a new system files(Assuming the OS is on the C: drive):

bcdboot C:\Windows

Apparently from Windows PE:

otherwise we close the window Windows installer 7. Computer next to reset. Let's take a CD/DVD disc and get it from a well-installed OS.

7. Slimming

  • As if there were problems with the ported OS, you can try to restore the upgrade. For whom it is necessary to be interested in Windows distribution 7 (you can open the console by pressing Shift + F10) or Windows PE and hit the command:
bcdboot C:\Windows /l uk-UA /s C: Read the report under the article "Innovation on Windows and Linux."

Windows Image Repository

It is possible to create a lot of images in different sets of software, vikoristovuchi one and the same template OS, then place them in one place, for example, on a flash drive and install the skin once the same image, which will be similar to a skin-creamy one. The process of adding can be carried out sequentially, after the installation of a skin kit, a new image is distributed. The algorithm is as follows (more details):

  1. zavantazhuemo OS in audit mode
  2. Install/remove firmware, connect printers, create shortcuts too.
  3. Preparing the system before throating for help sysprep ta vimicaemo computer
  4. Zavantazhuєmosya s live CD or a Windows7 distribution, go to console
  5. We create an image for help imagex, putting yogo on a flash drive or a resource
  6. Once again listed above, the docks will not create all required sets.

The creation of a wet Windows distribution

By making an image of a Windows distribution (wim-file), you can create your own distribution kit to install a DVD/Flash disk. For what is sufficient in the cob distribution, replace the \sources\install.wim file with your order, renaming it appropriately to install.wim.

In order to automate the installation, you can prepare the file autounattend.xml, by creating it for the help of WIAK and adding it to the root of the distribution kit.