Don't try to create a screen for the help of the Print Screen button

Sometimes it is important to save the image of the screen and it will be right, as for which one to choose the very program, the functions of which are best suited for a specific skin type.
In this article, you will know a little bit of joy about those, how to create a screenshot using Windows and for help special programs, oskіlki znannya and vikoristannya kіlkoh sam kіlkoh programs help koristuvachevі achieve good results when the znіmka screen.

Screenshot (screenshot) - the image on which the information is taken is taken from the monitor screen, in the literal translation it means a screen mark, which reflects the essence of such an image.
Is it possible for you to save information from the monitor?

There are a lot of reasons for this, I will show you some deeds from them.

There may be many more reasons and the skin of your computer's computer should know your reason, so you need to save the screen image.

The creation of the screen image takes place in two stages.

  • The first stage is the memory of the screen instead of the memory of the computer.
  • The other stage is the saving of this space in front of the graphic file on the storage or on a special site.

And since we cannot get into the first stage, then in another stage of the process, the quality of such a sign can be deposited in the end bag. It can be stored in programs, as it takes your own image from the clipboard for further editing and saving.
Let's take a look at the process of saving the image of the monitor screen.

To rob the screen standard procedures Windows needs to know the Print Screen key (Prt Scr, Prt Sc, etc.), like the F12 key in the top row.

The pressing of the Print Screen button will make the image of the entire screen. In order to take a less active window, you need to press Alt + Prt Scn at the same time. If you work on a laptop, then you, on top of everything, will have to press the Fn button:

Fn+Prt Scrn to capture the entire screen.
Fn+Alt+Print Screen to take a picture of the active window.

The Print Screen key does not create the same graphics files on the hard disk, it edits the screen image on the clipboard.

All the best!

In today's post, will we talk about those screens? For more of you, the topic will not be new, but all the same, it’s zgіdno zі statistics, it’s the power of the impersonal pochatkіvtsiv!

And if you know what you know with screenshots, do not hurry to distort the article. For a new skin of you, you can know if you are new, because. we will look at some of the options for creating screenshots. In a simple primitive way to the programs you put in, in which you can edit the image in a different way!

Let's get back to those who are not in the know, let's understand the screenshot itself. Screenshot - this is the image, take the screen of the monitor, in simple words, icon instead of the screen. Need more screenshots?

How to take a screenshot

The simplest way to create a screenshot is the “Print screen” key, like on any keyboard:

If you need to take a screenshot, just click on the "Print screen" button and the image will be copied to the clipboard of your PC. To print not the entire screen, but only the active window, press the Alt+Print screen keys. They gave you a free access to the program, in which you can manually process images. You can only use Microsoft Word, Excel, Paint or graphic editor Adobe Photosop and paste it in there by pressing the "Ctrl + V" keys or clicking with the right mouse button context menu and press the "Insert" button.

From the images you can create everything that suits your imagination. Abi tse bulo under the force of the program, de vie chose yoga redaguvati. Although the functionality does not shine in the standard Microsoft Word and Excel programs, then in the Paint program, given by Microsoft Office itself, you can already create a lot of things with images.

As for the graphic editor Adobe Photosop, then from the picture you can create everything you need. ale Adobe program Photosop for bagatioh coristuvachіv є to finish with a folding tool, it is not possible to do it in nіy practice. At a time, I will show you a few more programs, for the help of which you can easily download a screenshot and convert an image to your idea.

Programs for screenshots

In fact, on the Internet, you can find a lot of programs for viewing images from monitor screens and even remote editing. I’ll give you more than a little program in the butt, but I’ll be able to write it myself, like you to the soul, having tried one or two or three of them in reality:

1.Magic screenshot

The program is simple, expands absolutely without cost. Allows you to see the image as the whole screen, as well as the entire area. Under the hour of image processing, it is possible to speed up the program prompts. Allow me to write with a penzle and to bring in a number of small koriguvan.

A broken screenshot can be saved in formats (png, jpg, bmp). Plus, all the images are taken from the website of the program and can be accessible to all koristuvachiv or only to you. If you need someone to show yoga, it’s enough to send a message to the image. Just be careful, so that the screenshot in the field of the screen does not waste the same time, the information is available only to you, for example, passwords.


Another one no-cost program for screenshots. Won maє expansions nabіr nabіr funktsіy na vіdmіnu vіd poperednої programs, ale є in nіy i minusi. The program is only available in English. Although there are no folds there, but all the same, you can’t learn cob knowledge english movie, Razіbratisya bude trohi smoothly And one more minus of the program is that it is necessary to go through registration for voicing.

This program is significantly serious for two in advance, but it is paid. If you want to look around, you can find a free Russian version of this software. For help with these programs, you can work:

  • full screen screenshot;
  • create a sign of a less active vikna chi be-yakoy yogo part;
  • sign of a rectilinear area seen;
  • a sign of an active window with the possibility of a distant yogo scrolling;
  • draw independently as a region and grow a sign;
  • record video monitor screen.

І more row blue functions. I will not report on it. Enough a quick glance. If you want someone to click, download and try the program yourself. It is easy to grow up in it and fold it without guilt.

And this program, in my opinion, is the most functional and has an impersonal different ways creation of that screenshots. The program is similar to the previous one - it is paid, but it seems that, whoever jokes, you always know the free Russian version. Dosit just robiti ask from Google.

The program allows you to choose for a picture whether the area that you have been honored with, and in any form. In addition, as the image is buried, you can work with it even richer diy:

  • apply different effects on the image (change the scale, different buildings, depth of colors, apply the effect to hotel areas of the image);
  • Zoom in on a few areas of the screen;
  • zrobiti znіmok znіmok аbо okremy vіkn z vіknіstyu far yogo scrolling;
  • add different wines and explanations;
  • add signatures, stamps and lines;
  • insert different figures (rectangles, good post, arrows, etc.)

Everything that I have described is just a small part of what the program has to offer.

A detailed description of the programs, I think, is not needed, but I did not put myself for the purpose of this work. Metoyu tsієї statti was able to recognize you from programs for screenshots. And you already choose for yourself, which way you are worthy.

Zagalom qiu article I wrote for a reason. Someday I will launch on my blog one more chip with penny prizes, in which case it will be necessary to create a screenshot of the image. And if you don't know, , then you can't win! So, check it out and check all the details!

On whom I will finish my settlement and we want to welcome dear ladies, girls, women, grandmothers on an international women's day!


There are a few more short and long articles, with which raju you will know:

Why is everything! For now, everyone is up to the swedish zustrіches!

How do you like the article? Maybe you know more simple ways How to take a screenshot of the screen? I check your comments!

Ask a lot of questions how to create a screenshot of the screen (screen icon). You can often download screenshots of the entire working table at Merezha, okremikh vikon or navigate to certain areas of the screen. Tsya is not a great article to tell you how to create a screenshot of the screen, or so the titles of the image of the screen are swidko without problems. I will tell you how to make a computer screen using standard Windows methods, as well as a program for creating screenshots.

Windows Standards (Paint)

The first way is with the help of the Paint program. Paint is a full graphic editor, even simpler than most, which can be installed immediately from Windows.

Otzhe. For the beginning, know the Print Screen SysRq key on the keyboard. If there are no such keys on the keyboard, then you should know them by a similar name. Often it says PrtSc. Press її once.
When pressed, the sign keys are sent to the computer's clipboard. Now you need to insert it into any graphic editor.
Note: often in laptops you need to press the function key Fn + Prt Sc to get a screenshot.

Open Paint: "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Paint". І press the "Insert" button, or you can use the hot keys "Ctrl" + "V". You can enter Paint through Vikonati, press Win + R and enter mspaint, press Enter.

If you need to take a screenshot of the active window, and not the entire desktop, then click on the screen to make it active, and press ALT + PrtSc.

After inserting the Paint screenshot, you can edit it. Can you see I will need the area- Virizati or rearrange її, insert arrows, add writing, add other objects, etc. Then choose a picture (file type: jpg, png or bmp) and that's it. Screenshot ready. Now yoga can be sent, for example, by electronic mail.

This option is a miracle for those who want to know how to create a screenshot without using special programs. You still haven’t figured out how to be afraid, for the sake of marveling at the video.

Programs for creating screenshots

Use an anonymous program to enable screenshots to work. You do not need to install a sprat, but it is sufficient to install the one that suits you the most. The robot is the most programs of the RIZNI, Yakshcho to you are a prostitute, yak is able to incite the zone, the way, snake yaki pictures, vidrizati/insert a nobykti nobody - to get up to the tu. your needs. I have my hand in this article, I will write my comments on the drive of the programs, about how I think in the article.

FastStone Capture

One of the well-thought-out programs is FastStone Capture. For help, you can not only create screenshots, but you can also record video from the screen. This is a great plus, because you do not need to install a program different tasks. With one installation you drive 2 birds with one stone. I will show you how to take a screenshot of the screen in my program.
The program is mentally cost-free. If you are looking for a screen-free program for making screensaver, then you can run through this section of statistics and look at other programs.


I’m already more open, like a screenshot using standard methods that one popular program. Ale, after all, the programs are more likely to be corrupted by them. I’ve been scorching the program for about 2 years already, so I can make screenshots for this blog and I can say objectively that it’s one of the best in my family. It's the same as the previous program, creating screenshots and recording video from the screen. Rozpovsyuzhuetsya as a paid software product.

When leaving new version If you have programs, changes should be made to the interface, and the program will work better, so that my screenshots can be a little disturbed, but the sensor is overwhelmed.

Otzhe, let's just create a screenshot in this program. After launching the program, you need to choose a way, so that you need to start through this program. For example, I select "Image" (Picture), click on the arrow, so that it is visible on the screenshot.

You can marvel at the video on the topic: how to create a screenshot in the snapshot program.


Vishche I looked paid programs Now let's marvel at the possibilities offered by the cost-free program Lightshot. The principle of work comes, after installing the program, on the taskbar at the tray (bottom right) the program icon will appear.
Click once with the left mouse button. If you need to see the area you need by touching the left button of the mouse. Let's press the "Save" button (diskette), and all the screenshots are ready.
The program is primitive, because operations, like those in the program, can also be done in Paint, which is not necessary to install. Maybe buti and є pluses, but I didn’t particularly care for them.

Online services

When creating screenshots, you can do without programs! Ask how to get a screenshot of a web page without programs? At once, use services that help to create a screenshot of web pages. One of such services is SSMaker.

Let's say you need to create a screenshot of the page, for which you tell the animal to send to the site, for which you need to create a screenshot and press "Create". Before this, you can use the left hand to choose the size of the image. After a few seconds, a message appears at the bottom, after switching to yakim, you can save the image on your computer.

C_kavіsh service for creating screenshots of You need to right-click the PrtSC key on your keyboard, go to the whole site and press Ctrl+V (paste). If you check what, if a screenshot appears at the service.

Select "crop or edit this image" to crop the image. After that, on the place of the button, the element of editing will appear.

Now you know a few ways how to create a screenshot of the screen, you only have to choose the best one for you.

All the more often when working at a computer, and on the Internet, zokrema, we need to work with screens.

For everything else, you already needed to work in some kind of gray, otherwise you should be able to see the screenshot on the screen in order to confirm your words.

Well, chi buvaє so, scho svіvrozmovnik not zovsіm razumіє, sho vіd nіgo want і literally on the fingers, but rather on the skin you can see the element on the side and say on the diy.

For the sake of the method, the article was given - so that you can fulfill your task, so that you can give peace and help.

Don't try to create a screen for the help of the Print Screen button

Let's take a look at how to start a screenshot of the side with the Print Screen key, and without additional programs.

Stage 1: put a screen in the buffer

For what, what do you have great keyboard(h numeric keypad), then just press the PrtScr key to finish it.
At this point, the image of the entire screen will be broken and placed at.

If you want to "take a picture" only more actively (in that case, if you want to open a window in Windows), you need to press the Alt + PrtScr keys. So press Alt and add PrtScr so that everything works.

In case you don't have a common Alt+PrtScr key combination, find the Fn (Alt) key and read Fn+PrtScr.
This is often used on laptops, de small keyboard and can not be right-handed digital block.

You can at any time be on any site, or just in Word programs or other programs, or go to the group and press down these keys to create a screenshot.

Whenever you want to remember that there is any information about those who used the keys, do not hesitate. To understand that the screen is broken, it is necessary to go to stage 2.

Stage 2: inserting an extension icon in the graphic editor

After that, as we have finished the first stage - we start standard program Paint yak є on any Windows OS:

And then we just press the key combination "Ctrl + V"

Screenshot to be inserted into the program from the clipboard. At once, you just need to select “Save” from the top menu, or press the key combination “Ctrl + S” and select a place on the computer for saving in any of the available formats: jpg, png, gif.

For bajannya you can stretch or squeeze yoga.

Robimo znіmok storіnki at Windows 7 for help "knife"

What do you have operating system Windows 7, then you can do without the keys described in the front section, the one without strong inserts.

It is enough for you to run the standard one manually program under the name Knives (Snipping Tool).

You can find її in the Start menu. If you can’t see it there, then hurry up with a joke, as they joked Paint.

Once the program is launched, the cursor will change to a cross. squeezing right button If you can see the screen you need, press the button and it will automatically become a screen.

The whole mode is called "Square". Win to stand behind the locks. Ale can be in the menu, from the list, choose other options: " good form”, “Vіkno”, “full screen”.

After that, as the screen icon is broken, save it to the computer by pressing the "Ctrl + S" keys.

Lightshot Screenshot Tool