What is the web background? Adaptive background images using additional CSS. Apply adaptive whole background images

Connection popular service Zadarma up to 1C – now tse pitannya kіlkoh hvilin. All you need to do is connect a ready-made extension for integrating 1C and Zadarma. The installation can be installed without any problems, whether it’s a cleaning specialist or a cleaning specialist, Aunt Masha.

In the beginning, we focused on small businesses, which are actively supported by ATS Zadarma and 1C configuration: Managing a small company 1.6.

How it was before

To integrate with Zadarma, you will need to use a special dialer, installed in the middle of 1C called SIP phone. This option is suitable for a number of reasons:

  • yakscho 1C installations on local computer, and not here on the terminal server
  • How can a customer use a 1C dialer instead of a desk phone?

By the way, if all the “things” came together, then integration was possible.

How it became now

Now, for the integration of 1C and Zadarma, it is not at all important which end device is used for calls. What can you do:

  • desk phone
  • softphone, installation in OS
  • web background that works with the browser

The 1C extension for Zadarma interacts with the API, and not with the dialer. It doesn’t matter to him how the koristuvach himself calls.

Easy to install

The installation consists of one step. We’ll just show you 2 screenshots.

Placed on the cob side

The Zadarma telephone panel appears automatically on the home page. If you don’t need to do this, you can simply uncheck the box in the “View” menu - “Customize the front page”.

Ease of setup

We take API keys from a special Zadarma account

and insert them into 1C

I first enter your username/password on simplit.io.

That's it, now your 1C is connected to Zadarma.

Rings per click in 1C

Here, where you see the phone icon, you can click on it and dial the number again.

“Contact information” details are available for rich lists of documents and advisers - you no longer need to run to the client card to call. For example, you can call directly from the list of requests, expenses, expenses

Customer card at the entrance call

The function has actually become standard and mandatory with the integration of 1C and ATS. If you want to make sure that it has not been requested for a long time, you can select it in the settings of the Telephone Panel.

Registering a call with a document

Similarly, you can remove the need for automatic creation of the “Podia-Telephone Call” document. For additional documents, please remove comments until the bell rings.

And most importantly, on the base of this document you can then enter the Agreement, Rakhunok and in this way the relationships between the call and the sale will be clearly visible.

A telephone call can be associated with a guess, which is even easier, if the security officer promises to call the client back later.

History of PBX calls

The history of dzvinki is, of course, very important. Extensions for integration of 1C and Zadarma provide a number of work options with history.

For example, a foreigner wants to marvel at history in his own way. Similar to the list of remaining calls on ours old phone. This story can be viewed again by opening the "History" tab on the front page.

I often want to learn more about the history of a specific client., contact person or physical person. When dealing with a client, we need to make calls for the numbers of the counterparty himself, and for the numbers of all other contact persons.

The history of calls with selection by client can be viewed from your card. The history includes calls from the client and all contact persons. If the number belongs to the counterparty himself, the “Contact” field will not be filled in.

How to install a website on your desktop monitor?

It’s amazing, first of all, that if you’re a painter, you’ll be amazed at the trellises that are installed on the work table. It’s hard to be surprised at the picture installed behind the scenes, since the system was installed more than once. All the freelancers are getting a quick start, and they are busy searching for the necessary pictures for their desktop. Actors will create animated trellises. I encourage you to install the main page of your favorite site as a trellis (even if it’s a side page, of course). At once, in hours unlimited internet This is especially true for those who work, even more easily, especially if the computer or laptop is constantly connected to the limit. Whatever the case, this option is bad. This trick appeared in Windows XP. Unfortunately, it ended. Interactive tables have gone out of stock. I especially wanted to keep an eye out for new news sites online. Such a setup at the Work Table would have made the rich people rich. Ale, I repeat, creators of new Windows versions You have decided to deactivate the desktop without the ability to display the interactive page. Broadly apparent, even worse and worse. Particularly, I don’t have this kind of possibil- ity for an hour.

Let's get straight to the point. Installing the web site on the desktop

  • Click right button bears on the free space of the skin on the work table
  • On the additional menu, to appear on the Work Desk, select the item Powerful.
  • Let's select the Work table tab and press Adjusting the work desk.

  • In the Elementi menu of the desktop, select the tab Web and then press the button Creativity...Well, chi vibrati point My current home page. The website page displayed in the background is the one installed in your home browser.

In the window that appears, simply enter the copied address of your favorite site from the address bar of your browser.

Close the open dialog boxes one by one by making changes and pressing the OK button. Now, instead of the collected images, you are on the website side, so by visiting the site on your desktop, you can watch for changes in the online mode.

Author's view: In this initial article, we'll look at a simple technique for creating a background image that stretches across the entire width of the browser's viewport. Why do we need the CSS power background-size; JavaScript is not required.

Apply adaptive whole background images

Nowadays, vikoristan has become popular as a source of great photography that occupies the entire web page. The axis of application of many sites that have adaptive purposes for background images:

If you would like to achieve a similar result with your current web project, then these are the ones you need.

Basic principles

The axis is our plan.

Vickory the power background-size to completely remember what you can see

The CSS power of background-size is the value of cover. The cover value informs the browser that it needs to automatically scale the width and height of the background image proportionally so that they are always equal or larger than the width/height of the viewport.

Vikorista media query for editing small background images mobile devices

To make the page more fluid on small screens, we'll use media queries to render a modified version of our background image. It's not obvious. This technique can be used without any reason. Why is it such a great idea to create a small background image for mobile devices?

The image, as I have used in the demo example, has a separate size of 5500x3600px. Whose permission is given to display most of the wide-format computer monitors available for sale. For this reason, you will have to create a file with a size of 1.7MB.

Such a great additional emphasis just for the sake of placing a background photo will always bring nothing good. And, it’s insane, it’s absolutely rotten to appear in meetings like vikoryism mobile internet. And this is also suitable for devices with a small screen (a report on this later). Let's take a look at the whole process.


For marking you will need the following:

We are going to acknowledge background image for the body element, so that the image always takes up the entire browser window.

Tim no less, this technique also works for any block element (for example, a div or form). Since the width and height of your block element are equal, the background images must be scaled to fill the entire container.


Set the following styles for the body element:

body ( /* Path to image */ background-image: url(images/background-photo.jpg); /* Background images are always centered vertically and horizontally */ background-position: center center; /* Background images are not repeated * / background-repeat: no-repeat;/* The background image is fixed in the viewport, so it is not shifted if the height of the content is greater than the height of the image */ background-attachment: fixed; background-size: cover;/* Inserts background color, which will be displayed while the background image is being displayed */ background-color: #464646; )


/* Way to the image */

background-image: url (images/background-photo.jpg);

/* Background images are always centered vertically and horizontally */

/* Background images are not repeated */

background-repeat: no-repeat;

/* The background image is fixed in the viewport, so it is not displaced if the height of the content is greater than the height of the image */

/* The axis allows the background image to adjust to the size of the container */

background-size: cover;

/* Sets the background color that will be displayed until the background image is displayed */

background - color: #464646;

The most important pair is power/importance, in order to gain respect:

background-size: cover;

background-size: cover;

Oh, where the miracle begins. This power/value pair tells the browser to scale the background image proportionally. So that its width and height are equal or larger, the lower width/height of the element (in our version, the body element).

However, this power/value pair has one problem: since the background images are smaller than the size of the body element, what will happen on screens with a high volume of content and/or if you have a large amount of content on the page - browser inevitably increase the image scale. I, as we know, when we increase in size raster image, the image brightness decreases (in other words, pixelation occurs).

Images larger than the output sizes are designated as images. Keep this in mind when choosing a different image. The demo application has a large photo measuring 5500x3600px for widescreen monitors, which will require more great screen, so that the bitterness is eliminated. Let's crumble away. So that the background image will always be the center of the window when I look again, we will write:

background-position: center center;

background-position: center center;

This entry has a background on the coordinate axis in the center of the view window. Next, we need to determine what will happen if the height of the content exceeds the apparent height of the viewport. When this happens, a scrolling effect appears.

In this case, we need to work in such a way that the background image is lost in the output place, when the user scrolls down the page. In this situation, the image either simply ends when scrolling, or moves as scrolling progresses (which can greatly disturb the user). To fix the background, we set the background-attachment to fixed.

background-attachment: fixed;

background-attachment: fixed;

I've added the ability to "enhance content" to the demo application so you can see what happens when scrolling in the browser appears when the background-attachment value is set to fixed. You can also take a look at the demo and play with the significant controls that indicate the placement of elements (for example, background-attachment and background-position) to see how the scrolling page and background images look. The other meanings of the authorities with the powers that be are understood.

Shortcut CSS Notation

I have clearly described the background powers so that they are easy to explain. The shorthand notation would be equivalent:

body (background: url(background-photo.jpg) Center center cover no-repeat fixed; )


background: url (background-photo. jpg) center center cover no-repeat fixed;

All you need to do is change the URL value to point to your background image.

Dodatkovo: media input for small screens

For small screens I'm a vikorist Photoshop program, to proportionally change the size to 768x505px, and I also used the Smush.it service to change the size a little more. Now the file size has changed from 1741KB to 114KB. Tobto. The size of the image has changed by 93%.

Please don't misunderstand me, 114KB is still plenty for a purely aesthetic design element. Vrahovayuchi additional navantazhenya in 114KB, I began to vikoristovat such a file, just to increase the ability to meaningfully colorize the interaction between the correspondent and the site (UX), because V present moment The significant portion of Internet traffic is sent to mobile devices background-image: url (images/background-photo-mobile-devices. jpg);

The media input is set to max-width: 767px, which means that if you are likely to view a browser larger than 767px, a large background image will be required.

One of the benefits of media consumption is that if you change the width of your browser window, for example, from 1200px to 640px (or the same), you will immediately create a moment of glamor in a small or large background image.

In addition, through those devices with a small screen can display a larger number of pixels - for example, an iPhone 5 with a retina display will display a separate image of 1136x640px - a small background image will Excellized.

Supply pouches

You can look more current version exit code from this initial article on GitHub. I can tell you about one thing: be kind, use this technology with care, since large files can seriously damage the UX, especially since the end user of Vikory is more prone to unreliable Internet connections. Another reason why you should choose a color that matches the background is so that the user can read the content while the background image is being displayed.