Best Solutions: How to Set the Weather on Your iPhone Workstation

Polyagaє in the feasibility of nalashtuvati practically any element of the interface of the koristuvach. This article talks about such an important iOS element as the blocking screen.

In contact with

For riches, it can be obvious, but all the same, more coristuvachiv, when this element is fixed, it is absolutely safe to put up the choice of tapestries, but the image itself shows the main beauty. Tastes, zrozumilo, rіznі, that food for the choice of pictures is suto subjective. Ale, no matter what, varto dotrimuvatsya one simple rule - maximum simplicity. Insanely, photographs from the recent release of an important part of life, but the protse does not guarantee that they will look wonderful on the blocking screen, but it will be based on the options for a rich cіkavіshi, from a look at the design.
When choosing trellises, varto turn respect, in pershu cherga, on a barvy gradient, which is not just a wonderful way to decorate the screen, but also to support other elements of the interface, like a birthday, a status bar and . Further, you can go to the tune of the TV -, some kind of building change the operator's logo (you can add some kind of logo, or write it).

Don’t forget about other interface elements, on the camera’s “risk” call to the Control Center and the Center for assistance, allow them to tweak customLS. It’s just that you can spend it for help TabLess, ale customLS give koristuvachevi additional possibility tidy up the yearbook or replace the unlock slider. Recall center and Check-in point, as and before, available from the blocking screen, navigate after departure graphic elements. Offensive tweaks are available free of charge in Cydia.

In addition, obov'yazkovo to give respect to Android Lock XT, which is a priceless price of $1.99. Vіn enter for iOS 7 some functional aspects of Android, allowing, for example, to activate graphical blocking of the numeric code. Takozh Android Lock XT includes customization sane looking, the ability to add additional input for the hour of connection via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, more maximum quantity try password entry, emergency calls and other tweaks, such as LockCalendar, Lockinfo, Cydgets, BuddyLock.

Android Lock XT maє impersonal nalashtuvan ta pratsyuє practically z usima іsnuyuchimi iOS versions(Z 4 to 7). It’s a pity that this tweak is not supported by the dossi, the prote for updating the varto is already clear at the next hour. Official list of all add-ons includes iPhone 5, all models iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini. As soon as you want to turn to the initial password, it’s enough to turn the tweak off at the settings. As an alternative, you can also tweak one jailbreak tweak that mimics the Android lock screen on an iOS device.

Varto also means that it is possible to improve the status of the bar, like to promote jailbreak tweaks. Having installed two doors cost-free utilities, you can enter in the iOS status bar such information as the weather, date and indicator of the available operational memory.

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Yandex Taxi for iPhone

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Set the weather on the worker style iPhone behind the help of standard tools it is impossible for some kind of corruption in newer versions of the operating system.

After the update of the operating system of the smartphone, most of the cores were hit by the problem of displaying some system utilities and widgets.

However, the problem can be solved if the regime of geological location is introduced.

For locking the wines in IOS, the utility can't tell you the local cost and give information about the weather.

Dekіlka reasons incorrect display or wait for the widget:

  • try to determine the geological location of the coristuvach;
  • the presence of the program "Weather" at the center of notification of the smartphone;
  • standard supplement the weather is not supported on the territory where the koristuvach is located;
  • it is possible to upgrade the utility to the remaining version.

Recognition of the regime assigned to the geolocation of the koristuvach

Read the instructions:

  • Go to the settings of your iPhone and click on the privacy policy. You can go to the security management menu of the coristuvach as shown in the little box below.
  • Select the first tab to highlight the geolocation, as shown in the little one.

  • For models with the latest versions of the IOS operating system, the parameters of the geological location of the deposit system services(The butt is indicated on the little one). In such a situation, it is necessary to check that the calibration of the compass is enabled.
    Also check that the correct time zone has been selected. Often the inconsistency of parameters in geolocation and the time zone can lead to program pardons and the Weather program cannot access these measurements.

I will add necessary system services

After completing all the research and restarting your iPhone, the program is responsible for taking the weather data and displaying it on the screen after connecting to the Internet.

Important! It should be noted that the low speed of the Internet connection can also be the cause of incorrect display of the weather, even if the program cannot regularly update data. For normal work Widget next connect to measure Wi-Fi or 3G.

Addition of the system program "Weather" to the notification center

For display the rest of the novelties I'll wait for the updates operating system IOS update widget A look at today.

In order to update your wines regularly, you need to turn it on to the notification center of your smartphone and, when you receive new data, you will be automatically recognized for an additional widget on your work table.

For help, swipe (ruh down on the screen to the beast-down), open the center of the spy.

Here all programs are shown, the robot of which is launched in background mode for the clarity of the coristuvach.

Click on the "Change" button, as it is located at the bottom of the center of the story.

Choose need a program And remember Yogo for the help of the child to regulate the work, as shown in the little one:

After the infliction given The weather will be displayed in the center of the help or the working screen.

Display of the “Weather” system utility after adding the smartphone to the notification center