Pardons for vivantazhenni za atsk in eis. The culprit of the technical problem at the time of placing the data in the eis. There was a notice at the time of placement: “signcadesbes” is not specified - why is it necessary to update the PZ

The Unified Information System (IIS), due to its simplicity and relevance, has given impersonal advantage to the sphere of law enforcement. However, the newly installed corrosive inodes are faced with problems, software glitches, technical problems, as it appears, appear behind the star.

This material informs you that it is necessary to work when the message “There was a problem with placement, try again: “signCadesBES” is not assigned” appears on the website Chi Varto immediately sound the alarm technical support With the purchasing resource, you can fix everything yourself.

Notice on the website of the Government: "signCadesBES" is not specified

What's this?

In most cases, there is a peace of mind when trying to place a contract with the official registry; in some cases, this will happen first. The code "signCadesBES" can be specified and the parameter "Undefined". Let's take a look at a number of scenarios for the development of this type and describe their development.

The side is not interested

Dealers of the Koristuvach are stuck with the constant wickedness of the system - they are blamed white screen, there was a promise of mercy and a daring inscription: “It’s impossible to seduce the side”.

Try the following manipulations every now and then:

  • Please double check that the address you entered is correct - the following is written in the subline: ""(can be copied and re-read, without paws).
  • Try to find the site through poshukova system go to new search results.
  • Check out a bunch of things, then try updating the page via CTRL+F5 (an option for technical users, please read about them later).

The site is accessible, the contract is not posted

If the site is working, if it is impossible to place a contract, or carry out other basic activities, we do it like this:

  1. We are updating the IE browser to version 11 and higher.
  2. We know ourselves I'll keep the version CryptoPro, install it (most often the problem arises in itself, we’ll explain why a little later).
  3. We install/update the existing plugin for the correct operation of the system.
  4. We check the relevance of your operating system on the Purchase website.

There was a notice at the time of posting: “signcadesbes” is not specified - why is it necessary to update the security program?

Let's talk about everything in order - since the 2nd of June 2018, the hairy profile of the skin controller may have received an unconscious notification: “It became cleared at the time of placement, try again: “signcadesbes” is not specified.” This is due to the fact that the signing of documents and information in the EIS is subject to the additional plug-in CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in.

This is connected with similar global changes in the area of ​​housing accommodation. The main reason is incorrect adjustment working place, “light” forms of which are subject to further instructions. It’s true that this is more suitable for those who have become familiar with new instructions for adjustment with the official resource.

Head neck:

  • IE below version 11 is no longer vikorized, but in general properly tuned Other aspects of the system’s functioning.
  • The variety of versions available for correct robots operating systems prescriptions from new versions instructions (see below for details).
  • Following the analogy with the OS, a framework of versions is introduced directly for CryptoPro - expanded there.

Similar policies were implemented in the past, although not so globally. Such “limitations” in theory may lead to the adoption of correct robots Unified System at the skin peeler, and it is also important to simplify the folded instructions from the adjustment, the power supply, what to remove.

Important - changes are not entered immediately, there is a delay special office pursuant to Law No. 44-FZ before the announcement of the coming regulations.

How can I correct the instructions?

To get the notification about the beating, you need to adjust your work place, vicorista p. 6 Instructions for installing and adjusting the component “ CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in. Won is available for viewing and looking in the browser for upcoming plans -

There you also need to install the Russian browser Suputnik, using advanced cryptography. They might as well try to find out if they want to be stagnant.

Give technical support to topics with stormy, unreasonable marno - instructions have been hanging for a long time in the pinned area of ​​the site, with private access.

We hope that our material will help you solve an intractable problem on the United website Information systems in the sphere of purchasing - be respectful, devote more than an hour to the workers, thereby ensuring a comfortable work over the power right.

The infection on the side is low, as the stench may be corrected in the near future:

  1. When a contract is strengthened, control is revoked:
    Amusement (obov'yazkovo usunennya): The amendment has not been given before the hour of processing. The error has not been transferred to the RGK integration adapter. If the “Classification according to OKPD2” block (products\product\OKPD2) is filled in, then the “Vimir Unit” block (products\product\OKEI) is filled in and the unit code must be placed in up to date at the agent OKEЇ ЄІS - Corrected 16.04
  2. For the deputy “………” it is not possible to formulate a payment plan for the contract with additional budgetary funds.
    Pardon (obov'yazkovo usunennya): Incorrect data. IDE. The maximum (maximum) price for a deputy contract does not correspond to the sum of the sum for all KBK, KOSGU codes, codes of types of contributions in the sections of the payment plan for the contract for the budgetary / extra-budgetary costs.
  3. Amendment on the PZ “Document of not encroaching on environmental protection through amendments: Riven of amendments: error; Amend: The amend has not been submitted until the hour of processing; Description: UE. Index: 0, Size: 0 java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 at java.util.ArrayList.get( at ru.lanit.fz44.ejb.facade.rpz.integration. transform.PurchasePlanEditionTransformer.processKtruOkpd( at ………………..” - Edit 04/20/2018
  4. Daily visualization on FTP for 13.04 (the status of documents displayed on 13.04 will not change). For anyone who needs to translate a document from someone else, please indicate the publication date and number, then write to technical support.
  5. Processing of documents for a long time (hanging for a long time in a place)
  6. When a PZ with VSRZ is acquired, the compilation is rotated: Document of non-invitation to the OOS through the compilations: Compilation rank: error; Amend: The amend has not been submitted until the hour of processing; Description: UE. The product, work or service with code 0000 in the title (positions\position\commonInfo\undefined\OKPD2s\OKPD2\code) is not found in the current status in the document OK 034–2014 (OKPD2) in the purchase plan position with the position number (current number, IKZ)
  7. When you try to place a notification (query a quotation) from the IIS, a confirmation is displayed: Document of non-attachment to the OOS through confirmations: Compilation level: error; Pardon: Incorrect data; Description: IDE. See nested exception; nested exception is: org.springframework.remoting.RemoteAccessException: Could not access remote service ; nested exception is java.rmi.RemoteException: CORBA NO_IMPLEMENT 0x49421042 No; nested exception is: org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT: >> SERVER (id=11c328fe, host=eis-ok-02.zakupki.local) TRACE START: >>. etc. - Corrected 16.04
  8. Please pay attention to the result of the search: Interface not supported - corrected.

ЄІС provides this automatically when a planning document is created. Do not confuse this with the identification code that is assigned for specific transactions.

It is necessary to fill out the first block of the Zagalnye Vidomosti on the side of forming a structured plan. Another row of this block contains a unique registry entry, where you can see a notification that the created entry will be deleted when saved. In this way, the deputy does not need to independently extract the code for the document.

Enter the following data:

  • financial river planning;
  • planning period;
  • date of approval;
  • date of priming;
  • Information about the Deputy, the Vikonavik and the person who will confirm the document.

Next, the registry code (or its part) can be used as one of the parameters for searching information for planning documents in the ISC, as well as for sorting.

Unique item number for purchase

The unique position code consists of 24 digits and is displayed in the “Positions” tab after saving. Zagalnih Vidomosti" This entry is generated automatically at the time of the first saving. Similar to the well-known registry code, unique value Positions also cannot be edited or changed.

Order number

The number of the purchase, inclusions to the purchase plan, is the sequence of characters from the four characters in the values ​​from 0001 to 9999, which are assigned in increasing order. This entry position near the block of positions. Please pay attention that it is not the system that gives you hope, but a deputy position on your own. When you receive the prompt “What is the purchase number for the plan?” The trace is that it may be unique within the same period, and the numbering of the skin attack must begin with 0001. For example, the third purchase is planned for 2017, and the third purchase is due in 2019 not the same meaning - 0003. For cleaning The field is filled with the values ​​that follow the remaining one; if necessary, an editing function is available.

Is it possible to see a meal?

There is also a lot of information about how to change the purchase number before purchasing, as you can see a notification about the purchase, including about the uniqueness. In whose case it is necessary to context menu Select the item "Edit positions". After this, the “Positions” tab will open in the editing mode, but if necessary, you can correct the sequence of numbers.

This number, in addition to the listed items, is a warehouse identification code, and appears in the 23rd to 26th digits. Don’t be fooled by “Let’s turn on the schedule.” At the stage of forming the initial plan, so that the schedule is already placed in the IIS, a notification will be displayed that the number will be generated when the plan is first placed, and ranks from 27 to 29 The code will appear as three zeros.