Instructions: How to delete history in Yandex browser. How to clear history in Yandex browser How to clear history in Yandex disk

Internet users today look through millions of resources in searches required information and materials. So that you can quickly find out whether the submission was sent to the site or the file was downloaded again, the history of the upload in Yandex is saved until you can return to it at the right time. The chronological list can be erased when deleted. How to view history in Yandex, explain this article in detail.

How to admire history in Yandex browser

Websites often contain data that is important for traders. Having closed the browser, people begin to delve into their memory and go searching for pages that have already been closed. The world's pavutina needs jokes - this is a long way. How can you know what you need right away? To review your history in Yandex:

  1. Use the Ctrl + H keys in the middle of an already open program.
  2. Follow the steps:
  3. Open the “Customization” section by pressing the button (top right corner of the program).
  4. Select the “History” button.
  5. Before you is the history of views in Yandex, which shows the replacement of the pages you have previously browsed.

You can see the recent transfer of Vantage: by pressing the next key Ctrl and J or by pressing “Adjustment - Vantage”. Open a new tab (click Ctrl + T; click “+” on the panel tab; press the right mouse button on the open tab - select “ New tab"), The new scoreboard opens. A chronology of pages and attractions will appear. After pressing the “Attraction” button, you will see both completed and current attractions.

By selecting “Everything is important”, you will discover for yourself a new flow of deleted files in a new deposit. The “Recently Closed” section contains remaining sites, and the “All History” function provides a new overview of the material. Statistics of downloaded files and the log of pages are displayed regularly or frequently (for a day, a week, a month, a week, an entire hour). The attraction is either touched or added for an hour, and then renewed.

How to clear your browsing history from your computer

You also need to delete the data on your computer's hard drives. It is important to know how to view history in Yandex and get recent points of interest, otherwise you need to immediately erase them from the disk. When you access Internet pages, they are automatically cached (saved in cache). Saving rules apply to entering passwords for accounts. To prevent previously viewed pages from being shown again, delete the cache and delete them. How can I view my browsing history on my computer?

The cache is saved on the computer’s hard drive, but can be erased in the browser:

  1. Go to the settings section of your browser.
  2. Click the window where the “files saved in cache” icon is marked with a checkmark.
  3. Press the inscription “Remove old elements”, select the period you need to clean, click the clean button at the bottom of the open end.
  4. That's it! Records of requests from the computer are deleted.

look at everything

If you don’t want your browser history to be tracked, and you don’t want to spend a lot of time searching for the necessary information before looking back at the information, then you can see the whole range of the resources you’ve looked at completely. Go to the “History” item. The “Clear...” button appears. We select the period of time for which it is necessary to clear the views (“for a year”, “today”, “extract”, etc.). The function is even more manual because you choose the scope of the process yourself. One press of the “Clear history” button - and the history in the Yandex browser is deleted.

I'll look for the side

We already know how to see all the looks in a couple of clicks. It’s time to get acquainted with the information from the detailed instructions on the materials. It seems that you only need to pick up one recent tab. How can you earn money? A clumsy algorithm for action according to one site in the past:

  1. Yandex is launched. On the mountain to the right there is a small “gear” - it’s adjusted. We press the button.
  2. A menu appears, at the bottom of the list of assigned functions, select the required setting.
  3. The address of the provided resources is revealed. One by one, you indicate the rows that need to be collected.
  4. Turn over the icons, make sure you select the correct message and click “Select”. No one will reveal the secrets of your affiliate sites.

How to delete the history of two sites on your phone

The entire algorithm for clearing history in Yandex on a smartphone is similar to the one on a computer or laptop:

  1. Turn on internet browsing on your phone.
  2. Select the bookmark indicated by a gear. It's time to show up.
  3. Find “Privacy”, subsection “Clear data”. By checking the required dialing and jumping, you can see it by clicking “Clear data”. The phone menu prompts you to confirm or complete the operation. If you wish to effectively convey information accurately, click “So”.

You have learned how to easily view the history on your phone in Yandex. There are additional options for this function: you can select and save passwords from the list of options. If you remove the badges from the magazine, you won’t have to clean it again. The option has its own pros and cons: you may immediately need the addresses of resources that you previously wondered.

on a tablet

If you have decided to take over the previous pages on your tablet, go first to the settings menu, located under the small gear icon. Then a window will appear: press “Clear history”. On the tablet, when you exit, select the entire history at once or select the address row one at a time. Think well, let’s do this first.

how to update

It is often asked that it is necessary to update the message to a resource that contains necessary and important information. Have you already looked all over the Internet, but still can’t find the address? Nutrition is immediately at issue, and then you will be able to renew the lost information. Theoretically, the process is real, but practically, it is very complex and rarely accessible. If you search for an update program on the Internet, you will find it, and using it to update the resources you have gone through is very unlikely. You can only update by deleting different files.

Video on how to erase history in Yandex on Android

today Android mobile devices Nothing is compromised on the functionality of computers and laptops. Attract them on the Internet - look at them new versions doesn't matter. Sometimes the problem is nutrition, as in Yandex you can quickly delete the history on Android so as not to miss the memory with unnecessary materials. The initial video will present the entire report algorithm of actions on deleted entries from the Internet log, revealing the nuances of how to clean Yandex. You will learn to look at previously opened sites and select them from the list.

Did you find a message in the text? See it, press Ctrl + Enter and we’ll fix everything!

How can I clean up Yandex.disk and get all the files back? You will find the information about this food in our review - we will provide instructions for different versions monsters. You can access unnecessary documents on your PC or phone for a fee. In addition, we discuss the possibility of clearing history.

Web version

You can clear Yandex.disk of unnecessary files through a browser - you just need to log in to the system and sign out of the difficult steps.

  • Click on the file with the left mouse button;
  • Press the Ctrl key and select everything required documents;
  • You can also press the left mouse button and drag the visible area across the screen;
  • Release the cursor - to top panel a cat icon will appear;
  • Click on “Visibility Files”;
  • Automatic engraving process.

You can see all documents, you can select one or more - use your own discretion, the instructions for which do not change.

To get rid of files completely, you need to:

  • Go to the cat icon - it is in the cutaneous condyle;
  • Dvichi click on the icon;

  • The “Clear” button will appear on the top panel
  • Click on it and confirm the action.

Respect! The beast has been adjusted automatic cleaning cat - all documents in this folder are irrevocably deleted after thirty days.

PC program

You can clear space on Yandex Disk on your computer through the operating client Windows systems. If you are using the desktop version, then these instructions are for you:

  • Click on the program icon to open it;
  • View documents using the additional Ctrl key or the left mouse button;
  • press right button click and select the “View” item;
  • Or click on the Delete key;
  • In addition, you can press the left button of the bear and drag documents into the box on the PC.

After you have managed to clear the Yandex.disk, you need to clean the file on your desktop:

  • Press with the right button;
  • Select the item “Clear”;
  • Confirm this.

Add-on for phone

If you prefer to use the add-on for your smartphone, you don't have to turn on your computer to download unnecessary content.

Let's talk about how to clean Yandex.disk on an Android phone:

  • Open the program;
  • Press on the document and rub your finger until you can see it;
  • Select all files you want to erase;
  • Click on the icon in the vicinity of three dots in the upper right corner;
  • Select the “Visibility” item;

  • Press the button near the top left corner;
  • The menu will open, where the item “Koshik” will appear;
  • Select the “Cleansing” row.

And now let’s look at the action algorithm on iPhone:

  • Go to supplement;
  • Open up I need a folder;
  • Press your finger on the file and press it until the additional menu appears;
  • Please indicate all unnecessary documents - please show up at the end for a tick;
  • Click on the cat icon on the bottom panel;
  • Then click on the gear icon - it is located in the upper left corner;
  • Select item "Clean the cat";
  • Confirm this again.

It couldn’t be simpler, isn’t it? Let's finally talk about other functions of the conduit.

How to clear history in Yandex Disk

There are a lot of koristuvachs to click on how to delete the history in Yandex Disk. Unfortunately, it’s impossible.

The history of the action is shown in the following section - which can be found in the main menu of the evil. You can look at all the steps on the devices recorded from the moment of the congestion (or from the middle of the chest in 2015).

You can edit and change this section - it is only available in review mode.

Nutrition, how to immediately delete everything from Yandex Disk, conclusions - now you are familiar with all the subtleties of the operation and you can quickly learn about unnecessary content so as not to develop a sinus sensation.

Yandex.Disk is a solution well known to Internet users, such as the Yandex company, which is a terrible monster in which you can encrypt your files and other data and hide them on the server itself. Yes, create new files directly in the service interface and, obviously, If necessary, delete unnecessary or deleted files.

Head meta gate software product- to give people the opportunity to freely and without hassle exchange meaningful data with each other. And in order to obtain and promote the service, the corporation’s management decided to assign to each client who had passed registration in Yandex and, as a result, to deprive the account in the system, absolutely costlessly ten gigabytes on Disk.

It’s easy to learn how to use the product, especially if you’ve already struggled with the “darkness” of data, and there aren’t a lot of fundamental differences between the Yandex service and similar products of competitors.

Methods of working with the utility

You can unlock and access the service in the following ways:

  1. Be sure to go to the product’s website for instructions on Yandex.Disk:
  2. Download the final file from the service website and install the software on your electronic device, be it a smartphone or a computer.

Install the Personal Disk software on your computer

First of all, go straight to the utility, you will need to select an e-mail address in Yandex. If you still don’t have any reason for this, then you can get an address by following this instructions:

Having completed the procedure for retrieving an e-mail address, go through it step by step offensive action algorithm:

How to add files to Yandex.Disk

You can send files to Yandex.Disk move the decal in ways. Please be aware that these methods work both on the service website on the Internet and in the program installed on your electronic device. Otje:

How to download from Yandex.Disk

This operation is possible Vikonati dekilkom ways. Let's take a look at their report:

  • Check the box next to the item you want to download to your electronic device. On the right side of the software window you will find an icon with an arrow pointing down a straight line. Click the left button of your mouse on the new one. After this, a window may open in which you can specify the location where you want to download the data. Then click on “Save”.
  • If you need to download videos from someone else's Disk and someone else has sent you a message to your files, go to your Yandex.Disk to receive the message. You will download the files that are located in the middle of the folder or the next file. Next, turn your gaze to right side window, there you will find two buttons: the first one prompts you to move the items to your electronic drive, and the other one, called “Vanture,” will help you save objects to your electronic device.

How to delete data from the Disk website or program

To delete your files from Yandex Disk, you will need successively viconate a number of actions. From now on, check the boxes for the documents or data that you want to protect. If you plan to delete only one object, then click the right-handed Smitten cat sign, and if you are preparing a number of objects before liquidation, then a large button will appear on the right under the name “View.” Press on it. The items have now been sent to the Trash.

If you want to clear the debris in Koshyk, then find the “Koshik” item, which is located on the left side of the window in the menu, and click on it. Look for the button called “Clear” and press it. Upon completion of the process, the cat will be empty.

Many people have been actively using the manual service Yandex Disk to save information so as not to take up the computer’s memory. This is a more relevant food for rich people: “How do you view Yandex Disk from your computer?” Let’s immediately move on to the most important problem, how to create a Yandex Disk account. We will use the standard utility introduced in operating system Windows.

Krok 1. Go to “Start” - select “Control Panel”.

Krok 2. We set the viewing mode to “Category” - it’s easier to find the required function.

Krok 3. A list of utilities, which indicates the remote program.

Krok 4. A list of games and add-ons installed on your computer appears. We know Yandex.disk and carefully click on the next row.

Krok 5. A window will appear confirming your transaction. Emboss the “So” button.

The identification process starts. You won't be able to check until Windows finishes the operation. So in a couple of clicks you can remove Yandex.disk from your computer

Note! Retrieved deleted programs and files from the computer, as well as folders in which files similar to the deleted Yandex Disk files were lost. Select the software in the utility, click on its name and confirm the uninstallation.

Video - How to access Yandex.disk from your computer

How to delete Yandex Disk - cleaning the Internet service

If your disk space is full of files and you need to delete them, follow the instructions. This will help you clean the entire disk.

Krok 1. Open the Yandex Disk program. If there is no shortcut on your desktop, go to the “Start” menu. Enter “Yandex” into search and the system will display the result, where present and searched software.

Krok 2. Click on the tab “Edit” -> “See all”.

Krok 3. If all the data is included, right-click on any of them (stitch so that the image is not recognized) and select “View.”

Note! deleted files The disk, by analogy with Windows, is moved to the “Koshik” disk.

Krok 3. Now you need to completely delete the files from the Disk folder. For this, click on the same row in the left menu.

Krok 4. The browser opens: it will take us to the Drive website. Press the “Clear File” button (on the side it says how important it is to delete deleted files).

Krok 5. At the drain window, the action is confirmed by clicking the “Clean” button. Done - files have been deleted.

How to log out of Yandex Disk on your computer

To log out of Yandex Disk (for example, to change account and go to another account), select the next steps:

Krok 1. In Disk, open the “File” menu and go to “Adjustment”.

Krok 2. At the end of the flight, you will find the “Exit cloud account” button and stamp it on it.

How to delete Yandex Disk - enable the service

Operation to exit the cloud account and your account see again Configure via browser.

Important! Please note that by deleting your account, you are not only wasting the opportunity to use Disk - you know Postal screenshot and access to other Yandex services.

Krok 1. The Yandex website is opened in the browser.

Krok 2. Print “Adjustment”, select “Other settings” in the menu.

Krok 4.

Krok 5. You will no longer have to enter the password, the code from the picture and click “Delete account”.

Krok 6. Ready! Account in Yandex is visible.

How to increase your Yandex disk usage

The standard obligation that is provided to a registered skin sufferer is 10 gigabytes. There are two ways to increase your debt gloomy monster: Abo vidality Unnecessary files, Or buy additional disk space.

Krok 1. To purchase additional gigabytes, go to the Yandex Disk website.

Krok 2. In the menu of goods, under the number of available gigabytes, the “Buy place” button has been removed. There are three options available: add 10 GB, 100 and 1000 (1 terabyte).

Note! prices shown subscription fee. If you choose, for example, an increase of 10 gigabytes, you will pay 30 rubles.

Krok 3. We select the appropriate service. You can pay monthly, or the entire amount in one rik.

Note! Payment by price is better - you can save 17%. Payment is valid either bank card, Abo z gamantsya Yandex.

Yandex Disk: how to make money - Pokrokov's instructions

We will look at the interface and capabilities of the Yandex Disk program installed on the computer. The utility greatly facilitates the use of local services and offers a superior web version.

If you want to learn more about the report, and also get acquainted with in short bursts, You can read an article about it on our portal.

Copying files to Disk

Krok 1. Opening the Disk add-on.

Krok 2. Use the left button to drag the file into the program window. Feeling enchanted. Once you have instructed the file to appear with a blue gloom icon, it means that the upload to the server has been successful.

How to acquire files from disk

The operation is similar to the front one.

Krok 1. Open the Disk utility.

Krok 2. Using the pressed left mouse button, the file is moved to the required folder on the hard drive.

How to create a folder in Disk

There are two methods for creating an empty folder.

Method 1. Open the menu File -> “Create folder”. Just give the file a name and press “Enter”.

Method 2. Press the right mouse button on an empty space and in the menu at the very bottom click on the “Create folder” command.

How to use Yandex Disk. Korisny dribnitsy

One of the most important advantages of the Yandex product is a utility for working with a screenshot. It is downloaded and installed simultaneously with the disk. Software capabilities: take screenshots of the entire screen, visible area or window. Each action is assigned a unique key combination, which can be changed in the settings. Removed screenshots are automatically saved in a terrible chaos.

Dark gatherings today are gaining great popularity. In the first place through safe saving data and access to them in any way possible. Ale disk space for your files is strictly limited tariff plans"Khmari." Sooner or later there is a need to remove this information for the rest of the day.
Today we’ll talk about how to clean up Yandex.disk.

Data access via web interface

If for some reason you do not have the Yandex.Disk add-on installed, then you can do without it. For robots in this is a monster once developed, use a manual web interface.
In order to spend some time in something new, we go to head side Yandex and select the “Disk” section. Obov'yazkovo, go to your profile first.

Next window you will open the disk in your browser. Now, in order to delete any information, select the desired folder or file for you. Click on it, once, with the left mouse button and the right hand to display the cat icon. Click on new.

After this, the file is deleted, but not completely. It simply goes into the trash can on the disk. And obviously the memory doesn’t fade.
In order to delete the data completely. Squeeze a cat onto the picture. There are two buttons on the right. If you still need to save something, then press “Unlock”. I transfer the required documents to the computer. To see this, click on the “Clear” button. After this, the files are cleared without the possibility of renewal.

Vidalennya through the Yandex.Disk add-on

Everything is much simpler here. The disk creates a virtual folder on your PC after installing the program. You can find out by opening the “This computer” section.

There you will see the already familiar flying saucer logo. Press on the new one. All your files will open. Here everything goes just as it would in any ordinary father. Just press the right mouse button on the document. From the drop-down menu, select “vidality”. That's it! The sighting is completed.

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