Best old games. Best old RPG

"Top old igor" on the computer remembers those whose youth fell on the end of the nineties and the ear of the two thousandths, if everyone heard such cult shooters, like Serious Sam ta racing on kshtalt Need for Speed. Reporter - at the article.

Trochs of history

So the names of the children of zero still remember those hours when computer clubs were open, where there were no Sega or SonyPlay Station set-top boxes, which were a long way away, but the first right personal computers with bulky monitors and separate buildings stood 80 0 x 600 pixels.

Everyone heard of such cult games as Need For Speed: Underground, shooters for the Unreal Tournament, Counter Strike and Serious Sam, as well as strategies for the warcraft and StarCraft.

Okremo varto tell about those masterpieces, which boldly fit into the category “top old games on the PC”, like for dozens of evenings they riveted the respect of the rulers of the powerful PCs.

Heroes of Might and Magic III

Pokrokov's strategy, more like "Heroes 3", was one of the first "zalipalovki", as it won the respect of the fans. For rich lovers of strategies, such as such, the city was powerfully dominated by the first place in the rating of “top 10 old cities”.

The plot, from one addition to another, tells about the battles with the armies of mythical nature, the suffocation of places, the arranging of budding, as if to hire an army and conquer new territories.

In this series, the graves stumbled out of the resource accumulation system and mastered the ways to search for artifacts to strengthen the main character.

war craft

Strategy, but not cover. If there is anyone who doesn’t like the Heroes, that one will definitely spend his head in WarCraft. The history of the resistance of the orcs and the people (the first version of the grey), which took away the progress from the additions to the third part. It is noteworthy that the tretina fell in love more through the slick graphics, new races and cliques of plot lines, which confirm the resistance to the invasion of the Executioner Legion.

Tі, who in the "two thousandths" boldly included this game in the "top 10 old games on the PC", at the same time already singsongly sticks with World of Warcraft for months, without fearing to go from the life of the beloved gaming world.

Serious Sam

Tsey fighter buv at the skin volodar personal computer. Gra virvala unambiguously first place not those of the “top ten”, but also the “top 100 old games on the PC” among gamers.

The plot is even more non-trivial: This is the fault of shooting a bunch of monsters, ryatuyuchi people against an alien threat - the Coss of Mental. The game mechanics are also simple - hit and shoot, smash everything on your way, don't let screaming kamikaze reach you, bring down giant overgrown bosses, so quiet, who tries to smash the main character.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl

Another blockbuster, which gave birth to an army of post-apocalyptic chanters, abandoned spores and radiation fields. As soon as you feed on “stalkeroids” about old games of the top 100, then if your project is not in the top ten, then it will definitely consume up to a hundred of the best. І far from the beginning of the game, the western franchise under the name of Fallout is being played.

The plot of "Stalker" tells about the life of such ranks of myslivtsiv for artifacts (and just soldiers of luck) near the exclusion zone - not far from the Chornobyl nuclear power plant. Behind the version of the game universe, under the sarcophagus of CHAES, there is a vikonavets bazhan. I stalker on the Prіzvisko "Strilok" knows the way to get to Pripyat, and call again to that "vikonavtsya". Ale raptom schos vin robbiv not so ...

Now the hero of the first part, vodomy yak "Micheniy", having taken off the task of driving in "Strelka". And at the same time, you should remember the contagion.

Regardless of those that the retailers have long since "fallen apart", the country does not allow the minds of millions of fans. Released:

  • prequel "S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear Sky";
  • and a sequel to "S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Reception".

The project, which was run by S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2, was never implemented through a closed company for unknown reasons.

However, in 2015, it became clear that the company was continuing to function, such a project as "Cossacks 3" was released, so the fans have no hope for the successful implementation of "Stalker".

Dragon Age: Origins

You can't get around the "Gream from the middle of a clear sky" like BioWare. The coup d’état is crushing, and with renewed vigor, I can say that the “Age of the Dragon” scattered all the contenders in the first place, not those in the top 10 or 100 Igor, but in the thousands of the best projects for the PC, having earned their own deserved first your place.

The first lady was gracefully executed by the mime of the characters, cunning dialogues and plot lines, miraculous combat mechanics and a hoarse plot. And also the army of fans was pleased with the presence of romantic lines. With all the overridden features, the gra won the right to win in the category "Top Old Igor".

The plot tells about the struggle of the Order of Sirikh Strazhіv from our generation of five. In fact - an army of the living dead, which the Archdemon knows - a dead dragon, which if it were the Ancient God.

The passage (together with a lot of side missions) takes about 50 years. Leather character is unique. Vіn maє svіy character, zvichki, manner of conducting dialogue. As companions of the main character, they can all interact with each other. Moreover, you can blame them like they won't, so the divination is mutual. That varto is more respected before the selection of people at the zagins.

The riven of sympathy to the head grave can be poured into the companion's show. The least value can be given before the character leaves the death.

This year, the continuation of the storyline - Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age: Inquisition - was released.

mass effect

Another masterpiece from this company, which has taken its gaming niche in the "top old games" nomination. While BioWare could not awaken in gamers sympathy for the fantasy thrills of Dragon Age, they awakened love for cosmic benefits for the help of Mass Effect.

That very history of human opposition (that of other organic races) to great evil, is no more an intergalactic role.

Opratsyuvannya characters on height. Gravity to be able to solve intricate puzzles, resolutely think through intricate dialogues, and also to please your conscience. The plot of the play is absolutely non-linear. Be it a rock and take the decision to appear on distant pods, as well as those who are close to the main character. Leather companion vymagaє unique approach to its own specialty, and also may be individual tasks, vikonannya spriyaє increase the authority of Shepard and the strength of the characteristics of the friend himself.


More impersonal igor roared the minds of young people, curled up to monitor screens. Among them are the Resident Evil series, Driver 2 races and The Elder Scrolls series, Command an Conquer strategies (Red Alert, Generals and Tiberian Sun).

Zrozumilo, varto guess FlatOut and GTA with a view of the beast. The most famous "Max Payne" and "Hitman" shared a niche of popularity among themselves in the nomination "Top Old Towns".

Ale, they also founded projects, as if they were forced to spend a hundred of the best and were undeservedly forgotten. The butt is often pokrokov, and often the strategy at the hour under the name of Lethal Dreams. In the vitchiznyany version of "Deadly Dreams". Studio Boolat Games didn't bring the game to the point, so gamers had a chance to be satisfied with the simple version of the product, which even disappointed the rest.

Time after time the plot of great cicavia: the whole world is broken, the lights have scattered into parts and now they are beginning to look like small islands - urivkiv civilizations - with which the main hero will rise in price, having chosen one of the six schools of magic.

A total of two patches have been released, as a rule, to fix current bugs (villoti, hangup, lack of sound when casting spells) and add a number of new ones (these are the same pardons, but in other places). The combat system is only implemented at the cob stage. In fact, the result of any duel depends on the greed of the one who called more monsters on his bike. Multiplayer daily.

Obviously, if it’s not “the top of the old cities”, then I would like to earn respect for merit dana gra, including through thought.

That butt, if the implementation is not clear, to destroy a brilliant idea. Only spodіvatisya is left, if the gras will be re-opened.

Regardless of the incomplete schedule that parts of pardon robots, the best old games on PC are popular today.

There is a large number of current games - there are sequels to key action, strategy and shooters.

The most popular old computer games were released in the period from 2000 to 2005.

No. 15. Hitman: Codename 47

Gra released in 2000 roci. This is one of the biggest games in the Stels genre. The plot goes on the offensive: once the leading hero is thrown at the chamber of the unknown hospital.

Vіn absolutely nothing can guess about herself, she does not remember what happened in the past.

At the chamber, a radio is playing, in one minute a voice is heard from that radio, which will call the hero as a “teacher”.

Features: thoughtful plot, harn graphics, majestic number of missions and campaigns. For your time, this action may be an invisible process.

Yogo can be compared only with modern analogues.

Walkthrough Hitman Codename 47

No. 14. Max Payne

Tsya grave viishla in 2001 roci. After the success of the first part, the retailers released two more parts of the shooter in the first individual.

At the thought of rich gamers, this shooter is the best and the only one of its kind.

Zavdyaki original plot, new technology of the game process and realistic graphics shooter popular dosi.

Plot: main character Max. Vіn kolishnіy svіvrobіtnik polіtsії, kakii violating the law through the surroundings.

Zlochintsі, for yakim polyuvav Max, drive in yoga team and child. Then we know the murdered boss of the evil mafia, everyone resounds at the death of Max.

Behind the head hero, there is a right shower from the side of mafia members. Max vyrishuє avenge vinuvattsy for all vchinki.

The game process is more dynamic and "important". For 2001 rock, the graphics here are good. All tse zrobilo shooter one of the best games of the past decade.

Max Payne Gris Look (18+)

Best old games on PC - TOP-15

No. 13. Doom 3

Doom 3 is the ultimate action in zhakhi style. Graduated from sales in 2004 roci. All gamers at that hour shuddered at the hero's skin rush.

Action inspired by invisible heroes and terrible creatures that follow you on the skin.

Diya comes to the future on Mars - 2145 r_k. In the wake of a recent discovery from the laboratory, the greedy creatures are vibrating, as if to impoverish their mustache.

Mustaches of Mars are transformed into zombies. The main character is Doom.

Vіn did not suffer from the pile of monsters, even if it was the hour of the catastrophe, buv at the hermetically sealed bunker under the vat.

Vіn vybiraєtsya z v'yaznennya i magаєєєєєєєє всіх міхмі and monsters on єmu shlyahu, schob trapit back to the ground.

Find current retailers from time to time release updates and modified versions of the game.

However, sled to play in the first part, to change the plot and all the podia, on which basis the next version of the action.

Doom 3 BFG Edition Gris Lookout

Seeing all sorts of important things, seeing all sorts of needs. Chi no? About those who do not need to see the cult hits - marvel at our video.

No. 12. Serious Sam: The First Encounter

This graph was released in 2001 roci. Today, the version of GR has been updated with similar gameplay, but the graphics are different.

The first part of "Serious Sem" does not matter to the plot and the gameplay.

The main hero is Sem, who wins over the Earth from a pile of alien creatures. Misce dії Egypt.

To that it is possible to podolat the majestic number of monsters, to protect the people from death. Zhakhi are showing up steadily.

The head hero is guilty of mischief, picking up armor, hovatsya in Ukrainians.

Serious Sam HD Video The First Encounter

Best old games on PC - TOP-15

No. 11. Sid Meier's Civilization IV

Qia gra issued in 2005 roci. This is one of the most popular strategies in the world. The cult first part brought world popularity to other, new parts of the gri.

Official lining Sid Meier's Civilization IV

Plot: You are the head strategist and the head of your country. It is necessary to go through the development of the tribes of the ancient warriors to the mighty bagmen of the space age.

The range of development of civilization spans thousands of years.

Please! Do not forget about the downfall of the mighty competing powers.

Gris features:

  • deep plot;
  • thinking functional;
  • the ability to independently make a decision. You can learn not to see the wars. Empire can save neutrality. All virishuet you;
  • realistic graphics.

Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization. Video-overview of the Russian

In the rest of the hour, Sid Meyer zovsіm ceased to work on original projects, willfully reshape the hits with the hour. Since then, you start playing the new Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization, involuntarily blame it, apparently deja vu

No. 10. Diablo 2

Another part of "Diablo" gained even more popularity, lower first. Wiishla another part of the 2000 roci. The main character, Diablo, was driven into the first part.

Previewing another series of gris rozpovida about those that the Spirit of Diablo moved in his heart and now straight to Hell, to unite his strength with the most powerful demons.

The whole gameplay is the whole universe, without any elements and characters. Only in the eyes of the main character lay down the result of the rest of the battle.

At the process of passing the hero gets better. For whom it is necessary to buy new possessions, I will save gold.

Divine Look Diablo 2 view of Harley

Best old games on PC - TOP-15

No. 9. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2

The omnipotence of this strategy was created by Albert Einstein. Dії v_dbuvayutsya at the SRSR. Plot gri: Stalin knocked down.

The new head of the Union is Oleksandr Romanov. Behind the plan, you can become a great puppet.

The meta rule of Oleksandr is a tribute to the world between the Union and the Received States.

Vcheni SRSR blamed the method of manipulating the human mind, through which America can not tell the whole nuclear war.

The process should induce the power to push. Develop new technologies, plan to conquer other territories.

Zastosuvshi unique tactful methods, you will achieve success and knock down the opponent.

Main Features of Gris:

  1. dekіlka campaigns of different equal folding;
  2. detailed graphics;
  3. the ability to choose a side, for yak wi gratimete (SRSR or the USA).

Looking back at Red Alert 2

Best old games on PC - TOP-15

No. 8. Gothic (Gothic)

Lift the greece from the distant Serednyovichchi.

European civilization is experiencing a stingy attack by orcs, trolls and other terrible things, like ruining a mustache on their way, creating chaos.

Mustache attacks are looking for the command of the supreme rose.

After the cob of new gris you need to choose one of the many camps, for which you will receive:

  1. old tabir
  2. New Tabir
  3. warrior;
  4. driving in.

The light of the skin of the tribes is inspired by the characters and the hoarse gameplay. Gothic became popular for its mystical world with its secrets and intrigues.

Gothic has a uniquely musical suprovid, the graphics and animation are well thought out.

Looking back - Gothic 1

Best old games on PC - TOP-15

No. 7. Resident Evil 4

The fourth part of the iconic gris "Resident Evil" has become the most successful of all. After the closing of the Umbrella Corporation, the president's daughter is trying to win the enemies.

The agent, who is entrusted to know the President's daughter, shows that it is possible to find the right place.

Do the local residents see that the local residents don’t need to behave adequately, haven’t the zombies turned around again from the past?

All the coming parts of the Gris could not gain such popularity among fans, like the fourth part.

Thoughtful functionality and miraculous graphics do not deprive the lover of zombie games.

Resident Evil 4 lookout

Best old games on PC - TOP-15

No. 6. Far Cry

Genre: shooter. The first part of the gri varta of your respect. The lead character is Jack Carver. Vin Vlasnik of a small chovn.

As if you should have the proposition to accompany one journalist to the dovkolishniy island.

When you see the chauvin, you cheer up, and the girl knows. Mabut, її robbed. Jack was left dead, but he survived and plans to know the vinnies of the tragedy.

The plot ihor to finish in the middle. Koristuvachіv usgogo svіtu got especially graphic gr.

In its time, it was as realistic as possible and the city could not get close to the floor of the yakish image.

It's not good to forget in game industry. Gamers will always remember the games, they marked them distant development I will play. Not just old, but the most popular old computer games on PC. Since in the period from 2000 to 2005 the masterpieces of the industry appeared in the world, then let's guess our heroes!

2000 rik

Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn

On the cob of 2000, the best RPG came into the world. Crying and thoughtful plot, ideal combat system, great number of spells and objects, cіkavі locations and vіdminniy balance. Partners play their role as right people, as if they don’t make good with your decisions and as if they are dissatisfied with growth - they stink, and after it they can drink and others. The game world lives without the participation of graves - monsters attack the settlements, fight one against one for the territory, and NPCs successfully imitate the right life.

The head hero can buy booths and refurbish yoga, booths for different classes are designed and refurbished. So the grі has a change of day and night. If you have passed the location during the day, then look there at night - amazing surprises are waiting for you. I Tse distant year 2000! Who at once can boast of such special features?

Everything and more in Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn - the best RPG in the history of computer games.

Hitman: Codename 47

Hitman: Codename 47 - not enough the oldest computer gra in the stealth genre. Our hero wanders around the medical chamber and does not remember anything about himself or about his past. Unspeakable on the radio, a moonlight voice, which seems to be our teacher, and the Crimean rozpovida about a skhovanka with pistols.

So the legend is born - the best secret agent with a barcode on the roof. How many people were killed? Hitting skils? How many terrorists have sprung up and how many outfits have reconciled?

Tse gra, yak laid the foundation for stealth. We bachiled an ideal direction, a slick plot, advanced graphics and faceless charismatic characters. Spravzhnіy breaking through your hour, until which not all modern games can reach the building.

Diablo 2

Diablo moved into the body of the hero, having killed Yogo in the first part, and now he believes the unity of strength with Mephisto and Baal - the greatest demons baked. graDiablo2 I am resurrecting the dark world of fantasy. This is the majestic, lively and terribly unsafe world, where there is no safe place, and behind the skin turn can be checks of the most terrible things. Only in the grave to lie down the result of the rest of the battle. My victoriously effective incantations, those divine possessions can be used. Gathering information, helping the miserable inhabitants and approaching the final essence between good and evil. In Diablo 2, you can grati forever - the eternal gra іz non-repetitive mechanics.

command& conquer: RedAlert2

Alternative vsesvit, creations by Einstein. After the fall of Stalin on the planting of the head of the Radyansky Union, Oleksandr Romanov is appointed, who could become a puppet to support the world between the USSR and the USA, and to take revenge on America for the defeat and attack her. The Radian Union has launched a new technology for mind control, now the United States has allowed the possibility of launching a nuclear weapon. The conquest begins.

The legendary RTS navit at once plays with right fortune in the eyes and adrenaline in the blood. Become a base, develop technologies, win the battle, defend various tactful approaches and defeat your enemy for help with a super-strength!

#Tsikavy fact: Newest computer gra -space war, created in 1961 by Steve Russell, Martin Graetz and Wayne Uitan.

2001 rik


The legendary shooter, in my opinion rich, is the best in the history of the gaming industry. Advanced technologies, innovations and original ideas have made Max Payne an icon for a whole generation of gamers.

The main hero is a huge policeman, a kind of madness to break the law. Yogo squad that daughter is beaten with evil spirits. Then let's drive in an important boss of the mafia, and throw all the blame on Max. The second mafia clan takes away false information about those that Max is an underling agent, a kind of "knock" of the police. What is the job of such an extraordinary situation? Revenge! Max will punish everyone who is guilty of malice, and take all the credits according to their merits.

This is an important and strong plot in a right way, which does not deprive anyone of baiduzhim. At that time, the best graphics that stoked the regime of "upgraded diy" - the very ones that Max Payne gro for ten years.

Serious Sam: The First Encounter

Alien zagarbniks on choli with Mental attack the Earth and suddenly її hoot. Humanity is victorious enough to remain hopeful - the strongest representative of the planet. Sema to rule in the past - to the ancient Egypt, de vin may change the future and zirvati invading the germ.

Before us, we see the Egyptian world: deserts, pyramids, ancient castles, oases, places of that settlement. But the walk will not be so easy: hundreds and thousands of enemies fall upon us.

Tse in a right way adrenaline and crooked FPS. There are no NPCs here, no dialogues, no plot rozpovidi the same, then there is a majestic number of enemies, cool harmony and no less Cool Sem.


Tse RPG s vydkritim that large-scale light, diya Gothic roar in the middle. The human settlements are experiencing the attack of orcs, trolls and other creatures, but everything started not just like that, but behind a hint of might.

Before the cob of grim, we choose one of the four classes: Warrior, Mage, Psionik and Vbivtsya. In our choice to lay down the style of grit and the introduction of certain characters.

Gothic vouchsafed to everyone at first glance: ce dark fantasy with majestic light, filled with stingy monsters, intrigues and secrets. We ourselves take our way, we take a decision that will rise in price from that gloomy, unsafe world.

The cities, castles, undergrounds, stoves, foxes, villages and a lot of other original locations check for us near Gotitsa.

The gra was also marked by miraculous graphics, animation and miraculous musical accompaniment. And even more, she blew gravel with bugs, as if they had tormented gamers for a long time, and now we can enjoy the original, perfectly polished Gothic.

Halo: Combat Evolved

In Halo, we have to defend for a member of the elite military subdivision and defend the Earth from alien zagarbniks. Diya grey is seen on a long-standing artifact called Halo. Making our way through the foxes, burning those secret ovens, we are approaching the solution of the greedy secret.

Halo - tse FPS z іkavim plot that non-repetitive mechanics, yak became the "trump card" of the current series. There was no such hooting and hooting gameplay at that time. The versatility of technology and innovative management also played a role in the establishment of Halo short FPS history of igor.

#Tsikavy fact: "Father" of computer games is in vogue Ralph Baer, ​​who in 1951 dangled the idea of ​​an interactive TV broadcast.

2002 rіk

Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven (Mafia)

One of the best games in the entire history of the gaming industry is the Mafia to take us to America in the 30s, if the places were ruled not by power, but by the mafia. The great taxi driver Tommy Angelo picks up two gangsters - Sema and Paul, for the time being they change Tommy's life, urging him to change his life. Yearly Tommy ask the family, now he is a full-fledged member of the great mafia gang. Now you can get away with your criminal life: smuggling, fighting with the police and other families, robbing, chasing that rich other! Vin also recognizes that the "friends" are not like that, and in case of good luck, they are built in at the back.

The plot of the Mafia is based on real stories that were experienced in America in the 1930s. I will rise before us vіdkritiy svіt with details of the architecture of that hour. Various missions: from chasing and drug trafficking to robbing a bank and locking in. Over 30 types of cars of that era: from the simplest to the first racing cars. The great choice of weapons, the middle one is the legendary Thompson submachine gun.

Gra Mafia really zanuryuє us in the atmosphere of gangsters, we live the lives of Tommy, we are worried about new and close ones, we are happy for success and we don’t know our future ... really, one of the best igors in the whole history.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

GTA Vice City beautiful gra with vodkritim light. We commend Tommy Vercetti, a kind of viyshov from vyaznitsi through 15 years of education. Boss Tommy - Sleepy Trout, entrusting you with a crime to Weiss City, to please the drug dealers, but the correct motives of Sleepy mi will not be known soon.

Absolutely in front of us open the place with financial and industrial centers, beaches, ports, clubs and riches. Weiss City reminds Miami of the 80s. Our distribution has a large number of weapons: from brass knuckles and Molotov cocktails to a grenade launcher and a sniper rifle, as well as transport: from scooters and motorcycles to expensive cars and tanks.

GTA Vice City - tse gra z I'm going to kill the city and the rich lives, criminal investigations, zrada, corrupt police officers and unsupported allies. Go through the path from a bad hooligan to a criminal authority! Freedom, how the gaming industry was still running.

WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos

15 years passed after the war of people and orcs. Humanity renews its civilization, and the orcs elect a new leader as an ensign, but over the orcs and people the gloom is thickening. new threat unknowingly collapses, so that everyone is alive.

gra WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos- tse strategy in real time, de gravets take control of one of the factions, acquire resources, improve the base, hire the most capable heroes and improve their achievements. Ideal in terms of balance, graphics and mechanics. An absolutely new online system that brings tens of thousands of gamers to the whole world. One of best strategies history of computer games.

Tom Clancy's: Splinter Cell

America is creating a secret year-old promotion of the Third Echelon, the agent of which is the leading hero - Sam Fisher. The task was to help the military conflict between the USA and China, as well as to touch the President of Georgia, so that he would not get stuck in the super-branch under the name "Ark".

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell- The whole game with a perfect stealth mode. We use the most advanced technologies for exploration of that degree. Uncover secrets, deceive intrigues, quietly pick up the enemies of the state and get over the darkness.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

The continuation of the legendary RPG, as it has already become legendary, with the light of the world, de graves independently where to go, whom to drive in, whom to spare and how to arrange a share of the whole world.

Our hero appears on a ship designated for the transportation of evildoers. We don’t remember anything, except for what we need to spend in Morrowind – the majestic volcanic continent, populated by representatives of different races, wines of the dark elves’ fatherland.

Step by step, the plot unfolds at the beck of an old-time prophecy, and the engraving is revealed by the one who may have been recited. This is how the most famous RPG in the history of the industry begins.

A large-scale, profound and thoughtful world of majestic number of different locations. Hundreds of types of weapons, armor spells, crafting, professions, dozens of classes and races to choose from, thousands of quest NPCs, as if authentically simulating real life.

#Tsikavy fact: "CompanynintendoThe bula was founded in 1889 and specialized in the issuance of grading cards, and over the years it has become the largest maker of computer games.

2003 rіk

Grad by the company Bioware, created after the motives of the famous all-world. Diya Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic stay at the old hour, if the Jedi and the Sith changed at the peak of their strength and their strength. The main hero is the rest of the galaxy's hope for the victory of the Jedi, it is our fault to unite the most powerful representatives of the galaxy that will defeat the Siths. Ale raptom, the hero knows the dark side and becomes an ensign? Vіd our dіy to lay a share like war, and th life of the whole galaxy. The hero is dashing, the fair is zhorstoy, the ryativnik is the conqueror - you don’t have to lie to you.

Formerly in games there is such a non-linear plot - one of our decisions can change the final game. Thousands of characters, hundreds of quests, dozens of locations, deep and thoughtful non-linear scenario, and, nareshti, light swords - all in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Gra, yak zakohuє navit the current generation of gamers. And if you forget about all the old games early, then remember about KOTOR forever.

Need for Speed: Underground

Famous races Need for Speed ​​Underground introduced the genre of the new equal. Anonymous cars from the most famous light sources, detailed tuning, excellent light, a chic soundtrack and swedeness! First of all, we were right to be satisfied with the swedish water of an expensive car in an empty place.

The original Call of Duty is the best shooter ever. At the thought of rich graves, the series is small to continue collapsing in a straight line. Diya gri vіdbuvaєtsya pіd hour Another svіtovoї war. We will be commemorated for an American, British and Russian soldier. Gravets is not a hero, like a self-taught sorceress of the army, we are less than a pishak in the hands of the commander, and we happen to be punished, sometimes ill-conceived, deadly that marne, but not to rob the commander. We are not only more likely to have naykrivavishі and the most important podії wars, but we will take an uninterrupted fate from them.

Detailed description of the battle, armor, technique and uniform of the robe. Mi vіdchuvaєmo all broke up the battles, we try to survive and take on more enemies before death. We storm the place, we take the fate of tank battles, we destroy the exploration of that sovereign partisan war. Torknіtsya Great win for the help of the first part of Call of Duty.

command& conquer: Generals

The strategy of the real hour, which seems to be in the alternative reality of the near future. 2020 Rick, as a terrorist organization, as it calls itself the “Global Visionary Army (GOA), threatening America and China.

We can handle the skin side of the conflict. The campaign is made up of 7 missions, the meta of which is not less than to destroy the base, and th, for example, to launch a civilian space rocket with a chemical attack on board.

command& conquer: Generals- classic RTS with everyday life and the development of the base, creations of units and vikoristannya deyaky super zdіbnosti. Vaughn became the standard for the development of similar games, all the RTS advances were oriented towards the "Generals", wanting to get close to the C&C.

#Tsikavy fact: “The Rocket Simulator has become the ultimate digital rozvagoy”, it was released in 1947, but it’s impossible to use it computer partition, Oskіlki tekhnologiya was primed not so on processors, but in analog lancets.

2004 rіk


The company Blizzard, even though at that time there was a small number of great and popular projects, is trying to release MMOs in the world of Warcraft. No one would think for a moment, what kind of game (as life is developing dosi) to hoard such a large number of gamers. Without a doubt, someone might not know about Half-Life or Gothic, but about World of Warcraft to know everything, here and add nothing. Great number of graves, constant development, anonymous fan sites and projects. WoW is not just a gra - it's a whole cult, which is a virosive new generation of gamers. Who would have thought for a moment that it will be 10 years later!

Warhammer40,000: DawnofWar

The golden century of human civilization passed ten thousand years ago. The curves of the battle are not attached to that moment, but the victory is still not given to the other side. Eldari, Orcs, Chaos and Space Marines do not know life without war.

The Relic company was able to transfer the spirit of that atmosphere of the grill on the screen of the monitor. Tse naikrivavisha, that pathetic RTS for all history is brutal. Classical dispute, that improved base, the creation of folly and technology, but with such a mastery, everything is ruined! There were no more such hardcore and hardcore battles in the current RTS. It’s impossible to pass through the game, the genre’s fans for the joy of arranging the hours of Warhammer, and there are plenty of people who can spend the evenings under the roar of WAAAGH!


A shooter from a name for that hour with graphics that turned into one of the best modern cities. In the first part, we sing for Jack Carver; You need to have a vision - to accompany the journalist Valeria Cortez to the island of Kabatu. Zvichayna on the right for Jack turns into a tragedy - the chauvin is driven, the girls are stolen, and the main character is left dead. Alemy, we were smart enough to live and we can know the girl and find out the reasons for such a good thing.

Obviously, the game did not win respect with its plot and gameplay, the main feature of Far Cry is the graphics. First of all, there was the CryEngine dvigun, which created a realistic picture and reliable physics. FarCry forever be lost in memory as a innovation for your hour. To the level of the graphics of Far Cry, no one has ever come close to a richer rock.

Rome: TotalWar

It so happened that the very third of the global strategy brought popularity to the series. Sign up for gris Ancient Rome. Mine is the most powerful empire in the history of mankind, but the impersonal barbarian tribes do not give peace and threaten the strength and greatness of Rome.

The most large-scale game, like on the battlefield, tens of thousands of people can hide at the heart of the matter: infantry, cinematography, tax bills. For a short time, the meritorious regime of the obloga of the city: we lama the walls, the gates, the houses and the fire of the opposing forces on the vіkritu mіstsevist. Other Features of Gris Rome: total war- Tactful. The result of the battle is to lie down in the light of our commander’s skill, in the light of the wisdom to win correctly the strength and strength of the Roman army. Yakіsna detalіzatsіya allows you to enjoy the battle: the cry of the attack, the battle cry, the twine of the swords, the stack of the wounded and many others!

The global map is telling us to take control over the empire: see the laws, build alliances, work for the happy people, or look at the army and destroy the enemies of Rome!

Doom 3

gradoom3 - tse horror-action, which zmushuvav us zdrigatisya in the skin rough. So we realized that, naviti naviti for a professional military officer with a bunch of cool harmat, we can still be scared.

Diya grey is observed at 2145 on Mars, in the middle of the last station. As usual, the studies at such stations will end soon, so here in the middle of the hour of the black experiment, the teleportation portal is opened, that is not just in another place, but right in hell. From the portal nayzhahlivishi critters turn around, as if they themselves become unsafe, so they turn the mischievous bagmen into zombies. Our hero was visibly spared, even if it was the hour of the catastrophe, having changed at the closed block of the station, but it would still be possible to choose ...

The game is still popular today, the retailers of the world periodically release updated versions of Doom 3. Have a good day!

#Fact: “Alan Turing and David Champernow created the first checkerboarding algorithm in 1950, but at that time there was not enough tight computer, what a moment bi yogo vikonati.

2005 rіk

sidMeier" sCivilizationIV

The fourth part of the cult global strategy brought popularity to the series. Start a group from the old world, continue to mature, fight against the barbarians and develop! After thousands of years of gaming, you will have the opportunity to go into space and create great robots! Pack your alliances and prepare your army to conquer the world. All further global strategies focused on Sid Meier's Civilization IV, but the future did not get close to the depths of the mechanics of "Civilization".

F. E. A. R.

The state is creating a secret plan under the name "Federal Unity of Active Rehabilitation" to fight against anomalous phenomena, which threaten the common place.

Gra starts with the information about the hoarding Viysk base deakim zbroynymi forces. Zhodnykh vimog stench does not hang. They send the spetsnaz to the cleansing ground, but the bells and whistles from them are shaved off. A few hours later, a video recording is made, on which no one knows the force is tearing the spetsnaz to pieces. To explain the reasons, you should correct the F.E.A.R.

The first part has become a reference shooter. At grі F.E.A.R. we enjoyed not only unique ballistics, sensible opponents, miraculous graphics and slick storylines, but we felt the right fear. So, the whole shooter with elements of horror and the ability to improve the hour, but to wind it up with strained trunks, we all felt the same zhah, which the little girl Alma instilled.

Fable: The Lost Chapters

The revisiting of the original RPG Fable allowed the PC and Xbox 360 graves to enjoy the light that is constantly changing. In the face of our skin, the whole world is changing, and it is seen not in the future, but right in front of your eyes. The character is also changing: growth, changing stature, growing a beard or shedding hair, and demonic horns grow at the lowest gravel.

It's not just an RPG - it's the whole world, in which we begin to grow up as a little boy, but we end up being old. We get to know hundreds of characters, we know our profession, we buy that area, we will buy houses, and then we will break into the loot of belongings. Najivesha RPG – Fable: TheLostChapters.


Raccoon City has been destroyed, the Umbrella company has been dismantled, but it’s still far from quiet hours: the president’s daughter is trying to win the “divine organization”, while the president directs the secret agent of the United States, Leon Kennedy, to protect his daughter. Arriving at the place, Leon learns that the behavior of the inhabitants of the city is similar to the behavior of the people found near the mountains of Arkley. Have the nightmares of the past returned? Learn from Resident Evil 4.

A lot of fans in a series of songs that all the next parts ResidentEvil turned out to be failures. You can imagine that the fourth part has been lost forever in the hearts of graves as the remaining representative of the series.


Skin grass, as it opinated in this list, passed on a further development of the gaming industry. They relied on them, tried to do something similar, but no one could repeat the original masterpiece. The best old games on the PC will forever be forgotten in the memory of graves and retailers of new games.

The topic of our today's top is the games of veterans, who have kept their popularity, not marveling at their frail age. Deyakі rozrobniki create games on the floor far away, that their game creations delight the graves for more than a dozen rokіv. On the right, as you guessed, not in the schedule, but in the fact, on the scale of the projects of the cica.

Whom TOP have put old games on old computer chi on old prefixes.

10. Final Fantasy 7 (1997)

One of the oldest and most recent game series. But at the same time, in this series, there is one part of the flooring in the distance, so now the fans will move on to capture unique emotions.

Final Fantasy 7- it’s not only a breathtakingly fantastic story that confuses you into chaklunism, but it’s still beautiful for its time and is balanced to the very drіbnitsa gra, maybe, best of all role-playing games in anime style.

Dosi in digital stores are badly sold copies of the same part, which was published may be 20 years ago!

9 Ultima Online (1997)

Continuing the theme of old games, you can't miss Ultima Online. Veteran MMORPG vyavivshis survivable, scho dosі vіddanі shanuvalniki pіdtrimuyut Ultіma new additions and content.

It is unlikely that you can immediately take away the same emotions that people felt when they hit one veteran.

Why is the sumptuous history of the trick of the Kazkovo planet? What is the secret? Chantly at the mіstsevіy atmosphere, homey and quiet, if the skin character of his class chi guild accepts like a close comrade. Or maybe just nostalgia. Every time.

Ultima earned a place in the hearts of rich gamers. Aje tse nipersha MMORPG of the classic type.

8. Doom (1993)

Father of shooters John Carmex with his team took and launched the first trivi-world shooter in the world Duum. And through the rіk more zabіyny and amusing Duum 2. The shooter itself will always be my old school engraving best hours. And the hours were truly miraculous.

Show that you live in the world, de іsnuє one single three-dimensional shooter, with which there is simply nothing to compare. Axis and є hours of Duum.

Today is a rich day for someone not to be ashamed to launch the Doom emulation, revealing new secrets and not being afraid of the graphics of the past century. And for young gamers, Doom has already been updated with new textures and HD-graphics, so that the stench could safely reach the beautiful.

7. The secret of Monkey World (1990)

Gra, scho pіdіrvala huge ironic humor and non-standard situations, vіdkrivshi future genre of quests, as if for a given moment perebuvayut at the camp of lethargic sleep. As a result, the game is played on the crest of the 90th rock.

Zvichayno, Tim, who in his time missed this masterpiece, I’m unlikely to say I’ll name it, but for those who are in those, the whole era.

And those who love the genre of quests from long ago will guess us Monkey Island. A year for an old masterpiece of creations, a trivimirny remake, which antrohi does not convey the atmosphere of the original better.

6 Heroes of Might and Magic (1999)

Speaking about the sub-strategy, we ourselves think about them - the third Heroes, as they have become separate parts of this genre at all times.

Nine classic factions and hundreds of heroes, all the pervagi and few of them were memorized by memory. It seems that learning to play in Heroes is like riding a bicycle - if you already learned it, then it’s impossible to learn.

Regardless of the appearance of the fourth, fifth, and last part of the series, the third Heroes entrenched in the hearts of chanuvalniks, serving as an example for the distant synthesis of the RPG strategy, and the sound of the Sword of Armageddon did not let anyone fall asleep.

5. The Legend of Zelda (1986)

Gra, which appeared in the distant 86 years, is one of the most famous RPGs and is supplemented by all the prequels about Link and Princess Zelda.

It was spared the crooked scenes and whether I was trashing some elements, it took its romantic atmosphere and beautiful graphics for its time.

To bring haters of role-playing games after a long time in Legends of Zeldy became її її vіddanimi shanuvalnikami. And if you become a chanuvalnik, for good. Chi is not a leather adventure (suitable gra) building shoes of rock and trimming the bar of strength.

4. Counterstrike (2000)

Among gamers people who do not need new games, modern graphics and twisted plots. Name such gravity cyber-athletes. Well, the main cyber-sports thunder of all hours is the fashion of Half Life - Counter Strike.

Leather gravel, what do you think for yourself, in your time, you should add a team shooter, thoroughly twisting the main cards, for a moment Inferno or Aztec.

Tsіkavo, what to navit after you appear new version Counter-strike on an updated engine, the old Counter-Strike is still more popular. Є thought, what to bring after leaving Global Offensive the situation will not change through the flood of shanuvalniks.

3. Diablo 2 (2000)

With the recent release of Diablo 3, dozens of millions of graves have started talking about this demon, the lord of chaos and chaos. Ale, that's wonderful. Hundreds of thousands of gamers in 12 years felt the mastery of the other part of the well-known RPG epic, not zvezhayut on Diablo-like clones.

What is the secret of Diablo 2, it is important to say - you need to try it. Grama is small just magical magnetism, groaning with the skin equal everything is deeper in the taєmnichі pіdzemelle, zmushyuyuchi with the robot's zealousness to drive in monsters, bosses, and know the middle of their corpses of tsіnі speech.

Navit at once on old servers BethelNі more people. Don't be surprised to see Blizard's style of the advertised third part.

2. Pac-man (1979)

The first part of Pekmen, inspired by the Japanese genius Toru Iwatani, turned over all the laws of video-mountains, propagating an absolutely new genre.

Every now and then, as well as the release of impersonal new versions, remakes of the original are gaining great popularity on all gaming platforms, including mobile phones that tablet.

I dosi people try to win more and more points from the given larger bags, passing again and again through this phenomenal labyrinth. Mabut, yakbi not hungry Pekmen, we wouldn’t have been beaten by hundreds of games in the arcade genre.

1. Super Mario Bros (1985)

There are hardly any people among the fans of video mountains who don't say anything about Mario. This series is one of the largest and most successful. Legendary gra, it is impossible to go through її neskіchennіst.

Doniní chi do not play games about the most famous plumber in the world, de main gameplay, the opponents of that acting individual do not change for dozens of years. More than that Nova gra Pro Mario for game consoles Nintendo Wii very similar to the original, which deserved a lot of praise from critics.

Then why not award the first place to the veteran, who has been asked for more than 30 years?

View of the controller "Nes30 Pro"

A look at the shortest game controller in NES style from the creator of the site

I live! Below is a selection of the shortest old games for PC, starting in 1997 and ending in 2010. The list follows the exit date, starting from the oldest cities.

Fallout 1-2

exit date: 1997 - persha born in 1998 - friend

Planescape: Torment

exit date: 1999

The plot of the grey urges against the powers of the great powers is a great game card for the fantasy world. Starting Gravets from a small place with a single task - to get opponents and gain power over our lands. In the plot company, the grave can go through a series of lances of scenarios, connected by one line.

Graveets take control of the heroes, so that they can reach the global map of goodies, hoard castles and fortifications, and also choose stronger soldiers, buying and hiring new warriors. The combat system of the gris is represented by pokrock battles. At the battlefield there is a field, by which the soldiers shift and attack, at the same time the hero can swell with spells and suvoys.

Diablo 2

exit date: 2000 r.

Genre: RPG with a view of the beast, slasher,

The plot of the grie urges on the calm resistance of Heaven and Hell. Dії grí vіdbuvayutsya in the world of Sanctuary - fantasy omnisvіtu, what a touch of magic, different races, monsters and demonic creatures. Gravets can take on the role of a hero, who can bring evil and inflict an unending war.

Gra is a reference representative of the hack'n'slash genre igor. The main focus is on the battle. Gravets manages the created character, which can be chosen newcomers, class and vminnya. The main tasks of the grey are to clear the dark underground from the undead, win quests, pump the hero’s raven, and also pick up the best armor and gear. At the end of the day, the project took off faceless positive feedback from critics and game performance. From the main advantages of the Grid, the next signifies the great diversity of equals, monsters, battles, quest quests, dynamic battles, gloomy atmosphere, and also the great diversity of bosses.


exit date: 2000 r.

Genre: RPG with a view of the beast, sci-fi

The plot of the grey is told about the fortune-telling of the world of Knox, in which the main hero of the earthling is consumed, through the portal, which he saw. The portal was not just built, it was created by the queen of the Necromancers in order to enchant an ancient artifact that is being found by the world of people. For additional relics, the queen can know the absolute power and involuntarily all the population. The smut of the hero's task is to bring forth the world that is being worn.

The role-playing system allows you to create a character and choose a class. The project has three game specializations - magician, warrior and chaklun. Crimson different gameplay, leather from the class may have its own unique plot twists and other special features. Zagalom gra fell to the relish rich to lovers of fantasy isometric RPGs.

Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura

exit date: 2001

After the terrible collapse of the Zephyr airship, the unknown hero sets off on the Arcanum continent. The country is resting at the stage of the industrial revolution, but a lot of people are actively recruiting various magical talents. Graveets may be obshtuvatsya in the new world, and it is possible to vryatuvati yoga in the event of a catastrophe.

In the process of passing the grave, it is possible to reach the majestic vision of the world, to communicate with other characters, and to win over the quest tasks. Oskіlki in grі realized all the freedom of diy, gamer can become a be-kim. For example, you can walk on a peaceful and good side, accepting garni solution, otherwise, robit the filthy vchinki and become a right anti-hero. W key features Igri varto means: a great arsenal of weapons, faceless quests, non-linear passage, as well as a well-executed omniscience.

Arx Fatalis

exit date: 2001

The game process has two equal parts. The first one is to explore space with oneself, to talk to other characters, to see other quests, and to find new companions. The friend is represented by a tactful pokrokovy fight, for the hour of such a grave, he takes care of the whole group, chooses the type of attack, special attack, etc. At the hour of departure, the game took away positive feedback from critics, for a good plot and quests, great opportunities for reaching space, and also for the diversity of opponents and bosses.

Wizardry 8

exit date: 2001

Genre: Pokrokova RPG in the form of the first individual, fantasy, vіdkritiy svіt.

For a long-standing prophecy, immortality and eternal life have been prepared for the entire population of the galaxy by the sight of the Gods. For whom the bagmen are responsible, collect three artifacts on the planet Dominus. Just so you can go through the change. Ale at the last moment, one of the ancient artifacts stolen by the Warlock - a mighty military leader. Gravetets is sent to the jokes of a part that is rejected. Navіt pіd hіd hіhodu gra small more modest. systemic help, through the project will become best choice for Vlasniks weak computers.

The game process can be mentally divided into two warehouses. The first one is more expensive with light, more quests, accepting companions from the team, pairing with other characters (for help command lineі key words). Another - cover battles against the first individual. In this mode, graves can choose numbers, recognize that type of attacks. From the key features of the gri varto are: non-linear passage, the majestic arsenal of armor and equipment, the great choice of companions, the high regrabability, as well as the victorious world, such a cicavo to follow.

Neverwinter nights 1 and 2

exit date: 2002 - persha 2006 - friend

Genre: RPG of the third individual, fantasy.

A group of thugs take advantage of the first task - to break out of attacks on a small settlement of people. The stench recognizes that the village was attacked by a congregation of sweaty lights, as if they were restoring the ancient artifact of the Silver Sword. For the help of the zієї zbroї, the creature wants to find the King of Shadows - the ancient Vartov, who practically knows the race of the Giantki. At the process of passing the grave, you can turn your way and finish the plot with two different tales.

You can create your own character and create your own character. You can choose the subject, race, specialization and basic skills. The creation of the hero, you can collect companions from looking at other NPCs or calling them. Combat is represented by a classic targeting system from the casting of various spells and special kills. Under the hour of battle, you can strike a tactful pause to assess the enemy and encourage tactics for action. Also, the role system is presented to the pumping of the hero and companions and the choice of order.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

exit date: 2002

Genre: RPG as the first individual, action as the third individual, wild world, fantasy, about magic

Graveets is beginning its own way at the role of the yaznya, which has consumed the dark elves to the province - Morrowind. After the sound of the grave, we take away our first task and the hour of which we know about the arrival of Dagoth Ur - the unsafe that mighty kіmer, which can provoke the end of the world. Fallow in the choice, the grave can enter into a battle from the old-fashioned istotoy or accept it.

On the cob, a gamer can create his own character, choose his race, basic skills, narrow down and other characteristics. The project has implemented a large-scale project of light and absolute freedom of action, so immediately after the creation of the hero, the grave can destroy the point of the map and work there everything that bothers. For example, you can finish the dungeon, finish the job and just take care of the watering and sell the skins to merchants. From the key points of the game, the varto signifies the non-linear passage, the cicave quests, the number of items and magic is great, as well as the detailing of the world of history, as it is presented through books and dialogues.

Dungeon siege 1 and 2

exit date: 2002 - persha 2005 - friend

Genre: RPG with a view of the beast, slasher, fantasy.

Podії gri rozpovidat about spokonvіchne protistoyannya good and evil. Graveets can play the role of a hired man, who seems to be aggravated and to get his own freedom, the hero is guilty of vikonati kіlka unsafe tasks. At the process of vikonannya, the punishment of the naymanets was wise, that a new problem hung over the world, like a big bat. The hero begins to collect an ancient artifact - the Shield of Azunai, in order to strengthen the Dark Cult and save the universe from the coming of Chaos.

Gameplay of warehouse gri is classic hack'n'slash. The main focus of the game is on battles, finishing underground, pumping the hero and choosing equipment. The project has quests and side orders, vikonnannya vykonannya vykonannya vygorodzhuetsya dosvidom that gold. Under the hour of passage, gravel otrimuvatime equal to give access to new vistas, giving that magic.

Gothic 2

exit date: 2002

Podії gri v_dbuvayutsya have vigadanom svіt Azeroth, which is divided into three continents. The fantasy universe is inhabited by people, orcs, night elves and the undead rebels. The skin of the factions to fight for the right to rule over new lands and resources. The plot is divided into five divisions, skin of some roses tells the story in the name of the enemy factions.

For his sutty gra є strategy with RPG elements. Gravets may be budіvlі, vіdpravlyаt robіtnіkіv on vіdоbіtki resоrіvіv, naschuvavat militа mіtsі zahist, аnd also improve technology and attack thе enemies. Umovu win є povne iznischennya vsіh yunitіv enemy. The role-playing element of play appears during the life of a singing type of life, as if it were possible to create a hero. The hero is a character with equals, objects, and other traits. An increase in the hero's health reserve, this spell and physical weakness can give a significant advantage in battle. Through novelties, additions to the gaming process, as well as unique gaming networking, the project has become massively popular among fans of fantasy and fans of strategic games.

Divine Divinity

exit date: 2002

Genre: RPG with a view of the beast, wild light, fantasy, slasher.

The plot is grim about Rivellon - the fortune-telling of the world, which is inhabited by people, five magical races. Gravets can take the role of one of the heroes and fight with the Chaos battalion, which is to zanurite the whole world at the eternal darkness.

The game process of the project is hack'n'slash grey. The main focus is on the post-battle, which takes up most of the gameplay. You can create a character, choose a class, or create a unique warrior from the houses of other classes. The main task of the gris is to destroy the head barefoot, choosing the best equipment before it and stealing to the maximum level. It can be worthy of all fans of classic role-playing action games, as well as fans of games like Diablo 2 and Titan Quest.


exit date: 2003

Genre: RPG, slasher, third person action, fantasy,

The grіt has two plot lines. One for the bright light, and the other for the dark. At the first, the grave begins its own way from the battlefield and far away, enters the battle with the Dregatar army. For another, the grave can be used as a recruiter, who works on Zurana - a mighty magician, who can be seduced by the power of Vatar's ancient nature.

The gameplay is classic for the hack'n'slash genre. Graveets vikonu zavdannya, pumping money, picking up more equipment and getting new locations. The project can achieve hardcore gameplay, even if only one saving is available. Zagal gra can please the cіkavim with a new world, two plot lines, as well as a majestic amount of equipment.

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

exit date: 2003

Genre: RPG in the form of a third person, in the light of the world, science fiction

The plot is about a thousand years before the creation of the Galactic Empire. At this hour, the Jedi faction had a great number of followers, and the stinks were constantly fighting the dark Sith. Gravets acts as a hero, who is endowed with Strength. Fallow in the choice of that diy, you can take that other side of the conflict.

Gra vikonana looked like an action in the form of a third individual from the target system. Gravets is guilty of choosing the number, zastosovuvat vminnya and special skills, as well as grenade. A tactful pause is available, at the hour when you can accurately choose the color and blackness of the day. In the process of passing the grave, we choose a special light sword, and also give access to new characters, which you can take with you as companions.

Vampire: The Masquerade-Bloodlines

exit date: 2004

Genre: RPG of the first individual, horror,

Graveets can play the role of a newly-probably vampire, which seems to be involved in a large-scale war of vampire groups. The cause of the conflict was the appearance of the most important artifact of ancient clocks - the Ankara sarcophagus. At the process of passing the grave, you can come to the bottom of the conflict and unravel the mystery of vampire sleepiness.

The role-playing system of gri є to pumping the character, the choice of decrease and beginner, the cultivation of vampire traits, as well as oratorical art. Great respect is attached to the very connection with other characters. A hero with great ostentatious charms can make unique replicas. The project of performances has a great arsenal of modern firearms, gravel can be hurried with towels, pistols and machine guns. For lovers of bloodless passage, stealth is available.

Fable 1 and 3

exit date: 2004 - persha 2010 - third

Genre: RPG in the form of a third individual, life simulator, fantasy, open world,

Gravetets rozpochinaє svіy way in the role of a little lad, like that bandits drove. After the next hero is taken to the Guild of Heroes, de vin go through the training. Viyshovshi from the guild, the engraver can take care of whatever rights to the ruling court. Ryatuvate the world, fight monsters, attack the next bandits, like they drove it in, or just peacefully catch fish and enjoy all life - it’s just a small change from the possibilities, like a tribute from the gr.

Gra є action in the form of a third individual, which is often a life simulator. The hero, like a guardian of graves, grows up and changes with the year. For example, as if choosing a gravel path of a warrior, this hero will become great and muscular, at once the path of an archer will make the hero thin and spritny. So deal with the choices of good and evil. In an hour, a peaceful character will have a halo over his head, and an evil character will have a horns and a dark aura will appear.


exit date: 2004

Genre: RPG with a view of the beast, wild world, slasher, fantasy, cooperative,

Fires are roaring at the vigadan world of Ancaria, which is inhabited by people of those other magical races. Graveets plays the role of a jester of goodies, which seems to be drawn in by a grandiose fortune, which moves the arrival of the enchanter Shaddar - a mighty magician, who wants to grab the whole world.

Gra є hack'n'slash project, that's why the main voice of destruction in the battle with monsters and other opponents. I first create a hero, choose a class, a specialization and the main idea. Then, following the lanchy quests, the grave breaks on unsafe jobs, as they often get involved in cleaning up undergrounds, driving in monsters, bandits, etc. At the procession, you can raise a rive, bathe a new streak, and other equipment.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

exit date: 2006

Genre: RPG of the first individual, fantasy, wild world,

The grave begins its way in the role of the aggravated one, which vipadkovo appears to be drawn into the history of the story connected with the driving in of the remaining emperor of Tamriel - Uriel Speptim. Vmirayuchi, the ruler passes the legendary artifact Amulet of the Kings to the hero, who can know the emperor's decline and help him to take the throne. At the same time, the army of Oblivion is ready to invade again and open new gates, demons, goblins and servants of chaos, are dragged into the world through yaks.

Grey's character editor has been implemented. Graveets choose a race (the skin race can have its own set of features, for example, fox elfs are miracle villains, and argonians can go wild under water), narrowing down that main memory of their hero. The city has already implemented a developed system of pumping, around magic talents, stock of health and mani, gravel can pump swidkіst bіgu, height of haircut, charіvnіst, swimming, alchemy thinly. Skin kіlka equal to the pumped building, to bring additional vmіnnya, for example, a high indicator of privacy allows swidko rich and stribati surface water. The Greek has anonymous quests and side tasks, as well as a majestic arsenal of weapons, cunning, armor and magic spells. The game's critics highly appreciated the project's feasibility;

Titan Quest

exit date: 2006

Genre: RPG with the view of the beast, the light of the world,

Three ancient Titans virishi zruynuvat tsilisny svіt i zahopit in the new dominion. Now the worlds of Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt and the Descent are divided, and the people in them are forced by dark forces. Gravets plays the role of a nameless hero, who can unite the world and the powers of the evil Titans.

It starts from the creation of that choice of the hero. There are a few playable classes available with different features and preferences. Fallow in the vibor, gravel mending their way in one of the three worlds. The game process itself is classic for games in the hack'n'slash genre. Gravets is responsible for pumping up the hero, picking the best equipment, and also picking up different quest tasks. The main focus of the game is divided into battles, which take up most of the hour.

BioShock 1

exit date: 2007

The Witcher 1 and 2

exit date: 2007 - persha 2011 r. - friend

Genre: RPG in the form of a third individual, slasher, fantasy, open world.

Graveets can play the role of Geralt - a witch, an experienced warrior and a thought for monsters. The rest of the task has erased the memory of the hero and now he is guilty of restoring his memory and rebuilding his profession. At the process of vikonanny chergovy zavdannya, vіdmak shows irradiations to more dark and large-scale certificates, the result of such stale is less than a decision of engraving.

After a swedish process, the graves are consumed by the majestic fantasy world, which is the population of various magical races, monsters of those other natures. Speak from the NPC, the graveman can take the task of picking them up for the wine city. As a rule, you can win any quest with a kіlkom way. Vіd tsikh vyborіv lay the plot and the setting of the characters to engraving. It also has a unique combat system, which will be used on combinations of strikes, dodges and defenses. Graveets can be honed with magical talents, spells, two swords (one for the undead, the other for the greatest opponents) and another cold streak.

Fallout 3 and New Vegas

exit date: 2008 -third year 2010 - New Vegas

Genre: RPG, first person shooter and third person shooter, open world, post-apocalypse,

The war between China and the USA has brought people and all living things to total destruction. After the fall of the bombs, the light, becoming like a nuclear waste, is inhabited by god-willed raiders, mutants and remnants of the quiet, who are alive, like leading a life on the streets of a large civilization. Graveets start their own way at the role of visiting these congresses. The hero follows his father, who has turned his grandiose project into reality.

Being a bigger world shooter, the project does not include the main features of a RPG, but itself - a hushed plot, faceless quests, a character editor, pumping a hero and dialogues with other NPCs. The grі є great choice of zbroї and equipment. Gravets can subdue mutants and raiders for the help of laser, plasma, fire cold and important destruction. It is also possible to change the camera to look at the third individual. One can see the key advantages of the Grid: the majestic light of the impersonal locations, the gloomy atmosphere of the post-apocalypse, the freedom of action, as well as the impersonal additions and addons, as a way to slander the group of diversity.

Dragon Age: Origins

exit date: 2009

Genre: RPG in the form of a third individual, world of light, fantasy.

Diya gri vіdbuvaєtsya at all-world fantasy middle-class. Gravets acts in the role of a joker of good, who enters the Order of the Holy Guardians. The guild deals with the evil spirits and other problems. At the entrance of the clerk's head, the hero finds out about the Swedish arrival of some dark forces, building a new light. Sob tse upiniti, the grave is guilty of picking up a team of companions and fighting for the army of chaos.

The combat system of vikonan looks like battles in the form of a third individual with the possibility of a tactful pause. For an hour, pause gravely, you can punish your companions, choose the cost of your armor, recognize the conjuration and assess the situation. Also, the project has impersonal non-linear quest tasks, so you can win with different paths. Vibіr vplivatime on the karma of the character, and in the form of a showcase to lie down, change the world and end the plot. To the main advantages, you can see: a lot of charismatic companions, a great choice of equipment and equipment, an unrewarding choice, and also the possibility of creating a unique class.


exit date: 2009

Genre: RPG in the form of a third individual, fantasy, world of light, magic.

Gravets acts as a hero, who leaned on an unknown island after a severe ship accident. One of the heroes also sees his companion - the gypsy woman Sarah. Under the hour of reaching the island, the grave is found out that there are two warring factions on the new one - the Inquisition and the bandits. The hero can come to be one of them, and depending on his choice, the entire plot of the project is stale.

Being an action game in the form of a third individual, the project has a deep role-playing system. On the back, the character does not have a great set of skills and talents. Press spells and combos become available in the process of leveling up and improving the character. If I enter to the lava of one of the fractions, the protege members will automatically become fortune-tellers for the hero. Crime of people, the hero fights with magic natures and monsters, as they populate the island. The project is a majestic game world, a haunting plot, as well as a great variety of newcomers and professions.

Mount & Blade: Warband

exit date: 2010

Otherwise, it’s a classic “grindilka”, in which we drive in monsters with natovpami, pump a character, “imprison” a speech with a sword, trade with other graves too thin. Mіstseva igrova ekonomіka, to speech, vvazhaetsya more realistic.

World of Warcraft

Exit date: 2004


Another "mastodon" of the world of insurance on a richly corralled role-playing online games is a project that, from the moment of its release, has become larger, lower, just a virtual prize. The best video of all hours, about yaku not chuv hіba scho only deaf. The project allows the graves to take a break from the knowledge of the bagatioh ihor series virtual world, in which you can follow the mystic, fight monsters, win quests, fight with living graves and a lot more. At tsomu meti gri skin vyznaє sobі himself.


From the moment the world exits, the project has recognized many changes, including its own graphic warehouse, and the renovation has come out of an enviable postiynistyu. Vzagali, WoW is important to describe in words - not a gra, but a whole universe with its own history, its own laws, heroes, markets and others.

perfect world

Exit date: 2005


It is also far from new (right from 2005 rock) MMORPG-gra, which is often called “Chinese (in a good sense of the word) World of Warcraft”, which is not surprising, even a Danish project, taking a lot of gameplay elements in the WoW itself, adding with the help of your own decision, that direction, as well as the unique style and color.


Traditionally for the genre in the world of anonymous races, there are even more classes of characters (skin with their own unique features, features and peculiarities), a great reference for completing worlds, unrealistically rich quests, raids, bosses and other joys MMORPG. It’s clearly not boring here, it’s bigger, that the game, like before, is actively developing and at the moment the content in it has become even bigger!


Exit date: 2007


Old, but still a cicava MMORPG game in the world of fantasy, which will go in PvE and PvP. The grіt has two races, as well as six archetypes, the skin one can develop a character for two classes. Classy, ​​apparently, cherish your unique features, special advantages and possibilities.


Crimea of ​​battles near the grі can be engaged in various crafts. So, for example, engravers can pick up various resources, take care of tailoring, craft objects and armor, make rings, do alchemy, prepare provisions and make furniture! With whom you can develop all professions, but as a master you can become less with three. Well, obviously, there are war guilds, blogs, ranks, ratings and so on.

R2 Online

Exit date: 2008


Having created a character (with which you can choose a subtext, a specialization, that type of name, and also set a name), the gravel in the fallow land in the same class is spent in one of two cob locations: the island of Guinea and the island of Acre. Faces, rangers and assassins appear on the first, magicians and callers - on the other. The engraved quests are propagated, after which the characters of all classes are taken to the port of Eschborn, where the R2 Online brunts are started.


In grі, the character can transform into different monsters. After the transformation, aggressive monsters will not attack you first, the shards will respect you as a relative. In addition, your characteristics, speed of transferring, attacks, as well as an increase in the number of maximum health levels, mani and vag, which can be transferred, will also change. Acts of transformation are imposed on the exchange of objects. Transformation can bring misfortune for an hour. By pretending to be universal fighters, the deacons of the class can improve their characteristics. So, while the effect of transformation is on you, the enemy cannot recognize who is in front of him, what kind of class and what kind of speech he can.