Is it true that the sound quality of modern audio cassettes and records is not louder, or even better than digital sound? Sound card diagnostics Why the sound is not good

If you talk about objective parameters that can be used to characterize quality, then obviously nothing. Recording on a vinyl or a cassette may be necessary to avoid the introduction of additional effects and noise. Ale, on the right, in the fact that such creations and noise are subjectively not caused by the effects of music, but often instilled in the same way. Our hearing and the system of sound analysis can be done smoothly, that which is important for our mind, and those that can be assessed as a quality from a technical side - only a trifle of different speech.

MP3 - no matter how cool the theme is, it definitely improves the quality by changing the size of the file. Encoding MP3 allows you to use more quiet harmonics and split the fronts, which means the loss of detail, "smearing" the sound.

An ideal option from the point of view of the quality and honest transmission of everything that is being used is digital recording without constraint, moreover, the quality of the CD is 16 bits, 44100 Hz - it’s already out of the way for a long time, you can increase the bit rate - 24, 32 bits, so the frequency - 48000, 82200, 96000, 192000 Hz. The bitness flows into the dynamic range, and the sampling frequency - into the frequency range. Given the fact that the human ear can hear in the shortest range up to 20,000 Hz and, according to the Nyquist theorem, it is possible to select a sampling frequency of 44,100 Hz as much as possible, but it’s really possible to achieve accurate transmission of folding short sounds, such as the sounds of drums, rather than a higher frequency. The dynamic range is shorter and the mother is bigger, so you can record more without interruption quiet sounds. If it’s real, the more two parameters change, the less you can remember to change.

In any case, if you evaluate everything, if you have good digital sound, then you have a good sound card. Those who have been introduced into the greater PC have become greedy, in poppies with better cards, and even better the mother is called. Well, it's important that you take digital recordings for a better CD :) If you want the best MP3 on a good sound card, it will sound a lot better.

Turning to analog things - here you can say that people don’t respect them for the fact that they really stink more and more precisely, but for the fact that the recording is more accurate and accurate without sounding, and it’s not a bad result. Digital creations, which can be blamed on filthy algorithms for sound processing, low bit depth or sampling rate, digital clipping - stench will sound louder than analog ones, but they can be lost. And it turns out that it’s really clear and accurate for a digital recording, to sound too sterile, not visceral. And if, for example, write down the drums on the line - tsya nasichenіst zayavlyaєєєєєєєєєє, і sberіgaєєsya, navitі yakscho then tsey record digitize. I vinil tezh sound cooler, like a new one recorded tracks zroblenі whole on a computer. Well, and of course, all the attributes and associations are invested in everything, then, as everyone looks, the emotions of people are engaged in them. As a whole you can understand the sound of trimati in the hands of a headscarf, listen to a cassette on an old tape recorder, and not a recording from a computer, or you can understand quietly, who at once corries with Multi-track tape recorders in studios, although it is richly foldable and costly. Ale in tsomu є svіy singing fun.

Lyuty 18, 2016

The light of home rozvag to complete the different and can include: watching a movie on a good home theater system; hooting and hooting game process or listening to musical compositions. As a rule, you should know your own in this area, otherwise you will understand everything. But if there weren’t a whole lot of people in organizing their own allowance, and they wouldn’t hit the extremes - all the cities of the world would be called by one simple and understandable word - “sound”. Definitely, at all resurrections, we will be led by the hand by a sound support. But nutrition is not so simple and trivial, especially in quiet moods, if the power is trying to achieve a good sound in the presence, or be some other minds. For whom, do not start obov'yazkovo expensive hi-fi or hi-end components (if you want it to be even before speech), but use sufficient good knowledge of physical theory, as a rule of thumb virishiti problems that are blamed on everyone, who put themselves for the purpose of taking voice acting high vigor.

Further, the theory of sound and acoustics will be examined from the point of view of physics. In this situation, I will try to make it as accessible as possible for a reasonable person, which, perhaps, is far from the knowledge of physical laws or formulas, but at the same time, it is not less than the vision of the imaginary world created by a thorough acoustic system. I don’t presume to assert that in order to achieve good results in this mindset in domestic minds (or in cars, for example), it is necessary to know this theory thoroughly, however, to understand the basics, to allow the impersonal bad and absurd pardons to be eliminated, and to allow itself to reach the maximum effect of the system be of some kind.

Global theory of sound and musical terminology

What is it sound? Seeing, like grasping the auditory organ "In ear"(By itself, the phenomenon is self-evident and without the participation of “wow” in the process, but it’s so simpler for understanding), which is blamed for a damaged drum beat with sound sickness. Vuho in this way acts as a "receptionist" of sound waves of different frequencies.
Sound whistle Well, it is essentially the last series of strengthening and discharge of the middle (mostly used middle in the loudest minds) of different frequencies. The nature of sound waves is kolivalna, which calls out and is vibrated by the vibration of any bodies. The vinification and expansion of the classical sound note is possible in three springy mediums: gas-like, rare and solid. When a sound whirl is blamed in one of these types, the space is inevitably blamed for changes in the very middle, for example, a change in the width or vice versa, the displacement of parts of the affected masses, etc.

If the shards of a sound wave have a kolival nature, then it has such a characteristic, like a frequency. frequency vimiryuetsya in hertz (in honor of the German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz), and indicates the amount of money for the period of an hour, which is more expensive than one second. For example, a frequency of 20 Hz means a cycle of 20 beats per second. In the frequency of the sound to lie down and subjective understanding of its height. The more sound crackles sound in a second, the “more” the sound is made. The sound wind has just one more important characteristic, which I can name - dozhina wind. long wind It is customary to remember how to pass the sound of the singing frequency for a period that is more than one second. For example, the length of the lowest sound in a reasonable range for a person with a frequency of 20 Hz is 16.5 meters, and the length of the highest sound of 20,000 Hz is 1.7 centimeters.

The human ear is vlashtovano such a rank, scho priymati khvili only in the fringed range, approximately 20 Hz - 20,000 Hz (deposit due to features specific people, Some building is a little more, some less). In this rank, it doesn’t mean that the sounds are lower or more of these frequencies are not used, they just don’t catch the stink of people, wandering beyond the cordon of a pleasant range. The sound is more than a strange range called ultrasound, The sound below a reasonable range is called infrasound. Deyaki creatures of the building catch ultra and infra sounds, deyaki navit vikoristovuyut tsey range for orientation in space (kazhan, dolphins). In times, if the sound passes through the middle, if it doesn’t stick in the middle with the human hearing organ, then such a sound may not be felt, or it will be greatly weakened afterwards.

In musical terminology, sound has such important meanings, like an octave, tone and overtone of sound. Octave means an interval in which the frequency spacing between sounds becomes 1 to 2. The octave sounds even more well remembered by ear, at that hour the sounds in the boundaries of this interval can be even more similar one to one. An octave can also be called a sound, which robs more sounds, a lower sound, in the same time period. For example, the frequency is 800 Hz, nothing else, like a higher octave of 400 Hz, and the frequency of 400 Hz in its range is an offensive octave of sound with a frequency of 200 Hz. An octave in its line is composed of tones and overtones. Changes in the harmonic sound wave of the same frequency are perceived by the human ear like musical tone. High-frequency chirping can be interpreted as sounds of a high tone, low-frequency chirping - like sounds of a low tone. The human ear can clearly hear sounds with a difference of one tone (in the range up to 4000 Hz). Regardless of the price, the number of tones is extremely small in music. It is explained why the mirroring principle of harmonic soundness, everything is based on the principle of octaves.

Let's take a look at the theory of musical tones on the butt of a string stretched with a singing rank. Such a string, in staleness, with tension, matima "tuning" to one particular frequency. When pouring on the tsyu string, with one sing-song force, which is louder than її kolivannya, it will be stable to watch for one sing-song tone to the sound, we will feel the frequency of the tuning. This sound is called the fundamental tone. For the main tone in the musical sphere, the frequency of the note "la" of the first octave, equal to 440 Hz, is officially adopted. However, most musical instruments do not in any way create pure basic tones, they are inevitably accompanied by overtones, names overtones. Here it is verbatim to guess the important purpose of musical acoustics, understanding the timbre of the sound. timbre- the peculiarity of musical sounds, like giving musical instruments and their voices a uniquely familiar sounding specificity, making them similar to the sounds of the same height and richness. The timbre of a skin musical instrument lies under the influence of sound energy on the overtones at the moment the sound appears.

The overtones form a specific variation of the main tone, by which we can easily identify and recognize a specific instrument, as well as clearly revitalize the sound of another instrument. There are two types of overtones: harmonic and non-harmonious. Harmonious overtones for selected multiples of the frequency of the main tone. Navpak, as the overtones are not a multiple and punctually vary in magnitude, then the stench is called inharmonious. In music, it is practical to turn off the operation of repeated overtones, so the term is reduced to the understanding of "overtone", floating on the ground under oneself harmonies. In some instruments, for example, the piano, the main tone of the wind is not formed, in a short interval the sound energy of the overtones grows, and then the recession begins to fall. A lot of instruments create the effect of a "transitional tone" in such a way, if the energy of the singing overtones is maximum at the singing moment of the hour, sound at the very ear, but then we will change sharply and go to other overtones. The frequency range of the skin instrument can be looked at in terms of the frequency of the main tones, which is the building instrument of this particular instrument.

In theory, sound is also present and understood as NOISE. noise- tse be a sound that creates a sukupnistyu inconvenient among themselves dzherel. Everyone knows the noise of leafing trees, the colossal wind, etc.

Why should sound be rich? It is obvious that such a thing should lie in the midst of a lot of energy, like to endure sound sickness. For the purpose of illustrating a few signs of consistency, the basic understanding is the intensity of the sound. sound intensity it seems like a flow of energy, like a passage through a space of space (for example, cm2) in one hour (for example, in a second). With a minimum increase, the intensity becomes approximately 9 or 10 W / cm2. The human ear can perceive sounds within a wide range of sensitivity, with which the sensitivity of frequencies is not uniform in the boundaries of the sound spectrum. So the highest rank is the frequency range of 1000 Hz - 4000 Hz, which is the most widely used human language.

Scattered sounds of the flooring are very different in intensity, more clearly seen as a logarithmic value and reduced in decibels (in honor of the Scottish scientist Oleksandr Graham Bell). The lower threshold of the auditory sensitivity of the human ear is set to 0 dB, the upper one is 120 dB, but it is also called the "pain threshold". The upper boundary of sensitivity is so accepted by the human mind not the same, but to fall into a specific frequency. The sounds of low frequencies are due to the volodity, richer with greater intensity, lower high, to increase the pain threshold. For example, the pain threshold at a low frequency of 31.5 Hz rises at a sound strength of 135 dB, if at a frequency of 2000 Hz pain appears at a higher frequency at 112 dB. It also understands the sound pressure, as it actually expands the sound explanation of the expansion of the sound whistle in the air. sonic vice- this is a change in the superfluous vice, which is blamed on the spring medium as a result of the sound wind passing through it.

Khvilov's nature to sound

In order to better understand the system of viknennya zvuknennaya khvili, you can see the classic speaker, which is in the pipe, filled with wind. As soon as the speaker rolls forward, then it will show that being in the middle of the diffuser is close at hand. After another attempt to expand, shtovhayuchi stylus show the area vzdovzh on the pipe.
The axis of the hvilyovy ruh and will be a sound, if it reaches the auditory organ and "destroy" the tympanum. With a guilty sound whirl in the gas, an overpressure is created, an overpressure is created, and particles move with a constant swirl. The situation is importantly remembered about the sound wheeze, that the speech does not move at once with the sound whiff, but blames only the temporal clouding of the masses.

Якщо уявити поршень, підвішений у вільному просторі на пружині і здійснює рухи, що повторюються "вперед-назад", то такі коливання будуть називатися гармонійними або синусоїдальними (якщо уявити хвилю у вигляді графіка, то отримаємо в цьому випадку найчистішу сінусойду з повторюваними спадами і підйомами ). If you show the dynamics in the pipe (as in the butt described above), which creates a harmonious stomp, then at the moment of movement the dynamics "forward" will come out already the effect of squeezing the wind, and in Russia the dynamics "back" will be the reverse effect of discharge. In this fluctuation, along the pipe, the fluff will be widened, the contraction and expansion will be drawn. Vіdstan uzdovzh blow mіzh suіdnіmi maxima or minima (phases) will be called long wind. If the particles are collapsing in parallel in a straight line widening the quill, then the quill is called late. Well, if the stench is stabbed perpendicularly straight ahead, then the squirt is called transverse. Ring out the sounds of wheezing in the gases and natives - later, in hard bodies, you can blame the winds of both types. The cross-hairs in hard bodies vibrate the support to the change of shape. The main difference between these two types of winds is that the transverse winds can have polarization power (collisions are in the singing flat), and the lateness is not.

Fluency to sound

The soundness of the sound without intermediary lies in the characteristics of the medium, in which it expands. It is distinguished (deposited) by two powers of the medium: springiness and solidity of the material. The soundness of sound in solid bodies can be without middle ground in terms of the type of material and its power. Shvidkіst in gaseous cores to deposit only in one type of deformation of the core: compression-rise. The change of the vice in the sound wind sounds without heat exchange with sharp particles and bears the name adiabatic.
The ability of sound in gas to lie in the main type of temperature - increases when the temperature rises and falls when it decreases. So the very density of sound in a gas-like medium lies in the presence of expansion and the mass of the gas molecules themselves, - the lower mass and expansion are often less, while the "conductivity" is weaker and more dense.

In rare and hard mediums, the principle of expansion and soundness is similar to that, as the wind expands in the air: a path of compression-discharging. Ale in these middles, krіm tієї zh zalezhnostі vіd temperature, dosit important value maє schіlnіst і її warehousing / structure. The lesser the speech is, the more the sound is louder and more navpaki. The fallacy, however, in the warehouse of the medium is more foldable and is characterized by a specific skin type due to the improvement of the distribution and interaction of molecules / atoms.

Sound velocity in the air at t, ° C 20: 343 m / s
Fluency of sound in distilled water at t, ° C 20: 1481 m/s
Fluency of sound in steel at t, ° C 20: 5000 m / s

Standing winds and interference

If the speakers create sound winds in the open space, you will inevitably blame the effect of the wind blowing outside the cordons. As a result of which one is most blamed interference effect- if two or more sound waves are superimposed one on one. The special features of the phenomenon of interference are to illuminate: 1) beaten wind or 2) standing wind. bitty hvil- tse vipadok, if there is a folding of the wind with close frequencies and amplitude. A picture of a victorious battle: if two are similar in frequency, the wheezes overlap one on one. At some point in time, with such an overhead, the amplitude peaks can rise "in phase", and can also rise and fall in "anti-phase". This is how they are characterized by sound. It is important to remember that on the vіdmіnu vіd stagnant hvil, the phases zbіgu pіkіv vіdbuvayutsya not constantly, but after a few hours' intervals. To the ear, such a picture of the battle is clearly pronounced, and it is felt as a periodic increase and decrease in density. The mechanism of vindication of this effect is borderline simple: at the moment of the rise of peaks, the volume increases, at the moment of the fall, the volume changes.

standing wind two winds of the same amplitude, phase and frequency are blamed in the time, if with such a winding one winds up in a straight line, and in another - in a reverse direction. In the expanse of space (where standing quills have settled) the pattern of superimposition of two frequency amplitudes is blamed, with the drawing of maxima (sounds of antinodes) and minimums (sounds of peaks). In case of vindication of this phenomenon, the most important value is the frequency, phase and coefficient of extinction of the wheeze in the field of fermentation. On the vіdmіnu vіd bіzhuchikh khvilі, in the stagnant tіvіlі vіdіdnya transference of energy nasledіk scho utveryut tsiu khvilya straight and zvorotna khvili to transfer energy in equal quantities and in the direct and in the right direction. For a clear understanding of the vindication of standing stubble, we can see the butt home acoustics. Let's assume that we have sub-logic acoustic systems in a certain open space (room). Having played them as a composition with a great bass, let's try to change the place of the hearing speaker in the room. In this way, the listener, having sipped into the zone of the minimum (visible) standing whiff, noticed the effect of the fact that the bass was already small, and as the listener sipped into the zone of the maximum (folding) of frequencies, then the effect of the total increase in the bass area will appear. In this case, the effect is observed in all octaves of the base frequency. For example, if the base frequency is set to 440 Hz, then the phenomenon of "folding" or "visibility" will also be displayed at frequencies of 880 Hz, 1760 Hz, 3520 Hz and so on.

a manifestation of resonance

Most solid bodies have a high resonance frequency. To understand this effect simply on the butt of a great pipe, which can be seen only from one point. Let us know the situation, that from the last time the speaker will come, which can increase one constant frequency, you can also change it by the year. So the axis, at the pipe, has a frequency to the resonance, speaking in simple terms - the same frequency, on which the pipe "resonates" or it sees its own powerful sound. If the frequency of the speaker (as a result of regulation) falls in line with the frequency of the resonance of the pipe, then the effect of increased loudness in a kilka times is blamed. It seems to be that the Guchnomovite zbjuzhu kolivanie repeated stupa in the pipe with a significant amplitude to typ, until you find that very "resonant frequency" that will be the effect of folded. Vinik the phenomenon can be described in the following way: the trumpet in its butt "helps" the dynamics, resonating at a specific frequency, its sounds add up and "wiggle" into a sensitive voice effect. On the butt of musical instruments, it is easy to see the whole thing, shards in the design of the greater presence of elements, called resonators. It doesn't matter if you can figure out what you can do to improve the singing frequency or the musical tone. For the butt: the body of the guitar with a resonator at the opening, conjugated with the volume; Flute tube design (all trumpets are fired); Cylindrical shape of the body of the drum, which itself is a resonator of singing frequency.

Frequency spectrum for sound and frequency response

Shards in practice practically do not reduce the frequency of one frequency, then one blames the need to place the entire sound spectrum of a fine range on overtones or harmonics. For these purposes, graphs are used, as if they show the depletion of the available energy of sound waves in frequency. Such a graph is called a graph of the frequency spectrum of sound. Frequency spectrum of sound There are two types: discrete and interruptless. Discrete graph of the spectrum shows the frequency of okremo, separated by empty intervals. The uninterrupted spectrum has all sound frequencies present.
At the vipadku with music or acoustics, most often victorious, a great schedule Amplitude-Frequency Characteristics(Short "AFC"). Such a graph shows the dependence of the amplitude of sound waves on the frequency of the stretching of the frequency spectrum (20 Hz - 20 kHz). Looking at such a graph, it is easy to understand, for example, the strengths and weaknesses of a particular speaker or an acoustic system as a whole, the strongest energy distribution, frequency declines and fluctuations, fading, and how to prostegize the steepness of the decline.

Width of sound waves, phase and antiphase

The process of expanding the sound waves is seen in the right directions from the dzherel. the simplest butt for the rozuminnya of this phenomenon: a small stone, thrown into the water.
In the midst, where the stone has fallen, the winds begin to disperse along the surface of the water at all straight lines. However, uyavimo situation z vikoristannymi dynamo in kakom obsyazі, let's say a closed box, kakiy podklyucheniya to podsilyuvacha and vodvoryuє kakiysya musical signal. It’s not easy to remember (especially for the mind, like giving a hard low-frequency signal, for example a bass drum), that the speaker is making a fast move “forward”, and then we’ll also make a fast move “back”. It becomes clear that if the speakers roar forward, you will hear the sound whistle, as we feel good. And what does the axis look like if the speaker rolls back? And paradoxically, the same sounds, the speakers make the same sound, only expand the wines in our butt as a whole in the boundaries of the box, not going beyond the boundary (the box is closed). In general, on a pointed butt, it is possible to carry out a rich collection of physical phenomena, the most significant of which is to understand the phase.

Zvukova hvilya, yaku dynamіk, perebuvayuchi in obsyazі, vippromіnyuє directly hearing - know "at the phase". Zvorotniy well hvilya, as if going into a box, it will be obviously anti-phase. Are you just wondering what to think about understanding? signal phase- the crown of the sound grip at the current moment of the hour in the same point of space. The phase is easiest to understand on the basis of the creation of musical material with a splendid sound under a stereo-pair of home acoustic systems. It should be noted that two such sub-logic columns are installed in my applica- tion and are heated. Obidvі acoustic systems in this way create a synchronous signal of a replacement sound vise, moreover, the sound vise of one speaker is added to the sound vise of another speaker. There is a similar effect due to the timing of the synchronism in response to the signal of the left and right speakers, in other words, the peaks and fall of the wind, vibrating the left and right speakers zbіgayutsya.

And now it’s clear that the sound of the yoke, like before, is changed by the same rank (they didn’t recognize the change), but now only one to one. Alternatively, you can connect one speaker system with two in reverse polarity ("+" cable from the power switch to "-" speaker terminal, and "-" cable from the power switch to "+" speaker terminal). In this way, the straight forward signal called out a difference in pressure, as you can imagine in the sight of numbers with the coming order: lion acoustic system press "1 Pa", and the right speaker will press "minus 1 Pa". As a result, the total volume of the sound at the point of placement of the hearing will be equal to zero. This manifestation is called protiphase. If you look at the butt in greater detail for understanding, then it turns out that two dynamics, which are playing "in phase" - create the same areas of enhancement and reloading, which actually help one to one. At the same time, with an idealized protiphase, the area of ​​expansion of the open space, created by one speaker, will be accompanied by the discharge area of ​​the blown space, created by another speaker. It looks approximately, like a manifestation of mutual synchronous extinguishing of the wind. True, in practice, the drop in density to zero is not observed, and we feel strongly the creation and weakening of the sound.

The most accessible rank can describe the phenomenon as follows: two signals with the same vibrations (frequency), but destruction by the hour. Considering the price, it’s better to imagine these things zsuvu on the butt of the great round ones arrow years. It is obvious that a sprat of the same year round is hanging on the wall. If the second arrows of this anniversary run synchronously, on one year 30 seconds and on the other 30, then the butt of the signal, which is in phase. If so, the second arrows run against the shifts, but the speed is the same as before, for example, on some years 30 seconds, and on the other 24 seconds, then the price and the classic butt of the shift (zsuvu) in phase. In the same order, the phase is reduced in degrees, in the boundaries of the virtual stake. In this direction, when the signals are shifted, it is visible one to one per 180 degrees (half of the period), and there is a classic antiphase. Quite often, in practice, insignificant phase shifts are blamed, as it can be measured in degrees and successfully used.

The whiffs are flat and spherical. The flat windy front expands only in one straight line and rarely sharpens in practice. A spherical winding front is a winding of a simple type, as it emerges from one point and expands in the right direction. The sound of whistle can wield power diffraction, To build a building to reshkodi and objects. The stage of the rounding should lie down in the vіd dоshnennya dovzhini zvukoї khvili until the expansion of the passage or open it. Diffraction vinikaє i in times, if on the way the sound appears as if there is a pereskoda. In this way, there are two options for the development of the undertones: 1) If you expand the transition more richly than the old wind, then the sound will be heard or it will become clay (in the fallow stage, the level of claying the material, the comrade’s work, etc.), and in the back, the zone “acoustic” is formed . 2) Well, you can make a difference between the two, or you can wind less than її, then the sound diffracts in the same world at all direct lines. If the sound fluff in Russia in one middle is spent on the cordon of the middle with a smaller middle (for example, the middle is broken with a hard middle), then three options for the development of the heart can be blamed: change the straight line 3) the wind can pass in the middle of the middle with the change of the straight line on the cordon, it is called "breaking the wind".

The setting of the superfluous grip of the sound wind to the colival volume is called the wind opir. Talking in simple words, weak support of the middle you can call the building poglanati zvukі hvili or "repair opіr" im. Coefficients of viability and passage without intermediary lie down in the spіvvіdnoshennia hvilyovykh supports of two middles. The fluffy opir in the gaseous medium is richly lower, lower near the water or in solid bodies. Therefore, if a sound wind falls on a hard object, or on the surface of deep water, then the sound either bounces on the surface, or poglenaetsya in a meaningful world. To lay down the surface of the commodities (or a solid body), on the yak falls a shukan of sound fluff. With a low comradeship, a hard or a rare middle, a sound wheeze, it is practical to "pass" more often, and on the other hand, with a great comradeship, the middle is more often wilted. At the time of the sound wind, the whole process is observed according to the good physical law: At this point, if the fluff from the middle with less space is taken to the cordon from the middle of the greater space - a manifestation appears refractions. Vono pours into a vigin (broken) sound whil after the "zustrіch" with a change, and obov'yazkovo accompanies a change of swedness. The refraction to lie also depends on the temperature of the middle, in which case the fermentation takes place.

In the process of expansion of sound winds in the open space, a decrease in their intensity is inevitable, one can say that the wind is extinguished and the sound is weakened. In practice, it’s easy to get stuck with a similar effect: for example, two people stand in a field at a certain distance (meter and closer) and start talking one to one. If you get better every year between people (like if you start to get away one in the same way), the same ribbing of pinkness will become less and less sensible. A similar butt demonstrates a manifestation of a decrease in the intensity of sound waves. Why do you care? The reason for this is the difference in the process of heat exchange, molecular interaction and internal loss of sound waves. Most often in practice, the transformation of sound energy into thermal energy occurs. Similar processes are inevitably blamed for being 3 mediums widened sound and їх can be characterized as sonic flurries.

Intensity and degree of claying of sound winds to lie in a variety of factors, such as: pressure and temperature of the medium. It is also supposed to lie at a specific frequency to the sound. With a wide sound whiff in the lands or gases, the effect is caused by rubbing between different particles, as it is called "viscosity". As a result of this process on the molecular level, the process of transforming the whil from sound into heat is observed. In other words, the higher the heat conductivity of the core, the less the steps of the claying of the wind. According to the sound in the gaseous mediums, lay more and more in the vise (atmospheric pressure changes with the elevation of the sea level). As far as the fallowness is, the level of the degree of claying in the frequency of the sound, then taking to the respect of the fortune-telling of the fallowness of the viscosity and heat conductivity, the claying of the sound is higher, the frequency is higher. For the butt, at normal temperature and pressure, in the case of the clay whirl with a frequency of 5000 Hz, it should be 3 dB / km, and the clay whirl with a frequency of 50,000 Hz should be 300 dB / m.

In solid cores, all the higher names of fallows (thermal conductivity and viscosity) are saved, however, more brains are added to this. The stench is connected with the molecular structure of solid materials, as well as with its inhomogeneities. Fallow in the form of an internal solid molecular substance, sonic fluff in a given type can be different, and to lie in the type of a particular material. When sound passes through hard body, Hvilya knows a number of transformations and creations, which are most often used to bring about the rise and worship of sound energy. On the molecular level, the effect of dislocations can be blamed, if the sound wave calls out the displacement of atomic planes, then they turn in the cob position. Otherwise, it is necessary to bring dislocations to the point of closure with dislocations perpendicular to them, or defects in the crystal structure, which calls out their galvanization and, as a last resort, some kind of sonic whiff. However, sound wheezing can resonate with these defects, which will lead to the creation of wheezing. The energy of the sound wave at the moment of interaction with the elements of the molecular structure of the material rises as a result of the processes of internal friction.

In I will try to distinguish the peculiarities of the auditory sprinyattya people and deaks thinness and peculiarities of the widening of the sound.

Sounds can be seen up to the division of phonetics. The production of sounds is included in the school program with Russian language. Familiarization with sounds and their main characteristics is observed in the younger classes. More detailed study of sound with folding butts and nuances will be held in the middle and senior classes. On this side are given only basic knowledge according to the sounds of Russian language in a sly look. As you need to learn the attachments of a mobile device, the tone of sounds, articulation, acoustic warehouses and other aspects that go beyond the scope of the current school program, go up to the specialization of phonetics.

What is sound?

Sound, like a word and a proposition, is the main unit of movement. However, the sound does not convey the desired meaning, but rather reflects the sound of the word. Zavdyaki tsomu mi vіdrіznyаєmo words one vіd one. Words are divided into a number of sounds (Port - sport, crow - funnel), A set of sounds (Lemon - firth, gut - bear), Sequence of sounds (Ніс - sleep, kushch - knock) right up to the complete diversity of sounds (Choven - boat, lis - park).

What sounds are there?

In Russian language, the sounds are divided into voices and voices. Russian language has 33 letters and 42 sounds: 6 voiced sounds, 36 voiced sounds, 2 letters (b, b) without sound. The inconsistency in the number of letters and sounds (not roaring b and ed) was called out, that 6 sounds fall on 10 voiced letters, 36 sounds on 21 letters (to protect all combinations of voiced sounds in deaf / dzvinka / hard). On the sheet, the sound is shown in square arms.
No sounds: [e], [e], [u], [i], [b], [b], [zh '], [w '], [c '], [th], [h] , [w].

Scheme 1. Letters and sounds of Russian language.

How do sounds move?

Sounds are mimovlyayemo when seen (only in the case of viguki “ah-ah”, which expresses fear, the sound is seen when inhaled.). Podіl zvukіv on vosnі і prigolosnі pov'azano z tim, like a person vivolyaє їх. The voice sounds move through the voice behind the chest as it is seen, pass through the tension of the voice links and freely exit through the mouth. The voice sounds add up to the noise, or to the voice and the noise behind the rahunok of what you see, which you see zestricha on your way to cross at the sight of a zmichka or teeth. The voice sounds are ringing, the voice sounds are muffled. The voice sounds of a person are built to sleep with a voice (let’s see what we see), moving or lowering the timbre. The sounds of sleep are not heard, the stench is muffled, however. Hard and soft signs do not signify sounds. It is impossible to move like an independent sound. When the words are spoken, the stink is poured into standing in front of them, it is good, to shy softly, or we repeat.

word transcription

Transcription of a word is a recording of sounds in a word, which is actually a record of how the word is correctly pronounced. Sounds ripple in square arches. Level: a - letter, [a] - sound. The softness of the voices is indicated by an apostrophe: p is a letter, [p] is a hard sound, [p '] is a soft sound. Dzvinki and deaf voices on the sheet without signifying. The transcription of the word is written in square arches. Apply: door → [dv'er '], thorn → [kal'uch'ka]. Sometimes in transcription they indicate in a voice - an apostrophe before a vowel stressed sound.

There is no clear set of letters and sounds. The Russian language has a rich variety of voice sounds in the fall of the voice of the word, the sound of the voice, or the sound of the voice in the songs. When folded transcriptions of the words are protected by the rules of phonetics.

Color scheme

In phonetic parsing, the words іnоdі paint the color schemes: letters rozmalovoyut different colors in staleness depending on what sound the stink means. The colors reflect the phonetic characteristics of the sounds and help to sing, as the word is formed and formed from such sounds.

Chervonim ashes signify all voiced letters (shock and unvoiced). Green-chervonyms are denoted by voices: green colors means a soft, voice-like sound [th '], a red color means a voice coming after it. Suitable letters, making solid sounds, are filled with blue color. Good letters, making soft sounds, are filled with green colors. Soft and hard signs are farbuyut with a simple color, but not farbuє zovsіm.

- voiced, - yotovanim, - firm fit, - m'yaka fit, - m'yaka otherwise firm fit.

Note. The blue-green colors in the schemes during phonetic parsing are not victorious, so that a resonant sound cannot be softened and reiterated at the same time. The blue-green colors in the table are more than a few words to demonstrate that the sound can either be soft or hard.

Before Tim how to suspect a breakdown sound card on the computer, with special respect, take a look at the actual roses of the PC for the sake of the bad things. Also, try to reconsider the practicality of a subwoofer with speakers or headphones, through which sound is created - try connecting them to be-anything I will add. Possibly, the cause of the malfunctions is formed by itself in the equipment you have won.

It’s totally cool that your situation can be helped by resetting operating system Windows, be it 7, 8, 10 or Xp version, so the necessary settings could simply be messed up.

Let's move on to rechecking the sound card

method 1

I'm going to take care of the drivers next. For whom it is necessary:

The next driver will be updated and the problem will be fixed.

Also, this procedure can be carried out for obvious current version software on a big nose. In this situation, it is necessary to carry out the installation, indicating the path to a specific papacy.

If there is no sound card in the add-on manager, then go to the next option.

method 2

In this case, it is necessary to have a proper diagnostics for the correct technical connection. It is necessary to viscount step in chant order:

Please insure that this option is only suitable for discrete components, which are installed on a fee-based basis.

method 3

just after that visual look and rechecking the speakers or headphones stench appeared in the working station, and reinstalling the OS did not bring any results, rushing far away:

After the test of the sound card is completed, the system will tell you about the state and if it will appear in a non-working state, you will understand the results.

method 4

Another option, like a quick one, and just change the sound card on Windows OS:

In this manner, we will start diagnosing problems with the sound on the computer.

The program will tell you a few options for malfunctions, as well as the connection of an audio device. Yakshcho, the master of diagnostics, allow you to quickly reveal it.

method 5

The third option, how can you reverse the sound card, is the next step:

In the "Driver" and "Vidomosti" tabs, you can take additional data about the parameters of all devices installed on your PC, both integrated and discrete. This method also allows you to diagnose problems and quickly reveal the path of software re-verification.

Now you know how easy it is to simply change the sound card of dekilkom in ways. The main problem is that for which you do not need online access to the Internet, and all procedures can be carried out independently, without resorting to specialized services.