Information and telecommunications boundary of understanding. Information and telecommunications boundary – what? I understand, you see the vicinity of information and telecommunications networks. Foreign telecommunications lines

Decree to the Government of the Russian Federation dated 31 June 2014. N 746
"About the approval of the Rules for the distribution of all types of information by the organizers in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" of the Federal Service from the perspective of the communications sector, information technologies and mass communications about the beginning of promotion of activities from ensuring the functioning of information systems and (or) programs for electronic computing machines intended for the collection, transmission, delivery and (or) processing of electronic data Access to the Internet information and telecommunications network, as well as maintaining a register of designated organizers"

Subject to Part 2 of Article 10.1 of the Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Security” Order Russian Federation I praise:

Approve the Rules for the provision by organizers of expanded information in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" of the Federal Service from the perspective of the field of communications, information technologies and mass communications The main part of this activity is to ensure the functioning of information systems and (or) programs for electronic calculating machines intended for (or) selected for the reception, transmission, delivery and (or) processing of electronic notifications of the Internet, as well as maintaining the register of designated organizers.

information from the organizers of increased information in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" of the Federal Service from the perspective of the sphere of communication, information technologies and mass communications about the development It is not necessary to ensure the functioning of information systems and (or) programs for electronic calculating machines intended for ) selected for the reception, transmission, delivery and (or) processing of electronic notifications of the Internet information and telecommunications network, as well as maintaining a register of designated organizers
(approved by the Decree of the Russian Federation dated June 31, 2014 N 746)

I. Foreign regulations

1. These Rules establish the procedure for individuals to carry out activities in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet" network) to ensure the functioning of information systems ( or) programs for electronic computing machines intended for acceptance, transmission, delivery and (or) processing of electronic communications from the Internet network (hereinafter referred to as an information resource, an organizer of expanded information), to the Federal Service in view of the communications sector, information technologies and mass communications information about the beginning of this project activities (hereinafter referred to as the Message), as well as the procedure for providing the organizers with enhanced information.

2. The notification is submitted within 5 working days from the day the organizer receives expanded information available from the Federal Service in the field of communications, information technology and mass communications about the notification .

Vimoga about this notification is formed by the Federal Service from the perspective of the communications sector, information technology and mass communications. electronic view over a period of 3 working days from the day of the withdrawal from the federal government, the current operational and security activities and security of the Russian Federation.

3. Information may be provided by the organizer of all information on an official basis.

4. In cases where the federal government is responsible for operational and sound activities or ensuring the security of the Russian Federation, not all the information necessary for the formation of information is available. notification, Federal Service with an overview of the sphere of communications, information technologies and Mass communications over the course of one working day force the federal government agency to ask about the provision of insufficient information.

5. Information from the organizer about the distribution of all information to the Federal Service in the field of communication, information technology and mass communications in electronic form for additional filling electronic form on the official website on the Internet ru (further - official website).

6. The Federal Service, in view of the sphere of communication, information technology and mass communications, establishes forms for receiving notifications in electronic form and places them on the official website.

II. Procedure for submission of notification

7. The information provided by the organizer includes the following information:

a) about the organizer of extended information:

for citizens of the Russian Federation - nickname, name, according to father (for obviousness), insurance number of an individual person, registration address for the place of residence (replacement) or address of the place of actual residence;

for Russian legal entities - more and more quickly (for obvious reasons) name, organizational and legal form, local addresses, tax payer identification number, main state registration number, nickname, name, father's name and (for obviousness) ceramics legal entity, other contact persons of the organization;

for individual entrepreneurs - nickname, name, father's name (if obvious), registration address for place of residence (replacement), identification number of the tax payer, main state registration number of the registration state registration as an individual entrepreneur;

for foreign organizations - again and shortened (for obvious reasons) name, region of registration, filing identifier and (or) identifier in the trade register of the region of registration, local addresses;

for foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship - nickname, name, according to the father (for obviousness), type, number and country of the document that identifies the person, registration address for the place of residence (replacement) (for obviousness);

b) the mailing address (if obvious) of the organizer of the expanded information;

c) the email address of the organizer of the distribution of information;

d) domain name of the information resource;

e) email address of the information resource administrator;

e) email address of the hosting provider;

g) a description of the service (product) that is provided.

8. Obligations for the directions of notification in electronic form must be followed whenever the registration is completed on the official website of the corresponding form and the registration ID is removed.

9. The Federal Service, in view of the sphere of communication, information technology and mass communications, is required to send confirmation to the organizer of general information about the withdrawal of notifications. email address, assigned to the notification, on the date of registration of the notification.

10. The organizer of all information requests to inform the Federal Service, in full view of the sphere of communications, information technologies and mass communications about the change in statements, appointments with the informant, and It is effective to ensure the functioning of the information resource no later than 10 days from the day of regular changes.

11. Once the Federal Service has withdrawn from the sphere of communication, information technologies and mass communications information about the activities of a Russian legal entity or a foreign organization - organizer of expanded information about the death of an individual entrepreneur, a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen or an individual without a community - the organizer of the dissemination of information, the Federal Service, with the supervision of the sphere of communications, information technologies and mass communications, make a corresponding entry to the Register of organizers of the dissemination of information.

12. Whenever there is a transfer of rights to an information resource, another person, the organizer of the distribution of information, informs the Federal Service for its supervision in the field of communications, information technologies and mass communications.

13. The direction of information specified in paragraphs 10 - 12 of these Rules, to the Federal Service, in view of the field of communications, information technologies and mass communications, requires additional completion of the form for receiving information I’m not talking about changing the original listings in electronic form on the official website.

14. Access to the notification forms posted on the official website is possible after the organizer has completed extensive identification and authentication information from the federal authorities. information system"A single system of identification and authentication in the infrastructure, which will ensure information technology interaction of information systems that are used to provide government and municipal services in electronic This form", created accordingly before the Decree of the Russian Federation on November 28, 2011. N 977 "About the federal state information system" A unified system of identification and authentication in the infrastructure that ensures information technology interconnection of information systems that is for the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form."

c) information related to the organization of interaction between the Federal Service in the field of communication, information technology and mass communications with the organizer of the distribution of information;

18. Activities from ensuring the maintenance of the register of organizers of increased information are carried out by the Federal Service in view of the sphere of communications, information technologies and mass communications with regulations Federal Law "On the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, goods, services for the provision of state and municipal needs" .

19. Information that is located in the register of organizers of all types of information, both confidential and secretly accessible, under the protection of personal data, which is protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data.

The Federal Service, with an overview of the field of communications, information technology and mass communications, publishes information that is located in the register of organizers of information distribution on the official website 3 business days from the day the register entry is made to the Register of Organizers of Distribution of Information.

20. The Federal Service, with a view to the sphere of communication, information technology and mass communications, for the motivated support of the government agencies for the regulation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data for a period of 5 working days Newly from the day of registration, the auxiliary power supply is sent to the view of the statement of statements assigned to the item 7 of the Rules for keeping the registry of organizers of all information distribution, and informs about the availability of information in the registry of organizers of all information distribution.

The development of the telecommunications system in Russia will lead to the active development of new technologies for information exchange. For this reason, the people of our region can quickly remove necessary information from any sources.

Features of Russian information and telecommunication systems

The main feature of current telecommunication systems in our country is their integration with security systems that operate on a sovereign level.

Most telecommunication systems that transmit information of an individual nature are subject to laws protecting the national interests of the Russian Federation.

Companies that operate in the telecommunications industry provide data stored on servers to law enforcement agencies.

From a technical point of view, Russian telecommunications networks integrate transmission channels.

For example, most Internet providers provide their clients with the following services:

The company, which integrates the communication channel, aims to obtain clients to the maximum extent available.

Single national information and telecommunication system

The need of law enforcement agencies for the rapid exchange of confidential information has led to the need to create a specialized telecommunication system.

A single national information and telecommunications system - EITKS OVS consists of regional subdivisions, connected one after another through additional communication channels, which are in the hands of the authorities or leased. The skin system consists of many basic elements.

The basis of the design is a local computing network that is connected to an office telephone or mini-PBX. This ensures prompt transmission of data on a local scale (for example, between the same buildings).

The service is equipped with a telecommunication system with standard components for data transmission:

  • routers;

  • concentrators;

  • router;

  • wide cables;

  • radio access points.

The effectiveness of this system is ensured by:

  • engineering components;

  • direct connection with the postal manager;

  • equipment for multiplexing - distributed the signal between the participants of Lanzug.

Integrated regional components of the global telecommunication system will ensure the prompt exchange of information between control devices, federal information agencies, and electronic catalogs of thematic news.

The supervisory and control body of the national telecommunications system is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Development of telecommunication systems

The main goal of the development of telecommunication systems on any level is to ensure a stable communication channel and timely access for all participants to the necessary information.

In this way, telecommunication systems are enhanced in two ways:

  1. The hardware of the systems is represented by the latest technologies, installations and devices that allow for the rapid exchange of data sets. For example, fiber optic cables and hard-wired hubs can be removed garnished rhubarb signal on the great road near Dzherel.

  2. Software aspect of systems development - promotion safe add-ons setup and maintenance of equipment for data transfer. Daily programs This sphere will be protected stable work ownership, competent division of the necessary efforts between the korstuvachs, as well as the preservation of personal data.

Great companies that work and maintain telecommunication systems in the Russian Federation

The great companies that work and service the telecommunication systems of the Russian Federation include:

  • InterZet is the largest provider of Internet access, as well as digital TV and satellite services in St. Petersburg. Clients are offered a whole lot of technical support, The company's health workers independently service their labor needs;

  • CSMC is a Moscow company that deals not only with providing access to the Internet, but also with creating solutions for local networks on a turn-key basis. Clients will experience engineering solutions distilled down to their unique minds.

LLC "Telecommunication systems" Moscow

LLC "Telecommunication Systems" is a Moscow company that has been operating in the telecommunications market for 14 years and is a contractor for a large number of operators Stilnikovy bond and Internet providers.

The main area of ​​activity is the installation of various telecommunication lines from fiber optic to low current. This company itself is developing the telecommunications infrastructure in Moscow.

The company's large material and technical base allows it to carry out engineering work, preliminary research and turnkey installation of telecommunication systems.

Telecommunication systems Krimu

Current telecommunications systems in Crimea comply with the basic principles of Russian legislation, and companies provide customers with suchasne obladnannyaі high rhubarb service.

“Crimean Telecommunications” is the most prominent supplier of such services in Feodosia, which provides modern technologies of fiber-optic access to internet, telephones and satellite TV.

Globus-Crim-Telecom is a small local company that specializes in these telephone services and wide access on the Internet.

Group of companies "Ramenskiy telecommunications"

The group of companies "Ramenskiy Telecommunications" is a telecommunications holding that provides high-speed Internet access, data transmission at local networks, as well as cable communications.

Telephone services, cable tower Since Internet access has been provided to clients since 2003, the holding operates with individuals and legal entities.

The special feature of the company's technical equipment is a system for continuous monitoring of equipment for immediate prevention of ligament damage.

Current information and telecommunication systems in Russia and other countries are demonstrated on the Russian exhibition “Zvyazok”.

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Investigation of the legal essence of the Internet, the legal culture of specialness and its mutual interaction is a necessary thought process for the analysis of the peculiarities of the formation of a legal culture of specialness in the minds of the emerging informational partnership.
The Internet, as a global information space, “does not recognize” the borders of power and does not deprive the most effective way of access to information resources accumulated by humanity, and it becomes a special way of spreading mass information. The functioning of the barrier is an important factor in the development and adoption of advanced technologies. On the other hand, the Internet is connected with: the possibility of uncontrolled distribution of loose information, penetration into management systems, violation of people’s rights, which, doubtfully, will require special respect for nutrition no information security. The rapid development of the Internet in the civilized world is driven by the process of creation and thorough development of regulatory legal acts necessary for regulating the problems that arise. In the world of Internet development, legal problems have become increasingly relevant due to the significant transformation in the world's approaches to regulation: from the voice of self-regulation to strict legal ї regulation. In our country, it’s almost like 1996. Out of great respect to the general public, government authorities and business people, parliamentary hearings were held by the State Duma committees on security and information issues regarding the Internet in Russia. tiki and tinkle. The main problems that require legislative regulation in connection with the development of the Internet network are practically no different from those in other countries in the world: 1) ensuring a reliable connection to the Internet and exchange information in the middle; 2) legal protection of copyrights and other objects of intellectual property; 3) protection of personal data, including data that is collected from the process of activity of border operators (including addresses, telephone numbers and other personal data of prepayers and buyers from the “electronic commerce” system); 4) connecting government bodies to the Internet and providing communities with information about the activities of their bodies; 5) avoidance of a wide range of graphic and obscene information, clicks to the inflamation of national, racial, religious enemies, etc.; 6) electronic document turnover, electronic signature, confirming the correctness of the information in information products, please review and transfer information; 7) electronic commerce; 8) information security: computer viruses, unauthorized access before information, the evil of servers and measures, the destruction and substitution of information; 9) zastosuvannya osobіv cryptozakhistu; 10) jurisdiction: the legislation of any country must be established for the regulation of actions that operate within the limits. An analysis of official Russian legislation shows that the nutrition of legal regulation associated with the functioning and development of the Internet system in Russia creates a large regulatory framework, which includes only at the federal level over 50 federal laws, not seemingly already about the numerical normative legal acts of the President and the Government RF. The range of these legislative acts is incredibly wide, and there is no confusion regarding the specificity of legal provisions that arise with the use of modern information technologies, it is important, moreover, that when developing these laws they do not Various possibilities have been transferred. It is clear that for judges this area of ​​legal issues is completely new.

The Internet, being a medium for transmitting information, is also the foundation of an information society, organically merging with the hidden trends of informatization of other aspects of life. More information is on the way now. Zokrema, stench is transmitted from four components:
Klimenko S., Urazmetov V. Internet: extension of the information supply. Protvino, 1995. pp. 17 - 22.
1) the process of learning what information is being transmitted about;

2) transmits information;
3) receives information;
4) the information itself.
Coming from the presented information, which is transmitted via the Internet, there is information about the world, its objects, processes and devices, representation in a form that allows you to decrypt the encrypted data (data located in two it looks like it won’t require re-creation, as, for example, , when scanning an image or when digitizing sound).
Petrovsky S.V. Legal regulation of Internet services: Dis. ...cand. Legal Sci. M., 2002. P. 24.
Such a rank, iz izkhormatskyo-Telkomunikatsyina Merezha-Tse Zasіb gearrs about hobby, yogo, processing that is the form of the form, and the Scho is allowed to conduct the ї Machine of the rehabilitation (gear).
The Internet, from a technical point of view, is the largest telecommunication network created by the Internet, connecting more than ten thousand five hundred telecommunication networks different types. Such integration became possible due to the use of the cross-border TCP/IP protocol, which plays the role of a transfer of standards during transmission between different types of telecommunication networks.
Extended to clause 3 and 4 art. 2 of the Law on Information Information system - the totality of information that is located in databases and ensures the processing of information technologies and technical features; information-telecommunications network - a technological system designed to transmit information via communication lines, access to which is subject to various specifications computing technology.
On the territory of the Russian Federation, information and telecommunication measures are subject to the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in connection with its Law and other regulatory rights their assets of the Russian Federation.
Regulation of information and telecommunications networks, access to any public sector, is carried out in the Russian Federation in accordance with internationally accepted practice of self-regulation ivnyh organizations in this galusi. The procedure for violating other information and telecommunication measures is determined by the authorities of such measures in accordance with the regulations established by this Law.
The owner of the electronic notification located on the territory of the Russian Federation has the right to conduct a verification that allows you to establish the director of the electronic notification, and in cases established by federal laws or for the sake of the parties, he is obliged to do so at the reversal.
The transfer of information through the use of direct information and telecommunications measures takes place without prejudice to the provisions of federal laws, allowing for the expansion of information and the protection of intellectual objects and power. The transfer of information may be subject to restrictions as set forth by federal laws.
In the process of legal regulation of the Internet, new items appear:
- site - a collection of web pages with a repeating design, thematically linked with navigational instructions and physically located on the web server local measures or the Internet under one address (domain name);
- web site - electronic document, translation based on the language hypertext layout HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and what is included as a unit of presenting information to a set of pages with mutual hyper-efforts - a website on a local network or the Internet;
- domain - every computer connected to the Internet sees a unique identification number called an IP address. IP stands for Internet Protocol, then. a protocol for the interaction of computers via the Internet. IP addresses are a sequence of four numbers separated by dots, and look like the starting number: Presented in this form, the IP address is easy for people to memorize. In connection with this, for the sake of handiness, memory and sprinkling have been created domain system Names (Domain name System – DNS). With the help of this system, it has become possible to set each individual IP address with a unique symbolic name, called domain names;
- electronic mail is a type of electrical communication that operates using Internet technology.

From the point of view of computer science, the computational measure as a prototype of the information and telecommunications measure is a single complex that includes a territorially distributed EOM system and its terminals, united by one system ways of linking with communications equipment, software and protocols for transmitting (removing) data, as well as advanced information, management, calculation and/or other tasks (21, 464).

With the help of a definition, we can name such signs of a computational measure.

1. The functional significance of any computational measure is associated with handing it over to the people Vidomosti.

2.Merezha payment system(terminals), in addition to which information is processed and prepared before transmission to the client.

3.Transmission of notifications and reports (information) will be ensured commutation possessions, software security and technological protocols(a set of rules that regulate the format and procedure for exchanging information between clients).

The skin sign you see characterizes one of the important aspects of the calculation dimension.

Progressively, the information, technical, technological and switching characteristics of the network evolved to more compact names and were transformed into the concept of “information-telecommunication network”.

Seen figures and signs were chosen by the legislator when formulating the meaning of the concept that is found in Article 2 of the Law “On Information”, in line with any Information and telecommunications network This is a technological system designed to transmit information via communication lines, access to which depends on various methods of computing technology.

The first sign of understanding what to look at high-tech power information and telecommunications network The legislator saw the technological nature of the network and immediately emphasized that this system consists of elements included in its warehouse: computational and software features, technical channels telephone connection and subsystem for access to them (switching control).

Also, the warehouse of the information and telecommunications network necessarily includes three elements:

· Calculative technology, that is. comp'yuter;

· Telephone communication channels;

· System for access to communication channels (commutation and regulation of their connections).

The access system is determined by all the minds (possibility) to understand or understand it. Such minds are designated by the regime of access or by the totality of minds. organizational, legal and technical character. Their warehouse can include a hundred specific minds of the functioning of information and telecommunication measures of various rules and regulations, directly on the possibility of awareness, transfer and extraction of information, incl. It is necessary to improve technical features. Such rules may also be express, however, to protect information from the border, then. change in access and withdrawal of information. Otherwise, access is the totality of software and hardware, switching installations, and a set of rules and actions (entries), the initial capabilities of the system, etc. legally establishing a warehouse has more important legal significance.

The orders of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of Ukraine establish the rules for establishing communication services that are used to ensure access to information and telecommunications networks.

For example, by order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2006. No. 166 approved Rules for the establishment of communications networks that are used to ensure access to information, telecommunications networks, and transmission of information by electronic mail and fax notifications, which are possible for individuals, which are required to ensure access to information and telecommunications networks, transmission of electronic mail and fax notifications b (215).

The names of the rules give a clear understanding "get the link"- technical details software features What to include, either with overinsurance technical features (TS) or their combination (two or more):

1. Terms of reference for exchange electronic notifications, incl. e-mail, transmission of voice information by e-mail, short text messages, multimedia messages;

2. Information technical requirements for some domain names, access to information resources, management;

3. TK remote access;

4. Terms of reference for authentication and identification;

5. Terms of reference for transmitting fax notifications.

The names of the binding methods contribute to the conformity of the binding declaration (certification) with standard benefits. In this case, various treatments are installed to suit the skin and these technical conditions.

The specific normative legal acts of the President of Ukraine and the Order of Ukraine establish the specifics of connecting state information systems to information and telecommunications networks.

For example, the Regulations of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2009. No. 424 “On the specifics of connecting federal state information systems to information and telecommunications networks” (216) or by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 17 February 2008. No. 351 “About come in for safety” information security Russian Federation under the hour of rapid development of information and telecommunication measures of international information exchange" (217).

Information and telecommunications measures can be:

local(some organizations);

housekeepers, that they despise the employees of one department or corporation;

regional, to unite municipalities, regions and other territorial units);

special purpose (for example, the power of the state automated system DAS “Justice”, the state automated system DAS “Vibori”, etc.) was stolen);


Nutrition for control:

1.Structure of the information system

2. Understanding the types of information and telecommunications measures

3. Ensuring access to the information and telecommunications network

Information and telecommunications network is a set of methods and technologies that are used to capture the necessary information to ensure the activity of the company, as well as to satisfy the needs of consumers respectful It is important to understand that the clear characteristics of the extracted information, so that its reliability, usefulness, relevance and other characteristics often lie with the source of information products, and not with computer data. i.

Information and customers

The information and telecommunications border is a collection of resources that face one important problem – the supply of information. The development of light infrastructure makes the process of servicing the skin doctor even more complex. High-quality information and telecommunications networks will require high-quality information contained in them, as well as high-quality comprehensive customer service and expertise. An important moment is fussed and sound systems, which often do not correspond to the advertised capabilities.

Practice shows that it is impossible to fully evaluate the parameters of system representations when preparing systems. Often those systems that have become exposed to advertising are actually not that effective, since in these cases the main part of the efforts of the developers is directly based on advertising, and the problems with the software that is supplied must move to another plan .

Types of information and telecommunications measures

There are two main classes of telecommunications networks: universal and specialized. p align="justify"> The characteristics of universal systems include high yield with wide coverage. Specialized systems lack all possible information, which means their value is lower. It is important to understand that the number of documents included in advertising brochures is not always a sign of the completeness and superiority of the system that is being bought. Frequently replace the text of documents with short library cards. As an information and telecommunications barrier is being created, there is a need to raise funds. When choosing a supplier of products that offers: the most convenient means for payments, low quality, updated technology, a service system with a guarantee, documents that indicate the possibility of working and sales.

Foreign telecommunications lines

The network of information and telecommunications networks transmits the visibility of many different types, who became workers of one single unit. This conveys a new evolutionary process, the result of which was the appearance of the Internet, which is widely known to the world.

ARPANET - lasted for 15 years with the greatest guilt global network, which connects computers. On Danish moment It is one of the largest Internet users. The main orientation of this complex is the task associated with pre-investigation activities.


INTERNET is the greatest information and telecommunication network. Its significance is globally connected with the fact that it is burying the skin of a patch of earthly soil. There are more than 30 million people here who are prostitutes, and with skin cancer this figure will increase. Here at the moment all the services typical for information and telecommunications measures of illegal banking are presented. The US National Science Foundation is supporting and funding much of the Internet in response to the latest research and developments. For this purpose, a number of specialized submeasures are presented here:

NSFnet is characterized by a hierarchical structure and concentration around great university centers in the United States;

Milnet – a measure that belongs to the US Department of Defense;

NASA Science Internet (NSI) - given the information and telecommunications network - a collection of several computer network, engaged in space research, space physics, as well as other areas of a scientific nature that are common in the underground global interdeath.


BITNET, like the Internet, is one of the oldest measures of a global nature. There's hope here edge access to a scientific-pre-investigative nature. Bitnet has a number of regional parts:

Central and Western Europe – EARN; This includes computers from previous centers in England, France, Germany, Italy and other countries;

Canada – NetNorth.

EVnet is the largest in Europe, having been launched in 1982. An information and telecommunications network is given - the structure is laid out, which has regional representations in all countries of Europe, as well as in the Baltic States and Russia.

Fidonet is a youth merging for informal gatherings.

Russian telecommunications measures

The growth of information and telecommunications measures is being created everywhere, and in Russia they were formed according to the arrangements of Galuzian measures. Recently, their departments have been forming databases and electronic communications to ensure access to them. Therefore there are two areas information activities on Russian territory and are practically not demarcated. At the moment, there are three closed systems that have become the main ones: the measure of the Presidential Administration, which has become a unification of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, all bodies and ministries of the legislative and imperial power; “Atlas” measure - the totality of the banking measure and government bodies; PIENet network of NDC "Kontur" FAPSI. All these measures are intended for special needs and are not available to ordinary customers.

Galuzev's measures

When in the 90s of the last century the old system of economic management began to disintegrate on the territory of the former Soviet Socialist Republic, many enterprises were faced with the fact that information of a business nature was not available. At this very hour, business in the field of information and intermediary services is booming. The collapse of the salary system by providing services for obtaining financial resources and the formation of a commercial infrastructure of an information nature. These very Galuzian measures served as the basis for the formation of commercial organizations to provide telecommunication services.

Basis for business development

At that time, a lot of companies from behind the border entered the Russian market with the method of forming such a development tool as the information and telecommunications network. Foreign representatives had an understanding of how things work, and a lot of measures and support have been successfully functioning there for a long time. At the same time, specialized systems have been formed that can ensure access to the international market: Sprint, BizLink, Infonet, PIENet, GTS interlinc, Infotel. They were created using forces based on foreign technology. Now stinks have become part of the information and telecommunication network of the Internet.

Development of telecommunications and network

At the moment, the development of galusa throughout the world is progressing at a rapid pace. As we speak about compliance with legislation, an information and telecommunications network is a technological system designed to transmit information over communication lines. Access to information can be obtained inclusively through the use of computing technology. The transfer of data via the information and telecommunications network of the Internet is carried out without compromising the minds, so that the possibilities of federal laws to expand information and protect intellectual property are strictly enforced. At the moment, a lot of companies, both in Russia and around the world, are engaged in the development of measures of global, federal, regional, corporate significance, and also provide participating enterprises with high-technological capabilities acquired from No conformity to TV station and communication standards .