Usunennya blue screen with pardon ntfs sys (0x00000024). What does NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM BSoD pardon mean? ntfs sys file

NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM - no blue screen death, which is built on all versions of the Windows operating system. As a rule, the reason behind this critical failure is problems with the file system hard drive, On which Windows OS is installed. Troubleshooting, the cause of the BSoD NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM may be some driver in the system, which will be run from a stable state.

Sounds like a blue screen of death for the help of such a system utility like Check Disk. This utility is built into your operating system, so you don't need to fool around or take advantage of third-party resources. You can freeze Check Disk for additional system Windows consoles. Same with you and let's take care of this article.

Useful NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM on Windows 10

Not skin blue screen of death tightly blocks the computer of the koristuvach. If you manage to bypass NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM and get into the operating system, then treat yourself to a lucky guy, because you can get a critical bug, it’s safe to say, you’ll get better. All on the right in that the Check Disk program can be loaded only in the Command row, access to which can be taken in two places: OS and Windows RE (weekend).

As well as the blue screen of death NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM blocking your system, then, unfortunately, you happen to be able to speed up the Middle of the Update, access to which you can take for the help of Windows installation.

How to access the system:

  • press right button mouse on Start;
  • choose in context menu item "Command row (administrator)";
  • write command to console chkdsk /f/r and press Enter;
  • Check the completion of the procedure, and then restart the computer.

There is no way to access the system (NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM blocks access):

  • create installation nose Windows 10 (USB-portable or CD);
  • zavantazhites through the new and distance to the window with the button "Restore";
  • click on the button "System update";
  • select the section “Poshuk i usunennya inaccuracies”;
  • dali open "Additional parameters";
  • click on the "Command Row" tool;
  • enter the command in the console chkdsk /f/r and press Enter;
  • for a request for a re-verification in the event of an attacking system - press "Y";
  • Reload and buckle up until the process of rechecking your hard disk is completed.

Sound, check the Check Disk program to solve the problem with the blue screen of death NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM. Prote buvayut vpadki, if the method of vischevekazaniya not spratsovuє. Well, at this time, we recommend that you try to go to Wednesday Windows updates and try out some of the following options: redundancy when the system is busy, and redo the system for an additional redundancy point. Even if it doesn’t help, you can speed up the option “Turn the computer to the front”, which, in fact, is equivalent to reinstall Windows 10.

Your PC or laptop works like hell, or it reacts properly to keyboard input, and then you see a pardon on the blue screen NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM. You can also have a pardon code of 0x00000024, which indicates a problem with the ntfs.sys file. Call for a pardon pov'yazana, if you have installed a new possession (driver), a hard disk, or a system file. Let's figure out how to fix the NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM pardon on the blue screen (BSOD) in Windows 10.

How to fix pardon NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM

method 1. If you can get interested in a working style, then I recommend creating a flash drive with Windows 10, so that you can create an update and a command line. After the zavantazhennya installation disk Windows 10, wait until you see the installation screen and click on the bottom of the message" System upgrade".

method 2. Run the command line in the name of the administrator, as if you were taken from the work table, or rather, run it through the installation flash drive. On the image you can see the "Command Row". At the CMD window, enter the next command to fix the pardons on the hard drive:

method 3. Poshkodzhenі system files can see if-yakі podomlennya about pardons and NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM no blame. Open the command line from the installation flash drive and enter the commands below to repair the system files:

  1. sfc /scannow

Enter one command at a time, checking the end of the process after the skin.

method 4. If you have recently installed any kind of attachment, then you need to see the driver. Sound pardon NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM through settings another HDD or SSD. Todi in the right direction, it is necessary Delete and update the SATA / IDE driver. press Win+R and enter devmgmt.msc, Or enter the following command in the command row. At the dispatcher of annexes, find out " inspectors"I uninstall the driver, after which restart the PC. When the system is disabled, it will automatically update it, otherwise you will hear the hail sign, then you will need to download the driver from the official website of the virobnik.

0x00000024 indicates that the problem is in ntfs.sys, a driver file that allows the system to read and write data from NTFS disks.

NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM parameters:

  1. Displays information about the output file and that row number. The older 16 bits (the first sixteen digits after "0x") identify the output file. Young 16 battles identify the row in the files, where the pardon was made;
  2. If NtfsExceptionFilter is on the stack, its parameter is set to the address of the exception entry;
  3. If NtfsExceptionFilter is on the stack, its parameter is set to the write address of the context;
  4. Reservations parameter.


One of the possible reasons for a BSoD to appear is a hard disk failure. poshkodzhennya file system NTFS or large blocks (sectors) on the disk can call pardon. Poshkodzhenі SCSI and IDE drivers can also have a negative effect on the ability of the system to read and write to hard drive, In this rank, crying out for a pardon.

There is another possible reason - the expiration of the pool is cherished not to remind the memory. Under the hour of the indexation process, as the amount of the available pool is not expected to increase memory, another driver will help the pool NOT increase memory, you can also initiate a pardon.


Troubleshoot the disk error problem: Convert Event Viewer (review log) to SCSI pardon and FASTFAT (system log) or Autochk (Additional log), so you can accurately identify the attachment or driver that calls for a pardon. Try to turn it on be it antivirus programs, Make a copy of the programs, or tools of the disk defragmenter, to control the system without interruption. You are also responsible for the hardware diagnostics of the system.

Run the Chkdsk / f / r command to detect and repair any structural errors in the file system. You are responsible to restart the system first, then the disk scan will start on the system partition.

Solving the problem of the expiration of the pool is queried not to boost the memory: Add a new one physical memory to the computer. In order to reduce the number of pools, it is necessary not to increase the memory available to the kernel, or to reduce the number of files for SFM.

Different pardons and troubles cannot be called a rare phenomenon in Windows 7. Particularly unacceptable are those that are accompanied by BSOD, if it is impossible to continue the robot without any problems. In this article, we can sort out the reasons for the appearance of a blue screen with a pardon of ntfs.sys in the “sіmtsі” and ways to use it.

Assignments driver є іnstrument vzaєmodії z volumes, formatted in file NTFS systems. In the event of some occasional or incorrect reading and writing of data on such discs, pardons will follow. It is also known that the officials, as a side effect, inject into such behavior of the driver. Below we'll talk about those, how to eat everything possible reasons vindication of this BSOD.

Reason 1: Pardons on hard drive

Forgiveness, or so the name of the sector on the hard disks (mova at the same time go about HDD; as in the capacity of the system carrier, the SSD is victorious, the recommendations described below do not work) to be divided into software and physical. For the first time, we can rightly see the consequences of these failures in the system, virus attacks, rapid power outages, or the completion of the robot with a button "Reset". The physical “bedi” are revealed through the soft surface of the “mlyants”. Offenses in the form of malfunctions can cause a crash in the driver and lead to a blue screen.

In certain situations with software broken sectors, only formatting or rewriting helps special software, For example,. With help, you can fill the entire space of the disk with zeros, which is guaranteed to help you find out about the data. As the cause was the physical “bad”, the only way out would be to replace the “hard” and install a new “window” on the new one.

Most of all, we need to save data and continue to grow up with the system, for this we can speed up with the built-in utility chkdsk.exe, Shchob to correct pardons. In the article below, you will find instructions on how to stop (paragraph "Command Row").

Next, let's talk about those, how to revise and correct them, how Windows is supposed to get involved through ntfs.sys pardons. We need an installation (adventurous) carrying with the distribution kit "Simka", bazhano, this version, as installed on a PC.

  1. Zavantazhuemo computer with a created flash drive. Do not forget that it is necessary to complete the BIOS settings before typing.
  2. At the first vіknі installer vyklikаєmo « command row» received keys SHIFT + F10.

  3. Oskіlki we need to correct pardons for system drive, Please enter a letter. To fight for the help of the command assigned below.

    here d:- the drive letter has been preempted. Meta - show folder Windows. Although it is not in the list of directories, it is necessary to check volumes with lower letters.

  4. We have been appointed with the disk, now you can start rechecking and correcting. The command is like this:

    here chkdsk- launching the utility, d:- drive letter, number in item 3, /f- an attribute that allows you to correct the found pardons, /r- a parameter that gives a command to restore the shkodzhenі sector.

  5. Let's check, while the utility is running into the task, and restart the car. For a pardon, which is due to the completion of the re-verification, no respect is given.

Reason 2: Working memory

The ntfs.sys driver is launched at the start of the system, having previously entered into operational memory. As if everything is not all right in her, a pardon is imminent. This is due to various reasons - through dispersal, physical inadequacy of the slats, or in case of failure to oblige.


As a rule, the RAM was disassembled with the method of increasing the overall productivity of the system, as a whole, it is possible that the settings do not allow the modules to normally recover their bindings. In such a situation, drop the BIOS parameters to the value for locking, or set the automatic selection of frequencies and timings. After that, it is necessary to reconsider, if a pardon does not appear.


Physical faults can be revealed for help special programs or systemic zasobi reverification of memory, and use it, just replacing the broken modules.

not enough time

Marriage "RAM" can also viklikati pardon the driver. There are two solutions here: to decide on the choice of programs that work in background mode(Quiet, like "hanging" in the area of ​​support, and quiet, whose activity can only be "Dispatchers"), Clean auto-advantage or install additional RAM modules.

Reason 3: Drivers

The system has drivers that can be injected into the ntfs.sys robot. Tse programs that manage disk controllers. Although you are equipped with additional expansion boards for connecting "hards", you need to upgrade them "firewood". In that mood, as if the possession is not victorious, it can be brought to the point of failure system files and the situation can be corrected only by their renewal.

To pay attention, that by the way, I should follow the guardianship in the case, as an unlicensed copy of Windows is installed on the PC, or the installation of packages of design is small, which changes the system icons, themes, screen captures, and so on. Іsnuє rizik povnіstyu pozbaviti os pratsezdatnostі. Instructions are below.

There is a good way to carry out this procedure in a situation, if the "windows" are forced to get involved. We can help you with the emergency recovery disk ERD Commander, the image of which you need to place on your nose.

  1. After zavantazhennya, we select the system of our capacity in the list.

  2. We don’t connect to the border, so we won’t need it.

  3. With drive letters, you can also do nothing. It doesn't matter here, just push the button.

  4. We signify the language of the keyboard (just leave the meaning behind the lock).

  5. Check, until the end of scanning disks for the detection of installed systems. Kіlkom on the item found and demodalі.

  6. At the next stage, a window will appear with a change available tools. We are called the lowest point.

  7. We choose to update system files.

  8. vіdkriєtsya "Meister", In the opening vec "Dali".

  9. The parameters of the renewal are overridden, like so, after which we start the operation.

  10. Check, until the process is completed, and re-advantage.


Recommendations about how to use the blue screen with pardon ntfs.sys, hover in this article, help, only sometimes in operating system there was no global sbіy z for some reason. With such a zbіgu situation, you will have to go back to reinstalling Windows. Sob don’t spend in the same inaccuracy in the future and don’t waste data, keep in mind that the file system can be damaged, and avoid emergency reloading, and also take care of your computer from viruses.

Let's take a look today:

In the operating room Windows systems, Regardless of the version, you may still be stuck with a blue screen appearing under the hour of work from the PC. These screens are talking about those on your computer pardon is critical, Yaku, obviously, it is necessary to correct it. Today we’ll talk about a pardon, yak call 0x00000024 and tell you how to fix it without the help of fahivtsiv.

Cause a pardon

The blue screen with pardon 0x00000024 is attributed to the ntfs.sys file, which is a driver file for reading and writing NTFS distribution information on a hard disk. If you get a pardon with the code 0x00000024, you should know that the ntfs.sys file is either NTFS-partitioned on your computer. From this and the next step, correcting the problem.

liquidation of the problem

As you already know, you can pardon STOP 0x00000024 both through the ntfs.sys file and through the non-working file system. So, how to know in advance, that you yourself call for a pardon, you can’t know in a melodious way, we recommend reversing the offense options in order to eliminate the problem with 100% of the error.

Hard disk revision

First, what next pereverit - himself. For whom you do not need to search and install cost-free programs, Age in Windows OS (depending on version) - a utility has been introduced for rechecking and updating the hard drive file system.

To revise and update the files, to start working:

Maybe it’s so that the pardon is called not by the hard drive of the computer, but old zhorsky disk. In such situations, use the same chkdsk method to reverse it, connecting it to the computer in the front, and instead of the letter “c”, enter the letter, so I will name that very same disk.

After these operations have been carried out, restart the computer.

Problems with drivers

The blue screen 0x00000024 can let you know if the drivers to the bottom of the outbuildings are faulty or maybe everyday. This also suggests the possibility that the ntfs.sys file is not allowed to perform operations on some kind of extension, after which you will pardon.

This situation is corrected just for additional utility, about which we have already worked on a lot of material.

poshkodennya registry

So like a blue screen with a pardon 0x00000024 may be called incorrect work registry, you should re-verify the registry itself for pardon.

For an ordinary koristuvach himself in a simple way, How tse robiti, bude vikoristannya, yakі in automatic mode rob everything independently, without damaging the system. In fact, we can talk about the principles of such programs for a long time, we already have the material for you, we need to clean the registry in Windows and about those that can be productive from the point of using third-party programs.


Like Bachite, pardon STOP 0x00000024 with a blue screen in the home minds can be corrected even more easily. Vykoristovyte іnstrumenti vіndovsі vіndovsі і kіlі spetіsіnіh program, shob tsya іnshі іnshі bіbnі ї nі ї no more problems on your PC.