Push-button phone stuck. What work, how the phone freezes - for the sake of professionals

They became smartphones.

Qi outbuildings work on the basis of the complex software. All operating systems, Windows, etc.

The stench of vimagayut nabagato vischih apparatus puffiness. More than that, millions of programs from official stores are divided for productivity, quality and resource use.

Hanging up the smartphone, ce stan, if the mobile phone stops responding to the commands of the koristuvach.

It is also called a phone crash, which is characterized by screen freezes. So at this moment I didn’t have a smartphone, I didn’t react to the commands of the koristuvach.

In this article, we will try to explain the reasons for which the device freezes, and also the possible ways to solve problems.

Sometimes the situation is guilty of viklikati zapokoєnnya, but if it happens often, then the coristuvachevi will be brought to virishuvati.

Change the number of one-hour running programs

The skin of a mobile phone can be exchanged for a number of resources, among which there is a working memory () and a processor pressure.

If you change the phone beyond the limits of the possibilities of these resources, the phone may freeze.

In this rank, you are guilty of trying to call to the minimum number of people at once running programs.

Є a number of functions that can be used background mode. You can call the greatness operational memory, sounding you, you don’t need given moment.

To view the list of running programs, go to Settings > Programs > Running programs.

Update programs regularly

Continue to check out the stores, such as (if you have an Android) and the store (if you have an iPhone).

Mobile software vendors are constantly working on improving the productivity of their creations. It is recommended that you regularly update everything that is only possible, as soon as an updated version is announced.

A lot of smartphones are updated automatically by the firmware. It's just necessary to activate this option at the settings.

Remaining versions can be expanded, so that there is less memory and CPU strain.

Mic your mobile phone

Get yourself a smart gadget if your wine is not needed.

This is a good idea, so that the smartphone will refresh the operational memory in this way.

If you reload the device, your operational memory will be good for the use of non-essential elements of data, which were found earlier. The stench often takes up space.

Disable smartphone and remove battery

Tsya pleasure may not be the mother of the great infusion. Different models Smartphones breathe among themselves.

Also, during the rest of the hour, more and more devices with unknown batteries appear.

Wiimannya of the battery SIM cards take away the saw from the electrical point of the towing.

Installing programs on the external memory (SD card)

Most of the coristuvachs of mobile phones are being installed, whether it be a decision on their own.

When installing the stench, do not pay special attention to those where the program will be installed and if there are any consequences that may affect productivity. Aje smut, so the rooks of the film were practiced quickly.

Most of all, behind the mind, the stench is restored to the inner memory. Tse leave less space for the launch, and, with your own heart, calling out the memory.

And you can easily expand the existing RAM as needed (replace a 2 GB card, just insert an 8 GB card).

In this manner, more materials will be installed in the current operational robot. The stench does not clog the inner space. Tse allow me to steal you from hanging. Otzhe, and praceszdatnіst move.

For which you can set the lock value for installing the program. Go to Setup > Memory > Locking space > select SD card.

Catch the respect that the repair may be more accessible in another area. Tse deposit type operating system at various mobile outbuildings. Also, it’s possible to have a little bit of poshukati tsyu option.

Move installed programs from internal to external memory

You can now move on installed programs from the internal to the external RAM. Tse give more memory of uninterrupted work. As a result, your phone is not dependent.

Installation for moving installed addenda, as a rule, is available in the Settings > Programs section.

You can remove non-essential programs

You can also look at the list of programs installed on your phone.

You could remember a sprinkling of solutions, which were installed long ago, but the stench is no longer needed.

You should see everything that you care about inappropriately. The stench does not die and occupy an important place. Possibly, deyakі їх prob was restored. Tim is bigger, he doesn’t have a place at the annex.

View irrelevant data (for example, photographs, videos, songs)

How do you save pictures, videos and songs internal memory, їх terminovo it is necessary to transfer the operational memory from the zovnіshnyu.

This is one of the most important reasons that lead to regular hang-ups. Look through all the photos, videos and songs and see if you don’t need more.

Besides, you can create backup copy these data on the computer, and then we can see them from your phone.

Photos, videos and audio take up most of the space of an average short smartphone. This is one of the widest reasons why the phone freezes.

Look for all the programs that have a lot of resources

Deyakі programs win more memory, lower іnshі.

hocha antivirus program occupies a lot of memory, but rather let's not see the virus.

Give zovnіshnіy remembrance

Dosi mi told you about the importance of installing software on zvnіshnu memory. Ale tse not guilty means that she is boundless!

Leave free place at the old operatives, so that there was no space for unpacking, saving time files and cache.

Even though the old RAM is also filled to the brim, it can become the cause of the incorrect operation of the smartphone.

Victory the option to reset to factory settings

Tse may be your remaining cordon. If nothing works and the phone is regularly checked for correct operation, you can reset it to factory settings.

Wikoristanya tsієї optsії vidalє all data from the mobile annex. You spend everything that was in your inner memory. I will be forever.

All notifications, contacts, programs, bookmarks, photos, videos, songs, melodies… everything will be deleted. In fact, this option is to rob your phone like this, if it's done at the factory.

When buying a phone, everyone is sure that the device will function without any interference. But really, the leather koristuvach sooner or later gets stuck with the problem of “failing” the phone. And it’s not surprising, even though being our inseparable companion, the phone is attacked by an impersonal problem - they throw it, fill it up, launch it in the air, press it down with bags. All things to bring to life software crashes abo hardware ushkodzhennyam. And as a result, mobile phones cannot normally get involved, freeze, “fail”. How did you get stuck incorrect work phone, which means it's an hour to turn around in service center for resuscitation.

Why does the mobile phone freeze?

In most cases, the phone freezes due to the following reasons:

  1. Might as well be the result of a memory, that it was banal. Call the koristuvachі forget or do not vvazhayut for the need to regularly see the input information. Zreshtoy won't accumulate and clog the memory of the flooring, so that the mobile phone ceases to function normally. In order to turn the telephone back on the phone, it is necessary to clean up all the luggage from your memory. Make a mistake if you want 60% of your memory to be free. Drop the settings. Tse is guilty to help.
  2. The phone hangs up for an hour due to the pardon of the software security. Often a situation arises, if the phone after notification of that zavantazhennya stops responding to commands. In other times, the wines hang in the aftermath of mimicry revantations. Fix the problem by re-flashing. And for the health of your phone, and for your gut, it will be better, so you will immediately think about self-repair and send it to the specialists to the service center. As practice shows, try to reflash the phone at home minds will not end in success.
  3. If the phone hangs up for an hour of notice or for an hour of work, it can also be evidence of mechanical failure. Inaccurate reasoning with the annex - hit, fall, squeeze, could get out of tune, be it a detail. Find out what went well on its own, to help the diagnosis.


It’s smarter and more economical not to splurge on your own self-adjustment, so that you’ll get the traces of a recent repair will be more complicated, and therefore, more expensive. And in deyakih vipadka vzagali is unrealistic. Therefore, if you value your phone, immediately go to the service center.

At the service center, the website is sent for repair with knowledge.

Our experts perform diagnostics on a special installation, to replace non-working vicarious ones, use only original company details. The great dosvid of robots allows our maisters to quickly and efficiently carry out repairs, no matter how folded.

The high speed and productivity of robots is the axis of those who write the scribes of modern smartphones. Ale bagato zavdan, what to put in front of mobile outbuildings, and sometimes lead to a contagious effect - the deputy of the bazhanyh's phone just freezes and does not react to the koristuvach's divinity. In this case, there are only two exits - try to re-adjust the attachments, or return to the service center for repairs.

What robiti, how the phone freezes is she supposed to practice? We should have changed in the fact that mechanical failures did not become the cause of the failure. Likewise, it is more or less excluded, the reason, which is better for everything, is the failure of the PZ. For example, most often koristuvachs ask: scho robiti, how the phone freezes when turned on (android). And it’s true, like a buti, that you didn’t manage to launch your device at the robot, and you’ve already spent the building of “thinking” and didn’t run into the vanity of your piece of intelligence.

What can you rob?

How to please professionals, how the phone is frozen at the turn-on screen, what is the work and kudi bіgti - not the most important food. The simplest way to solve the problem is to simply cut the battery with further installations on the plate. It was reasonable, for the time being, for the sake of understanding, that the apparatus is in good order, to allow you to turn your practice. And how to get out of situations, if the screen saver was captured successfully, and the "galmu" attachment was under the hour of your work? Here you can find some options for diy:

  • primus zupinka program, which freezes, with a distant restart - for which it is necessary to enter the program and through the menu "additional adjustments" to perform the necessary manipulations;
  • resetting the device - so that the equipment responds adequately to the screen signals and buttons, you can simply enter the menu of resetting and dochekatisya until the device is ready to work again;
  • renewal of the factory state of the device - as there is no other way out, so the decision may turn out to be a wicked alternative to buying a new device, all download programs will be seen and the phone will turn back to the default settings;
  • Vykoristannya special software - all optimizers not only continue the battery life, but also allow you to solve the problem from hanging add-ons.

If you don’t know how to fight, it’s important to remember that the cause of the malfunctions can still be a breakdown of a technical nature - in this case, only a complete repair of the smartphone will help.