A look at Nokia HERE Maps for Android. Here WeGo cards — what are the garni really like? Nokia Maps here for

HERE Maps is a high-precision navigation program to avenge report maps of the whole world. The program library is constantly updated with new places, houses and streets. Rozrobniki podbav about all categories of coristuvachiv: cars to evaluate voice prompts and synchronization with the base of road subdivisions, pedestrians can get acquainted with the layout of public transport, and mandriving people can be able to navigate without a connection


  • navigation software on the basis of personal maps;
  • information about the availability of roads;
  • a unique algorithm to stimulate the route with the adjustment of outward factors;
  • distribution of transport;
  • offline access.

Robotic principle:

Navigator interface can be mentally divided into three blocks. The first has available tools for targeting the city and laying the route. Another rozdіl allows you to zavantazhuvat maps for autonomous use and go to the mode of navigation without connection to Merezhya. It is significant that the plan of Russia and the nearest lands is more than reports, the virobniks are not more likely to follow the renewal of commercial objects, but rather to change the numbering of the houses. The remaining block of assignments for changing the parameters and writing of the statements.

Head-to-head on the screen of the navigation itself is more convenient, the icons are logically assigned and may be more comfortable for the "accuracy" of the world. The entire menu has been transcribed without mercy by the Russian language.


  • post_yna pіdtrimka cards from the side of the retailer;
  • thinking about localization of the interface;
  • All functions are available free of charge.


  • an addendum can induce the route on a filthy road;
  • The traffic map is updated three times lower, lower at the top (Yandex service).

Nokia engineers took part in the development of navigation software. The telephones of this virobnik have always been recognized as a miraculous functionality for navigation. І Axis is now HERE Maps add-on available for download on Android add-on.

The authoritative German magazine Auto Bild named our hero as a winner in the category "The best software for driving - 2015". It’s not for nothing that in 2015, the birth of German car dealerships acquired the rights to HERE Maps from the Finnish retailer Mayzhe for three billion dollars.


  • 2Гіс - symbiosis of a navigator and a report catalog of various objects;
  • Yandex.Carti - more cartographic software for the possibility of reviewing panoramas.

The Yandex company released the Navigator program for mobile outbuildings pid keruvannyam Windows Phone 8 is planning to compete with Nokia's navigation products under the Here brand. And itself, Drive chi Drive + for motorists. Finnish maps dossi entered best choice for WP-smartphones, how will the distribution of forces among navigators change after Yandex appears? The editorial staff of iGuides lied in their fighting minds on the streets of Yekaterinburg, having taken a ride on two routes in a car, and they read Yandex.Navigator and Here Drive + at the same time.

After the installation of the program koristuvachі can vodrazu for kermo that poїhati. Ale, in this time, the cards will be encouraged by forces mobile internet, what with a bad signal stylnikovo merezhi you can spoil the victoriousness. Meanwhile, in order to get ready for the trip ahead of time, you can get maps for offline navigation in both add-ons. Alternately, in Yandex.Navigator, the voice track is set behind the lock, in Here Drive+ you can manually select the option, otherwise you can go with the Nokia mobile program.

As soon as the navigation programs designate the place of roztashuvannya and ready to immediately correct the coristuvach by the chosen route. For an hour of preparation before the robot, there are no complaints about the laying of the route, but here Drive + will suggest you again after the order to the point of recognition, Yandex.Navigator will also show you an alternative route, which can be more suitable for water. As a rule, one of the "Yandex" routes runs with the idea of ​​Here Drive+.

At the hour of the trip, the program from Yandex shows the details of the traffic situation, traffic accidents, traffic jams, repair robots, cameras and more. on the Nokia maps empty - it’s less a point of interest, included in the updated information about traffic jams. Less accurate and less detailed, lower Yandex. From the other side of the Drive+, tell about the exchange of swedishness, which is to be found on the road, and at the time of the transfer beep. "Navigator" can also show the speed, but no more. The information in both appendices is accurate - the loss is most often 3-5 km / year.

Ale, even if it’s an hour to get to the route of that drive, Yandex.Navigator appears to be correct and informative, the world is close to the point of recognition Drive + wins points. Appears, the product of commercial retailers, no matter how big detailed map, do not know about the trip and travel until budіvel. In two ways, the navigator from Nokia showed how to correctly get to the place of recognition, for example, to park the hotel and the way between the houses, as well as Yandex. It doesn't matter if you can get a car there. In some places, you won’t become a problem, and the water can look up on its own, where you need to turn around, to get to the necessary donkey, and not throw the car in the middle of the road, or in Uzbek. But it doesn’t matter to reveal the situation, if it’s not obvious, it’s wrong to happen to circle between the houses for a long time.

The main minus of the reputation of Here Drive + is that the service allows rude pardons, telling you to turn there, it’s impossible. In our mind, it is necessary to turn left-handed in that mist, where it is possible to collapse only right-handed. With this route, they laid out the right turn, as a result, they had a chance to work around, reduce the trip by a kilometer with a small one, and stand in the sample. Vtіm, ymovirnіst podіbnoї pardon at Yandex.Navigator tezh є, ale won't change.

If you want to talk about other translations of two navigation programs, you want to add sound tracks with a human and a woman’s voice to the Yandex voice, manual access to thematic points of interest from entering the address voice input for help with SpeechKit technology. Here Drive + more adaptations for kerm robots, including a split with adjustments, as well as the function of searching for a car in the parking lot, which will be handy for the great shopping malls.


Interface for new adaptations to work with kerm;

Properedzhennya about obmezhennya that perevishchennya shvidkostі;

HERE Maps(HERE WeGo - navigation around the place) - an addendum to help you know the way to the recognized place. Follow the current world, find out about new places and don’t be afraid to get lost. From HERE you will know for sure where the distance is falling. Go around the whole world and look into the leather little box, now you can lay your own routes. Up to the pluses of the program, you can see that it works without connecting to the Internet, for which just download the maps and save them on the Android device.

Zavdyaki cards won’t get lost in any way. And voice navigation will help you more quickly reach the point of recognition. Raise the price of pishki, by car, or by public transport, in any case, the planner of the route will help you reach the end of the night. Also, at the completion of the implementation of searches for shopping centers, hotels, restaurants nearby, you can look at reviews and assessments. Putting together a plan for the evening has become easier with this program. You can look inside the shopping centers and airports, take a look at the 3D maps that show the distribution of elevators, shops and other objects.

Advantages of HERE Maps on Android:

  • navigation with voice prompts, which works in the whole world;
  • save cards and vikorate without connecting to the Internet;
  • Monitor information about the current situation on the roads and accidents (implemented in more than 40 countries);
  • overlay maps for thousands of shopping malls and airports;
  • public transport routes;
  • vikoristovyte route planner;
  • interactive cards for over 100 countries;
  • share your knowledge;
  • you can get to the point of recognition by making a route for: car, pishka or public transport;
  • savings are available on all your outbuildings, which means that it is easier for you to plan your trip.

Download free HERE Maps for Android without SMS and registration from our site for the request below.

Have a good time, doby, shanovnі koristuvachі and chitachi of the best portal under the name Treshbox! This time I will tell you about the HERE WeGo cartographic service. Dosit zruchna that practical rich, ale about everything in order. So let's go!

Head screen

As soon as the program is launched, the card is displayed. If you allowed the vicarist to stop the transmission of geographic data, then you will immediately put your location on the map. Along the edges of the screen there are buttons, which are practical for all cards. There is a button at the bottom left corner, when you press it, you will hit yourself on the map. At the upper right corner you will find the icon of a budinochka, for the onslaught of such a system, you will lay the route home, so, obviously, you have indicated your address in advance. You can do this by squeezing the entire “budinochok” at the upper right corner of the screen. The system itself will prompt you to set the booth address. Nareshti, there is a compass in the left upper gully, which I have scrambled and asked for help, but I still didn’t get it, I think, I’ll figure out this problem later. At the bottom of the screen, there is the “Bail” button, which will show you the places, various mortgages, gas stations and parking. At the top of the screen there is a simple search and a menu to guide the route. I have already been vouchsafed a beautiful animation, as it appears, if you work for a long time to press on be-yak_y budіvlі. Before speech, here, practically, skin care is rendered in 3D. Robimo swipe right-handed and we see the menu, in which we cry richly.

Golovna menu

Three main menu items are known to the beast. Tse "Map", "Navigation" and "Collections". At the "Map" item, we change it at once. As soon as you click on the “Navigation” item, the navigation elements will appear on the screen, so it’s like a flow of speed, it’s gone straight through. At the item Collections you can choose the next step to add to the list of the month.

After these three points, Ide vimikach offline mode. The same cim most people praise tsey supplement. Hi, not vimikachem, but the regime itself. The essence of yoga, I think, zrozumila. The program does not win over the Internet, and navigation is overworked. Before speech, the “Instruction” button, about which I wrote earlier, which mode is not available. Sumno. Navit at maps.me maps, as I looked around, this function is given in offline mode.

Let’s start with the menu item “May” “Get a card”. Having pressed this item, we will eat at a simple menu of card acquisition. Against the backdrop of a list of the krai, the cards of which we are interested in, as if they were smashed in the back. At the top of the screen, you can see the free space and occupation of the memory of the annex. At the bottom there are two buttons "Update" and "Start". Everything here made sense. However, the cards are here to finish the vagomi, be ready to go.

Nalashtuvannya here is tritely simple and you can sort out the skin in them.


Information about public transport at WeGo is implemented manually and practically, though only one thing: on the map, there are only tram routes and metro lines. The route is illuminated with a red color and the number of the tram, which follows the path of writing over the line. Different gills of the metro are illuminated with different colors.

yak i v google maps If you want to know a specific street, the search engine will tell you how to get to different modes of transport. When you hit the alarm clock, the service will give you information about the alarm clock, phone number and website.


  • Availability of offline mode
  • Shvidka button "Dodomu"
  • Possibility to find out about the place of instruction without difficulties
  • Automatic change daytime tax regime
  • Usі budіvlі v_obrazhayutsya in 3D
  • Public transport only trams and metro
  • Poorly sewn up
  • There is no possibility to take over the necessary territory
Without a doubt, HERE WeGo is a handy mapping service. Almost the only competitor is maps.me. I'm sorry, sho Danish service I'll give you a rich welcome, lower WeGo. But all the same, for relish and color - all felt-tip pens are different.

For the category of mapping software Android platforms mad leader є, without a doubt, Google Maps. However, soon this peaceful life can come to an end, the axis-axis will be cleared out of the HERE program in Nokia. We marveled at the first beta version of the program and the current version, which will be serious.

Cartographic service of the company Nokia koristuvachіv Android through the vіdsutnіst vіdpovіdnogo mobile supplement. I call it darma, and even after a step of confusion, the reliability of HERE Maps cards will surpass the richness of competitors. Dosit to say that the stench of vicorist is the data of a proving light forger digital cards and geoinformation systems Navtq. At this time, HERE Maps covers 196 countries, and provides navigation service in 96 countries.

Since Nokia has released a series of powerful smartphones on Android, in which there are branded maps, the distribution of HERE Maps version for other devices has become the right hour. The first axis happened: the company confirmed, and the first beti flowed into Merezh.

At the time of the first launch of the program, you will be asked to register, otherwise you will need less in that case, so you are choosing to save your chosen place and route. The main place in the program is occupied by the map of the city, only the beast is a row of jokes, and a small piece of small buttons is stashed around the corners.

For the help of the menu button, you can open the program’s checkout panel, on which button you can switch to the navigation mode (“On the car”), click on the list of savings of the place (“Collections”), switch to the offline mode, access to the next button. W right side one more panel has been stitched, which you can see, which gives you the opportunity to change the style of displaying the card. Zagalom information, which is hoped by an addendum about the mission, gave me the opportunity to report and authentic.

Cars will be pleased with the navigation function, as it is available both in the pass mode and in the look around mode. The program has the function of voice prompts, including the Russian language, and the necessary files for which it is necessary to add additional information. When you set up the car mode, you can install a single system, parameters for choosing a route, turn on the notification about the movement of the driver at a time.

If you don't drive, Nokia HERE can show up for you brown appendage. In the building, it’s not only possible to lay routes for an hour of quiet walks, but I know everything about the operation of public transport. For whom you need less, tell me your price is more expensive, and the program will immediately display everything possible optionsїї access to the number of transplants and teeth.

We have in store for you a new feature of the Nokia HERE software, which, it seems, will become a trump card in the fight against Google Maps. On the right, in that all possibilities can be played without connecting to the Internet. For this, in the menu, you need to select the "Get a card" item, and then indicate your country. Cards may have a great expansion, so it is necessary to tell about the presence of a sufficient space on the SD-card.

In general, the Nokia HERE program looks promising. Zavdyaki raznobіchnіy and up-to-date cartographic information, handy interface and the visibility of all necessary functions will do little to reduce the competition of Google Maps. And the ability to work offline can be overwhelmed by the shawls of the fight for the whims of the coristuvachs. To nedolіkіv can be attributed to the lack of optimization and the deak "thoughtfulness" of the interface, which is especially noticeable on weak outbuildings. Vtim, don't forget it, it's just a beta version.

You can try out Nokia HERE beta on your own.