How to enable the mms function on iPhone 5s Why not use MMC information on iPhone? What a decision! Setting up MMS on iPhone: what to do with it

Hello everyone! MMS messages are not required for iPhone users. Also iMessage, WhatsApp, Viber and other messengers! I myself thought so exactly until the moment when I needed to send multimedia information to a happy person who doesn’t have all these “newfangled programs”. Well, guess what, the iPhone can receive MMS? Wmіє! This means it’s not your fault that you have everyday problems. Let's fix it in no time!

I unlock the phone, open the notification, add a photo there and, with a pointed hand, press the powerful notification button. I... the result is negative - nothing was damaged. I try a few more times - the effect is the same as any smartphone on operating system Android. Zrobiti is possible - the cost is zero.

What happened? We'll figure it out in no time, let's go!

MMS is not “go” - maybe the whole one on the right is not in the iPhone?

First of all, we need to clarify the hidden problems associated with sending multimedia SMS. Our deepest respect goes to:

How can I turn off and recheck all these moments at once? All you need to do is just one simple step - you need to insert a different SIM card into your iPhone and try to send multimedia notifications. Didn't work? Let's go.

Let's check the settings of the iPhone - is MMS enabled there?

It’s not so much possible to verify:

Have you opened up the empty rows? This means that you will have to enter the data manually. Don't joke too long about adjusting the MMS axis in the iPhone for different operators stilnikovy link.

Velika triyka - MTS, Megafon, Beeline

I'm a koristuvachmtsgdatabeeline
MMS proxy192.168.192.192:8080
Max. size512000 512000 512000
URLsMMS UAProfChi is unforgettableMMS UAProf

Yota and Tele2

I'm a koristuvachChi is unforgettableChi is unforgettable
PasswordChi is unforgettableChi is unforgettable
MMS proxy10.10.10.10:8080
Max. sizeChi is unforgettableChi is unforgettable
URLsChi is unforgettableChi is unforgettable

After making and saving all the settings, don’t forget to re-link your iPhone.

Note: “To use MMS, you need to close iMessage”

I was stuck with the same problem. When I tried to send an MMS, a sign popped up:

It is impossible to send a message. To receive this notification, you must turn on the iMessage function.

I wonder what could be simpler? We open “Adjustment – ​​Conversation” and remember.

Just a problem, I already have iMessage turned on. And the information about the peace was still lost. What's the point of being afraid?

  1. Check the settings for mms (shown in the front subheading).

Everything! After the photo was resolved, the problem was resolved. What am I telling you :)

P.S. Do you want to solve all the problems with MMS with one click? By “like”, click on the social media buttons (below the article) and immediately write your food in the comments. If I want, I can do it without “likes” :) Write - I’ll try to help everyone!

Despite the large number of messengers and social networks, many people still exchange photos and videos using the good old MMS option. And there is nothing surprising in this, and even for the great popularity of social networks, there is nothing surprising about them. Exchange of content between messengers is also not always easy, and this procedure requires that both the manager and the user have the same program.

With MMS, everything is different, by sending multimedia notifications for an additional option, you can enter a list to find the recipient, regardless of the software installed on your smartphone. So, of course, every person can know how to activate and improve this service. This situation is similar to how you enable the MMS option on your iPhone 6.

It is important to note that lower support systems for setting up MMS on iPhone whatever models: like later versions - iPhone 6S, 7; and early ones - 5, 5S or so. However, it is important to note iOS versions, what is displayed on board the i-device, the menu items for which instructions will be followed, maybe a fewthere will be excitement.

To activate the ability to upload content via iPhone to another MMS service, you need to select this option and configure it.

To enable the function, follow these simple instructions:

Ready! The option is disabled, but now you still need to configure it correctly. However, there is nothing complicated here either. You can choose one of three paths:

  • go to your operator’s office and ask the service provider to check out the necessary adjustments - the service is absolutely cost-free
  • Call the operator's support service and ask for delivery automatic adjustment, in which case it is necessary to save the sent configuration and restart the smartphone
  • Viconati set up manually. This option is perfect for those who don’t like calling the support line, hearing the automatic transmission and checking the line, and going to the office for some reason is not convenient.

How to set up MMS manually? Follow these instructions:

We are providing you with an overview of the most popular operators:

How to send MMS?

Now, the option is activated, the settings are installed, the right is lost for a little, please send a message. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in this operation, but without using the same menu item in the iPhone, a lot of money will be wasted.

So, although there is no special menu for exchanging multimedia content on the iPhone, all notifications - both text and multimedia - are sent to other “Notification” programs. Here's how to send MMS from iPhone:

Why bother if MMS is not overpowered?

Despite the fact that the MMS option is as old as the world, as before, it is not important to make it stable, so problems with delivery are an even more common situation. If the MMS did not go through the first time, try repeating the sending attempt first, if you have already tried 5 times and nothing comes up, then on the right there are some incorrect adjustments. Let's figure out the diagnosis of the “failure” at once:

Lesson 1 - Checking the activity of the “Stilnik’s tributes” button

Important! This belt is always liable to become weak when the MMS is pressed, and in due course it may become weak.

Krok 2 - Switches to 3G mode

Unfortunately, sending MMS in 4G mode (or LTE) is impossible, so you’ll have to switch the mode every time you want to receive multimedia information!

Krok 3 - Register your phone number in the “Setup” menu

Change your name to the correct number format - +7 (ХХХ) ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ!

Lesson 4 - Return to the operator support service and clarify:

  • if the MMS settings have not changed - those that we indicated in the table, Danish moment relevant, or understandably, may change in the future for these and other reasons
  • If the MMS option is active on your number, on most tariffs, it is, of course, included for consideration, otherwise you still need to check this point
  • There is no limit on files for MMS exchange; operators do not allow uploading content larger than 1 MB

Krok 5 - Enable iMessage

Krok 6 - Vikonuyemo update, re-installation, SIM removal

If all the over-insurances did not help, and you don’t want to ruin the MMS, try re-engaging your smartphone, pulling out and inserting the SIM back, updating to current version iOS.

Krok 7 - Skidaemo setup

Has the situation not stabilized? Todi - extreme approach - it is necessary to cancel the adjustment of the boundary. However, don’t shout, I won’t threaten you with a greedy waste of your money. For discount:

The axis and that's it - you can't wait until the system is finished and you can re-enable yourself, after which you need to re-register the MMS settings. It is recommended to do this manually, as most iPhone users do not want to correctly accept the automatic configuration.

Krok 8 - Call before the support service

Have you completed all the instructions we described, but does your iPhone see a message when sending MMS? Tody was deprived of only one joy - to rush for help directly to the operator’s office.

I assume

Well, now you know how to send MMS both on the iPhone 6 and on other models of Apple smartphones, and you also understand what happens when the “jam” option is given. In this case, we suspect that in your case everything is going on without a clue! In the same situation, MMS could not be resolved, and the operator did not help, don’t worry, even today there are so many alternatives for exchanging content! I'm no longer social measures either messengers, or the fates of e-mail!

MMS is an old way of downloading media files from your phone. However, raptovo and vin may be of benefit to your iPhone, for example, if you do not use any of the current instant messengers. Before you can send photos via MMS, you will need a little tweaking on the iPhone.

So I can guide my mother Danish species If you're using your iPhone, you'll need to check to make sure this feature is enabled in your phone's settings.

  1. Open up "Nalastuvannya", and then go to the section "Confidence".
  2. At the door "SMS/MMS" Check to see if the parameter is activated "Memory MMS". If necessary, make changes.
  3. To send MMS to the recipient on the phone, you must have access to the mobile Internet. Then turn to the main window of settings, select the section « Stilnikovy ligament» and then activate the option "Stilnikov's tributes".
  4. If Wi-Fi is activated on your phone, turn it off immediately and change what you are doing mobile internet: yogo revelation - obov'yazkova umova transmission of MMS
  5. Setting up MMS on iPhone

    As a rule, the phone does not require any MMS setup - all necessary parameters are installed Stilnikov operator automatically. If you try to upload a file with little success, you must try to manually enter the necessary parameters.

Apple definitely occupies a leading position among retailers today's possession. Laptops, tablets, smartphones - any position in this company deserves praise and respect. iOS OS, which is responsible for the operation of iPhones, provides its users with a user-friendly, accessible and simple interface that is easy to use. If you pick up a new-fangled gadget first, you can get quite confused with the various options. How can you get started with this and properly set up the MMS function on your iPhone? Let's look into the report!

On current outbuildings Sending MMS is no longer affected by regular SMS notifications

On any iPhone you can configure it manually corisna function overpowering MMS-message. One peculiarity - here it is called completely differently than on landline phones, and the order of adjustment is also different. Depending on the model (6s, 5s), the parameters may vary.

For example, for iPhone 4/5 the order of actions looks like this:

  • go to the item "Customization";
  • select “steel link”;
  • Increase the “Stilnik’s data” parameter (push the right-handed floating button);
  • go to " Stilnikov's mezzanine transfers."

Here you need to enter information provided by the operator whose services you are using. You can find such parameters on the company’s official website. The device automatically identifies the operator, after which it “pulls up” the required fields for MMS and the Internet.

If you don’t want to overdo it with the automatic MMS parameters, try entering everything manually.

For YOTA operator:

  • APN – mms.yota;
  • MMSC – mmsc:8002;
  • image size – medium;
  • There is no need to fill out the username and password fields.

If you are interested in the services of MTS Moscow, please enter the following:

  • username - mts;
  • apn –;
  • proxy – 9201;
  • mmsc – https://mmsc;
  • image size – medium;
  • password - mts.

Anyone who uses a SIM card for Megafon on their iPhone 5s should enter “mms” in the APN field, and in the proxy field. The size of the baby should be changed to the average size, and the password and login fields will not be forgotten at all.

Beeline Moscow card owners can install the following instructions:

  • username/password - beeline/beeline;
  • proxy –;
  • the size of the baby is average;
  • APN –

When the configuration ends, check the correctness of the entered data and go ahead to work!

Management methods

If you happen to enable MMS on your iPhone 5s, try sending a notification like this. There are a number of ways to produce it, let’s look at the skin reports from them.

First method:

  1. Open the “Messages” folder on your desktop.
  2. Click on the end of the paper and pen/olive.
  3. Select the recipient in the notification menu, click on the icon where the camera is visible.
  4. Select the required file from the “Media Library” section.
  5. Click “Take photos or videos” if you want to save it in realtime mode.
  6. Obtain a subscription if necessary.
  7. Press “Add”.

Another method

In this way, you don’t need to fight that often. The awareness of this situation becomes stronger during the hour of taking a photo from the camera. Otje:

  • take a photo;
  • press on a photograph that you want to earn;
  • When you zoom in on the entire screen, you can move the arrow at the bottom. By clicking on this arrow, you can immediately send the image to another recipient.

Third method

In this case, MMS can be sent directly from the gallery. For this, it is important to go to the “Photo” folder and select a video or picture to send (identify the files in proportions). Next, click on the icon below and select “Confession”. At the next stage, the text, addressee are added, and then done.

However, a number of operators set the maximum possible file size for sending, but does not exceed 1 megabyte. Often, it doesn’t work the first time to send an image that is 1-2 megabytes in size, so please try again.

It is important that every time after changing the device, check the settings and re-enable the device.

Reading hour: 10 minutes

In this article, I will look at the reasons why the iPhone does not send or accept MMC and what to do in this situation to solve the problem.

This article is suitable for everyone iPhone models 11/Xs(r)/X/8/7/6 and Plus on iOS 13. On older versions, some menu items and hardware support may be affected.

Setting up iPhone for MMS enhancement

To activate MMS on iPhone, go to “Adjustment” - “Messenger”. There, activate the secondary jumper. As a rule, MMS is set up automatically and there is no need to enter connection parameters.

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Finally, in the settings, turn down the transfer of the steel bond. Convert to practicality mobile network, having opened, for example, a web page. To successfully complete the activation, you must re-lock your iPhone. To do this, hold down the button and swipe left-handedly from the pop-up menu. After this, turn off the device.

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Reasons why MMS is not overpowering

If you are experiencing problems with MMS communications, first check to see if your operator allows you to send such notifications. It is possible that this feature is a paid feature and will not be enabled automatically. To check the availability of MMS, you can contact the operator or log in special office on the website or in company supplement. As a rule, the configuration price is displayed in the list of connected services.

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If MMS is not overpowered, try the following shortcuts:

  • Change the automatic setting of MMS parameters. To do this, follow the path “Nashtuvannya” - “Stilnikov connection” - “Data parameters” - “Stilnikov data transfer route”. There you may find an APN, a username and a password. The exact values ​​of these parameters can be obtained from the operator. For example, Beeline has: , beeline and beeline are consistent.
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  • Conflict from iMessage. MMS may not be sent through your iOS device. It’s easy to understand the color of the windows: the smells turn blue, not green. In this case, transmission via iMessage is possible. If you are not victorious, then turn on this ability. Open “Options” and select “Disclosure”. Please note that the operator may charge a fee for re-activating iMessage.
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  • Send notifications as MMS. By going through the first paragraph, it is important to note that messages already sent via iMessage can be transmitted in the original way. To do this, check the required information and select “Send as SMS/MMS” in the window.
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  • Turn on LTE. MMS messages may not be processed correctly in the LTE network. To enable them, go to “Options” - “Data settings” - “Voice and data”.
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  • Hardware problem. Restart your iPhone and try to remove the SIM card and turn it around.
  • Remove the settings. Mozhlivo, in iPhone Vinik yakysya software crash Through this connection, the MMS is processed incorrectly. To reset the settings, go to “Adjustment” - “Basics” - “Reset”.