Framework version 3.5. It is possible to restore, or to update, correct pardons. System Help for Optimal Operation.Net Framework

License: without cost
system: Windows Server 2003/Server 2008/Vista/XP
interface: Russian
Rozmir: 2.8 MB

Description of .NET Framework version 3.5 SP 1

NET Framework version 3.5 with the SP1 update package has improved the ability for programmers:

  • The ASP.NET Dynamic Data feature has extended template generation. This technology includes a new addition to ASP.NET AJAX, which provides support for browsing history management in the browser
  • New additions in the CLR (Common language Runtime) environment - improved the structure of .NET Framework images Swedish launch additions, optimizations of code generation, as well as the possibility of hacking code in ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) mode, which is supported by the operating system.
  • The productivity of WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) has been significantly improved - the hour of occupancy has changed, the addition of bitmap effects, the enhancement of business add-ons, the enhancement of splash screens.
  • Polypshity ClickOnce Wiki.
  • Entity Framework - allows retailers to parse data bases to domain models.
  • LINQ to SQL now brings new features to date and file streaming in SQL Server 2008
  • Changed and updated the data service that enters the ADO.NET warehouse

Minimum assistance to the system

Operating systems: Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2008; Windows Vista; Windows XP

  • CPU: Pentium or AMD 400 MHz or similar processor; (Pentium 1 GHz recommended or equivalent processor)
  • RAM: 96 MB or more (recommended 256 MB)
  • HDD: You may need up to 500 MB of available disk space
  • Monitor: allowed 800 x 600, 256 colors (1024 x 768, 32-bit color recommended)

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP 1 - a set of libraries and system components that are necessary for robotic add-ons based on the .NET Framework architecture. This package contains cumulative updates, which are rich in new features, based on the .NET Framework 2.0, .NET Framework 3.0, .NET Framework 3.5, and includes cumulative update services for subcomponents of the .NET Framework 2.0 and .NET Framework 3.0.

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 to bring new features and improvements:

- ASP.NET dynamic data, which provides a rich platform for scaffolding, which allows you to expand on the data without writing code. The stench is also to be replaced by a new addition to ASP.NET AJAX, which will provide support for the control of the history of the looker (back button support).

- Basic improvement of the cryptic environment (CLR), among them: additional layout of images in native codes of the .NET Framework; vidmova vіd suvoroy reverification of the name for the most trusted selections; increased productivity when launching add-ons; improving the creation of the code, which changes the hour of completion of the addenda; and the possibility of hacking the kerned code in ASLR mode (introducing variability into the structure of the address space), as it is supported by the operating system. In addition, kerovanny addenda, vіdkritі z merezhevyh folders, act like that, like vlasnі dodatki zavdyakovi vykonannyu with full confidence.

- Improved productivity of WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), including changing the launch time and improving the productivity of effects for dotted babies. Among the WPF add-on features are the business add-on update, the splash screen update, the texture builder update, and the new WebBrowser control.

- ClickOnce addons can be used for signing and hashing addends, so this option is more suitable for these scenarios. Retailers can programmatically install ClickOnce add-ons, which show how to configure pro trademark. ClickOnce pardon dialogues are promoted on the website and support of singing programs on the Internet.

- Entity Framework - a development of a basic set of technologies for accessing ADO.NET data. Entity Framework allows retailers to program operations on relational databases data are valid for domain models in specific programs, and not basic models databases. The Entity Framework introduces a number of advanced features, including the introduction of new SQL Server 2008 types, the serialization of the Entity graph by locking in, and the dredging of these entities. This version of the Entity Framework supports new SQL Server 2008 streaming capabilities for dates and files. The work with graph serialization makes it easier for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service providers to model the latest graphs as data contracts. The Entity Data Jerel allows web developers who want to work with the Entity Framework to replicate the traditional methods of working with the Data Jerel for ASP.NET.

- LINQ to SQL supports new SQL Server 2008 streaming capabilities for dates and files.

- The ADO.NET data services platform is made up of a combination of templates and libraries that allow you to present data as a data service based on REST technology, which can be poked by web clients in corporate networks or on the Internet. The ADO.NET Data Services Framework allows you to create data services from any given location. The conceptual model for revisiting the basic savings scheme can be easily broken down by the available rich integration with the ADO.NET Entity Framework. Services created by the ADO.NET Data Service Platforms and related services Windows Live(, readily available on any platform. For client add-ons that are available on Microsoft platforms, a set of client libraries is available, which allows you to interoperate with data services. For example, clients based on the .NET Framework can twist LINQ to query data services and a simple .NET Framework object layer to update data in services.

- Windows Communication Foundation will now work with the DataContract serializer with a lighter version of the improved interoperability support. We will improve the debugging robot in scenarios with frequent trust and expand the support of the RSS protocol, which allows you to more widely hack yoga in addenda Web 2.0.

- .NET Framework Data Engine for SQL Server (SqlClient) adds support for file stream reversal and spaced columns in SQL Server 2008.

NET Framework (Dot Net Framework) - software platform(Software framework), split by Microsoft Corporation in 2002 as head of the operating system Microsoft Windows. Include great libraries, and also give mutual summation (skin mov can hack the code, writing in other movs) dekilkoh mov programming. Programs written in the .NET Framework are embedded in the software environment (against the hardware one) in the Common Language Runtime (CLR, a hostile environment), which is virtual machine, Yaka takes care of safety, rozpodіl memory and vinyatkіv. The class library and the CLR together make up the .NET Framework.

The .NET Framework base class library gives access to the interface recognized for the core, exchange of data, connection of databases, cryptography, development of web add-ons, enumeration algorithms, etc. to merezhevy connections. Programmers create their add-ons by linking their own code with .NET Framework libraries, as well as other libraries. .NET Framework assignments for the discovery are more important than new developments.

UVAGA Note: Install the update packages in the same order as you sent them!

.NET Framework 1.1

.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (includes 2.0 SP2)


Windows XP / Server 2003 32-bit:
update 1 (8.6 MIB)
update 2 (7 MIB)
update 3 (1.4 MIB)

Windows XP / Server 2003 64-bit:
update 1 (18.4 MIB)
update 2 (16.5 MIB)
update 3 (1.5 MIB)

Windows Vista / Server 2008 x86:
update 1 (1.4 MIB)
update 2 (10.5 MIB)
update 3 (6.9 MIB)

Windows Vista / Server 2008 64-bit:
update 1 (1.5 MIB)

.NET Framework(It reads “dot no framework”) - a universal platform for retailers on various programming languages. It is popularly asserted that Microsoft created it as an alternative and competitor to Java. Previously, a working version appeared on the company's website in 2002, the presentation was made in 2000.

version 3.5.NET Framework released in 2008 Common Language Runtime 2. Released in 2008 edition. Also implemented service packs for Windows-8.

At the same time, with a forward release of the platform, there was a C # 3 support, ASP.NET AJAX additions and LINQ mov with standalone providers for SQL, XML and Obj. The 9th version of VB.NET and Visual Studio is being supported.

current release .NET Framework 3.5 to avenge the greatness of the number of libraries of classes, zastosovuvaniy during the development of various addenda and necessary for their launch.

In this hour, the installation of a framework is necessary not only for programmers, but also for simple programmers. When there are a number of components in the system, working game programs you can see the information about the pardon, related to the daily needs of the dlls (dynamic libraries), to some way to the process of work. Most of all, work becomes impossible without them. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the relevance of the versions of this software. It expands without damage, installs quickly, just run the file "Dotnetfx35setup.exe" and follow simple instructions. After installing the package, you need to re-install.

System support (x32 / x64):

  • Windows 10;
  • Windows 8;
  • Windows 7 and older;


Hello everyone! When installing some computer games on a laptop with Windows 10, I already stumbled for a pardon: “ An add-on on your computer requires an upcoming Windows component: .NET Framework 3.5(Includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)". P try and install the component enter the pardon« Windows failed to know the files needed to enable changes to be made. Pardon code 0x800F081F»Abo« Vinicla pardon. Deyakі components and install not far away» . The widest solution to this problem, as propagated on the Internet, does not help.

NET Framework 3.5 for Windows 10

It seems that from the twisted position it is even simpler. Windows 10 has NET Framework 3.5, 3.0, 2.0 behind the lock and you just need to plug it in for the help of the tab "Enabled and enabled Windows components”, Can you beat Windows PowerShell or command line.

  • NET Framework is a platform required for robotic and rich computer programs, including igor.

Together with Windows 10, the .NET Framework 4.7 is automatically installed, which will include the forward components 4.6.2, 4.6.1, 4.6, 4.5.2, 4.5.1, 4.5, 4, but the old ones 3.5, 3.0, 2.0 need to be connected and it’s easy to do it.

You can ask me: "And how to recognize, how the same version of the .NET Framework is installed and functioning in this chi іnshіy operating system systems? ". Friends, just for the help of the .NET Version Detector program, send it directly to download:

Run the utility in the installations on my Windows computers 10

and bachimo, that in the system is active only.NET Framework 4.7.

Also included in my OS platform NET Framework 3.5 for Windows 10.

Start -> Vikonati.

Entered in the OptionalFeatures input field.

The tab "Enabled and enabled Windows components" is displayed.

significant point .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) and embossed on the button OK.

Get files from the Windows Update Center.

We launch the .NET Version Detector program and switch to the fact that the .NET Framework 3.5, 3.0, 2.0 is installed in our Windows 10.

About all sorts of things, you can download the .NET Framework 3.5 for a request

Installing NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 10 using Windows PowerShell or Command Line

enter the command

Dism/Online/Enable-Feature/FeatureName: NetFx3/All/LimitAccess/Source: G:\sources\sxs

de G: - letter of the virtual drive with Win 10 files.