Computer file system. File system of a personal computer File manager Norton Commander File system of a computer

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Plan initial employment №5

From the discipline INFORMATICS

Section 2. Information technologies File system personal computer. File manager Norton Commander


didactic: repeat understand file system personal computer, teach students how to use Norton Commander file manager.

developing: develop the information awareness of students.

Vikhovna: to identify students with current faculties, who will be able to get involved in the practical activities of new advanced technologies.

Type of activity (lesson type): lecture

Organizational forms of development: lecture-rozmova

Navchannya method: Rozmova

Zasobi navchannya

Type and form of control knowledge: frontal feeding

Establish control

Internal subject connections

Interdisciplinary connections

Types of independent work of students

Home improvement: repeat the lecture notes

Stay busy

Personal computer file system

Folders and files (file type, file name). File system. Basic operations with files in the operating system

File. All programs and data are saved in the long-line (external) memory of the computer in the form of files. A file is a chain of information (program or data) that is stored in long-line (external) memory.

The file name consists of two parts, separated by a dot: File nameі expansion What does this type mean (program, etc.). The owner of the file name is given by the user, and the file type is specified automatically by the program at the time of creation.

In different styles operating systems Explore different file name formats. In the MS-DOS operating system, the file name can contain no more than eight letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers, and the extension consists of three latin letters, for example: proba.txt

In the operating room Windows system The file name can be up to 255 characters, and variations in the Russian alphabet are allowed, for example: One world of information.doc

File system. A large number of files can be stored on a storage device (small, hard or laser disk). The order in which files are saved on the disk is determined by the installed file system.

For disks with a small number of files (up to tens of files), manually create a peer file system if the directory (disk space) has a linear sequence of file names.

Since hundreds and thousands of files are stored on the disk, then for ease of search, the files are organized into a rich hierarchical file system, which is called a “tree-like” structure.

Pochatkovy, root, directory with deposits 1st tier catalogs, from their own blood, from each of them there are deposits 2nd tier catalogs etc. It is necessary to note that files can be saved in directories on all levels.

Operations on files. When working on a computer, the following operations are most often performed on files:

* copy– a copy of the file is placed in another directory;

* displacement– the file itself is moved to another directory;

* vidalnya- An entry about the file is visible in the directory;

* rename- The file name is changed.

Graphical representation of file s system. Hierarchical file system MS-DOS The system for storing directories and files is presented in the Windows operating system through an additional graphical interface and in the form of a hierarchical system of folders and documents. Folder in Windowsє analogous to the MS-DOS directory.

The hierarchical structures of these systems vary greatly. In the hierarchical file system MS-DOS, the top of the hierarchy of objects is the root directory of the disk, which can be leveled up in the tree - on the new branches (subdirectories) grow, and leaves (files) grow on the roots.

In Windows, at the top of the hierarchy of folders is the Desktop folder (Fig. 1).

Work table

My computer Koshik Merezheve otochennya


Small 1. Hierarchical folder structure

The coming flurry of submissions by folders My Computer, Koshyk and Merezheve sharpening(if the computer is connected to the local network).

Norton Commander file manager


The operating shell Norton Commander (NC) is designed to make it easier to use a personal computer during daily work in the MS-DOS and Windows operating systems. Norton Commander allows you, in a simple and manual way, to carry out frequently used operations on files, directories and disks, such as copying and remote files, browsing directories, searching for files and much more.

The main file is called nc.exe. Make sure Norton is installed on drive C: NC directory. Tom for yogo launch command line you need to type:



When you launch Norton Commander, two blue ends appear on the screen, which are called panels, similar to the images on the baby.

Screen NC can be divided into four parts. We're moving them down to the bottom:

* The menu opens up;

* Information panels – left and right;

* Command line;

* Keys of function keys.

The menus that open allow you to select almost all NC functions. Access to the new keyboard is provided by the additional key.

Panels- This is the main window for displaying information about the structure of the PC file system. about the retouching of files and directories. The skin panels may have the following information:

* file names in full (from designated size, date and time of modification) and short (only names) view, in in different ways sorting;

* Hierarchical file tree (placement of files and subdirectories behind directories);

* Information about this directory or disk.

Command line- a wide range of MS DOS commands and types of information. There is a DOS command line cursor here.

The keys of the function keys are specially designed for Swedish users. required commands. The Misha manipulator is allowed access to these buttons.

If you are surprised, in one of the panels you can see a grey-green orthocutaneous plant, which shows a specific position. This is the Norton Commander panel cursor. You move with the same keys, as simply as with the cursor control keys. The cursor can be moved between panels by pressing the key. These operations can also be performed using the Misha manipulator. It is important that under the word “cursor” you need to understand the very sight of the selected position. With this help, we can move files, directories and computer disks. It is important that the upper left corner of the panel of the open (stream, not root) directory contains the symbols “..” (two dots, do not confuse the double “:”). This position is assigned to the output from this catalog to the catalog of the next level. The panel in which the cursor is located is called the active panel.

Operations on the selected file can be performed by pressing the key. If the selected file has an extension "com", "exe" or "bat", we're starting to get confused. Otherwise, nothing will happen.

All operations (copying, moving, deleting, etc.) can be performed not on one object, but on groups of selected files at once. To select files, move the cursor to the required file and press the key, the file name will be seen in the same font, then select the desired file, and so on. Files can also be seen by pressing [+]. Then on the panel, type the template of the files you want to select (for example, “*. com” - all files with the extension “com”) and click. You can turn off actions from a group of visible files using the additional key or by pressing [-], selecting a file template and pressing .

Function keys

As has already been said, the bottom row of the screen has redrawn commands available to the function keys. Let's take a look at their report.

Key - "Help" - "Help"

When you press this key, the “Advanced” section will be displayed on the screen, which describes the meaning of the key and the commands of the selected operation. If there are no operations Narazi is not displayed, then the key will prompt you to replace all sections of the subsystem.

You can follow the “Advance” help by pressing the additional keys.

Key - "Viklik" - "User"

Behind the additional keys, you can click on an additional menu of commands created by him (as created), which will appear when you press any keys. This menu can be filled with commands and programs that are most often used during work.

Key - "Reading" - "View"

This command allows you to view files on the screen without changing them. The advantage over text editors of the file review command lies in the fact that it allows you to view files at any time and quickly.

Key – “Edit” – “Edit”

For this command, the file is downloaded from the Norton Commander editor (before speech, you can connect any other external editor).

Select a file and click.

Key - "Copy" - "Copy"

This command allows copying.

Key - New name - RenMov

With this additional command you can rename and move files and directories.

Key - "NovKat" - "Mkdir"

The key allows you to create a new directory of the active panel, which will be a subdirectory of the current one.

It is worth remembering that directory names can consist of a maximum of eight characters and can be extended to three characters, which is, in principle, unnecessary.

Key - "Delete" - "Delete"

Using the additional command available with this key, you can delete files and directories.

Before you delete a group of files, ask what you entered in this operation (the red frame with the words “Ok” and “Cancel”), which ones are pressed, and those that are not - .

Key - "Menu" - "Menu"

This command opens access to a menu that opens in the top row of the screen. Your commands and their functions will be described in the appropriate section of your employee.

Key - "Exit" - "Quit"

Pressing the key will exit Norton Commander. Here you will also be asked what you typed in this operation (the same frame with the words “Yes” and “No”), which are typed, pressed, not typed -.

Change drive -Drive

This menu item allows you to quickly change the working disk in the left and right panels. When you select this command, a list of connected storage devices (disks) is displayed, from which you can select the required one and press. This command is also displayed when pressing the keys – for the left panel and for the right panel.

Robot with the Misha manipulator

The Misha manipulator makes working with Norton Commander really easy. With your choice, you can freely move the red “bear” cursor around the screen and select different actions.

* To select a file, move the red cursor "Misha" to the file and press the left key "Misha".

* To launch the file on the computer, click the left button on the new one - the program will start.

* To move the file to a group, press the “Misha” key on the right (similar to pressing the key).

* To select any position from any menu, move the cursor behind the “Misha” to the desired position and press the left key “Misha”.

For example, to copy a selected file, move the red “Misha” cursor to the file, press the left key, then select the word “Copy” from the bottom row and press the left key “Misha” again. If you are in control of the desired copy, press the right key, the copy will be selected, and the copy will be clicked on the key on the keyboard.

Vikoristannaya "Misha" does not make typing commands from the keyboard difficult.

Vikonanny of DOS commands

Commands can be typed directly from the DOS command line. To do this, simply type the command and press on the keyboard. If a command requires a file with its extensions, select the file, type the command name, and then press , pressing in the pressed line.

Initial employment plan No. 5

File system of a personal computer File manager Norton Commander

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As one of the preservation of these acceptances, the object of the changeover, titles file.

File Here the sequence of bytes is named for a long time. If the file remains dead, the creation of the file is related to the name assigned to it and its registration in the file system - this is one of the OS functions.

Please ensure that data of the same type is saved in a separate file. And here the type of data means file type.

The fragments of the designated file do not have a size limit, you can find a file that contains 0 bytes (Empty file), and a file that may contain a number of bytes.

The designated file is given special respect to its name. It is possible to store address data without any data stored in the file, which will not become information through the access method. In addition to functions related to addressing, you can also save information about the type of data you have when naming a file. For automatic methods of working with data, it is important that fragments of the file name (and more precisely, its extension) can automatically determine an adequate method for obtaining information from the file.

File structure - A hierarchical structure, depending on the operating system, displays files and directories (folders).

Yak is the top of the structure to serve I'm wearing it, where the files are saved. All files are grouped into directories (folders), in the middle of which can be created directory deposits

Names of external media. Disks on which information is stored on a computer are marked with their names - the names of the disk are written in the letter of the Latin alphabet, and then a double mark is placed. So, for floppy disks, letters must be entered from now on A:і IN:. The logical disks of a hard drive are called starting from the letter Z:. After all names logical drives The names of the CD drives follow. For example, installed: a floppy drive, a hard drive, split into 3 logical drives and a CD drive. Consider the letters of all media of information. A:- floppy disk drive; Z:, D:, E:- logical hard drives; F:- CD drive.

Logical disk or else volume(English) volume chi english partition) - part lasting memory computer, which is seen as a single whole for the handiness of the robot. The term “logical disk” is used in contrast to “physical disk,” which refers to the memory of one specific disk drive.

There is no significance for the operating system; the data is decompressed - on a laser disk, in the section hard drive, or to flash drives. To unify the sections of long-line memory that are represented, the concept of a logical disk is introduced.

In addition to the saved information, create a description of the file system - this is a table with the re-arrangement of all files and its attributes (File Allocation Table, FAT). The table indicates, at a glance, which directory (folder) has the same file. However, when moving a file from one folder to another within the same volume, the data does not transfer from one part of the physical disk to another, but simply changes the entry in the file allocation table. If a file is transferred from one logical drive to another (as the logical drives are located on one physical drive), the physical transfer of the data will be required (copying from further copies of the original will be completed successfully).

For these reasons, formatting and defragmenting the skin's logical drive does not save anything else.

Catalog (folder) - place on disk (special system file), in which service information about files is stored (name, extension, creation date, size, etc.). Catalogs of low ranks are included in catalogs of more high ranks and for them investments. Top-level catalog (super-catalog) in relation to catalogs more low level called Father's.Upper Rivne contribution of the hierarchical structure root directory disk (Fig. 1). Catalog, what does koristuvach work with? present moment, called let's be more specific.

The rules for naming a directory are in no way different from the rules for naming a file, although it is not customary to specify extended names for directories. When writing to a file that needs to be accessed through the nested directory system, all adjacent directories are separated by a single symbol. In OS, such a symbol is vikorized as “\” (the crown braid of rice).

The uniqueness of the file name is obvious - without it it is impossible to guarantee the uniqueness of access to the data. At the estate computing technology If the uniqueness of the name is ensured automatically - create a file with the same name, which is impossible neither to the user nor to the automation.

If the file is being searched outside of the current directory, the program that allows access to the file must indicate where the file itself is located. Please ask for additional information on the way to the file.

Way to file- this is the name of the drive (disk) and the sequence of directory names, in Windows OS separated by the symbol “\” (in OS line UNIX the symbol “/” is used). This path specifies the route to the directory in which the required file is located.

To add the way to the file, vikoryst two different methods. In the first generation, the skin file is given Absolutely no way (outside the file name), What consists of the names of all directories from the root directory to the one in which the file is located, that is, the file name. For example, way Z: Abby Doc otchet.doc means that the root directory of the disk Z: catalog Abby, who, in his own way, has a subdirectory Doc Where is the file located? report.doc. Absolute names of routes always begin with the name of the name and the root directory and are unique. It's stagnant I'm going to walk this way. Here's a quick look at the concepts streaming catalogue. Koristuvach can consider one of the directories to be the current working directory. In this case, all names of nobles that do not begin with the separator symbol are considered valid and are included in the flow catalogue. For example, if we use the exact catalog є Z: Abby to the file with absolute shlyakh Z:\Abby\ you can get angry like Doc\otchet.doc.

In connection with this, the file structure of a computer can be of significant size, including necessary documents. easy navigation route file structure Don’t misbehave. Please note that every computer user must be well aware (and remember) the structure of the folders in which he saves documents. Problems arise when it comes to preserving documents by this structure. So, for example, many programs save documents in a folder, mistakenly, as if the user forgot to clearly indicate where to save the document. Such a folder, taken for the final account, could be a folder where savings were saved the last time, a folder in which the supplement itself is placed, a service folder, for example \ My documents etc. In such situations, document files can be “lost” in a wealth of other data.

The need to search for files especially often arises during the hour of performing surgical operations. A typical episode, when in search of uncontrolled changes in the operating system, you need to know all the files that have been changed for the rest of the time. The methods of automatically searching for files are also widely explored by fakhivtsy, which aims to improve the computing systems - it is important for them to navigate the file structure of “someone else’s” personal computer, and search required files Our navigation routes will never be productive.

Basic sound bite Windows XP launch from the Main menu with the command Start > Know > Files and Folders. An equally simple and different option for launching is from any folder window. > Browser panels > Search > Files and folders or key F3).

Localize the search area with clear information about the name and file address using the search elements on the search panel. When entering a file name, wildcards are allowed to be entered «*» і «?» . Symbol «*» replaces any number of symbols, and the symbol «?» replaces one character. So, for example, search for a file named *.txt It will end with the display of all existing files, which may include extended name extensions. txt, and the result is a search for files with names *.??t You will see a list of all files that have extended name extensions. txt, .bat, .dat And so on.

When searching for files that contain “long-lasting” names, the trace of the mother’s respect is that “long-lasting” should be placed in the clearings (but this is not permissible), then when the task is created, the search should be placed in the paws, for example: "Potochni roboti.doc".

On the panel there are additional elements of ceramics. The smells are displayed when you click on the arrow that opens, straight down.

· Food When have the remaining changes been made? allows us to delimit the sphere of search behind the date of creation, the rest of the change or open the file.

· Food What size is the file? Allows you to search between songs of song size for an hour.

· Paragraph Additional parameters allows you to specify the file type, allow you to view received files folders, as well as set other parameters and search.

In these situations, if you are looking for a text-based, unformatted document, you may want to look not only for the attributes of the file, but also for the location. The required text can be entered in the field A word or phrase in a file.

Searching for a document after a text fragment does not give any results, since it is possible to find a document that is formatted, since the formatting codes destroy the natural sequence of codes text characters. In these situations, you can speed up the process in a simple way, which will lead to programs that change the formatting of documents.

19.Data compression and file archiving.

A characteristic feature of most of the “classical” types of data that people use is a melancholy arrogance. The level of supermundaneity lies with the type of data. In addition, the level of supermundaneity of these data lies in the adopted coding system. So, for example, you can say that coding text information by the means of the Russian language (with the help of the Russian alphabet) gives on average 20-30% more information, without the need for adequate information English language.
When processing information, supernaturalism also plays a significant role. However, if we are talking not about processing, but about saving ready-made documents or their transfer, the importance can be changed, which gives the effect of data compression.
As soon as information compression methods are established before ready-made documents, the term data compression is often replaced with the term data archiving, and software features those who complete these operations are called archivers
It is important to separate in which object the data that can be compressed is placed:
- Extension (archiving) of files;
- Extension (archiving) of folders;
- Hardened disks.
If, when compressing data, it is necessary to change its place, the compression method is irrevocable and when updating data from compressed file There is no permanent update of the output sequence. Such methods are also called compression methods with regulated loss of information. The stinks of stagnation are deprived of these types of data, in which the formal waste of a part of the place does not lead to a significant reduction in the living authorities. First of all, there is a need for multimedia data: videos, music recordings, sound recordings and little things. Methods of compression with wasted information ensure a much higher level of compression, lower negotiable methods, otherwise they cannot be consolidated until text documents, databases and more, program code. Typical formats for compression of wasted information:
- JPG for graphic data;
- .MPG for video;
- . M RZ for sound data
Since when compressing data there is no change in its structure, then the compression method is brutal. From the resulting code, you can identify the output array using the method of estimating the return method. Werewolf methods are used to constrain any type of data. Typical compression formats without loss of information:
- .GIF, TIP,. PCX and a lot of others for graphic data;
- .AVI for video;
- .ZIP, .ARJ, .BAR, .LZH, .LH, .CAB and many others for any type of data.
The “classic” formats for compressing data, which are widely used in everyday work with a computer, are the .ZIP and .ARJ formats. The last time they reached them was the popular RAR format.
Before basic functions, which will end most of the current archive managers, lie:
- Downloading files from archives;
- Creation of new archives;
- adding files to the archive;
- creation of archives for self-unpacking;
- Creation of divisions of archives on small-capacity carriers;
- Testing the integrity of the archive structure;
- more frequent updating of damaged archives;
- protection of archives from review and unauthorized modification.
archives, which will unpack itself. archives, which are self-unpacking, prepared on the basis of the original archive by adding to a new small software module. The archive itself has an extended name extension.EXE, which is typical for files that can be created.
Divisions of archives. Activity managers (for example, WinZip) can be installed directly on rubber wheels, and actions (for example, WinRAR and WinArj) allow you to download the archive in advance into fragments of a given size on your hard drive. Over the course of the year, they can be transferred to the outer nose using a copying route.
When the archive divisions are created, the WinZip manager can unacceptable peculiarity: Allows you to replace files with the same names. As a result, it is impossible to determine the volume numbers that are stored on the skin bunk disks Behind the file name, Archive Managers WinArj and WinRAR mark all files of a subdivided archive with different names and this does not create such problems.
Archive protection In most cases, archive protection requires an additional password, which you will be asked for when you try to view, unzip or change archives.
Before additional functions Archive managers have service functions that enable manual operation. The stench is often realized by external connections of the supplementary service programs and make sure:
- View files of different formats without extracting them from the archive;
search for files and data in the middle of archives;
installation of programs from archives without first unpacking;
verification of availability computer viruses in the archives until unpacking;
cryptographic security archival information;
decoding information by e-mail;
"view" enhances the existing files.EXE and.DLL;
the creation of self-unpacking of large-volume archives;
select or adjust the information compression ratio.

Serve to organize the storage of accumulated information (disks, flash drives) such as a set of bytes, or a set of files and directories. The file system itself stores its data in the form of byte blocks of a fixed size, and in the form of files and documents.

Vashtuvannya file systems

Most file systems are configured this way. Information is stored as logical blocks, called files. The skin file is of the mother's name. Files can be merged into directories. The file directory is the logical place to save files. The root directory, which can contain files and directories. Nested directories, in their own way, can contain files and nested directories. In this manner one pretends tree-like organization of the file system. A directory is often called a directory or folder. A directory is a set of files, but instead of this there is not data, but a list of files and directories that are located in it. Files and directories, in addition to the unique name of the Father’s catalog, contain attributes that describe his power. Those between a file and a directory are one of the applications of file attributes.

File system level

The file system is an intermediary for transferring to the disk. The programs download to the disk for additional files. Setting up the file system means that the required bytes are actually located on the storage device. The place of the file system in the lanyard is stored until the information is accumulated:

Program - - Disk Driver - Disk

A typical folder window is shown on a small scale.

It is easy to remove such binding elements.

    Header row- It says the name of the folder. Serve for stretching the window.

    System icon. Opens the service menu, which you can use to change the size and size of the window.

    Buttons size: what burns (renews), burns, what closes.

    Menu row(Spadne menu). Guaranteed access to all commands in this window.

    Toolbar. Move the command buttons to select the operations that are most common. Often, the user can customize this panel themselves, placing the necessary buttons on it.

    Address row. There is no way to access the stream folder. Allows you to quickly navigate to other sections of the file structure.

    Robocha region. Displays pictographs of objects that are saved in the folder, and can be displayed using the display method.

    Smugi scrolling– you can scroll the window horizontally or vertically if the information does not fit on the window.

    I'll stand in a row. Enter additional information about objects in the window.

Personal computer file system

The file system will ensure safe access to files on the disk. The principle of organizing the file system is tabular. The surface of the disk is viewed as a tridimensional matrix, which includes the numbers of the surface, cylinder and sector. Pid cylinder We pay attention to the totality of all the tracks that lie on different surfaces and at equal distances from the wrapping axis. Data about the records of each file is saved in the system area of ​​the disk in a special file allocation table ( FAT table). The FAT table is stored in two examples, the identity of which is controlled by the operating system.

OS MS-DOS, OS/2, Windows-95/NT implement 16-bit fields in FAT tables. This system was called FAT-16. This system allows you to place no more than 65536 records about the deletion of data storage units. The smallest way to save data is sector. The sector size is up to 512 bytes. Groups of sectors intelligently unite clusteri, which is the smallest unit of data addressing. The size of the cluster depends on the capacity of the disk: for Fat-16, for disks from 1 to 2 GB, 1 cluster occupies 64 sectors or 32 KB. This is irrational, as a small file takes up 1 cluster. Large files that occupy a number of clusters eventually create an unfilled cluster. Therefore, the consumption of disk capacity with a FAT-16 system can be even greater. With disks over 2.1 GB FAT-16 does not work.

Windows 98 and older versions have a more comprehensive file system - FAT-32 with 32-bit fields in the file allocation table. This will ensure a small cluster size for disks great capacity. For example, for a disk up to 8 GB, 1 cluster occupies 8 sectors (4 KB).

File- This is the name given to the sequence of bytes in the last century. Before the advent of Windows-95, the standard file naming scheme was scheme 8.3 (short for names) - 8 characters for the file name, 3 characters for the extension of its name. There are a few short names - their locality is low. Beginning with Windows 95, the concept of a long name (up to 256 characters) was introduced. You can use any symbols other than the nine special ones: \/:*? "< > |.

Extended names All characters after the remaining dot are taken into account. Current operating systems have extended name extensions. important information file type. File types are registered and the file is associated with the program that runs it (add-on). For example, the MyText.doc file will be opened text processor MS Word, extension fragments.doc is connected with this program itself. Name it as a file, not connected with any program that it opens, then on its icon there is a sign - logo Microsoft Windows, and the program that opens can be specified by the customer himself by selecting it from the given list.

The file structure is logically organized according to a hierarchical principle: folders of lower levels are nested next to folders of higher levels. The top level of the nesting is the root directory of the disk. The terms “folder” and “directory” have the same meaning. Each directory of files on the disk is represented by the same name as the operating system folder. Prote, understand the folders are wider. So, Windows 95 has special folders that allow manual access to programs that are not supported by the disk directory.

File attributes- These are the parameters that indicate the power of files. To deny access to file attributes, click right button Click on the icon and select the Power menu. There are 4 main attributes: “Only for reading”, “Admissions”, “System”, “Archive”. The attribute “Only for reading” conveys that the file is not intended for making changes. The attribute “Admissions” refers to those that Denmark file Do not display on the screen during file operations. The "System" attribute denotes the largest important files OS (sound, stench looms and the attribute of “Photos”). Attribute "Archive" of connections with backups There are no files of any special significance.

File- the totality of data presented on computer media is named. The concept of a file consists mainly of the data that is saved on the disks, and therefore the files must be drawn from the disk memory sections of these media.

File system includes rules for the creation of file names and methods for approximating them, a file replacement system, and a structure for storing files on disks.

The file has a name attributes(archive, “read only”, hobbies, system), characterized by size in bytes, date and time of creation and remaining changes.

The file name consists of two parts: the name and the extension (type). Type maybe on a daily basis. The name is accompanied by a dot symbol. On Windows, you can enter names up to 255 characters. The type indicates the type and purpose of the file, some of which are standard, for example:

· .COM i.EHE - concatenated files;

· .BAT - command batch file;

· .TXT - text file of the same type;

· .MDB - database file data Access;

· .XLS - electronic Excel table;

· .DOC - text file Microsoft editor Word;

· .ZIP - packages the Winzip/PkZip archive file.

The use of standard extensions makes it possible not to specify them at the time of registration system programs and packages of application programs, in which the principle of integration is emphasized.

Directory (folder, directory) - a set of files, grouped by affiliation mark to one software product or from other martyrdoms. The expression “file goes to directory” or “file goes to directory” means that information about this file is recorded in an area of ​​the disk that goes to this directory. Directory names will follow the same rules as file names. Catalogs should not be expanded, if you want anything you can add.

On the skin physical disc it appears root(Golovny) catalogue, which cannot be created, is visible or renamed by the staff of the koristuvach. V is designated '\' (for some operating systems you can also use '/'). The main directory may have other directories and files registered. Contributions to directories can, by their nature, include directories of the lower level. This structure is called hierarchical system or else tree directories in which the head directory is the root of the tree, and other directories are like branches.

Consolidating files in a directory does not mean that they are grouped in one place on the disk. Moreover, the same file can be “scattered” (fragmented) across the entire disk. Files with names that are saved may be located in several directories on the disk, but several files of the same name cannot be repeated in one directory.

In order for the OS to access the file, you must enter:

· Walking through the catalog tree;

· Outside the file name.

This information is indicated in file specifications, What is the offensive format:


Square arms This means that this part of the specification can be omitted. What kind of vikorist has the meaning for getting ready.

If the disk is not specified, the current disk is selected. Potochny A disk is a disk on which the operating system operates.

Way-The sequence of folders that must be navigated to the desired file. Names in seniority are written in order of decreasing precedence and are separated by the “\” symbol. The directory before entering the current directory is called Batkovsky.

There is often a need to process a single command on a number of files. For example, delete all files backup copies, you can extend the BAK extension, or rewrite a number of document files with the names doc1.txt, doc2.txt, etc. In these cases, special characters are used. masks, so that I can describe a group of files with one name. There are only two masks:

· the symbol * in the name or file extension replaces any number of characters allowed;

· Symbol? The name or extension of the file is replaced by any character or character.

Our butts will have masks *.bak (all files with the bak extension) and doc?.txt (all files with the txt extension and names with 4 characters that start with doc).

Questions on what to drink for lunch:

1. Designated OS. Basic concepts of Windows OS (richness of tasks, graphical interface of the user, data linking).

2. Graphical interface of the user interface, its main components (windows, dialogue features, standard layout of windows and dialog features).

3. Working with a keyboard and a “target” in Windows. Standard combinations of keys and operations with the “target”.

4. Working with files and folders in Windows - basic operations and capabilities. “My Computer” and “Explorer” programs.

5. Search for information on Windows.

6. Creation of labels of additional documents and documents.

7. Control panel and main components.

8. Troubleshooting Windows.

9. Adjustment of DOS programs under Windows.