Anniversaries screensaver of the night mode. Night time. Steps to increase the volume of the alarm ring

Who needs an alarm clock if you have an Android smartphone by hand? zavdyaki mobile outbuildings oversleep will be important. Year-ends on Android are constantly developing and helping coristuvachas in no way sleep.

Below will be described six tips and tricks of the Yearbook program on Android, such as setting the alarm melody with step-by-step progression to the correct setting of the “Do not turbulent” function, so that the stench does not overwhelm the hour of the alarm clock. The testing of these capabilities was carried out on the Nexus 5X smartphone on the operating Android systems 7.1.2. On other extensions and other versions of the system, the settings may be changed.

addendum Year-ends on Android it’s not the most beautiful, but the richest ones have one of the most requested ones, they don’t want to open the list of programs through the first launch and search there.

For good luck, є manual way launch an addendum with one embossing and more for all the way to be found on your home screen.

Click on widget Year-ends, which looks like a digital or analog dial, and the addon will be launched. It seems obvious, but most of the coristuvachiv do not guess about it. If the widget does not show up, click and try on an empty space on the home screen, select widgets i to icon Year-ends.

Screensaver at the sight of the anniversary

If you get up in the middle of the night, sometimes you blame it for the hour, that you would like to work without a single onslaught on your Android smartphone.

For whom, you can win the year as an Android screensaver. If the device is connected to the socket or inserted into the docking station, the current Hour will be displayed on the screen. є Navit night mode, Which raises the low brightness of the screen, so that you don’t care about sleeping.

Vіdkryte Settings > Display > Screensaver and choose an option Year-ends. For help, the gear icon and select the screensaver style, analog and digital options are available. You can also enable or disable the night mode.

Steps to increase the volume of the alarm ring

Some people have a strange dream, others have crises. Some of them are thrown away only by vibrating the phone, others need a loud ring.

Tom needs the setting " Step by step increase the density". To open the settings, click on the button with three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the main screen of the program Year-ends. It is necessary to have the option at the bottom of the screen on the button and її the inclusion allows you to ring back quietly, but step by step the sound will move up to full volume. You can set the trivality to the effect in five seconds before the whilini.

Wikoristannya any sound file for an alarm clock

neobov'evally satisfied android sound for the lockdown. You can choose a melody and a sound for a call.

Open the alarm clock, click on the twinkle icon and on the command “ Add". To show up at the beginning of the adventure, here you can find an audio file from the folder of attachment files, audio or from the Google Drive folder.

Management of the "Not turbulent" mode

If you have set an alarm, and if you haven’t called, it may be the fault of the function “ Do not turbuvati". If it is set to complete quiet mode, everything is muffled Android alerts, including an alarm clock.

Luckily, Android is ahead, so you choose to silence the alarm nalashtuvannyam mode "Do not turbuvati". However, the automatic rules for the "Not turbulent" mode can inadvertently silence the alarm.

If the rule is automatically created for the "Don't turbulence" mode, then fight in the division Settings> Sounds & Alerts> Don't Turbine> Rules, How to set the mode to “ Povna silence", Turn on the setting" Alarm clock can change the end time". In short, select the mode " just an alarm clock»Replacement is quiet again.

If you don’t wake up, the alarm clock will NOT ring, if the hour of the call is spent on the hour of the automatic rule.

Yak viknuti alarm clock through the song hour

Having thrown early-vranci, you can forget to turn off the alarm clock. If you go out of the room and feel an uninterrupted sound.

As if you are not quiet, who are only passing through five years of uninterrupted calls, it is necessary to install automatically turn on alarm clock through tasks at the hour.

Open Yearbooks, click on the button with three vertical dots, go to settings and set the parameter " auto-disclosure". The minimum value is to become one whilina, the maximum is " never»Zrokom in 5 quilins in 5 quilins up to 25 quilins.

Night of the Year - this is the program, which allows you to win your Android Appliance like a close year.

Availability of available options

When a smartphone is connected to an electrical outlet, the add-on activates the night mode - turn off the screen frequently. Now there is no need to keep your eyes peeled for the fact that the clarity of the unlocked device is blinding. The locked display will show the date, hour, as well as the current state of the battery charge.

Koristuvachevi available to change the color and font, as well as the activation of the accelerated charging mode. Stop automatically "sleep" the processes. If the scale is 100% correct, an audible signal will sound during the night (the sound can be turned on in the adjusted programs).


Nighttime is focused on quiet, who cares for better charging at night, otherwise you want to take care of filling the scale of the charge indicator. Zavdyaki tsіy programs You take away the possibility of watching the process, clearly "catching" the moment, if the smartphone is charged and start to marvel, every other day, without unlocking the screen.

Functional, promoting this program, can often be present in some "firmware". Android Similar functions are often used in various optimizers and cleaners.

Key Features

  • I’ll become a battery for my hourly connection to eating;
  • revision of the current date and hour on the locked display;
  • setting the color and font of the data;
  • vykoristannya dekіlkoh modeіv accelerated charging;
  • confusion with prominently old versions operating system Android.

Program for displaying the hour, date, wait, alarm clock, battery charge on a locked phone screen. This program is not new; Windows functions Phone on Android, but more recently, it has been overgrown with new features, including those that appeared before in the LG G5 and Galaxy S7. Glance Plus keeps the screen constantly on and saves battery power in this way. Rozrobniki confirm that for 1 year of turning on the Glance Plus screen “pull” is no more than 1% of the charge, and in a day - no more than 8%. You can install the program on any smartphone or tablet, equipped with a proximity sensor, and with an OS version like Android 4.3 and newer. When the proximity sensor of the smartphone is pressed, it will automatically activate the “turn on the screen”, as soon as you remove the smartphone from the intestines or the case, otherwise you just pass your hand over the switched off display.

Glance Plus can be adjusted to your liking - you can choose between a pair of analog and digital dials, weather information, battery level, calendar, adjust clarity, color and font size. All in all, the Glance Plus looks great, and it doesn't drain too much battery power.


  • Changing the size and color of the font;
  • Turning on/turning on the display of singing reminders;
  • Changing the style of years (you can choose digital and analog);
  • Changing the display position of information on the display.

Get the Glance Plus add-on for Android you can ask below.

Retailer: THSoftware
Platform: Android 4.3 and higher
Language of the interface: Russian (RUS)
Stan: Full (Updated version)
Root: Nema

Nighttime - an addendum, allowing you to vikoristovuvat add on Android platforms like prilizhkovy years.

program functionality

If the smartphone is connected to charger outbuilding, The screen is muffled to a comfortable level, by the same token it does not dazzle the coristuvacha. When the screen is blocked on the new one, the date, hour and day of the current charge are displayed. Moreover, the note on the charge is indicated in the windows, which means that it is easier to work with the annex. The addendum can be a handy interface and the ability to adjust, behind the bazhny you can change the intensity of the lightening, the color and size of the font, and also activate the function of the swedish charging. Vaughn primusovo turns on non-essential processes, I’ll add on for a short hour of charging. After the smartphone is 100% charged, the addon will give a sound signal, which can also be turned on in the settings.


The “Night Year” addendum is recognized for people who charge the phone at night or want to stay up to date with the charge. Vikoristovuyuchi tsyu program, smart phone can keep track of the level of charging, clearly knowing when the process is completed, and also wondering for an hour not to activate the screen. acts android firmware can be forgiven for the functions of the addendum, moreover, some of the extended programs - cleaners and optimizers, even though they may have similar functions. Irrespective of the price, the supplement "Night Year" can be forgiven for handy decisions, looking at bedside times with extended functions. Zavantazhiti "Nichni hodinnik" can be absolutely cost-free.

program features

  • Addendum optimized for more current Android versions, which allows you to install yoga on a practical basis;
  • Simple and functional interface with the ability to customize the font and color of the displayed information;
  • The addendum “Nichniy hodinnik” has a few modes of quick charging, which is especially corny, as well as coristuvachevi, it is necessary to quickly charge the phone;
  • Monitoring of the level of battery charge for timely switching on in the field;
  • Possibility to review the hour without unlocking the screen, relevant at night, so it does not cause discomfort to the eyes.

Proponuёm your uvazi vіdminny addendum under the name "", for the work of which you will need the Android platform with the version of the operating system 4.3 or more. The lads from the creative studio "Ideal Apps Tech" were engaged in the development of the proponated programs, which are not the first to create various utilities for gadgets and tablets. Representations of the project are more comfortable and functional years, yakі poddayutsya namovіrno gnuchka nalashtuvannya.

It is necessary to note that the supplement "" was lost without the Russian translation, but the minimalistic and intuitively sensible interface is quite difficult to understand. Everything is necessary for the color, it depends on the main settings, but on its own: choose the style and design of the year, its color, and also the position on the screen. You can put the classic view with arrows, or choose the current electronic format. The hour will be automatically installed until it is installed on the gadget. After the installation is completed, you will no longer know where the yearbook will be installed: on head side or the screen is blocked.

You will know here a lot of visual solutions, the next date will be shown at the same time.

In general, the project, having taken into account the positive feedback of the koristuvachs, had a ball on Google Play to become 4.5 from five maximum, and the number of downloads reached the pivmillion badge. For a short time you can see the presence of advertising content, but for a small penny contribution you can turn it on. The addendum may be simple and intelligent interface, and do not take up a lot of memory of the gadget, it can become a total of 6.

4 megabytes. The program is completely summable not only with smartphones, but also with tablet computers. Verdict: Viyshov vіdminniy іnstrument z beautiful themes, which will become a good alternative to the standard ones in the future. Presented addendum "" expands on a cost-free basis and is recognized for OS Android, get it according to the request from our site.