Meaning of keyboard buttons

On the keyboard, for the help of some other text, it is known to complete a lot of buttons. Skin z tsikh buttons for chogos needed. At this level, we can look at the keyboard buttons and remember them, so that we can be useful for working with text.

keyboard keys

key Esc. Povna її the name of Escape (it means "Escape") and means "Out". For help with the help of the button, we can close some programs. The big world is worth the computer games.

In one row with Esc there are a few buttons, the names of which start with latin letters F. Appointed stench in order to control the computer without the aid of a bear. Tobto buttons F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12 it is necessary for that, for the help of one, it’s more than just the keyboard to work the same as we work with a bear (open and close folders and files, change their names, copy and so on). But to know the meaning of the skin button is notorious neobov'yazkovo - more people spend ten years using the computer and understand not about the life of these buttons. І Vitezh you can not give them respect.

Below there is a row of buttons with numbers and signs (! "" No.;%:? * І etc.).

To replace the numbers with another sign, press the key with the required sign, pressing the Shift button with it.

If the sign is different from the one you need, try to change the alphabet (right-handed below).

On rich keyboards, the numbers are more and more right side.

The stench is spread out in the same way, like on calculators, and for wealthy people more rich.

Be sure that these numbers do not work. You press the key z required number And she won't be friends. This means that the numeric keypad is disabled. In order to turn it on, you need to press the Num Lock button once.

Let's move on to the most important part - to the central part of the keyboard keys. Tse tі klavishі, yakami drukuyut text.

As a rule, there are two letters on the skin buttons - one foreign, another Russian. In order to slander the letter of the required language, you are guilty of reprimands in the lower part of the screen.

The computer "chooses" the letters of that alphabet, which is the one for the new installations.

You can also change the alphabet by clicking on the two buttons in a row:

Shift і alt

Shift і ctrl

How to overrule a great (capital) letter

In order to abuse great letter, It is necessary to press the Shift key, and at the same time press it on the required letter.

How to punish the point and to whom

As soon as the Russian alphabet is installed, in order to instruct the point, it is necessary to press the remaining button in the lower letter row. Vaughn is in front of the Shift button.

In order to insult someone, press the button, pressing down on the Shift button.

If the English alphabet is used, for another dot it is necessary to press the key, as it is in front of the Russian dot. The letter "U" is written on it.

And the coma in the English alphabet is there, where the Russian letter “B” is written (before the English dot).

The Tab button is needed to enter the proposition cob. This entry is also called a paragraph or a new row. Click the bear on the cob of the text and press the Tab key. If the new row is correctly stitched, then the text of the troch will move to the right.

Under the key, to start a new row, the Caps Lock key will appear. She is victorious in order to create great letters.

Click on Caps Lock once and let it go. Try to abuse a word. All letters will be great. To say the function, click on the Caps Lock button again and let go. Letters, like before, will be small.

For a long time, the bottom button on the keyboard is called a space. Vaughn is needed in order to work between words.

On the right side of the mountain there is a Backspace button. Often, an arrow is simply painted on it, straightened to the left.

This button is needed to erase letters. Vaughn picks up those letters, as if instructed in front of a fleeting stick (cursor). Also, the Backspace button is tweaked to make the text appear wider.

Under the key to see the text, there is the Enter key.

Vaughn is recognized in order to lower the text lower and go to the next row.

Let's look at the buttons, which are between the alphabetic and numeric keypad. These are buttons such as Insert, Home, Page Up, Delete, End, Page Down and buttons with arrows. The stench is needed in order to practice with the text without the help of a bear.

Arrows can move a blinking cursor (a blinking stick) over the text.

The Delete button is used to delete. True, on the view of the Backspace key, they spoke about it earlier, Delete sees the letters after the blinking cursor.

home button move the blinking cursor to the cob of the row, and the End key - to the end.

The Page Up key moves the blinking cursor to the top of the page, and Page Down (Pg Dn) - to the end of the page.

The Insert button is needed in order to copy the text on the already abused one. If you press this button, then the new text will be different, erasing the old one. To say the least, you need to press the Insert key again.

All these buttons are not obov'yazkovі and vikoristovuyutsya by people seldom or vzagali nikola.

Also on your keyboard there can be buttons Print Screen, Scroll Lock, Pause / Break.

The Scroll Lock key may be completely marna. Tobto won't simply work. And according to the idea, it is guilty to serve in order to scroll the information up and down - so, like robbing the wheel on a computer bear.

The Pause/Break key is not practical at all. Vzagali, won recognized, schob pozupiniti chinny kom'yuterny process.

And the axis of the Print Screen button can be hard for us. Vaughn “photographs” the screen. Let's choose which screen image we can insert into Word program or Paint. Such a photograph of the screen is called a screenshot.

At this article, we looked at the keys of the keyboard. Rich of them, better for everything, you will never need. And then there are the keys of the keyboard, with which you will often do it.

Keypad buttons to remember

If you press that button i, not letting in її, like a letter, then the great friend will be out. Yakscho Wee want to injure the symbol: No! ()*? “+ That in., And not a number, then it is necessary to press and press the “Shift” button at the same time as the number, on a certain symbol.

After pressing the button, all letters will be great. To turn the seal in small letters, you need to press the Caps Lock button again.

Rob v_dstup (new row).

Pass. For help with the help of the button, you can work it out between words.

Drop one row down. For which you need to put a blinking stick (blinking cursor) on the cob of that part of the text, if you want to lower it down, and press the Enter button.

Sees the character in front of the blinking cursor. Seemingly simpler, erase the text. Also, the button moves the text one row higher. To do this, you need to put a blinking stick (a blinking cursor) on the cob of that part of the text, as you want to raise it up, and click on the “Backspace” button.

All other buttons of the keyboard, the cream of letters, numbers and signs, vikoristovuyutsya rarely or vzagali nicoli.

On the keyboard, for the help of which you can read the text,
Known to finish a lot of buttons. Leather with 3 buttons for Chogos
needed. In this article, the keyboard buttons are visible and memorized
tі z them, yakі become in favor of us for the work with the text.
keyboard buttons
- key Esc.
Povny її; the name Escape and means won "Exit". Tobto for help
tsієї buttons we can close some programs. Bigger world
stosuetsya computer games.
A row of buttons, which originates from the Latin letters
F appointments in order to control the computer without the aid of a bear.
Tobto buttons F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12
for that, for the help of one, only the keyboard should work those who
mi robimo with a bear (open and close folders and files, change
their name, copy and so on). More people by ten years
koristuyuyutsya computer and do not know about one of the buttons. I also
may not; give them respect.
Below there is a row of buttons with numbers and signs (! "" No.;%:? * І etc.).

To replace the numbers with another sign, press the key with the required sign, pressing the Shift button with it.

Like a sign of friendship not that one, like Vee; if you want to abuse, try to change the alphabet (right-handed below).

On the rich keyboards, the numbers are located on the right side.

The stench is spread just the same as on calculators and for rich people more lucrative.
Be sure that these numbers do not work. You press on the key with the need
number, but won't make friends. Tse means that the digital part is turned off
keyboards. In order to turn it on, you just need to press once
to the Num Lock button.

Let's move on to the most important part of the keyboard - to the central part of the keys. Under the upper digits there are letters.

Zalezhno depending on what alphabet of installations
on the computer, these letters are different. The alphabet can be changed by pressing
on the button for identifying the movie at the bottom of the screen.

So the alphabet can be changed by pressing on; two buttons in a row:

Shift і alt
Shift і ctrl
How to overrule a great (capital) letter
In order to abuse the great letter, it is necessary to press the Shift key and simultaneously press it on the required letter.
+ letter

How to punish the point and to whom
As soon as the Russian alphabet was installed, then in order to
to overrule the dot, it is necessary to press the remaining button in the lower letter
row. Vaughn is in front of the Shift button.

In order to insult someone, press the button, pressing down on the Shift button.
If the English alphabet is set, it is necessary to instruct the dot
press on the key, as if in front of the Russian dot. On nіy
sound the letter "U" is written.

And the coma in the English alphabet is there, where the Russian letter “B” is written (before the English dot).

- The Tab button is needed to enter the proposition cob.
This entry is also called a paragraph or a new row. click the bear
on the top of the text and press the Tab key. Like a new row is correct
nalashtovana, then the text of the troch is shifted to the right.
Under the key
How to create a new row is the Caps Lock key. won
vikoristovuetsya in order to drukuvat great letters.

Click on Caps Lock once and let go
її. Try to abuse a word. All letters will be friendly
great. To say the function, click on the Caps button again
Lock and let go. Letters, like before, will be small.
For a long time, the bottom button on the keyboard is called a space. Vaughn is needed for that to work between words.

On the other side of the mountain there is a Backspace button. Often, an arrow is simply painted on it, straightened to the left.

This button is needed to erase letters. won
tidy up those letters, as if they were instructed in front of the blinking cursor, tobto
in front of a quick stick. Also, the Backspace button is twisted in order to
schob pіdnіmati text higher.
Under the key to see the text, there is the Enter key.

Vaughn is recognized in order to lower the text lower and go to the next row.
We can look at the buttons, which can be found between letters and numbers
keyboard. The same buttons as Insert, Home, Page Up, Delete, End,
Page Down and buttons with arrows. The stench is needed in order to practice
with the text without the help of a bear.

Arrows can move the blinking cursor (quickly
stick) according to the text. Use the Delete button to delete. truth,
on the view of the Backspace key, we spoke about it earlier, Delete
see the letters after the blinking cursor. The Home button moves blinkers
the cursor is on the ear of the row, and the End key is on the end. Page key
Up moves the blinking cursor to the top of the page, and Page Down - to the end
sides. Insert button in order to edit the text on the insert
overwrought. If you press this button, then the new text will be
drukuvatisya erasing the old. Schob tse skasuvati, it is necessary to press again
on the Insert key.
All these buttons are not obov'yazkovі and vikoristovuyutsya by people seldom or vzagali nikola.
Also on your keyboard there can be buttons Print Screen, Scroll Lock, Pause / Break.
The Scroll Lock key may be completely marna. Tobto won
it just doesn't work. And according to the idea, she is guilty of serving, in order to
to scroll the information up and down, then, how to rob
on a computer bear. The Pause / Break key is also practical
don't work. Vzagali won recognized, schob pozupiniti chinny
computer process.
And the axis is the Print Screen button, we can but
Korisna. Vaughn “photographs” the screen. Let's take a look at the screen we can
Paste in Word or Paint. Such a photograph of the screen is called a screenshot.

At this article, we looked at the keys of the keyboard.
Rich of them, better for everything, you will never need. Ale є
those keys of the keyboard, with which you will sing often.
Keypad buttons to remember

- so you press this button i, without letting in її, like a letter,
then there is a great friend. Yakscho Wee want to injure the symbol: No! () *
? “+ That in., And not a number, then you need to press and press the “Shift” button
at once with a number, like a daubing symbol.

- after pressing the button, all letters will be great. shob
turn the seal in small letters, you need to press the Caps button again
- rob a vіdstup (new row).
- tried. For help with the help of the button, you can work it out between words.

- drop one row down. For whom it is necessary to put a quick wand
(Flickering cursor) on the cob tієї part of the text, if you want to omit
down and press the Enter button.

- see the symbol in front of the blinking cursor. Seemingly simpler, erase the text.
So podnіmaє text a row higher. For whom it is necessary to put a quick
wand (blinking cursor) on the cob
lift up the hill, and press the button.
All other buttons of the keyboard, letters, numbers and signs, vikoristovuyutsya seldom or vzagali nikola.


If you work a lot with a computer, then you know that it is necessary for a smart and productive work to do without a mouse. How to hack better: Windows, Chrome, Firefox, Gmail, Mac, MS Excel, MS Word?


Ctrl + L or ALT + D or F6 - go to the address row and see її instead;
Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E - go to the address row and enter the letter before the selected one for the prompt;
Ctrl + Enter - move tratata to the address bar in www.tratata. com

Ctrl + T - new tab;
Ctrl + N - new window;
Ctrl + Shift + T - rotate the left closed tab;
Ctrl + Shift + N - secret rіven "Chrome" New window in "incognito" mode;
Shift + Esc - another secret rіven
Wake up task manager;
Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + PageDown- yak і everywhere, we turn the tabs to the right;
Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + PageUp - flip the tabs right to left;
Ctrl + 1, ..., Ctrl + 8 - switch between the first eight tabs;
Ctrl + 9 - switch to the last tab;
Backspace or Alt + left arrow - go to the front side in the history of the flow tab;
Shift + Backspace or Alt + right arrow - go to the next side in the history of the flow tab;
Shift + Alt + T - go to the button toolbar; after that, you can move along it with the arrows to the left and right, and select the Enter button;
Ctrl + J - open the tab of all interests;
Ctrl + Shift + J - open the tool of the retailer (menu Look at the element code);
Ctrl + W or Ctrl + F4 - close the active tab or close the window;
Ctrl + R or F5 - like everywhere, open (open tab);
Ctrl + H - open the History tab;
Ctrl + Shift + Delete - clear history window;
Ctrl + F or Ctrl + G - search for the text on the open side;
Ctrl + U - revision of the HTML source of the page; before speech, address row type view-source: FULL_URL show the source of the third URL;
Ctrl + O - like and everywhere, opening the file ... and the menu "File" is not needed;
Ctrl + S - similarly - saving the flow side;
Ctrl + P - other thread side;
Ctrl + D - add to bookmarks, like in most browsers;
Ctrl + Shift + B - open Bookmark Manager;
Alt + Home - turn to home side;
Ctrl ++ (plus), Ctrl + - (minus) - zoom in and out; “Plus” and “minus” can be variable or else;
Ctrl + 0 - rotate to 100% display scale;
F11 - in top screen i back.
Vіdkrivaty posilannya in "chrome" tezh manually, so call, and the right mouse button is not needed:
Ctrl + click on the message (option - click on the message with the middle mouse button or the scroll wheel) - open the message in a new tab without switching to it;
Ctrl + Shift + pressing on the message (option - Shift + pressing on the message with the middle button of the mouse or the scroll wheel) - open the message in a new tab with a switch to it;
Shift + pushing on the force - pushing the force in the new century.


  • Raise or lower the side. Skip - lower the side, Shift + space - raise the side.
  • Know. Ctrl + F or Alt-N for the offensive side.
  • Add side to bookmarks. ctrl+d.
  • Shvidky joke./.
  • New tab. Ctrl + T
  • Go to the joke panel. Ctrl+K
  • Go to address row. Ctrl+L
  • Expanding the text. Ctrl+=. Change text sizeCtrl + -
  • Close the tab. ctrl-w.
  • Update side. F5.
  • Go to the home page. Alt home.
  • Reinstate the closed side. Ctrl+Shift+T.
  • Bookmarks for keywords. The most productive. If you visit the site often, bookmark it (great!), then go to the bookmark powers (click on them) right button mice). add a short keyword in the row of entering keywords, save, and after that you can simply enter in the address row (Ctrl + L) the same keyword and immediately go to the site.


  • Write a new sheet. C.
  • Feedback on the sheet. R.
  • Reply to all.A.
  • Send the sheet. F.
  • Save the flow sheet and read the next letter. Y + O.
  • See the sheet and open the step. # + O (or Shift-3 + O).
  • Submit the writing sheet. Tab-Enter.
  • Poshuk. /.
  • Navigation. Move down J and up K for the list of contacts.
  • Reminder sheet. N і P move the cursor on the step or forward of the step and the list of updates.
  • Nekhtuvati. M- sheets with assigned addresses are no longer included in the list of input sheets and are archived.
  • Choose a conversation. X - a sheet of leaves will be selected. You can archive, upload a shortcut to it and choose a day for it.
  • Save the black one. Control-S.
  • Go to the list of povіdomlen. G+I.
  • Go to mark sheets. G+S.
  • Go to the address book. G+C.


  • Creation of combinations of keys of a swedish remikation. In order to create a combination of keys for a swedish remembrance, right-click on the mouse button at the end of the key combination for a swedish remoke (this is the same on your working table) and enter the combination. For example, such as Ctrl-Alt-W for the Word program.
  • Peremikannya between viknami. Alt-Tab - choose the next choice, after which you will lower the keys. or take it easy Windows key, Press on Tab in order to go through the buttons on the task panel and know what is needed, then, knowing this, press Enter. If you add the Shift button to any of these methods, the choice will be in the right direction.
  • Go to the working style. Windows-D key.
  • Context menu. Instead, right-click on the mouse and press Shift-F10. Let's go uphill or down for help keys with arrows up and down.
  • Vimknennya. In order to quickly turn off the computer, press the Window key, and then U. With this key, you can also press S to pause, U to turn off, or R to restart.
  • Naibіlsh zagalne. Vice, obviously, you know, but for beginners, you need to guess the most combinations: Ctrl-O- open, Ctrl-S - save, Ctrl-N - open new document, Ctrl-W - close window, Ctrl-C - copy, Ctrl -V - paste, Ctrl-X - view. Ctrl-Z - skew (back), Ctrl-Y - skew (forward). In order to change the clipboard in MS Office, press Ctrl-C keys. Ctrl-Home - go to the beginning of the document, Ctrl-End - go to the end.
  • Menu. If you press Alt, a menu appears, in which case it is necessary to use, vicorist buttons with arrows. Alt plus the sub-armchair letter of the skin option of the menu leads to the choice of options. Or just remember the combination of keys for this option for even more Swedish music.
  • Windows Explorer (Explorer). Windows-E - the My Computer program starts.

Mac operating system

  • Reminder Dock. Option-Cmd-D - Show / Hide Dock.
  • Hide everything else. cmd-option-h Lighten up your screen.
  • Close the window. Cmd-W closes the active window. Option-Cmd-W closes all windows.
  • Open up the catalog. Option-Cmd-Right Arrow - Expand the directory and subdirectories in the Finder list.
  • Forward and back. Cmd- [andCmd-] works with Finder, Safari and Firefox.
  • Copy screen. Cmd-Shift-3 - for the entire screen. Cmd-Shift-4 - create a cordon for copying the selected part of the screen.
  • Exit. Shift-Cmd-Q - Exit zdіysny in 2 hvilin. shift-option-cmd-q
  • Clean up the cat. Shift-Cmd-Delete.
  • New window in Safari. Cmd-T.
  • Help. Cmd-shift-?.
  • CD acquisition. Press C and at the start of the hour (once after the melody) grab the CD.
  • Get involved with another business. Option-Cmd-Shift-Delete - quite a bit of a rush until you find another driver, such as a CD or a disk.
  • Additional information. Cmd-Option-I opens a window with additional information, as it allows you to work and match a lot of files and folders in one window.
  • Sleeping mode, re-adjustment and remembrance. Cmd-option-eject, Cmd-ctrl-eject, and Cmd-Option-ctrl-eject.
  • Primus' shutdown. Cmd-opt-Esc - basic, but also more subtle.
  • Swedish FTP protocol. Cmd-K to connect to the server.

MS Excel

  • Editing the middle. F2. Chantly, this is the main key, it is necessary to know.
  • Select columns. Ctrl-prob.
  • Choose a row. Shift-prob.
  • Groshy format. Ctrl + Shift + 4 (more precisely, Ctrl + $).
  • percentage format. Ctrl + Shift + 5 (more precisely, Ctrl +%).
  • To the beginning. Ctrl-Home to kill the middle of A1 active.
  • Introduction of streaming data. Ctrl-double.
  • Introducing a streaming hour. Ctrl-sign of the delay.
  • Copy the middle. ctrl- paws copy the top boxes (without formatting).
  • Cell format. Ctrl-1 to change the format of the middles.
  • Navigation. Ctrl-PageUp and Ctrl-PageDown.
  • Bagatorazovy introduction. Ctrl-Enter Replaces a simple Enter, after entering data in one of the selected rows, transferring data to the other selected rows.

MS Word

  • Format after lock. Ctrl-Space toggles the normal style for streaming and small text entry.
  • Spacing between paragraphs. Ctrl-0 (zero to the head on the keyboard) add or remove the spacing before the line paragraph. Ctrl-1 (on the keyboard) - single inter-row interval paragraph. Ctrl-2 (higher on the keyboard) - subscript line spacing for a paragraph. Ctrl-5 (select on the keyboard) changes the row interval to one and a half.
  • Give the update to that hour. Alt + Shift + D - update the date. Alt + Shift + T - update the hour.