The swipe key on the computer. How can I tell you to stay on the computer? Operating system upgrade

They often trap in such a way that it is disrespectful for coristuvachi to shy away changes in documents, as it is necessary to turn back. At text processor Microsoft Wordіsnuє mozhlivіst skasuvannya dії ta repeat the rest ї dії. The first team is recognized in order to tell the rest of the koristuvach, and the friend - to do it again, not rolyachi tsikh diy, say kasuvannya diy. Didn't you understand? Todi, let's deal with tsimi supra-visually important functions on the simplest example.

Working with a document at the Microsoft Word text processor is similar to scrolling a movie - skin for texting, whether it's inserting an image, typing a symbol or yogo, similar to a movie frame. І frames in Microsoft Word programs are recorded. At any moment, a short-haired person can turn back a few frames, and then turn to the last frame.

To pay attention that you do not need to worry about creating a systemic picture, the first time will start a trip in the past, the program will work when the system is updated. It is not necessary to turn back at the hour, just to take one file, which we are left behind. Although it is less intuitive, the program also provides a tool for updating a few documents from old system photos on "File Update".

On the first line, enter the name of the file, which you want to know, and select from the sign, which wine you want to know. Obviously, the hour of the search is much longer, the lower is simply scanning on local disk. After that, as you know those who were joking, press the button "Copy to" and select the folder in which to save it.

The program Microsoft Word for Work with the functions of managing and repeating the task has two options:

  • first- For the help of the keyboardists. To scribble the rest of the scribbled line, use the Ctrl + Z keys, and to repeat the previous slashed and slashed lines, use the Ctrl + Y keys;
  • other- Wikoristannya specially designed for the purpose of buttons on the panel swedish access, which are found at the left upper part of the head working window Microsoft software word. At this point, for scribbling the rest of the dії koristuvach, click on the button, and for repeating already slacking off and earlier scribbling dіy - on the button.

The Microsoft Word text processor pronounces the majestic functionality of working with documents of any size and complexity. Assimilation of the methods described in these articles, to assist in the processing of documents in the kilka more effectively, not depending on the formatting, but the guarantee of the concentration of the coristuvach on the canvas. Below there are hopes for a sprinkling of the main joys, with which it is necessary to coristuate when moving behind a document.

Unfortunately, we can't accept the file forward revision. Nareshti, choose a customization for the selection of programs from the “Settings” branch. І to adjust the frequency of the automatic system of photos and other important events, changing the rate to a replacement for programs that prevent them from making unauthorized changes.

If the program is more secure, do not forget about those that the program is not guilty of vikoristan without diligent care. Keep in mind that software security cannot turn around at any hour before the installation, there is no trace of it, to add to their defense. Obov'yazkovo vyslovlyuvat their thoughts, make propositions and robiti respect.

  • Vykorist different modes of displaying a document for editing rіznih zavdan. In the skin mode, non-essential elements of the interface are specially tidied up and the emphasis is on quiet elements, which help to achieve specific tasks for the skin appearance.
  • Vykorist hot keys. Having learned how to operate the keys, you can quickly speed up the work with a text processor.
  • Copy and view in place of the document to move and dub in place in other areas of the document. Since parts of the document are similar, it is easier to make a copy and change a small part, and not rewrite it all over again.
  • Change the clipboard for robots with kіlkom urvkami instead of the document. Change the transfer time of two documents in the exchange buffer to speed up the number of operations.
  • Scroll the Navigation panel to review and edit the structure of a future document. Unique feature new version Microsoft Word allows you to edit the structure of a document by simply clicking the mouse.
  • Use the search bar of the Navigation panel to search for simple answers and the dialogue window Find and Replace (Find and Replace) for folding pads.

This article describes three operations, which will help you to clarify the pardons and improve the efficiency of editing.

Shorazu, if you are interested or you are trying to install new group, addendum, update software, and make changes to your computer. Any changes can make your system unstable. Have you ever tried to turn around before, how could it be earlier?

System updates do not apply to your files of special data, so you will not miss the annual changes made to these files. How do you work on updating the system? Numerous signs are called points of inspiration. If you have installed the program, if you have made your computer unstable, you can check the system update, select the reset point and rotate the computer to a more stable state.

Skasuvannya diy

You can say all the commands in excel, for the help of the command Skasuwati on the access panel. The Quick Access Toolbar usually appears as a black header row in Excel. You can also push ctrl+z for skasuvannya diy.

Choose Skasuwati, after that, like a pardon, they beat the team, and this team will be skazovana, nibi vi її vzagali n_koli and didn’t win. You can check the result of the remaining 100 last commands by pressing the button Skasuwati richly developed

If you don't beat your computer every day, a few days may not bring the same point of inspiration. If you often use your computer, you may need to restore points for a few days, and a few days can bring up different points of discovery. Tick ​​"System Update" to check the changes that have been made to your computer.

First open the system update console, it is recommended to save the robot and close all your programs, the windows for updating the system need to restart the computer. There are two ways to access systemic innovation- or for help dovodki and pіdtrimki, or through the folder "All programs".

However, deyakі dії vy you can't tell. Usі commands, yakі vykonuyutsya for help button File, for example, saving a book, you can’t say it. If you press the button with the arrow, the right-handed button is pressed Skasuwati, then list the rest of the commands, as you can say (Fig. 6.1). You can see in a row a set of such commands, so that you can say a kіlka and one clatter. A sim diy was seen on the little one.

Through the menu "All programs". The creation of a change point can be corrected at any hour, if you check the change made to your computer, as if you were under threat, or to make it unstable. Creation of a point of inspiration. In order to look back or turn around to the point of renewal, on the screen "We kindly ask you to the system of renewal" at the Master of the system, select the command "Backup computer earlier". Let's choose the date of creation of the hotspot from the calendar on the "Choose hotspot" screen.

All the points of the anniversary, created at the selected date, are rearranged by name in the list at the right side of the calendar. Note. System upgrades do not replace the software removal process. I'll restore the files, installed by the program, it is necessary to remove the program for help "Installing that removed program" on the installation panel or the program itself. To open "Installing that remote program", press "Start", select "Checkout panel", and then "Installing that remote program".

Be careful, you can't tell the effect of the macro. Really launching a macro that changes the sheet, erasing all the information you want to say. There is no such obvious lack of Excel in Microsoft Word.

Rotation diy

The Rotate button (the right-handed Shift button on the quick access panel has been changed), in fact, the Shift command. If you said too much too late, you can press the Rotate button (or press ctrl+y or F4) for the rotation of the commands, if they were requested.

schob skasuvati rest day, select "Edit" → "Review" from the image menu. Often you judge badly about the infusion of "re-operation", often after saying yoga. Call the operation more quickly and do not use additional resources, or do not change the history of the story, there is no counter-indication for that. As you often know that you are copying and rewriting a lot of signs, you can replace it with a dialogue in the “History of the anulator”, in silence, as if showing a miniature of the skin chronicle, allowing you to just go back and forth.

Repeat diy

You can repeat a lot of operations, pushing ctrl+y or F4. This command simply repeats the rest of the action. However, as the remainder of the operation was the operation of Skasuwati, the result is її diї skasovuєtsya (as described in the previous section).

Repetition of commands can be offset from the plan for saving an hour. I'll give you an example. You can set up impersonal formatting (set the font size, image boldness, background color and frame) for the commercial for additional dialog box Format of the commercials. After closing the dialog box, you can easily set similar formatting parameters for other middle or ranges by pressing Ctrl+Y. Otherwise, we may need to insert empty rows at the singing places of the arch. For whom, sign the command Golovna → Oseredki → Insert → Insert rows on arcush once, then insert the cursor at the table, insert the next row into the yak, and press ctrl+y to repeat the insert row command.

Annihilation depends on the song function of the image: "history of annihilation" is an element of the image itself. For rich operations, even a little memory may be needed, in order to allow the typing of even long sequences of commands, the first time will be needed the first time to see the history. A lot of operations are squeezed, so many of them occupy only a point in history, є operations, as they take up a lot of memory, so only the deacons of these operations can be victorious until they are moved between memories.

Excel also has a button Repeat, but call out it is not available. Next to dodamo її on the access panel.

  1. click right button mice on the quick access panel and in context menu Choose Adjustment of the swedish access panel. As a result, a dialogue box will appear Excel Options on deposit Access panel.
  2. At the list that opens up Choose a team to select an item Frequently won teams.
  3. Select from the list of commands Repeat.
  4. Press button Add to add the selected command to the access panel.
  5. Press OK to close the dialogue window Excel Options.

You can ask, now you want to add the button Repeat on the access panel, so that you can use the given keys ctrl+y. First, when you hover the mouse over the Excel button, a description of the operation to be repeated will be displayed (Fig. 6.2). Otherwise, the button Repeat becomes inactive, so you cannot repeat leave the team. a kind of visual signal, which will help you to avoid inappropriate attempts to repeat those that simply cannot be repeated.

Operations that cannot be told

May all the operations from the images be associated, and the operations that change the images will sound during the day. Remain to include image saving, copying yoga, copying part of an image to the clipboard, and so on. іsnuyut also deakі vinyatki: Shvidke perekannya the masks can be skewed, but it won't change the image.

Use a few important operations, as they change the image, but they cannot be touched. The history of annotations is a component of the image, so if you close the image, all the resources, like you borrow, are expanded, and at the same time from them the history.

Unfortunately, the redo operation function is not always available. In some vipadkas you can see what is pushing ctrl+y does not give the desired effect (want to). In other situations, onslaught ctrl+y you can repeat the command, Yaku V was beaten in front of the front team.

"Update" the image means reloading yoga files. Deyakі іnstrumenti vymagayut, schob vy vykonuvali folded nabіr rozrobok before, like the stench of nabula chivalry, but can be skasovanі less in the block, and not once. For example, intellectual knives are responsible for creating closed paths, clicking on the image dot, and then clicking in the middle of the path to create a vision. Okremі points can't be pinned. Skasuvannya gradually saw all the points, as if on the cob of an operation. The second example is based on a text tool, you can’t say the okremі letters or change the font: Anulyuvannya always see the text, which you have done well.