Chi can be defragmented sSD. Everything you need to know about hard drive defragmentation

we already told you what kind of SSD and how to install it correctly in a laptop or a computer.

In addition to that, I need to clarify one point: Windows 7 itself is not properly optimized for working with SSDs.
It was rozroblyalasya out for robots with the most powerful mechanical HDD. The first service and operation, which vibrates Windows 7, not only slows down the system, but also causes unreasonable "glitches" when working with SSD and up to the yogi shvidno znoshuvannya.

At this article, we can tell you how to correctly fix and optimize Windows 7 for robotic SSDs.

Before the cob works with SSD strongly recommended Update the SSD firmware from the official website of the virobnik. Shchob at a distant get away "glitches" from robots.
At the same time, on all SSDs, you can update the firmware directly from Windows at once with data. But for insurance, it’s better to work on a “clean SSD”, so that you can save important information.
Instructions and methods for flashing your SSD only on official sites and forums of virobniki.

Otzhe. After installation required drivers, we need to optimize the OS itself
More specifically:
- turn on or transfer the OS download file;
- enable indexing and caching of SSD;
- disable defragmentation of SSD;
- Wimknut Prefetch and Superfetch;
- including system renewal;
- enable hibernation;
- Verify that TRIM is enabled
- For SSD+HDD systems, you can transfer the TEMP folder.

Note: all manipulations are a panacea, and no one will give you a 100% guarantee. There were some drops, if the performance of some SSDs was reduced when the cache was turned on (mainly on the SandForce controller).
The result of the skin is different on its own, which requires optimization for your SSD.

And so, since you still firmly believed that you need optimization, then let's get down to polishing:
First business enabled or portable upload file.
Vіn vikoristovuєtsya system for sberіgannya timchasovyh data for lack of commitment to operational memory.
Oftentimes, or rather, writing / overwriting data on an SSD is very easy to do in the middle.
So it will be optimal unmute the swap file , as you have enough operational memory more than 4Gb .
For example, 4Gb and less, you can move it to the HDD or increase the amount of RAM.

To unmute the download file, it is necessary at the end Computer right-click on the mouse and go to power systems

Potim at the depositor Added system parameters/Dodatkovo/Parameters/Dodatkovo click Change

Check the box "automatically" and put "without download file" and click Ask

The system will be welded, but wait a minute and then restart the computer.
If there is not enough RAM, then we can transfer the backup file by specifying on which disk to back up the space or set minimum size, Yakoyu ask the system.

Also, in systems where SSD and HDD are installed, you can transfer from SSD to HDD system folder TEMP, which Windows saves time files.
- we create a TEMP folder on the HDD, for example, on the D drive (you know what D: - I didn’t put it on the HDD), and robimo її hooked, so that I didn’t “bump” my eyes :)
- right-click on the "Computer" icon and select "Power".
- At the end of the day, select the item "Additional system parameters".
- On the tab Dodatkovo press the button "Change the middle"

"TEMP" and "TMP" values ​​are changed to D:\TEMP

Press "OK", then "Stop"

offensive crock including indexing and caching of SSDs.
Since SSD is richer than HDD, and the speed of searching for files, and also the richer speed of recording, then the SSD functions are not needed. As an addendum, we suggest the need to record data in case of power outages. Including these functions, so that the data was not indexed in the RAM and was not cached in the SSD buffer.
Note: For current SSD models based on SandForce controllers, it is not recommended to plug in the keshuvannya However, the reading/writing speed of an SSD can be significantly reduced (as an estimate of the firmware code of a Windows 7 disk system).

At the explorer, right-click on the C drive: and at the power of the C drive: check the box "Allow indexing ..."
Zastosovuєmo just before the disk:

Right click on our SSD Power/Politics enable file caching

offensive crock enabling SSD defragmentation.
On the SSD, direct access to files and so it’s easy to do so, and it’s not necessary to defragment it.
Tsya tekhnologiya bula rozrobleny for sizable HDDs and in the case of SSDs, it is not enough to harm the middle SSDs.

Including defragmentation in the power of our C: drive. Click with the right mouse button on drive C: and on tabs Power/Service/Vikonati defragmentation included Defragmentation by layout

You can also enable the defragmentation service in the distribution Management/Services If there is an SSD + HDD installed in the system, then defragmentation for our original HDD will not be available. The service can be restarted only in quiet systems, only SSDs (for example, a laptop) can be deactivated.

Dali included Prefetch and Superfetch.
Tse components of the OS, which speed up the process of її cob zavantazhennya, as well as a short time to launch the program.
Ale, so like an SSD and so "sweet", and the OS is not worthy for a few seconds, we don't need stink.

Prefetcher (front selection) - the whole component of the manager Windows memory 7, yaky vіdpovіdaє for optimum zavantazhennya operating system and often vikoristovuvanih programs. The previous selection is the selection of the entry into the operational memory of the data necessary for the launch of the singing processes, the first and lower processes will be launched. Given technology With the exception of the SSD, only clogging up the operational memory with non-essential processes.

Superfetch (Supervibrka) vykonu all functions of the front vibrator plus a sprat of additional functions. The advantage of the supervibration is that it has spared one of the worst shortfalls in the technology of the front vibrator. The previous selection will take into account more files and data, necessary for the launch of the program or the process, in order to increase the speed of its launch. However, if other programs are saved to memory, the data will be transferred to a hard disk, a download file. If the data is needed again, the system will zavantazhuvat them back from the backup file in memory, so it’s not necessary to prevent frequent overwriting of the middle of the SSD

You can turn on these components at the Windows registry. To open the registry, press the Win + R buttons at once (button Win ) may show up at the window Viconati...

I enter the command regedit

Vіdkriєtsya Windows registry. We move on the road HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters and in the parameters (binary click after the parameter) EnablePrefetcher і EnableSuperfetch change the value to zero "0". Please change

Also included Renovation of the system.
If you want a good meal, whatever you need. Ale mi, we turn on the exchange of recording information on our SSD.
For me, it's much quicker to restore the system from the Acronis True Image backup image, and look for system checkpoints below.

You can turn up the renewal in Computer power/System protection/Nalashtuvati

I live! IN rest days chimalo Bulo said about defragmentation hard drives i about those . Today we are stuck with those defragmentation SSD accumulators. Let's do it.

If you have read our articles before, you already know that. You need knowledge to understand the current topic.

What is the need for defragmentation of SSD accumulators?

Vidpovid - SSD defragmentation is NOT NEEDED!

Why? Axis wonder, in HDD disks, information is read by a mechanical path. Tobto the head of the hard drive, which reads, collapses along the entire diameter of the disk, in order to know the required file. In this case, it is obviously necessary to make it easier for the hard disk robot and to group the defragmented files in a manual order for reading. Files, which are often needed by the system, are located closer to the center of the disk. First of all - it's rare that files are vindicated and submitted to the center, so as not to overwhelm the robots with the most important files.

As far as SSD storage is concerned, there are no mechanical parts in them and for reading it is not necessary for a long time to shukati the file, adje zchituvannya s be-any mistSSD storage is charged for the duration of milliseconds. For this reason, the need to defragment the SSD accumulates by itself. Until then, there is a shkidliva youmu.

Why is defragmentation hard for a storage SSD?

As you already know, an important aspect of SSD storage is the storage of a sizable hard drive and the exchange of cycles for recording. Tobto, їх cannot be overwritten forever. Although nothing lasts forever, and, before that, the stock of cihs “overwriting cycles” for SSDs is already great. Tim does not change, but the hour of defragmentation is silently overwriting and moving files to and fragmenting files. І tse, as you know, it means that the term for the life of SSD accumulating is short.

How to disable automatic defragmentation of a storage SSD?

From the very beginning, as you have recognized today, you may have a good supply of food. Why don't I have automatic defragmentation of the SSD enabled? І how її winknut?". I will hasten to calm you down. If you win Windows 7 or more, the system itself turns on automatic defragmentation, just like you can get SSD storage on board. Tom turbuvatisya a lot about scho.

And if Windows XP or Vista, then using SSD storage devices with such versions of operating systems is strongly not recommended. The stench is completely insane. Tse to bring up to the level of swedish znoshuvannya SSD accumulating.

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In this article, we can look at the installation of the operating system for optimal SSD operation, especially the operation of Windows services, as well as the tricks for more stable work An SSD disk is a better service term.

Intro: SSD and HDD drives

Solid state storage device (SSD) significantly overturning the classic hard disk ( HDD) at the speed of reading and writing files.

Tse reach the zavdya new technologies collecting information and methods for reading and recording. With whom solid-state storage devices Mayut obezhennya, pov'yazanі z service term, and navіt mayut a number of features under the hour of work, yakі vplyvayut productivity.

Why are classic hard disks (HDD) more common and what do they add to the speed of their work?

On a hard disk, data is stored on magnetic plates, which are wrapped, and the speed of reading information on different plates of the plate is different. Krіm tsgogo, rіzne rastashuvannya filіv on plates vimagає permanent displacement of the head, scho zchituє, through scho kopiyuvannya or record a large number (especially drіbnyh) filіv ide more povіlno.

Sometimes one file can be recorded in parts on different plates of the plate, which also reduces the speed of reading such a file: the head, which is read, is obliged to move to a new position and check the rotation of the magnetic plate, in order to start reading part of the file.

Why is an SSD disk that has been seen in the kіlka razіv i vіd what to lay yakіst yogo roboti

For SSD drives, data is saved on flash memory crystals (sounds like NAND memory). For access to the middle, the NAND controller, the task of which is to enter the operations of reading and writing the middle, and to send the rozpod_lyat and the advancement.

The speed of access to a small amount of memory in an SSD drive is significantly higher than in an HDD drive. Krіm tsgogo, the controller of the SSD disk can zdіysnyuvat large number of operations from the middle of the memory at once, why should you go even more zbіlshiti vіdriv in shvidkіsnih pokazniki vіd klаsichnyh hard disks.

The downside of this technology is those that the middle of the memory can create a cycle of overwriting.
Guaranteeing a resource to become approximately from 300 thousand to 1 million times.

In such a rank, like aSSD the disk to lie down according to the type of flash memory, as well as to the quality of the controller, which is responsible for balancing the need in such a way that all the middle parts were overwritten equally, and also to implement other important moments of management SSD disk.

What installations and services of the operating system add to the term life of an SSD drive.

Hanging, freezing (freezing) and blue screen of death (BSOD) after installing a new SSD drive.

How did you get stuck with friezes (second computer freezes) or partly blue screens of death after you started victorious new SSD disk, then, better for everything, you need:

  • Insert all stop updating Windows OS.
  • Update the SSD drive firmware.
  • Update the motherboard BIOS.
Tsej nabіr dіy at і lоmu є є є є є scho more zrobiti after the transition to the SSD disk even before the work of optimizing the operating system. The remaining two points are folding procedures for unprepared coristuvachіv, so for their conduction it is better to turn for help to the dosvіdcheni coristuvachiv.

Why is it so important to keep it unoccupied or not rozmіchenim vіd 10 to 30% of the month on the SSD disk.

Bazhano zavzhdy zavzhdy vіlnimi hocha b 20-30% of the month on the SSD disk.

It is necessary for the NAND controller, through which all the logic of the work from the flash memory of the disk, to be implemented, there was a large number of free blocks. Number of blocks can be actively changed in the process of folding the mind, checking the wear and tear, as well as to replace the blocks in flash memory, which went out of whack.
In fact, hard disks may have a special stock for such purposes.
Vin is called " reserve zone» SSD drive. Tsya reserve zone is inaccessible to the operating system, it can only be accessed by the controller.
If the majority of the free space of the disk is over, the controller will have to carry out the operation of moving information in the time blocks of the reserve area.

You chanted that you swore SSD drives Mayut marvelous format: for example, 240GB deputy 256GB. And if you marvel at the obsession of the available space, it will be even smaller, closer 222GB. Your disk may be correct 256GB, i close 8-13% The flash memory of the disk is overwritten for the backup zone.

The great charge of the reserve zone is necessary for the even security of the work of the SSD disk (especially strongly manifested under the great ambitions), as well as the equal load of the independent zone, in addition, the amount of space you have on a new loan. 25% or 95% .

But all virobniks behave differently: deyaki expensive disks in the company Intel can mother to 30% reserve zone(before obsyag, accessible koristuvachevі), at that hour, like other virobniks, pragmatically grow vartist SSD disk as cheap as possible, reduce the zone to 6-7% , or to launch the release of firmware, which allows the coristuvachas to independently change the size. For additional utilities for testing the productivity of an SSD drive, you can independently compare the performance of the same disk with a large number free space that small kіlkіstyu, if the disk is on 95% .
Only in the case of yakіsnih disks with a sufficient reserve zone, the stability of the security of the robot is not guilty of decreasing.

How are Windows 7 services colored for SSDs, and how are they better off?

Defragmentation, time files, indexing - all this means a lot of retrieval to the disk, which is even more important for SSD through the presence of a reduced number of recording cycles, which HDD definitely does not have.

Windows 7 cannot be sprouted fine lashing services and servіsіv vіdpovіdno to the peculiarities of robots and SSD disks. Alternatively, you can turn on the services on your own, which will definitely not help the robotic SSD disk (and sometimes turn on the disk, like, for example, disk defragmentation).

Also, you can make decisions about the inclusion of other services that are not relevant to you. For more information, see the description of such services in Windows 7 and the algorithm for enabling them.

How to defragment an SSD drive in Windows 7

Absolutely non-relevant (more than that, I wear SSD) process, relevant only for simple zhorsky disk (HDD), portability fragments files, rozkidanih on accumulating at different dealerships, speed up reading from the disk.
Fragmentation - it is natural for a hard disk to split files into parts, which are recorded in areas that are physically apart from each other on a magnetic storage of information.
The SSD disk independently distributes data by blocks for the help of the controller and does not require defragmentation.

Let's take a look at how to turn on the defragmentation service in Windows 7:

Krok 1.
Open menu " Start " → we introduce a joke in a row: " defragmentation » → choose the item « Hard disk defragmentation" .
Figure 1. Search and launch the Hard Disk Defragmenter program.
Krok 2
At the window, click on the button " Nalashtuvati layout " → uncheck the box « Vikonuwati for the layout " « OK » → close the dialogue window.
Figure 2
Respect! Tsya diya includes defragmentation for all accumulative systems, incl. that HDD. If necessary, start the process manually.

Removing the Prefetch service from Windows 7.

Tsya service is more well poured into work hard disk, zbіlshyuyuchi shvidkіst zavantazhennya OS and koristuvach PZ.

The service accumulates data about those files and programs that are opened at the hour of OS capture and the first second and work to optimize the methods of downloading to such files. Ale SSD and so it works borderline fast and such optimization is not required.

Tom " Prefetch » you can safely turn on, having accumulated a lot of money for a long time. For which wiki editor the registry editor (regedit):

  1. « Start » → input at the joke: « regedit » → click right mouse button(dalі RMB) in a row with the program found → start in the name of the administrator. Dali shukayemo on ієrarchії (levoruch vіknі) offensive key: « HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters».
  2. Now at the right part of the window we know the point enable Prefetcher , embossed on new PCM → « Change… ».
  3. Change the value 3 (or 1) to 0, save, close the registry editor, restart the PC.

Figure 3. Changing the registry key to deactivate the Prefetch service.
Services Superfetchі Readyboot include neobov'yazkovo, tk. the stench is practically not poured into the SSD, it’s less than an hour to write down log files with a total volume of megabytes, which help the system to work and get a little better.
Now let's move on to other functions, including some that can slightly reduce the productivity of a PC, and thus continue the life of a solid-state storage device.

Windows 7 root services optimization

Transferring temporal files to HDD

Dosit spirne solution. Farther away allow you to transfer:
  • browser cache.
  • timchas files PZ.
  • installation and additional files.
It's not enough to change the speed of the robotic system, but it's also possible to save the life of the SSD.

Here you select exclusively V.

If you have decided to transfer the time files to the HDD, then below are the instructions for the windows 7 application:

Krok 1.
Button " Start » → search: « change media » → choose « Replacing the changing mediums of the in-line coristuvach" . Figure 4. Change window zminnih middle at windows 7.

Krok 2
Now, according to your needs, we can change the values ​​​​of the change columns by clicking the button “ Change… ". It is possible to use a new way to save files, starting from the letters HDD (for example, “ D :\...\ Temp ”), back to back TEMP, and then similarly TMP.

We take the meaning, we close it against the onslaught " OK ».
It’s better to leave the time files in your places, even if the SSD is bought by itself to increase comfort during work, and not to constantly blow the powder from the new one, protecting “like the crown of the eye”.
Obviously, the programs will open quickly, however, for example, the interest of the sides of the browser will take much more than an hour.

Enable indexing in windows 7

Indexing will speed up the search process required file on disk.

On the SSD, it is often turned on to navigate as often as you joke, driving it into the explorer. It will take a little more time to search for files, then there will be no more entries in the logs on the disk, as they create additional recording operations when the system is idle on the desktop.

Indexation included in power disk. Let's take a look at the report:

  1. Vidkrivaemo " My computer" , we know our SSD (orienting, for example, for memory) → right button mouse → select the remaining item « power ».
5. Vіkno powers of the local disk.
  1. Check the box « Allow indexing multiple files on this disk for an additional file »
  2. Curved vikno to the onslaught " OK ».

And now we’ll bring up the butt of optimization methods, like they’re chattering in rich dzherels, I strongly don’t recommend listening to them for the benefit of security system files valuable in times of infection with viruses and hardware failure.

Do not include the swap file again - transfer yoga to HDD disk with a smaller volume.

It is strongly not recommended to include this file for a sufficient amount of operational memory, even mini-dumps are recorded in it. systemic pardons in times BSOD (blue screen of death) and other problems with software and hardware.

And without a download file you can't know exactly the essence of the problem, what vinyl, like the OS, for some reason not to get involved.

Also, these programs or services can be recorded in the new one, when installing windows update otherwise, the program will be installed after the computer is rebooted.

Prote out є- delete a small download file on the HDD system disk).

Pokrokova instructions on how to transfer the download file to another disk in Windows 7.

  1. At the menu Start » click right mouse button (PKM) after the item “ Computer » → dali " power » .
  2. We know " Additional system parameters ”(sound the left hand in the middle) and choose the left clatter of the mouse.
  3. Under paragraph " Shvidkodiya » click on the button « Parameters… »
Figure 6. “Dodatkovo” tab for changing settings virtual memory at windows 7.
  1. Dali at the window SWIDCODE PARAMETERS » select the tab « Dodatkovo » that presses on « Change » under item « Virtual memory ”, Show to the download file.
Figure 7. Windows 7 virtual memory setup window.
  1. Check the box « Automatically select the download file ».
  2. Now, clean up the download file from the SSD, then install the recommendations " on the system » on the HDD. Choose to change, re-advance.
Now dumps will be recorded without interruption, and hard drive zvіlneno vіd zayvogo vantazhennya tsgogo file.

What do you need to turn on deep sleep modes? Advantages and shortcomings.

Enabling deep sleep and sleep mode may be relevant in such situations:

  • You don't koristuetsya tsimi Windows functions 7, and start the victorious function " completed work».
  • When you change the SSD, you get stuck (computer or laptop cannot enter sleep mode or deep sleep), BSOD Tee ( blue screen death) under the hour of victoriousness of these regimes.
Torknemosya tsikh food trohi report.

Installing an SSD will speed up the launch of that completed robotic OS for a few times.
So, that corisna for the “Hibernation” bags is not so relevant, as it is on a proper HDD. More than that, with incomplete completion Roboti Windows writes files from temporal memory (OZP) to the system disk, and if it is deleted, it will look back.

Also, in the skin mode of the SSD noise, write a file on itself that can reach approximately 70% of the total RAM. І to save і without that obmezhenі cycle recording of a solid-state storage device, you can again (reversely) turn on a deep sleep (as well as "Sleep mode"), coring the standard "Completed work".

In this rank, we take away deeds of perevaga:

Nedolіki inclusion of deep sleep and sleep regimen.

Nedolikom It’s not a big waste of an hour when acquiring a full-fledged interest in OS and programs, which can be needed in a second, what will happen, wait a minute, do it rarely.

Also, in more vipadkiv, "Completion of work" will be the most distant solution with a non-mimic PC, and you can do without "Hibernation" with a more high-speed SSD.

"Sleep mode" rank do not write files to RAM, And it’s less to reduce the PC’s slowdown with the help of a change in eating a bagatioh yogo hardware elements (all the data that the timchasov’s memory contains in the same place).

Also, it is necessary to turn it on more often in times of BSOD and other systemic pardons.

Fence to turn on disks at the electric power plan.

Hanging in sleep mode.

Inode, vodpovidno to nalashtuvan, payment of electric power, computer or laptop included hard disks to save resources. It may also be possible to turn on the sleep mode at the same time, or after that, which mode is already set.

The computer screen goes out, and then, once or twice, windows turn on hard disks. Older drivers or SSD firmware may behave incorrectly in such a situation, and the computer freezes, which is not the case. The hard disk is not initialized after the termination of life.

This problem can be easily mistaken for a computer freezing with an SSD drive in sleep mode.

To remedy this problem, try plugging the disks in the electricity plan.

Who needs to go to the menu Start " → enter in a row a joke: " electroanimation

Figure 8. Navigate to power settings.

Let's click " » → write in the item « Change Additional parameters life (Figure 9).

Vimknennya sleep mode and/or deep sleep.

4.5.1 Let's go to sleep mode.

As we told you something, for which you need to go to the menu Start " → enter in a row a joke: " electroanimation » → select the next item (Fig. 8).

Let's click " Setting the transition to sleep mode "(Change about the levoruch in the middle of the window, which appeared), and then choose the meaning" Nikoli » at the parameter « Put the computer into sleep mode (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Wakeup putting the computer to sleep.

Ready! Sleep mode disabled.

4.5.2 Let's move on to breaking deep sleep.

Hibernation - the mode of completion of the work, for which all processes from RAM are copied onSSD, validating the file hiberfil.sys, a kind of stained-glass resource (overwrite cycles, at times) of a solid-state accumulator. Inclusion of deep sleep be carried out after the additional input of the singing command in the command row console ( cmd.exe). For the cob it is necessary to call command line, inserting into poshukovy row menu " Start » request: « cmd » and run її in the name of the administrator(I press RMB and select " Run as administrator »)

Now copy (or enter manually) in a row like this:

powercfg.exe -h off

Monday ctrl+v don't work in cmd.exe. Victory the mouse to insert the command ( RMB → Paste). Guilty to go something like this (Figure 12):

Figure 12. Entering data at the command row for the removal of deep sleep.
Press Enter, check for a few seconds, close the command line.
Once the PC is reloaded, the deep sleep file will be erased from our SSD, and re-writing to the disk will not happen again until you turn the function back (for this command, change “off” to “on”). Viconano. Hibernation is no longer bothering your SSD drive.

Why you can't disable the Windows checkpoint

Tse crush impossible the easiest way is to repair system files in case of incorrect installation or to remove software, drivers, etc. The control point for an hour does a lot of help, to that it is not enough to turn it on and to wind it up.

Automatically tweak the SSD drive with the help of the cost-free SSD Mini Tweaker software

A program that will help you to automatically automate actions from the guidance here. SSD Mini Tweaker. Dane PZ is more portable, tobto. does not take care of the installation, but also without cost.

The window of the program-optimizer (V 2.7) with recommended (universal) adjustments will look like this: Figure 13. SSD Mini Tweaker window for SSD disk optimization.


Now, knowing the ways windows optimization 7 for a Swedish and long-term robotic SSD drive, you can choose the best performance for the SSD service term, or put together the most correct, in your opinion, balance.

From the moment appeared on the market of solid-state storage devices ( solid state Drive - SSD) it took an hour to finish it. Prices for the entire product are systematically reduced, making it more affordable, and at the same time accumulating 120 GB will cost approximately 4,000 rubles. If you really want to upgrade your PC all at once, then buying an SSD will be one of the most efficient options for faster results. You will never know hard drive(It's less often to change its function, becoming a treasure trove of media and other important files), and the productivity of the computer is practically in all modes of operation and gradually increases.

Koristuvachі, yakі not tsіkavlyatsya by the light of the hall, may not understand clearly the principle of vіdminnіst SSD vіd zvіchny magnetic zhorstkogo HDD, and most of all, the novelty is used by them like the same HDD, but it’s faster, smaller, lighter and more expensive. The most incomprehensible fundamentals of the HDD and SSD robots can lead to an inaccurate variation of the SSD, which is especially important in the case of the star all the way to zero. So, a hard-boiled accumulator needs to be correctly vikoristovuvaty, but not to be afraid of varto - in the form of coristuvacha, you don’t need a little bit of deep technical knowledge. It’s better to just don’t make a bunch of simple speeches, and today we present a list of “not” for anyone who has tried to screw up his robotic horse with a sprite SSD.

Technologists, who looked at the captaincy here, we ask you to take into account the fact that you yourself know everything, then you, singly, know the fact that other people are proving, which they may not know. Replace the name “dakaya cap” with your dodatkovoy porada, at once we will make the Internet corish.

Don't defrag

Do not defragment the SSD. Yakscho in old Windows s FAT32 due to inertia and carried out defragmentation (even if NTFS feels wonderful without it), then with the help of SSD about defragmentation (SSD itself) you can and need to forget about it.

SSD kіlkіst cyclic recording (as a rule, the cheaper the disk, the smaller the new resource), and so the shoveling of yoga instead of the term work is not worth the trouble. So, the new SSD models may already have a large stock of write cycles, and you are unlikely to reach that limit if the disk stops working correctly when you write frequently, but here on the right it’s better that defragmentation itself is stupid for SSD.

HDD beaten out mechanical parts. The head, as if reading data, wanders here and there on top of the magnetic disk. Obviously, the more specific data spread across the disk, the more time is required for a complete reading of these data. At SSD nothing is collapsing, and access to some kind of middle memory is still secure and does not lie in the mutual roztashuvannya tsikh data.

Don't Format

We have noticed that in order to completely restore that residual data from the HDD, it is necessary to extract additional data: formatting, special utilities for the DBAN or Wiper tool, which go to the CCleaner warehouse. You need to fight so that the cunning attacker does not remember to see the data you have deleted from the disk for an additional utility such as Recuva.

Everything is different with the SSD. On the right here, not in the most accumulated, but in operating system. If you have more or less current OS (Windows 7+, Mac OS X 10.6.8+, Linux from Linux kernel 2.6.28+), then the system takes on the rest of the data removal from the disk, and it automatically works for the additional TRIM function.

TRIM implements the ability for the OS to “inform” a solid-state storage in case a file has already been deleted and it is necessary to clear the sectors occupied by it. Some of the first SSD models did not support TRIM, but it was so long ago (and SSDs cost so much) that the possibility of hitting such a model accumulates zero.

Don't tag Windows XP and Windows Vista

New game - new OS! I on the right here zovsіm is not new. It's just that XP and Vista don't support TRIM. At the previous point, we gave an understanding of TRIM, and now the next step is to explain how to add the functionality of the function on the SSD. If there is no TRIM, then after the data file is deleted, everything will be left on the disk. At the result, if information is recorded again in the qi and sectors, then the column of them will have to be cleared, and then we will write data in them. Start non-hourly operations -> reduced speed.

In modern operating systems, TRIM is credited for locking. Koristuvachev does not need to work. Just fill it all up and enjoy the speed of the SSD.

Don't slaughter

In order for the SSD to work on the latest speed, it is necessary to upgrade to a new amount of free space, which is about 25% more expensive. It doesn’t sound fair: you buy an expensive SSD, the new one has so little money, the system has less money for the new one, it’s written on the box, and then ask for a quarter of the obsyagu from the reserve? Unfortunately so. This is the peculiarity of the work of SSD, and so far we have no better widely available technologies. Come accept the rules for the sake of the best security.

From a glance of internal processes, the decline in productivity with a small amount of free space is explained as follows: a lot of free space - a lot of free blocks. The hour of writing data to the file is written at the appropriate blocks. There is not enough free space - a lot of frequent blocks and few free blocks. When writing to the system file, it will happen to update the cache block frequently, add to the new data, and then write the modified block back to disk. І so for the skin block.

The boundary in 25% was not taken from the wall. Such an indication was given by the lads from AnandTech, who carried out a study of the fallow productivity of SSD in the light of its occupancy.

Indeed, if you will beat the SSD yourself there, de vin is the strongest, then it is necessary to leave a quarter of the month for you not to be turbulent. Now we are talking about those in which the role of SSD is the most efficient.

Do not wink like a skhovische

Buying an SSD to save music and movies to a new library is a bad idea. HDDs can be stitched in order to comfortably record and marvel at them and FullHD movies, and listen to Losless music. SSD is needed there, de nayvazhlivіsha svidkіsh access that record.

An SSD can be broken like a system drive. The operating system is to blame for the new one, the additions are for the state of the art, modern games. Nothing more.

With the understanding that SSD should ideally serve as a catalyst for the most powerful processes for a robotic computer (OS robot is the basis of everything and everything, robot cloak important additions, shvidke zchituvannya danih s "tila" gri), the need to slaughter it again. SSD - tse seen swidka smuha is less important.

If you still want to win a swedish SSD like a treasure, then just pay for the cost of rubles per gigabyte of memory for a new one and for the HDD.

Like a booty, like you bought a brand new ultrabook, in some cases there are only SSDs, but do you want to record movies? Buy a modern hard drive with a USB 3.0 interface or Thunderbolt (you know that such a standard is supported by a beech).

Let's hope given information help you to start tweaking the SSD for recognition that is as efficient as possible.

Mabut, the biggest shortfall of their terms of service.

In fact, SSD-accumulator is an impersonal medium in flash memory and leather, such an average may be its resource. Today, accumulating resources with a resource of 100,000 rewriting cycles have already appeared, and technology does not stand on the spot, but still the resource of SSD-accumulating environments.

At this note, I want to be clear on the topic of solid-state storage devices, because the process of transferring elements of information from one disk space to another, and therefore it is logical to admit that defragmenting an SSD - nakopichuvach, fast term of yogo service.

So why is it necessary to defragment SSD drives? Let's get smart.

Also, modern operating systems and programs are not ready to work with SSD storage devices. To analyze the work of Windows, we know that the operating system creates hundreds and thousands of hourly files in every hour of its work. For example, calls to blow out the lack of operational memory are constantly increasing and changing, and the output from the operating system is cleared. Browsers (programs for reviewing Internet pages) directly from the Internet, which allows you to take swedish access to regularly reviewing Internet resources, but I’m still trying to get SSD storage. There are no such examples. Navit usim vіdomy Word pіd hour of meeting text document auto-save, which means an additional cycle of overwriting on the accumulating information.

All qi nachebto one-time activities wriggle in tens of thousands of cycles overwriting shorichno, which, as you know, is indicated by a direct rank on the resource of the SSD-accumulator.

In order to remove the middle of the SSD-attachment, it will be equal, the builders of the attachments are sewn into the special program yak behind the song algorithm, we split the middle for recording or rewriting information. The task of the program is to increase the balance of the average, so that in the skin middle the number of cycles of overwriting can be approximately the same. The idea is bad, but not 100% working. If we look at the operating system or program files, if we installed them on a solid-state storage device, then we can see tens of gigabytes of files that cannot be overwritten. Even the main files of the operating system and programs are not changed by the year, as long as they are meaningful. The same can be said about your special information. As if you’ve abandoned photo archives, loved films or music, you’re unlikely to be with these files, as if practicing and stinks, you will be found in the same and still middle places of SSD storage to finish a three-hour trip.

At the result, it turns out that on the accumulating space there is a sing space of the middle ones, they are constantly overwritten, and there are constant middle ones, they don’t work. It seems that the program is embedded in the SSD storage and recognized as an extension of the service term, is ineffective.

Now about the day, then about the topic declared in the title of the note.

On the one hand, defragmentation on SSD storage devices is transcendental, because solid-state storage devices may follow a different principle of work, lower hard disks and fragmentation of files on SSD storage devices do not affect the speed of yoga robots.

At zvyazku z cym in operating room Windows systems 7 defragmentation after the layout is specially turned on, so as not to add additional SSD attachments, why is defragmentation so fast? Is she still necessary?

It is possible that, in that case, defragmentation is strong and does not help to increase the resource of the SSD storage device, since during defragmentation, fragments are shuffled into files, as if they were recorded on a fragmented disk. But all the same, one-time defragmentation allows you to frequently move file fragments and change the middle, in which fragments are saved three times. Nadal defragmentation will take only a few of the SSD-accumulators, in which cases there will be a constant overwriting of the middle ones, so that areas, in which time the files will be saved, which will bring only a little more to the bottom of the middle ones.

It’s easy to be a defragmenter program (or come up with a different name), how to move files to an SSD-storage device for an even transfer of all other media. As long as the owners of laptops from SSD-accumulators happen to be reconciled with this fact, that part of it is in the middle of the way, it’s richer, the resource of others is used up.