Yak clean the wall in contact shvidko. Yak vidaliti zі stіni at VK usі records immediately - quickly and easily. Yak to see deprived of deyakі post

How can I clean the VKontakty wall? The price of food is set by people who need to get used to their entries on their wall at VK. There are 4 different options for clearing entries on the Vkontakte wall in this statistic.

Would you like to clean up the wall?

Privit, friends! All, hto have an account with Vkontakte, publish on their own side of the record. For example, texts, images, video, music, experience. Some records are old and not required. For example, the posada published by you earlier has ceased to be relevant - the service, about which V they wrote, has ceased to be valid. I’ll see Tom Qiu.

Why would I need to clean my Vkontakte wall? For example, you have changed the subject of your party, have taken care of this right, the old ones will not need you anymore. Pislya vidalennya Vkontakty old posts, photographs, videos and friends, your side will be absolutely new.

Yak clear the wall Vkontakte will turn in manual mode

Clearing records from VK for additional manual mode is a simple and safe way of accessing Vkontakte. At the same time, it takes an hour to clean it by hand at a koristuvach. Since the posts on the side are not so abundant, the whole way of verifying them at once is understandable.

Then go to your side to VK. Dal, vibrate, be it a record on the wall, as you need to see it. Then, push on the arrow at the upper right cuff of the record (screen 1).

Once in the menu, press the button "View Record" in the onslaught.

Let me tell you, your record is visible at VK. You can know new updates (screen 2).

Tse in quiet vipadkah, as V saw the pomilkovo recording.

We got lost manually visible records at Vkontakty. For an additional method, you will be able to see the skin recording, photography and video recording of the environment. And now the food has been taken care of, how to clear the wall of Vkontakte, I’m getting smarter, shydko.

Yak clear the wall Vkontakte povnistyu, shvidko, via ViKey Zen

Expansion of Vikey Zen will further enhance the functionality of Vkontakte, as well as additional expansion. Win vstanovlyuєtsya in the browser quickly and the same interface is available for pinking.

Then press "Install", then it will be installed in your browser. Click the teddy bear for the extension at the top right of the browser and go to the adjustment (Screen 4).

Viber the parameters (for example, seeing the records) at the expanded settings and press the "Authorization" button. Please, notify the extension and allow access to your Vkontakte page.

For more information, select the section "View records from the wall" and confirm the process with the "So" button (Screen 5).

In a matter of a trivial hour, the recordings from your VK profile will be cleared. Pislya Finished You can beat me, that your recordings will be seen in a short hour.

Yak clear the wall

To see VK recordings from the phone, use special programs, such as high-quality settings. For example, є program - "VK Ccleaner". Clean the wall at the VK, dimo for the points:

  1. I will install the VK Ccleaner program on the phone. You can write in a joke abo App Store I will call these programs and get on the phone.
  2. Log in to the dodatku. Go ahead, start the program on your phone and enter the new one with your login and password from your VK side. Also allow youmu access to the side.
  3. Cleanse the Vkontakty wall. Press the program "Wall", gave the button "Purify". So all your records will be visible from the wall.

Those methods of cleansing, as they looked at the food, You can register on the phone.

In the Internet, we knew a safe script, which can be used to clear the Vkontakte wall. Don't be shukati, you can block the script from Yandex disk - "yadi.sk/d/nDjILMtCO-Jnjw"

If you want to write, you need to press the "F12" key and insert the script into the special "Console" (Screen 7).


We have taken food, as I will clean up the Vkontakte wall. All of the ways you can practice in practice, and you can use them. It is also possible to register for your groups and publics on Vkontakte. Smell help to clean up the wall and a group of unnecessary records. Dyakuyu and to the new sights!

I will go to Ivan Kunpan.

P. S. On the blues є shche statti about social framing Vkontakte.

Good hour, finish this year, let's talk about those who can clean the wall quickly from social media on Vkontakte, so that you can see all the records from the wall at VK. Aja Inodi so wants to see life from blank slate, and in this vypadku zі stіni.

Vidviduvannya special side Vkontakte has become an indispensable attribute of the skin day. We read news there, leaf through friends, listen to music, marvel at philmy. In such a rank, our real life more often it is possible to know your own video beats at the social net.

For some reason they want to clear your wall... For example, the doyaky people won’t become a dovgoyu. See kozhen record okremo їm brought bіlka years. Tse means regular ways It is unwise to clean the wall in one click. Good, we knew the clever ones, as they also put more power and added their own opinion to the new one.

Broken up special programs, as you can see it. Chi varto їm dovіryati, virіshu dermal people independently. Enter the login and password, which can be applied to your account oblikovy recording Vitivka is not viral. If you are all the same for the victorian program, then choose if you want to find out about them. But all the same, before that, how to erase all the records of this wall, think again, why don't you make a mistake? Yaksho ni, then on the right!

You need to go to the address http://vkopt.net/download/, give it a boost and install it on your computer for your browser. When the extension is installed, re-install the browser (the extension is not functional), go to the Vkontakte website and display your wall (by clicking on the blank panel).

  1. Rewrite what you can do on all photographs of the week;
  2. Clear the wall.

Choose another item. Before you splice at the end of the sentence:

  • visualize all records from 1 side (to get to know one record from 1 side);
  • vidality records from 2 sides (records on 1 side are saved, and if you fix them from 2 sides, you should know).

If you want to clean up the wall again, choose the first option. To start the process of visible recordings. For a kilka of hilin you beat, your wall is absolutely clean. Tsey sposib allows you to clear the Vkontakte wall at once, mittuvo, shvidko that simply.

Clear VKontakte wall for additional program

Take a look again, as you run the programs, as you come from your name, as soon as possible on Vkontakte. The program, reading your login and password, log in to the social network. Allow us to link from the servers of social networks for an additional song called API. All the trick is that you cannot be 100% nobility, but the program, as you erase, erase the records on the wall, and not force the spam unheard of to your friends. To that, let's take a very safe method - seeing the wall behind an additional console.

View entries from the Vkontakte wall for an additional console

For those who need it, it is not necessary to use the Internet- ( Google chrome abo Mozilla Firefox go). Go to your side and use the teddy bear to move the swamp down, the docks will not go to the first record on the wall. Print F12. When you use Google Chrome, go to the Console tab. Mozilla Firefox the Console tab is displayed for suggestions.

Place at the bottom row of the console the offensive set of symbols and words and pressure Enter:

for (var i = 1; i<530;i++){document.getElementsByClassName(‘post_delete_button fl_r’)[i].onclick();}

The axis and all the manipulation, which is not folding and not safe, is not required to use the programs.

Clear the VK wall behind the additional script

  1. For more, go to your page in the contact;
  2. Enter the script at the address row of the browser:
  • java *** script: var h = document.getElementsByClassName ("post_actions"); var i = 0; function del_wall () (var fn_str = h [i] .getElementsByTagName ("div"). onclick.toString (); var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split ("("); var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split (";"); eval (fn_arr_2); if (i == h.length) (clearInterval (int_id)) else (i ++)); var int_id = setInterval (del_wall, 1000);

It’s a lot of social problems because there’s a lot of knowledge of the situation, if there’s a lot of unnecessary life accumulating on the sidelines. Such content is more beautiful to wake up. Abo koristuvach in an hour wanting to see his own publications. The report is clear to clear the wall at the VK.

I will clean up the wall in the PC from the computer

Varto immediately means that, behind the help of the script, that programs can be deprived of the need to clear the wall from the VK. For a vibrant vision of the publication, a manual method will be brought to you.

By running the script from the console in the browser

I will need to clear the wall in the VK, to get a computer with access to the Internet and a fragment of the code. An hour of clearing is stored in the number of records.

Robotic algorithm:

The post is displayed in VK and the post is scrolled below. In one procedure, you can see the deprivation of these publications, which appear in the browser. Tom can be scrolled to the nipershoi. Tsey trivatime hour. For the accelerated process, the jam is skipping or End.

Browser console is displayed. In Chrome / Firefox on a PC with Windows OS, the combination Ctrl + Shift + J / K is selected. On a PC with macOS - Cmd + Opt + J / K. The text is inserted into the window:

(function () ("use strict"; if (! confirm ("Did you see all entries from the line?")) return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll ("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (var i = 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted"); }());

і embossed Enter.

At the browser window, you will be prompted with a power supply to clear the wall from the VK. It is necessary to confirm the operation. After being rewarded on the wall, it’s too late, until you didn’t screw it up earlier. You can see them in this way.

With the help of VKOpt

Vkontakte Optimizer- a wide range of any browser, designed for quick visualization of the VK.

The idea is to establish an open-ended expansion and an on-line function of mass visualization.

Set up the parameters of the image of the occasion and the onslaught of "Poyhali".

When the processing is completed, the statistics will appear as soon as possible for all of them.

At the station "Last visit" the date is indicated that hour at the time of the visit. It is possible to see the data and vidify the leaves with specific koristuvacha. Anyway, you will see all the times.

The process of cleansing is seen on the way to shvidshe.

Yak shvidko clear the wall in VK from the phone

For some reason, Koristuvach has no access to his side on the PC, but you can use third-party programs for quick cleaning of the wall from VK. Program Cleaner VK vikonuє vikonuєtse zavdannya in automatic mode. Koristuvachevit is necessary if you do not need to set up the program, display your profile and press the clear button.

With one more advanced programs, those that can not be found, but vibrate clean the wall, photo and video gallery. For example, you can see all publications for the singing period, from a specific author, with a specific text and number of likes. So you can set a filter to see all posts with a hashtag, for example, # DIM.

The program works in all directions: it is displayed in public pages, seeing bookmarks, friends too. The program has no ads. Effort of operations to work without a booster. With the purchase of a license, you can set up more detailed filters for cleaning the wall in VK.

In some cases, if the nobility is required, as you can see all the records from the VK at once . On the right, in that, until recently, such a possibility of a bullet in a skin corystuvach VK, the technical service of the social network has been violated, since the option does not directly threaten the security of free-of-charge recordings and has more and more closed access to it. Obviously, VKontakte faqs didn’t come up with sufficient respect for the development of the function for quick cleaning of posts on the side, for in a group, I would like to get the demand for a whole lot of wines from koristuvachiv often.

The only thing that remains to be done is self-guilt, and the ways of smart robots with their own "style". Below are two main methods of cleaning everything in one go, which is popular in 2018.

For the sake of clearing the wall for special parties, for in the public it does not take a lot of hours and does not take special knowledge. Golovne - respectfully follow the instructions and follow the recommendations.

Uwaga! The presence of a manual console to rob the Google Chrome browser with the optimal maidan for robots from the social VK grid.

A third-party JS script is used to make all the entries visible. It’s easy to reach the meaning, protest with all the visual folding, it’s easy. Otzhe, intelligent robot algorithm with a script like this:

  • Log in to VK, go to the "My Storinka" distribution.
  • Pour the wall down for a few posts.
  • In any case, click with the right button of the mouse to know the item "Podivit the code", which opens the editor to the code of the link.
  • Click on the "Console" tab.
  • Copy the code (function () ('use strict'; if (! Confirm ('Did you see all entries from the site?')) Return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll ('a.ui_actions_menu_item'); for (var i = 0;< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + ‘ posts deleted’); }()); .
  • Paste the code into the Console and Enter tab on the keyboard.

  • Press the OK button, you can see all the sides.
  • If necessary, turn the notes down on the wall and repeat the steps.

Dovidka! Updates to the last post can be removed before updating the post.

The Danish method of clearing the wall is low, the middle of the minimum gain, the stability and flexibility of the robot.

Vidalennya behind the help of the script and the address row

Such a way of mass visualization of postings of varto is to look like extras and stasis in most situations. On the right, in the case of a special script robot, you can cause a serious reduction in the speed of the Internet browser.

Dovidka! On the view from the front of the script, the descriptions below are ways to allow mittєvo to clean the wall without any zusil from the side of the koristuvach.

  • Log in to VKontakte. Go to the "My Storinka" distribution.
  • Copy script [email protected]@@ avascript: var h = document.getElementsByClassName ("ui_actions_menu _ui_menu"); var i = 0; function del_wall () (var fn_str = h [i] .getElementsByTagName ("a"). onclick.toString (); var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split ("("); var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split ( ";"); eval (fn_arr_2); if (i == h.length) (clearInterval (int_id)) else (i ++));
  • Clear the address row and insert the script.
  • See "@@@" on a row of ears. Press Enter.

For some reason we need see all entries from the vkontakte... Earlier, the price can be made for one click.

Alas, for the time being, the Vkontakte administration has seen such a move, if they do so by those evil-minded people who have maligned the account, they will see everything in such a way:

Seeing one record at a time is also not an option. Zanadto dovgo, especially when you lead the side of the rock:

First way very unstable, Oscillations for the new design script galmu

1. Go to your page on Vkontakte.

2. Enter the script at browser address row.

java *** script: var h = document.getElementsByClassName ("ui_actions_menu _ui_menu"); var i = 0; function del_wall () (var fn_str = h [i] .getElementsByTagName ("a"). onclick.toString (); var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split ("("); var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split ( ";"); eval (fn_arr_2);

3. See the little stars *** and press the Enter key.

View all entries on the Vkontakte wall

Another way pratsyu bezoganno u 2020 rotsi, if you have to insert the code a lot of development, since you have a large number of entries:

1. Promotuєmo part of his recordings on the wall. For a shrewd efektu utrimuєmo punіl abo end.

2. Have a mission on the side of the onslaught right to clavishu mish, vibraєmo value "Look at the code"(for some browsers they have a different name, for example, "Dosliditi element").

(function () ("use strict"; if (! confirm ("Did you see all entries from the line?")) return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll ("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (var i = 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted"); }());

4. Pidtverdzhuєmo vividі chekaєmo, as long as it is necessary to be cleansed.

  • Now promotuєmo given records, inserted code і vidalyaєmo їх;

Vidpovidі on power supply, but often put

Power supply: On the new design 2018, do you have any ideas?
So, let's start. Ale script іnody cease to see the records, to the rajah to use a different method.

Power supply: How can you see the records at the dormitory?
View: So, it’s like We are the admin of spilnoti.

Power supply: Yak zupiniti vidalennya?
View: Update side (press F5 key).

Power supply: The system / side is not known, if I enter the script and press Enter, what is the problem?
View: Besides, wee got into trouble seeing stars *** on a cob of code.

Power supply: I want to see old records, but new ones, how can I screw them up?
View: Push on the wall, distance from the upper right codend "Shoot for the records", dal "Recordings before the singing date", select the date, delete the records until the end of the day and insert the script.

Power supply: Does the mobile add-on have any methods?
View: Try not a fact.

Power supply: Are you seeing photos?
View: Tilki ti, which are distributed according to your style.

Power supply: I can see all entries from the VK wall in a different way on other browsers, as there is no row "Look at the code"?
View: The code of the side can be amazed on any browsers, it is just that the skin wine is called in a simple way. FireFox, for example, "Dosliditi element".