How to switch great letters on the keyboard. Meaning of keyboard keys. Keypad buttons to remember

If you work a lot with a computer, you know what it takes to be smart and productive to do without a mouse. How to hack better: Windows, Chrome, Firefox, Gmail, Mac, MS Excel, MS Word?


Ctrl+L or ALT+D or F6 - go to the address row and see it instead;
Ctrl+K or Ctrl+E - go to the address row and enter back to the reverse for the joker;
Ctrl+Enter - Change tractata to address row on www.tratata. com

Mac operating system

Shards of all mechanical keyboards can only be imagined, we bachiled, that it was necessary to build hardware, lower software security. In this first edition, we will analyze the main types of keyboards, which will be used together with the most popular mechanisms, we will look at the most victorious terminology, as it will help us to choose a keyboard based on these terms, and we also analyze how the stench works today a day.

Select the keyboard, nothing more than that What is the most powerful of us, what represents for us the best sight, if there is an onslaught of keys on the right, a sound, a kind of vibrance, workflow, how to cover our needs, expansion, comfort, functionality, etc.

Ctrl+T - new tab;
Ctrl+N - new window;
Ctrl+Shift+T - rotate the left closed tab;
Ctrl+Shift+N – secret rіven "Chrome" Nove Vіkno in "Incognito" mode;
Shift+Esc - another secret rіven
Vbudovaniya dispatcher zavdan;
Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+PageDown- like and scroll, let's move the tabs to the right;
Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Ctrl+PageUp - right-handed tabs right-handed;
Ctrl+1, …, Ctrl+8 - switch between the first eight tabs;
Ctrl + 9 - switch to the remaining tab;
Backspace or Alt+left arrow - go to the front side in the history of the flow tab;
Shift+Backspace or Alt+right-handed arrow - go to the next side in the history of the flow tab;
Shift+Alt+T – go to the button toolbar; after that, you can move along it with the left-handed and right-handed arrows, and select the Enter button;
Ctrl+J – open the tab of all interests;
Ctrl+Shift+J – open the toolbox of the retailer (menu Look at the element code);
Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4 — close the active tab, or close the window;
Ctrl+R or F5 - open and close, open (open tab);
Ctrl+H – open the History tab;
Ctrl+Shift+Delete – window for clearing history;
Ctrl+F or Ctrl+G – search for the text on the open side;
Ctrl+U – view page HTML-viewer; before speech, address row type view-source: REVNY_URL show view from given URL;
Ctrl+O - like and creak, open the window for the file ... and the “File” menu is not needed;
Ctrl + S - similarly - saving the flow side;
Ctrl+P – other thread side;
Ctrl+D - add to bookmarks, like in most browsers;
Ctrl+Shift+B – open Bookmark Manager;
Alt + Home - turn to home side;
Ctrl++ (plus), Ctrl+- (minus) - zoom in and out; “plus” and “minus” can be zvichaynі chi sіrі;
Ctrl+0 - rotate to 100% scale;
F11 - in top screen i back.
It’s also easy to call in “Chrome” to call, and the mouse’s right button is not needed:
Ctrl + pressing on the message (option - pressing on the message with the middle mouse button or scrolling wheel) - open the message in a new tab without switching to it;
Ctrl + Shift + pressing on the message (option - Shift + pressing on the message with the middle button of the mouse or with the scroll wheel) - open the message in the new tab with a switch on it;
Shift + onslaught of strength - fortify strength in a new century.

Mechanical, gum dome? Well, all keyboards are mechanical, right? Mechanical keyboards are even more similar to traditional floor keyboards. For the cob, mechanical keyboards may have more components in the middle of the key, these components will be responsible for correcting the signal to the computer, but the stink will work otherwise, lower traditional keyboards. The internal mechanisms make it easier and press the key more easily and bother you less, if you spend a lot of time on those who want to write something.

However, due to the high variety of mechanical keyboards, they are less popular in the market, the traditional keyboard typing technology, apparently, is similar to the one that is typing in the console remote care, as when pressed, it doesn’t give us a sense of the pressing of a button, but it seems that we were pressed more often. Another technology, which is victorious in low-keyboards and laptops, is the “knife” design, which, even though it was victorious before, humic dome, allows you to significantly speed down and give the best tactile feedback.


  • Raise and lower the side. Probіl - lower the side, Shift+probіl - raise the side.
  • Know. Ctrl+F or Alt-N for the offensive side.
  • Add side to bookmarks. ctrl+d.
  • Shvidky joke./.
  • New tab. ctrl+t.
  • Go to the search panel. Ctrl+K.
  • Go to the address row. Ctrl+L
  • Expand the text. ctrl+=. Change text size Ctrl+-
  • Close the tab. ctrl-w.
  • Update side. F5.
  • Go to the home page. Alt home.
  • Reinvent closed side. Ctrl+Shift+T.
  • Bookmarks for keywords. More productive. If you visit the site often, bookmark it (great!), then go to the bookmark authorities (click on them right button mice). Add short keyword at the row of entering key words, save, and after that you can simply enter into the address row (Ctrl + L) the key word and immediately go to the site.


  • Write a new sheet. C.
  • Feedback on the sheet. R.
  • Reply to everyone.
  • Send the sheet. F.
  • Preserve the current sheet and remove the next sheet. Y+O.
  • You can see the sheet and you can see the step. #+O (or Shift-3+O).
  • Send a sheet. Tab-Enter.
  • Poshuk. /.
  • Navigation. Move down J and up K for the list of contacts.
  • Reminder sheet. N and P move the cursor on the step or in front of the reminder list.
  • Ignore. M– sheets from assigned addresses are no longer consumed until the list of input sheets is archived.
  • Choose a lance of leaves. X - a sheet of leaves will be collected. You can archive, save a shortcut to it and choose a day for it.
  • Save the black one. Control-S.
  • Go to the list of povіdomlen. G+I.
  • Skip to the meaning of the leaves. G+S.
  • Go to the address book. G+C.


  • Creation of key combinations shvidkogo chime. To create combinations of the keys of the swedish remembrance, click with the right mouse button on the end of the clash of the keys of the swedish remembrance (this is the case on your working table) and enter the combination. For example, such as Ctrl-Alt-W for Word.
  • Peremikannya between viknami. Alt-Tab - select the next window, then press the keys. Oh, take it easy Windows key, press Tab in order to go through the buttons on the task panel and know what is needed, then, knowing this, press Enter. If you add the Shift button to any of these methods, the choice will be right at the gate.
  • Go to the working style. Windows-D key.
  • Context menu. Replace right mouse button by pressing Shift-F10. Let's scroll the menu up or down for additional keys with arrows up and down.
  • Vimknennya. To quickly turn off the computer, press the Window key, and then U. With this key, you can also press S to pause, U to unmute or R to restart.
  • Naibіlsh zagalne. Vice, obviously, you know, but for beginners, you need to guess the most combinations: Ctrl-O-open, Ctrl-S - save, Ctrl-N - open a new document, Ctrl-W - close a window, Ctrl-C -copy, Ctrl -V - paste, Ctrl-X - view. Ctrl-Z - skew (back), Ctrl-Y - skew (forward). To change the clipboard in MS Office, press Ctrl-C keys. Ctrl-Home - go to the beginning of the document, Ctrl-End - go to the end.
  • Menu. If you press Alt, a menu appears, in which case it is necessary to use additional buttons with arrows. Alt plus the sub-armchair letter of the skin option of the menu to bring up the number of options. Or just remember the combination of keys for this option for a larger swedish victoria.
  • Windows Explorer (Explorer). Windows-E - the My Computer program starts.

Mac operating system

  • Reminder Dock. Option-Cmd-D - show/hide the Dock.
  • Hide everything else. Cmd-Option-H how to choose a vicon, moreover, in which you know. Lighten up the screen.
  • Close the window. Cmd-W close active open the window. Option-Cmd-W closes all windows.
  • Open up the catalog. Option-Cmd-Right Arrow - Expand the directory and subdirectories of the Finder list.
  • Forward and back. Cmd-[ andCmd-] works with Finder, Safari and Firefox.
  • Copy screen. Cmd-Shift-3 for the entire screen. Cmd-Shift-4 - creates an inter-copy of the selected part of the screen.
  • Exit. Shift-Cmd-Q - Exit zdіysny for 2 hvilin. Shift-Option-Cmd-Q – Shift-Option-Cmd-Q
  • Empty your cart. Shift-Cmd-Delete.
  • New in Safari. CMD-T.
  • Help. Cmd-shift-?.
  • CD acquisition. Press C and at the beginning of the launch (during the next melody) grab the CD.
  • Get involved with other things. Option-Cmd-Shift-Delete - a little more interesting, the docks will not be found any other file, such as a CD or a disk.
  • Additional information. Cmd-Option-I opens a window with additional information, as it allows you to check and match a lot of files and folders in one window.
  • Sleep mode, restarting that vimknennya. Cmd-option-eject, Cmd-ctrl-eject and Cmd-Option-ctrl-eject.
  • Primus' viknennya. Cmd-opt-Esc - smut, ale is more corny.
  • Swedish FTP protocol. Cmd-K output from the server.

MS Excel

  • Edit the comic. F2. Chantly, the main button is what you need to know.
  • Select a stump. Ctrl-prob.
  • Choose a row. Shift-prob.
  • Groshy format. Ctrl+Shift+4 (more precisely, Ctrl+$).
  • Width format. Ctrl+Shift+5 (more precisely, Ctrl+%).
  • To the beginning. Ctrl-Home make room A1 active.
  • Introduction of streaming data. Ctrl-double.
  • Introducing a streaming hour. Ctrl-sign below.
  • Copy commercials. ctrl- paws copy the upper middles (without formatting).
  • Middle format. Ctrl-1 to change the format of the middles.
  • Navigation. Ctrl-PageUp and Ctrl-PageDown.
  • Bagatorazov introduction. Ctrl-Enter Replaces a simple Enter, after entering data in one of the selected middles, transferring data to all other middles.

MS Word

  • Formatting for promotions. Ctrl-Space toggles the normal style for streaming and shallow text input.
  • Spacing between paragraphs. Ctrl-0 (zero to the top on the keyboard) add or see the spacing before the paragraph. Ctrl-1 (on the keyboard) - single inter-row interval paragraph. Ctrl-2 (high on the keyboard) – subscript line spacing for a paragraph. Ctrl-5 (select on the keyboard) changes the spacing between rows to the second.
  • Give the update to that hour. Alt-Shift-D - Enter date update. Alt-Shift-T - update the hour.

On the keyboard, for the help of a different text, it is known to complete a lot of buttons. Skin z tsikh buttons for chogos needed. At this level, we can look at the keyboard buttons and remember them, as we will become a godsend for working with text.

Keypad buttons to remember

Humovy dome-like mechanism Humovy dome-like mechanism and dome. The remaining fates were mechanical keyboards, targeting the gaming segment. Why do people care about a lot of people, what is the possession - recently, the mechanical keyboards were among us for a decade, for example, in the 80s, more keyboards were mechanical, the protegers knew new ways for virobnitstv keyboards, yakі mi sing vicoristovuemo, and a decrease in the amount of vibration of that component, without affecting the productivity of the end-of-line koristuvach, which, having played the keyboard at the end-of-the-box bag, is passed on to enter data at the computer.

Keyboard keys

Key Esc. Povna її the name of Escape (it means "Escape") and means "Out". For help with the button, we can close some programs. There is a need for computer games.

In one row with Esc there are a few buttons, the names of which start with latin letters F. Appointed stench in order to work with a computer without a bear. Tobto buttons F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12 needed for that, for the help of only one keyboard, work the same as we work with a bear (open and close folders and files, change their names, copy and so on). But to know the meaning of the skin button is absolutely neobov'yazkovo - more people have been tinkering with the computer for decades and understand not to be able to use these buttons. І You can also not pay respect to them.

In order to continue ce kerіvnitstvo, we need to know a little about mine, what victorious, shards of stench, as a rule, are marked by a number of terms, like varto nobility. Matrix: all keyboards victorious array of assigned keys. For a skin-friendly key, you need a connection to the controller. This matrix sounds through the rows and columns and can be made from plastic membranes, or it can be an electronic part, where there will be selected components of the keyboard.

And so are the moments, if in rich games it is necessary to reduce whether a key is pressed, while others are pressed or released. It’s even more rare to strum on more cheap keyboards, shards of virobniki surround a few of the pressed “override” keys and, in such a rank, halos hang. Blocking the keyboard: if the maximum pressure of the keys has been reached, the computer will not register again at times of greater pressure.

Below there are a number of buttons with numbers and signs (! « » № ; % : ? * і etc.).

To replace the digits with a different sign, press the key with the required sign, pressing the Shift button with it.

If the sign is different from the one you need, try changing the alphabet (right-handed below).

There are two options for transferring. This means that the skin key is not directly registered to the hardware security, so the skin key is assigned correctly independently, depending on whether more than one key is pressed or it is eliminated at once.

If the button is pressed, the keyboard mechanism turns to the exit position. This very small interval is enough for the keys to record the activity of the sprat once in the skin onslaught. It is for this reason that the virobniki are guilty of breaking the clock, so that at that hour, if it is necessary to close the key and turn at the exit position, one contact is recorded at the signal processor, and we can read one letter on the screen.

On rich keyboards, there are numbers right side.

The stench is spread out just like on a calculator, and for the wealthy people of good fortune.

Buvaє, scho qi numbers do not work. You press the key z required figure And she won't be friends. Tse means that the numeric part of the keyboard is disabled. To turn it off, you need to press the Num Lock button once.

Frequency of testing that hour

Tse reaches the path of singling the song for an hour on the controller before recording the pressing of the key. For the help of this instrument, you can overthink the possibilities of your keyboard, in order to find out how it works with a halo and perekidannyam. Let's take our number and figure it out.

Vіn is popular, to the fact that vin is even cheaper for virobnitstvo, and іn is also fuzzy.

In this mechanism, which turns the key in its post position, is plastic, which is a spring. Tsej mehanіzm bіsh vіdomy yak peremikach.

Let's move on to the most important part - to the central part of the keys of the keyboard. These are the keys that make up the text.

As a rule, on the skin button there are two letters - one is foreign, the other is Russian. In order to scoff the letter necessary movie, the fault is due to vibrations at the bottom of the screen.

To activate the trigger point on the keyboards with gum baths, press the key directly down so that the components come into contact and flashes the lance. The activation point on mechanical keyboards is set to zero when the keys are pressed, so there is no need to press the key again to close the circuit, there is no need to turn the key to turn the key to the turn position, in order to correct the signal of a new pressing of the key, the processor cancels the signal in yak hour.

The computer "chooses" the letters of the alphabet that is installed on the new one.

You can also change the alphabet by clicking on the two buttons in a row:

Shift і alt

Shift і ctrl

How to overrule the great (great) letter

In order to abuse capital letter, you need to press the Shift key and simultaneously press it on the letter you need.

It’s even more important, because it’s important to bring that Swedish record to a minimum in your fingers, obviously, you won’t be able to see it in one nothing, like and everything, ts vimagaє practice, but in kіntsi vizviknete. In addition, the mechanical keyboards are miraculously ergonomic, as if the keys are ripped and there is a residual improvement.

Ale is the main trouble of mechanical keyboards - I don’t feel that comfort, like the stench they give you when they victorious. If you haven’t victoriously played the mechanical keyboard, you will be hostile, as if reacting, firmly to the sense of writing and the sharpness of the keyboard, it’s possible that if you switch to the keys of the keyboard, you won’t want to turn to the gum new dome.

How to cripple a speck to whom

As soon as the Russian alphabet is installed, then in order to wrap the speck, it is necessary to press on the remaining key in the lower letter row. Vaughn is in front of the Shift button.

To insult someone, press the button, pressing Shift.

If an English alphabet is selected, for another dot it is necessary to press the key, as it is in front of the Russian dot. The letter "U" is written on it.

In the middle life of the gum dome-shaped keyboard, set 5 to 10 million keys on the pressure, for mechanical jumpers, the average term of the service should be 50 million. These keyboards would not be popular among gamers, the yakby is not such an accessory to tune in.

In the future delivery, we analyze the most important component of the mechanical keyboard: the switch. At this point, you can start drukuvati, you started victorious drukar machine. Any input character will be inserted in the insertion box position. The author may have the auto-scroll function, enabled for locking. The scenario destroys the word, which is moved to the right field, to the next row, as soon as it comes up.

And the coma in the English alphabet is there, where the Russian letter “B” is written (before the English dot).

The Tab button is needed in order to get access to the cob of speech. This entry is also called a paragraph or a red row. Click the mouse on the cob of the text and press the Tab key. Like a red row of correctly stitched, the text of the troch will move to the right.

Correction of Drukars pardons is even simpler task. You have two ways to grow. When pressing a skin key, the cursor moves one position to the left and erases the character that has taken that position. After seeing an incorrect character, simply enter a new character.

You do not need to worry about the end of the line. One of the zavdan, yakі nebhіdno shvidko vivchiti, є saving the saved text. Interruptions in the supply of electricity or electricity are the biggest enemy of anyone who works with the text, which has not yet been recorded for the hour of the energy system. Before the first hour of saving the file, the next screen will appear.

Under the button, to break the red row, there is a Caps Lock button. Vaughn vikoristovuetsya in order to drukuvati capital letters.

Press Caps Lock once and let go. Try to abuse a word. Mustache letters will be great friends. To say this function, once again press and release the Caps Lock key. Letters, like before, are small friends.

Good, scho is your savings text. To practice with the previously saved text, it is necessary to read the text from the beginning. For which one, hover below dії. Find the folder where the file is located. Choose the text that you want to say by clicking on it. You can easily move the text cursor behind the help keyboard. The table below is for key combinations that can be twisted to move the cursor through the text. Shorazu, if you need to change the text, you are responsible for choosing the text first. Chob choose the text, you are guilty of doing this: Chob choose the word: double click on it.

For a long time, the bottom button on the keyboard is called a space. Vaughn is necessary for those who work between words.

From the right side of the eel there is a Backspace button. Often, an arrow is simply painted on it, straightened to the left.

This button is needed for early letters. Vaughn tidies up those letters, like inflictions in front of a quick stick (cursor). Also, the Backspace button is tweaked to make the text appear wider.

To choose a spiel of words: Point the mind of the mouse to the words that you need to choose. Chob to choose a row: trichi press on the line. If you want to move parts of the text on the sidebar, you can highlight the "Move" button on the function bar or in the "Edit" menu.

Select the text that you need to move. Press the button "View" or select "View" in the menu "Editing"; In this operation, the block will be deleted from the text, but it will be left in the clipboard and may be inserted at the file position. If you want to copy some of the text on the sidebar, you can copy the "Copy" button on the function bar or in the "Edit" menu.

Under the key to see the text, there is the Enter key.

Vaughn is recognized in order to lower the text below and go to the next row.

Let's look at the buttons, how to know between the letters and numeric keypad. These are buttons such as Insert, Home, Page Up, Delete, End, Page Down and buttons with arrows. The stench is needed in order to practice with the text without the help of a bear.

Choose the text that you need to copy. Press the "Copy" button or select "Copy" in the "Edit" menu; In this operation, the block will NOT be deleted from the text, but it will be left in the clipboard and may be inserted in any position of the file. Place the cursor at the position, in which it is necessary to insert the text.

To see the text block, move the cursor to the top of the block, press the left button and drag to the end, to see the text. Must change, as if they were skasovanny for the additional button of skasuvannya, you can redo it for the additional button "Recommend". Speak to yoga, if you are wrong about those who said it in their text.

Arrows can move a blinking cursor (a blinking stick) behind the text.

The Delete button is checked for removal. True, on the view of the Backspace key, they spoke about it earlier, Delete saw the letters after the blinking cursor.

The Home button moves the blinking cursor to the row head, and the End key moves it to the end.

The Page Up key moves the blinking cursor to the top of the page, and Page Down (Pg Dn) - to the end of the page.

The Insert button is needed to add text on top of the already corrupted one. As soon as you press this key, the new text will be friendly, erasing the old one. To say the least, you need to press the Insert key again.

All buttons are not obov'yazkovі and vikoristovuyutsya by people rarely chi vzagali nikola.

Also on your keyboard there can be buttons Print Screen, Scroll Lock, Pause/Break.

The Scroll Lock key may be completely marna. Tobto won't just work. And for the idea, she is guilty of serving in order to scroll the information up and down - so, how to rob a little on a computer mouse.

The Pause/Break key is practically never practical. Vzagali won recognized, shchob pozupiniti fidyuchy kom'yuterny process.

And the axis of the Print Screen button can be corny for us. Vaughn "photographs" the screen. Let's choose which screen image we can insert into Word program or Paint. Such a photograph of the screen is called a screenshot.

At this article, we looked at the keys of the keyboard. Rich someone from them, better for everything, You will never need. Ale є tі klavіshi klavіatura, yakami you koristuvatimesya dosit frequently.

Keypad buttons to remember

If you press that button i, not letting in її, like a letter, then you will be abused by the great. If you want to overrule the symbol: No. ! ()*? “+ that number, and not a number, then it is necessary to press and press the “Shift” button at once from the number, on which the symbol is painted.

After pressing the button, all letters will be great. To turn each other with small letters, press the Caps Lock button again.

Rob vіdstup (chervony row).

Probіl. For help with the help of the button, you can work it out between words.

Drop one row down. For which you need to put a blinking stick (blinking cursor) on the cob of that part of the text, if you want to lower it down, and press the Enter button.

See the character in front of the blinking cursor. Seemingly simpler, erase the text. Also, the button moves the text one row higher. To do this, you need to put a blinking stick (a blinking cursor) on the cob of that part of the text, as you want to raise it up, and press the "Backspace" button.

All other buttons of the keyboard, okrim letters, numbers and signs, vikoristovuyutsya vkrai seldom chi vzagali nikola.