How to tidy up write with the help of Photoshop. How to write, logo, date and hour of the video.

The situation, if it is necessary to deal with whether or not there are inscriptions present on the image, blame often. For example, you may need to see the company's logo from the advertising slogan, or simply enter the date of the self-produced photo. It is possible to erase an inappropriate detail with the help of practical, whether it is essential for today's day graphic editors. Otzhe, how to clean up the inscriptions from the picture?

Graphic editor Paint

For that one, it’s possible, as if written in vidalisti, by using the tools of the Paint editor. Tsya program є on a matter of course home computer with Windows OS. In order to open it, you need to press the "Start" button - "All Programs", and then go to the "Standard" item.

How to clean up writing from a picture in Paint?

Otzhe, you knew the supplement and added yoga. What did you give? And then open our picture by going to the main menu and clicking on the “View” item. We choose the need for an image in your papacy, in which one you know.

You can see the writing in Paint by simply copying a part of the background and putting a patch on it. For whom we press on a tricot under the item “Vidiliti”. In the menu shown, select the Rectangular Area tool. Let's move the cursor to that part of the little one, where the background of the image appears. Let's press the mouse button (left) and see a small rectangular area. We move the cursor into a rectangle, press the bear button (to the right) and select the “Copy” item in the menu.

Now click in any place of the picture and press again on the right button. At the end, select the "Insert" row. Now we wonder how to clean up the inscriptions from the picture. For which I will remove the patch, it is dragged onto the text by clicking on it and pressing the button of the mouse (leva). Shvidshe for everything, I will write again, not override. That її will need to be stretched. For this next, place the cursor in the patch location. As a result, the wine turns into a diagonally straightened arrow. We take the button of the mouse (left) and pull the little patch to the side, down, or uphill to quiet feast, until it grows to the necessary expansion. Koriguєmo її position in such a rank, so that the bula was written completely closed.

Photoshop editor

The graphic editor "Photoshop" for today is the most popular of the most popular features for working with images. Superbly wide opportunities for programs to win as professionals (artists, photographs, etc.), as well as amateurs. The editor is not bezkoshtovny. However, practice with it more efficiently, less with more similar programs. With this help, you can see the non-standard text not only from a monophonic, but also from a background that is not uniform behind the texture.

Graphic editor Photoshop® CS5

For the cob, let's take a look at how to clean up the writing from the picture in Photoshop CS5. The way to avoid undesirable parts of the baby in the current version of the troch is different from the fact that it is victorious in more early versions of the program. Wine is easier and takes less than an hour. About those, how to get rid of the writing in more early versions, perhaps a troch lower.

How do I clean up writing in Photoshop® CS5?

Open the program and click on the "File" - "Open" buttons. We choose to edit the photo. In order to practice with writing, it was better, varto її zbіshiti. You can vikonati, scurrying with the “Magnifying glass” tool.

Now we wonder how to clean up the inscriptions from the picture. For which, in the navigator, take the "Laso" tool or "Direct View" and see the text. Next, on the control panel, go to the "Editing" tab and select the row "Viconate fill" in the menu. in the area "Change" select the item "Fixed in place". In the area "Overlay" the following settings are stopped: opacity - 100%, mode - normal. Now clicked on the OK button.

We select writing in Photoshop® CS6 editor

Let's take a look at how to clean up the writing from the picture in Photoshop CS 6. Work in exactly the same way as in Photoshop® CS5. Also, we open our picture, going through the items "File" - "Open". Let's re-copy the Background ball and write more inappropriately. After that, go to the section "Editing" - "Vikonati filling" and change the necessary settings in the dialog window.

How to tidy up writing in other versions of the Photoshop editor for the additional Stamp tool

In earlier versions of the program, you can pick up non-essential details from the picture using the additional Stamp tool. The work is already clumsy, however, it needs a singing part of neatness. The Background ball should also be copied in the same direction.

Otzhe, how to clean up the inscriptions from the picture with the Stamp tool? For the cob zbіshuєmo її іnstrument "Magnifying glass". Take “Stamp” and place the cursor-cursor on the free area of ​​the background some day near it. Press the Alt key and press on the direction of the space. With this, the cursor-cursor will change in rozmіrakh, and in the middle of the new one a cross will appear. Dali move yoga to write. Releasing the Alt key, click on it. As a result, part of the background is copied over the writing. Little by little, we will remember the entire region. It is possible to click on the background with the pressed Alt key more than once. In this case, the final result will look richly accurate.

How to clean up written in the program "Photoshop" by the method of cloning?

The cloning method in the Photoshop editor is similar to the one we looked at on the very cob for the Paint program. Clean up the writing, using the Lasso tool or the Rectangular Region tool. All that is necessary is to see that wooden background, which will serve as a patchwork. Using the "Rectangular area" tool, simply expand the square on the required space. For the help of "Laso" you can get more folding vision. I need to create a patch for a new ball. For whom it is necessary, also the vicorist tools "Laso" or "Rectangular area", click on the mouse button (right) on the vision and in the end, select the row "Copy on a new ball". A new patch will appear at the vіknі balls. The worker's field will not be seen out.

Next, take the "Move" tool (black arrow) and drag the patch (perebuvayuchi on the ball with it) to the text. In that case, as if there is no overlap, you should go to the “Editing” tab - “Vilna Transformation”. After that, pressing the button of the mouse (lion) on one of the cubes for the contour of the transformation, it is necessary to stretch the little box to the required size. Dali її slid to move in such a rank, so that the won would appear on top of the text, which in this type of rotting to the ball below. It is possible to grow without leaving the field of transformation. After that, as the text will be closed, press Enter. In this manner, instead of writing on the image, you will see only small things in the background, which are angry with the inconvenience.

At the very last stage, it will be necessary to anger all the balls into one. For this next, press the mouse button (right) in any place of the little one and in the pop-up menu, select the item “Combine balls”. As a result, one Background will be lost with the already deleted message.

Father, you, better for everything, have now figured out how to clean up the writing from the picture. "Photoshop" and others allow the vikonati to perform the operation literally for a few clicks. In Paint, you can work by seeing a little box, copying and overwriting the text with it. By the same token, in order of zі way zafarbovannya with the "Stamp" tool, you can also use the "Photoshop" editor early versions. In Photoshop, starting from the CS5 version, the visualization is even simpler - automatically, from the "Fill with the adjustment in place" task.

Enthusiasm from the Internet photographs do not always show what we are kidding. Digital images, especially high-quality ones, are used to us on a PC with different inscriptions and watermarks, little remembered on the sides of search sites. It is not necessary to look at the pictures, so that you can edit them.

As soon as the text is overwritten, it closes a small photo area, then cropping and adjusting for the help of a simple editor built into Windows with a palette icon with farbs Paint is an option for those who just start mastering a PC. We launch the program through "Start"> "Usі promy"> "Standard"\u003e "Paint" or enter "Paint" into the Windows prompt row and at the end choose yoga - the program will appear before the eyes. We need a file for the help of the command "Vidkriti" - at the top left corner of the menu or "Ctrl + o" on the keyboard. Apparently, I will need the area for the help of the “View” command and form it “Ctrl + shift + x” - by the same token, the text is watery, but not destroying the wild-looking image.

If necessary, we change the size and nahil of the cropped picture “Ctrl + w”, and then we save it in the format you need.

To save all areas of the picture, when the water is removed, or the sign, it will be faster in the image editing program Adobe Photoshop CS5, captured from a twisted torrent tracker. Abo photoshop online, whatever you want to do for your functionality, but in this situation, you can have victories with decent results on the way out.

Let's take a look at the editing option installed on a PC - that's a complete Photoshop. View digital photo for additional commands in the main menu of the program "File"> "Open" or "Ctrl + o". Information! To view a file or a document, all editors, including online Photoshop, Vicorist the same combination of keyboard keys.

We select the “Stamp” tool and pressing the “alt” key, we will clack with the left paw on that part of the image, as if it were the basis and block the part of writing. Dali embossed on a small plot of writing and note that it was replaced by a small exit point. Quite and slowly we pass through the entire watermark, changing the area for cloning for an hour.

For more accurate editing, click on the “Navigator” at the end - in the menu row, click on the “Vikno” insert, choosing the palette you need, for the additional help, we will increase the area with the inscription on our photo.

The tool "Latka" also miraculously copes with a variety of uselessness of a small size. Let's try to fix it for the patch: utrimuyuchi right teddy bear, We call it a small piece of water text and it is difficult to see the area in the field in the recording space.

It is better to clean up the photo watermark "File" > "Save like ..." or for help "Ctrl + shift + s" - a combination of keys for saving files in all essential editors.

Editing photos, always guarantee the fact that programs for robots with graphics are not omnipotent, it is so hard, like Adobe Photoshop. Yaskrave inscriptions of great roses on folding plots of the image: guise, hands, different vizerunki, etc. you can’t see it so that it doesn’t fall into your eyes. In our mind, for the yakіsnogo editing, there are pictures with monophonic plots, great clear cordons and smooth transitions.

I confirm on the delivery of my food: " How to tidy up written in the image". Often by editing a video, you can edit photographs with various writings. There are few similar images, I want to highlight the photo itself, the text is clearly typified. the problem of virishuvana different ways. The simplest cut. This function is practically used by all photo editors. seen required area(W written phrases) and be christened. The photo is taken in the specified format. The trimming function can be disabled when finishing large sizes of the source. If there are not enough pixels, then you can improve them in the programs:

  • photoshop,
  • paint,
  • Pixlr and others.

Photoshop - herself universal programі short version for your purposes. However, for whom it is necessary to go through training and pridbati її, which is not cheap satisfaction. For professionals - won't be more pleasant.

In the Pixlr photo editor, you can edit letters online. Perevaga - something that does not need to be invested in a computer, borrowing memory and without payment, moreover, it is clumsy to work, to make newcomers.

Poshukov's row Yandex, we type Pixlr, we pass on the first line.

Pixlr Editor is showing.

Click LAUNCH WEB APP and enter the edit field.

Clean up written in color pictures online

Tisnemo "Capture an image from a computer". Z hard drive choose a picture, in which case you need to see the text.

There are two inscriptions on it, the addresses of the site are explained before the image. The first phrase is selected, marked with a blue color. On the left side, select "Point Correction Tool".

When moving the cursor to the skin icon, the names of the functions are displayed. Tisnemo - nogo (1), then choose to expand (2) and carefully move the blue farba, pushing the cursor of the left bear on the area with the text. The first time the traces are lost, it is passable another time (3).

Similarly pratsyyuemo with another row. The blue farba of the letters has faded, the background has faded, and the streak is practically unremarkable. Another phrase is simply virazaemo in the same editor. You can read about the cut

The tisnemo tool is “Vision” (1), stretching the contour frame (2), in such a way as to save the little ones as much as possible, but to leave the address behind the cordon (3). Bring respect, visibly indecent part. Vaughn will be removed. Then, in the top row, we emboss “redaguvati”, next vibir - “Virizati”. The lower part with the address has been removed. They gave the photo images to be saved, how to sound - “File”, “Save”.

Here choose the quality, format, name the file. Saved on the hard disk of the computer.

They took a clean photograph.

At this article, I wrote, by which rank you can see the writing from the picture.

Today, there is a small article about those, how to clean up writing from photographs in Photoshop. For whom it’s not necessary to stick a short Photoshop, it’s easy and fast to fight. The stench is ideal for a non-professional, but to finish a yakish photo editing. I will win Photoshop program CS6, want front versions also competently cope with these tasks.

Option 1: Polling Wicon

This way is good and effective in quiet situations, if you write on a uniform background.

I'll need a photo. We select the tool "Rectangular area" and see the place, where it is written. Let's push, push right button mice for weekly addendum menu.

At the end of the day, we choose “to win: with the arrangements together”, embossed approx.

Everything, I wrote a call.

Method 2: Point Penzel

The Danish method also manages to cope with the variability of writing from a photo with a uniform background.

We select the tool "Point penzel of inspiration". For the help of the “[” and “]” buttons, set the optimal diameter of the brush, then press the left mouse button and see edit with text or date.

After that, release the button. Write down.

Method 3: Combinations

Like the background in the photo is diverse and first 2 ways not to help, it is necessary to use a combination of decal tools in Photoshop.

We will vicorist the instruments "Laso", "Point penzel of inspiration" and "Latka".

Part of the inscription can be seen behind the help of a dotted dotted brush.

The second part for the help of the “latochka” tool. You need to see the area with the text and drag it to a similar background.

As a result, the area will be replaced. The photo is ready.

To show respect, that in this article I have won just a couple of simple ways to write from a picture. In fact, the functionality of Photoshop is richer and allows you to create more wide possibilities in terms of the type of writing and objects, in the fallacy of the set task.

Tim, who wants to play more and more on the spot, I'm going to watch the video.


Some, wonderful photographs can easily be captured as a small detail. For example, I wrote, it absolutely leaned forward in the background, but when you look at the flooring, it is clearly thrown into your eyes, which shows you the main light of the sign, and by yourself, all the hostility. I'm good, as if it were a vivіska chi more with a decent zmіst written. Ale, well, it’s possible to put it in the frame and obscene whistle. Yak buti? You will not show such a photograph to friends, relatives, and the older generation. Ale wanted so much. Fortunately, in our days, the problem has ceased to be inseparable, even if for help special programs Photoshope, be it a fool, can edit digital images in such a way as to be tempted. How tse robiti?

The easiest way

The easiest way to see it from a digitized photograph was to write, having filled it with a penzle from the back of the line, choosing a color. However, such an option is only possible in quiet weather, if the background for writing is even, smooth and one-coloured on the surface. For example, the whole side of the ship, on which you saw the circumnavigation of the world at a higher price (dream like that!) And now you want to strike your friends, you want to clean up the name of the ship, having entered the name of your new name.

From now on, the whole work will be summed up in two simple operations. First of all, it is necessary to choose the “Piper” as a working tool. For whom, you can see the icon on the toolbar with the best images and click on the left mouse button. Now, if you move the cursor over the image, it will change into a better guess. Having placed the її lower end on the main background, the next left click. As a result, in the palette of instruments, the main working color will change and come on board the ship.

In order to hide the appearance on the place of the distant writing of more light or dark patches, it is necessary to draw the “parkan” of color from the point, stitched yakomoga closer to the cordon of letters. It is possible to induce in the course of zafarbovuvannya vykonat tsyu operation kіlka razіv, so with the same color, the number of tone in different fragments of the harvested plot can be different.

for distant diy need a brush. When choosing this tool, you need to set the volume and softness. Now you can proceed to zafarbovuvannya write. It is necessary to work with small strokes and at the same time you constantly stitch, so that the overlay strokes were angry with the background. As soon as the smears begin to be thrown into the eyes, next to carry out the correction of the working color. For whom, change the brush to a pipette at the same time, in order to “take an eye” to the background closer to the shattered fragment.

In such a rank, you can do it quickly, pozbutisya in the form of small writings and create small images. Moreover, if you show diligence diligently, then the cleansed place will be angry with the cob background is simply ideal, so that it will be impossible to show self-confidence when you look at it with a saw. Our butt only needs to put on the missing text of your own, for which you can speed up with a special tool, pictograms with the letter “T” on the visible panel.

Visible overlaid writing

Let's look at another option - it's acceptable, if you want to make a montage by pasting your image into a photograph with a view of a visible reminder. Otherwise, you just want to speed up the picture found on the Internet. Ale yak for evil, the sign “embellish” is superimposed on top of the image of the napіvprozora written. Let's look at such a "watermark" in a more descriptive way than we can see - here you will have to use more subtle and laborious methods.

In this way, you need such tools, like “Stamp” or “Liku brush”. The first one is on the panel under the pictogram at the sight of the signet, the other signifies the picture at the sight of the plastic.

Otzhe, ozbroїvshivsya "stamp", it is necessary to press ALT key, Do not let it in, move the mouse cursor as close as possible to the edge of the inscription, and click the left key. Now the cursor of the mouse must be placed directly on the little piece of writing, spreading the instructions for only narrowing it right away, and pressing the left button, draw short strokes of the hand. The mouse key is not required for any admission. From the world of passing, it is necessary to repeat the procedure of “taking the eye”, choosing fragments for it, which are most suitable for color and lightness.

Zastosuvannya treating brush allow the robot to forgive, but it’s not always pleasant, because with the folding ornamentation of the little one itself and the rich color range, this tool does not give an excellent result. Then, help to do it manually, if the background is a clearly uniform surface. In a different way, it’s better to see the word “stamped”. An important nuance is to take the best possible result, to win the stamp with the very minimum values ​​of diameter and transparency. Tse zazhada in your presence a lot of patience and sitting, prote, zusilla will not be spent darma, so if you write, you won’t be left with a trail and about those who are there if you are a bula, you will only know you.
